National Plan Electricity supply

SEA - National plan Electricity Supply
Arend Kolhoff
Netherlands Commission for EIA
Jordan - September 2003
National Plan Electricity supply (1)
 Plan (NPES) sets environmental and spatial
conditions for electricity supply
 Developed by national government
 Electricity sector
 5 private regional electricity supply companies
 co-operation of electricity supply companies on
behalf of regional electricity supply companies
National Plan Electricity supply (2)
Electricity Act 1989
National plan
electricity supply
Electricity supply plan (2yr)
Construction power plant
National plan Electricity supply (3)
Nat. Plan Electricity supply
• Location power plant
> 500MW
• Suitability of locations for
certain fuel types
• Maximum capacity per
fuel type, excluding nuclear
power plant
• ...
• ...
• ...
• Generation technology
• De-centralised electricity
generation, wind energy
• Routing of power lines
National Plan Electricity Production (4)
Plan Procedure:
SEA procedure
draft decision Cabinet
(public) consultation
Cabinet Decision
approval by Parliament
Starting note
(public) consultation/
scoping advice
Preparation SEA
publication SEA
National Plan Electricity Supply (5)
Alternatives in SEA
24 potential sites compared
6 fuel alternatives, combining
• High/low demand scenario
• Coal-gas: 50-50, 33-67 %
• Traditional coal technology vs coal gasification
National Plan Electricity Supply (6)
Site comparison:
Availability cooling water and sensitivity of water
for thermal pollution and additives
Other impacts on water quality
Impact of transport and storage
National Plan Electricity Supply (7)
Site comparison
Compatibility with land use plans, impact natural
and visual landscape
External safety, radiation risk
Qualitative scores
National Plan Electricity Supply (8)
Fuel alternatives (comparison):
Emission of Nox, SO2 and acidification
Emission or storage of CO2
Emission of dust and gaseous emission of Cl, F,
Ba, Se, Hg
National Plan Electricity Supply (9)
Fuel alternatives
Production of solid wastes and their disposal
Depletion of non renewable energy sources
Quantitative scores
National Plan Electricity Supply (10)
Public participation
Written comments on starting document
Written comments on SEA and the preliminary
core decision
Public hearings in both steps
Reactions mainly from relevant stakeholders and not
from general public
National Plan Electricity Supply (11)
Decision makers: SEA useful
 18 sites suitable for electricity generation
 for each site: suitable fuel
 In 2010 only 33% generated with coal with
maximum of 6000 MW
 New power plants should use coal gasification