Chapter 1: Project Charter 1 Project Background Human resource management, from the coined words itself, it’s a resource coming from one or more persons or manpower which the company or organization should be managed. It consists of the system of activities and strategies focus on managing employees at all levels of an organization to achieve organizational goals. It is one of the frameworks that make an organization to stand stable and independently perform on its own. It is a good stronghold for an organization to have human resource like employees and makes it one of the most valuable assets. The success of the company may vary on the levels of productivity possessed by each employees and this must be managed and monitored accordingly. During the prehistoric time, there are consistent methods existed for the selection of tribal leaders. From 2000 B.C. to 1500 B.C., Chinese used the employees screening techniques and the Greeks used an apprentice system. These methods are varies into different ways of human resource process but they both belong to the concept of human resource management. Human resource management really became influential enough to be adopted by different industries, and that made B.F. Goodrich Company to establish the first human resource management department. Today, industry emerge and forming an urge to modern and technological human resource management to complement with the new innovations. Human resource management deals with the issues of employees such as manpower planning, recruitment, profiling, employees’privilegestraining and development, performance management including the termination of the employees’ services. HRM todayon the country is moving away from the traditional employment administration andmanagement. Organizations jumped in into the new possibilities to come up with the technology and modern human resourcing. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 1 Modern human resource management system can secure the confidential personnel’s data, recording of the staffing and employment, easy employment profiling, manageable privilege monitoring (leave), evaluation and probation monitoring for the positional appraisal for the employees’ possible stability of tenure. These activities define the organizational objective and purpose need to achieve. Why the Human Resource Management established? It is because HRM is already created its own milestone on employment management, screening, recruitment and staffing, and etc. Traditional and manual HRM are like the time that passes by, thus, causes everything to left behind to move forward into something new and something better. HRM consist of systematic activities to ensure the proper employment management and monitoring. Since it was focused on recruitment of employees, HRM is the main process to acquire and manage productive and well-disciplined employees that can subordinate to organization’s goals and purpose to achieve its success 1.1. PROBLEM/OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION HR Department of most restaurants and even in other enterprise came across with some problems in managing and processing human resources or manpower. Despite of the effects of the problems they’ve encountered, they still rely on manual process because they believed that by this process they can still furnish the jobs, activities and processes of human resource management. To improve the current process, HR professionals and restaurant manager merged and team up with the proponents to give solutions to the following problems they come up with: 1. Spreadsheet Application Database for Employees Records Spreadsheet is an application which most of the private and public sectors used to save data entries and records. Restaurant’s employees are not so vast in number so it’s enough for them to use spreadsheets as a database. But Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 2 the records are incrementing where these records are not supposed to be deleted, even the records of those past, retired and terminated employees are remain vital for the reports and other purposes. Therefore, records in spreadsheets became massive and numerous. Spreadsheet application has a limited capacity to hold numerous data entries and there’s a possibility that this application might hang-up in a middle of transaction process or saving the data entries due to numerous records it carries. 2. File Cabinet as a Storage of Employees Records File cabinets are commonly used as storage of those records and files in most of the HR offices. HR department of restaurants also adopt these way of storing of resumes’, requirements, 201 files (training, seminars, accomplishments and achievements) and other files where all of these employees records are undepartmentalized and unsorted. It is necessary to have a permanent database for these records which directly connected to the process to ease the searching and data retrieval for updating and reports generation. File cabinets are commonly declared as one of the problems because of the slow retrieval of data and it will cost time and effort to search the records of a particular employee. It is necessary to a process that on just a few clicks, HR staff can view, update, revise the information, profile and background of every employee same with the requirements they have submitted and other supplemental records. This file cabinet causes HR staff retrieves data sluggishly for reports generation which might affect the credibility of the reports generated caused by errors. 3. Unsecured Confidential Files File cabinets can cause leakage of personal records, reports and other confidential files of employees or HR Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 3 department. It might be messed, altered or interfered by those unauthorized personnel. Employees are not good about leaking or cheating in their personal belonging, privacy and background. The credibility of HR department might be affected and questioned due to the possible scenarios. Records must be protected to those leakers, cheaters, hackers and prying eyes to secure every records and data entries. 4. Manual Monitoring of Employees Attendance Monitoring Manual attendance monitoring is good and enough to some HR department of some industries and restaurants like writing of time-in and time-out on record book or bandy clock time-in / time-out registry, etc. It not a big deal and nothing’s wrong with that process. But they have to consider the fact that these said processes are too slow and dawdling especially when creating a report for the payroll of each employees. The process of computing of hours rendered everyday including the lates and absences is also affected by this manual process. On the numerous numbers of employees handled by HR department is a burden to consider, so manual system should be merged into computerized system to make the system faster. Evaluation Monitoring Evaluation of employees is very necessary to HR Department to monitor the performance of each and every employee. This evaluation is the source and basis to maintain, retain, appraise or remove and terminate employees. If the records and performance of employees handle manually, reports for evaluation comes to be lethargic and slow. There are numerous list of employees to evaluate, if this evaluation done manually, monitoring Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 4 results will be delayed and may not be accurate enough to consider. Leave and Absenteeism Leaves and absenteeism are very important to observe. Leaves should be monitored from the day it started until it is terminated including leave balances or the remaining leaves to avail. There are many employees filing and availing leaves, and it is hard to scrutinize the leaves manually. It should be monitored one by one, employee by employee to ensure that the monitoring of leaves is accurate. Any day/s beyond the date of leave termination is considered as absenteeism. Absenteeism is part of monitoring of attendance, any day/s without any hours rendered are considered as absent. Absenteeism should be scrutinized because it one of the basis of memoranda and sanctions. There are many types of sanctions or punishment caused by absenteeism depending on the frequency or number of times it ensued. HR staff process leaves and absenteeism manually so the report generation, updating and retrieval of data entry will come to be very slow. 1.2. BENEFITS Human resource management system standardizes and systematizes the procedures and human resource activities based on how the users want it to work with. Thus, it ensures and updates important events in timely manner. HRMS can support current and even future needs. It also improves the compliance, acquiescence, governance and monitoring issues of personnel department into its subordinates or co-employees. It will also help to lessen the worries about the security and storage of personnel records and let the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 5 system drive the desired outcomes and reports. The following enumerated below are the beneficiaries of HRMS. 1. Restaurant Manager By HRMS, manager can monitor employees efficiently and accordingly. Manager can account sanctions and punishments prior to the report that HRMS can generate according to the performance evaluation. Good governance might be complied. It can also be the manager’s source to appraise employees, consequently. 2. Human Resource Staffs and Professionals Human resource management merged into information technology through HRMS. All activities and process regarding management of manpower are all done by HR staffs and professionals. They have all the responsibilities on handling employees, from recruitment to retirement and termination, including backgrounds, 201 employee files, information, leaves, profiles, attendances and absenteeism, retention and analytics. By HRMS, HR staffs might monitored all of these activities easily, accurate and electronically. 3. The Employees Records of employees will be secured and confidentially stored in the system so there files will keep away from steeling and accessing by unwanted people. The files being recorded in the system are the employees’ files. These are their requirements and evidence of their skills, knowledge, training, seminars and education which should be keeps in proper storage. 4. The Project Team This HRMS is a project study developing by the proponents. If this HRMS accomplished, fulfilled and Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 6 developed, it would be considered as another milestone and success. Definitely, it might be exploited and utilized to any HR departments from different enterprises. As matter of fact, it is a knowledge that might be acquired and reflected by the proponents thus, it is a treasure that can never be induced and bribed by other people. 5. The Future Proponents There are future proponents out there and even in this institution that can use this research as reference to their own project study. If this project study becomes successful, likewise to their project study, because it showed up strives and endeavors that the proponents experienced just to build and developed HRMS successfully. 1.3. GOAL The proponents projected to develop a human resource management system to create possible solutions for the problem that the restaurant experiencing currently and to achieve the benefits lead by this system. The system will cover up the human resource components and activities which makes the work easy for the personnel department. 1.4. STAKEHOLDERS/CLIENT The Human Resource Department This stakeholder affected by the system development because this department will be the most beneficiary and the main user of the system and this department is the appoint person to do the systematic activities in human resource management. The Restaurant Manager In Chesa Bianca restaurant, one of the business firms that the proponents interviewed, the restaurant manager is also assigned to manage the human resource department. It means that this restaurant has only one manager that accomplished the entire task Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 7 per division or areas of restaurant. The restaurant is the main client and all problems that the proponents analyzing currently are came from to this client. The restaurant manager details the problem to the proponents and deal with because they want possible solutions. Human Resource Staffs and Professionals Human resource staffs provide the information regarding different HR activities and processes and the problem related to the slow moving human resource routines and progressions due to labor-intensive procedures. The Group Team This stakeholder is the proponents, which will be the project handler and will develop a system. The proponents analyze all the details and problems where the solutions will include on the developed system. The User The user of this projected system will be the employee or authorized person in the Human Resource Department to handle record and files of the employees. This will be helpful to the user because it will make the work systematic and easy. The Employees Records of employees will be secured and confidentially stored in the system so there files will keep away from steeling and accessing by unwanted people. The files being recorded in the system are the employees’ files. These are their requirements and evidence of their skills, knowledge, training, seminars and education which should be keeps in proper storage. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 8 2 Project Scope 2.1. OBJECTIVES The main objective of the proponents is to make a systematic setup of this Human Resource Management. This must be comprise all the activities done and cover up the problem experiencing on most Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 9 of the human resources who uses traditional way of managing and monitoring employees. 2.1.1. Restaurant Management System – Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Figure2.1.1. The figure shows the first module or part of Restaurant Management System – HRMS work breakdown structure. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 10 . Figure2.1.2. The figure shows the second module or part of Restaurant Management System – HRMS work breakdown structure. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 11 Figure2.1.3. The figure shows the third module or part of Restaurant ManagementSystem – HRMS work breakdown structure. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 12 Figure2.1.4. The figure shows the fourth module or part of Restaurant Management System – HRMS work breakdown structure. 2.2. DELIVERABLES Objective 1: Pre-Employment – Manpower Vacancy Planning Project Deliverables Work Products / Description Manpower vacancy planning is an activity done Manpower Vacancy Planning before doing such hiring of employees. This includes activities to plan the hiring process like listing down all possible positions which are vacant to supply those vacancies. It is also necessary to be acquainted with the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 13 qualifications must the applicant attained to be hired on the following vacant positions. Records of all This is a part of manpower planning where Position and Job the entire records of all positions and Description descriptions are declared and recorded. Includes the specified positions available Vacancy Information for vacancy and the qualifications of each vacant position. Advertisement of Vacancies This is the part of the HRMS where notified the HR Department about the job vacancy. Objective 2Pre-Employment – Interview Project Deliverables Work Products / Description This is a part of HRMS where applicants undergo interview and this system will get the entry of those applicants for the Interview notifications purposes for the possible employment. Interview is a fundamental pre-employment process and will filter the qualified applicants to those who won’t. This includes the preliminary assessment done to each applicant from the system Initial Interview records. And if they got passed they will be notified for the schedule of the next step of recruitment – the examination. This examination will test the knowledge of Examination each applicants related to job they are applying for. This is another pace of assessment for those interested applicants. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 14 This is another pace included on Selection / Hiring of HR department for those applicants. If they passed the scheduled Final Interview examinations, they immediately and verbally notified that they are passed. And that is the time they will commence the final interview, then they will schedule for the orientation and requirements submission. Objective 3: Employee Profile – Adding of New Employee Project Deliverables Work Products / Description This part includes in Employee Profile module. This element composed of the information regarding the newly hired employees hired including on-the-job trainees. This incorporate the following information: Basic Information Adding of New Employees Work Schedule Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Objective 4: Employee Profile – Update Employee Profile Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 15 Project Deliverables Work Products / Description This part as well includes in Employee Profile module. This part contains updating of the employees profile for some changes or renewal of requirements and contract for service annex, and other follow-ups and updates. This includes the subsequent information. Basic Information Update Employee Profile Work Schedule Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Objective 5: Staffing – Employees Monitoring Project Deliverables Employees Monitoring Work Products / Description This is used to monitor the daily work activities of the employees inside their department or posting premises. Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the Attendance remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 16 Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail Leaves are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves includes: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Objective 6: Staffing – Evaluation Project Deliverables Work Products / Description This is another part of Staffing module. Evaluation will rate the performances of the employees working to the company. This will be the basis of employees’ appraisals and stability of tenure. Including some employees to probationary for Evaluation appraisals will result to a psychological, mental and emotional positivity for the employee to work more and hard because they are appreciated and valued. It is very important to an organization to value employees because it is considered as an asset and without them work will be harder and success are out of reach. If an Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 17 employee feels that they are valued and esteemed they will work hard and be stable to the company which considers being the success of the organization. Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the Attendance remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail Leaves are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves includes: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Objective 7: Post Employment Project Deliverables Work Products / Description Retirement is a part of post employment of Retirement HRMS. Retirement is an activity where an employee reaches their age of retirement. This is a stage where an employee must Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 18 terminate its service at the organization. There are 2 types of retirement which includes to HRMS – (1) the Early Retirement where an employee retires not reaching yet the age of retirement stage which is 60 and below, and (2) the Regular Retirement where an employee retires at the age of 61 and above. Termination is another part of Post Employment Module. Termination is an activity where an employee terminates its service to the company. There are 3 following cases of Termination: 1. Contract Termination. It is where an employee fulfills the terms and condition of the contract and ends it accordingly. The service will be terminated and it is up to the Termination management if an employee can extends or renew its contract for the continuous service. 2. Forced Termination. It is where an employee forcedly terminates to the company due to the violations or criminal cases done along the working area. It one of the sanctions that the management strictly mandated. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 19 Post Employment Benefits are list Post Employment of privilege of every employee who Benefits 2.3. served the company for years. OUT OF SCOPE The following details below are related to the HRMS but will not be managed as part of this system. Payroll and Deductions This part is consider to be closely related to HRMS because every compensated employees and need remunerated to be according appositely to the computations of the attendance done by HRMS. It also includes the tardiness deductions, government benefit monthly contributions and company contributions. These activities and transactions are already part of the payroll system. HRMS covers only the employee records of about the salaries that the payroll system must be computed every cutoff and the records of government benefits enlisted to HRMS that the payroll system must be deducted to the salaries. Retentions The retentions included on the HRMS are part only of the basic information of the employee but the monetary computations of retention like 13th month pay and bonuses will be the responsibility of the payroll department. HRMS will only determine a certain employee who will be given a 13th month pay and bonuses. The modules included in the WBS are the extents and the objectives of the proponents to include on HRMS. Any activities or processes not include in WBS are considered to be out of scope. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 20 3 Project Plan 3.1. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 21 The following minutiae are the approach and methodologies discussed to make this system development possible. These are the following strategies for the HRMS development. Brainstorming The proponents discuss different ways of solving the s related to Human Resource Management and then each requires having suggestions to link into the acceptable reason, generalizing thoughts and giving unified decision such as the proponents will discuss furthermore. SDLC System Planning System planning is the fundamental step on proposing a system. The proponents did such activities which are mostly done or included on system planning and interview companies related on human resource activities and procedures including the discussion the problems that the most HR Department experiencing today. Hence, the problem might be solved as the HRMSbecomes possible. Interviewing is one of the primary steps to gather data and conclusions to design a right interface that suits HR Department needs. The problems they currently facing are indicated in the problems and also discussed other related topic that can help in the documentation of this research. System Analysis System analysis is the next step in order to analyze the problems and data gathered. On this step, on the lead of system analyst, the proponents analyze the problems in order to design the interface of our proposed system and generalizing thoughts to give a unified decision for this proposal. By the gathered data on the interview the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 22 proponents formulate objectives as this was indicated on the objectives and deliverables part of this documentation. System Design System design is the next step that the proponents done. On this part, the proponents will design an interface of the proposed HRMS. This system design will determine and discuss different system specifications and requirements needed to make HRMS possible. Design must be well planned, in order to meet the clients’ need and user-friendly GUI. The design of the transitions and process must also be consider. The contents of human resource management must be consisting of the entire HR activities and processes. System Implementation System implementation will be done after the development of the software.This will test the effectivity of the software product if this will work and meet the requirements and needs of the client. When there are problems occurred on the system implementation that is the time that the system must furnish the errors and bugs to make the system work flawlessly. System Operation, Support and Maintenance The system operation, support and maintenance is aiming to incessantly satisfy the needs of the client by maintaining the operation and the support of the system inside the business transaction. In order to support and operate the HRMS the HR Department activities, the project team must maintain the system for the future errors or sudden supplementary changes of features and content. 3.2. ID PROJECT TIMELINE Task Name Restaurant Management System – HRMS Date Start Finish Page 23 Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Chapter 1: Project Charter (Riña) 1. Project Background 1.1. Problem / Opportunity Description 1.2. Benefits 1.3. Goals 1.4. Stakeholders and Clients Encoding of Project Background 2. Project Scope 2.1. Objectives 2.2. Deliverables 2.3. Out of Scope Encoding of Project Scope 3. Project Plan 3.1. Approach and Methodology 3.2. Project Timeline 3.3. Success Criteria 3.4. Issues and Policy Implications 3.5. Risk Management Plan 3.6. Service Transition 3.7. Option Analysis Encoding of Project Scope 4. Technical Features Encoding of Project Scope 5. Project Organization and Staffing Encoding of Project Scope 6. Project Budget Encoding of Project Scope 7. Appendix A – Additional Information Revisions of Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Related Studies and Systems (Riña) 2.1. Foreign Studies 2.2. Local Studies Restaurant Management System – HRMS Jul 10-11 Jul 10 Jul 11 10:00am 2:30pm 3 ½ hrs 2:30pm 4:30pm 10:00am 1:30pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 1:30pm 5:00pm 2 hrs 1 ½ hrs 2 ½ hrs 3 ½ hrs 10:00am 2:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 4 hrs 1 hr 2 hrs 1 hr 10:00am 11:00am 1 hr 11:00am 12:00nn 1 hr 1:00pm 2:30pm 1 ½ hrs 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 3:30pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 4:00pm 4:35pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 10:00am 12:00nn 11:00pm 2:00am 4:35am 5:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 12:00nn 1 hr 1 hr 1 ½ hrs 1 hr 1.35 hrs 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs Jul 12,14 Jul 24 Jul 25 Sep 3-4 Jul 25 Aug 6 Jul 25 Aug 8 Jul 17 Aug 8,9 Aug 9 2.35 hrs 1 hr Jul 17- Onwards Jul 19-23 Jul 19 Jul 22 10:00am 10:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm Page 24 6 hrs 7 hrs 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2.3. Synthesis and Relevance to the Study (Matrix – Comparative Analysis) Revisions of Chapter 2 Chapter 3: EIS Project Management and Development 3.1. Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management Plan (Riña) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Scope and Intent of RMMM Activities 1.2. Risk Management Organizational Role 2.0. Functional Data Description 2.1. Risk Table 2.1.1. Description of Risk M 2.1.2. Probability and Impact for Risk M Encoding of RMMM Plan 3.0. RMMM 3.1. Risk Mitigation for Risk M 3.1.1. Business Impact 3.1.2. Customer Risk 3.1.3. Employee Risk 3.1.4. Financial Risk 3.1.5. Process Risk 3.1.6. Product Size 3.1.7. Technical Risk 3.1.8. Technology Risk 3.2. Risk Monitoring for Risk M Restaurant Management System – HRMS Jul 23 10:00am 12:00nn 2 hrs Jul 24 - Onwards Aug 8-14 10:00am 12:00nn 2 hrs 1:00pm 2:00pm 1 hr 2:00pm 3:00pm 1 hr 3:00pm 4:30pm 1 ½ hrs 4:30pm 6:00pm 1 ½ hrs 4:30pm 5 ½ hrs 5:40pm 1.10 hrs Aug 14 Aug 28 Aug 28 4:30pm Page 25 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 3.2.1. Business Impact 3.2.2. Customer Risk 3.2.3. Employee Risk 3.2.4. Financial Risk 3.2.5. Process Risk 3.2.6. Product Size 3.2.7. Technical Risk 3.2.8. Technology Risk 3.3. Risk Management for Risk M 3.3.1. Business Impact 3.3.2. Customer Risk 3.3.3. Employee Risk 3.3.4. Financial Risk 3.3.5. Process Risk 3.3.6. Product Size 3.3.7. Technical Risk 3.3.8. Technology Risk 4.0. Special Conditions Encoding of RMMM 3.2. Software Configuration Management Plan (Riña) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Scope and Intent of SCM Activities 1.2. SCM Organizational Role 2.0. SCM Task 2.1. Identification 2.1.1. Description Restaurant Management System – HRMS 12:30am 2:00am 1 ½ hrs 8:00am 8:55am 55 mins 8:55am 2:45pm 9:10am 3:30pm 15 mins 45 mins 9:10am 2:20pm 4 hrs 10mins Sep 4 Sep 4 Page 26 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 2.1.2. Works Products & Documentatio n 2.2. Configuration Protocol 2.2.1. Description 2.2.2. Increasing Version Number 2.2.3. Works Products & Documentatio n 2.3. Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) 2.3.1. Description 2.3.2. Works Products & Documentatio n 3.0. Software Quality Assurance Overview Scope and Intent of SQA Activities Reviews and Audits 3.1. Generic Review Guidelines 3.2. Formal Technical Reviews 3.3. SQA Audit 3.4. Problem Reporting & Corrective Action / Follow-up 3.4.1. Reporting Mechanism 3.4.2. Responsibiliti es 3.4.3. Data Collection and Valuation Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 27 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Encoding of SCM Plan 3.3. Software Quality Assurance Plan (Riña) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Scope and Intent of SQA Activities 1.2. SQA Organizational Role 2.0. SQA Task 2.1. Task Overview 2.2. Standard, Practices & Conventions (SPC) 2.3. SQA Resources 2.3.1. Description 2.3.2. Works Products & Documentatio n 3.0. Review and Audits 3.1. Generic Review Guidelines 3.2. Formal Technical Reviews 3.3. SQA Audits 4.0. Problem Reporting and Corrective Action / Follow-up 4.1. Reporting Mechanism 4.2. Responsibilities 4.3. Data Collection and Valuation 4.4. Statistical SQA 5.0. Software Process Improvement Activities 5.1. Goal and Object of SPI 5.2. SPI Tasks and Responsibilities Restaurant Management System – HRMS Sep 7 3:30pm 4:30pm 1 hr Sep 11 11:00pm 3:00am 4hrs Page 28 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 6.0. Software Configuration Management and Overview 7.0. SQA Tools, Techniques, and Methods Encoding of SQA Plan 3.4. System Specification (Villaseñor) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objectives 1.2. System Statement of Scope 1.2.1. Version 1 General Requirement s 1.2.2. Version 2 General Requirement s 1.2.3. Extended Enhancemen t Request 1.3. System Context 1.4. Major Constraints 2.0. Functional Data Description 2.1. System Architecture 2.1.1. Architecture Model 2.1.2. Current Subsystem Overview 2.2. SQA Resources 2.2.1. Major Data Objects 2.2.2. Relationships 2.3. Human Interface Description Restaurant Management System – HRMS Sep 12 3:00am 6:00am 3 hrs Aug 31Sep 2 Aug 31 Sep 2 2 days Page 29 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 3.0. Subsystem Description 3.1. Subsystem Flow Diagrams 3.1.1. Create Checklist 3.1.2. Print Checklist 3.1.3. Generate Letter 4.0. Enhanced Interface Prototyping 4.1. Prototyping Requirements Revisions of 3.4. (Riña & Palce) 3.5. System Requirements Specification (Palce) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objectives 1.2. System Statement of Scope 1.2.1. General Requirement s 1.2.2. Extended Enhancemen t 1.3. System Context 1.4. Major Constraints 2.0. Usage Scenario 2.1. Read Only Users 2.2. Read/Write/Modify Own Users 2.3. Read/Write/Modify All Users 2.4. Full Control Users 3.0. Data Model and Description 3.1. Data Description Restaurant Management System – HRMS Oct 3 - Onwards Sep 2 11:00pm 4:30am Page 30 4 ½ hrs 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 3.1.1. Data Objects and Dictionary 3.1.2. Relationships 4.0. Functional Model and Description 4.1. Subsystem Flow Diagrams 4.1.1. Create Checklist 4.1.2. Print Checklist 4.1.3. Generate Letter 4.2. Human Interface 5.0. Restrictions, Limitations and Constraints 6.0. Validation Criteria Encoding of SRS 3.6. System Design Specification (Ramirez) 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objectives 1.2. System Statement of Scope 1.2.1. General Requirement s 1.3. System Context 1.4. Major Constraints 2.0. Data Design 2.1. Database Description 3.0. Architectural and Component-Level Design 3.1. Program Structure 3.1.1. Overall 3.1.2. Create Inspection Restaurant Management System – HRMS Sep 4 Sep 2 Sep 2 12:00nn 6:00pm 6 hrs 11:00pm 4:30am 4 ½ hrs 1:00pm 5:00pm 5 hrs Page 31 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 3.1.3. During Inspection 3.1.4. PostInspection 3.1.5. Approval 3.2. Description for Components 3.2.1. Switch User 3.2.2. Facility 3.2.3. Create/Modify Inspection – Step 1 3.2.4. Create/Modify Inspection – Step 2 3.2.5. File Result – Step 1 3.2.6. File Result – Step 2 3.2.7. Approval 3.2.8. Checklist Maintenance 3.2.9. Letter Maintenance 4.0. User Interface Design 4.1. Description of the User Interface 4.1.1. Screen Images Login Screen Search Pages Approval Queue 4.1.2. Objects and Actions Menu Items 4.2. Interface Design Rules 4.3. Components Available Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 32 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 4.3.1. Intrinsic Controls 4.3.2. ActiveX Controls 5.0. Restriction, Limitations and Constraints Time Employee Skills Insufficient Resources 6.0. Testing Issues 6.1. Classes of Test 6.2. Performance Bounds 6.3. Identification of Critical Components 7.0. Appendices 3.7. Test Specification 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objectives 1.2. Statement of Scope 1.3. Major Constraints 2.0. Testing Plan 2.1. Software (SCIS) to be Tested 2.1.1. Interfaces 2.2. Testing Strategy 2.2.1. Unit Testing 2.2.2. Integration Testing 2.2.3. Validation Testing 2.2.4. High-Order Testing 2.3. Testing Resources and Staffing 2.4. Test Record Keeping Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 33 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 2.5. Testing Tools and Environment 2.6. Test Schedule 3.0. Test Procedure 3.1. Software (SCIS) to be Tested 3.2. Testing Strategy 3.2.1. Unit Testing 3.2.2. Integration Testing 3.2.3. Validation Testing 3.2.4. High-Order Testing 3.3. Testing Resources and Staffing 3.4. Test Record Keeping and Log Revisions of Chapter 3 3.3. Aug 14 - Onwards SUCCESS CRITERIA The development of HRMS planning is still working on progress. If the HRMS done and flourished,the HR Department can achieve the following success criteria: Security of all confidential files and records of the employees. The HRMS will have a login form on which unauthorized users cannot be accessed the system aside from the HR Staff which is the main user of the system. Database for incrementing number of employees, even most of the transactions will contain database for easy reports generation and data querying for the specific transaction or records. Adding, updating and monitoring of employee profiles and 201 files. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 34 Monitoring of attendance, leave and retention. For attendance monitoring, HRMS can accept time-in and time-out registry. The time card which traditionally used for attendance monitoring will set as back-up just in case of technicalities may occur while the process undergoes. Each employee must be time-in and time-out in the HRMS after the time-in and timeout on the bandy clock. By this process HR Staff can monitor the daily attendance and absences of each employee. For leave, HR staff can monitor the date when the leave started and the date it ends including the remaining leave balance that an employee must be undertake for that year. Implementation of appropriate informative training plan for the staffs which happens to the primary users of the new process. Involvement of the employees for them to acquire into such new innovations to their process. Gaining and adaptation of innovative ideas on using technologies and ideas on how to use applications like the proposed system. 3.4. ISSUES AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS Good thing for the proponents, because any business firms and restaurants that the proponents interviewed, they never hesitate to give the information and problems related to human resource management of their HR Department. They are very cooperative and approachable in providing factual information regarding HR activities and processes, to begin the system development. 3.5. RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Risk Factors Employee Risk Probability Impact (H-M-L) (H-M-L) H H Restaurant Management System – HRMS Risk Management Plan Staffs / Employees Training Management Page 35 Technical risk might be resulted by accidents happen to the computer unit like accidental unplugging of power supply which causes the unit to shut down, VGA cable for the monitor to turnoff, and discoloring. Mouse and keyboard might also be unplugged but all of these can be considered as minor problem only and can be immediately configured. If the said Technical Risk H M computer peripherals might not work on the user’s own computer unit, it can also be test into another unit. But something might be happen that if these peripherals not really work into another unit, another option can be the procurement of the said defected peripherals. Accidental interruption might or happen, power brownouts and the proponents suggest the use of Uninterruptible Supply (UPS) Power which can make your computer unit Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 36 alive at least ten minutes until the power comes back. Likewise to the generator, it supplies power not only to the computer unit but also the operation of the company that can last up to more or less 8 hours until the operation adjourned. Coordination and cooperation of both parties (the client and the project team). If the client is lack of coordination with the project team, the project team might not begin the project development. information, Process Risk H H All factual including process, the problems existing process and the on the requirements must urgently be provided by the client. If the client cannot coordinate, the project may fail. If that so, the project team must be aware of that and they must have the initiative to be coordinated with the client because if they wait for the client’s response, nothing will happen. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 37 This risk can happen to the system developed by the developers. Bugs and logical problem might occur on the system which needed to be under maintenance, repair and Technology Risk H M preservation. developers Since the offered this application for the business firm, developers also responsible for its maintenance to be continuously utilized by the users. For the company, financial risk occurs. Financial budget are needed to procure and support the Financial Risk M M requirements developing constraint of the system. HRMS only the human resource management. It was cleared to the company that these are only the scope of the system proposed to. The project team must provide proper sizing and scoping of the project. The project team Product Size M M must know the limitations and scope which supposed to be the only part of the transactions of the business. It is necessary Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 38 to know the financial statement and costings of the product to make it exact and maximized on the budget. Every member of the project team must put an effort because if one fails to provide Customer Risk M M endeavor to the project, the efforts and sacrifices of the other members to accomplish the project would be fail. The project team must understand the details of the Business Impact M M given factual information, problems and requirements to meet the exact features that the business requires. 3.6. SERVICE TRANSITION The project development is on process, and as it fully developed, it will undergo testing, implementation, and maintenance. After those processes, utilization of HRMS will proceed. This software can support the different activities usually done in Human Resource department but the services of HRMS will not end up on utilization or deployment of the software to HR Department of restaurants or other business firms, training management and software maintenance will follow. Here are some of the following service transitions that HRMS may offer to the client. Training Management and Scheduling Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 39 Before the implementation of the HRMS, project team is already aware that some of the HR Staffs and Employees are not erudite on using applications. It is necessary to set a schedule for training of the users of HRMS for them to gain knowledge and enjoy the HRMS in managing human resource. Software Maintenance This is a service of maintaining the software after the implementation and deployment. This for any technicalities that may occur on the system and by this maintenance service, any errors or bugs will immediately alleviate. Likewise to features that the client wants to add-up, it would be easily change or add the features like the client requires. Impact Mitigation The software will only utilized by the authorized personnel like HR Manager and Staffs including authorized employees as second party like Restaurant Managers and Employees. 4 Technical Features Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 40 Technical features discuss and provide broad description of the features, applications and peripherals that will be use to make Restaurant Management System – HRMS be possible. Here are the following technical features: Language: Java Netbeans IDE 7.3 version This platform using 4th generation java language and will be used as a medium in system development. This will be used as a front-end in coding the interface, modules and compositions of Human Resource Management System. Database: MS SQL Database: MS SQL This application will be the back-end of the HRMS application and the storage of all data inputs and information. It is a powerful and reliable free data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, this download includes support for Sysprep, Microsoft's System Preparation Utility for Microsoft Windows operating system deployment. Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Windows 7 is the most used MS Operating System and will be the minimum requirement of the HRMS application. Memory: 2GB This is the capacity of the laptop that will be used by the proponents. Java Netbeans can eat up huge amount of memory while HRMS is on development that is why the proponents need this amount of memory capacity. HDD: 320 GB This is the capacity of the laptop that the proponents have been used. Java Netbeans and MS SQL are applications that Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 41 need a huge capacity of storage. And as the system compiled it will spend more storage capacity to make the software runs faster. 5 Project Organization and Staffing Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 42 Human resource management is a project, an idea formed due to the needs of the restaurant’s human resourcing. The project will be possible by the enlisted organization and staff below. Role Responsibilities The member of staff with the relevant area of responsibility and affected by the outcome of the project. Involved from the start, by stating the awareness of the problem. Accountable for the delivery of planned benefits associated with the problem. Project Sponsor Assures the availability of the resources needed to accomplish the project. Approves the budget and decides tolerances. Leads the project board Ultimate authority and responsible for the accomplishments of the project Acts as the consultant of the project team. Advises and suggests on what components might be possible to add to make the project Project Adviser more appealing and functional Reminding the project team about the do’s and don’ts, the includes and excludes, pros and cons, the schedules and other reminders. Managing and leading the project team members to make sure that the project flows Project Manager into the right direction according to the schedule of each task. Recruitment of projects staffs and consultants Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 43 Managing coordination and teamwork of the co-workers engaged in project development Appoint to detail the project planning and control of project development Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan. Resolving cross-functional issues and risks at project level Monitoring project progress and performance Final approval of the design specification. Working closely with users to ensure the project meets the business needs Provides status reports to project sponsor and project adviser. Responsible for gathering and understanding the business needs of the members within specific projects. Elicit requirements using interviews, document analysis, surveys, site visits, business process description, use cases, scenarios, business analysis, task and Business Analyst workflow analysis Critically evaluate information gathered from the sources, decompose general idea into details and distinguish user requests from underlying true needs. Acts as the liaison between, business units and project teams. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 44 Collaborates with the system developer to establish the technical vision of the analyzed problem and needs of the business. Preparing and submitting comprehensive feasibility studies and personnel utilization with recommendations identifying specific computer application areas Studying and documenting present work flow and procedures. System Analyst Identifying potential computer application areas. Preparing system flow diagrams. Designing forms and specifications Developing system procedures Preparing, coordinating and supervising systems implementation Working with project manager on the definition of development requirements and priorities. Lead Programmer Data migration Interfaces or integration with other systems Reporting configuration and deployment Set up and maintenance of security rights and access permission Develops system interface in accordance with the translation of the system analyst of the problem and needs of the business. Database management and support including normalizations. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 45 Performing evaluations and document audits Effectively follow the standard operating procedures in submission of documents. Document Specialist Ensures that all documents are error-free in filenames, submission, etc. before submitting. Preparation of all document compiled consisting of all details of the project development like graphs, research studies, information documents, investigation, designs and etc. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 46 6 Project Budget Budget Items Description Budgeted Cost One-Time Cost This manual used as a guide of the project team in managing and Project Study conceptualizing documentation Manual Title: Journey to Project Study Php 300.00 * 4 Published by: Internetworking & Broadband Consulting Co. LTD This expense is compulsory payment for PS 1 Expenses the defense of this project to the panelist to gain their interest in the proponents’ Php 1,250 * 4 system development project. Windows 7 Operating System Windows 7 OS is the minimum requirement to run the HRMS application. This is the preliminary cover of the Folders Php 3,500 documentation presentation for the checking for the possible additional features, inputs and propositions. Php 100 (For whole sem documentation) As the documentation will be printed, it must be bind to make it presentable to Book Binding the client and panelist. It is also for the Php 3,000 compilation of the documentation of the system development. This will be use on creating a prototype Biometrics system to monitor the attendance (time Php 2,500 in and time out). Total One-Time Cost Php 14,300 Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 47 Ongoing Cost Transportation is considered as ongoing cost because of ongoing work for the Transportation project development. This is paid Php 500 * 4 expense for the transportation from one (per month) place to the other on relation or for the project study purposes. Food is continuous consumable goods Food Expenses which part of the project team’s daily Php 1,000 routine. It is also included in ongoing cost (per month) expenses for the project development. Power Power Utility Expenses consumption is continuous inclusion in the proponents ongoing cost. This includes the daily and overnight usage of power service for the continuous Php 1,000 (month) development of HRMS application. This is included in the ongoing cost due to the project’s documentation necessary Printing of Documents for the presentation. All parts of the Php 1,500.00 system development documented and to must present be (per whole sem this documentation) document to the client, the printing of documentation is a must costings. Printer Inks To print all documentation, reserved inks Php 300.00 * 4 for the printer are necessary. This is where the documents will be Bond Papers printed out. This is also included in the ongoing cost. (per bottle) Php 200 * 5 (per rim) Total One-Time Cost Php 7,700.00 Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 48 Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 49 2.1. FOREIGN STUDIES 2.1.1. The Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) 2011 - Georgia The Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) is created and developed by Civil Service Bureau to unified database on human resource employed in the public sector in Georgia and improvements of the politics and practices with respect of HR management. Objectives of HRMIS Human resource management information system (HRMIS) is the computer software intended for simplification and acceleration of HR management process, improvement of its quality via automation of the basic (routine) objectives and activities. Due to this advantage more and more organizations apply HRMIS. By the incentive of Civil Service Bureau, introduction of such system was planned in public organizations of Georgia from 2011. Development of the HRMIS unified standards is of key significance for improvement of HR management effectiveness and transparency in certain departments, as well as in public sector, in general. In addition, it will be the significant step in introduction of the unified e-governance system in the country and Georgian government actively works on this currently. Research conducted by Civil Service Bureau in early 2011 showed that in some institutions of civil service (ministries and organizations within the sphere of the governance) operating the to HRMIS certain are extent. already introduced and Nine of twenty one studiedinstitutions use some type of electronic programs for the purpose of simplification of routine related to HR Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 50 management and the most part of the other institutions plans introduction of such systems in the nearest future. Problems Occurred As the research conducted, Civil Service Bureau, determined specific problems regarding the existing process of different institutions, organizations and ministries within the domain of Georgian government. (1) Ineffectiveness and wastefulness of local development of such systems. As the public institutions attempt to develop the HRMISlocally by themselves, significant expenses are made for development and creation of one and the same product several times. At the same time, in many cases, locally (in the ministries and/or other institutions), there is lack of intellectual and/or financial resources required for high quality products and therefore, actually, the incurred expenses cannot ensure achievement of the stated goals. (2) Incompleteness and incompatibility of the existing local systems. In most cases the existing systems do not contain full information about organization and its employees. In many cases they also do not contain the basic/necessary features and capacities, preventing full realization of the system advantages. Components of HRMIS At the time of work on HRMIS, the CSB studied and analyzed the post popular programs at Georgian and Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 51 international market. In result of this process, the minimum of program components was identified which is necessary and sufficient for dealing with the problems mentioned. Advantage of such minimalist approach is that it allows implementation of the offered change relatively “painlessly” (switching to the automated processes is implied) and this is very significant at the Civil Service bureau, with respect of avoiding of substantial destabilization of the work process. In addition, identification of the minimal components only, provides certain flexibility and freedom to the organizations for further improvement and diversification of the offered model. In the offered model the HRMIS shall contain 3 necessary components (modules): • Administration module; It includes the basic information about the organization and employed persons. This information shall be some kind of basis, support to the other program modules. Administration module consist of at least 3 subcomponents: 1. General information about the organization; 2. Organization structure; and 3. E-files of the employees • Attendance module; and It provides accurate accounting of the time spent by the staff member’s job. Accumulated and finally verified information shall be automatically transmitted to the payroll module, for the purpose of remuneration calculation. Key functions of attendance module Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 52 Module shall be linked with the calendar, stating the working and official non-working days, according to the effective legislation as well as specific features of the individual work schedule of the staff member; Module shall be able to generate statistical reports and presentation in the form desired to the user; Module shall be able to generate statistical data both, for the individual staff members, specific groups, structural subdivisions and the entire organization. Module shall supply information to the payroll module. • Payroll module It ensures automatic calculation of the salaries and other payments to the staff members. The module shall be centrally linked with the administrative and attendance modules and central electronic treasury program. Key functions of the payroll Calculation of the remuneration payable to the staff member Generation of the aggregate statistical data on the amounts received/deducted by the staff members, groups, structural unit or entire organization and presentation of the results in the desired form. In case of achievement of the limit specified by the Revenues sService the notification Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 53 should be sent in relation with necessity of submission of the tax return. Conclusion Civil Service Bureau planned to submit the documentation of the research to the Parliament of Georgia, to ensure its mandatory nature. Naturally, the documentation has been discussed with all interested organizations / persons. All parties expected that the consultation related the documentation will end by the end of July 2011 and after that, the HRMIS shall be subjected to modification (the adjustment to standard) and development of the new programs. It is emphasized that the unified adjustable information system for human resources management will be developed for the organizations, which have no capabilities (whether financial or technical) for work on program development. Reference: Civil Service Bureau Management (2011). The Human Resource Information System: s&source=The proponentsb&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CFwQFjAF&url= dard_in_English.pdf&ei=LM4DVNL8OoLj8AWS7IKIAw&usg =AFQjCNFA0XP6udy8YWhxpXdKiVH2QuQWJA&bvm=bv.7 4115972,d.c2E 2.1.2. The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) 2013 – India The Human Resource Management System, the title of the journal research paper issued Jan-Feb 2013 and Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 54 authored by some of the most well-known professors, HR Specialist and researchers and in Computer Networks and Mobile Communications in India; A.S. Syed Navez, A.S. Syed Fiaz, C. Prabhadevi, Gopalakrishnan. This managing Administration the was V. Sangeetha basically of and concerned Human S. with Resource Department in a company. HRMS refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular, its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Objectives of HRMS This is to reduce the effort of Administrator to keep daily events such as attendance, projects, work appointments, etc. It deals with the process of identifying the employees, recording the attendance hourly and calculating the effective payable hours or days. It should maintain the records of each and every employee and the time spend into the company, which can be used for the performance appraisal. Based on that, transfer, removal and promotions can be done. Advantages of HRMS Easy access to the data Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 55 It is more user-friendly, reliable and flexible Data alterations, retrieval and updating are easy. Maintenance of the project is easy Reduced manual work Timely report generation. HRMS Consists of Six (6) Modules 1. Employee Details It is used to maintain the employees’ details such as adding new employee, modifying the existing employee and deleting the existing employee. 2. Payroll It consists of the information about the employee salary details such as basic pay, allowances, deductions and calculate the gross pay and net pay from the given allowances and deductions. 3. Training It consists of the employees’ schedule about the training conducted in the organization for the particular employee. The employees’ previous training experience will be maintained in the database. 4. Performance It contains information about the employees’ current position in the organization. This module has the information such as employee name, employee id, division, work group, evaluation date, and evaluator and evaluation period. Under this module, there is another module for leave management. Restaurant Management System – HRMS This contains the Page 56 information about employees leave details. There are three kinds of leave which are the sick, vacation and holiday. 5. Resignation It contains the information about the exemployees who have worked for the organization. The information are such as department, position, their supervisor, current contact information, joining date and resigning date. 6. Resume Tracking It contains the information about the applicants such as their Curriculum, their contact information, their work experience, are of specialization and area of interest. Conclusions Human Resource Management Systems has achieved its purpose and goal which had already taken huge task for this project to be completed. It can give a huge lift to an enterprise’s operations. Whatever process done manually, it can be shifted to the computerized process and enables the company to carry out HR processes quickly and timely. It can also give a wider-spectrum of communication to different users. It resulted in giving numerous advantages to the company in many ways like data manipulations and accessinghave become simpler on a single click and the cost factor has been reduced. It is less time consuming, transparent operation and effective security for HR processes. Resources: Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 57 A.S. Syed Navez, A.S. Syed Fiaz, C. Prabhadevi, V. Sangeethaand S. Gopalakrishnan (Jan-Feb 2013).Human Resource Management System:Human Resource Management System Journal Research PaperJan-Feb 2013 Issue: 2.1.3. The Human Resource Planning and Management System (HRPMS) – South Africa The Human Resource Planning and Management System, title of the user manual for the Water Research Commission prepared by Stewart Scott (Pty) Ltd and written by Daltron Electronic Systems located at Wingate Park, South Africa, 0153. On manual’s introduction declared that the existing shortage of high-level and middle level human resources in South Africa could ultimately lead to the suboptimal delivery of services by water services institutions. Technology and in particular Computerized Management Systems can facilitate the maintenance and improvement of service delivery when it comes to shortage of skilled human resources. Objectives of HRMS Its objective is to develop a management tool to help managers undertake human resource planning and management of water services institutions that focuses on the human resources required to support the infrastructure as well as support organizational structure requirements of various sizes of water services institutions. As these organizations are dynamic institutions due to the fact that there is a growth in the demand for their services as well as a continuous movement of staff into and out of the organization, a dynamic computerized human resource planning system is required. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 58 The HRPMS developed for this project consists of several modules or sections. Some of the main modules / sections are described briefly as follows: Introduction/Help Screen An introductory overview of the project is provided within the computer program which is based on the electronic version of this report. The User can either access this whole report via the appropriate button on the main screen of the computer program or via relevant sections of the report linked to a help facility accessed through specific screens, a search facility is also provided that utilizes keywords to assist with searching for associated portions of the text. Employment Equity This module consists of three screens or folders essentially relating to the Employment Equity Act.The Examination of the Employment Equity Act of 1998 as detailed in the Government Gazette No. 19370 of 19 October 1998 provided an important source of information. Aspects that are relevant to this module of the HRPS include the employment equity plan (Clause 20(3)) and the assessment of compliance (Clause 42(a)) with specific reference to the following: 42(a) The extent to which suitably qualified people from amongst the different designated groups are equitably represented within each occupational category and level in that employer's workforce in relation to the: (i) demographic profile of the national and regional economic active population; Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 59 (ii) pool of suitably qualified people from designated groups from which the employer may reasonably be expected to promote or appoint employees; (iii) economic and financial factors relevant to the sector in which the employer operates; (iv) present and anticipated economic and financial circumstances of the employer; and (v) the number of present and planned vacancies that exist in the various categories and levels, and the employer's labor turnover This module assists the user to comply with the reporting requirements of the Act as well as allows for the storage of data that will facilitate the analysis of conditions external to the institution as required for planning purposes. The first screen/folder allows for the input of data describing the distribution of the economically active population as well as financial indicators for the various racial groups on a national and regional basis. The respective data for the organization is automatically extracted from the database and displayed on this screen. The second screen/folder allows for the input of data pertaining to distribution of Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDI) on a national and regional basis. Similar data for the organization as well as statistics on vacancies and turnover are displayed on this screen. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 60 The third screen/folder provides statistics on the PDI distribution for every occupational category within the organization. Resources The purpose of this module is to assist with the planning process via performance indicators that link human resources to other resources ofthe water services institution. This module consists of seven screens/folders. The first screen/folder is to identify the organization/business unit together with specific contact details and addresses. An organogram of the water services institution is loaded and displayed on this screen. The second screen/folder allows for the input of demographic and infrastructure data such as population served, lengths of pipeline and consumer water meters. The third screen/folder provides for the display of human organization resource as well statistics as the relevant input to of the water production/treatment figures. The forth screen/folder allows for the input of financial data commonly available from the annual financial reports of water services institutions. Performance indicators are calculated and displayed on the fifth screen/folder. Benchmarks are entered on this screen. The human resources required from the previously calculated indicators are displayed on the sixth screen/folder and compared with the current Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 61 resources. The percentage difference between current and required human resources is displayed on this screen. A seventh screen provides for the input of forecasted production capacities, kilometers of piping and connections for a particular year from other strategic planning exercises in order to calculate future human resource requirements. Job Analysis This job analysis module provides details of thecriteria for generic positions within the water services institutions. Job analysis is the process of developing jobrelated information and can serve as the cornerstone of an integrated human resources program. It is a process by which management systemically investigates the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the jobs within an organization. Job analysis comprises of both job descriptions and job specifications. The most common element of job descriptions is some form of identification and a brief job summary. Job specifications, or minimum qualifications, state the qualifications job applicants must possess to be considered for a job. These qualifications are grouped into three categories: abilities, knowledge and competencies, for each post within the water services institution. A pro forma or template has been designed for this module so that reference data bases, known as pick lists, can be used and updated as new job analysis information becomes available. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 62 Employee profile The purpose of the employee profile module is to provide a pro forma or template for the entry and storage of actual employee information. The difference between the job analysis module and this module is that the former holds a database of the ideal criteria for a particular position while this module is a database of an employee's actual attributes. This module could be regarded as a standardized résumé or curriculum vitae. Details such as organizational position, education, employment history and experience are stored. The outputs of the various modules are combined through a matching process, which facilitates the determination of human resource and training requirements. Four screens/folders are available which include a summary, the organizational position in relation to the organogram, education and employment history/experience. Reports The reporting facilities provided include the generation of the following reports: List of Posts Job Description Vacancies List of employees by employee number, surname and so on PDI distribution and details Comparison between Job analysis and employee profile Turnover of staff Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 63 Employee profile Human resource requirements Graphs – PDI o Turnover within organization o Age, time employed distribution Methodology Adopted The computerized human resource planning and management system was defined, coded and developed at Stewart Scott's Pretoria office. The facilities and expertise used to develop Stewart Scott's other computerizedmanagement systems was utilized. The main components of the system’s development were as follows: Definition Phase : Construction Phase : System design Programming Procedure Development: Writing and testing the procedures Discussions, Recommendations and Conclusions The computerized Human Resources Planning and Management System (HRPMS) developed for water services institutions can be categorized within a continuum describing aspects of both a management information system as well as a decision support system. The management component of the HRPMS includes portions of the job analysis and employee profile modules. The planning (decision support system) component includes the employment equity, resources (benchmarking), forecasting human resource requirements and provision of data required for business plans as dictated by the Water Services Act. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 64 The need for the HRPMS has been expressed by several members attending the Project Steering Committee meetings and Stakeholder Workshop. The HRPMShas considerable potential for expansion as both a management and planning system. However, there is an urgent need for the application of this type of computerized HR system by water services institutions that currently do not have the financial and human resources nor the expertise to implement more sophisticated systems. Resources: Stewart Scott (Pty) Ltd&Daltron Electronic Systems. Human Resource Planning and Management System: e/hrpms/HRPMS_Manual.pdf 2.1.4. The Mc Donald’s K/3 HR Personnel Management Systems – US Mc Donald’s is the world’s leading fast-food company by sales, with about 32,000 restaurants serving burgers and fries in about 120 countries. It consists of Human Resource Functions followed to acquire employees. Job Analysis In Mc Donald’s job analysis done on the basis of interviews. They have predetermined standards on which employees are awarded on the basis of their skills, knowledge and experience. Recruitment, Selection and Retention For Mc Donald’s, people are its important asset. This is because customer satisfaction begins with the attitudes and abilities of employees and effective workers are the best route to success. Recruiting Suitable Applicants Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 65 Positions are generally advertised in the restaurant. The company’s recruitment history shows this is the best method of hiring quality staff. It also uses local job centers, career fairs and other local facilities. It is virtual to use effective hiring material with a clear message targeted at the right audience. Selection After the final interview, the manager will rate the responses of the applicant. A successful applicant will have demonstrated skills and behaviors that have been identified as being a key to the position. Orientation Mc Donald’s inducts all new employees into the business through welcome Meeting which they must attend. The welcome Meeting gives an overview of the Company including job role, food, hygiene and safety training, policies and procedures, administration, benefits and training and development. Mc Donald’s performance appraisal methods are graphical rating scale and 360 degree feedback. For better and innovative human resource management, Mc Donald’s implemented K/3 HR Personnel Management, Payroll Management and Report Module as well as Performance Management, Employee Capacity Quality module. Mc Donald’s has built HR management platform and finished planning for organization structure, managed personnel files, input dynamic human resource data and managed payroll. Based on K/3 HR System Personnel Management and Payroll Management, Mc Donald’s not only records employee transfer, promotion and transfer history but also adjust the workflow. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 66 If a resigned staff come back and rejoin in K/3 HR System checks ID Card Number and lists all the history of the staff, which helps the manager make proper decision. Reference: Human-Resource-Management 2.1.5. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) 2014 Tanzania The Human Resource Information System (HRIS)Documentation is a 3rd release manual, created by John Francis Mukulu and Kelvin Mbwilo about the system develops called Human Resource Information System or HRIS which has been released last February 18, 2014. Introduction to HRIS The HRIS software was first developed with basic functionalities in 2009 by University of Dares salaam to address Human Resource for Health software need, to track human resource in the health sector, while used by health secretaries at district level for day to day tasks and for reporting, it can also be used to analyze and help in decision making at higher administrative levels. HRIS has currently been rolled out in the whole of Tanzania, itsoperational and used in all 131districts in 21 Regions, 17 Regional hospitals, 8 Referral Hospitals of Tanzania, 118 Health Training institutions and Ministry departments. A rapidly increasing demand for a flexible, faster and user friendly Human Resource Information tool arose a need for re-implementation of the software under open source copy-left license. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is software that enables organizations to collect, validate, Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 67 analyze and present raw and statistical human resource information for reporting, analysis and decision making. It is a generic software tool that allows customization to fit organization specific requirements, its built with open metadata models and flexible and customizable user interface that allows user to adjust the system to perform, behave, look and feel based on organization’s specific requirements without the need for software development. HRIS Software is a loosely coupled modular web based software bundle that is built with free and open source PHP >= 5.3 Web Frameworks. Among the frameworks involves: • Symfony2 PHP Web Development Framework • Doctrine is PHP Object Relational Mapper used for persistence abstraction • PHPUnit Testing Framework for testing overall system behaviors and functions • Twig Template Engine for presentation layer • Composer Package manager Why of HRIS? Faster response and less greedy on system resources HRISwas conceived from the start to be fastand to favor performance, it’s based on Symfony2 Framework that is about 3 times faster than Zend-Framework 1.10 while taking 2 times less memory. Unlimited flexibility through customization whatever your needs are, HRIS will be adaptable. Itscustomizable capacity makes it entirely configurable, with less required to be done. It’s also extensible, based on framework dependency injection and event dispatchers, more modules can beplugged in with simplicity. HRIS is distributed under GNU General Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 68 Public License which does allowmodification and extension of existing features. Ease of use through intuitive, user-friendly interfaces Simple and Flexible user interfaces allowperforming advanced tasks simply and intuitively, which allows beginners to the system to quicklyfeel at ease with HRIS. Stable and sustainable the system is in-built with selfsystemtests that ensure shipped systembehaves and performs what is needed with guaranteed compatibility between versions. Interoperable Through Web APIs, HRIS can be interoperated by third party applications through the powefulRestful APIs Properties of HRIS • Web enabled • Platform independent • Runs on all major web browsers • Runs on most relational databases • Licensed under open source license terms • Works Off-line • Loosely coupled with Bundle/Modular approach • Interoperable • Internationalized Modules and Features of HRIS HRIS Version 3 Consist of Several modules designed to collect, validate, report and analyzehuman resource information, the modules consist of: Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 69 • Forms Management creates and manages forms used as data collection tools along with the information collected with them • Organization Unit Management creates and manages organization units, its properties as in ownership, type, and other attributes, like level in a hierarchy, etc. • Data QualityManagement creates and manages validation constraints that are used to test and ensure quality data is being collected • Records Management Creates and manages collection, storage and retrieval of human resource information in a faster and secure way. Resources: John Francis Mukulu and Kelvin Mbwilo (February 2014). Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Documentation. 2.2. LOCAL STUDIES 2.2.1. The Human Resource Management System (HRIS) 2013 – Quezon City, Philippines Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 70 The Human Resources Information System, the published project study last October 2013 by the following proponents: Alexis R. Alibayan, Edgar Allan C. Dela Cruz, Don Jerome D. Morla, Jerny A. Ocampo and Raffy O. Palamos whose are the alumnae of Bestlink College of the Philippines, Quezon City. HRIS Overview The proponents of the HRIS focused principally in monitoring of employees’ attendance. The system can furthermore hold the employees’ information including the date they got hired until they attain the retirement day. HRIS is more on tracking employee’s attendance, taking custody and securing the personal information for the company’s safe integrity. Scope of HRIS The extents, frontiers and constraints of the HRIS are conferred in this locale. HRIS aimed to meet the exact organizational necessities to improve the human resource management process and activity as the employment figures becomes incremental. The HRIS scopes are as follows: Time and Attendance – instantly view key employee work, history, attendance and distribute schedules of the employees. Employee Information – instant access to key employee information such as employee status in the company and history. Leave Monitoring – instant access to view if an employee is in leave or not and what kind of leave that an employee availed. Benefits – it is privileges that an employee can avail. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 71 Performance Evaluation – rates the employee’s performances and quality in working area. Limitations Payroll – salary computations of the employees Accounting – accounts of employees HRIS Objectives To develop a bigger database for the employee records and information. - The project will use one device for the storage, instead of bulk of file in cabinets. Scanned documents will replace documents and files on the cabinets.It is easy to transfer one unit instead of one cabinet. To ease the way of assigning of schedules and tracking of employee’s record. - Simply to user code of the employee will be asked from the administrator or user of the system and the needed information requested will appear. Relieve the way of assigning schedules of the employee. To improve the security access of the information - The proposed system of the HRIS proponents is protected with valid user code. The attendance of the employees is valid if the mark scanned by the Biometrics match and the time of the Logged In and Out of employee is saved. HRIS Implications Human Resource Information System were developed to make HR Department can work with ease and efficiently. HR firmly administers employee’s attendance and schedule. The HRIS proponents preferred this system to organize the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 72 important details of HR Department. It would be easy for the department heads to view the time and attendance of the subordinate employees. Conclusion According to the HRIS proponents, every business stumble upon different problems and every problem has an elucidation. HR Department encountered problems such as slow process of storing, searching and updating employees’ information at the right storage. The HRIS developed an efficient and effective management of human resource and its data. The system is proficient in storing and updating information and attendance monitoring of the employees. HRIS encompassed the following: employees’ attendance monitoring, leave monitoring and updating employees’ information. With the trial and error method of HRIS proponents in developing the system, errors have been encountered but in the long run, a successful system had been developed.Accordingly, HRIS proponents had created a module systematized the Information System of HR with the factors that affect the whole process including unorganized information. Even other predicament comes while working the HRIS such as software installations, meeting the deadlines, financial difficulty, and time availability of the proponents in HRIS development, but all of it befalls to the success of the project. Resources: Alibayan, A.R., Dela Cruz, E.A.C., Morla, D.J.D., Ocampo, J.A., Palamos, R.O. (October 2013).Human Resource Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 73 Information System: BSIT Project Study Documentation. Quezon City: Bestlink College of the Philippines Library 2.2.2. The Profiling, Attendance and Leave Monitoring System (PALMS) 2013 – Quezon City, Philippines The Profiling, Attendance and Leave Monitoring System (PALMS), the published project study last March 2013 by the following proponents: Mark Anthony B. Leyza, Ma. Lourdes M. Mejia, Mary Joy B. Monticalvo and Aunor H. Pagcanlungan whose are the alumnae of Bestlink College of the Philippines, Quezon City. PALMS Overview The PALMS proponents developed a software application that supports the application specific to the HR automation in an intranet specific to a company there by allowing the integration of all the employees pertaining to that organization. It tracked all of the other departments related to the organization and allowed the HR to update the employee details whenever there are changes. It brought onto a string the employee specific suggestions and free to post the requirements to the HR. Thus, it brought the organization more specific regarding the maintenance of the organization. Scope of PALMS The locale discussed the scope of PALMS. PALMS managed employee information including the day that an employee started until the termination of the contract. The system does not supported by web-based or online structure. The following are the extents of PALMS: Management of Employees Personal Information Attendance and Leave Monitoring Daily, Weekly, Monthly & per cut-off (15/30) Attendance Report Generation Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 74 Absenteeism and Lates Monitoring 201 Files Management Employees Evaluation PALMS Objectives To create systematic database information for every employees of the company. To provide fast, easy, convenient and time saving storing and retrieval of employees data. To maintain high employees morale and human relation by sustaining and improving the various conditions and facilities through database connections. To strengthen and appreciate the assets continuously by providing training and development program. To safeguarding the interest of the employees by securing the highest level of understanding to the extents that does not leave a negative impact on the organization. To promote industrial democracy in a way of protecting the interests of both employees and company. To develop and optimally exploit human intellect, managing physical and emotional capital of the employees. Conclusion PALMS proponents discussed that everybody can learn more about the benefit of globalizing HR activity were it focused in Profiling, Attendance and Leave Monitoring of every employee. Furthermore, PALMS’ globalization gave the ability to analyze employee’s data, give the employee a high security for the significant information. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 75 The foremost point of the locale was to know and understand the types of PALMS models. The PALMS proponents therefore conclude that information technology gives a new breath on human resource management field. As HRM and IT collide together, HR works becomes easy, efficient and effective. Resources: Leyza, M.A.B., Mejia, M.L.M., Monticalvo, M.J.B., Pagcanlungan, A.H. (March 2013). Profiling, Attendance and Leave Monitoring System: BSIT Project Study Documentation. Quezon City: Bestlink College of the Philippines Library 2.2.3. The Provincial Government of Bulacan’s Human Resources Office (PHRMO) – Province of Bulacan, Philippines The Provincial Government of Bulacan’s Human Resources Office (PHRMO) is responsible for, among other services, the maintenance of records associated with payroll preparation and processing. They are also responsible for maintenance of 201 files of each individual employee. Among the significant services brought about by PHRMO through the use of HRIS, on top of the list is the fast and accurate processing of pertinent employee records like service records and payroll. Through the automatic computation facility and integrated time keeping system, processing time to determine leave credits, which is necessary for computation of pay of employees who have absences and processing time to prepare remittances for GSIS, PAG-IBIG and MEDICARE are very well addressed. This system did not only empower the employees and increased their productivity, but also became a tool to Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 76 eliminate red tape. Through HRIS (Human Resource Information System), response time to employee request is admirable. The project was implemented with the principle of confirming the host Department's ownership of the system – this facilitated “buy-in” into the project by the end users. The entire HRIS was implemented in stages, as the PITO believed in starting with small victories to increase acceptance and generate support for the project. The HRIS shortened the processing time to determine leave credits from 5 minutes to 30 seconds. It also shortened the processing time to prepare remittances from 5 days to 4 hours. Furthermore, because salaries are now released through the Land Bank Expressnet ATM, payroll clerks no longer need to have cash advances for payroll payments (which used to open the possibility for corruption and usurious lending of up to 20% interest). The Provincial Information Technology Office designed, built, and deployed the following components of the Human Resource Information System: 1. For Personnel Management – maintenance of 201 Files 2. For the General Payroll System -Monthly Payroll preparation, remittances done by the Accounting Office, Pay slips of Employees, Summary of Employee's Annual Income Tax, BIR Form 2316, Employees Master List; and 3. For the Timekeeping System - Leave Credits/Balances, Personnel Attendance Report, and Daily Time Record Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 77 Human Resources Information System (HRIS) formerly Personnel Management Information System consists of areas in Local Governance: eAdministration (Support Services/Administrative Services and Human Resource Management) eServices (Payroll Processing and Records Management) The HRIS is a LGU type, locally used by Provincial Government of Bulacan. Its functions are to give innovative services in maintenance of personnel records, payroll management and processing and biometrics time keeping. Resources: 2.3.4. The Human Resource Innovations and Solutions, Inc. (HURIS) – Manila, Philippines Human Resource Innovations and Solutions, Inc. (HURIS) is a Philippine-based Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and Consultancy company that started in 2005 by seasoned HR and IT Professionals. It is a complete HR solutions provider that enables business transformation through advanced methodologies and information technology. The company specializes in providing Business Partners with superior technological solutions and high level outsourcing services across all functional areas of Human Resources. The company’s main thrust is to provide the Business Partners assistance in the design, management, development and streamlining of systems, functions, procedures and processes to increase organizational efficiency and maximize internal resources with the use of local HR Management Systems and high level HR Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 78 Outsourcing services. Their products are Attendance Monitoring System (AMS), Human Resource Management System (HRMS), integrated Cooperative Management System (ICMS), Payroll System and ePayslip. The services they provided are HR Knowledge Process Outsourcing (HR – KPO), Payroll Business Process Outsourcing, Special Projects (HR Audit / Benchmarking, Performance Management, Pre and Post Retirement Programs and etc. Resources: php?page=huris 2.3.5. The Government Human Resource Information System (GHRIS) – Manila, Philippines The 2011 Government Human Resource Information System (GHRIS) project is envisioned to provide the Philippine National Government with a comprehensive human resource management information system for all of its 1.7M national government employees. The GHRIS application and data is to be centralized and is accessed through a friendly and intuitive interface via a computer web browser. The GHRIS application should have thecapability to be accessed at over 1,500 various locations within the Philippines, with some locations having limited electrical and networking capability. The system should be able to initially support 10,000 operational users with the ability to expand to cover 1.7M users should the Employee – Self Service be activated. Access to the system should be controlled and restricted to individual accounts using unique personal login information. The ability to define levels of user access rights within the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 79 system and other strong security features and measures are required functions. Scopes of GHRIS In its finalized implementation, the GHRIS system should handle the complete lifecycle of all national government employees including their initial entry into service, to their retirement or separation which includes the following HR actions such as recruitment and hiring, promotions, retirements, awards, evaluations, casualty operations, calculations for re-contracting requirements, retention, assignments, absences, personnel training, assigned schooling, equipment finance, and other associated personnel actions specific to the different agencies and common within the government. The system should also support and streamline lengthy approval processes by providing an efficient and timely method of approving and tracking actions. Goals of GHRIS The human resource management information system is for 6 pilot government agencies namely the Commission on Audit (COA), The Department of Budget and Management (DBM), The Department of Finance (DOF), The Bureau of Treasury (BTr), the Department of Science and Technology Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) and the Department of Science and Technology National Computer Center (DOST-NCC). Objectives of GHRIS The GHRIS and NPS PILOT for the 6 Identified Government Agencies Aims to: Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 80 1. Implement and deploy a fully integrated Human Resources Management Systemfor the National Government. 2. Automate relevant HR activitiesthat are currently manually performed. 3. Provide a system that can manage the government’s human resource organizationalstructure, job positions, classifications, groups, and compensation. 4. Provide the government with a means to properly monitor and evaluate its financialexpendituresas far as human resource expenditures in a consolidated or groupedmanner. 5. Provide a system that will consolidate all Government Personnel InformationDatabase Systemconsistent with the requirements of the Civil Service Commission. 6. Provide and implement a complete National Payroll System (NPS)that will provide acomplete beginning to end process and solution to the payroll processing requirementsof the government’s different agencies, sub-agencies, groups, and other units. The GHRIS Software Application A Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) Software that fits the specifications and requirements of the project as stated inclusive of licenses and other associated costs such as installation, customization and some training and orientation for the six pilot agencies named above as well as the different environments (Development, Testing, Pre-Production, and Production and Disaster Recovery environments) for the Application Software. The GHRIS Database Infrastructure Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 81 The locale will discuss the software and related licenses for the different environments (Development, Testing, Pre-Production, Production and Disaster Recovery environments) for the Database software. Consulting Services Consulting and Technical Services as deemed needed in order to analyze, develop and implement the GHRIS Project Technical Services in order to install and configure the GHRIS Software to fit specifications and requirements. Technical Services in order to configure and customize the Hardware and Software of both the Application and Database Portion Training Resources: 20of%20Reference%20-%20cmm%2012-31-2012-v9.pdf 2.3. SYNTHESIS AND RELEVANCE TO THE STUDY (MATRIX COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS) This section discusses the comparison and relevance of the proponents’ project study and the researched related local and foreign studies and systems. The evaluations of the studies are discussed in matrix analysis form which shows the comparison of the features, modules and components between each study. Moreover, after each Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 82 matrix analysis of the studies, the discussions of the comparisons are followed. 2.3.1. HRMS and Foreign Synthesis and Comparative Analysis HRMS Features / Components / Modules HRMIS HRMS (Georgia) (India) HRPMS (South Africa) McDo’s K/3 HRIS HRPMS (Tanzania) (US) Pre-Employment Manpower Vacancy Planning Interview Employee Profile Adding of New Employee Basic Information Work Schedule Position and Department Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Record Benefit Lists Retention Requirements and 201 Filing Update Employee Profile Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 83 Staffing Employees Monitoring Attendance Leaves Absenteeism Evaluation (HR/Manager) Post Employment Retirement Termination Post Employment Benefit Personalized Screen or Interface depending to the user of HRMS Import and Export of database capabilities of the HRMS Timely Free Format Report Generation Customization or Report depending upon the user needs. Analytics or Graphical Report presentation for percentage, quantity or statistical report. Real Time Audit Trailing for security and user monitoring Figure2.3.1. The table shows the Matrix Comparative Analysis between the proponents’ HRMS and different foreign related studies and systems. It also shows the relevance of the recent study and foreign related studies. Conclusion Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 84 The HRMS discussed the comparative analysis of its features, modules and components between the researched local related studies in the figure 2.3.1. The table shows that some of the features of the researched foreign studies are also included in the features of HRMS like selection and hiring, employee profile management, attendance and leave monitoring, evaluation and retirement or termination of service. But there are also features of HRMS that doesn’t met by any foreign related studies such as real time audit trailing, analytics or graphical report and personalized screen interface. HRMS seems to have better features than the other related studies. 2.3.2. HRMS and Local Synthesis and Comparative Analysis HRMS Features / Components / Modules HRIS PALMS PHRMO HURIS GHRIS Selection and Hiring Manpower Vacancy Planning Interview Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 85 Employee Profile Adding of New Employee Basic Information Work Schedule Position and Department Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Record Benefit Lists / Tax Retention Requirements and 201 Filing Update Employee Profile Staffing Employees Monitoring Attendance Leaves Absenteeism Evaluation (HR/Manager) Post Employment Retirement Termination Post Employment Benefit Personalized Screen or Interface depending to the user of HRMS Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 86 MS SQL as a huge storage and its Import and Export of database capabilities of HRMS Timely Free Format Report Generation Customization or Report depending upon the user needs. Analytics or Graphical Report presentation for percentage, quantity or statistical report. Real Time Audit Trailing for security and user monitoring Figure2.3.2. The table shows the Matrix Comparative Analysis between the proponents’ HRMS and different local related studies and systems. It also shows the relevance of the recent study and foreign related studies. Conclusion The HRMS discussed the comparative analysis of its features, modules and components between the researched local related studies in the figure 2.3.2. The table shows that some of the features of the researched local studies are also included in the features of HRMS like selection and hiring, employee profile management, attendance and leave monitoring, evaluation, retirement or termination of service and system database as file storage. But there are also features of HRMS that doesn’t met by any local related studies such as real time audit trailing, analytics or graphical report and personalized screen interface. HRMS seems to have better features than the other related studies. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 87 Chapter 3: EIS Project Management and Development 3.1. RISK MITIGATION, MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION Each project development will undertake risk management. The project team should consistently be monitored the progress of the project status as to identify present and future risk as quickly and accurately as possible. It is responsibility of the proponents and the enterprise to perform risk mitigation, monitoring and management in order to produce a quality product. The quicker the risk can be identified and avoided, the smaller the chances of having to face particular risks consequences. The fewer consequences suffered as a result of good RMMM plan, the better the product and the finer the development process. This chapter shows the RMMM plan of Restaurant Management System – HRMS. 1.1. Scope and Intent of RMMM Activities The proponents aim to develop a Human Resource Management System where as all areas and key functions should be error-free, efficient and accurate. To achieve this aim, RMMM must be plan well and determine the possible potential risks in a generic sense. The project will then be analyzed to determine any project – specific risk. When all possible risks have been identified the proponents will then be evaluated the possible risks to determine the probability of its occurrence and how HRMS will be affected if they occurred. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 88 1.2. Risk Management Organizational Role Each member of the organizations (project team or the proponents, the clients and other stakeholders) will undertake risk management. The project team or the proponents must monitor the progress of the work schedules, cost estimations, scope analysis of the propose project, the integration into other system and other possible present and future risks that might possibly affect the HRMS as they occur. The client must give all the details and business needs as early as possible and sudden changes that must be added up or features that they want to occur on the product. The client must also provide all necessary software information before the proponents or the project team initiates the system development. 2.0. RISK DESCRIPTION This part includes the definition or the description of different risks that might occur while the system development is on process. These risks might affect all the details of project development, so the description of different risks will set as guide to acquire or gain knowledge about the following risks. 2.1. Risk Tables The table shows the description of risks that might associate and affect HRMS. The following risks that might show are discussed as well as the probability and ways of its occurrence including the impact in the development process. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 89 Category Description Probability Insufficient knowledge on Employee Risk using applications and 40% technology Unexpected technical and Technical Risk power interruptions and 40% computer configurations Process risk entails risks regarding product excellence and quality. The first step of system development is to gather business requirements and necessary features in order to process the transactions done inside the enterprise. Since Process Risk the business requirements already taken, the project can now begin the 35% planning management for system development according to the gathered business needs. If one business requirements cannot meet by the project team, project may fail. Maybe the failure is on the part of the client to describe the true and genuine business needs or Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 90 failure of the project team to understand and misconception the project proper and business needs. This risk refers to the system developed by the project team, including its bugs, logical issues and errors that might occur in the Technology Risk product. Since product offered project team business by for the the 35% the necessities, developers or the project team are responsible for its maintenance to make it utilized continuously. Financial risk refers to the budget or monetary risk in order product to support or development. Financial Risk the system Financial supports the procurement, development requirements 30% and of the system. The project team must breakdown the costings from time to time Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 91 activities of system development. This risk refers miscalculations to and misapprehend between the client and the project team. The project team must provide proper sizing and scoping of the project. The project team must know the Product Size limitations and scope which supposed to be the only 30% part of the transactions of the business. It is necessary to know the financial statement and costings of the product to make it exact and maximized on the budget. This risk refers to the failure of the client to support and provide all necessary equipment for Development Risk the development and execution of the software which can cause 20% the project to fail. On this scenario, project team must think and assume Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 92 another options or ways to continue the development of the product. This risk refers to the apprehension of the client to cooperate and coordinate with the project team in software development to create a Customer Risk well-developed, quality assurance and effective 10% software. If the client fails to participate and elaborate the true and factual needs of the business, the project might not be the one that helps the business. This is the risk where the concern is that not being able to construct Business Impact come the up or product, where it leaves impact on the client’s business. If the 10% product does not attain its goals it will fails to help and contribute to the business needs. 2.1.1. Description of the Risk M Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 93 Business Impact This is the risk where the concern is that not being able to come up or construct the product, where it leaves impact on the client’s business. If the product does not attain its goals it will fails to help and contribute to the business needs. Customer Risk This risk refers to the apprehension of the client to cooperate and coordinate with the project team in software development to create a well-developed, quality assurance and effective software. If the client fails to participate and elaborate the true and factual needs of the business, the project might not be the one that helps the business. Development Risk This risk refers to the failure of the client to support and provide all necessary equipment for the development and execution of the software which can cause the project to fail. On this scenario, project team must think and assume another options or ways to continue the development of the product. Employees Risk This risk depicts the capability, potential and the willingness of the project team members or each proponent to construct operational and functional product like HRMS. Coordination and cooperation is extremely necessary to formulate ideas, planning development and synchronization of every details and business requirements to create working and error-free product. Every member should have respective tasks according to the work plan which obligatory to Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 94 accomplish. If one member cannot accomplish one task due to its difficulty, co-members must fulfill these weaknesses. Every member of the project team must put an effort because if one fails to provide endeavor to the project, the efforts and sacrifices of the other members to accomplish the project would be fail. This risk is considered as one of the major risks to consider when it comes to designing the software. Financial Risk Financial risk refers to the budget or monetary risk in order to support the product or system development. Financial supports the procurement, development and requirements of the system. The project team must breakdown the costings from time to time activities of system development. Process Risk Process risk entails risks regarding product excellence and quality. The first step of system development is to gather business requirements and necessary features in order to process the transactions done inside the enterprise. Since the business requirements already taken, the project can now begin the planning management for system development according to the gathered business needs. If one business requirements cannot meet by the project team, project may fail. Maybe the failure is on the part of the client to describe the true and genuine business needs or failure of the project team to understand and misconception the project proper and business needs. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 95 Product Size This risk refers to miscalculations and misapprehend between the client and the project team. The project team must provide proper sizing and scoping of the project. The project team must know the limitations and scope which supposed to be the only part of the transactions of the business. It is necessary to know the financial statement and costings of the product to make it exact and maximized on the budget. Technical Risk This risk involves the configurations of computer systems, peripherals, and the possible causes of accidents that might happen technically like shutting down of computer systems, power interruptions and technical maintenance. Technology Risk This risk refers to the system developed by the project team, including its bugs, logical issues and errors that might occur in the product. Since the product offered by the project team for the business necessities, developers or the project team are responsible for its maintenance to make it utilized continuously. 2.1.2. Probability and Impact for Risk m The following are sorted according to probability and impact of each categorized risks that might occur in developing HRMS. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 96 Category Risk Probability Impact Insufficient knowledge on Employee Risk using applications and 40% 1 40% 2 35% 2 35% 3 30% 3 30% 2 20% 3 10% 3 10% 3 technology Unexpected technical and Technical Risk power interruptions and computer configurations Insufficient Process Risk quality of product and unsuccessful system integration Technology Risk Bugs and logical errors of the product Financial budget to procure Financial Risk and support the system development Product Size Estimation planning might be erroneous Inadequate details, Development resources and factual Risk business requirements taken Customer Risk Client might fail to partake or less involvement Product may fail to meet Business Impact the requirements of the business. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 97 ImpactValues Description 1 Catastrophic 2 Critical 3 Marginal 4 Negligible The above statement is a table of categorized risks that might occur in system development. In every risks categorized on the first column, the second column gives its brief and concise description. The table also discussed the probability in percentage and the impact of the risk on the 3rd and 4th column. The impact values indicated below of the table is in numerical form. The description of each impact values are specified on the right side of the impact values. It is expedient way to describe the severity of the impact of each risk. 3.0. RISK MITIGATION, MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT 3.1. Risk Mitigation for Risk M The locale consists of different software development risk. As all of the risks identified, a plan to avoid these risks will be created. The proponents will identify all possible risks and how all of this risk be evaded as it come across during project development. It is essential to devour mitigation plan just in case of risk formulation. The proponents’ mitigation plan support in ascertaining the risks and scrutinized them during its existence. 3.1.1. Business Impact This risk concern to system development where the product must meet the finish line or this must be able to come up the constructions of the product. The proponents team-up with the business firm particularly Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 98 to a restaurant’s human resource to provide solutions to the HR department needs. The proponents must spend time and effort to produce a product from system development and the schedules must be planned well and be followed. If the product is not created according to time, the project will fail and the needs of the HR Department will not be provided. 3.1.2. Customer Risk The system development is not only the proponents, responsibility but the clients as well must also be cooperative to create or produce a better and quality product. The needs, problems, and concerns will be provided by the client so the proponents can formulate a solution and better featured software that will suits to their HR Department needs. If the client fails to cooperate, the project will not be actually fails. There are some features of the project that might not suit to the needs and concerns of the business. If that so, the proponents will be have the initiative to reach out and be coordinated with the client. In that case, the request of the client will still be followed and the needs will still be provided. 3.1.3. Employee Risk The risk discusses the capability, potential and willingness of each members of the project team or each proponent to develop a system application to provide the needs of the HR Department. The project team must develop an operational and functional product like HRMS which is the software proposing to. Each proponent of the project team must coordinate with each other to the unity of the work done and to Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 99 provide assistance to some difficult tasks that the comember find a hard time fulfill to. If one member fails to coordinate and cooperate it will not really causes failure in the software development but the conflict between each members. In fact, the other member must have initiative to continue the work professionally to construct a product for a business. 3.1.4. Financial Risk This risk is very sensitive because every detail must be elaborated and classified in exact, to know where the budget goes as the project is in progress. Furthermore, the client and the proponents must be well coordinated because the client provides the monetary budget to support the software development. As a stakeholder of the project, client must be knowledgeable about the areas where the fund goes and must support most. The proponents are responsible to detail a report that shows the detailed factual list of items including the procurement of the equipment, software and etc, same with the one-time and ongoing cost where the fund spent. 3.1.5. Process Risk The risk entails the product excellence and quality. Before the project team starts the software development, gathering of information and business rules must get through first. Gathering of factual information, business problems and requirements will not just only end on research or conduction of interview, it is a continuous consultation to the client regarding the features and requirements they want to meet. The project plan must document all gathered Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 100 factual details to start the project development. Then the project development got started, it is still compulsory to consult the client regularly or as scheduled to ensure that the requirements and features are still met and on tranquil. It is necessary to meet all the requirements and needs because it will be one of the bases of quality and better product. 3.1.6. Product Size This risk is also sensitive to consider. The proponents must well-aware of the project or system development it encountered to. Interviews are not enough to be knowledgeable about the current process and rules of the business firm, particularly the HR department activities and processes. Researches will also help to acquire broader knowledge about the process of the business or HR department that the proponents needed to provide solutions. By the said process of acquiring knowledge regarding the HRMS, it will ease the proponents to create or define the extents that must be included to the software product. By knowing the scope of the HRMS, product size will also be determined. The proponents can estimate the costings of the product which must be elaborated on financial statement that is a requisite of the client. The client must know all of the minutiae because they are the one who will support and fund the resources for project development. 3.1.7. Technical Risk This involves the system and peripherals configuration, which might technically be affected by natural and unexpected scenarios like shutting down of Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 101 computers systems, power interruptions and technical maintenances. Technical risk might be resulted by accidents happen to the computer unit like accidental unplugging of power supply which causes the unit to shut down, VGA cable for the monitor to turn-off, and discoloring. Mouse and keyboard might also be unplugged but all of these can be considered as minor problem only and can be immediately configured. If the said computer peripherals might not work on the user’s own computer unit, it can also be test into another unit. But something might be happen that if these peripherals not really work into another unit, another option can be the procurement of the said defected peripherals. Accidental power interruption or brownouts might happen, and the proponents suggest the use of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which can make your computer unit alive at least ten minutes until the power comes back. Likewise to the generator, it supplies power not only to the computer unit but also the operation of the company that can last up to more or less 8 hours until the operation adjourned. 3.1.8. Technology Risk This risk refers to the logical errors and bugs of the system developed including the features and interface design. As much as possible, all the details about the software must be checked while it is in progress. Furthermore, when it reaches the near-end stage, the errors that can be detected will just only minor and inconsequential. Errors, whether minor or major are just normal to a software but it can be Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 102 detected to improved and developed but still with the coordination to the client to remain the sustainability of the needs of the client. 3.2. Risk Monitoring for Risk M The expense deliberate the conditions triggered by the potential risks which might be pretentious to the software development. The potential risks which be monitored to elude the effects they might cause. 3.2.1. Business Impact In order to come up or construct a better and quality product, the proponents and the client will setup weekly meeting to coordinate and update each other about the progress of the software development. By this, client can monitor if the proponents still meet the HR Department or the business requirements and if the features that suit to the business are still followed. The proponents will be aware about the software development if the work gets done well accordingly. In that case, the client can also give inputs, propositions and recommendations about something must be eradicated and what must be included to the product to make the project more suitable and effective. The proponents can also suggest inputs that can help the client into something which makes them difficult to decide. The conduction of meeting can make each other coordinated and share inputs to make the system development easy to construct. 3.2.2. Customer Risk To make sure this risk scrutinized, the proponents will monitor and track the people or members attended the meeting especially the client Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 103 that must be consulted per meeting to give inputs and suggestions to preserve the fact that the proponents still meet the requirements. As the attendance gets monitored, the client who is inattentive must be reminded for them to attend on the next meeting. 3.2.3. Employee Risk Likewise to the monitoring of customer risks, the every proponent or member of the project team should comply with a set meeting as per schedule to check the works of each other. It is necessary to set guidelines and schedule to make sure that each proponent meets the deadlines and exact job assigned to. By this, every proponent can identify the problems it may lead to and if one of the members has a difficulty to do the assigned tasks, other member must have the initiative to help the co-member. If the proponents are coordinated, system development can be constructed on time, with better quality and functions. The software development can be possible on the hands of the proponents, if one must fails to do the tasks, the others will be affected. Monitoring of each other’s tasks and arranging rules and guidelines are the better way to monitor employee risk. 3.2.4. Financial Risk Financial risk has serious effects in the software development. To monitor this risk, the proponents must construct a financial report or project budget, list of procurements and costings indicated the value, for the client to understand where the funds went through and spend. The financial statement can be discussed along the set meetings, and update them about the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 104 expenditures of software development. By this, financial risk can be avoided and monitored. 3.2.5. Process Risk The proponents and clients have a set scheduled meeting to update and coordinate with each other. As all data, requirements, and needs are gathered to start software development by the proponents, it is necessary to have the follow-up discussion about other requirements that the client will provide. It also necessary to follow-up the client if the factual data gathered from them are accurate and correct to make it already include in the software. By this scenario, the client can give and provide inputs and propositions about the data that the proponents if the data included on the software are correct or wrong. Thus, this is to ensure the fact that both parties understand each other and has the unified idea about the project. 3.2.6. Product Size To monitor this risk, the proponents studied the information regarding HRMS by interview and sort of researches to determine and track all modules or extents that must be included to software development. The proponents created a WBS which shows the objectives and scope of HRMS. By that, the proponents can determine the size of the software to avoid miscalculations and misapprehend. This is also necessary to estimate the budget can cost the software development. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 105 3.2.7. Technical Risk To monitor technical risk, the proponents should provide trainings to the users of the software and make them know that some technicalities happens to hardware configurations are depends on the situations. Some technical risks are power shut down of the computer unit which might be caused by accidentally unplugged power cord. Some are the monitor’s VGA cable are unplugged or misplaced which causes the monitor to turn-off and discolored. And other technicalities like brown-outs that can be resolved by using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) which can make computer unit last up to 10 minutes or generator to make business operations resume. 3.2.8. Technology Risk Technology risk can be monitored by checking the software development progress and editing from time to time. All logical errors and program bugs can be solved by analyzing the source codes. This will be the part of the programmer’s responsibilities and identify what possible problem or what part of the program has the consistency of errors. Monitoring of software development can avoid logical errors and program bugs to develop a better and quality software application particularly HRMS. 3.3. Risk Management for Risk M This locale discusses the risk management of the different risks enlisted and might occur in HRMS. The proponents will elaborate the details on managing the possible risks which are expedient to manage to maintain the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 106 effectivity of the system and meet the organizational needs and requirements. 3.3.1. Business Impact To meet the satisfaction and expectation of the client in the proposed system, the needs and requirements of the client must be inputted on the product. The risk causes mistakes on the construction and engineering of the software is just because the misunderstanding between the clients and the proponents are present. To manage the risk, the proponents and clients must conduct a weekly or twice a week meeting to update each other about the progress of the software. It is essential to each other to know the recent situation of the system, if the system follows the needs, requirements and the features that the client wants to include on the system and to make the system construct according to the satisfaction of the client. The meeting will be the medium to communicate each other’s party. 3.3.2. Customer Risk Customer risk happens because the client did not participate as one of the stakeholder of the proposed system. One of its responsibilities is to monitor the process of the system development to know if its requirements and needs are met. On risk monitoring part, it discusses the possible solution to this risk which is to have a regular meeting and monitor the attendance of the attendees. By this, client’s attendance will be monitored and just in case that the client is absent, the proponents must follow-up the absent client and ask for its presence on the next Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 107 meeting. To monitor the risk, the parties must follow the set-up between both parties and keep the tracking of the attendance every meeting. 3.3.3. Employee Risk To manage the employees well, it is necessary to monitor the progress of tasks of every employee. It is necessary to update the work of the staff to finish the project and meet the deadline. By this procedures employee risk will be managed accordingly 3.3.4. Financial Risk Financial risk is a sensitive issue. To manage this risk the proponents must listed down all of the expenses, procurements, costings and must be included to the financial statement. The financial statement must be discussed on the meeting with the client for them to know on how much the costings and budgets they must spend to. 3.3.5. Process Risk To manage process risk, it is declared in risk monitoring that the client and the proponents must set a schedule or set a weekly meeting to coordinate with each other. The proponents must consult the client about the gathered factual data from the organization if it is accurate and correct. By those procedures the proponents can start the development process without any worries about the features that the proponents must include on the software. 3.3.6. Product Size To manage this risk, the proponents studied the information regarding HRMS by interview and sort of researches to determine and track all modules or Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 108 extents that must be included to software development. The proponents created a WBS which shows the objectives and scope of HRMS. By that, the proponents can determine the size of the software to avoid miscalculations and misapprehend. This is also necessary to estimate the budget can cost the software development. 3.3.7. Technical Risk To manage technical risk, the proponents should provide trainings to the users of the software and make them know that some technicalities happens to hardware configurations are depends on the situations. Some technical risks are power shut down of the computer unit which might be caused by accidentally unplugged power cord. Some are the monitor’s VGA cable are unplugged or misplaced which causes the monitor to turn-off and discolored. And other technicalities like brown-outs that can be resolved by using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) which can make computer unit last up to 10 minutes or generator to make business operations resume. 3.3.8. Technology Risk Technology risk can be managed by maintaining the software features and transitions to avoid problems between the client and the proponents. Logical errors or program bugs are expected to be found in the system and the only way to manage that scenario, the proponents must follow-up the implementation of the system and preserve the accuracy and effectivity to satisfy the client’s and business needs. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 109 4.0. Special Conditions This section discussed the special condition associated with HRMS software and these are the following: Technical Training The user of the software must be trained to be literate on using the software. But before of the software usage, the user must know or has the knowledge on using computers. Of course, the client or the user are very excited to use a new process intertwined with the technology, but it very necessary to train them first in computer configuration as discussed to technical risk. Employees and HR staff must spent their time to scheduled training and provide new knowledge and skills for them. The users must know basically the operation of computer units, the technicalities might occur until they reach the training on using the software. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 110 3.2. SOFWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0. Introduction The proponents develop a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and it is still on progress. But, while it is on progress, some changes and improvement occur. These changes, improvements and alterations will be discussed in the premise of Software Configuration Management Plan. 1.1. Scope and Intent of SCM Activities The SCM aims to delineate and trace all changes might be made including the improvements and alterations from the primordial and original concept of the software development plan. It is necessary to bestow to help the proponents to trace the changes in software development process to improve the HRMS application. It can also help the proponents minimize the errors in development process as the HRMS development is on progress. To make this SCM attain its goals, the proponents must report or list down all possible changes which are essential to improve and acquaint each member that they have changes to be made and need to be ameliorated. This might be a time-consuming and observant part but it is very important part of the documentation proper. SCM activities are disentangled to the following: Identify Change Control Change Improve Change To ensure that change is properly implemented Document Change 1.2. SCM Organizational Role The proponents are properly grouped into 4 members and since the project team composed of 4 members, each of the proponents assigned into different specific task in the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 111 Chapter 3 documentation. The document specialist was assigned to do the task regarding documentation of Software Configuration Management. Since the document specialist is the only one assigned to this task among other proponents, it is necessary to be responsible in informing the project team about the reported changes might or possibly occur to HRMS development process. Some changes might be came from the proponents based on the factual data gathered and must suit or apply those to the software application. And some changes might occur because of the client’s inputs and propositions which must be apply or a sudden changes of requirements and features that suit more to the business needs. 2.0. SCM Tasks The locale will elaborate and discuss all SCM important tasks and the possible parts and responsibilities of the members of the project team. This SCM will surely not affect the users because it was reported and changed. The SCM reports must not only be discussed and informed to all members but the client as well. Since the document specialist was assigned to this section, the results and reports must be discussed to the scheduled meetings. 2.1. Identification In this section, the proponents will elaborate the identified software configuration items for the SCM Plan. 2.1.1. Description Identify Change On the continuance of the software development, the proponents will suggest changes for better software that includes the client’s side such as the changes or additional requirements and features. It is necessary to Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 112 gather the suggestions of changes from both parties to make improvements on the software development. Approve Change The project team will control the changes made by both parties. On the set meetings, the proponents and client will discussed the changes given by each party. The proponents might give control to the given changes and come up into the following ideas: there are changes which are changeable or needed to change and improve like the features of the application, but there are circumstances that change given are prevented because it is really necessary to the software but this must be included to the SCM report. Improve Change As all valid changes are gathered, it must be categorized into two classifications, the changeable changes and the unchangeable changes. The unchangeable changes are changes that must be retain due to its necessity for the software and must remain to its features and processes. The changeable change are changes that needs to improve like the system interface, the components and modules of the software, the scope and limitations and etc. these must be improve to avoid risks and to make the software more advantage to the organization. Ensure that change is properly implemented Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 113 As the changes have been identified, the proponents must implement the changes properly. There are mistakes might occur in the implemented changes or the proponents must ensure that the change will implemented and ends on time and not wasting a time to set-up changes. For example, the changing of an application to develop a system, from Visual Basic to Java Application. The change must analyze its purpose, why need to change an application? The change aims to improve software by changing an application but make sure that the knowledge of using the application is present and the time will not be wasted. Document the Change The changes are gathered, analyzed, classified and implemented. It is necessary to document any areas of changes that occur and after all of the studies regarding the change, it will finalized by the project team and the client. 2.1.2. Work Products and Documentation Identify Change Once the identified changes are all gathered, it will be enlisted and reported to the members and client. All of the identified changes will be discussed and elaborated. Control Change After discussing and elaborating the changes on the set meeting, it will be classified of what will be changed or remains to the process. Not all gathered changes will be Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 114 modified and fluctuated; some will remain the same due to some circumstances. Improvements of Change After the classification of changes, the changeable change must be altered, modified and improved based on the necessity of the organization. Ensure that Change is properly implemented The change must be analyzed the purpose and it must be implemented well to avoid mistakes and excessive time consumption. Document Change Once the change is discussed and approved, it must be documented to become reference for the software development. 2.2. Configuration Control 2.2.1. Description As changes are all gathered, analyzed and discussed, controlling of it will be possible by using human procedures, monitoring and automated tools. The following are the steps undertaken to control the change. Identify Change During the software development process, changes are possible to occur or produce. It is necessary to identify all changes to analyze the appropriate actions complying with these changes. These are changes which are essential to provide response and act by changing it depending on its requisites. In the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 115 contrary, there are changes which are necessary to retain and leave as is because of the considerations on time, cost, effort and requirements. The statements regarding the changes are considered as some of the reasons why the identifying of changes are precisely significant before manipulating some changes on software development. Request the Change The first step of configuration control is to identify the changes and as those changes are specifically identified, a request is a subsequent step to make it endorsed and approved. By requesting changes, it would be validated, analyzed and examined if it is possible to execute. Changes must be planned and documented by the project team then it would be presented and well-explained directly to the stakeholder or client for them to approve the request. Whatever the outcome, whether approved or not according to its preferences, then it should be done. But there are some instances that the changes are more likely requested to by the client like the features, interface design or the additional requirements. It must be informed to the software development project team for them to decide regarding the changes requests and to give way to some considerations like time, costs, necessity, conflicts and requirements of the software development. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 116 Evaluation of Change Identifying and requesting the changes are the preliminary actions to make the changes possible to execute. But all identified and requested changes coming from both parties whatever considerations it consists, it must be evaluated first. Evaluation of changes are very significant because it would really give an impact and great effect to the software development whatever the result it may produce. All parties must participate and coordinate on the evaluation of changes because of the importance of each preferences and ideas regarding to the proposed changes. Final Change Decision Making The locale will discuss the finalization or the result of the evaluation. When there are produced results, it doesn’t mean that the changes will immediately executed or implemented. There are some follow-up details necessary to comply to study the changes and these are as follows: If Change approved: 1. Define the Constraints.Before the changes finalized and approved, the project team or the client must define the constraints, description and further details of the changes. 2. Purpose of Change. The project team or the client must study the purpose of the changes and documents it. Every changes Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 117 has a purpose and this must be elaborated to all associates. For example, the client wants to change the platform of the software. The client must list down all the changes together with its purpose why the changes necessary to be implemented. 3. Implementation of Change. When the change approved by both parties, implementation and execution will proceed. The consequences of the changes will always be there and some of these are risky. Acceptance and planning before execution are very important to make changes be possible without affecting the software too much. 4. Effects of the Change. After the implementation of the changes, monitoring and evaluation will be followed. The project team will be responsible on monitoring and resolving the possible risks and effects caused by changes. 2.3. Version Control 2.3.1. Description As a result of change and when it is properly implemented, the version number will increase accordingly. The proponents will be used a universal version number system for every change or modification of the features of the software. The proponents will also do have the final version of the entire product. Even the revised or additional features of the documentation will also have version number. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 118 2.3.2. Increasing Version Number When the changed is already implemented, the report of it will also be created. It is necessary to document all the report changes to act as reference that the changes have been occurred, improved and settled. When it was finalized, it will be documented. The proponents will be using a decimal point version number system. <Minor Update><Major Update><Bugs Fixing><Software Features> Software Features The client increases its needs as it firm became huge and broader. The software will also adjust to those needs. That is why the client wants to change or innovate the features of the software or there are features that the client wants to add-up or inputted to and the proponents must deal with the request of the client. As 3 or more features improved, changed or modified, the increase of version number of the software will impose. Bugs Fixing Bugs fixing is part of the software maintenance of the developed project. There are parts of the technology risks that might be monitored including the logical and code errors of the software. It is necessary to fixed those problems and preserve the software. If the software maintained and fixed, another version will imposed. The increased of version will follow after 5 or more bugs fixing. Major Update Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 119 Major update is another change imposed to the software. By this major update, the software will undertake major revision like changing a platform application of the software into another platform like VB to Java application. Another example is database revision or changing the database application to another database application like Access to SQL. As 2 or more major update imposed, another increase of version will be done and the increase of version will be labeled as Version 2.0. Minor Update Minor update includes changing of design interface or any features might need to change and will cause the product to increase its user-friendliness and accuracy of the software. If the minor update imposed the increase of version follows. 2.3.3. Work Products and Documentation The single document titled Version Revision History will be the reference of all revisions done on the software even the past and original features of the first concept of the system. 2.4. Configuration Status Accounting The proponents will enlisted the different ways to communicate with the project team members and client regarding change concerns. 2.4.1. Description Verbal Communication Through follow-up meetings of the project team and the client, there will be a discussion of the changes might be happen to the software. It is necessary to discuss because some changes are Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 120 inputs and proposition of the clients which are necessary to know if that changes are imposed on the system. This is also to inform the client that another version was created for them to utilize. These follow-up meetings are part of the maintenance service of the HRMS for the client. Software Help Window On the software, it indicates the changes or the versions of the software. It also includes on how the software can manipulate by using the modules or components of it. Documentation The documentation is the evidence of the software development and by this, the client will know the changes and revisions imposed to the software. 2.4.2. Work Products and Documentation 3.0. - Verbal Communication - Software Help Window - Documentation Software Quality Assurance Overview The information regarding the Software Quality Assurance will be elaborated mote to Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Plan. SQA focused and discussed on management issues of the software and process activities to ensure that the system does on the right and planned way. SQA provides client a right track by stipulating software quality assurance. Scope and Intent of SQA Activities The following are the main objectives of the SQA. Quality Management Approach Software Engineering Technology Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 121 Formal Technical Reviews Multi-Testing Strategy Software Documented Changes Control Software Development Standards Compliance Reviews and Audits The Formal Technical Review (FTR) is an elicit software quality assurance activities performed by software engineers. The objectives are: 1. To fix errors in HRMS function, logic and accuracy on its presence in the software. 2. Verification point to make sure that the software meets the requirements, needs and satisfaction of the client. 3. To ensure that the software meets the predefined standards and quality. 4. To make the software be more manageable, user-friendly, accurate, effective and maintained. 3.1. Generic Guidelines ISO 9001 is a quality assurance standard that applies software engineering and the 20 requirement have been delineated. The proponents will try to pursue the following standard as part of the HRMS quality assurance plan. Management Responsibility Quality System Contract Review Design Control Document and Data Control Purchasing Control of Customer Supplied Product Product Identification and Trace Ability Process Control Inspection and Testing Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 122 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment Inspection and Test Status Control of Non-Conforming Products Corrective and Preventive Action Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery Control of Quality Audits Training Servicing Statistical Techniques 3.1.1. Conducting of Interview For the changes, the proponents have done the project team and client’s review. The client is necessary to give inputs about the changes, since on the first place, they are the head of the project same with the requirements and the budget. The inputs must be firstly be given by the client. For the additional or better features, the client claims to replace the older one. Then the proponents must have the review for the client’s needs and meet up for the changes which are possible to implement, improve or retain as the same. 3.1.2. Roles and Responsibilities This section consists of the project team members including the responsibilities: Project Manager / Business Analyst: Clint Marty B. Villaseñor System Analyst: Billy O. Ramirez Lead Programmer: Felnor M. Palce Document Specialist: Cherry Mae T. Riña 3.1.3. Review Work Product Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 123 The proponents have a weekly meeting with the adviser, Mr. Andrew U. Dela Cruz for the update of the system development and documentation progress. The weekly meeting is documented to Log Form 4 which includes the date and time of the meeting, all topics discussed and the problems and work must be improved. The project team also conducted a scheduled meeting to inform each other about the changes and progress of the system. It is necessary to be cooperative and coordinated to make each other aware. All of the documentation activities including the date and time are documented in project timeline. By this, the client and project team will know the schedule of each activities and if those activities comply on time. 3.2. Formal Technical Reviews The FTR are conducted by the proponents during the software development process. - Software Inspection - Consultation Each interface that will be designed by the proponents will undergo testing of its transitions. The proponents will setup a meeting for each member including the client to give inputs and suggestions. Description of Software Inspection Review Software Inspection is a software review for its effectivity, correctness and maintainability. It includes the interface design, design specification, forms and database of the system. This will test the integration of the system if it is working and transiting properly. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 124 Description of Consultation Consultation refers to the inputs and proposition of the client and the proponents themselves regarding some additional or revised features that will suit to the organizational needs. If there are changes or improvements occur, consultation must be imposed to make other members aware about the development of the system. 3.2.1. System Specification Review The system specification of HRMS is fixed and constant especially to the platform of database which is MS SQL and platform for the software development which is Java Language application furthermore it is required by the PEC of the IT Department. But for more elaborated and précised information about system specification, please see the system specification documentation. 3.2.2. Software Project Plan Review The purpose of the Software Project Plan is to look over the whole project and to the accuracy and effectivity of the software. For more precise and elaborated information regarding this issue, please refer to the Software Project Plan section. 3.2.3. RMMM Review RMMM, is the risk mitigation, monitoring and management which prevents, monitor and manage the risks might or possibly occur to the software. Please refer to the “RMMM” section for more detailed information. 3.2.4. Requirement Reviews (Models, Specification) Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 125 It stated the date requirements and specification of the software. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Requirement Plan” document. 3.2.5. Data Design Review The Data Design is about the data flow between each form (interface) and to the database. For Architectural Design, please refer to “Architectural Design” section. 3.2.6. Architectural Design Review The Architectural Design documents the whole design project, layout and dataflow. For more information regarding the Architectural Design, please see the “Architectural Design”. 3.2.7. Interface (GUI) To meet the requirements of the client, the proponents must include the procedures and process of the Human Resource Management as the extents of the software. About the interface, the proponents must have only 1 design interface including other subsystems for uniformity. But the interface is still on progress and not yet finalized. The front-end of the software is a Java Netbeans Platform as a medium of interface development. 3.2.8. Component Design Review HRMS is on design phase as of now, but the proponents already planned all the components and the extents of the software. But as of now, the proponents can say that the design will be objectoriented which can easy to understand and utilized by the users. 3.2.9. Code Review Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 126 Not applicable yet. 3.2.10.Test Specification Review Please see “Test Specification” but not yet applicable as of now. 3.2.11. Change Control Review and Audits Change control review is necessary to know if the change can be imposed or not depending on the usability and purpose of the change. It must be discussed by the team members to elaborate the changes imposed by the client or even the comembers of the project team. It must be properly implemented and apply to the software. The time and cost must be considered upon imposing changes, even the team members who might be assigned to do the changes. Of the change approved, it will be done accordingly and on-time. The change is also necessary to be documented as a reference of project development 3.3. SQA Audits Team members have a weekly meeting with the adviser and reporting the progress of the system development and documentation. Each of the members has a documentation of the tasks already finished and documented on the project timeline. Any changes and improvement on the software development must be discussed with other team members including the client. For the minor and major revisions, bugs fixing and software features development, it must be consulted first to the client as a head of the project and producer of requirements and budget of the project. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 127 3.4. Problem Reporting and Corrective Action / Follow-up The locale will describe the problem reporting mechanism that might occur as a consequence of the FTR that are conducted and the means for corrective action, follow-up and management. 3.4.1. Report Mechanism As a report mechanism, the proponents used a method of follow-up meetings to inform each member about the progress and changes of the software development. It is more formal and verbal that the proponents can consult to the client directly and for the clients to suggest inputs and additional features directly to the proponents. 3.4.2. Responsibilities Each members of the project team has tasks to observe and to be responsible with. The PEC required that the project team must have a project manager to manage the team but it doesn’t mean that all of the decision-making procedures will be decided only by the PM although it is necessary for the PM to have a straight-forward decision-making, all of the members must be decide with something and as one for a unified decision. By this, it will show coordination and cooperation. Project Manager / Business Analyst: Clint Marty B. Villaseñor System Analyst: Billy O. Ramirez Lead Programmer: Felnor M. Palce Document Specialist: Cherry Mae T. Riña 3.4.3. Data Collection and Valuation Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 128 To conduct software quality assurance accordingly and properly, all data regarding software engineering and development process must be collected, evaluated, disseminated and documented. By these procedures, it will help improve the quality and effectivity of the software. The project is still on progress and planning. The proponents don’t yet have the prototype but already been drafted the possible design in consideration of the clients business needs. After the development process, the proponents will undergo defense of the software to know all possible add-ons, feedback and errors to improve. 3.3. SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 129 1.0. Introduction The locale will discuss the overview of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Plan for the proponents’ Human Resource and Management System (HRMS). SQA plan delivers thoroughfare for introducing the software quality assurance plan. The proponents created SQA Plan stencils for different SQA activities while the software development is on process. 1.1. Scope and Intent of SQA Activities The following are the objectives of SQA: A value and quality management plan Effective software engineering procedures A procedure to assure acquiescence to the client’s requirements and organizational needs. Formal Technical Review Control and regulating the documentation including the alterations 1.2. SQA Organizational Role The proponents are relatively small team and composed of only 4 members. The project team are actually used a Pre-Arranged Structure of organizational Role. RMS – HRMS Organizational Pre-Arranged Structure Business Analyst System Analyst RMS - HRMS Project Manager Lead Programmer Document Specialist Project Manager / Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 130 Business Analyst: Clint Marty B. Villaseñor System Analyst: Billy O. Ramirez Lead Programmer: Felnor M. Palce Document Specialist: Cherry Mae T. Riña The project team are appointed or pre-arranged according to the knowledge and experiences of each proponent. This structure of the proponents has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are: The proponents have an ease to contact each other regarding the system development. The issues about the policy making among the members and having four members are easy to rule due to its number. There is an ease to distribute tasks among members. Easy to track if there is an appointed or scheduled meeting. The disadvantages are: There are some quite of problem regarding the tasks given, it doesn’t follow the schedule appointed to each member. The financial issues regarding the software development. There is lot of tasks distributed to each memberwhich make it hard to finish on time according to the set schedule. Work and time delays are the result of having few members. But despite of having these advantages and disadvantages, the proponents still devour initiative and perseverance to furnish every task. And as a unified team, the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 131 proponents will do the entire task as much as possible until it reaches the end of the termination process of the software development. Quality assurance plan will help to eliminate errors by tracking and chasing it. If that so, changes will imposed to eliminate the errors one-by-one and improve the software contents. The errors will be discovered during the requirements, planning and design phase but by monitoring the development, the proponents can achieve the goals and objectives. The testing stage is still expectable; this is a reflex of software development to test its effectivity until it has been fully developed and ready for utilization. 2.0. SQA Tasks The following enlisted below are the SQA tasks to guide the proponents in giving software a quality assurance. Pre-Arranged Method Contact with the Client Requirements Review Subject Research Generic and effective design details. 2.1. Tasks Overview The locale will discuss the tasks that extend to product quality assurance control, saving design time and cost, minimizing the errors and problems including the data flow. 2.2. Standard, Practices and Conventions (SPC) Pre-Arranged Method The project team is grouped into 4 members. Each member is appointed according to its knowledge and capabilities. But the proponents ensure that the tasks are equally distributed to avoid the unfairness among members. Each of the members has the right to suggest, Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 132 to decide and to lead. Each of the members are given the authority to provide insights, inputs and propositions in order to develop a HRMS effectively and accurately. Contact with the Client The proponents actually contact the client irregularly. The proponents ask the client’s proposition on the time of the interview, and in the follow-up interview. In the time of interviews, the client provides the requirements, information and problems regarding the restaurant’s human resource management activities. But not only the restaurant’s manager that where the proponents interviewed, even the human resource staff gave inputs about the extents of the human resource. Here isthe time table of the client-proponents meeting. Meeting Date Discussions / Subjects Company Time Interview: Company’s Overview and Background July 7, 2014 Details of the Company Human resource management procedures Problem regarding HRM Features Chesa Bianca Restaurant 3pm-5pm and requirements Follow-up Interview: July 21, 2014 Human resource management procedures Chesa Bianca Restaurant 3pm-5pm Problems regarding HRM Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 133 Company policies and human resource rules and regulations Suggestions of the client regarding the proposed HRMS Request for the supporting documents from the client. Consultation / 2nd Opinion August 28, 2014 Asking for the inputs regarding the created WBS the system or objectives and scope. Giving add-ons regarding HRMS particularly Bestlink College of the Philippines 6pm6:30pm activities the post- employment. Requirements Overview Reviewing of the requirements given by the client is very necessary because this will be the basis of software development initialization. The client give the inputs, problems and needs regarding HR experiences and by that the proponents can proposed a software that can ease the process of the HR department. It must be considered and be included on the software design procedures to make it easy for them to understand and utilized. The requirements can also be included on the objective or scope of the software as a guide on its development. Subject Research Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 134 The proponents might have a limited knowledge regarding human resource. Having the interview or meeting with the client is not enough to acquire knowledge regarding these procedures. The proponents must do a research also to gain facts regarding human resource management. The research may include the related literature or human resource reference like books and manual. It can also be a past project study or software that also composed of project team who done the same software as the proponents do. There is a lot of ways to acquire knowledge regarding HRM that can be included as the extents or the scope of the software. Generic and Effective Design Details After gaining knowledge and literature regarding HRM, it can help the proponents to have an ease to create design details of the software. The knowledge regarding the subject was already been there and discussed. Furthermore, the only thing that the proponents can do with that knowledge is to apply those ideas into design procedures. 2.3. SQA Resources Software quality assurance ought to be plan well to formulate assurance for the clients with regards to software quality and effectiveness. To achieve quality product, the project team must acquire resources to develop a better and quality product. The enlisted below are considered as the project team’s resources to achieve quality software. Client This resource will be a huge help through the entire software development. Client is considered as Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 135 the supporter or the framework of the project and can financially sustain its expenditures. Client will be one of the dependents of the software once it is already been developed to support the business operations it managed. The client considered as stakeholder hence the source of the requirements and the business process that is required to initiate the software development. The project team must acquire knowledge about the foundations, compositions and rules of the business process that is going to be the main content of the software. That knowledge stated on this context regarding the requirements, business process and rules, foundations and compositions including features will be imminent from the client. The client is considered as one of the important factor and resources to have quality software which the project team can ever be develop. Project Team To develop quality software, each member of the project team must possessed willingness and knowledge on developing software. Project team must have initiative to finish every deliverables and tasks to achieve certain goals. Software development must be well-planned by the project team. All of the requirements and business processes and rules must be well collected and followed in accordance to the client’s preferences and indicated in the software. 3.0. Reviews and Audits Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 136 The Formal Technical Review (FTR) is an elicit software quality assurance activities performed by software engineers. The objectives are: 1. To fix errors in HRMS function, logic and accuracy on its presence in the software. 2. Verification point to make sure that the software meets the requirements, needs and satisfaction of the client. 3. To ensure that the software meets the predefined standards and quality. 4. To make the software be more manageable, user-friendly, accurate, effective and maintained. 3.1. Generic Review Guidelines 3.1.1. Conducting Reviews Review is done into two related areas, review circumstances with the client and with the project team. The changes may affect the client regarding the software development. When the software already furnished, the client will utilized the product. The result will be the fact on how the client will be affected by the product. The proponents must consult the client to make sure that the requirements are included or not depending to the purpose of the requirements. If there are changes, it must be consulted first with the team. It must be a unified decision between the members regarding the circumstances. It must be coordinated and at the same time, each member do not bypassed each other’s position. 3.1.2. Roles and Responsibilities This section consists of the project team members including the responsibilities: Project Manager / Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 137 Business Analyst: Clint Marty B. Villaseñor System Analyst: Billy O. Ramirez Lead Programmer: Felnor M. Palce Document Specialist: Cherry Mae T. Riña 3.1.3. Review of Work Product The proponents have a weekly meeting with the adviser, Mr. Andrew U. Dela Cruz for the update of the system development progress and documentation progress. The weekly meeting is documented to Log Form 4 which includes the date and time of the meeting, all topics discussed and the problems and work must be improved. The project team also conducted a scheduled meeting to inform each other about the changes and progress of the system. It is necessary to be cooperative and coordinated to make each other aware. All of the documentation activities including the date and time are documented in project timeline. By this, the client and project team will know the schedule of each activities and if those activities comply on time. 3.2. Formal Technical Reviews The FTR are conducted by the proponents during the software development process. - Software Inspection - Consultation Each interface that will be designed by the proponents will undergo testing of its transitions. The proponents will setup a meeting for each member including the client to give inputs and suggestions. Description of Software Inspection Review Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 138 Software Inspection is a software review for its effectivity, correctness and maintainability. It includes the interface design, design specification, forms and database of the system. This will test the integration of the system if it is working and transiting properly. Description of Consultation Consultation refers to the inputs and proposition of the client and the proponents themselves regarding some additional or revised features that will suit to the organizational needs. If there are changes or improvements occur, consultation must be imposed to make other members aware about the development of the system. 3.2.1. System Specification Review The system specification of HRMS is fixed and constant especially to the platform of database which is MS SQL and platform for the software development which is Java Language application. Furthermore it is required by the PEC of the IT Department but for more elaborated and précised information about system specification, please see the system specification documentation. 3.2.2. Software Project Plan Review The purpose of the Software Project Plan is to look over the whole project and to the accuracy and effectivity of the software. For more precise and elaborated information regarding this issue, please refer to the Software Project Plan section. 3.2.3. RMMM Review RMMM, is the risk mitigation, monitoring and management which prevents, monitor and manage the risks might or possibly occur to the software. Please Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 139 refer to the “RMMM” section for more detailed information. 3.2.4. Requirement Reviews (Models, Specification) It stated the date requirements and specification of the software. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Requirement Plan” document. 3.2.5. Data Design Review The Data Design is about the data flow between each form (interface) and to the database. For Architectural Design, please refer to “Architectural Design” section. 3.2.6. Architectural Design Review The Architectural Design documents the whole design project, layout and dataflow. For more information regarding the Architectural Design, please see the “Architectural Design”. 3.2.7. Interface (GUI) To meet the requirements of the client, the proponents must include the procedures and process of the Human Resource Management as the extents of the software. About the interface, the proponents must have only 1 design interface including other subsystems for uniformity. But the interface is still on progress and not yet finalized. The front-end of the software is a Java Netbeans Platform as a medium of interface development. 3.2.8. Component Design Review HRMS is on design phase as of now, but the proponents already planned all the components and the extents of the software. But as of now, the proponents can say that the design will be objectRestaurant Management System – HRMS Page 140 oriented which can easy to understand and utilized by the users. 3.2.9. Code Review Not applicable yet. 3.2.10. Test Specification Review Please see “Test Specification” but not yet applicable as of now. 3.2.11. Change Control Review and Audits Change control review is necessary to know if the change can be imposed or not depending on the usability and purpose of the change. It must be discussed by the team members to elaborate the changes imposed by the client or even the comembers of the project team. It must be properly implemented and apply to the software. The time and cost must be considered upon imposing changes, even the team members who will might be assigned to do the changes. Of the change approved, it will be done accordingly and on-time. The change is also necessary to be documented as a reference of project development 3.3. SQA Audits Team members have a weekly meeting with the adviser and reporting the progress of the system development and documentation. Each of the members has a documentation of the tasks already finished and documented on the project timeline. Any changes and improvement on the software development must be discussed with other team members including the client. For the minor and major revisions, bugs Restaurant Management System – HRMS fixing and software features Page 141 development, it must be consulted first to the client as a head of the project and producer of requirements and budget of the project. 4.0. Problem Reporting and Corrective Action / Follow-up The locale will describe the problem reporting mechanism that might occur as a consequence of the FTR that are conducted and the means for corrective action, follow-up and management. 4.1. Report Mechanism As a report mechanism, the proponents used a method of follow-up meetings to inform each member about the progress and changes of the software development. It is more formal and verbal that the proponents can consult to the client directly and for the clients to suggest inputs and additional features directly to the proponents. 4.2. Responsibilities Each members of the project team has tasks to observe and to be responsible with. The PEC required that the project team must have a project manager to manage the team but it doesn’t mean that all of the decision-making procedures will be decided only by the PM although it is necessary for the PM to have a straight-forward decisionmaking, all of the members must be decide with something and as one for a unified decision. By this, it will show coordination and cooperation. Project Manager / 4.3. Business Analyst: Clint Marty B. Villaseñor System Analyst: Billy O. Ramirez Lead Programmer: Felnor M. Palce Document Specialist: Cherry Mae T. Riña Data Collection and Valuation Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 142 To conduct software quality assurance accordingly and properly, all data regarding software engineering and development process must be collected, evaluated, disseminated and documented. By these procedures, it will help improve the quality and effectivity of the software. The project is still on progress and planning. The proponents don’t yet have the prototype but already been drafted the possible design in consideration of the clients business needs. After the development process, the proponents will undergo defense of the software to know all possible add-ons, feedback and errors to improve. 4.4. Statistical SQA May not or not yet applicable. 5.0. Software Process Improvement Activities Determining Factor for Software Quality and Organizational Effectiveness People Product Organizationa l Condition Client HRMS Process Software Developmen t and Environment Technology 5.1. Goals and Object of SPI Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 143 Here are the enlisted goals and objectives of SPI 1. All errors and faults are characterized by its origin (e.g. flaws in design and system specification, flaws in logic and transitions and non-compliance to standards). 2. To record the précised errors and flaws of the software. 3. Categorized counted number of errors and defects and order it according to the severity. 4. The plans will developed as the errors and defects are already identified in order to reduce or eliminate the frequency of the occurrence and to modify the software. Fields % Reason Coding for software are very crucial and sensitive. Having a correct source Codes 30% coding during the programming of the software will cause it to work properly and accurately. Logic will follow if the codes are correct Logic 20% and accordingly. Correct source coding will achieve the correct logic and transitions of different interfaces. Interface is one of the important =. It acts as the face of the software. This is the area where the user interacts with the software. It is very important Interface 20% to design an interface according to the level of understanding of the user. It must consider the user-friendly attributes of an interface to make it easier for the user to utilize software. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 144 Software’s one of the feature is the level of capacity of the software to handle data. It involves a lot of data that the software is necessary to store and retrieve. It must be accurate to Data Handling 15% avoid loss of data. Data handling must be work together with the interface to show if the logic between are exact and right. It must be a huge database in order to carry a lot of data that the user will be inputted and store. Having a working and beautiful interface design is not enough to call Standard 10% a system an effective one. It must fall into standard provision to make an assurance that the software is really working and quality-imposed. Requirements are the resources coming from the client. The reason for project development is the client. The project team will be the head of designing and developing a system but it must also be consulted to the Clients Requirements 5% client about software’s the design changes. must also The be consulted, for them to give inputs because they will be the one who can utilize the product. The proponents must give considerations to the requirements, problems and business Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 145 rules of the client as one of the extents of this software. Error Graph Client's Requirements 5% Standard 10% Codes 30% Data Handling 15% Interface 20% 5.2. Logic 20% SPI Tasks and Responsibilities Since the proponents have only 4 members, each members will take over the responsibility of SPI activities. Each of the members has its own responsibilities in the deliverables and task assigned to. According to the roles and responsibilities, it states the roles of each member with counterpart responsibilities designated to. The software processing will be possible by this project team. Villaseñor is the project manager and business analyst. This member has a dual responsibility which is to lead the team and to study the human resource rules and process of the client’s business. Consequently, Villaseñor will relay all Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 146 the details to its member to initiate the plan for Human Resource Management software. The documentation specialist will declare all the details of the plan, requirements, related studies, problems, solutions and other information as an evidence of software development and study. This task is assigned to Riña. Then the system analyst (Ramirez) which considered as the architect of the software will plan the software development design. Afterwards it would be translated into an actual interface and software and that would be in the exertion of the lead programmer (Palce). The project team is a small team but enclosed with vast responsibilities. 6.0. Software Configuration Management and Overview During the software development, it is normal to have errors and defects while it is on progress. The only thing to minimize it was to create planning management. SCM is develop to identify the changes, control the changes, classify the changes according to its purpose, implement and improved changes. It is also necessary to control the number of changes to avoid the cost of time and money. Furthermore, changes are necessary to be documented and report it to the project team including the client. For more information regarding SCM plan, please refer to “Software Configuration Plan” document. 7.0. SQA Tools, Techniques and Methods By the unified decision among the project team, the SQA are deliberated. The proponents will use software and requirements review, logical and coding error tracking and follow the standards as the proponents organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management. But the fact is that the project team was really out of the schedule due to the other responsibilities and priorities. Furthermore the tasks given to every member are not furnished on time due to lack of initiative Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 147 sometimes. But still, the proponents can furnish the tasks though it is out of the schedule. 3.4. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 1.0. Introduction The main purpose of HRMS is to help the restaurant and other firms ease the entire process of the HR management. HRMS will take over the manual process of HR activities which are based on the company needs and requirements. The locale will discuss the system specification of HRMS application for the company to cope with and must follow. Furthermore, it discusses the different requirements, equipments and peripherals where the HRMS develops including the software, database and the architecture. 1.1. Goals and Objectives The rationale of this project study is to develop software that could automate the different HR activities and processes of the HR department. The objectives of HRMS are the following: Security of all confidential files and real audit trailing. Personalized interface for different HRMS users. Free-format report generation or report customization for fast and accurate report generation. Analytical or graphical report presentation of different HR summary reports. To minimize manual working process of most of the HR activities. To maximize employees productivity and the knowledge of the employees regarding of using the software technology application. 1.2. System Statement of Scope Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 148 The general statement of intent and extent is endowed on this locale. The HRMS is a software apportioned to systematized the different HR activities (as referred to Project Scope) to minimize the manual process, to secure and maximize the data handling and efficient and reliable employee records reporting. The system facets and aspects will be discussed furthermore on this part of the study. 1.2.1. General Requirements The general requirements are conversed in this vicinity of HRMS. An approach on which the HR Department could minimize the manual process of HR activities. An approach on which the HR department could computerized and systematized an employee information and profile handling including the attendance monitoring, leave and absenteeism managing, retention and evaluation. A manner on which the HR department could organize the manpower hiring plan and the available positions. A manner that the HR department could access the personalized interface base on what type of user they are. A means on which HR department could generate report that the staff need to compile based on the necessity of the superior or the company or customization of reports depending on what are the components must be included. An approach on which the system required on HR Department must comprise a maximum Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 149 level of security by means of users’ login and audit trailing. Personalized Screen or Interface depending to the user of HRMS Import and Export of database capabilities of the HRMS Timely Free Format Report Generation or Report Customization depending upon the user needs. Analytics or Graphical Report presentation for percentage, quantity or statistical report. Android Application for easy accesses for the users. Interface Enhancements The PEC required every project study to develop personalized interfaced for different types of users. The proponents must adopt the requirements of the PEC and challenge the software development which the proponents must accept. Having personalized interface should help the users to navigate the software easily and can adapt to the level of knowledge of the users. This interfacing could be a user-friendly and manageable for every user. Personalized interfacing will also avoid the users from manipulating the restricted part of the system. It can keep the users away from accessing the interface which are accessible only for the administrator including the confidential reports away from those prying and interfering users. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 150 Database Administrative Interface The database is the storage of information being compiled from gathered data imminent from different sources. It is the source where the reports and records were being retrieved. HRMS database will be accessible only for the HR Manager or the administrator of the software application who assigned for report generation. HRMS database will be developed using the MS SQL Server 2012. It is the database created by Microsoft Company. It is widely use among the world by its effectivity and wide range capacity to store data. It is a powerful and reliable free data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, this download includes support for Sysprep, Microsoft's System Preparation Utility for Microsoft Windows operating system deployment. Supported Operating System Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit systems Computer with Intel or compatible 1GHz or faster processor (2 GHz or faster is recommended.) 64-bit systems 1.4 GHz or faster processor Minimum of 512 MB of RAM (2 GB or more is recommended.) Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 151 2.2 GB of available hard disk space Training Before the implementation of the HRMS, project team is already aware that some of the HR Staffs and Employees are not erudite on using applications. It is necessary to set a schedule for training of the users of HRMS for them to gain knowledge and enjoy the HRMS in managing human resource. 1.3. System Context Human Resource Management System is still on development process. This will benefit the staffs and employees of the Human Resource Department of the restaurant even in the other firms. The synchronized utilization of this product will be an issue for the execution and the performance of the HRMS. Moreover, if HRMS would be triumphant, it could lead in supporting the HR activities and processes effectively and could apply into other future support. 1.4. Major Constraints Time The proponents are actually running out of the schedule due to other priorities and responsibilities such as work and other activities. The group consists only of 4 members to fulfill such multiple tasks given and assigned. Assigned tasks are very difficult to finish on time but still, the proponents work it on to make the tasks furnished and accomplished. Cost The project team is composed of four members only and one of its problems is the financial expenditures of the project. As of now, the proponents take over the costings and Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 152 financial budgeting of the project development. There are several items, software and equipments that would be included on the list of budgeted expenditures. But the costing and financial report would be stated on the Project Budget part of the documentation. It declares all items, the description of the items and the estimated cost of the items. 2.0. Functional Data Description This milieu will discuss the overall system functions of HRMS, including the processes of its operation. 2.1. System Architecture 2.1.1. Architecture Model Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 153 2.1.2. Current Subsystem Overview The system overview was indicated on this locale will be as per module or components of Human Resource Management System. This was similar to the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 154 objective indicated on the WBS content but it was elaborately explained. Login Form Every system development must possessed a level of security and the login security is one way to secure the software from unauthorized and prying users. Login consists of drop down users which are recorded and retrieved from the database. And as the user select its username, password will proceed to be filled. If the user is new, there is a part of login form where the new can add or register itself as a user of the software. it is necessary to fill-up the required information needed to make registration successful. Pass has only 3 attempts and after that attempts cancellation of the transaction or process will be followed. If the user forgets its password, there is a link where they can answer some questions or image to solve for them to access the software. Main Form The HRMS main form consists of 5 modules: Pre-Employment, Employee Profile, Staffing, Post Employment and Reports. Every component are based on the research and interview conducted by the proponents regarding the different activities of human resource department. The components which the proponents have comprised on HRMS are as to the best knowledge and ideas of the proponents. Every component composed of different human resource activities and processes from pre-employment to postemployment as well as the reports retrieved from the database which are necessary to submit to the top Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 155 management regarding the current employees’ status. Aside from the 5 modules, there are menu tabs, button bar and footer to make the interface more appealing and easy for the users. The following are the five (5) modules or components of the Main Form. 1. Pre-Employment This module or main component consists of the following subsystem or human resource activities commonly worked in the HR department. Vacancy Information HRMS interface has a portion for advertisements for the new job vacancy. The Administrator or the HR Head is the main controller of the software who’s the head for posting the new vacancy on the footer or advertisement panel. It will be viewed to the interface of the HR Staffs for them to advertise the new vacancy on the firm or restaurant’s agency partner, newspapers or post to the bulletin for the walk-ins. Interview The interview has 3 phases: Initial Interview, Examination and Final Interview. The Initial Interview is the first among the 3 phases on which the applicant must be pursue to proceed on the next two phases. If an applicant passed Restaurant Management System – HRMS the initial interview, the Page 156 advancement to the examination will proceed. If the applicant failed, they can try other open positions where they can meet the qualifications. The examination will be on the HRMS already and the HR Staff can record the result on the examination form itself. If the applicant passed, it will verbally notify regarding the result and automatically proceed to final interview where the applicant is interviewed by the Manager or Department Head. Once the applicant passed, it will be requested to compile and submit the following requirements in one week time before the official start of the 3 days training and the official work. On the interview subsystem, during the initial interview proper, the HR Staff will record the applicant information for the record purposes. HRMS will record the applicants who passed on the Initial Interview, Examination and the Final Interview. When an applicant passed the Initial Interview but failed on the examination and final interview, or failed on the examination but passed on Initial Interview, the applicant can be given a chance to be an on-call or occasional employee if there is an event or catering services. This applicant will be remunerated or compensated after Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 157 the conducted events or catering services. Regarding with the OJTs, the HRMS will also record their profiles. OJTs are considered to be as employees or work force of the company because they are trained to gain knowledge and experiences on different work fields. Same with the regular employees, OJTs also undergo same due process. The OJTs will passed resumes and undergo initial interview or assessments and training. Furthermore, as soon as the OJTs graduated, they can back to the firm then continue the phases because they are already recorded and trained on the firm. 2. Employee Profile Adding of New Employee When the applicant passed the 3 phases, it will be recognized as an official employee of the business firm. It will be added as a new employee on HRMS and record the information regarding to the new employee including the basic information, employee ID, position ID, department, working schedule, beginning and end of service, benefits, retention, tax requirements submitted and 201 files. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 158 After the recording, if there is an update regarding the following information, the HR Staff can rely on the Update of Employee Profile menu which is also include on the Employee Profile module or component. 3. Staffing Employees Monitoring This subsystem monitors the attendance, lates and absenteeism and the leave applications and balances. Regarding with the attendance, HRMS is connected to a biometric to record the time in and time out of the daily work of an employee. The computations of the daily attendance are not already under the extents of HRMS but instead, it is on the Payroll System, including the deductions of monthly / semi-monthly contributions, tax and etc. It is the record only which the HRMS consists. The records of lates and absences are also on the HRMS extents excluding the deductions with regards to the lates and absences committed by an employee. Leaves are also part of the process needed to be monitored especially to the remaining balances where an employee can only be availed including the leave applications. Evaluation Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 159 Evaluation is another part of HRMS, where the list of probationary employees are enlisted, likewise to the evaluation of HR Heads / Staffs and the Manager to the probationary employees for them to remain its loyalty, as assets of the company and its stability of tenure. HRMS will be composed of evaluation form for the evaluation where there is a space for the result and assessments. 4. Post-Employment Retirement Almost of those employees reaches the retirement years and it may vary depending on its age of retirement and this may considered as Regular and Early Retirement. Regular retirement entails the retirement at exactly 65 years old while the early retirement entails the retirement at age of 64 and below. These retirees will receive back pay from the company depending to the years spent to serve the company. Termination Termination can be vary as end or termination of contract on which the employee reaches its end of working period according to the contract it signed and the forced termination where an employee commits criminal cases, doing things which are actually against the law Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 160 or rules of the company and untoward actions against its co-workers. HRMS can record the employees whose are already terminated whether end of contract or forced termination. An employee who ends its contract will receive a backpay which counterparts to the period of its official working days while the forced terminated will be removed to the company depending to seriousness of its actions and the offense prearranged and settled for that employee. In addition, the employee with cases like that will be penalized or must pay the damages it caused to the coworkers or to the firm, and other penalty might the firm given depending to their laws and rules. 2.2. Data Description 2.2.1. Major Data Objects 2.2.2. Relationships 2.3. Human Interface Description The human interface is the environment where the user can communicate and interact with the HRMS software. The front-end or the interface is created on the Java Netbeans application which is object-oriented. The feature of Java Netbeans makes the interface more user-friendly and accurate transition. The interface composed of 5 modules; Solution / Hiring, Employee Profile, Staffing, Post Employment and Reports. These are the main components of the HRMS based Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 161 on the work breakdown structure developed by the proponents. Pre-Employment Module This module composed of the following activities: Manpower Vacancy Planning Manpower vacancy planning is an activity done before doing such hiring of employees. This includes activities to plan the hiring process like listing down all possible positions which are vacant to supply those vacancies. It is also necessary to be acquainted with the qualifications must the applicant attained to be hired on the following vacant positions. Records of all Position and Job Description This is a part of manpower planning where the entire records of all positions and descriptions are declared and recorded. Vacancy Information It includes the specified positions available for vacancy and the qualifications of each vacant position. Advertisement of Vacancies This is the part of the HRMS where notified the HR Department about the job vacancy. Interview This is a part of HRMS where applicants undergo interview and this system will get the entry of those applicants for the notifications purposes for the possible employment. Interview is a fundamental preemployment process and will filter the qualified applicants to those who won’t. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 162 Initial Interview This includes the preliminary assessment done to each applicant from the system records. And if they got passed they will be notified for the schedule of the next step of recruitment – the examination. Examination This examination will test the knowledge of each applicants related to job they are applying for. This is another pace of assessment for those interested applicants. Final Interview This is another pace included on Selection / Hiring of HR department for those applicants. If they passed the scheduled examinations, they immediately and verbally notified that they are passed. And that is the time they will commence the final interview, then they will schedule for the orientation and requirements submission. Employee Profile Module The following are the activities included of the Employee Profile Module. Adding of New Employee This part includes in Employee Profile module. This element composed of the information regarding the newly hired employees hired including on-the-job trainees. This incorporates the following information: Basic Information Work Schedule Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 163 Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Update Employee Profile This part as well includes in Employee Profile module. This part contains updating of the employees profile for some changes or renewal of requirements and contract for service annex, and other follow-ups and updates. This includes the subsequent information. Basic Information Work Schedule Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Staffing Module Staffing consist of different activities regarding the handling and managing employees. These are the following activities of staffing module of HRMS. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 164 Employees Monitoring This is used to monitor the daily work activities of the employees inside their department or posting premises Attendance Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Leaves Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves include: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Evaluation This is another part of Staffing module. Evaluation will rate the performances of the employees working to the company. This will be the basis of employees’ appraisals and stability of tenure. Including some employees to probationary for appraisals will result to a psychological, mental and emotional Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 165 positivity for the employee to work more and hard because they are appreciated and valued. It is very important to an organization to value employees because it is considered as an asset and without them work will be harder and success are out of reach. If an employee feels that they are valued and esteemed they will work hard and be stable to the company which considers being the success of the organization. Attendance Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Leaves Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves include: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Post-Employment Post-employment is another module of HRMS. It composed of Restaurant Management System – HRMS activities regarding the different Page 166 termination of the service and the benefits. This module includes the following activities: Retirement Retirement is a part of post-employment of HRMS. Retirement is an activity where an employee reaches their age of retirement. This is a stage where an employee must terminate its service at the organization. There are 2 types of retirement which includes to HRMS – (1) the Early Retirement where an employee retires not reaching yet the age of retirement stage which is 60 and below, and (2) the Regular Retirement where an employee retires at the age of 61 and above. Termination Termination is another part of PostEmployment Module. Termination is an activity where an employee terminates its service to the company. There are 3 following cases of Termination: 1. Contract Termination. It is where an employee fulfills the terms and condition of the contract and ends it accordingly. The service will be terminated and it is up to the management if an employee can extends or renew its contract for the continuous service. 2. Forced Termination. It is where an employee forcedly terminates to the company due to the violations or criminal cases done along the working area. It is Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 167 one of the sanctions that the management strictly mandated. Post-Employment Benefits Post-Employment Benefits are list of privilege of every employee who served the company for years 3.0. Subsystem Description 3.1. Subsystem Flow Diagrams 3.1.1. Pre-Employment Process Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 168 3.1.2. Employee Profiling Process Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 169 3.1.3. Staffing Process Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 170 3.1.4. Post Employment Process 4.0. Enhanced Interface Prototyping 4.1. Prototyping Requirements The proponents develop a software which is HRMS to minimize the manual process that the hr department experiences. The primary goal of the group is to make the interface more flexible and easy to use for the future users of the software. To create a prototype of HRMS, the proponents will be use a Java Programming Language for the front end, particularly to Java Netbeans application which is the specific software to create HRMS. Java language is a 4th generation language which widely uses on creating software, games, apps and applications. Product Version: NetBeans IDE 7.3 (Build 201302132200) Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 171 Java: 1.7.0_21; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 23.21b01 Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_21-b11 System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (nb) Another application is MS SQL Server to create the back-end of HRMS and serves as the database for the stored information it will acquired. Itis a powerful and reliable free data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, this download includes support for Sysprep, Microsoft's System Preparation Utility for Microsoft Windows operating system deployment. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 172 3.5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objectives For the design of the application, the objective is to make the end user to easily understand using the application and uncomplicated to utilize by a non IT users. The project goals are to look up the company for employee information, compensation and benefits, document management and performance evaluation. The software application also alters the manual process of easing the timespan, keeping and record keeping into a computerized software application. The software improves and develops the succession of keeping and updating information of employees. Develop even more organized, systemized and secured database. Develop a bigger database for the records and information. Developing a server to client based application in combination with informative database is very supportive to human resource department to reduce time wasting performance in terms of their works and also helps end users to easily access and manage human resource related data efficiently. Ease way of browsing and tracking employee’s records. 1.2. System Statement Scope Employee’s Information – Access of viewing employee’s records including employee’s status, service history, contacts, especially personal information are available. Hiring and Recruiting – The proposed system will be able to post advertisement with connection to hiring employees. Security – For the confidential of employee’s information the system is protected with password. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 173 Performance Appraisal and Training Details – The proposed system have a record for performance evaluation of the employee. End of Contract – To avoid overdue of working days. Performance Evaluation – The proposed system has a table for the performance evaluation of the employee it is given to those employee that has a chance to level-up their position or to become promoted in this company, it is given by the supervisor or also known as the reviewer. Performance Rating – This performance rating is for the loyal employees of this company or those employees that almost a year on their job in this company. Employment Test – Is the practice of administering written, oral, or other tests as a means of determining the suitability or desirability off a job applicant. The premise is that if scores on a test correlate with job performance, then in its economically useful for the employer to select employees based on scores from the test. Leave Request – HR system can give a printed request form from their proposed system that will distribute to their employees. It contains the reasons of the employee to get a leave request, how long. Employment Schedule – The proposed system has information about the schedule of the employee giving by the HR department, and sends it to accounting. Certificates of the Employee – The proposed system can print a certificate for those employees who ended their contract in this company. 1.2.1. General Requirements The general requirements are conversed in this vicinity of HRMS. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 174 An approach on which the HR Department could minimize the manual process of HR activities. An approach on which the HR department could computerized and systematized an employee information and profile handling including the attendance monitoring, leave and absenteeism managing, retention and evaluation. A manner on which the HR department could organize the manpower hiring plan and the available positions. A manner that the HR department could access the personalized interface base on what type of user they are. A means on which HR department could generate report that the staff need to compile based on the necessity of the superior or the company or customization of reports depending on what are the components must be included. An approach on which the system required on HR Department must comprise a maximum level of security by means of users’ login and audit trailing. Personalized Screen or Interface depending to the user of HRMS Import and Export of database capabilities of the HRMS Timely Free Format Report Generation or Report Customization depending upon the user needs. Analytics or Graphical Report presentation for percentage, quantity or statistical report. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 175 Android Application for easy accesses for the users. Interface Enhancement Staff members of the restaurants and HR department have requested a lot of interface enhancements that will increase the usability of the product for the client. Database Administrative Interface There are current documented interfaces for the restaurants HR department staff members to maintain the evaluation form templates. Training The staff members has also requested for the entire staff for the proper training for the use of the software. 1.2.2. Extended Enhancement Pilot Integration Database Restructuring 1.3. System Context For the software that used for developing and designing the system, the proponent installs Java Netbeans with JDK 7.0. The database application that the proponents will used is the MSSQL. Microsoft SQL is a world class database platform that will help the organization unlock breakthrough insights across the organization and quickly build solution to extend data across on premises and public cloud, backed by mission critical confidence. 1.4. Major Constraints Time The proponents actually out of the schedule and the time become short to make all tasks fulfill. The Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 176 members are composed of only four members which is disadvantage because the tasks distributed to each member are very crucial which makes it harder to finish on time. But the proponents still work on it to make the tasks furnished. Cost The project team is composed of four members. One the problem is the financial expenditures of the project. The proponents enlisted all possible expenditures that this software development might cost. But despite of the problem, the proponents still work on the software development. Scope and Interface Context Human Resource Management System Focuses on employee’s profile and performance evaluation thus the software have an enough database for the records and updating it. The software is to run on a system, with SQL and the system is properly connected to the server to have admission and permission on the database. The system can only access by the Administrator or by an Admin staff to maintain the safety and security of the database and the system itself. The system is a required access by using a username and password. The Administrator or admin staff has different username and password. The staff can only have three attempts log in or the request will be disabled for thirty (30) Seconds. The password should be a minimum of seven and a maximum of thirteen letters and it should be alpha numeric. For the hardware the system needs a RAM of no less than 256mb for good performance. 2.0. Usage Scenario 2.1. User Profile Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 177 HR The HR Clerk can add and edit employee’s information, and also print some reports. Employee The employee can view some of their information and previews list of their salary. Managers Since this is an integrated system all the managers can access the HR system by use their assigned username and password. 2.2. Use-cases Employee The read only users will only read the database and cannot be inserted, delete, modify any records. HR This level of users will be able to add new employee information details, leave, attendance, performance evaluation and generate reports. They will be able to modify their entries they made in the past. Manager This level of users will be able to do all the employees records. They will be able to modify any record that created by any users. Administrator This is the system administrative level which will be able to change any application settings, as well as maintaining user profile. 3.0. Data Model and Description 3.1. Data Description Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 178 3.1.1. Data Objects and Dictionary Add User Accounts 1. User_ID: Unique ID number of an employee. 2. User_Lname: Employee’s last name. 3. User_Fname: Employee’s first name. 4. User_Fname: Employee’s middle name. 5. User_Type: Employee’s type of accounts. 6. Username : Employee’s username. 7. Password: Employee’s password use to log in to the system Add Employee Information 1. Employee no.: Unique number of an employee 2. Employee_Lname: Employee’s last name 3. Employee _Fname: Employee’s first name 4. Address: Employee’s address 5. Department: Department to be designated 6. Position: Employee’s position to be given Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 179 7. Birthday: Employee’s birthday Educational attainment 1. Elementary: School attended in elementary level 2. Secondary: School attended in secondary level 3. Tertiary: School attended in tertiary level Employment history 1. Company name: Name of company 2. Employer name: Name of the company owner 3. Reasons for leaving: State the reason for your resignation on your past job 4. Date Assign: Beginning of your contract 5. Date of deadline: Date of your end of contract Performance Evaluation Data Objects 1. User ID: Unique number of an employee 2. User Name: Employee’s last name and first name 3. Department: Department to be designated 4. Position: Employee’s position to be given 5. Date Assign: Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 180 Beginning of your contract 6. Date of deadline: Date of your end of contract 7. Assigned task: Task assigned by your employer 8. Remarks: Remarks for you performance Add Applicant Information 1. Applicant_no: Unique number of an employee 2. Applicant_lname: Employee’s last name 3. Applicant_fname: Employee’s first name 4. Applicant Address: Employee’s address 5. Applicant Department: Department to be designated 6. Applicant Position: Employee’s position to be given 7. Applicant Birthday: Employee’s birthday 8. Applicant Type: If OJT, regular employee, emergency or on-call Add Position 1. Position_ID: Unique position code 2. Position_Name: Type of position 3. Emp_Fname: First of the employee Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 181 4. Emp_Mname: Middle name of the employee 5. Emp_Lname: Surname of the employee 6. Department_name: Assigned department 7. Branch_name: Name of the Branch Add Department Name 1. Dep_code: The unique department code 2. Dep_name: Name of the department 3. Dep_location: Location of every dep_code 4. Supervisor: Supervisor that assigned in every department Add Supervisor 1. Employee no.: Unique number of an employee 2. Employee_Lname: Employee’s last name 3. Position_ID: Unique position code 4. Dep_code: The unique department code 5. Dep_name: Name of the department 3.1.2. Relationships The Human Resource is responsible for hiring a good employee to register the information on the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 182 system. The first step in getting the employee’s information is, HR need to hire an employee and give the application form to be filled after that HR record the information in the system therefore One-to-many relationship exist here between HR and the employee. The HR/Admin need to monitor the daily and weekly performances of the employees. The HR records the remarks for this employee if he/she reaches the qualification of being a good employee. One-to-many exist in this situation between the Officer and the employees. In viewing the previous salary the employee can access that by logging on the system the HR help the employee in that situation. The employee enters their password on the system to access it. Oneto-One exist here because the entire employee can access the system. 4.0. Functional Model and Description 4.1. Subsystem Flow Diagrams Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 183 4.1.1. Pre-Employment Transaction Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 184 4.1.2. Employee Profile Process Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 185 4.1.3. Staffing Process 4.1.4. Post Employment Process Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 186 4.2. Human Interface The human interface is the environment where the user can communicate and interact with the HRMS software. The front-end or the interface is created on the Java Netbeans application which is object-oriented. The feature of Java Netbeans makes the interface more user-friendly and accurate transition. The interface composed of 5 modules; Solution / Hiring, Employee Profile, Staffing, Post Employment and Reports. These are the main components of the HRMS based on the work breakdown structure developed by the proponents. Pre-Employment Module This module composed of the following activities: Manpower Vacancy Planning Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 187 Manpower vacancy planning is an activity done before doing such hiring of employees. This includes activities to plan the hiring process like listing down all possible positions which are vacant to supply those vacancies. It is also necessary to be acquainted with the qualifications must the applicant attained to be hired on the following vacant positions. Records of all Position and Job Description This is a part of manpower planning where the entire records of all positions and descriptions are declared and recorded. Vacancy Information It includes the specified positions available for vacancy and the qualifications of each vacant position. Advertisement of Vacancies This is the part of the HRMS where notified the HR Department about the job vacancy. Interview This is a part of HRMS where applicants undergo interview and this system will get the entry of those applicants for the notifications purposes for the possible employment. Interview is a fundamental preemployment process and will filter the qualified applicants to those who won’t. Initial Interview This includes the preliminary assessment done to each applicant from the system records. And if they got passed they will Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 188 be notified for the schedule of the next step of recruitment – the examination. Examination This examination will test the knowledge of each applicants related to job they are applying for. This is another pace of assessment for those interested applicants. Final Interview This is another pace included on Selection / Hiring of HR department for those applicants. If they passed the scheduled examinations, they immediately and verbally notified that they are passed. And that is the time they will commence the final interview, then they will schedule for the orientation and requirements submission. Employee Profile Module The following are the activities included of the Employee Profile Module. Adding of New Employee This part includes in Employee Profile module. This element composed of the information regarding the newly hired employees hired including on-the-job trainees. This incorporates the following information: Basic Information Work Schedule Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 189 Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Update Employee Profile This part as well includes in Employee Profile module. This part contains updating of the employees profile for some changes or renewal of requirements and contract for service annex, and other follow-ups and updates. This includes the subsequent information. Basic Information Work Schedule Position Department / Posting Beginning and Termination of Service Basic Salary Benefits and Tax Retention Requirements Passed 201 Files Staffing Module Staffing consist of different activities regarding the handling and managing employees. These are the following activities of staffing module of HRMS. Employees Monitoring This is used to monitor the daily work activities of the employees inside their department or posting premises Attendance Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 190 remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Leaves Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves include: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Evaluation This is another part of Staffing module. Evaluation will rate the performances of the employees working to the company. This will be the basis of employees’ appraisals and stability of tenure. Including some employees to probationary for appraisals will result to a psychological, mental and emotional positivity for the employee to work more and hard because they are appreciated and valued. It is very important to an organization to value employees because it is considered as an asset and without them work will be harder and success are out of reach. If an employee feels that they are valued and esteemed Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 191 they will work hard and be stable to the company which considers being the success of the organization. Attendance Attendance is one of the important things to monitor because this is the basis of the remuneration of the employees. This comprises daily time-in and time-out, lates and absenteeism. Leaves Leave is a benefit that an employee can avail anytime of the year except to the period of the peak month where all employees are required to work as part of management protocol. Furthermore, the total leave days must an employee avail are also depends to the arrangements of HR management. All of this will be monitored on the Leave part of the Employees Monitoring. Leaves include: Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Vacation Leave Sick Leave Post-Employment Post-employment is another module of HRMS. It composed of activities regarding the different termination of the service and the benefits. This module includes the following activities: Retirement Retirement is a part of post-employment of HRMS. Retirement is an activity where an employee reaches their age of retirement. This Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 192 is a stage where an employee must terminate its service at the organization. There are 2 types of retirement which includes to HRMS – (1) the Early Retirement where an employee retires not reaching yet the age of retirement stage which is 60 and below, and (2) the Regular Retirement where an employee retires at the age of 61 and above. Termination Termination is another part of PostEmployment Module. Termination is an activity where an employee terminates its service to the company. There are 3 following cases of Termination: 3. Contract Termination. It is where an employee fulfills the terms and condition of the contract and ends it accordingly. The service will be terminated and it is up to the management if an employee can extends or renew its contract for the continuous service. 4. Forced Termination. It is where an employee forcedly terminates to the company due to the violations or criminal cases done along the working area. It is one of the sanctions that the management strictly mandated. Post-Employment Benefits Post-Employment Benefits are list of privilege of every employee who served the company for years Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 193 5.0. Restrictions, Limitations and Constraints Time The proponents actually out of the schedule and the time become short to make all tasks fulfill. The members are composed of only four members which is disadvantage because the tasks distributed to each member are very crucial which makes it harder to finish on time. But the proponents still work on it to make the tasks furnished. Cost The project team is composed of four members. One the problem is the financial expenditures of the project. The proponents enlisted all possible expenditures that this software development might cost. But despite of the problem, the proponents still work on the software development. Out of Scope Out of scope indicates the related topics or activities regarding HRMS but will not be indicated on the HRMS process. The activities that really done or actually done inside the HR department are the only included on the extents of the software. 6.0. Validation Criteria Add employee View employee’s information Update employee’s information Print reports Update employment exam View previous salary of the employee Connected to the other system (vendor & accounting system) The software should display an error message a value outside they accepted limits is entered. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 194 The software should not be capable of deleting customer record in the system. The software should be connected to the other system without errors. All the functions must be in the correct matters, for example delete buttons it will delete all the records Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 195 3.6. SOFTWARE DESIGN SPECIFICATION 1.0. Introduction HRMS is a propose application for future data entry, data information in the needs of human resource. HRMS is an automated software application of the Restaurant’s Human Resource. HRMS will take over the Restaurant’s manual process when it comes in monitoring the employee’s leaves, attendance, lates, absences and other information about the employees. This project has carefully based on the capabilities that the company needs to develop and/or Stores. For the system interface and front end, the group has chosen Java Netbeans. Java Netbeans is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of java eclipsed. For designing the database of the system the proponents will use MSSQL database for the system’s data storage. MSSQL is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by the other software application. 1.1. Goals and Objectives For the design of the application, the objective is to make the end user to easily understand using the application and uncomplicated to utilize by a non IT users. The project goals are to look up the company for employee information, compensation and benefits, document management and performance evaluation. The software application also alters the manual process of easing the timespan, keeping and record keeping into a computerized software application. The software improves and develops the succession of keeping and updating information of employees. It develops even more organized, systemized and secured database. It developsbigger database for the records and information. Developing a server to client based application in combination with informative database is very supportive to human Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 196 resource department to reduce time wasting performance in terms of their works and also helps end users to easily access and manage human resource related data efficiently. Ease way of browsing and tracking employee’s records. 1.2. System Statement of Scope In this field the proponents implement the overall profiling of the employee’s information, record of the lates and absences and also the records of the leave information. The proponents are recommended to use the MSSQL as an input storage of HRMS. The Human Resource Management System is a software allocated records of employee from date hired to the retirement or separation. The HRMS also execute adding new employee’s, Department, and other Human capital for the HR to become more organized. HRMS also allows updating of employee’s information, benefits, department and status. The software application also displays a performance grading form for the evaluation of employee’s performance. 1.2.1. General Requirements The general requirements are conversed in this vicinity of HRMS. An approach on which the HR Department could minimize the manual process of HR activities. An approach on which the HR department could computerized and systematized an employee information and profile handling including the attendance monitoring, leave and absenteeism managing, retention and evaluation. A manner on which the HR department could organize the manpower hiring plan and the available positions. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 197 A manner that the HR department could access the personalized interface base on what type of user they are. A means on which HR department could generate report that the staff need to compile based on the necessity of the superior or the company or customization of reports depending on what are the components must be included. An approach on which the system required on HR Department must comprise a maximum level of security by means of users’ login and audit trailing. An approach on which HRMS comprises analytics or graphical representation of report to monitor the employees summarized information report and its incrementing or decrementing number. Interface Enhancements The PEC required every project study to develop personalized interfaced for different types of users. The proponents must adopt the requirements of the PEC and challenge the software development which the proponents must accept. Having personalized interface should help the users to navigate the software easily and can adapt to the level of knowledge of the users. This interfacing could be a user-friendly and manageable for every user. Personalized interfacing will also avoid the users from manipulating the restricted part of the system. It can keep the users away from accessing the interface which are accessible only for the administrator Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 198 including the confidential reports away from those prying and interfering users. Database Administrative Interface The database is the storage of information being compiled from gathered data imminent from different sources. It is the source where the reports and records were being retrieved. HRMS database will be accessible only for the HR Manager or the administrator of the software application who assigned for report generation. HRMS database will be developed using the MS SQL Server 2012. It is the database created by Microsoft Company. It is widely use among the world by its effectivity and wide range capacity to store data. It is a powerful and reliable free data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, this download includes support for Sysprep, Microsoft's System Preparation Utility for Microsoft Windows operating system deployment. Supported Operating System Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit systems Computer with Intel or compatible 1GHz or faster processor (2 GHz or faster is recommended.) 64-bit systems 1.4 GHz or faster processor Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 199 Minimum of 512 MB of RAM (2 GB or more is recommended.) 2.2 GB of available hard disk space Training Before the implementation of the HRMS, project team is already aware that some of the HR Staffs and Employees are not erudite on using applications. It is necessary to set a schedule for training of the users of HRMS for them to gain knowledge and enjoy the HRMS in managing human resource. 1.3. System Context For the software that used for developing and designing the system, the proponents install Java Netbeans with JDK 7.0. Java Netbeans is an Object-Oriented computer programming which the main function is to develop a software application. The database application that the proponents will used is the MSSQL. Microsoft SQL is a world class database platform that will help the organization unlock breakthrough insights across the organization and quickly build solution to extend data across on premises and public cloud, backed by mission critical confidence. 1.4. Major Constraints Time The proponents are actually running out of the schedule due to other priorities and responsibilities such as work and other activities. The group consists only of 4 members to fulfill such multiple tasks given and assigned. Assigned tasks are very difficult to finish on time but still, the proponents work it on to make the tasks furnished and accomplished. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 200 Cost The project team is composed of four members only and one of its problems is the financial expenditures of the project. As of now, the proponents take over the costings and financial budgeting of the project development. There are several items, software and equipment that would be included on the list of budgeted expenditures. But the costing and financial report would be stated on the Project Budget part of the documentation. It declares all items, the description of the items and the estimated cost of the items. Human Resource Management System Focuses on employee’s profile and performance evaluation thus the software have an enough database for the records and updating it. The software is to run on a system, with SQL and the system is properly connected to the server to have admission and permission on the database. The system can only access by the Administrator or by an Admin staff to maintain the safety and security of the database and the system itself. The system is a required access by using a username and password. The Administrator or admin staff has different username and password. The staff can only have three attempts log in or the request will be disabled for thirty (30) Seconds. The password should be a minimum of seven and a maximum of thirteen letters and it should be alpha numeric. For the hardware the system needs a RAM of no less than 256mb for good performance. 2.0. Data Design For the data design of the application, Java Netbeans is applied for the front end of the system, for the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is must be easy for the end user to ease acquainted and utilize. And for the back end of the system, MS SQL is used for Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 201 an excellent Database in organizing information. Data design correspond to the data structure, manipulation of data is the most important aspect that must be specified correctly right from the proposal of a project. MS SQL is a trusted Data Storage Platform use in data encryption and security default setting and implemented password policy. A good data design and data structure design can simplify the coding process and can lead to a very efficient implementation. 2.1. Database Description A database has big responsibilities in a software application, it holds or keeps all the information that the software needs to store. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality, in a way that supports processes requiring thus information. Database Management System is a program that enables the user to store, modifies, and extracts information in the database. The developers use DBMS as one of the theories in developing the system. 3.0. Architectural and Component-Level Design 3.1. Program Structure 3.1.1. Overall LOG IN MAINSCREENS CREEN SELECTION/ HIRING EMPLOYEE PROFILE STAFFING POSTEMPLOYMEN TT HELP REPORTS Menu Items The following shows the architecture of the main menu: Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 202 File - Switch User - Exit Employee - Add Employee Record - Update Employee Record - Search Employee Record - Evaluation Staffing - Deployment of employee - Change Employee Department Monitoring - Lates - Absences - Leaves Maintenance - Manage Users - Settings Help - Contents - About 3.1.2. Create Evaluation Create Evaluation - Select Employee Schedule Evaluation - Print Blank Evaluation Form 3.1.3. During Evaluation Evaluation Complete Evaluation -Checkboxes / textboxes - Manual Writings Restaurant Management System – HRMS Upload Evaluation Form Page 203 3.1.4. Post-Evaluation Evaluation Results Select Employee’s Evaluation Preview Letter Enter Data Send Letter To Queue Revise Evaluation 3.1.5. Approval Approval View Employee Information View Evaluation Form 3.2. Approve Evaluated Employee Description for Components Redo Evaluation 3.2.1. Switch User Major Form(s) : LoginForm Major Action : Login The LoginForm will now appear. User enters the desired username in txtusername and password in txtpassword. Then the user will click the Login Button. The user will now log in and will proceed in the main form if it is a valid username and password. If the user clicks the cancel button, the application will now terminated if they confirmed. 3.2.2. Employee Major Forms: formEmployee(TabAdd,TabUpdate,TabSearch) Major Action: Add, Update, Search Add To add new employee record into the database, the user can simply input the name of the employee into the txtnamemploy, gender of the employee into a Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 204 cmbgender, and so on and so on. After filling out the employee form the user can now click the add button named cmdbutton. Then the application can add the information that the user inserted into the database. Update To update the employee record the user will search the employee’s information into the data Table then after searching the employee’s information the user can now pick the desired employee. Then the information in the data table will now be transferred into the desired Textfields and then they can edit the information. After finishing the editing of employees information the user can click the Update button named cmdUpdate and then the application will now update the records into the database. Search To search the employee’s record into the database, the user can type the employee ID into the txtEmployID or the user can type by the name into the txtemployname after typing the desired information the user can now click the Search Button name cmdSearch, after clicking the button the information that the user search the data table will now show or produce the information of the employee that the user searched. 3.2.3. Staffing Major Forms: formStaffing (DeployTab,ChangeDeptTab) Major Action: Deploy newly hired employee, Change Department of Old Employee Deploy newly Hired Employee Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 205 First the user will need to go to the Add New Employee Form to add the newly hired employee in order to have a record of their desired departments. Change Department of Old Employee The user will need to search for the employee record in order to get their old department so the user can edit the Department details of their Record. 3.2.4. Monitoring Major Forms: formMonitoring Major Action: Search, Add the Leaves, Lates, and Absences Search/Add leaves If an employee wants to file a leave, the user must search the records of employee’s Leaves Information. It is necessary for the employee to have a valid reason to avail a leave. The user must add the employees leave information into the database. The user can input the employees leave information into the text fields and after inserting the information the user can now click the add button so the information that the user inputted will now be added into the records. Search/Add Lates and Absences The user can monitor their employee’s lates and absences by searching the employee’s record and monitor their attendance. The user can add punishment into the record by giving sanction to the employee has a 3 consecutive lates. After inserting that certain information user can click the button and update it into the database. 3.2.5. Maintenance Major Forms: FormUser Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 206 Major Action: Create/Update User Create User Only an Administrator or admin account can access this form. The admin can create a user by inserting some information like User ID, Name, Designation, Username and Password into the txtID, txtname,txtDesig, txtUsername and txtPassword. After inserting the information needed the admin can now click the button to successfully create the user and added it into the database. Update User Only an administrator or admin account can access this form. The admin can update the user by inserting the User ID into the txtID after inserting the user id the admin can click the search Button. The information is now in the txtName,txtDesig, txtUsername, and txtPassword. Then the admin can now update the information of a certain user, after that the admin can now click the update button as the application will update it into the database. Create Evaluation To create an evaluation, user needs to enter a new Evaluation ID in the txtEvaluationID field. To use an auto generated Number. Click on the blank paper button. An automatic number will be generated and filled in the txtEvaluationID. Modify Evaluation To modify an evaluation, the user needs to enter an existing evaluation ID in the txtEvaluationID Field. To browse all open Evaluation, user can click on the browse button next to the evaluation ID field. The Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 207 formEvaluationMod will appear. User can highlight an evaluated employee into the grid, then click cmdOk. All the Information of the evaluated employee on formEvaluation will be filled. 4.0. User Interface Design There will be about so many interfaces but The proponents can’t design the exact number of it yet. Because the clients still have to think over on several interfaces, to see rather they can be combine some of the forms or put some of them in separated forms. 4.1. Description of the User Interface Below are some of the screenshot of the program. After fire up the program, the login form will appear. If the user enters the valid username and password, it will immediately take the user into the main interface (HRMS). 4.1.1. Screen Images Not yet applicable 4.1.2. Objects and Actions 1. Log In Screen User Name Username can be ranged from 10 to 15 letters (Numbers), as the industry standard. No special character, spaces, and most likely their department user name for this system as Theproponents. Password Password can be ranged to 7 to 14 letters (Number), as the industry standard. No special character and space. OK If the users enter the right username with matching of password, it will immediately take to the main interface. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 208 Cancel If the user wishes to terminate the application, hit the “Cancel” button. 2. Main Interface Menu Items The Following shows the architecture of the main menu File - Switch User - Exit Employee - View Employee Record - Add new employee record - Update Employee Record - Evaluation Staffing - Deploy newly hired employee - Change department Monitoring - Leaves - Attendance Maintenance - Manage User - Settings/Options Help - Contents - About Switch User Major Forms: FormLogin Major Action: Login Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 209 The LoginForm will now appear. Users enter their desired username in txtusername and password in txtpassword. Then the user will click the Login Button. The user will now log in and will proceed in the main form if it is a valid username and password. If the user clicks the cancel button the application will now terminated if they confirmed their action. Employee Major Forms: formEmployee(TabAdd,TabUpdate,TabSearch) Major Action: Add, Update, Search Add To add new employee record into the database, the user can simply input the name of the employee into the txtnamemploy, gender of the employee into a cmbgender, and so on and so on. After filling out the employee form the user can now click the add button named cmdbutton. Then the application can add the information that the user inserted into the database. Update To update the employee record the user will search the employee’s information into the data Table then after searching the employee’s information the user can now pick the desired employee. Then the information in the data table will now be transferred into the desired Textfields and then they can edit the information. After finishing the editing of employees information the user can click Restaurant Management System – HRMS the Update button named Page 210 cmdUpdate and then the application will now update the records into the database. Search To search the employee’s record into the database, the user can type the employee ID into the txtEmployID or the user can type by the name into the txtemployname after typing the desired information the user can now click the Search Button name cmdSearch, after clicking the button the information that the user search the data table will now show or produce the information of the employee that the user searched Staffing Major Forms: formStaffing (DeployTab,ChangeDeptTab) Major Action: Deploy newly hired employee, Change Department of Old Employee Deploy newly Hired Employee First the user will need to go to the Add New Employee Form to add the newly hired employee in order to have a record of their desired departments. Change Department of Old Employee The user will need to search for the employee record in order to get their old department so the user can edit the Department details of their Record. Monitoring Major Forms: formMonitoring Major Action: Search, Add the Leaves, Lates, and Absences Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 211 Search/Add leaves If an employee wants to file a leave, the user must search the records of employee’s Leaves Information. If the employee has a valid reason and good performance, the user must add the employees leave information into the database. The user can input the employees leave information into the text fields and after inserting the information the user can now click the add button so the information that the user inputted will now be added into the records. Search/Add Lates and Absences The user can monitor their employee’s late’s and absences by searching the employees record and monitor their attendace. The user can add punishment into the record by giving sunction to the employee has a 3 consecutive late’s. after inserting that certain information user can click the button and update it into the database. 3.2.4 Maintenance Major Forms: FormUser Major Action: Create/Update User Create User Only an Administrator or admin account can access this form. The admin can create a user by inserting some information like User ID, Name, Designation, Username and Password into the txtID, txtname,txtDesig, txtUsername and txtPassword. After inserting the information needed the admin can now click the button to successfully create the user and added it into the database. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 212 Update User Only an administrator or admin account can access this form. The admin can update the user by inserting the User ID into the txtID after inserting the user id the admin can click the search Button. The information is now in the txtName,txtDesig, txtUsername, and txtPassword. Then the admin can now update the information of a certain user, after that the admin can now click the update button as the application will update it into the database. 4.2. Interface Design Rules Interface Design Focuses areas of concern. 1. The design of interfaces between software modules. 2. The design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman producers and consumers of information. 3. The design of the interface between a human (i.e the users) and the computer. Easy to learn Readability Easy to navigate between interfaces 4.3. Components Available Since The proponents are using Java Netbeans as our front end development language these are a lot of readymade components that are available for us to use already. The following is a list of controls that will be using this software. 4.3.1. Intrinsic Controls Textbox A textbox control sometimes called an Text Field or Edit Control. Displays information entered at a design Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 213 time entered by the user or assigned to the control in code at run-time. Label A label control is a graphical control you can use to display text that a user can’t change directly. Image Use the Image control to display a graphic. An image control can display a graphic from a bitmap, icon, or metafile, as well as an enhance metafile, JPEG or GIF files. Listbox A list box control displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more items. If the number of items exceeds the number that can be displayed, a scroll bar is automatically added to the listbox. Scroll Bars A scroll bar provides easy navigation through a long list of items or a large amount of information. They can also provide an analog representation of current position. You can use a scroll bar as an indicator of speed or quantity. Command Button Use a Command Button control to begin, interrupt or end a process, when chosen, a command button appears pushed in and so is sometimes a called a pushed button. Menu A menu control displays a custom menu for your application. A menu can include commands, submenus and separator bar. Each menu you create can have up to four (4) submenus. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 214 Combo Box A combo box control combines the features of a textbox control and list box control- users can enter information in the textbox portion or select an item from the list box portion of the control. Check Box A check box control displays X when selected; the X disappears when the checkbox is cleared. Use this control to give the user a True/False or Yes/No option. You can use checkbox controls in groups to display multiple choices from which the user can select one or more option. You can also set the value of a checkbox programmatically with the value property. Option Button An Option Button control displays an option that can be turned on or off. 4.3.2. ActiveX Controls DataRepeater The DataRepeater control function as a scrollable container of data-bound user controls. Each appears in its own row as “repeated” control, allowing the user to view several data-bound user controls at once. DateTimePicker The date time picker control enables you to provide a formatted date field that allows easy date selection. In addition, users can select a date from a dropdown calendar interface similar to the month view control. Status Bar Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 215 A status bar control provides a window, usually at the bottom of a parent form, through which an application can display various kinds of status data. The Status bar can be divided into a maximum of sixteen (16) panel objects that are contained in a panel’s collection. Toolbar A toolbar control contains a collection of button objects use to create a toolbar that is associated with an application. Common Dialog The Common Dialog control provides standard set of dialog boxes for operation such as an opening and saving files, setting print options, and selecting colors and fonts. The control also has the ability to display help by running the windows help engine. 5.0. Restriction, Limitations and Constraints Time Time is so far the biggest restriction or constraints for our project as the proponents only have three months to finish the entire project. It is very important for us to watch the time the proponents spend over every phase of the software development project. The proponents could have included many more components to the software like online help menu but time restricts us from doing it. Employee Skills Employees programming and design skills is also one of the restriction. It does not have as big of an impact on the project as time but it sure does limit use from doing more addition to the projects. Insufficient Resources Not having all the necessary instruments also is a problem for our software. The proponents planned to use latest equipment for Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 216 the project like biometrics. But the employers cannot afford to provide such tools to all their employees so the proponents had to abandon the plans 6.0. Testing Issues To validate the software the proponents need to test the software during the testing the proponents will be concerned about the inputs and Expected outputs. The proponents emphasize on the testing where the proponents will input the date and will compare the output with the expected results. At this stage, the proponents are not concerned about the process; The proponents are only looking for the correct outputs. 6.1. Classes of Test The software has many different additions and interfaces/feature added to it. The proponents will go through each of the new interfaces and other software function to describe different types of test performed to them. Log In Window The proponents will make use of several different names to log in to the system. The proponents will use correct usernames and password to access the software and thus access into the database. The proponents will not be allowed to access to main screen using invalid usernames and passwords. Using an invalid usernames and password show an error dialog box informing the unauthorized user that he/she is not allowed to enter into the main screen. When a valid username and password entered it will be able to access the main screen. The proponents will also test the log in button and cancel buttons on this window by performing the test above. HR Department – Java Netbeans (Design) Window Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 217 This is the main screen/window that the proponents will use to access the database using JavaNetbeans. The proponents will have several different dropdown menus in this window. File, Employee, Staffing/Deployment, Monitoring, Maintenance, and Help are the dropdown menu that will be available on this window. The proponents will try to use all the menus and then different options available in each of the window. 1. File: When File Button is clicked user will be shown two choices Switch User The proponents will test the switch user button if it is properly working. The proponents need to make the log in screen will appear and the main screen will be close. The proponents will test this by choosing the switch user then log in again with another Valid and registered user in the log in screen. Exit The proponents want to make sure that the user is logged out or is able to exit when exit button is being clicked or selected. The proponents will test this by logging in as a user and then by utilizing exit button to exit the application. 2. Employee: When Employee Button is clicked two choices will appear. Add New Employee Record The proponents want to add new employee record into the database using the application software that The proponents are developing. The proponents will test this by inserting it by a virtual employee record and then clicking the add button. The proponents want to make sure Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 218 that the information that the proponents inserted is being transferred into the database, and to check that is the proponents will look into the database explorer software if the information The proponents entered a few minutes is in the desired table. Update Employee Record The proponents want to update an old Employee record and also the proponents want to make sure that the update is properly working. The proponents will test it by updating an employee and clicking the update button and checking it into the database explorer software if the information that the proponents edit is being updated. View Employee Record The proponents want to view the employee record into the database using the application that the proponents are developing. The proponents want to know if the data table is properly working. The proponents will test it by checking the connection to the database is properly working. 3. Staffing / Deployment Deployment of newly Hired Employee Testing this phase is same as the adding new employee record. Deploying the newly hired employee is same as the adding of new employee. The proponents want to this by adding the new employee with the deployment information by checking it into the database. Change of Employee’s Department It is necessary to change the department of a recent employee by updating its information. The proponents want to test this by updating the employee’s record together with the new department and clicking the update Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 219 button, and checking it in the database if the record of the employee and the department is being updated. The following testing the proponents do the same testing phases that the proponents do in monitoring. Maintenance Manage User When the proponents select this option the proponents will be presented by with the Manage user window. The proponents will test the button by clicking on it to go to manage user window. The proponents want to make sure that the proper window will appear. Option When the proponents select this option The proponents will be presented by with the option window. The proponents will test the button by clicking on it to go to option window. The proponents want to make sure that the proper window will appear. Help Content When the proponents select this option The proponents will be presented by with the content window (Help Content). The proponents will test the button by clicking on it to go to content window. The proponents want to make sure that the proper window will appear. Evaluation Generator Window This window is to allow the manager to generate the evaluation ID before Evaluating the Employee for the performance. The proponents will have several windows to select options form and also to test forms. Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 220 Evaluation ID box is automatically generates Evaluation ID. The proponents will make sure the ID is automatically generated and that the ID does not conflict with the previous ID. The proponents will test it by comparing the ID number with other automatically generated ID. The manager is the only authorized to evaluate the performance of the employees. The proponents want to make sure that all the boxes for the scheduling of employee is properly working, and doing. 6.2. Performance Bounds The proponents have setup a certain criteria for the software application so that the following criteria will be able to maintain its quality and user friendliness of the software and to have fulfilled the desired goals and objective. Response time of search Function Best Case Scenario > Immediate Worst Case Scenario > 3 Seconds Response time of adding Function Inserting of records in 0.3 Seconds Done within 0.8 Seconds Log On User should be log on within 0.1 Seconds 6.3. Identification of Critical Components Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 221 3.7. TEST SPECIFICATION 1.0. 2.0. Introduction 1.1. Goals and Objects 1.2. Statement of Scope 1.3. Major Constraints Testing Plan 2.1. Software (SCIs) to be Tested 2.1.1. Interfaces 2.2. Testing Strategy 2.2.1. Unit Testing 2.2.2. Integration Testing 2.2.3. Validation Testing 2.2.4. High-Order Testing 3.0. 2.3. Testing Resources and Staffing 2.4. Test Record Keeping 2.5. Testing Tools and Environment 2.6. Test Schedule Test Procedure 3.1. Software (SCIs) to be Tested 3.2. Testing Procedures 3.2.1. Unit Testing 3.2.2. Integration Testing 3.2.3. Validation Testing 3.2.4. High-Order Testing 3.3. Testing Resources and Staffing 3.4. Test Record Keeping and Log Restaurant Management System – HRMS Page 222