AU4U: Registration & Orientation

Preparing for Your Spring
2016 Registration
October 2015
Crouse Center for Student Success
What is the Crouse Center?
What are the requirements of a Bachelor’s Degree?
What is general education?
What are my major requirements?
What is an elective? How many do I need?
How do I create a schedule?
What happens during my registration appointment?
 Academic
• Assist you in making decisions
• Answer questions
• Help you sort out your options
• Inform you
• Listen
• Will not tell you what to do, but will help you
understand the options
General Education Requirements
(20-28 semester hours)
Major Requirements
(30-99 semester hours)
(0-?? Semester hours)
120 Semester Hours
 Classes
all students take to meet the
requirements of an education at Aurora
 Compliment
 Help
or supplement your major
make you a well-rounded student and
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
ENG1000: Introduction to Academic Writing
IDS1610: Being Human-Ethics & Morality
IDS2020: Trajectories of Human History
IDS2030: Science & Society
IDS3040: Global Justice
Junior-Year Assessment
 Resources
• 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
 Received a copy at AU4U
• Four-Year Plan
 Received a copy at AU4U
• Academic Evaluation
 To
view your
Evaluation, click on
WebAdvisor at the
bottom of the
homepage at
 Click
on Log In at the top of the screen
 If you need assistance logging in, contact the
ITS Help Desk at 630-844-5790
 After
logging in, click on the Students menu
 Click
on Academic Evaluation
 Your
major should be listed under Active Programs
 Choose your major and click Submit
 If
you are thinking about changing your major, choose a
new major from the What if I changed my program of
study? drop-down menu to see an Academic Evaluation
with those requirements
 Your
Evaluation shows
all of the
requirements for
your degree
(Not started)
You haven’t started this requirement.
(In Progress)
You have started this requirement, but there is still
more to be done.
(Pending completion of unfinished activity)
You are registered for the requirement that will
complete this category.
You have completed this requirement!
 Any
course not required for general education
or your major
 Electives:
• are interesting
• are courses in a subject in which you might want to
earn a major or minor
• compliment your major and general education
 How
many credits are required for your major?
 How
many credits are required for your general
education program?
 Subtract
that number from 120
 Example
• Business Administration major (68 credits)
• General Education program (24 credits)
• Electives needed (28 credits)
 Search
for courses
 Sketch
out a plan
 Make
 Meet
with your academic advisor to discuss
 After
clicking on WebAdvisor from the homepage at, click on Search for Course Sections
 Set
the Term as Spring Semester 2016 and the Location as
AUR-Aurora-Main Campus
 You
can search for courses by Subject, such as IDSInterdisciplinary Studies (IDS1610), MTH-Mathematics
(MTH1100), etc.
You can type in Course Numbers if you want
Example: This search will display all Math courses, all
Accounting courses, all sections of COM1550, and all sections of
IDS1610 offered in Spring 2016 on the Aurora campus
You can limit your search to certain days/times
Example: This will display the only the courses indicated that
meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 8:00 am
and 12:00 pm
Shows if the
course is open,
closed, or
waitlisted. Try to
choose open
Click on the
course title
for a
of the
when/where the
class meets. Also
includes final
Shows how many seats are
still available/the capacity
of the class/and how many
students are waiting to get
into the course (if the
course is waitlisted).
Make sure you’ve met all
prerequisites for a
course. If a course states
Adult Degree
Completion, you cannot
take that course.
 Using
an advising worksheet can help organize class
 12-17
 30
credits = full-time status
credits = sophomore status
grant requires 15 credits
 No courses after 6:00 p.m.
• Except physical education activities courses
 No
adult degree completion courses
 Spring athletes may
• Remind your advisor
receive a participation credit
 Course
• Use the advising worksheet included in your packet
• Too many courses are better than too few
 Registration
 Tuition/Fees
Payment Agreement form
 Questions
 Fill
out the top portion with your contact information
 You will fill out the rest of the form with your advisor
 Fill
out the top portion
 Sign and date the bottom of the form
Arrive at least five minutes prior to your
appointment to check-in
 Remember
to bring a form of identification (AU
ID, Driver’s License, etc.)
 If
you need to reschedule your appointment
and/or have any questions, please call the Crouse
Center at 630-844-6870
 If
you have an ORANGE CARD:
• Follow the directions on the card
• Stop by the Crouse Center (Eckhart 310/312) to
make an appointment and get a packet
 If
you have a PURPLE CARD remain seated
Who is
(or will be)
my advisor?
Disabilities Studies: Mary Lohrman
Elementary Education: Mary Lohrman
Special Education: Mary Lohrman
Last Names A-G: Emily Heller
Last Names H-L: Sandy Marchetti
Last Names M-Z: Caley Thanepohn
Accounting: John McCormack
Business Administration:
Bachelor of Arts: Mike Rossow
Bachelor of Science: John McCormack
Finance: John McCormack
Marketing: Brynn Landwehr
Health & Human Performance
Athletic Training: Kris Johnson
Coaching & Youth Sport Development: Kris Johnson
Exercise Science: Kris Johnson
Physical Education: Mary Lohrman
Social Work
Last Names A-L: Sandy Marchetti
Last Names M-Z: Caley Thanepohn
Arts & Sciences
Actuarial Science: Mary Lohrman
Art: Caley Thanepohn
Biology: Lance Robinson
Communication: Ryan Hiller
Communication Sciences & Disorders: Kidada Robinson
Computer Science: Brynn Landwehr
Criminal Justice:
Last Names A-L: Kidada Robinson
Last Names M-Z: Mimi Ojaghi
English: Mary Lohrman
Health Science: Kidada Robinson
History: Lance Robinson
Mathematics: Mary Lohrman
Media Studies: Ryan Hiller
Music: Kidada Robinson
Philosophy: Kidada Robinson
Political Science: Caley Thanepohn
Last Names A-L: Kidada Robinson
Last Names M-Z: Mimi Ojaghi
Religion: Kidada Robinson
Sociology: Caley Thanepohn
Spanish: Kidada Robinson
Theatre: Caley Thanepohn
Undecided: Ryan Hiller
 If
you have a PURPLE CARD:
• Find your advisor’s table in the foyer (if you are
changing your major, find your NEW advisor)
• Make an appointment
• Get a packet