General Assembly Meeting Davidson Room Sunday, January 19

General Assembly Meeting
Davidson Room
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Executive Board Members Present: Austin Aldag, Blair Wright, Kevin Piotrowski, Jake Sloan, Henry
Froehlich, Rachel Bear, Sam LaLonde, Doug Burrichter, and Lisa Mishra
Senators Present: Ahna Bril, Robin Tumlos, Adam Wallaser, Duc Nguyen, Brian Streu, Jake Thaker, Jill
Bookman, Marissa Cozzi, Rachel Dolan, Aleya Washington, Sophia Nicolosi, Elizabeth Hasset, Katarina
Waszak, Maisie Cox, Molly Willeford, Nicole Chlebek, Nitesh Kumar, Alan Russian, Breck Seitz, Colton
Wright, Paige Kinnamon, Sneha Subramanian, Abby Mills, Erin McMahone, Filip Swist, Kelsey “Rea”
Brattin, Mark Schuette, Max Renner, Michael Ressureccion
Senators Absent: RHA Rep, Jennifer Chlebek, Inez Kitty White, Zachary Zimmer, Matt Bishop
1. Call to Order
President Aldag called the meeting to order at 6:01pm
2. Roll Call
2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda
President Aldag added a FAB recommendation to the agenda.
3. Reading and Approval of the Minutes: December 8th, 2013
Senator Whilleford motioned to approve the minutes from December 8, 2013, and
Senator Seitz seconded. President Aldag took a voice vote and the motion carried.
4. Guest Speakers: SPBC Diversity Workgroup
Eileen Galvez, the director of multicultural student affairs was our guest speaker. She
shared with the Senate the diversity plan for 2020. She noted that the first thing they wanted to
do was to state a definition of gender, race, ethnicity, and many other diversity terms. They also
wanted to increase student involvement and resolve underrepresentation issues. Galvez said
they started the process by meeting with different groups across campus and conducted a full
cross campus study. They used that data to identify common problems that are rising up. They
looked at how far they have come from 2006, and then looked towards where they want things
to go in the future.
The workgroup recommended a structural change in the categories of “educating for
diversity” and “inclusive environment” by forming different committees to look at these issues.
Everyone from these committees will have a seat on UCD. Galvez said diversity is the
responsibility of everyone, and not just specific individuals or groups.
In 2006, accountability was not a factor. They did not look at whether or not they were
successful or not. Galvez noted that diversity is more than just MILANA. She noted that by
lumping them together, we are failing to see the diversities within that group, and there are
different groups other than race including gender, sexual orientation, and etc. She wants to go
from developing diversity to sustaining diversity. They are adding “educating for diversity” and
“social justice” which were lacking in the 2006 plan. They are moving from only welcoming
students to an inclusive environment in order to combat retention problems.
Galvez mentioned a list of goals that the workgroup wanted to tackle. The first goal was
to Develop and Sustain a Commitment. They wanted to target orientation, admissions, and
graduation, and to make diversity visible on their website and throughout the school.
The second goal was Educating for Diversity and Social Justice. She said that they
wanted to provide funding for speakers for faculty and students to bring diversity to campus.
The second goal was to use course clusters to continue diversity through Developing
and Sustaining an Inclusive Campus Climate. Galvez recognized that some students are hearing
unwelcoming comments inside and outside of the classroom. These comments are not illintended; but rather, they come from not realizing what they are saying. Galvez noted that we
are going to train our faculty and staff to ensure that they help to develop and sustain diversity.
She also said that they are responding to bias incidents and ensuring that any problems
are recognized and resolved in order to Recruit and Retain a Diverse Student Body. They want
to continue to have socio-economic diversity. Similarly, they want to Recruit and Retain a
Diverse Faculty and Staff. It is important for students to see people who look like them and
people who are easily approachable for everybody. They want to develop a more welcoming
process and a better orientation for both faculty and students.
Another goal is Involving Constituencies that Represent Diverse Constituenties. They
want to make sure that these goals are not just for us here at IWU- they are life-long. Galvez
said that we want people to continue to engage diversity even after graduation.
5. Dean’s Report
Dean Carney-Hall could not be here, so Adviser Colin Student spoke in her place. He
noted that we do not take Martin Luther King Day off, but there will be a presentation from
1pm-4pm in Hansen to honor Martin Luther King Junior. Eileen Galvez announced that
applications for SEP are available. It is a summer enrichment program that before was only open
to MILANA students, but it is now open to all international students as well. It is for 12 students
where each student works 40 hours a week and is paid. She noted that housing is provided, and
each student will receive a food stipend. Each student will receive a $1000 scholarship upon
completion of the program. Applications due Jan 24. Eileen Galvez noted that if you would like
more information, type SEP in the IWU search box, and more information will come up.
Residence life noted that RA applications are out. Senator Kumar noted that applications for
returning RA’s are due Jan 24, and applications for new RA’s are due in February. Colin Stewart
mentioned that Titan Orientation Leader applications are going out soon. It is a great way to
help first year students feel welcome!
6. Constituent Concerns
Senator Kinnamon said that the 3OH!3 photos are not on Facebook yet and they should
be. University Events Commissioner Emeritus Amy DeBoer told everyone to email her if you
would like to see the photos.
Senator Kinnamon also noted that there is a huge pot hole in between Theta Chi and the
Hansen parking lot.
Her last concern was that the washing machine in Blackstock is broken and has been for
weeks. Physical Plant was called many times, but the issue has not been resolved. Senator
Wallaser noted that he called them too.
Senator Tumlos brought up the fact that Acacia still does not have parking space.
Senator Russian said that the orders at Tommy’s have been slow. Commissioner
Burritcher reminded everyone that sometimes it is hard, but if they are not doing things
correctly, tell them right away and find a superior. You will identify and solve the problems more
quickly and you might get a free meal out of it. Don’t abuse it! Colin Stewart said to be as
specific as possible and include the time, order, and any other information you can give.
7. Executive Officer Reports
Usually they will be printed on the back of the agenda, today we will do oral reports
a. Vice President
Vice President Wright said she has been becoming acquainted with all her new faculty
committees. She has also been meeting with all the commissioners to identify and tackle goals. She has
also started looking at the RSO fair.
b. Treasurer
i. Current Balance: $256,853.86
ii. FAB recommendations
$3350 to Vice President for conferences
Senator Kumar made a motion all allocate $3350 to the Vice President
for conferences and Senator Wright seconded.
Vice President Wright noted that the conference is NACA nationals, and
it is a place to look at programming and block book for cheaper acts. There are
also educational sessions for diversity and structure. We need this funding for
additional people to go to this conference for networking and to have extra
feedback on the acts. She also noted that there is one senator seat. If any
senator wants to go to NACA, please see University Events Commissioner Rachel
Bear after the meeting. Senator Ressureccion asked when the conference is.
Vice President Wright said it is February 15-19. Senator Tumlos asked about
applications, and Vice President Wright said it will be up to Commissioner Bear,
and she can talk to those interested after the meeting today. President Aldag
took a voice vote and the motion carried.
c. Chief of Staff
Chief Sloan noted that elections have come to a close and the First Year and Senior seats have
been filled. He also said that there are two open seats for Juniors, so if anyone knows any interested
Juniors, please have them contact him.
He also reminded everyone to make sure they were on the email list. If anyone is not receiving
emails, please see him.
Chief Sloan noted that the website will be updated soon, and to look out for a sign up in order to
schedule Senator Office hours.
d. Public Relations Commissioner
Commissioner Froehlich has been working on the 2014-15 student planners. He has been
working with the graphic designer on designing the cover. He mentioned his office hours and
encouraged students to visit with him or the rest of the executive board in case they needed anything.
e. Media Commissioner
Commissioner Burrichter met with CTAL, and they want student feedback on technology and
learning. They are looking for focus group leaders. It will be a 5-6 hour commitment over a few sessions.
If you are interested, see Commissioner Burrichter after the meeting. He also awarded the first trophy of
the semester to Treasurer Piotrowski. Commissioner Burrichter noted that Treasurer Piotrowski was a
great Media Commissioner and never got his name on the trophy. He also said that the first movie at
Hansen is “Catching Fire” on February at 7pm and 10pm.
f. Awareness Commissioner
Commissioner Mishra has been looking at fall speakers. She said that they don’t have a name
yet as the booking process is still in the early stages.
g. University Events Commissioner
Commissioner Bear mentioned the NACA conference from February 15-19. She said that if
anyone was interested, they should see her after the meeting for a brief interview.
h. Civic Engagement Commissioner
Commissioner LaLonde said that he has been getting ball rolling on projects connecting IWU to
community. He is looking forward to an exciting do good speaker although there is no name yet.
i. President
President Aldag welcomed our new senators, Duc Nguyen, Aleya Washington, Brian Streu,
Rachel Dolan, Erin McMahone, and Michael Ressureccion.
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
a. Financial Advisory Board Elections
Treasurer Piotrowski noted that FAB consists of 6 elected senators plus the treasurer. FAB is a
group of students who listen to RSOs petition for funds and then accepts or denies the claim. They meet
once a week, where the time commitment depends on the number of petitions. Members are paid $75
per semester.
Senator Schuette nominated Senator Ressureccion. Senator Nicolosi nominated Senator Dolan.
Senator Seitz nominated Senator Thaker. Senator Seitz nominated Senator Russian. Senator Nicolosi
nominated Senator Streu. Senator Seitz nominated Senator Nguyen.
Nominees: A. Michael Resurreccion- senior business major. Took gap year last year, but he
has experience.
B. Rachel Dolan- first year, she does her parents finances. In HS she was in a
group that helped allocated music funds. She petitioned to FAB a lot and has read the code
of finances
C. Jake Thaker- first year physics major. He likes numbers but not manipulating
them. He likes money and follows finance stuff in the news
Alan Russian- junior. Has been a senator since second semester fresh year.
Been involved with budgeting and been treasurer of an organization
D. Brian Streu- international bus major with a finance minor. Had a job in HS
where he was a financial and inventory assistant. This is good opportunity for hads wet in
E. Duc Nguyen- first year accounting and econ major. Has learned accounting
and economics and has experience in finance. This is a good experience in finance for him.
Senator Kinnamon motioned to enter closed session due to duscussions about
personnel. Senator Tumlos seconded. President Aldag entertained a voice vote and the
motion carried.
Senator Kinnamon motioned to exit closed session. Senator Tumlos seconded. President
Aldag entertained a voice vote and the motion carried.
Treasurer Piotrowski announced that our newly elected FAB members are Duc Nguyen
and Rachel Dolan. All FAB members should meet with Kevin after the meeting.
b. Committee Assignments
Chief Sloan noted that all senators must serve on at least one committee. There will be a
qualtrics to fill out after the meeting. He said that any senators who would like to continue
to serve on the same committee as last semester would have “Squatter’s Rights;” however,
senators have the option to switch if they want to. The list of committees are:
Academic Affairs: Discusses matters before Student Senate relating to academic topics. The committee
also awards the Minor Meyers Jr. Scholarship and the Kathy Cavins-Tull Scholarship annually.
Campus Dining: Discusses student ideas and concerns as it relates to student dining on campus. Works
to come up with ideas for solutions to student concerts and addresses them with Sodexo
Campus Media & Technology: Serves an advisory role to the media organizations and shall be involved
in the planning and execution of initiatives by the Media Commissioner. Also considers issues related to
improving technology on campus and technology needs.
Civic Engagement: Is involved in the planning and execution of programming or initiatives that the Civic
Engagement Commissioner provides, the main objectives being getting students active off campus in a
civic manner. This committee shall consider issues of the community surrounding Illinois Wesleyan
Cultural Affairs: Considers issues related to cultural awareness, diversity, tolerance, inclusivity, and
discrimination on campus. The committee is involved in the planning and execution of programming or
initiatives of the Awareness Commissioner.
Internal Affairs & Elections: Reviews proposed amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of
Elections and makes recommendations to the General Assembly on such proposals. Hear cases on
disagreements relating to Senate elections.
Public Relations: Shall deal with the awareness of the Student Senate and its programs among the
students, staff, and faculty. Shall discuss and work to implement new ways to effectively communicate
with the campus community.
Sustainability, Facilities, & Safety: Discusses matters relating to sustainability initiates on campus,
grounds and facility improvement ideas, and ideas to improve student safety on campus.
University Events: Is involved in the planning and execution of campus-wide programming that the
University Events Commissioner provides. The committee also organizes any non-business related
gatherings of the Student Senate.
11. Announcements
Senator Ressureccion gave a sports update stating that in basketball, IWU played Wheaton. The
men won 78-71 and the women won 98-95. He also noted that our men’s basketball team is ranked #4.
We also had a track meet but he does not have results.
Senator Tumlos reminded everyone that there is a Martin Luther King Junior talk from 1pm-4pm
in Hansen on Monday.
Senator Chlebek reminded everyone about the Give-A-Day Campaign and reminded everyone to
log hours. Come see her during lunch to log hours so we can see how well IWU is doing. Vice President
Wright noted that student senate is funding graduation cords for people who log at least 20 hours. She
also noted what engagement is- As long as you are involved in the community, even getting paid is still
Senator Mills awarded the best dressed award to Commissioner LaLonde.
Commissioner Bear reminded everyone to see her after the meeting for NACA.
12. Adjournment
Senator Mills made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Senator Dolan seconded. President
Aldag took a voice vote, and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.