Clinton Community College Plattsburgh, New York 12901 Curriculum Committee Minutes April 10, 2015 Present: Angela Barnaby, Denise Coughlin, Terri Cummings, Catherine Eloranto, Lynn Fowler, Carey Goyette, Rick Lawrence, Cheryl Lesser, Lee Ann Thomas Guests: Ian Burcroff, Rita Ward-Slater, Mike Zerrahn, Eric Arnold Meeting called to order at 12:13 pm Lee Ann made a motion that Denise write a memo to strategic planning (cannot remember the exact content of what the memo is to say), and Rick seconded it. Motion passed. Rick moved to approve the minutes from March 13, 2015, Terri seconded, and motion passed. Rick informed the committee of a topics course, MUS 183—World Music. Ian explained that Wanda Haby had developed the course, and that the course would embrace the music of different cultures. It will be a course where they will be listening to a wide variety of music and become acquainted with some different instruments. Lee Ann mentioned that it has the potential to cover more than one general education category. Members were excited about the new offering. Rick moved to approve the program revision to the AA Liberal Arts: Humanities and Social Sciences—Studio Art Track, and Terri seconded. Ian explained that they had developed four new classes to complete art sequences at CCC and incorporate a Studio Art track. The new track will follow the SUNY Seamless Transfer Pathway in Art. Motion passed. Rick moves to approve the program revision to the Health Studies Certificate program, and Terri seconded. There was a detailed discussion regarding the science requirements and the electives. Angela moved to amend the original motion to include further revisions, and Rick seconded. The motion is to: 1) remove SCI 110 as a requirement; 2) to require BIO 101 and CHE 101 with the stipulation that if a student comes in having satisfied one or both of those requirements, they can take BIO 228 or BIO 229; 3) change the category on the degree requirements from electives to Health Studies electives; and change the number of Health Studies electives to 8-10. The amendment passed, and then the original motion passed. Rick moves to approve a course revision to BUS 153—Quantitative Business Skills, and Terri seconded. The revision is the change the name from Business Math to Quantitative Business Skills. The course uses practical applications for the basic skills taught. Also, by removing the term “math” will reduce any potential for confusion about the degree requirements it can be used to fulfill. This course does not fulfill a math requirement in any program. This course would be a business elective. Motion passed. Rick moves to approve a program revision to the AAS Business Accounting, and Terri seconded. The change would remove BUS 210—Principles of Marketing as a required course and add BUS 153—Quantitative Business Skills as a required course. Mike explained that the move is to make sure students have basic skills. Motion passed. Rick moved to approve a new program proposal, AS Business Administration—Sport Management, and Terri seconded. Eric explained that this option is currently housed in the Independent Studies program. The new program is designed to prepare students for smooth transition into a four year Bachelor of Sport Management Degree Program. Currently this offering has minimal enrollment, but with marketing it is believed more students can be drawn once they know they will be able to have a seamless transfer as it meets the SUNY pathways. Motion passed. Ok, Rick, per our conversation after the meeting, what are we going to do here. Rick moved to adjourn, and Terri seconded. Meeting adjourned at 1:07 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Catherine K. Eloranto The date of the next meeting will be April 24, 2015 at Noon in Room 350M.