V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Beechcraft King Air C90 G-VBCD OPERATIONS MANUAL Version 1.12 – 9 March 2014 1981 Model Year, Serial Number LJ-972 Incorporates AFM updates and supplements to March 2014, including Blackhawk XP STC (PT6A-135A engine installation), Blackhawk XLR STC (wing locker fuel tank installation), Raisbeck EPIC STC, 10,500lb MTOM STC Empty (Aircraft Prepared for Service) Mass and Balance measured July 2011 This document is for information only Compliance with the PRNAV procedures in this manual is a requirement of the UK general approval for non-AOC operators (reference ORS4-959) Revision Log Date Version Note of Revisions 1 Feb 2014 1.1 First issue of final Ops Manual following trial use of v1.0 23 Feb 2014 1.11 NP6 amend to include Departure Brief EP6 amend to include check of Starter if Gen failed 1.12 NP6 Governor test RPM amend to 1750 EP6 Crossfeed proc item 4 added EP7 Avionics Power fail proc added Operating Manual Notes: Cold Temperature limitations added 9 Mar 2014 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Signed V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION General Information Owner and Operators Intentionally blank in this version CAMO Intentionally blank in this version EGHH and EGLK Contact Details Intentionally blank in this version Flight Plan filing Intentionally blank in this version V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Flight Plan information Item 8 I—IFR, V—VFR Y—IFR then VFR, Z—VFR then IFR In item 15, specify transition point PR IOR IT Y Item 10 SDFGRS/S S for VHF, VOR, ILS B for LPV (APV SBAS) – not at present D for DME, F for ADF, G for GNSS R for PBN approved (see Item 18) Y for 9.33kHz /S for Mode S A D D R ESSEE( S) <<≡ FF → <<≡ F ILIN G T IM E OR IGIN A T OR → <<≡ SPEC IF IC ID EN T IF IC A T ION OF A D D R ESSEE( S) A N D / OR OR IGIN A T OR 3 M ESSA GE T Y PE 7 A IR C R A F T ID EN T IF IC A T ION 8 F LIGHT R U LES − GV BCD <<≡ (FPL 9 N U M B ER T Y PE OF A IR C R A F T − − G W A KE T U R B U LA N C E C A T . BE 9 L <<≡ 10 EQU IPM EN T / L 13 D EPA R T U R E A ER OD R OM E T Y PE OF F LIGHT − SDFGRY / S <<≡ T IM E − <<≡ 15 C R U ISIN G SPEED LEV EL R OU T E − N0 2 5 0 → <<≡ T OT A L EET HR .M IN 13 D EST IN A T ION A ER OD R OM E − A LT N A ER OD R OM E 2 N D . A LT N A ER OD R OM E → → <<≡ 18 OT HER IN F OR M A T ION − PBN/B2D2S1 NAV/SBAS ) <<≡ SU PPLEM EN T A R Y IN F OR M A T ION ( N OT T O B E T R A N SM IT T ED IN F PL M ESSA GES) 19 EN D U R A N C E HR .M IN −E/ SU R V U V A L EQU IPM EN T EM ER GEN C Y R A D IO PER SON S ON B OA R D →P/ U HF →R/ U V HF ELB A V E POLA R D ESER T M A R IT IM E JU N GLE JA C KET S LIGHT F LU OR ES V HF Item 15 Item 18 (from Nov 12) U HF → S P D M J → J L F U V Speed or altitude change—enter the point For PBN/ capability enter PBN/B2D2S1 D IN GHIES C A PA C IT Y C OLOU R followed by a slash and new speed or •B2 - RNAV 5 GNSS altitude (e.g., LN/N0200A045). •D2 - RNAV 1 GNSS •S1 - RNP APCH Flight rule change—enter the point/designator followed by a space and For SBAS enter NAV/SBAS the new flight rule (e.g., LN VFR, LN/N0200A045 IFR, etc.). Specs & Limitations (see AFM) ENGINE OIL Total capacity Refill capacity Operating level V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 14 qts each engine 12.5 qts each engine 9.5 – 12.5 qts each engine FUEL Minimum fuel for take-off Approved Fuel: Capacity: Mains plus Locker 265lbs per wing & above yellow arc Jet A, A-1, B and JP4,5 384 USg plus 78USg; total 462 USg 1454litres plus 295litres; total 1749litres 2570lbs plus 520lbs; total 3090lbs Quantities are Useable. Anti-ice additive not req’d. See AFM for use of Avgas. TIRE PRESSURES 51-55 psi Nose, 67-73 psi Mains(*) (* 10 ply tires fitted, required for operation at increased MTOM 10,500lbs) MAXIMUM OPERATING ALTITUDE Maximum 30,000’ Without Oxy equipment 25,000’ Above 25,000’, all occupants must have a 10min Oxy supply available Pressure Differential 0-4.7 PSI normal, 4.7 PSI max V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 G-VBCD Preflight Planning Sheet G-VBCD Preflight Planning Sheet CHECK Mass and Balance Empty Mass Fuel Crew & Pax Baggage subtotal Total 6840 lbs Max Ram p Mass 10560 lbs Max Take-off Mass 10500 lbs Max Landing Mass 9700 lbs Balance 1. Crew m ass below 450lbs, m in 20lbs aft, no fw d bags 2. Mass in Side facing seat and aft area <300lbs Departure Runway Length Available Mains & Locker = 3090 lbs Max Zero Fuel Mass 9000 lbs CoG Calculated: Guidelines met: Mass Full Mains = 2570lbs If Guidelines are met and MTOM is below Max, CG is w ithin limints Reqd: Take-Off to 50' @10500lbs , 25C, 2000' elev T-O to 50' 2450' Temp Wind Elevation Accel. Stop Reqd: Accelerate Stop 4500' Accel. Go Reqd: Accelerate Go 3600' Fuel Reserves Assume 700lbs first hour inc. Taxi, T/O and Climb VFR Assume 500lbs/hr Cruise ETE + 60mins Endurance ETE Alternate If 60min Final Reserve not available then calculate Fuel Plan (see Ops Man) IFR ETE + Alternate + 60mins Destination and Alternate Weather (EU OPS) Destination Ceiling Visibility F'cast AOM Alternate F'cast AOM Destination > AOM Alternate > AOM or Destination VMC +/- 2hrs Arrival Runway Length Available Destination Alternate @9700lbs , 25C, 2000'elev Landing over 50' 2300' Landing over 50', no Prop Revrs Other Compliance Required Aircraft CoA, CoR Noise Certificate VAT docs, Intercept procedures ARC and Phase Inspections Insurance current Databases current Private Ops only, non-RVSM RNAV1 & PRNAV Compliant All Compliant Crew EASA Pilot Licence EASA BE90/200 TR/IR current Passport or Photo ID 24mth EASA Class 2 Medical 90 day 3 landing rule for pax OR V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 NORMAL PROCEDURES 1 Airspeeds for Normal Operation Air Minimum Control Speed (VMCA)………. 90 KIAS Vr and V1…………………......................... 95 KIAS Initial Climb (2 Engine, Vy)……………… 110 KIAS Intentional One Engine Inoperative Speed (VSSE) ............................................ 97 KIAS Two-engine Best Angle-of-Climb (Vx)…….100 KIAS Two-engine Best Rate-of-Climb (Vy)…… 110 KIAS Maximum Maneuvering Speed (VA)……… 170 KIAS Turbulent Air Penetration .......................... 160 KIAS Landing Approach VREF…….....…..…….. 100 KIAS ICAO Approach Category………………….. B Balked Landing Climb .............................. 95 KIAS Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind……… 25 KIAS Cruise Climb: Sea Level to 10,000 feet…………… 10,000 to 20,000 feet………………. 20,000 to 25,000 feet………………. 25,000 to 30,000 feet………………. 150 KIAS 140 KIAS 130 KIAS 120 KIAS Amended by Operator with 10KIAS increment over AFM due PT6A135A observed performance Vmo Max Operating Speed……………….. 208 KIAS Vfe Max Flaps Extended…………………… 178 KIAS (APP, 35%) 130 KIAS (FULL, 100%) Vlo Max Gear Operation………………....... 156 KIAS – Extend 130 KIAS – Retract Vle Max Gear Extended…………………… 156 KIAS Vso (bottom of White Arc)…………………. 76 KIAS Vs1 (bottom of Green Arc)………………… 89 KIAS V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 NORMAL PROCEDURES 2 • Propeller………CHECK • Engine Air and Oil Cooler Intakes…………CLEAR Ice Vane……….CHECK • Engine Boot......CHECK • Engine Oil……..CHECK • Fuel Filter….…..DRAIN • Cowling………...CHECK • Nacelle Fuel Tank ………………CHECK • Heat Exchanger CLEAR • Transfer Pump Sump …………………DRAIN • Antennas and Beacon …………………CHECK • • • • • Ram Air Inlet…...CLEAR Baggage Door.SECURE Air Con Ducts….CLEAR Nose Gear……..CHECK Landing &Taxi Lights …………….CHECK • Pitot Covers…REMOVE • Windshield Wipers …………….CHECK 3 • Transfer Pump Sump …………………DRAIN • Heat Exchanger CLEAR • Nacelle Fuel Tank ………………CHECK • Propeller………CHECK • Engine Air and Oil Cooler Intakes…………CLEAR Ice Vane……….CHECK • Engine Boot......CHECK • Engine Oil……..CHECK • Fuel Filter….…..DRAIN • Cowling………...CHECK 4 2 External inspection 5 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Locker Fuel Tank CHECK Flaps………… CHECK Aileron and Tab CHECK Wing Tip (Lights) CHECK Stall Warning… CHECK Deice Boot…….. CHECK Chocks…………REMOVE Wing Fuel Tank…CHECK Outboard Wing Sump ……………....DRAIN • Wheel Well Sump DRAIN • Landing Gear….. CHECK • Boost Pump Sump DRAIN 6 • • • • • • • Oxygen Door …..SECURE Static Ports…….CLEAR Access Panels…SECURE Deice Boots…….CHECK Elevator…………CHECK Fin fittings………CHECK Static Ports…….CLEAR • • • • • • • Boost Pump Sump DRAIN Landing Gear….. CHECK Wheel Well Sump DRAIN Outboard Wing Sump ………………DRAIN Wing Fuel Tank... CHECK Chocks…………REMOVE Deice Boot…….. CHECK Wing Tip (Lights) CHECK Aileron and Tab CHECK Flaps………… CHECK Locker Fuel Tank CHECK Cabin Checks 1. Aft area………………….. 2. Cabin……………………. 3. Fwd Partition...…………. 4. Cockpit………………….. LIFERAFT & 1ST AID KIT LIFEJACKETS, OXY MASKS & AMENETIES TECH LOG & AFM OXY MASKS, FIRE EXTING, TORCH NORMAL PROCEDURES 3 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Before Starting Engines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cabin Door Baggage Emergency Exit Seats & Harnesses Passengers LOCKED SECURE (Mass & Balance checked) SECURE POSITIONED; UPRIGHT, FASTENED BRIEFED 6. Parking Brake SET 7. Control Locks REMOVE 8. Pedestal Circuit Breakers IN 9. Overhead Panel CHECK 10. Oxygen Control ON then OFF 11. Oxygen System Pressure CHECK 12. Emergency Static Air Valve NORMAL 13. Right Circuit Breaker Panel CHECK 14. Cabin Temp Mode OFF; Vent Blower AUTO, Elec’ Heat OFF 15. Landing Gear Handle DOWN 16. Condition Levers CUT OFF 17. Propeller Levers FULL FORWARD or FEATHER 18. Power Levers IDLE 19. Engine Ice Vanes EXTENDED (handles pulled out) 20. Left Subpanel Switches OFF 21. Start Clearance Battery & Avionics ON, as req'd, then OFF 22. Fuel Panel a. Circuit Breakers *b. Fuel Valves (Firewall) *c. Crossfeed d. Boost Pumps CHECK *May be omitted at Pilot’s discretion for quick turnaround IN CLOSED OPEN, FUEL CROSSFEED lit, CLOSED ON (listen for operation) 23. Battery Switch e. Fuel Valves (Firewall) f. Fuel Quantity *g. Transfer Pumps ON, check FUEL PRESSURE lights on OPEN, check FUEL PRESSURE lights off CHECK ON (listen for operation), then OFF 24. Locker Fuel Panel Switches OFF, CBs in, Test Lights 25. Voltmeters 26. Cabin Sign Switch CHECK Battery Volts NO SMOKE & FSB No voltage on one side indicates current limiter out NORMAL PROCEDURES 4 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Engine Starting External lights ON as required 1. Right Ignition Start Switch ON, RH ING IND on ……….after Ng rpm stabilizes for 5s, 12% minimum;17% normal 2. Right Condition Lever 3. ITT and Ng LOW IDLE MONITOR ITT 1090°C maximum ……….at Ng 60% or above 4. 5. 6. 7. Right Start Switch Right Condition Lever Right Generator Right Oil Pressure OFF HIGH IDLE if required ON unless external power is used CHECK correct indication if prop unfeathered ……...after Right Generator load falls below 50% 8.Right Generator OFF Note LJ972 AFM: If req’d, Left Engine may be started with Right Generator ON, or Right Generator may be turned ON after the LH Start Switch is engaged ON, LH ING IND on 1. Left Start Switch ……….after Ng rpm stabilizes for 5s, 12% minimum;17% normal 2. Left Condition Lever LOW IDLE 3. ITT and Ng MONITOR ITT 1090°C maximum ……….at Ng 60% or above 4. Left Start Switch OFF 5. Left and Right Generators BOTH ON unless external power is used 6. Left Oil Pressure CHECK correct indication if prop unfeathered External Power disconnect and Engine Clearing – see Normal Procedures 9 After Engine Starting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Transfer Pumps Crossfeed Switch DC Volt and Loadmeters Inverter Avionics Master Switch Lights Fuel Control Heat Cabin Temp and Mode Annunciator Lights ON AUTO CHECK CHECK BOTH and SELECT inverter ON AS REQUIRED ON AS REQUIRED (observe gauge limits) TEST then CLEAR NORMAL PROCEDURES 5 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Before Taxi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Engine Ice Vanes Baro setting GTN650 Other Instruments Propellers Brakes CHECK EXTENDED (handles pulled out) ATIS copied, G600 and Altimeter SET Self-test & database CHECK CHECK Max RPM, Prop Sync OFF CHECK Before Take-Off 1. Parking Brake SET 2. Boost Pumps and Auto Crossfeed a. Left Boost Pump OFF LH FUEL PRESS b. Left Boost Pump c. Crossfeed d. Right Boost Pump e. Right Boost Pump f. Crossfeed 3. 4. 5. 6. Avionics and Radar Pressurization Autopilot Electric Elevator Trim a. Tab Control Switch b. Pilot's and Co-pilots' Switches c. Trim Disconnect d. Tab Control Switch 7. Trim Tabs 8. Flaps 9. Flight Controls 10. Autofeather off, FUEL CROSSFEED on ON CLOSED then AUTO OFF RH FUEL PRESS off, FUEL CROSSFEED on ON CLOSED then AUTO CHECK, radar to STBY if reqd SET switch, rate knob & Alt to Cruise +500’ CHECK, then OFF CHECK ON CHECK OPERATION CHECK DEACTIVATION OF SYSTEM OFF then ON SET CHECK AND SET UP CHECK TEST at Lo Idle then ARM Autofeather test: Set Power to 500 ft-lbs, hold test switch L AUTOFEATHER and R AUTOFEATHER Illuminated Individually each engine: Retard power, @400ft-lbs opposite annunciator extinguishes @260lbs, both annunciators extinguish and prop feathers 11. Manual Prop Feathering CHECK at Lo Idle Continue with item 12, “Before Take-Off CONTINUED” procedure NORMAL PROCEDURES 6 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Before Take-Off CONTINUED *May be omitted at Pilot’s discretion for quick turnaround 12. Run-Up TEST * a. Propeller Controls Fully FWD, Max RPM b. Power Levers IDLE c. Governor Test Switch HOLD in TEST position d. LH Power Lever Increase RPM to 1750, stabilize e. LH Power Lever Advance, check 1750rpm maintained f. Governor Test Switch Release g. LH Prop Lever Retard then fully FWD to check h. Vacuum and Pneumatic CHECK Gauge pressure i. LH Engine Ice Vane RETRACT, check Torque drop, EXTEND j. LH Power Lever IDLE Repeat steps c-j for RH Engine 13. Friction Locks 14. Fuel System 15. 16. 17. 18. Instruments Auto Ignition Autofeather Bleed Air Valves SET Boost & Transfer Pumps ON Crossfeed AUTO, recheck Quantity CHECK ARM ARM OPEN 19. IFR Departure Checks after clearance copied a. HDG bug SET to runway heading b. Departure procedure LOADED, CHECKED c. G600 CDI mode SET, CDI on initial track d. Altitude Selector SET to cleared level e. Baro SET, to 1013 if cleared to FL f. TOGA switch PRESS, check Flight Director cue >>> Departure Brief (Wx, Wind & Temp, Distances, Vr, V1, Alternate) After Line-Up Clearance 20. Ice Protection ON (Hot 5, Windshield and as reqd) 21. Landing Lights ON Take-Off 1. Power Levers 2. Rotate at 3. Landing Gear ADVANCE, limit to 1520 ft-lbs Torque 95 KIAS RETRACT with positive climb NORMAL PROCEDURES 7 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Climb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Climb Power Propeller Alt Selector Baro setting Landing Lights SET 1300 ft-lb 1900 RPM, Sync ON SET and ARM CAUTION CHECK Alt Selector and Autopilot OFF are coupled to analogue when workload permits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Autofeather Switch Auto Ignition Engine Ice Vanes Engine Instruments Cabin Sign Pressurization P1 Altimeter, not G600 OFF OFF when not in visible moisture RETRACT when not in visible moisture MONITOR AS REQUIRED CHECK, SET rate as desired Cruise 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Altitude Power Gauges Ice Protection Navigation Communication Weather CHECK SET CHECK (Fuel, Battery, Engine, Press’n) CHECK and SET as required Update avionics as appropriate As appropriate Radar, Stormscope, ATIS as appropriate Descent 1. 2. 3. 4. Pressurization Altimeters Altitude Selector Ice Protection SET rate & outer scale to Field Elev +500’ CHECK, SET Baro SET and ARM As required Arrival 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radios Arrival and Approach Altimeters Pressurization Ice Protection Fuel Cabin SET, copy ATIS LOAD procedure, BRIEF CHECK, SET Baro CHECK As required CHECK Secure, Seat back & Harnesses, Sign NORMAL PROCEDURES 8 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Initial Approach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Engine Ice Vanes Auto Ignition Auto Feather Propeller Prop Sync Pressurization Flaps EXTEND ARM ARM 1900 RPM OFF CHECK APPROACH (below 178 KIAS) Final Approach and Landing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Landing Gear Landing Lights Ice Condition Levers Propellers Power Levers DOWN (below 156 KIAS) 3 GREENS ON CHECK LO or HIGH IDLE as required MAX RPM SET When Landing Assured FLAPS DOWN FULL (below 130 KIAS) After Landing POWER in BETA or REVERSE as reqd Go-Around 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOGA switch Power Levers Airspeed Flaps Gear PRESS MAX POWER (1520 lbs-ft) 95 KIAS or above UP UP After Landing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lights Auto Ignition Auto Feather Ice Protection Flaps Trim Electrical load Landing OFF, Taxi ON OFF OFF OFF, Engine Ice Vanes stay EXTENDED UP SET Observe Limits NORMAL PROCEDURES 9 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Shutdown and Securing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Parking Brake Transfer Pumps Crossfeed Inverter Avionics Master Switch Subpanel Switches Cabin Mode Control Blower Bleed Air Valves Oxygen Supply Control ITT SET OFF CLOSED OFF OFF OFF OFF AUTO CLOSED OFF BELOW 585°C FOR ONE MINUTE 12. 13. 14. 15. Propellers FEATHERED Condition Levers CUT-OFF Boost Pumps OFF below 10% Ng or less DC Volt Loadmeters CHECK VOLTAGE (No voltage on one side indicates current limiter out) 18. Battery and Generators OFF 19. 20. 21. 22. Tech Log Control Lock Cabin Lights External Covers & Chocks UPDATE FIT only if aircraft will not be towed CHECK OFF INSTALL as required Other Normal Procedures: After Start External Power (if used) Right Generator Battery Condition Left Generator DISCONNECT, access door SECURED ON CHECK ON Engine Clearing Condition Lever Ignition and Engine Start Switch Battery Switch Boost Pump Ignition and Engine Start Switch Ignition and Engine Start Switch Boost Pump CUT-OFF OFF ON ON STARTER ONLY (min of 15 seconds) OFF OFF NORMAL PROCEDURES 10 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 RNAV 1 or PRNAV Operating Procedures • This aircraft has navigation equipment installed and approved for PRNAV & RNAV 1 • This procedures on this page have been written in accordance with JAA TGL10 • When these procedures are used, and when the Pilot-in-Command has had suitable ground training in accordance with TGL10, for Private (non-AOC) operation the aircraft is PRNAV and RNAV 1 compliant through the provisions of UK CAA ORS4-959 • The ICAO FPL codes are thus Item 10: SBDFGR/S Item 18: PBN/B2D2S1 NAV/SBAS • Jeppesen hold a Type 2 LoA for the databses used in the GTN650s, thefore databse integrity checks for private operation are not required other than as detailed below A. Pre-Flight (in addition to Normal Procedures) 1. Check NOTAMs for EGNOS and GPS serviceability and coverage 2. Check currency and coverage of GTN650 databases B. Before Take-Off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check both GTN650s self-test and check WAAS enabled IF WAAS/EGNOS unavailable, perform GTN650 RAIM prediction Enter Flight Plan and select Departure Procedure Crosscheck procedure legs listed in the GTN650 with Jeppesen chart Select GPS CDI mode in G600, check CDI slews to first track Perform GPS position check on runway After take-off • Monitor tracking on G600 CDI scale (1nm) and GTN650 Integrity Annunciator • Crosscheck RNAV guidance with conventional aids C. Arrival 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (in addition to Normal Procedures) (in addition to Normal Procedures) Select and load the Arrival Procedure in GTN650 #1 Crosscheck Procedure map display with Jeppesen charts Select GPS CDI mode in G600, check CDI slews to first track Prepare and brief the alternative non-PRNAV procedure Complete gross error check using radio navaids Monitor tracking on G600 CDI scale (1nm) and GTN650 Integrity Annunciator RNAV 1 Capability Failure (eg. LoI alert) Total failure of one GTN650 1. Revert to the working GTN650 2. Notify ATC In the event of an LoI alert, monitor the GTN650s for 1 minute, then initiate the procedures below Loss of Integrity or other loss of RNAV 1 capability in both GTN650s 1. Select radio navigation aids and CDI source 2. Cancel GPS Roll Steer mode if engaged 3. Advise ATC and continue with non-RNAV procedure or as directed NORMAL PROCEDURES 11 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 XLR Fuel Locker Notes Locker useable fuel quantity is 260lbs (148l) per tank, total 520lbs (296l) CAUTION Do not transfer fuel from either Locker Tank when there is less than 400lbs of available fuel space in each Wing Tank Avoid partial transfer of Locker fuel Max lateral imbalance of combined Main and Locker fuel is 200lbs LH and RH transfer should be concurrent to avoid imbalance If Locker Fuel quantity is uncertain; complete the fuel transfer, or drain or fill the tanks so that they are known to be full or empty Locker Fuel Transfer 1. Fuel Gauges CHECK >400lbs space each Wing tank 2. Locker Fuel Pumps L & R both ON 3. LOCKER PUMP ON Lights L & R both continuously illuminated 4. Wing Fuel Quantity 5. Timing Monitor L & R Fuel Gauges for increase Note, transfer takes ~20mins 6. When L & R NO LOCKER XFR lights have illuminated: a. Locker Fuel Pumps L & R both OFF b. Annunciators CHECK all OFF c. Fuel gauges CHECK d. Flight planning CHECK range and endurance 7. Verify fuel state is consistent with successful transfer by correlating fuel gauge readings before and after transfer with engine fuel burn during transfer. Record Locker Tanks as empty in aircraft Tech Log “NO LOCKER XFR” Light Illumination If the “NO LOCKER XFR” light illuminates other than upon expected completion of a transfer, it is most likely that the illuminated-side pump has failed, or the system has clogged or a fuel leak has occurred: 1. Locker Fuel Pumps 2. Fuel gauges 3. Flight planning L & R both OFF CHECK RE-VERIFY range and endurance NORMAL PROCEDURES 12 KFC250 Autopilot Operating Notes V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 (see AFM Supp for full detail) Limitations: i. Autopilot operation is permitted up to Vmo (208 KIAS) ii. Do not use the autopilot below the following altitudes: Approach: 200ft AGL Climb: 500ft AGL Other: 1000ft AGL iii. Do not use the autopilot or yaw damper during take-off or landing 1. Engage Procedure: use the Mode Controller in center pedestal • Select the FLT DIR mode • Push the AP engage lever to ON 2. Disengage Procedure • Hold control wheel firmly, and monitor FD for unsatisfied commands or pitch mis-trim • Push the Pilot’s AP YD DISC/TRIM INTRPT switch 3. ALT HOLD operation • Press ALT switch on Mode Controller, observe ALT annunciator • Pressure altitude from P1 analogue altimeter at time of engagement will be held • Alternatively, use KAS297 ALT SELECT and ARM functions 4. ALT HOLD level change • In ALT mode, press & hold the VERTICAL TRIM switch on the mode controller to climb or descend ~600fpm and hold altitude at moment of switch release • Or, disengage ALT mode, enter climb or descent using VERTICAL TRIM and capture new altitude manually or with ALT SELECT and ARM 5. GPS Roll Steer Operation • The Roll-Steer Selector/Annunciator left of the G600 toggles the autopilot’s HDG error source in HDG mode between the G600 heading bug and the roll steer output of the GDU620 when GPS1 or GPS2 source is displayed • Roll-Steer mode is indicated by the GPSS symbol on the left edge of the G600 PFD 6. NAV or APPR mode operation • Select Nav source on G600 using CDI key, set desired course with CRS key • Press NAV or APPR mode to intercept course and observe ARM annunciator • Note CPLD annunciator when course intercepted and tracking coupled 7. GS operation – only in APPR CPLD operation with BCK CRS mode OFF • GS CPLD mode automatically engages intercepting a valid glideslope signal • GS CPLD mode disengages when any other vertical mode is selected KFC250 Autopilot Emergency Procedures EMERGENCY DISENGAGE OF AUTOPILOT AND ELEC TRIM 1. Control Wheel HOLD FIRMLY 2. AP YD DISC/INTRPT button PRESS AND HOLD, re-trim manually 3. Avionics Master switch OFF, AP YD DISC/INTRPT button RELEASE 4. AP TRIM circuit breaker PULL 5. Avionics Master switch ON ENGINE FAILURE 1. Disengage Autopilot, follow appropriate Emergency Procedure 2. Aileron and Rudder axes must be manually trimmed before Autopilot engagement in One Engine Inoperative flight V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Emergency Airspeeds Air Minimum Control Speed (Vmca)…………..90 KIAS Intentional Single-Engine Speed (Vsse) ........ 97 KIAS Single-engine Best Angle-of-Climb (Vxse)…….100 KIAS Single-engine Best Rate-of-Climb (Vyse)… 110 KIAS Maximum Maneuvering Speed (Va)………… 170 KIAS Turbulent Air Penetration ............................. 160 KIAS Maximum Range Glide Speed……...………. 100 KIAS Engine Failure ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKE-OFF – insufficient runway Pitch UP > Power UP > Flap UP > Gear UP Maintain 100 KIAS and control yaw Identify failed engine – power lever IDLE Shutdown failed engine EMERGENCY ENGINE SHUTDOWN in the event of: Engine Failure in flight Engine Fire in flight Engine Torque increase – uncontrolled, in ground or flight Illumination of CHIP DETECT annunciator Affected Engine: 1. 2. 3. 4. Condition Lever CUT-OFF Propeller Lever FEATHER Fuel Firewall Valve CLOSED Secure inoperative engine: a. Bleed Air Valve AS REQUIRED b. Engine Auto Ignition OFF c. Boost Pump OFF d. Fuel Transfer Pump OFF e. Crossfeed CLOSED f. Generator OFF g. Fuel Control Heat OFF h. Autofeather OFF i. Propeller Synch OFF 5. Electrical Load MONITOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Engine Fire on Ground Affected Engine: 1. Condition Lever 2. Fuel Firewall Valve 3. Starter Switch 4. Boost Pump 5. Fuel Transfer Pump 6. Crossfeed CUT-OFF CLOSED STARTER ONLY OFF OFF CLOSED Engine Failure During Ground Roll 1. Power Levers 2. Brakes IDLE As Required If insufficient runway remains for stopping: 3. 4. 5. 6. Condition Lever Fuel Firewall Valve Master Switch Boost Pumps CUT-OFF CLOSED STARTER ONLY OFF Engine Failure In-Flight below Vmca 90KIAS 1. 2. 3. 4. Reduce power on operative engine as req’d to maintain control Lower nose to accelerate above minimum control speed Adjust power as required Secure affected engine as per EMERGENCY ENGINE SHUTDOWN Flame-Out of Operating Engine during One-Engine Inoperative Flight 1. Power Lever 2. Propeller 3. Condition Lever IDLE DO NOT FEATHER CUT-OFF 4. Conduct AIR START procedures – see EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Air Start – STARTER ASSIST 1. 2. 3. 4. Electrical Load Power Lever Condition Lever Fuel Panel a. b. c. d. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fuel Firewall Valve Boost Pump Transfer Pump Crossfeed Start Switch Condition Lever Start Switch Generator Propeller Power Lever Fuel Control Heat Electrical Equipment REDUCE (eg. Radar, Anti Ice, Cabin Temp Mode IDLE CUT-OFF CHECK OFF) OPEN ON ON AUTO ON (up) Check IGNITION light ON LOW IDLE (8 seconds after start switch ON) OFF (Ng above 51%) RESET momentarily, then ON AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED ON AS REQUIRED Air Start – WINDMILLING ENGINE AND PROP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electrical Load Power Lever Propeller Condition Lever Fuel Panel a. b. c. d. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fuel Firewall Valve Boost Pump Transfer Pump Crossfeed Generator (Inop Engine) Airspeed Altitude Auto-Ignition Condition Lever Power and Prop Levers Auto-Ignition Fuel Control Heat Electrical Equipment REDUCE (eg. Radar, Anti Ice, Cabin Temp Mode IDLE MAX RPM CUT-OFF CHECK OFF) OPEN ON ON AUTO OFF ABOVE 140 KIAS BELOW 20,000 ft ARM LOW IDLE (8 seconds after Auto-Ign ARM) AS REQUIRED (after ITT has peaked) OFF ON AS REQUIRED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 4 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Smoke or Fire or Fumes Smoke and Fume elimination Attempt to Identify the source of smoke or fumes. Smoke associated with electrical failures is usually gray or tan in color, and irritating to the nose and eyes. Smoke produced by environmental system failures Is generally white in color, and much less irritating to the nose and eyes. ELECTRICAL SMOKE OR FIRE 1. Oxygen Control handle ON, Masks ON 2. Cabin Temp Mode OFF 3. Vent Blower AUTO 4. Avionics Master OFF 5. Nonessential Electrics OFF If smoke or fire ceases • Individually restore avionics & electrics, isolate defective equipment If smoke or fire persists • Cabin Pressure switch DUMP • Land as soon as practical ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM SMOKE OR FUMES 1. Oxygen Control handle ON, Masks ON 2. Cabin Temp Mode OFF 3. Vent Blower HI 4. LH Bleed Air CLOSED If smoke decreases • Continue operation with LH Bleed Air closed If smoke does not decrease • LH Bleed Air OPEN • RH Bleed Air CLOSED • If smoke decreases, continue operation with RG Bleed Air Closed Emergency Descent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Power Levers Propeller Controls Wing Flaps Landing Gear Airspeed IDLE MAX RPM APPROACH EXTEND 156KIAS maximum EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 5 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Landing Emergencies ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE LANDING When it is certain that the field can be reached: 1. Flaps APPROACH 2. Landing Gear DOWN 3. Propeller Controls FULL FORWARD 4. Airspeed 110 KNOTS When It is certain there is no possibility of go-around: 5. Flaps DOWN 6. Airspeed 100 KNOTS 7. Execute Normal Landing ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE GO-AROUND 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Flaps Landing Gear Airspeed MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE UP UP 107 KNOTS Glide (both engines inoperative) 1. 2. 3. 4. Flaps Landing Gear Propeller Controls Airspeed UP UP FEATHERED 150 KNOTS Landing Gear Manual Extension 1. 2. 3. 4. Airspeed ESTABLISH 120 KNOTS Landing Gear Relay CB PULL (next to Gear handle, not on CB panel) Landing Gear Handle DOWN Emergency Engage Handle: LIFT AND TURN CLOCKWISE TO THE STOP TO ENGAGE 5. Extension Lever PUMP up and down until the 3 green gear down lights are lit Retraction after practice manual extension ONLY: (i) Emergency Engage handle rotate counter clockwise and push down to stow (ii) Extension lever stow (iii) Gear CB in (iv) Gear handle Up EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 6 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Low Oil Pressure Oil Pressure values between 40 and 80 psi are undesirable: they should be tolerated only for the completion of the flight, and then only at a reduced power setting. Oil pressure values below 40 psi are unsafe; they require either that the engine be shut down, or !hat a landing be made as soon as possible, using the minimum power required to sustain flight. Fuel System Emergencies BOOST PUMP FAILURE 1. Inoperative Boost Pump OFF 2. Determine whether continuation of flight with Crossfeed open is possible (refer to Flight Manual) 3. To continue flight with Crossfeed closed, satisfactory operation may be obtained by reducing power, descending to a lower altitude, waiting for fuel to cool CROSSFEED (One Engine Inoperative operation) 1. 2. 3. 4. Fuel Boost Pumps Transfer Pumps Crossfeed switch NON-FEEDING tank Both ON ON OPEN, Check FUEL CROSSFEED on Fuel Boost Pump OFF and check non-feeding side FUEL PRESS unlit TO DISCONTINUE CROSSFEED 1. Fuel Boost Pumps 2. Crossfeed switch 3. Fuel Boost Pump Both ON CLOSED OFF (inoperative engine only) NOTE: The Crossfeed system is designed solely for operation in the event of a Fuel Boost Pump failure or an Engine failure. The normal position of the Crossfeed switch with both engines running is AUTO with the FUEL CROSSFEED annunciator unlit Uncommanded Electric Pitch Trim operation 1. 2. 3. 4. Attitude CONTROL MANUALLY AP/Trim Disconnect Switch DEPRESS FULLY Manually re-trim airplane ELEV TAB switch (pedestal) OFF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 7 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Electrical System Failure GENERATOR INOPERATIVE (DC GEN annunciator lit) 1. Starter switch Check OFF 2. Generator switch RESET momentarily then ON If Generator will not reset 2. Generator Switch OFF 3. Operating Generator Do not exceed Load of 1.0 EXCESSIVE LOADMETER INDICATION (over 1.0) 1. Battery Switch OFF If Loadmeter still indicates above 1.0 2. Non-essential Electrics OFF If Loadmeter indicates 1.0 or below 3. Battery Switch ON CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED Non-essential Circuit DO NOT RESET IN FLIGHT Essential Circuit RESET ONCE ONLY SUBPANEL FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED (fuel panel bus feeders and right circuit breaker panel bus feeders) A short is indicated DO NOT RESET IN FLIGHT INVERTER INOPERATIVE (INVERTER annunciator lit) 1. Select the other inverter AVIONICS POWER SWITCH FAILURE 1. Pull the Avionics Master CB (system defaults to powered) Pressurization System (differential pressure in red arc) 1. Cabin Altitude controller If condition persists 2. Bleed Air valves 3. Cabin Pressure Switch 4. Bleed Air valves SET HIGHER CLOSED DUMP OPEN Emergency Exit Hatch (third right cabin window) 1. Emergency hatch cover OPEN 2. Release button PUSH (or pull hooks then push button) 3. PULL handle and PUSH out hatch Inadvertent Spin Control wheel FWD, rudder OPPOSITE, power IDLE, aileron NEUTRAL V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION • Mass and Balance • Performance • Operations V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Mass and Balance 1 Loading definitions and notes The following Loading definitions are used in this manual and associated materials: (including Flight Planning sheet, M&B Worksheet and RocketRoute.Com aircraft model) Cabin Fuel tanks “Nose Baggage” Max 350lbs Main tank Nose baggage area forward of avionics bay. Not used in normal operation. Nacelle 4 intertank connected Wing tanks “Crew” Includes Pilot and Co-Pilot and items stowed in the cockpit area and cabinets Pilot mass is NOT included in Empty Mass of 6840lbs “Forward Pax” The forward pair of aft-facing seats in the main cabin “Aft Pax” The rear pair of forward-facing seats in the main cabin Locker tank The 4 interconnected wing tanks are considered one single Wing tank for all operating purposes For fuel and mass planning, the Nacelle & Wing tanks are treated as the “Main tank” The “Locker tank” is a separate system, and its fuel must be transferred to the Main Tank The entire fuel system is symmetrical on the left and right sides of the aircraft Note: Fuel filling sequence “Side Pax” The Side-Facing seat opposite the main cabin door 1 “Aft Baggage” Max 350lbs The right-hand side area from the rear partition to the aft bulkhead Assume 20lbs for Life raft, External Covers & other items There is no LH/RH imbalance limit whilst loading fuel. In flight, the limit is 200lbs. 2 3 Note that fuel crews are unfamiliar with the rare C90 Locker tank installation. If required, verify the Locker tanks have been filled “Lav Pax” The aft-most belted seat, with a lavatory beneath the seat cushion Fuel Capacity Both Wings One Wing Pounds Main Locker Total US gal Litres Main 1285 192 732 260 39 148 Locker 1545 231 881 Total Pounds US gal Litres 2570 384 1465 520 78 296 3090 461 1761 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Mass and Balance 2 Mass, Balance and Loading Limits Max Ramp Mass Max Take-off Mass Max Landing Mass Max Zero Fuel Mass Metric MTOM 10560 lbs 10500 lbs 9700 lbs 9000 lbs 4773 kg Empty Mass Useful Load Load w/Mains full Load w/Max Fuel Max Load 6840 lbs 3720 lbs 1150 lbs 630 lbs 2160 lbs Mass and Balance envelope and limit examples Fwd example 1: 2 Crew, 400lbs No other occupants No baggage Fwd example 2: 1 Crew, 200lbs No other occupants No baggage Aft example 1: 1 Crew,180lbs 2 Aft Pax, 400lbs Aft bags 50lbs Aft example 2: 1 Crew,200lbs No other occupants Aft bags 300lbs Mass 10700 lbs 10500 10300 10100 3090 lbs fuel 9900 9700 9500 2570 lbs fuel 9300 9100 8900 2000 lbs fuel 8700 1500 lbs fuel 8500 148 150 152 154 156 158 Centre of Gravity inches aft of datum 160 The CG limits are unlikely to be exceed with normal loading if the aircraft mass is below the MTOM limit. Therefore, as an alternative to calculating CG, the following criteria may be used 1. With no aft load and no forward baggage, a Crew mass of 400lbs or less will assure a CG within the forward limit at any fuel load. With 20lbs in the Aft baggage area, the Crew mass may be 450lbs. 2. With only a single 180lb crew member on board, a mass in the Aft baggage area of 300lbs or less will assure the CG remains within the aft limit These criteria are included in the Mass & Balance section of the Preflight Planning Sheet V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Mass and Balance 3 Mass and Balance Worksheet Note: Main Fuel arm varies with tank contents, 150” is an approximation. Empty Mass Nose Bags LH Crew RH Crew LH Pax Fwd RH Pax Fwd LH Pax Aft RH Pax Aft Side Pax rear Lav Pax rear LH Main Fuel RH Main Fuel LH Locker Fuel RH Locker Fuel Aft Bags Load totals Zero Fuel Mass Ramp M&B max 10560 lbs less taxi fuel Mass Arm Moment lbs in lbs-in/100 6840 155 10602 70 129 129 168 168 212 212 245 285 150 150 189 189 282 max 9000 lbs 150 60lbs is standard taxi fuel Take Off M&B max 10500 lbs less take-off fuel less cruise fuel Landing M&B max 9700 lbs 150 150 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Mass and Balance 4 Mass and Volume unit conversion (6.7lbs/US Gallon 0.57litres/lb) lbs USgal litres lbs USgal litres 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1285 7 15 22 30 37 45 52 60 67 75 82 90 97 104 112 119 127 134 142 149 157 164 172 179 187 192 One Main Full 29 57 86 114 143 171 200 228 257 285 314 342 371 399 428 456 485 513 542 570 599 627 656 684 713 732 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 2350 2400 2450 2500 2570 194 201 209 216 224 231 239 246 254 261 269 276 284 291 299 306 313 321 328 336 343 351 358 366 373 384 Both Mains Full 741 770 798 827 855 884 912 941 969 998 1026 1055 1083 1112 1140 1169 1197 1226 1254 1283 1311 1340 1368 1397 1425 1465 1335 199 761 1385 207 789 1435 214 818 1485 222 846 1535 229 875 1545 231 881 1x Main & Locker Full 2670 399 1522 2770 413 1579 2870 428 1636 2970 443 1693 3070 458 1750 3090 461 1761 2 Main & 2 Locker Full V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 This page intentionally blank V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION • Mass and Balance • Performance • Operations Performance data is drawn from the Raisbeck AFM Supplement, which includes the Blackhawk XP Engine modification and 10500lb MTOM STC and supersedes the original AFM The priority sequence for LJ-972’s Flight Manual is 1. Raisbeck AFMS content 2. Blackhawk AFMS content not available in the Raisbeck AFMS 3. Beechcraft AFM content The “G-VBCD Preflight Planning Sheet” is an acceptable means of planning for all operations conforming to the simplified criteria on that sheet. This section of the manual is for more detailed calculations and cross-checks Take Off Distance – 0% Flaps – 2 Engines V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Associated Conditions: Power……Take-off Power set before brake release Both Engines idle at V1 Flaps……..Up Gear………Retract after Lift-Off Runway…Paved, Level, Dry Surface Braking…..Max without tires slipping Weight - lbs 10,500 10,000 9,000 8,000 V1 KIAS 95 94 90 85 Accelerate-Stop Distance Example: OAT……………………………….. 25 C Pressure Altitude…………… 3966 ft Take-Off Weight……………. 9650 lbs Headwind Component….. 10 knots Accel-Stop Distance……… 3813 ft V1……………………………….... 94 KIAS Accelerate-STOP Distance V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Accelerate-GO Distance V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 -50 -40 -30 Associated Conditions: Power…… Max Continuous Flaps…….. Up Gear……… Up -10 0 10 20 Outside Air Temperature: OC -20 30000 ft 28000 ft 26000 ft 24000 ft 22000 ft 20000 ft 18000 ft 16000 ft 30 14000 ft 12000 ft 40 10000 ft 8000 ft 50 Sea Level 4000 ft 6000 ft Climb Speed 112 KIAS (all weights) 10000 10350 ref line 10500 MTOW Ref Line 8000 Weight: Pounds 9000 0 7000 500 1000 1500 2000 Example: OAT……………………………….. -10 C Pressure Altitude…………… 17000 ft Take-Off Weight……………. 9400 lbs Rate Of Climb………………… 1788 fpm Climb Gradient…………...... 12.8% 2500 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20% 19% Climb Gradient % Rate of Climb fpm Climb – Two Engines – Flap Up Climb - 2 Engines – Flap Up V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 -50 -40 -30 -10 0 10 30 16000 ft 20 Outside Air Temperature: OC -20 14000 ft 12000 ft 40 10000 ft 8000 ft 50 Ref Line 10000 10350 ref line 10500 MTOW Sea Level 2000 ft 4000 ft 6000 ft Climb Speed 108 KIAS (all weights) 8000 Weight: Pounds 9000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 7000 Example: OAT……………………………….. -4 C Pressure Altitude…………… 9000 ft Take-Off Weight……………. 9400 lbs Rate Of Climb………………… 550 fpm Climb Gradient…………...... 4.3% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% Climb Gradient % Rate of Climb fpm Climb – One Engine Inoperative – Flap Up Associated Conditions: Power…… Max Continuous Flaps…….. Up Gear……… Up Inop Prop. Feathered Climb – One Engine Inoperative - Flap Up V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Service Ceiling (OEI) : Feet 13000 -10 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 -5 0 5 15 Outside Air Temperature: OC at Route Segment MEA 10 Note: Service Ceiling (OEI) is the maximum pressure altitude at which the airplane is capable of climbing at 50fpm with one propeller feathered Note: Use the highest (worst case) route segment MEA for this calculation 20 Service Ceiling – One Engine Inoperative Assume Service Ceiling (OEI) at max weight is above MEA (up to a max of 20,000ft) when conditions are ISA + 20C or cooler, otherwise calculate from this chart Associated Conditions: Power…… Max Continuous Flaps…….. Up Gear……… Up Inop Prop. Feathered 25 Example: OAT of MEA…………………… 10 C Route Segment MEA……… 9000 ft Weight…………………………… 9500 lbs Service Ceiling (OEI).……… 18860 ft 30 Service Ceiling – One Engine Inoperative V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 -30 -10 0 10 20 30 40 10000 ft 8000 ft 6000 ft Outside Air Temperature: OC -20 4000 ft 2000 ft Sea Level Associated Conditions: Power…… Retard to maintain 800fpm descent on final approach Flaps…….. 100% Brakes……… Max braking Runway… Paved, Level, Dry Surface 10000 9700lbs MLW ref line 9000 8000 7000 Approach Speed 100 KIAS 97 KIAS 92 KIAS 86 KIAS Weight: Pounds Reference Line Weight - lbs 9700 9000 8000 7000 0 10 20 30 0 Obstacle Height: Feet Reference Line Wind Component: Knots -10 Reference Line 50 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Example: OAT……………………………….. 15 C Pressure Altitude…………… 5650 ft Landing Weight……………. 8855 lbs Headwind Component….. 10 knots Ground Roll…………………… 1050 ft Total Dist. over 50ft obst.. 2160 ft Approach Speed……………. 96 KIAS Total Distance for Take-Off: Feet Landing Distance – 100% Flaps – No Prop Rvrs Landing Distance: 100% Flap - No Prop Reverse V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Cruise performance and fuel required V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Cruise Performance See also note on Cruise Performance on page “Operating Manual notes” Altitude KTAS Torque Sea Level 165 730 ft lbs Fuel Flow 250lbs/engine/hr FL050 FL100 FL150 FL200 FL250 180 210 225 240 255 800 ft lbs 1000 ft lbs 1040 ft lbs 1070 ft lbs 1100 ft lbs For cruise planning purposes at FL220-250, assume > 250 KTAS > 250lbs/engine/hour Fuel Flow Minimum Fuel Required (example cruise: 250KTAS, 250lbs/hr x2) See also note on Fuel Planning on page “Operating Manual notes” 1 Taxi fuel 2 Take-off & Climb fuel 60 lbs 190 lbs Guide to Minimum Fuel Required given distance and flight conditions IFR VFR 3090 3000 increment over cruise burn assume zero distance Cruise (FL200-250) 3 Distance (including climb) 4 Groundspeed 5 Time Enroute =3/4 6 Cruise fuel flow (both engines) 7 Cruise burn 250 500 nm kts hrs lbs 8 Trip Fuel =1+2+7 lbs 9 Contingency 5% 5% of 8 lbs 250 11 Total VFR Fuel Reqd =8+9+10 =1+8+9+10 12 Alternate distance 13 Alternate time 14 Alternate fuel =13*6 75 0.5 nm hrs 250 lbs 1500 1000 lbs In normal operation, load 200lbs extra ALWAYS LOAD 200lbs EXTRA FUEL fuel above the minimum fuel required ABOVE FUEL REQUIRED 2000 lbs lbs 15 Total IFR Fuel Reqd 11+14 = =1+8+9+10+14 2500 lbs/hr =5*6 10 Final Reserve 30min hold @1500' Fuel lbs Distance nm (100nm alternate) 500 0 500 1000 1500 V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Departure runway performance (zero wind) Vr 95KIAS ZERO FLAP If actual take-off conditions are all equal to or better than this example, these performance numbers may be assumed. Otherwise, calculate actual performance OAT Elevation Take-off Mass +25 C 2000 ft 10500 lbs SID climb performance Feet Metres Take-Off to 50ft 2450 750 Accelerate-Stop 4500 1375 Accelerate-Go 3600 1100 Normal: 112KIAS OEI: 108KIAS Illustrative climb rate and gradient at 6000’, ISA+12 and MTOM. If conditions are more demanding, calculate actual performance OAT Elevation Mass +15 C 6000 ft 10500 lbs Gradient Climb Two Engine 13% 1830 fpm Single Engine 3.4% 450 fpm Service Ceiling – One Engine Inoperative For OAT at MEA of ISA+20C or cooler, assume max OEI Service Ceiling of 20,000’ is available. For exceptional higher temperatures, calculate actual OEI Service Ceiling. MEA OAT @ MEA Mass Service Ceiling 20000 ft -5C (ISA+20C) Single Engine 20,000’ 10500 lbs Landing runway performance (zero wind) 100KIAS FULL FLAP If actual landing conditions are all equal to or better than this example, these performance numbers may be assumed. Otherwise, calculate actual performance OAT Elevation Landing Mass +25 C 2000 ft 9700 lbs Missed Approach climb Landing distance over 50’ obstacle Ground roll Feet Metres 2300 700 1150 350 Normal: 112KIAS OEI: 108KIAS Illustrative climb rate and gradient at 2000’, 25C and MLM. If conditions are more demanding, calculate actual performance OAT Elevation Mass Gradient Climb Two Engine 16% 2150 fpm Single Engine 4.5% 580 fpm +25 C 2000 ft 9700 lbs V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION NORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES OPERATING INFORMATION • Mass and Balance • Performance • Operations Planning and Operating Procedures V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Destination and Alternate weather All operations require Destination and an Alternate with forecasts at or above applicable minima In-flight, it is permitted, with caution, for only one of Destination or Alternate to be above minima Destination Forecast x SUMMARY TABLE Alternate Forecast VMC >= AOM VMC Acceptable Acceptable >= AOM Acceptable Acceptable Below AOM In-flight only In-flight only Below AOM In-flight only In-flight only Not acceptable Fuel requirements The summary table below details the fuel planning and fuel state recommended under this Manual. This is based on EASA OPS and is more demanding than the present UK ANO rules applicable 1. Taxi fuel 2. Trip fuel 3. Contingency of 5% 4. Alternate fuel 5. Final reserve, 30min Preflight Required Required Required Required Required, further 200lbs desirable Enroute n/a Required Not required Subject to judgement Required, further 200lbs desirable Aerodrome Operating Minima: Departure The minimum RVR for departure shall be the greater of 1. the UK statutory minimum of 150m, ref. ANO 109.2.b 2. Any minima specified by the airport operator, eg. no lower than 250m RVR 3. The landing minima, unless a take-off alternate is available within 30mins flying time 4. If a One Engine Inoperative take-off path is not available from aerodrome elevation, 800m Aerodrome Operating Minima: Landing 1. The minima used shall be those published in the Jeppesen plates, taking into account - the operational status of lighting and RVR reporting - Approach Category B - LPV, LNAV/VNAV, ILS Cat I approvals as applicable 2. PEC shall not apply. Temperature corrections shall not apply above a sea level OAT of -5C. Below that, increase indicated DH 10% for every 20C below ISA. Note effect on terrain clearance of very cold conditions but DO NOT adjust procedure or ATC cleared altitudes without ATC agreement. 3. All non-precision approaches shall be flown using the CDFA method. The PIC may elect to add 50’ to a CDFA DA(H) in accordance with UK CAA recommendations, but this is not mandatory RVR 4. If single-pilot and for any procedure other than an autopilot-coupled ILS or LPV approach, use the higher of the calculated minimum RVR and 800m 5. In accordance with the “Approach Ban”, do not descend below 1000’ AAE or the equivalent of the Outer Marker position unless the RVR is at or above the applicable minima 6. It is recommended that, if RVR falls below minima after passing 1000’ AAE, the approach shall be discontinued immediately rather than continuing descent to DA(H) 7. Repeated approaches and missed approaches are at the pilot’s discretion. It is recommended that a diversion shall be executed after the second missed approach Normal Instrument Approach Procedure (Precision or CDFA) Normal Instrument Approach V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Single-Engine Instrument Approach Procedure (Precision or CDFA) Single-Engine Instrument Approach V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Operating Manual notes V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014 Cruise Performance The Blackhawk & Raisbeck FM Supplements corresponding to the PT6A-135A engine installation do not include cruise speed or fuel burn performance tables, and refer to the Beech factory tables (corresponding to the original PT6A-21 engines) with the comment that at comparable power settings, the PT6A-135As provide fuel flow and TAS which is at least as good. However, the -135As make significantly great power available at cruise altitudes and the Supplement comment is that “pilots should be aware that increased fuel consumption results when operating this airplane at power levels greater than achievable with the original engines” For practical purposes, the cruise performance data in the AFM is not meaningful, and the Cruise Performance table in this manual should be used instead. This has slightly and consistently conservative data relative to that observed in flight in G-VBCD in a variety of conditions. Fuel Planning The usual method for mass & balance, range, payload and fuel planning is to use the G-VBCD aircraft model available under the operators’ login at www.RocketRoute.com, and to have an electronic or paper version of the Flight Briefing pack available in-cockpit.This model is accurate for mass & balance, and the aircraft may be loaded to limits on this basis. The model is an approximation for range, payload and performance and in typical operation the minimum fuel loaded should exceed the minimum fuel required (as calculated by the model) by 200lbs total to allow for a margin in excess of the reserves and contingencies required under EU OPS and the UK ANO. The 200lbs extra fuel should also be loaded when using this manual for performance planning. If this extra load is not practical, additional caution must be taken, using in-flight performance monitoring, enroute fuel alternates and considering weather/traffic contingencies as appropriate No fuel totalizer is fitted to G-VBCD and the fuel state for planning purposes should be taken as the lower of the total indicated by the gauges and the departure fuel minus the estimated fuel burn. Prior to departure, and for loads other than full tanks visually inspected as such, in the event of a discrepancy between the fuel quantity indicated by the gauges and the fuel recorded in the tech log, use the lower of the two quantities Flights requiring fuel from the XLR Fuel Lockers must have an Enroute Fuel Alternate available in case the locker fuel transfer can not be accomplished Cold Temperature operation Cold Start: the engines may be started at temperatures at or above -40C Fuel system icing inhibitor (PRIST) is NOT required except in extraordinarily cold circumstances There is no in-flight OAT minimum limit but note that • Fuel temperature is assumed to be equal to OAT • The AFM Limitations section page 2-6 charts minimum Oil Temperature required for a given OAT, to assure oil heating at the FCU will prevent fuel icing • This limit may be simplified as MIN OIL TEMP IN POSITIVE DEGREES C = OAT IN NEGATIVE DEGREES C For example, at an OAT of -40C, minimum oil temp is +40C • In practice, this limit is very unlikely to be exceeded Rounding of numbers This manual uses some numbers that have been rounded where this simplifies calculation and memory items with no material effect on operation. The instances of rounding are: AIRSPEEDS Vx rounded from 101KIAS to 100KIAS Vy rounded from 111KIAS to 110KIAS Va rounded from 169KIAS to 170KIAS Turbulent Air penetration speed from 161KIAS to 160KIAS MASS Aircraft Empty Mass rounded up from 6833lbs to 6840lbs Each Main Fuel Tank full load rounded down from 1286lbs to 1285lbs The net effect is to reduce full fuel payload by 5lbs and part fuel payload by 7lbs V1.12 – 9 Mar 2014