Provision of ATN / VDL Mode 2 services for Riga Flight Information Region in order to fulfil Commission Regulation (EC) No 29/2009 on data link services for Single European Sky (identification Nr. LGS 2013/61) Annex 4 Technical specification Issue 1.1 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 Notices Any copies printed from the online version are to be treated as uncontrolled. Publication history Issue Month/Year Change Requests in this issue Issue 0.1 February 2013 First issue for review Issue 0.2 March 2013 Updating of appendices Issue 1.0 March 2013 Update of references Issue 1.1 September 2013 Updated by LGS Reviewers/Distribution Reviewers Name of individual Role Referenced documents List of documents referenced in this publication: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] EU Commission Implementing Rule: LINK 2000+ Generic Requirements for a CSP Version 1.6 Link 2000+ Network Planning Document V 3.4 EUROCONTROL May 2007 EUROCONTROL SPECIFICATION on Datalink Services EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0116 V 2.1 EUROCONTROL January 2009 Supplement 5 to ARINC Specification 631: VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2 Implementation: Provisions. ARINC 631-5 ARINC Inc. December 2008 ICAO document 9880, Manual on Detailed Technical Specifications for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) using ISO/OSI Standards and Protocols ICAO, Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) Manual for the ATN using IPS Standards and Protocols (Doc 9896) Guidelines for CNS/ATM Systems Software Integrity Assurance - EUROCAE ED-109 [9] Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace - EUROCAE ED-120 [10] Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (Interop ATN B1) - EUROCAE ED-110B [11] Future Air Navigation System 1/A – Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Interoperability Standard (FANS 1/A – ATN B1 Interop Standard) - EUROCAE ED-154 [12] Interoperability Requirements for ATS Applications using ARINC 622 Data Communications - EUROCAE ED-100A [13] Functional specifications for CNS/ATM Recording - EUROCAE ED-111 [14] Interpretation of EUROCAE ED-120/RTCA DO-290 Performance Requirements. V1.3 EUROCONTROL May 2007 [15] ETSI Standards EN 301 841-1 (V1.2.1) and EN 301 841-2 (V1.1.1) (applicable to the Physical/MAC layers and higher layers respectively of ground based VDL Mode 2 equipment) P a g e | ii Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 P a g e | iii Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 Contents PAGE ii Notices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Publication history ii Reviewers/Distribution ii Referenced documents ii Contents iv Introduction 6 1.1 Scope 6 1.2 Conventions 6 Managed Datalink Services 7 2.1 Preamble 7 2.2 Service Provision 7 2.3 Service Volume 7 Functional Requirements 9 3.1 General 9 3.2 Service Boundaries 9 3.3 Reference Point ‘A’ Connection to ANSP 10 3.4 Reference Point ‘B’ Service Provision to Participating Aircraft 11 3.5 Reference Point ‘C’ CSP Inter-Connection 13 Service Level Requirements 14 4.1 Capacity 14 4.2 Performance 14 4.3 Availability, Reliability and Continuity of Service 15 4.4 Integrity 15 4.5 Priority 16 4.6 Safety and Security 16 4.7 Maintenance 16 Performance Monitoring and Network Management 17 5.1 Technical Support 17 5.2 Problem Reporting 17 5.3 Performance Reporting 18 5.4 Planned Engineering Work 18 Communication Service Evaluation 19 6.1 Evaluation Process 19 6.2 Delivery of Documentary Evidence 19 6.3 Laboratory Acceptance Tests 19 6.4 Flight Tests 20 6.5 Observation Process 21 A.1 Overall Report on Quality of Service 22 A.2 Statistics 22 P a g e | iv Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 B.1 Introduction 23 B.2 Functional Requirements 23 B.3 Capacity 23 B.4 Performance 23 B.5 Priority 23 B.6 Safety and Security Policy 24 B.7 Availability, Reliability and Continuity 24 B.8 VDL Coverage 24 D.1 ATN Ground/Ground Routing Services 27 D.2 Integration in the IP Wide Area Network infrastructure 28 D.3 Availability, Reliability & Maintainability Requirements 28 D.4 Capacity & ATN Router Processing Performance 29 D.5 Software assurance level 29 E.1 Scope Error! Bookmark not defined. E.2 Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.3 LGS application of Eurocontrol Specification Error! Bookmark not defined. E.4 Data Link Services General Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.5 Specification of Data link Service ACM Error! Bookmark not defined. E.6 Specification of Data Link Service ACL Error! Bookmark not defined. E.7 Specification of Data link Service AMC Error! Bookmark not defined. E.8 Specification of Data link Service DLIC Error! Bookmark not defined. E.9 End-To-End Communications General Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.10 Specification of Data link Application CPDLC Error! Bookmark not defined. E.11 Specification of Data Link Application CM Error! Bookmark not defined. E.12 ATN Upper Layer Communications Service Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.13 ATN Internet Communications Service requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.14 Ground Recording Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.15 Naming and Addressing Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. E.16 Conformity Assessment Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined. P a g e |v Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 The Link 2000+ Programme has established a number of principles governing the provision of ATN/VDL2 service to ANSPs and participating aircraft. These principles are intended to preserve the necessary freedom for participating aircraft to contract with their preferred CSP for Airline Operational Communications (AOC). 1.1.2 The specification for the provision of VDL Mode 2 Service supporting ATC data link services, in the context of the Eurocontrol Link2000+ Programme, are contained in Generic Requirements for a LINK 2000+ Air/Ground Communications Service Provider (CSP) [2]. This document provides the requirements specification for the provision of ATN CPDLC services to airlines and aircraft that use the data link ATC services in the airspace managed by LGS. 1.1.3 The requirements captured in this document represent particular needs, modes of operation and business benefits to the LGS which, in some instances, may exceed the minimum requirements stipulated in the Implementing Rule [1]. 1.1.4 Specifically this document calls for the provision of either a managed service or a partnership arrangement with the CSPs, instead of the ANSPs taking ownership of radio equipment. 1.1.5 The document aims to specify the requirements to be satisfied by each CSP, and makes reference to the following LGS Specific Requirements: 1.2 Service Volume – throughout which the CSP is required to provide the service. In addition, it also specifies the minimum number of flights within that volume that the CSP is required to support. Capacity – stating the minimum number of uplink and downlink ATC application messages per hour that the CSP is required to support. Conventions Shall Indicates that the requirement is mandatory; e.g. the paper shall be A4 size Will Indicates an intention or assumption for something out of scope of the project; e.g. the system will provide the HMI for data entry to the system. Should Indicates a desirable requirement that cannot be justifiably mandated; e.g. the system emergency ‘off’ button should be coloured red. May Indicates that may be at the choice of the supplier; e.g. the colour of the paper may be either white or cream. P a g e |6 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 2. Managed Datalink Services 2.1 Preamble 2.1.1 The Link 2000+ Programme has established a number of principles governing the provision of ATN/VDL2 and FANS/ACARS services to ANSPs and participating aircraft. A full explanation of the principles and their impact can be found in the Link 2000+ Network Planning Document [3]. There are technical obstacles preventing an aircraft to use one VDL2 service provider for its AOC communications and another for its ATC Communications. 2.1.2 In accordance with these principles LGS will contract both CSPs to provide ATN/VDL2 managed services to participating aircraft in the airspace under the jurisdiction of the LGS who will connect directly to the CSPs. Any participating aircraft may choose to use the ATN/VDL2 services available from either CSP to provide ATC Datalink Services offered by the LGS. 2.1.3 This document identifies the ATN/VDL2 service requirements that each CSP must comply with, in order to offer connectivity to provide ATC Datalink Services to participating aircraft. 2.2 Service Provision 2.2.1 The CSPs shall offer connectivity to provide ATC Datalink Services for the Specified Airspace only when written authorisation has been issued by the LGS who may further specify the participating aircraft to which the connectivity will be offered. LGS understands the impact of requiring that an aircraft be blocked from the service, and will only request it in extreme circumstances in consultation with the CSP. This requirement is not intended to impact on the CSP’s AOC traffic. 2.2.2 Such authorisation will not be given until the CSP has demonstrated compliance with this specification by successful completion of the Validation Procedures specified in Section 6 of this document as well as compliance with any additional requirements specified by the LGS. 2.2.3 The CSPs shall provide a written undertaking to LGS to maintain compliance with the requirements of this document during contracted period of service and such an undertaking will form part of the contract with the LGS. 2.2.4 The CSPs shall offer connectivity to provide ATC Datalink Services to any participating aircraft, including non-AOC aircraft, operating under the jurisdiction of the LGS, in accordance with the Link 2000+ Rules of Engagement for non-AOC aircraft. 2.3 Service Volume 2.3.1 This is the expected geographical coverage from the CSP’s individual VDL Ground Stations providing the service within the volume of airspace in which LGS require P a g e |7 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 ATN/VDL services, topography. 2.3.2 taking into account line-of-sight considerations and ground The CSPs shall provide service within LGS Specified Service Volume. This airspace is defined by flight level limits and geographical points shown in Appendix C. P a g e |8 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3. Functional Requirements 3.1 General 3.1.1 The CSPs shall comply with all applicable requirements specified by the EUROCONTROL Specification on Datalink Services [4] that defines detailed requirements, explanatory materials and conformity assessment material providing means of compliance associated with the Single European Sky Implementing Rule on Datalink Services. 3.1.2 The EUROCONTROL Specification includes requirements for compliance with ICAO Annex 10 and Supplement 5 of ARINC 631 [5]. 3.2 Service Boundaries 3.2.1 Figure 1 illustrates the scope of the service and the service boundaries for ATN Datalink services. Figure 1 Service Interfaces P a g e |9 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3.2.2 The CSPs shall provide the service to participating airlines (Reference Point ‘B’ in Figure 1) as specified below in section 3.4. 3.2.3 Service shall be an ICAO ATN compliant communications service permitting communication between LGS and suitably equipped aircraft using VDL Mode 2 as the air/ground communications service. Note that Reference point ‘B’ is assumed to be located at the aircraft’s VHF antenna. 3.2.4 The CSPs shall be responsible for configuring and maintaining its systems in order to ensure that the required communications service is provided in accordance with the Service Level requirements given in section 4. 3.3 Reference Point ‘A’ Connection to ANSP The following requirements will ensure interoperability between the ATN Ground/Ground routers of the CSP and the ANSP (LGS). It places interoperability requirements on the interface to the CSP network’s Ground/ground routers. This will ensure that application level hand-over (relying on the ACM service) with neighbouring ANSPs can be performed. Indeed, an aircraft flying between the airspace boundaries of two ANSPs shall be able to exchange at the same time application level messages with both its Current Data Authority and with its Next Data Authority. 3.3.1 The service interface at Reference Point ‘A’ shall comply with the requirements to use the existing IP gateway links between the LGS and CSP networks as appropriate. 3.3.2 The Network Terminating Unit (NTU) shall provide a CLNP communications path between at least two ATN Routers (for redundancy) provided by the CSP and the ATN Routers operated by the Borealis ANSP. 3.3.3 The service offered by the CSP ATN Routers shall be compliant with ICAO Doc 9880 (ATN-OSI Manual) [6] for a Class 4 Router and the Eurocontrol Specification on Data Link Services [4]. 3.3.4 The CLNP communication paths shall be compliant with the Eurocontrol Specification on Data Link Services [4]. 3.3.5 The interface shall be the IP SNDCF. This shall be compliant with the draft SARPs for the IP SNDCF [SNDCF-IP]. 3.3.6 The CSP shall operate its adjacency with the Borealis ANSP ATN Routers in the passive role. The Borealis ANSP ATN Routers will be responsible for initiating BIS-BIS communications. 3.3.7 The CPS’s ATN Routers shall advertise a route for each aircraft to the LGS ATN Router. 3.3.8 The tenderer shall provide a completed Protocol Implementation Compliance Statement (PICS) for the ATN service provided by their ATN Routers and CLNP communications path, including the IP SNDCF interface and IDRP compliance. P a g e | 10 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3.4 Reference Point ‘B’ Service Provision to Participating Aircraft 3.4.1 Any CSP providing ATN/VDL2 services to participating aircraft under the jurisdiction of LGS shall provide an interface at Reference Point ‘B’ in accordance with the following requirements. 3.4.2 The VDL Mode 2 Service provided shall be compliant with ARINC Specification 631 “VHF Digital Link Implementation Provisions” [5]. The CSP shall support all functionality specified by ARINC 631 [5] PICS as Mandatory for a Ground provider, and shall not implement functionality prohibited by these PICS. 3.4.3 The CSP shall initially support VDL Mode 2 operation on a single frequency but there is a requirement to evolve to multi-frequency environment necessary to ensure that the Service Level Requirements specified by Section 4 are maintained, subject to the allocation of VHF frequencies to VDL Mode 2 by the appropriate regulatory authorities and commercial terms and conditions when such additional frequencies become are requested. Note: EUROCONTROL simulations indicate that at least three frequencies will be required to support VDL Mode 2 operation following the LINK 2000+ Mandate. 3.4.4 The CSP shall implement the Autotune procedure specified in ARINC 631 [5] to maintain the Service Level Requirements of Section 4 for communication with airborne aircraft, whenever this cannot be achieved on a single frequency. When so required, the CSP shall be capable of sending an Autotune command in an uplinked Ground Requested Air Initiated Handoff command, as well as in the uplink response to both a Link Establishment request and Air Initiated Handoff request. 3.4.5 The CSP shall implement the Autotune procedures in advance of the preceding requirements, if required by LGS or the local regulatory authority. 3.4.6 Subject to the availability of appropriate frequencies, the CSP may also support dedicated ground frequencies, by means of the Frequency Support List, in accordance with ARINC 631 [5]. 3.4.7 When multi-frequency operation is in use, the CSP shall take all practicable measures to avoid degradation of VDL Mode 2 performance and/or capacity arising from co-site effects between VDL Ground Stations operating on different frequencies. 3.4.8 When multi-frequency operation is in use, the CSP shall implement a frequency management strategy to ensure that continuous VDL connectivity is maintained when an aircraft leaves the coverage of its current frequency while remaining in the CSP’s CSC coverage. Note: In the event that an aircraft loses VDL connectivity due to flying out of coverage of its current frequency, the aircraft will perform Frequency Recovery by reference to an airborne FSL, or else will return to the Common Signalling Channel (CSC). Either of these actions will generally lead to an interruption in VDL connectivity. If the aircraft reverts to the CSC, restoration of connectivity will be delayed due to the time taken to acquire the PECT. The CSP is required to avoid any such interruption, for example by autotuning the aircraft to another frequency before loss of connectivity occurs. P a g e | 11 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3.4.9 The VDL Mode 2 Service shall provide access to an ICAO ATN compliant communications service provided by the CSP in accordance with the requirements of the EUROCONTROL Specification [4]. 3.4.10 The service offered by the CSP’s ATN Ground/Ground Router shall be compliant with ICAO ATN standards for a Class 4 Router in accordance with the requirements of the EUROCONTROL Specification [4]. 3.4.11 The CSP’s ATN Ground/Ground Router should implement the agreed resolution of PDR M2110003 (“IDRP Connection Recovery Problem”). Note that this particular PDR is mandatory for Aircraft and Air/Ground Routers. 3.4.12 The CSP shall propagate IDRP routes to aircraft over the air-ground link using the generic prefixes ‘All AINSC’ fixed (47002701) and ‘All ATSC’ fixed (47002781), with route aggregation applied in both cases. However, the above requirement is not intended to prohibit temporary advertisement of nonaggregated routes for testing or troubleshooting purposes, provided that any such temporary condition avoids any significant effect on the performance of the operational network. 3.4.13 It is recommended that routes using the generic prefixes ‘All AINSC’ and ‘All ATSC’ should be statically configured in the CSP’s Air/Ground router(s), to avoid the reduction process and ensure that only one advertisement of the routes occurs after IDRP connectivity has been established between air and ground. 3.4.14 The CSP’s Air/Ground router(s) shall never propagate to an aircraft (AINSC or ATSC mobile) any route prefixes received from an aircraft in IDRP UPDATE PDUs. Note: This requirement is aimed at ensuring robustness of the ATN Routing environment. It prevents erroneous propagation of both ground routes (i.e. with ground route in the NLRI and airborne RDI in the RD Path attributes) and airborne routes (i.e. with airborne route in the NLRI and airborne RDI in the RD Path attributes). 3.4.15 The CSP’s Air/Ground router(s) shall never propagate to a ground adjacency (AINSC or ATSC fixed) any route prefixes received from an aircraft in IDRP UPDATE PDUs, except for those carrying the aircraft’s own RDI route prefix. Note: This requirement is also aimed at ensuring robustness of the ATN Routing environment. It prevents erroneous propagation of both ground routes (i.e. with ground route in the NLRI - airborne in the RD Path attributes), and airborne routes unrelated to the connected aircraft RDI (i.e. with a different RDI prefix in the NLRI and RD PATH attributes). 3.4.16 The CSP’s VDL Mode 2 Service and ATN Air/Ground Router shall provide a communications path between participating aircraft and LGS ATN Ground/Ground Router. The CSP’s ATN Air/Ground Router(s) shall advertise to each aircraft, using IDRP, a route capable of reaching LGS Routing Domains. 3.4.17 If the CSP operates more than one A/G Router, then following a VDL handoff between VGSs connected to different A/G Routers, the CSP shall take measures to minimise the time during which an obsolete air-ground IDRP route is maintained via an A/G Router through which an aircraft is no longer reachable. Note: When an aircraft performs a handoff from one VGS to another, the old link is maintained for the value of TG5, with a default value of 60s on the ground. If the new VGS is connected to a different A/G router, then in the worst case, an obsolete IDRP route via the old A/G Router could be advertised to adjacent G/G Routers during this period. If this route has equal merit to the IDRP route via the new A/G Router, then uplink traffic may continue to be routed via the old A/G Router. Since the old link may no longer be functional (the default value of TG5 on the aircraft is only 20s) this is likely to lead to undesirable delays and/or TP4 re-transmissions. P a g e | 12 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3.5 Reference Point ‘C’ CSP Inter-Connection 3.5.1 The service interface at Reference Point ‘C’ will be subject to commercial and technical agreement between the two CSPs. 3.5.2 The CSPs shall implement a technical means to allow other CSP to interconnect with it, so as to provide a communications path to LGS. This shall only be under network failure conditions. LGS do not wish to contract to a service via the CSP interconnection, however wish to acknowledge its presence should it be needed in extenuating circumstances Interconnected CSPs shall establish Service Level Agreements and Operating Procedures between them to ensure that overall service level requirements of section 4 are satisfied when the end-to-end path traverses the network of both CSPs. 3.5.3 The CSPs providing an interconnection at Reference Point ‘C’ shall design and maintain their system so as to route communication traffic bi-directionally via that interface without imposition of any deficit in performance or quality of service compared to communication traffic to/from its own network, except when such a deficit arises from external factors outside the CSP’s control. P a g e | 13 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 4. Service Level Requirements The level of service provided shall conform to the applicable parts of the EUROCONTROL Specification [4], and to the specific requirements listed below. 4.1 Capacity 4.1.1 The service provided shall be capable of maintaining the service level requirements while carrying the minimum number of uplink and downlink application level messages (inc. LACK) specified by the LGS per aircraft per unit of time in support of the ATC Data link Service. 4.1.2 The requirement for uplink and downlink application messages per flight hour should enable a CPDLC message load of 100 messages per minute at peak times per centre (Riga ACCs) in the ATN path(s). 4.1.3 The CSP shall be capable of supporting 100 flights simultaneously logged-on within the Service Volume in the ATN path(s). 4.1.4 The above figures are based on LGS traffic forecasts for the year 2020. 4.1.5 CSP is required to make ATC Data link Services accessible to aircraft which are not customers of the CSP’s AOC service, in accordance with the Eurocontrol Rules of Engagement for non-AOC aircraft. It is the CSP’s responsibility to ensure that its service has sufficient capacity to meet these requirements, for all the aircraft customers to which it offers a service, and irrespective of the level of demand for AOC services. 4.2 Performance 4.2.1 The transit delay shall meet, or be better than, the transit delay specified in Table 1 measured between Reference Point ‘A’ and an aircraft using the service, taking into account any delay introduced by the ground network of any CSPs providing an interconnection. 95% of all messages 99 % of all messages Ground to air transit delay 4 seconds 8 seconds Air to ground transit delay 4 seconds 8 seconds Table 1 Transit Delay Requirements 4.2.2 The transit delay requirements of Table 1 shall be satisfied throughout the Service Volume specified by section 2.3. Note: For practical purposes, the above transit delay requirements will be expected to be satisfied, aggregated between uplink and downlink directions, between Reference Point ‘A’ and the ARINC 750/429 interface of an ARINC 750 compliant VHF Data Radio (VDR). In the event that the requirements are not met due to an excessive Media Access Delay reported by the VDR, additional investigation will be necessary to ascertain P a g e | 14 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 the origin of the delay. 4.3 Availability, Reliability and Continuity of Service 4.3.1 The Availability, Reliability and Continuity of Service shall be as specified in the following Tables for the end-to-end communications path segment between reference points ‘B’ and ‘A’. 4.3.2 The CSPs shall ensure that the applicable requirements are met at all times during which LGS provides an operational ATC Service. Requirement Interpretation Availability 99.99% The proportion of the scheduled hours of operation during which the data link service shall be available, over the entire area in which service is provided and at adequate power levels required for normal operations. Reliability 99.99% The probability that the system will successfully deliver a message within 40 seconds. Continuity of Service 6 min max. outage The maximum permitted time between service failure and the restoration of the service. Table 2 Availability, Reliability and Continuity of Service Requirements 4.4 Integrity 4.4.1 The CSPs shall satisfy the Integrity requirements specified by Table 3 below. Requirement Integrity Interpretation The undetected bit error rate for the service shall be better 5 than 1 in 10 for network level packets transferred between reference points ‘B’ and ‘A’. Table 3 Data Integrity Requirements -5 10 P a g e | 15 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 4.5 Priority 4.5.1 The CSPs’s ATN Routers shall enforce CLNP packet priority. 4.5.2 Higher priority packets shall be forwarded before lower priority packets in the same outgoing queue. 4.5.3 If an ATN Router discards packets due to congestion then lower priority packets shall be discarded before the higher priority packets. 4.5.4 The VDL Mode 2 Ground Station should uplink any ATC messages queued for uplink before uplinking other messages. Note: This desirable requirement is intended to differentiate between ATN and e.g. AOA messages. It is not intended to require that the VGS references or even has access to CLNP priority. 4.6 Safety and Security 4.6.1 The CSPs shall ensure that only authorised users have access to their part of the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network. 4.6.2 In consultation with LGS, the CSP shall establish procedures and rules for users that want to use the ATN/VDL Mode-2 network for test purposes, which have potential to impact on the operational service provided by LGS. 4.6.3 The CSPs shall ensure that test users do not interfere with the operational users of the network. 4.7 Maintenance 4.7.1 The CSPs shall monitor and maintain the communications service and the systems used to provide the service in order to ensure that the specified service levels are achieved. 4.7.2 The CSPs shall undertake to correct in a timely fashion any significant non-compliance with applicable Standards (including any subsidiary normative standard) discovered during provision of the Service. P a g e | 16 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 5. Performance Monitoring and Network Management 5.1 Technical Support 5.1.1 The CSPs shall monitor all system functions within the scope of the service level requirements. 5.1.2 The CSPs shall identify to LGS all recording and data logging mechanisms currently supported by their ATN/VDL Mode 2 network. 5.1.3 In addition, the CSP shall nominate a Manager who is personally accountable for the delivery and maintenance of the specified Services in accordance with the requirements of this document. 5.1.4 The CSP shall develop and agree with LGS prior to commencing the service a manual of fault reporting procedures and escalation procedures to define, communicate and remedy faults and deficiencies. 5.1.5 The CSP shall install data recording and logging functions at critical points of observation in the network to support fault and performance analysis. Logging of network activity shall be performed against UTC time to facilitate correlation with other sources of information. The CSP shall agree with LGS which points of observation will be subject to logging, but as a minimum, it is expected that they will include the VGS, the A/G Router, and where implemented, Reference Point ‘C’. 5.1.6 The CSP shall provide upon user request (i.e. LGS and Airline customer) all necessary technical assistance, normally within one working day, including (but not limited to) provision of logs of ATN, VDL and ACARS traffic against UTC time, to facilitate technical investigations into performance of the Service. 5.2 Problem Reporting 5.2.1 The CSPs shall develop and agree with LGS a problem reporting procedure to notify the users (i.e. LGS and Airline customer) of detected problems, including any degradation in the service, impact on the service and progress regarding problem resolution. The CSP shall respond to reasonable requests from LGS to minimise the operational impact of any problem or degradation. 5.2.2 The CSP shall provide a clearly identified “Point of Contact” that can be contacted whenever LGS experiences technical problems with the services provided by the CSP. 5.2.3 The CSP shall analyse and attempt to resolve the reported problems and, if appropriate, take the required corrective actions needed to maintain the service. 5.2.4 The CSP providing an interconnection with the other CSP shall co-operate fully with LGS and interconnected CSP to achieve a timely resolution of any technical problems identified in the service level of data traffic carried through the interconnection. 5.2.5 The identified “Point of Contact” shall be available at all times during which the LGS is providing an operational ATC Service P a g e | 17 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 5.3 Performance Reporting 5.3.1 The CSPs shall provide a monthly Performance Level Report showing the service level achieved for the service provided. The required content of the Report will be established by LGS; it should contain as much as practicable the information specified in Appendix A. 5.3.2 This report shall be sent to LGS electronically within 10 (ten) calendar days from the end of the subject month. 5.4 Planned Engineering Work 5.4.1 The CSPs shall give at least 10 working days advanced notice of scheduled network maintenance activities and the type of activity. The CSP shall highlight any degradation in service expected from the activity and shall respond to reasonable requests from LGS to minimise the operational impact of such degradation. 5.4.2 The CSP shall provide to LGS at least 10 working days notice of any changes to the architecture, configuration or software versions of any component of the ATN, VDL and ACARS networks involved in provision of the Service, where that change impacts upon the Service. The CSP shall highlight any degradation in Service expected from the activity, and shall respond to reasonable requests from LGS to minimise the operational impact of such degradation. P a g e | 18 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 6. Communication Service Evaluation 6.1 Evaluation Process 6.1.1 Prior to offering an operational managed datalink service, each CSP shall complete a process of evaluation to the satisfaction of LGS. The evaluation process shall consist of the following steps: a) b) c) Delivery of documentary evidence to LGS Completion of laboratory acceptance tests Completion of flight tests demonstrating fitness-for-purpose 6.2 Delivery of Documentary Evidence 6.2.1 The CSP shall deliver to LGS the appropriate documentation providing evidence of the ability of the CSP’s ATN/VDL Mode 2 systems to satisfy the end-to-end functional and service level requirements specified by this document. The documentation delivered shall include (but not be limited to) the items listed in Appendix B. 6.2.2 LGS will review this documentation to verify that it includes the necessary evidence of conformance with the end-to-end requirements. 6.2.3 The CSP shall provide any additional evidence of conformance with requirements specified by this document as required by LGS. 6.3 Laboratory Acceptance Tests 6.3.1 The CSP shall perform a series of Laboratory Acceptance Tests to demonstrate end-toend ATN connectivity with LGS systems, together with performance and robustness of the VDL Mode 2 Service. The expected configuration and scope of these Acceptance Tests is described in Annex C of LINK 2000+ Generic Requirements for a CSP [2]. 6.3.2 Prior to conduct of the Acceptance Tests, the CSP shall prepare an Acceptance Test Specification detailing the configuration and conduct of all tests to be performed. The Acceptance Test Specification shall include (but not be limited to) the tests described in Annex C of Generic Requirements document [2]. 6.3.3 This testing aims to verify the CSP’s end-to-end ATN VDL-M2 communication chain, by performing CM/CPDLC exchanges between air and ground applications. In addition, it seeks to demonstrate the robustness of VDL Mode 2 handoffs under a variety of conditions. 6.3.4 The Acceptance Test Specification shall be subject to review by LGS. Any additional tests reasonably required by LGS to demonstrate interoperability with the LGS system shall be included. 6.3.5 LGS may require its representatives to witness the conduct of Acceptance Tests by the CSP. P a g e | 19 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 6.3.6 Following completion of the Acceptance Tests, the CSP shall deliver an Acceptance Test Report to LGS, detailing all results. The CSP shall also make available all logs and records collected during the conduct of the tests. 6.3.7 LGS may elect, at its sole discretion, to accept documentary evidence of satisfactory completion of certain Acceptance Tests by the CSP on a previous occasion, without requiring further conduct of such Tests. 6.4 Flight Tests 6.4.1 The CSP shall co-operate with LGS in arranging the conduct of flight tests to demonstrate that the specified Services are fit for the intended purpose. The flight testing shall be performed over routes specified by LGS. Note 1: Flight testing is intended to demonstrate that adequate coverage is provided by the CSP’s VGSs along major ATS routes through airspace under the jurisdiction of LGS. In addition, it seeks to give confidence that functionality such as VDL handoffs are robust under operational conditions. LGS will take into account the size and architecture of the airspace when specifying the duration and routes over which flight trials are required. Note 2: The arrangements for flight testing, including commercial considerations, will be the subject of agreement between LGS and the CSP. Either a dedicated flight test or else conduct of tests with an airline customer’s aircraft on revenue earning flights will be considered suitable to meet the requirements. This will be organised by LGS. 6.4.2 Throughout every flight test, a continuous exchange of uplink and downlink CPDLC messages shall be maintained, at a nominal rate of not less than one message every 10 seconds in each direction. Note: The requirement for a continuous exchange of CPDLC messages may be achieved by a ‘tuning test’ involving an uplink of an erroneous CPDLC message, soliciting a downlink CPDLC ERROR response, without involvement of the CDU or the aircrew. 6.4.3 Prior to conduct of the flight test, a Flight Test Specification shall be prepared detailing the configuration, and conduct of the proposed flight tests, including the aircraft and the routes to be flown. The Flight Test Specification shall be subject to review of LGS and all reasonable requests for change shall be incorporated. 6.4.4 The pass criteria for the flight tests shall be that while the aircraft remains in airspace within which the CSP is required to provide coverage: a) b) c) d) an IDRP adjacency shall be maintained with the aircraft No interruption shall occur to the continuous exchange of CPDLC messages No CPDLC message shall fail to be delivered The Transit Delay requirements specified by this document shall be satisfied over each individual ATS route along which the test aircraft has flown. 6.4.5 Following completion of the Flight Tests, a Flight Test Report shall be prepared, detailing all results. The CSP shall also make available all logs and records collected during the conduct of the tests. 6.4.6 LGS may elect, at their sole discretion, to accept documentary evidence of satisfactory completion of certain Flight Tests by the CSP on a previous occasion, without requiring further conduct of such Tests. P a g e | 20 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 6.5 Observation Process 6.5.1 Following successful completion of the evaluation process in accordance with Section 6 above, the CSP will be permitted to offer an operational service for a limited period constituting the Observation Period. The Observation Period shall last for a period specified by LGS. 6.5.2 During the observation period, LGS will monitor the functionality and performance of the Service provided by the CSP, and also the compliance of the CSP with the performance monitoring and network management requirements (Section 5 refers). 6.5.3 LGS may impose certain constraints on the service to be offered during the observation period (e.g. limits to the airlines permitted to use the Service) in order to facilitate the monitoring of the service. 6.5.4 Any shortcomings detected in the Service during the observation period will be addressed by means of the procedures outlined in Section 5 of this document. 6.5.5 Once all outstanding issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of LGS, the CSP’s Services as described in this document will be declared fully operational, and any remaining constraints will be withdrawn. P a g e | 21 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 APPENDIX A Contents of CSP Monthly Performance Reports A.1 Overall Report on Quality of Service Availability of VGSs ( percentage, failure) Availability of AGR routers processors (percentage, failure) Availability of Network Infrastructure Explanations of failures (if any). A.2 Statistics A.2.1 Statistics on Aircraft Number of aircraft connected and handled Graphical representation of the trend for aircraft. A.2.2 Statistics on VGSs A.2.2.1 At AVLC layer A.2.2.2 At 8208 layer A.2.3 Per VGS, number of 8208 PDUs sent to/received from aircraft Per VGS, number of 8208 PDUs sent to/received from AGR routers Graphical representation of the trend for 8208 PDUs. Statistics on AGRs A.2.4 Per VGS, number of Link Establishments (Received, Rejected, Accepted) Per VGS, number of Handoffs (Received, Rejected, Accepted) Graphical representation of the trend for LE/HO Analysis when LE/HO rejected (Which VGS, Aircraft ID, Date/Time, LE/HO, Reason) Per VGS, statistics per frame type exchanged with aircraft : INFO (sent, received) - SREJ (sent, received) FRMR (sent, received) Graphical representation of the trend for AVLC frames (INFO, SREJ, FRMR). Per AGR, number of 8208 PDUs sent to/received from VGSs Graphical representation of the trend for 8208 PDUs Per AGR, number of CLNP DT and ER NPDUs (sent, received) Graphical representation of the trend for CLNP DT and ER NPDUs . Report of executed and planned changes to the network P a g e | 22 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 APPENDIX B Documentation Requirements B.1 Introduction The CSP is required to provide LGS with documentary evidence that the CSP’s ATN/VDL Mode 2 systems are capable of satisfying the end-to-end functional and service level requirements specified by this document. Where necessary, the CSP will be expected to make an appropriate allocation of service level requirements (e.g. performance, availability, reliability and continuity) between the different components of the system, and to provide evidence that each component is capable of meeting the relevant allocation. B.2 Functional Requirements CLNP and IDRP PICS for both CSP Air/Ground and ground routers Reference Documentation of the CSP Air/Ground Router Reference Documentation of the CSP Ground Router VDL Mode 2 PICS for the VGS Reference Documentation of the VGS The above documentations shall specify the implemented values of all configurable timers, counters and other parameters defined by ICAO and/or other applicable normative standards. B.3 Capacity B.4 A report showing the CSP has performed testing while simulating establishment of multiple aircraft mobile links and IDRP adjacencies on their Air/Ground router, demonstrating compliance with the Capacity Requirements stated in this document. A report showing the CSP has performed testing with multiple simulated aircraft IDRP routes received on their ground router, including a repetitive exercise consisting of adding IDRP routes, checking IDRP routes prefixes and removing IDRP routes, demonstrating compliance with the Capacity Requirements stated in this document. A report showing the CSP has performed testing while simulating establishment of multiple mobile links, traffic exchanges and clear of connectivity on one VGS, demonstrating compliance with the Capacity Requirements stated in this document. Performance B.5 A report on performance tests done by the CSP on their Air/Ground ATN Router, demonstrating consistency with the Performance Requirements stated in this document. A report on performance tests done by the CSP on their Ground ATN Processor, demonstrating consistency with the Performance Requirements stated in this document. A report on performance tests performed by the CSP on their VGSs, demonstrating consistency with the Performance Requirements specified by this document. Priority A functional description of the CSP’s ATN priority management mechanism. A/G and Ground Routers logs from simulations performed in the CSP’s Laboratory illustrating the action of the priority management mechanism. P a g e | 23 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 B.6 A functional description of the implementation of priority management within the CSP’s VDL Mode 2 system. VGS traces illustrating the action of priority management with both ATC and AOC traffic involved. Safety and Security Policy B.7 IDRP policy rules put in place on both Air/Ground and Ground routers. RIF Known BIS attributes defined by the CSP in the Air/Ground router configuration. Mechanisms / rules put in place at VGSs to satisfy safety and security requirements. Availability, Reliability and Continuity B.8 An overall description of the CSP’s technical measures to satisfy the Availability, Reliability and Continuity requirements. Results on Endurance Tests performed by the CSP in their laboratory on Air/Ground and Ground ATN, supplemented by operational experience where possible. A description of redundancy systems/mechanisms which are put in place for both Air/Ground and Ground ATN. A description of the recovery procedure for both Air/Ground and Ground ATN in case of software and hardware failures. Results on Endurance Tests performed by the CSP in their laboratory on VDL Mode 2 VGSs and other components, supplemented by operational experience where possible. A description of redundancy systems/mechanisms which are put in place for VDL Mode 2 VGSs and other components. A description of the recovery procedure for VDL Mode 2 VGSs and other components in case of software and hardware failures. VDL Coverage Expected geographical coverage from the CSP’s individual VDL transmitters providing the service within the volume of airspace in which LGS requires ATN/VDL Services, taking into account line-of-sight considerations and ground topography where applicable. P a g e | 24 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 APPENDIX C Required Coverage – Riga (LGS) FIR 1. The sufficient VDL coverage shall be provided in Riga FIR started from FL-195 and above 2. Co-ordinates of Riga FIR RIGA FIR 582448N 0203834E - 580700N 0212900E - 575342N 0213648E - 575124N 0213848E - 574712N 0214300E - 574547N 0215034E -574458N 0215458E - 574645N 0220836E - 574930N 0221644E 575539N 0223501E -575627N 0224227E - 574650N 0225428E -574208N 0225957E - 573511N 0231051E - 573538N 0232422E - 574011N 0233456E -574658N 0233855E - 575357N 0233604E 575357N 0241234E - 575502N 0241540E - 575228N 0242123E Along the common Latvian/Estonian state boundary to 575112N 0255552E Along the common Latvian/Estonian state boundary to 573103N 0272105E Along the common Latvian/Russian existing administrative boundary to 564506N 0275406E Along the common Latvian/Russian existing administrative boundary to 562843N 0280833E Along the common Latvian/Russian existing administrative boundary to 561024N 0280848E Along the common Latvian/Belarus existing administrative boundary to 554050N 0263750E Along the common Latvian/Lithuanian state boundary to 555908N 0255651E Along the common Latvian/Lithuanian state boundary to 562208N 0243749E Along the common Latvian/Lithuanian state boundary to 562217N 0234520E Along the common Latvian/Lithuanian state boundary to 562216N 0231222E Along the common Latvian/Lithuanian state boundary to 560426N 0210537E 560409N 0210352E - 560402N 0204452E -560400N 0204000E - 560846N 0200456E 561752N 0185354E - 562043N 0183023E - 565217N 0193400E - 570000N 0195000E 571800N 0200000E - 581816N 0203443E -582448N 0203834E P a g e | 25 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 3. Diagram Proposed timetable:Date Functionality Rationale May 2014 ATN connectivity to LGS test implementation (Riga). Initial connectivity by this date. Initially “ping” testing. CSP support to LGS test activities will ramp up from March to August with a view to having a system ready for flight testing in September. Exact timetable and capabilities to be determined. September 2014 Full ATN service availability to support validation. Flight testing will take place after this date in various parts of Latvian airspace, therefore the full coverage must be available. October 2014 Connectivity centre. Full infrastructure deployed and ready. November 2014 Full system to support limited operational service from ACC centre 7th February 2015 EU Mandate. Service to Riga ACC now Full service in place by this date – training complete (if necessary), support in place. Full Operational P a g e | 26 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 APPENDIX D ATN Ground/Ground Router Provision D.1 ATN Ground/Ground Routing Services The services implemented in the ATN Router shall be compliant with all the requirements applicable to the ATN Ground/Ground routing function (class 4 router) presented in the Eurocontrol Specification on Data Link Services, [4] and in the ICAO Documents 9896 [7] and 9880 [6]. The ISO/IEC 9542 (ES/IS) shall be implemented as defined in the ICAO Documents 9896 [7] and 9880 [6] and in the Eurocontrol Specification [4]. The ISO/IEC 10589 (IS/IS) should be implemented as defined in the ICAO Documents 9896 [7] and 9880 [6] and in the Eurocontrol Specification [4]. For the interface with the ATN End-Systems, the 8802-2 SNDCF shall be implemented in compliance with the ICAO Documents 9896 [7] and 9880 [6], the IP SNDCF shall be implemented in compliance with the ICAO document [SNDCF-IP]. The ATN routers shall provide the following standard interfaces to connect them to the ANSP networks: 100 Base-T Ethernet Interface, Internet Protocol version 4, The tenderer shall provide information on the migration towards the version 6 of the Internet Protocols and especially on the appropriateness of his technical proposal. The tenderer shall provide the completed Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for its implementation of the Class 4 router as defined in this paragraph (including the IP SNDCF). The tenderer shall detail all the protocols/services supported by its implementation(s) of the ATN ICS standard. The tenderer shall state the software of the ATN routers. The tenderer shall specify the minimum requirements (e.g. hardware, Operating System…) to operate the software of the ATN routers. The tenderer shall quote separately the Hardware/Operating System for ATN routers. P a g e | 27 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 D.2 Integration in the IP Wide Area Network infrastructure I N T E R F A C E I N T E R F A C E WAN ATN routers The ATN routers should provide doubled physical and logical interfaces to the Network. The failure of only one point of attachment should not impact the services supported by the equipment (all the connections supported at 8208, IDRP or TP4 levels shall be maintained). The tenderer should detail the proposed technical solution and, if any, the functions which shall be supported by the WAN IP to handle such redundancy mechanism. D.3 Availability, Reliability & Maintainability Requirements As a component of the overall technical system, the ATN routers contribute to the end-to-end technical performances. The following requirements have been derived to ensure that the ATN routers meet the required performance, in terms of availability, continuity of service, integrity, reliability and transit delays, without jeopardizing compliance with ED-120 Required Communication Technical Performances. The Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of the service provided by an ATN router, including the interfaces to the IP network should be greater than 50 000 (fifty thousand) operating hours. The tenderer shall provide the theoretical MTBF of the ATN routers and the IP interfaces. The Mean Time To Repair the ATN routers and the IP interfaces shall be less than 20 (twenty) minutes for level 2 maintenance. ATN routers shall display unambiguous information about their status on their front panel. The Control & Monitoring System shall provide unambiguous information about the status of the ATN routers. Each software component being involved in the ATN service provision shall be monitored by automated means (watchdog mechanism…) for detection of critical conditions, abnormal process termination (crash, fatal error…) and process misbehaviours (infinite loop, deadlocks…). When such a condition is encountered the software shall be automatically restarted using the latest configuration successfully P a g e | 28 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 activated. The interruption of service (including detection and recovery) should not exceed 6 minutes. When an ATN router or an IP interface experiences one of the following critical events, power reset, loss of communication link and failure in attempting to activate a configuration , the equipment shall be automatically restarted using the latest configuration successfully activated. The interruption of service (including detection and recovery) should not exceed 6 minutes. D.4 Capacity & ATN Router Processing Performance The capacity of the ATN router in terms of simultaneous connections shall be sufficient to prevent denial of service in LGS airspace. The ATN router should support (work properly) at least 20 adjacent IDRP ground neighbors at the same time. The ATN router should support (work properly) at least 30 adjacent network systems (End-system) at the same time. The ATN router should support (work properly) at least 500 routes learned from IDRP at the same time; this includes routes from aircrafts and routes from other service providers (ANSP, ACSP). The ATN Air/Ground router should support at least 1000 air/ground connections (8208) at the same time. Any processing performed by the ATN router including the interface to the IP network should not jeopardize the compliance with the following performance requirement; the probability that the ATN/VDL Mode 2 infrastructure will successfully deliver a packet within 40 seconds shall be greater than 99.99%. Any processing performed by the ATN router including the interface to the IP network shall not affect the payload of the exchanged packets (8208 and IP). Whatever the number of connections currently supported, any processing performed by the ATN router including the interface to the IP network should not delay an exchanged packet for more than 50 milliseconds. In line with the requirements above, the tenderer shall detail in his tender the limitations in terms of capacity of his ATN routers. D.5 Software assurance level The ATN router including the interface to the IP network should be compliant with the Assurance Level 4 as defined in the EUROCAE Document ED-109 [8]. P a g e | 29 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.1 APPENDIX E Datalink Front End Processor Requirements Specification E.1 Scope E.1.1 The Specified Sub-System: the Datalink FEP The Datalink Front-End Processor (FEP) is a key part of the ANSP datalink system. It provides the communications gateway between the ANSP internal ATM systems, the ATN datalink world and the FANS datalink world. This Appendix is the Sub System Requirements Specification (SSRS) for the Datalink FEP. The Datalink FEP itself breaks down into three components: The ATN End System - this is a communications gateway that joins the LGS internal systems to the ATN and, by standards-driven accommodation, FANS network. It contains the functionality required to present the CM and Protected Mode-CPDLC applications to the ATN network and the equivalent FANS AFN and CPDLC applications to the ACARS network. Both network interfaces support connection to multiple CSPs, in the case of ATN by the fact that it is a routable network protocol, and in the case of ACARS via multiple ACARS interfaces. The data within these applications is then presented to an interface by which the LGS internal systems can implement the functionality needed to support these applications. The FEP itself may implement some of the functionality of these applications, where it is necessary to do so to fulfil its role as communications gateway, or in addition to this basic functionality, for convenience. ATN Router - as ATN is a routable network protocol, this functions as an ATN intermediate system (i.e. a router) and allows the connection of the ATN end system to multiple CSP ATN networks. Test support system (optional)- both GUI-based and script-based tools that allow the full testing of the ATN server by emulation of interfacing ground systems, ATN airborne systems and FANS airborne systems. The following show the proposed ANSP architecture in diagrammatic form:- P a g e | 30 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 SITA ATN Aircraft ARINC ATN Aircraft ARINC FANS Aircraft AT N SITA FANS Aircraft PO A N AT AOA AOA AGR AGR AGR ACARS CSP-1 ATN Network ACARS Processor MATIP / TCPIP AGR CSP-2 ATN Network Internetwork gateway link ACARS ACARS Processor LGS premises RIGA ATN G/G Router FEP Fig 1.1 – LGS Functional Architecture PO A ATRACC LGS ATM system All routers symbols denote ATN routers POA = Plain old ACARS AOA = ACARS over ATN (VDL Mode 2) ATN = Aeronautical Teleccomunications Network (VDL Mode 2) CSP = Communication Service Provider LGS is going to purchase ATN G/G router and FEP from CSP (CSP should indicate optional prices for ATN G/G router and FEP) P a g e | 31 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 E.1.2 Redundancy and Availability The ANSP intends to implement a system in compliance with the performance parameters detailed in EUROCAE ED-120 [9]. As the Datalink FEPs will be a part of a wider system, this means that the requirements placed on the FEP are one order of magnitude higher than the ED-120 [9] requirements, to support a system-wide budget that allows allocation to all the subsystems within the wider Datalink system. The ANSP’s Business Continuity requires that each implementation of the system is a redundant cluster. The ANSP’s installation practice means that each part of the cluster can be installed in a separate equipment room with a significant distance (of the order of 30m) between the parts. The installation design and connectivity needed to support the redundant clustering must support this configuration. E.1.3 COTS versus Custom Solution As an overriding principle, the ANSP wishes to procure COTS products, to de-risk the project and to obtain benefit from best practice in the field. However the ANSP is mindful that there is no standard offering in the marketplace and that due to the nature of its legacy systems the ANSP has clear architectural requirements in some areas. Both of these requirements mean that some customisation of COTS products may be necessary to meet the ANSP’s requirements. Therefore, where distinct requirements do not exist in this document, the supplier should offer what they have already implemented in their product rather than propose a custom solution, unless there is good reason to do the latter. E.2 Requirements E.2.1 System capability requirements FEP001 The Datalink FEP shall be a communications gateway between the ANSP’s internal systems, ATN networks and ACARS networks. The Datalink FEP shall act as a communications gateway by implementing application layer interfaces to the ANSP’s internal systems, by acting as an ATN End System able to connect to the SITA and ARINC ATN networks, and by providing interfaces to the SITA and ARINC ACARS networks. The Datalink FEP shall implement an interface to the ANSP’s Control and Monitoring system to supply system data to that system and to accept control commands. The Datalink FEP shall implement an interface to the ANSP’s Time Distribution System for synchronisation of its system time. The Datalink FEP shall implement an interface for the purposes of recording operational data. Each FEP shall be a redundant "hot standby" cluster. The separate instances of a redundant cluster shall be able to be located in separate equipment rooms of the order of 30m distance apart. FEP002 FEP003 FEP004 FEP005 FEP006 FEP007 E.2.1.1 Communications Gateway functional requirements FEP008 The Datalink FEP shall implement gateway functionality to support the provision of the ATN Context Manager application by the ANSP’s systems, in accordance with EUROCAE ED-110B [10] and EUROCAE ED-120 [9]. The Datalink FEP shall implement gateway functionality to support the provision of the ATN Protected Mode CPDLC application by the ANSP’s systems, in accordance with EUROCAE ED-110B [10] and EUROCAE ED-120 [9]. FEP009 P a g e | 32 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 FEP010 FEP011 FEP012 FEP013 FEP014 FEP015 FEP016 FEP017 FEP018 FEP019 FEP020 FEP021 FEP022 The Datalink FEP shall implement gateway functionality to accommodate the FANS AFN application, in accordance with EUROCAE ED-100A [12], EUROCAE ED-154 [11] and ARINC 622 [6]. The Datalink FEP shall implement gateway functionality to accommodate the FANS CPDLC application, in accordance with EUROCAE ED-100A [12], EUROCAE ED-154 [11] and ARINC 622 [6]. The Datalink FEP shall present an interface to the ANSP’s systems that allows those systems to provide ATN Context Manager functionality to aircraft that request a login. The DLIC Flight Plan correlation function shall be carried out by the ANSP’s FDP systems, not the Datalink FEP. Ground-Ground forwarding of logins shall be carried out by the LGS FDP systems, not the Datalink FEP. [Each ANSP to review the appropriateness of this to their FDP system:]The Datalink FEP shall present an interface to the ANSP’s systems that allows those systems to forward such ATN or FANS login data to the FEP as is required for aircraft to successfully login via CM or AFN, where that information has been forwarded to LGS systems via ground-ground forwarding. The Datalink FEP shall present an interface to the ANSP’s systems that allows the LGS systems to inform the FEP when a particular aircraft can be considered as having successfully logged in to the CM/AFN application. The Datalink FEP shall present an interface to the ANSP’s systems that allows those systems to generate CPDLC uplink messages for forwarding to aircraft, and for interfacing the ANSP’s systems to receive downlinked CPDLC messages from aircraft. The Datalink FEP shall present an interface to the ANSP’s systems that allows those systems to receive downlinked CPDLC messages from aircraft. The structure of the above interface(s) shall be defined in an Interface Control Document to be agreed with the ANSP at project kick-off. The Datalink FEP shall implement blacklist functionality, allowing individual aircraft to be excluded from connecting via (either) ATN or FANS. The Datalink FEP shall implement white-list functionality, where all aircraft can be blocked from connecting via individual aircraft to be excluded from connecting via either ATN or FANS. It shall be possible to turn this function on and off in adaptation. The Datalink FEP shall implement a mechanism that allows both the ANSP’s Systems and the FEP to monitor the interface between the two systems to maintain an active session. E.2.1.2 Control and Monitoring requirements FEP023 The integrity of the interconnection between the Management System and the Datalink FEP shall support the integrity levels of the Datalink System. On an initial start up or after a long outage the Datalink FEP shall support polling by the Management System in order to obtain the current status of all monitored points. The SNMP MIBs shall support management of all elements of the Datalink FEP, including Operating System and hardware elements. The Datalink FEP shall provide all the necessary information to the Management System by using the SNMP protocol in order to diagnose faults at an LRU level. The Datalink FEP shall time stamp all event data with UTC time derived from a central time source. The Datalink FEP shall be capable of accepting from Monitoring System and actioning a set of pre-defined commands such as start, stop, reboot etc. of the system. FEP024 FEP025 FEP026 FEP027 FEP028 P a g e | 33 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 FEP029 FEP030 FEP031 FEP032 FEP033 The Datalink FEP shall provide a local console that provides, as a minimum, access to all commands available via SNMP. All data supplied to the Management System by the Datalink FEP shall be time stamped with UTC time derived from a central time source. Any console commands that result in reduction of service or shutdown shall require an "are you sure" or similar confirmation prompt before the action is instigated. The loss or corruption of the Datalink FEP shall have no effect on the operation of the Management System. The Datalink FEP shall facilitate protection against electronic attack by use of (where applicable): - Managed network security solutions - Data encryption - Intrusion detection systems. - Segregation of operational communications from other types of data and service. - Passwords and Access Rights FEP034 Only authorised users shall be able to access the configuration of the Datalink FEP. E.2.1.3 Recording requirements FEP035 The Datalink FEP shall present all CM, AFN and CPDLC primitives and messages to the recording interface. The Datalink FEP shall record these messages in the format in which they are communicated to the CSPs. The Datalink FEP shall timestamp these messages with UTC at the recording interface. The Datalink FEP shall provide the addressed aircraft details and a human readable format of the message contents. The Datalink FEP shall record all Context Manager primitives and CPDLC messages in LISAT Interchange XML format. FEP036 FEP037 FEP038 FEP039 E.2.2 System external interface requirements FEP040 The Datalink FEP shall support connection to a minimum of two CSPs' ATN networks. The Datalink FEP shall support connection to a minimum of two CSPs for FANS. Each connection mentioned in the three requirements above shall support redundancy through multiple links between the connected systems. The Datalink FEP shall support connection to a minimum of two interfacing ANSP FDP systems. The Datalink FEP shall be able to continue operating upon the loss of one or more of its interfaces. The Datalink FEP shall synchronise its system time via NTP version 4. The Datalink FEP shall receive control commands from the Monitoring System and provide monitoring information via SNMP v1.3 or later. FEP041 FEP042 FEP043 FEP044 FEP045 FEP046 E.2.3 System internal data requirements FEP047 FEP048 The Datalink FEP shall store the minimum of data internally necessary for its role as a communications gateway. The Datalink FEP shall use a primary key to identify all flights at its interfaces to the ANSP’s systems. The structure of this key shall be agreed with the ANSP. E.2.4 Adaptation requirements P a g e | 34 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 FEP049 The Datalink FEP shall support by adaptation the capability for individual CPDLC message types to be enabled and disabled. This shall include the ability to enable messages for FANS only, ATN only or both. E.2.5 Safety requirements FEP050 The Datalink FEP shall be assured to EUROCAE ED-109 [8] Software Assurance Level 4, or equivalent. FEP051 The provider shall present the ANSP with relevant assurance artefacts as a part of this tender process. To mitigate risk, the ANSP considers that safety-critical systems should implement features including but not limited to the following:- FEP052 - Data range checking - Data Error Detection, e.g. Cyclic Redundancy Checks, Checksums - Exception Handling - Failure handing and fallback modes - Mechanisms that prevent contention for resources. FEP053 The supplier shall supply evidence of where these risk-mitigating features are incorporated into the design of the Datalink FEP. E.2.6 Security and privacy requirements FEP054 The Datalink FEP shall protect the ANSP’s internal systems from threats that may be transmitted via the ATN and ACARS networks. E.2.7 System location requirements FEP055 FEP056 An operational FEP shall be deployed to the ANSP RIGA ACC . E.2.8 Test support system requirements (optional) FEP057 A test support system shall be provided to support the testing, validation and verification of the ANSP’s Datalink system The test support system shall be capable of emulating the interfaces on which the CM, AFN and CPDLC applications are presented to the ANSP’s systems. The test support system shall be capable of emulating FANS and ATN equipped aircraft. The test support system shall be capable of running in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode. The test support system shall be capable of injecting data via scenario scripts which can be created in and injected from the test tools. The scenario scripted mode of the test support system shall be designed to support stress testing. This shall include support for multiple logged-in aircraft. The test support system shall support the testing of error conditions by allowing the injection of errors and out-of-sequence messages. The stress testing support capability in the test support system shall be able to stress the Datalink FEP to 150% of the agreed service capacity. The test support system shall support simultaneous testing of two Datalink FEPs. The test support system shall be assured to the same level as the operational software. The test support system shall provide tools to analyse output from scripted tests. FEP058 FEP059 FEP060 FEP061 FEP062 FEP063 FEP064 FEP065 FEP066 FEP067 P a g e | 35 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 E.2.9 Performance, Capacity and Resource requirements E.2.9.1 Performance requirements FEP068 The Datalink FEP shall have an availability of 99.99% E.2.9.2 Service capacity requirements FEP069 The Datalink FEP shall support a peak throughput of 200 CPDLC messages per minute on all interfaces. FEP070 The Datalink FEP shall support up to 400 logged in aircraft. E.2.9.3 Computer hardware requirements FEP071 Delivered hardware shall be commercially available. FEP072 Delivered hardware shall be supported and upgradeable for a minimum of 7 years from the date of purchase. FEP073 The preferred manufacturers for PC-based COTS components shall be Hewlett Packard and Dell in that order. FEP074 The preferred manufacturer for network switch/router and similar COTS components shall be Cisco. E.2.9.4 Computer hardware resource utilization requirements FEP075 The Datalink FEP hardware resource utilisation shall be no greater than 50% under the normal peak service load. E.2.9.5 Computer software requirements FEP076 Delivered software shall be supported and upgradeable for a minimum of 7 years from the date of purchase. E.2.9.6 Computer communications requirements FEP077 The Datalink FEP shall connect physically to other systems using Category 5e STP cable and RJ45 termination. FEP078 The Datalink FEP shall communicate with other systems using IP version 4 with a migration path to IP version 6. E.2.10 System quality factors FEP079 Quality documentation shall be provided for all delivered systems. E.2.11 Design, construction and installation requirements FEP080 The design of new equipment shall minimise the probability of single point failures whether through fault or human error. FEP081 Floor fixing of new equipment shall be undertaken where there is any risk of toppling with high level sections withdrawn. FEP082 The supplier shall specify the distributed floor loading of the equipment to be installed. P a g e | 36 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 FEP083 Any equipment exceeding a point load of 4.5 kilo-Newtons (kN) shall be provided with a plinth or other means of spreading the load. FEP084 In accordance with Health and Safety Regulations, heavy items of equipment (greater than 18Kg) should only be mounted at waist level or below (i.e., approximately 1 metre above floor level). FEP085 Mechanical methods of lifting and moving heavy loads shall be employed in line with manual handling procedures. FEP086 Rack mounted keyboards and consoles shall be installed at a height between 1050mm and 1150mm above finished floor level. FEP087 Cabling systems shall be installed using Low Smoke and Zero Halogen (LS0H) cable sheaths. FEP088 All Data and Communication cabling systems shall be installed using shielded cables. FEP089 All Patch Panels, Patch Leads and connectors shall be shielded to match the cabling systems used. FEP090 Designs shall enable replacement of faulty items with minimum disruption to Operations and other equipment. FEP091 It shall not be necessary to withdraw power from, or otherwise interrupt the service given by, complete systems in order to remove or replace modules or to repair faults that do not in themselves cause loss of system service. FEP092 Equipment layout and implementation shall enable routine maintenance, and replacement of faulty items with minimum disruption to the operation and other equipment. FEP093 Individual items of equipment shall be capable of operating when being supplied with power having the following electrical characteristics: Three phase 400 volts nominal Tolerance for 400 volts is +10%/-6% Single phase 230 volts nominal Tolerance for 230 volts is +10%/-6% 50Hz frequency Tolerance for 50Hz is +1%/-1%. FEP094 The installed sub-system shall operate with a transient voltage condition not exceeding 10% fluctuation of nominal volts that does return to steady state tolerance of nominal volts within 0.5 seconds. FEP095 The system shall operate with phase to phase voltages within 2.5% of the summated average of the three voltages. All three phase-to-phase voltages will be within +10%/-6% of nominal volts. FEP096 The system shall be installed such that load distribution between phases is reasonably balanced and out of balance neutral current does not exceed 5% of lowest line current. FEP097 The equipment shall operate with the maximum harmonic content of source voltage not exceeding 5% total under resistive load test conditions between no load and full load. FEP098 The system shall operate with short term transient conditions in the form of “spikes” in the order of 50% changes of voltage with duration of from 1 microsecond to 1 millisecond. FEP099 The acoustic noise levels in unmanned Operational areas shall not exceed a general level of 65 dbA. FEP100 Systems shall be able to operate continuously in ambient temperatures between 16-32 degrees C. P a g e | 37 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 FEP101 The assignment of electrical systems to each area shall not exceed the Design Envelope of the Power and HVAC provision. FEP102 Components shall be capable of operating continuously in ambient humidity ranging from 20-80% non-condensing. FEP103 Whenever possible, common parts, modules, assemblies, enclosures, elements, and power supplies shall be used. FEP104 Equipment, display units, chassis and modules shall be detachable from their position to a diagnostic and repair location. FEP105 Sufficient shielding shall be provided to prevent electromagnetic interference with adjacent equipment. FEP106 The Electrical Equipment Power Factor (PF) shall be not less than 0.85 for all equipment. FEP107 The electrical power input protection rating, type and circuit design shall be provided during the design period. FEP108 The steady load current and start up in rush current shall be quoted for the equipment during the design period. FEP109 All systems to be installed shall satisfy the ANSP Installation Manual, a copy of which shall be furnished to the supplier. FEP110 FEP111 Materials used shall be chosen with due consideration for safety, durability, reliability, retention of appearance, and avoidance of corrosion, of fire, of smoke, or other chemical or physical affects. FEP112 The installed systems shall meet the requirements of EC directives on Electromagnetic Compatibility and all relevant country standards. FEP113 The system shall comply with the best prevailing and anticipated health and safety standards for:a) The X-ray levels radiated from equipment b) The electrostatic field generated by display equipment. c) The electromagnetic field generated by display equipment. For the appropriate equipment, actual levels as well as compliance with standards should be stated. FEP114 All equipment units or sub-units shall be marked with their weight where it exceeds 10 kg (22 lbs.). FEP115 Workmanship shall meet the requirements defined in the ANSP’s Installation Manual. FEP116 All equipment and parts, including maintenance and test equipment supplied by the project, that are interchangeable or replaceable shall satisfy the requirements through the EC regulations and carry a CE Marking. FEP117 The design of equipment both bespoke and off-the-shelf, shall facilitate safe and efficient maintenance. FEP118 The installed systems shall comply with the provisions of the the ANSP’s Health and Safety plan and the ANSP’s Fire Safety and Fire Protection policy. FEP119 The system shall be provided with power supplies from 2 independent UPS sources. FEP120 In so far as reasonably practicable, all operational, support and administrative systems, equipment and associated cabling systems to be installed shall be constructed, installed and protected and shall be capable of being maintained, inspected and tested so as to prevent danger to staff and risk to operational systems. FEP121 Cabling to equipment shall as far as is practicable be terminated either on the supporting racks or on the back plane. Cable connections directly into slideP a g e | 38 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 in-units shall be avoided as this prevents easy removal of units and over time reduces the reliability of the connections. FEP122 The supplier shall furnish the ANSP with the total electrical load and heat load of delivered systems. E.2.12 Documentation requirements E.2.12.1 General FEP123 Technical Documentation shall be provided for the Datalink FEP. FEP124 All deliverable documentation shall be written in English, using standardised presentation and notation. FEP125 All deliverable Technical documentation shall be provided as paper copy and in an editable electronic format (e.g. Microsoft Word .doc). E.2.12.2 Technical Documentation FEP126 The Technical documentation provided by the supplier shall enable operation, maintenance, fault diagnosis and repair of the equipment by trained personnel within the ANSP. FEP127 The Technical documentation shall provide sufficient information to enable repair to a level appropriate with the agreed maintenance policy. FEP128 The Technical documentation shall clearly describe the function of all hardware items. FEP129 The Technical documentation shall clearly describe all internal and external interfaces. FEP130 The Technical documentation shall include a clear and concise description of any setting up procedures for equipment. FEP131 The Technical documentation shall include full details on how to configure the system, e.g. change link/ switch setting on cards. FEP132 A User Guide shall be provided which shall contain information as to the operation and management of the system. FEP133 Documentation on COTS hardware and OS components shall be provided E.3 LGS application of Eurocontrol Specification The following requirements have been taken from the Eurocontrol Specification on Data Link Services and placed here as LGS understands they apply to the Datalink FEP and so must be included in any requirement specification. LGS is utilising these requirements as a part of its evidence of compliance with the Datalink Services Implementing Rule. FEP134 The Datalink FEP shall adhere to the requirements laid down in the Eurocontrol Specification on Datalink Services [4], where these apply to the Datalink FEP component of the overall Datalink system. The application of these requirements to the supplier's product depends on the actual functionality that is offered as COTS. The supplier will be required to provide analysis against these requirements early in the project. Performance data is left as "XX" placeholders as it is anticipated that the requirements will be clarified during the project as it is further understood how the FEP interacts with the broader system and contributes to the system-wide performance requirements. P a g e | 39 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 E.4 Data Link Services General Requirements E.4.1 Ground Systems FEP135 All CPDLC downlink message (DM) elements that are implemented in support of the ACL, ACM and AMC services shall be passed by the Datalink FEP on to the LGS ATM System. FEP136 Downlink CPDLC messages not supported by the implementation shall result in an appropriate error response being sent by the Datalink FEP, as defined in ED-110B [10], being sent to the airborne system. FEP137 All uplink message (UM) elements that are implemented in support of the Link 2000+ ACL, ACM and AMC services shall be accepted by the Datalink FEP from the LGS ATM System. FEP138 When latitude and longitude are included in CPDLC message elements, the Datalink FEP shall use the (degrees, minutes, seconds) format. E.4.2 Common Interoperability Requirements FEP139 The Logical Acknowledgement (LACK) messages (downlink message element DM100 and uplink message element UM227) shall be used in ACL and ACM message exchanges. E.4.3 Common Performance Requirements FEP140 Implementations of Systems and Services shall be compliant with the associated Performance Requirements specified by EUROCAE ED-120 [9]. E.4.4 Common Safety Requirements FEP141 Implementations of Systems and Services shall be compliant with the associated Safety Requirements specified by EUROCAE ED-120 [9]. E.5 Specification of Data link Service ACM E.5.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP142 Implementations of the ACM service shall comply with the air-ground interoperability requirements specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 4.2 and 4.3, except where indicated otherwise in this specification. FEP143 The ACM service shall be implemented in compliance with “Case A” as specified in ED-110B [10], paragraph 4.3.4. FEP144 When issuing a data link transfer instruction, compliant ground systems shall therefore send the requisite message element (UM117 CONTACT or UM120 MONITOR) in a CPDLC-End Request without concatenating a UM135 CONFIRM ASSIGNED LEVEL message element. E.5.2 Uplink Message Elements FEP145 The Datalink FEP shall allow the sending of the CPDLC message elements in section E.4, with valid parameters where applicable. E.5.3 Downlink Message Elements FEP146 The Datalink FEP shall have the capability to receive and forward to LGS systems the message elements in section E.10. P a g e | 40 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 E.5.4 Specific Performance Requirements FEP147 ACM implementations shall satisfy the performance requirements specified in ED-120 [9] chapter As the ED-120 parameters are system-wide, to meet these, the following requirements are placed upon the Datalink FEP:Continuity C XX Availability A(USE) XX Availability A(PROVISION) XX Integrity I XX E.5.5 Specific Safety Requirements FEP148 ACM implementations shall satisfy the safety requirements specified in ED120 [9] chapter, excluding requirements relating to downstream clearance. FEP149 The Datalink FEP shall facilitate the sending of operational CPDLC messages to an aircraft when it has control of that aircraft unless it is a D-ATSU conducting DSC. FEP150 The Datalink FEP shall facilitate the rejection of any aircraft request for CPDLC establishment when appropriate. FEP151 When a request for CPDLC establishment is rejected by an ATSU, an indication of the rejection shall be provided to the aircraft. FEP152 The Datalink FEP shall faciltitate the termination of CPDLC at the request of LGS systems. FEP153 Any processing (data entry/encoding/ transmitting/ decoding/displaying) shall not affect the intent of the message. E.6 Specification of Data Link Service ACL E.6.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP154 Implementations of the ACL service shall comply with the air-ground interoperability requirements specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 4.2 and 4.4, except where indicated otherwise in this specification. E.6.2 Uplink Message Elements FEP155 The Datalink FEP shall allow the sending of the CPDLC message elements in section E.10, with valid parameters where applicable. E.6.3 Downlink Message Elements FEP156 The Datalink FEP shall have the capability to receive and forward to LGS systems the CPDLC message elements in section E.10, with valid parameters where applicable. E.6.4 Implementation Issues FEP157 The Datalink FEP shall ignore the Alert attribute on received CPDLC messages. FEP158 The Datalink FEP shall ignore the Urgency attribute on received CPDLC messages. P a g e | 41 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 E.6.5 Specific Performance Requirements FEP159 ACL implementations shall satisfy the performance requirements specified in ED-120 [9], chapter As the ED-120 parameters are system-wide, to meet these the following requirements are placed upon the Datalink FEP:Continuity C XX Availability A(USE) XX Availability A(PROVISION) XX Integrity I XX E.6.6 Specific Safety Requirements FEP160 ACL implementations shall satisfy the safety requirements specified below (ED-120 [9], chapter FEP161 Each uplink message shall be uniquely identified for a given aircraft-ATSU pair. FEP162 Each downlink message shall be uniquely identified for a given aircraft-ATSU pair. FEP163 A response message shall indicate to which message it refers. FEP164 Each message shall be time stamped. FEP165 The time stamp shall indicate the time that the message is released by the initiator for onward transmission. FEP166 Any processing (data entry/encoding/ transmitting/ decoding/displaying) shall not affect the intent of the message. FEP167 The initiator shall transmit messages to the designated end system. FEP168 The Datalink FEP shall be synchronized to within one second of UTC. FEP169 The Datalink FEP shall prohibit operational processing of detected corrupted messages. FEP170 The recipient shall be able to determine the message initiator. FEP171 Whenever an operational message is discarded an indication shall be provided to the initiator. FEP172 Messages shall be transmitted/received in the order that they are sent. E.7 Specification of Data link Service AMC E.7.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP173 Implementations of the AMC service shall comply with the interoperability requirements specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 4.2 and 4.5, except where indicated otherwise in this specification. E.7.2 Uplink Message Set FEP174 The Datalink FEP shall allow the sending of the messages UM157 and UM183, with valid parameters where applicable. See section E.10 of this document for a full list of CPDLC messages to be supported. E.7.3 Specific Performance Requirements FEP175 AMC implementations shall satisfy the performance requirements specified below (ED-120 [3] chapter As the ED-120 parameters are systemwide, to meet these, the following requirements are placed upon the Datalink FEP:P a g e | 42 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 The AMC service shall exhibit an integrity of XX. E.7.4 Specific Safety Requirements FEP176 AMC implementations shall satisfy the safety requirements specified below (ED-120 [9] chapter FEP177 Each uplink message shall be uniquely identified for a given aircraft-ATSU pair. FEP178 Each message shall be time stamped FEP179 The time stamp shall indicate the time that the message is released by the initiator for onward transmission. FEP180 Any processing (data entry/encoding/ transmitting/ decoding/displaying) shall not affect the intent of the message. FEP181 The initiator shall transmit messages to the designated end system. FEP182 The Datalink FEP shall be synchronized to within one second of UTC. E.8 Specification of Data link Service DLIC E.8.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP183 Implementations of the DLIC service shall comply with the interoperability requirements specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 4.1, except where indicated otherwise in this specification. E.8.2 Specific Performance Requirements FEP184 DLIC implementations shall satisfy the performance requirements specified below (ED-120 [9] chapter 4.3.2). As the ED-120 parameters are systemwide, to meet these, the following requirements are placed upon the Datalink FEP:Continuity C XX Availability A(USE) XX Availability A(PROVISION) XX Integrity I XX E.8.3 Specific Safety Requirements FEP185 DLIC implementations shall satisfy the safety requirements specified below (ED-120 [9] chapter 4.2.2.) FEP186 Any processing (data entry/encoding/transmitting/decoding/displaying) shall not affect the intent of the DLIC message. E.9 End-To-End Communications General Requirements E.9.1 Common Interoperability Requirements FEP187 The Datalink FEP shall implement a Ground-Ground ATN Router, as defined by ICAO Doc 9896 [7], in order to support interoperations with each other. FEP188 ATN Routers and Systems incorporating an ATN End System shall comply with the requirements of ED-110B [10] chapters 2 and 3 that are applicable to ATN communications services (ICS and ULCS), CM Application and CPDLC Applications, and amended as described in this document. FEP189 ATN Routers and Systems incorporating an ATN End System shall comply with the requirements of ED-110B [10] chapters 2 and 3 that are applicable P a g e | 43 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 to ATN communications services (ICS and ULCS), CM Application and CPDLC Applications, and amended as described in this Annex. FEP190 In addition to the Doc 9896 updates specified in ED-110B [10], chapter 2.4, implementations should additionally incorporate all defect resolutions listed in Table B-1. Table B-1: Modifications to ICAO Doc 9896 - General PDR ref PDR Description (Ed 2) Applies To 99070001 ICAO 9705 Edition 2 - Editorial Errors All Systems M1050001 Correction of CLNP Priority All Systems M0060001 ICAO 9705 Edition 2 - Editorial Errors All Systems Notes Documents restriction of CLNP priorities on VHF data links. E.10 Specification of Data link Application CPDLC FEP191 The Datalink FEP shall support the following CPDLC messages:- DM0 WILCO DM1 UNABLE DM2 STANDBY DM3 ROGER DM4 AFFIRM DM5 NEGATIVE DM6 REQUEST [level] DM7 REQUEST BLOCK [level] TO [level] DM8 REQUEST CRUISE CLIMB TO level] DM9 REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] DM10 REQUEST DECENT TO [level] DM11 AT [position] REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] DM12 AT [position] REQUEST DESCENT TO [level] DM13 AT [time] REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] DM14 AT [time] REQUEST DESCENT TO [level] DM15 REQUEST OFFSET [specified distance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM16 AT [position] REQUEST OFFSET [specified distance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM17 AT [time] REQUEST OFFSET [specified distance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM18 REQUEST [speed] DM19 REQUEST [speed] TO [speed] P a g e | 44 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 DM20 REQUEST VOICE CONTACT DM21 REQUEST VOICE CONTACT [frequency] DM22 REQUEST DIRECT TO [position] DM23 REQUEST [procedure name] DM24 REQUEST CLEARANCE [route clearance] DM25 REQUEST [clearance type] CLEARANCE DM26 REQUEST WEATHER DEVIATION TO [position] VIA [route clearance] DM27 REQUEST WEATHER DEVIATION UP TO [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM28 LEAVING [level] DM29 CLIMBING TO [level] DM30 DESCENDING TO [level] DM31 PASSING [position] DM32 PRESENT LEVEL [level] DM33 PRESENT POSITION [position] DM34 PRESENT SPEED [speed] DM35 PRESENT HEADING [degrees] DM36 PRESENT GROUND TRACK [degrees] DM37 MAINTAINING [level] DM38 ASSIGNED LEVEL [level] DM39 ASSIGNED SPEED [speed] DM40 ASSIGNED ROUTE [route clearance] DM41 BACK ON ROUTE DM42 NEXT WAYPOINT [position] DM43 NEXT WAYPOINT ETA [time] DM44 ENSUING WAYPOINT [position] DM45 REPORTED WAYPOINT [position] DM46 REPORTED WAYPOINT [time] DM47 SQUAWKING [code] DM48 POSITION REPORT [position report] DM49 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT [speed] DM50 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT [speed] TO [speed] DM51 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE DM52 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT LOWER LEVEL DM53 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT HIGHER LEVEL DM54 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] DM55 PAN PAN PAN DM56 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY DM57 remaining fuel] OF FUEL REMAINING AND [persons on board] PERSONS ON BOARD P a g e | 45 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 DM58 CANCEL EMERGENCY DM59 DIVERTING TO [position] VIA [route clearance] DM60 OFFSETTING [specified distance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM61 DESCENDING TO [level] DM62 ERROR [errorInformation] DM63 NOT CURRENT DATA AUTHORITY DM64 [facility designation] DM65 DUE TO WEATHER DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DM67 [free text] DM68 [free text] DM69 REQUEST VMC DESCENT DM70 REQUEST HEADING [degrees] DM71 REQUEST GROUND TRACK [degrees] DM72 REACHING [level] DM73 [version number] DM74 REQUEST TO MAINTAIN OWN SEPARATION AND VMC DM75 AT PILOTS DISCRETION DM76 REACHING BLOCK [level] TO [level] DM77 ASSIGNED BLOCK [level] TO [level] DM78 AT [time] [distance] [to/from] [position] DM79 ATIS [atis code] DM80 DEVIATING UP TO [specified distance] [direction] OF ROUTE DM81 WE CAN ACCEPT [level] AT [time] DM82 WE CANNOT ACCEPT [level] DM83 WE CAN ACCEPT [speed] AT [time] DM84 WE CANNOT ACCEPT [speed] DM85 WE CAN ACCEPT [specified distance] [direction] at [time] DM86 WE CANNOT ACCEPT [specified distance] [direction] DM87 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT CLIMB TO [level] DM88 WHEN CAN WE EXPECT DESCENT TO [level] DM89 MONITORING [unitname] [frequency] DM90 [free text] DM91 [free text] DM92 [free text] DM93 [free text] DM94 [free text] DM95 [free text] P a g e | 46 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 DM96 [free text] DM97 [free text] DM98 [freetext] DM99 CURRENT DATA AUTHORITY DM100 LOGICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT DM101 REQUEST END OF SERVICE DM102 LANDING REPORT DN103 CANCELLING IFR DM104 ETA [position][time] DM105 ALTERNATE AERODROME [airport] DM106 PREFERRED LEVEL [level] DM107 NOT AUTHORIZED NEXT DATA AUTHORITY DM108 DE-ICING COMPLETE DM109 TOP OF DESCENT [time] DM110 TOP OF DESCENT [position] DM111 TOP OF DESCENT [time] [position] DM112 SQUAWKING 7500 DM113 [speed type] [speed type] [speed type] SPEED [speed] FEP192 The Datalink FEP shall support the following CPDLC uplink messages:- UM0 UNABLE UM1 STANDBY UM3 ROGER UM4 AFFIRM UM5 NEGATIVE UM19 MAINTAIN [level] UM20 CLIMB TO [level] UM23 DESCEND TO [level] UM26 CLIMB TO REACH [level] BY [time] UM27 CLIMB TO REACH [level] BY [position] UM28 DESCEND TO REACH [level] BY [time] UM29 DESCEND TO REACH [level] BY [position] UM46 CROSS [position] AT [level] UM47 CROSS [position] AT OR ABOVE [level] UM48 CROSS [position] AT OR BELOW [level] UM51 CROSS [position] AT [time] UM52 CROSS [position] AT OR BEFORE [time] UM53 CROSS [position] AT OR AFTER [time] P a g e | 47 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 UM54 CROSS [position] BETWEEN [time] AND [time] UM55 CROSS [position] AT [speed] UM61 CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] AT [speed] UM64 OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE UM72 RESUME OWN NAVIGATION UM74 PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] UM79 CLEARED TO [position] VIA [routeClearance] UM80 CLEARED [route clearance] UM82 CLEARED TO DEVIATE UP TO [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE UM92 HOLD AT [position] AS PUBLISHED MAINTAIN [level] UM94 TURN [direction] HEADING [degrees] UM96 CONTINUE PRESENT HEADING UM106 MAINTAIN [speed] UM107 MAINTAIN PRESENT SPEED UM108 MAINTAIN [speed] OR GREATER UM109 MAINTAIN [speed] OR LESS UM116 RESUME NORMAL SPEED UM117 CONTACT [unitname] [frequency] UM120 MONITOR [unitname] [frequency] UM123 SQUAWK [code] UM133 REPORT PRESENT LEVEL UM148 WHEN CAN YOU ACCEPT [level] UM157 CHECK STUCK MICROPHONE [frequency] UM159 ERROR [errorInformation] UM160 NEXT DATA AUTHORITY [facility] UM162 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE UM165 THEN UM171 CLIMB AT [verticalRate] MINIMUM UM172 CLIMB AT [verticalRate] MAXIMUM UM173 DESCEND AT [verticalRate] MINIMUM UM174 DESCEND AT [verticalRate] MAXIMUM UM179 SQUAWK IDENT UM183 [freetext] UM190 FLY HEADING [degrees] UM196 [freetext] UM203 [freetext] UM205 [freetext] UM211 REQUEST FORWARDED UM213 [facilitydesignation] ALTIMETER [altimeter] P a g e | 48 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 UM215 TURN [direction] [degrees] UM222 NO SPEED RESTRICTION UM227 LOGICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT UM231 STATE PREFERRED LEVEL UM232 STATE-TOP-OF-DESCENT UM237 REQUEST AGAIN WITH NEXT UNIT E.10.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP193 The Datalink FEP shall support the use of the CPDLC application message integrity check mechanism. FEP194 Where ED-110B [10] refers to CPDLC as specified in ICAO Doc. 9705 (SubVolume II, chapter 2.3, modified by the specified defect resolutions), the provisions of ICAO Doc. 9880, Part I, Chapter 3 [6] may be taken as equivalent. E.11 Specification of Data Link Application CM E.11.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP195 Implementations of the CM air and ground application entities shall comply with the interoperability requirements applicable to the CM-logon, CMcontact, CM-update, CM-end, CM-user-abort and CM-provider-abort services specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 3.1, except where indicated otherwise in this specification. FEP196 The CM-update service will not be requested by the LGS systems nor shall be triggered by the Datalink FEP. Note 1: Minimal ground system support requirements for handling received CMupdate primitives are given in ED-110B [10] Note after paragraph Note 2: The CM-forward service is outside the scope of this specification. E.12 ATN Upper Layer Communications Service Requirements E.12.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP197 ULCS implementations shall conform to the requirements of ED-110B [10] (which refers to ICAO Doc. 9705, Sub-Volume IV), except where indicated otherwise in this specification. FEP198 Where ICAO Doc 9880 [6] specifies the base standard for the ATN session protocol, the phrase “together with all approved amendments and defect report resolutions” shall be taken to mean “including Technical Corrigendum 1 (2002)”. FEP199 Implementations of the ATN session protocol shall be capable of supporting the session protocol data units (SPDUs) listed in Table B-2, any other SPDUs being out of scope of this specification: Table B-2: SPDU Support Requirements Value (Hex) E8 F0 Abbreviation Full SPDU Name SCN SAC Short Connect Short Accept P a g e | 49 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 D8 E0 – E3 SACC SRF A0 SRFC Short Accept Continue Short Refuse E0: TC retained, transient refusal E1: TC retained, persistent refusal E2: TC released, transient refusal E3: TC released, persistent refusal Short Refuse Continue FEP200 It is recommended that the value “E3” should be used for encoding the SRF SPDU. FEP201 Where ICAO Doc 9880 [6] specifies the base standard for the ATN presentation protocol, the phrase “together with all approved amendments and defect report resolutions” shall be ignored. FEP202 Implementations of the ATN presentation protocol shall be capable of supporting the presentation protocol data units (PPDUs) listed in Table B-3, any other PPDUs being out of scope of this specification: Table B-3: PPDU Support Requirements Value (Hex) 02 02 x2 Abbreviation SHORT-CP SHORT-CPA SHORT-CPR Full PPDU Name Short Presentation Connect, unaligned PER Short Presentation Connect Accept, unaligned PER Short Presentation Connect Reject, where x = reason code: 02: presentation-user 12: reason not specified (transient) 22: temporary congestion (transient) 32: local limit exceeded (transient) 42: called presentation address unknown (permanent) 52: protocol version not supported (permanent) 62: default context not supported (permanent) 72: user data not readable (permanent) FEP203 The value “02” shall be used for encoding the SHORT-CPR PPDU. FEP204 In addition to the ICAO Doc 9880 [6] updates specified in ED-110B [10], ULCS implementations shall additionally incorporate all defect resolutions listed in Table B-4. Table B-4 PDR ref PDR Description (Ed 2) M00400 02 Potential Misdelivery of CLNP Packets (32 bit checksum) Applies To All End Systems Notes Support is Mandatory in ED110B [9] section 2.4. However, 32-bit checksum is not required E.13 ATN Internet Communications Service requirements E.13.1 Specific Interoperability Requirements FEP205 ICS implementations shall conform to the requirements of ED-110B [10] except where indicated otherwise in this specification. FEP206 ATN end systems shall implement the TP4 protocol as specified in Doc 9880 [6], section 5.5.2. P a g e | 50 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 Note: The connectionless transport protocol (CLTP) is outside the scope of this specification. FEP207 In addition to the ICAO Doc 9705 [6] updates specified in ED-110B [10] chapter 2.4, ICS implementations shall incorporate all defect resolutions listed in Table B-5. Table B-5 Modifications to ICAO Doc 9705 - ICS PDR ref 99090001 99100003 99100004 99100005 PDR Description (Ed 2) ICS: Over-specification of ARS Address ICS: LREF Compression and CLNP ECHO NPDUs Applies To All Systems ICS: ISO/IEC 8208 NonStandard Default Packet Size Facility ICS: Reservation of Unassigned/Undefined Values All ATN Routers Air and AirGround Router All Systems M0040001 ICS: Incorrect/Duplicated ATSC Class Security Tag M0040002 Potential Misdelivery of CLNP Packets (32 bit checksum) All ATN Routers All End Systems M4050001 ICS: Typos and inconsistencies in the Doc. 9705 Sub-Volume V M5020001 ICS: Inclusion of ATN IP SNDCF All Systems Air-Ground and GroundGround Routers Notes Needed for ARINC network compatibility. Used for compression of NSAP addresses Relaxation of requirement. No interoperability implications. Only impact of this PDR could be on implementations that used private values. Clarifies an error condition Support is Mandatory in ED-110B [9] section 2.4. However, 32-bit checksum is not required When IP networks are used for the ATN ground-ground segment. E.13.2 Specific Performance Requirements FEP208 The TP4 parameter settings listed in Table B-6 should be implemented by all ground ATN End Systems. Table B-6: Recommended TP4 parameter settings PDR ref 99090001 99100003 99100004 99100005 PDR Description (Ed 2) ICS: Over-specification of ARS Address ICS: LREF Compression and CLNP ECHO NPDUs Applies To All Systems ICS: ISO/IEC 8208 Non-Standard Default Packet Size Facility ICS: Reservation of Unassigned/Undefined Values All ATN Routers All Systems Air and AirGround Router P a g e | 51 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Notes Needed for ARINC network compatibility. Used for compression of NSAP addresses Relaxation of requirement. No interoperability implications. Only impact of this PDR could be on implementations that used private values. Issue 1.0 M0040001 M0040002 M4050001 M5020001 FEP209 ICS: Incorrect/Duplicated ATSC Class Security Tag Potential Misdelivery of CLNP Packets (32 bit checksum) All ATN Routers All End Systems ICS: Typos and inconsistencies in the Doc. 9705 Sub-Volume V ICS: Inclusion of ATN IP SNDCF All Systems Air-Ground and Ground-Ground Routers Clarifies an error condition Support is Mandatory in ED110B [9] section 2.4. However, 32bit checksum is not required When IP networks are used for the ATN ground-ground segment. The IDRP parameter settings listed in Table B-7 shall be implemented by all ATN Routers Table B-7: Recommended IDRP parameter settings Entity Timer Recommended Value IDRP (Airborne Router) IDRP Hold time 900 sec IDRP (Air-Ground Router) IDRP Hold time 900 sec IDRP (Ground-Ground Router) IDRP Hold time 90 sec E.14 Ground Recording Requirements FEP210 Data link messages exchanged between an ATS Unit and aircraft shall be recorded according to the functional specifications for ground recording as published in EUROCAE Document ED-111 [13]. E.15 Naming and Addressing Requirements FEP211 Ground ATC entities shall be identified by an ICAO Facility Designator and the corresponding CM TSEL value. E.16 Conformity Assessment Requirements FEP212 The Datalink FEP vendor shall support the completion of the PICS/OICS for CM and CPDLC as contained in ED-110B, [10] Annex B, where applicable to the FEP. FEP213 Unless specified to the contrary in the specification above, the implementation shall comply with the relevant Profile Requirements Lists for the ATN ULCS and ICS in Doc 9880 [6]. P a g e | 52 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance Issue 1.0 APPENDIX F Glossary and Acronym List ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACC Area Control Centre ACL ATC Clearance (CPDLC service) ACM ATC Communications Management (CPDLC service) ADA Asset Design Authority ADS-C Automatic Data Surveillance – Contract (FANS service) AGDL Air Ground Datalink AMC ATC stuck microphone check (CPDLC service) ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider AOC Airline Operational Communications ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit CM Context Management CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink Communications CSC Common Signalling Channel CSP Communications Service Provider (ARINC and SITA) CWP Controller Working Position DLIC Datalink Initiation Capability DOC Designated Operational Coverage FABEC Functional Airspace Block – Europe Centre FANS Future Air Navigation Services FEP Front End Processor FMC Flight Management Computer LAM Logical Acknowledgment Message (OLDI) Link2000+ Eurocontrol Datalink project MUACC Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre OLDI On-Line Data Interchange POA Plain Old ACARS SARPs Standards And Recommended Practices (ICAO) SITA Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques SLA Service Level Agreement VCRI Verification Cross Reference Index VDL2 VHF Datalink mode 2 VDR VHF Data Radio P a g e | 53 Commercial In Confidence - Borealis Alliance