
“Provision of ATN/VDL Mode 2 Services for Riga Flight information
Region in order to Fulfil EC Regulation 29/2009 on Data Link
Service”, Clarification of Technical Specification (Annex 4)
Paragraph 3.3.6:
Paragraph 3.3.6 has been amended to define that both ANSP and CSP BISs should
attempt to initiate the connection. Please see Technical Specification (enclosed).
Paragraph 3.3.7:
This requirement might be unclear, given the complex ATN architecture shown in
Figure 1. For example, should the CSP advertise “specific mobile routes” on the
CSPs own network only, or also routes learned via internetworking?
Answer: CPS’s ATN Routers should support a route aggregation. Technical
Specification has been amended accordingly and reads as follow: „3.3.7. In order to
minimize a number of routing tables, the CPS’s ATN Routers should support a route
aggregation” (please see the Specification enclosed).
Paragraph 3.4.1:
Please be aware that there is no requirements for RF chhannel sharing with other
Paragraph 3.4.3:
Reservations have been expressed that it is not yet clear where and when additional
frequencies may be needed and how they will be coordinated within the industry.
Answer: LGS does not have operational needs to use MF infrastructure at this stage.
Technical Specification (paragraphs 3.4.7. and 3.4.8
have been amended
Paragraph 3.4.7:
Reservations have been expressed to deployment of an MF infrastructure as long as
the roadmap to VDL MF is not finalized (it is currently being defined by the DLISG
expert subgroup).
Answer: LGS does not have operational needs to use MF infrastructure at this stage.
Paragraph 3.4.8:
Reservations have been expressed that a CVME is necessary to support this
requirement but prototype CVME however does not exist yet in a field version.
Answer: LGS does not have operational needs to use MF infrastructure at this stage.
Paragraph 3.4.13:
Given that this requirement contradicts with requirement 3.3.7, which asks for the
advertisement of each aircraft route, p. 3.3.7 has been amended (please see new
Paragraph 4.3:
Given that there are reservations expressed regarding the current level of PAs, the
causes of which are not all within CSP’s control, LGS has reviewed and changed
Service levels requirements. The parameters for Availability, Reliability and
Continuity of Service have been reduced - please see new wording of p 4.3.)
Paragraph 5.3.2:
LGS agrees that the monthly performance reports are generated 2 weeks after the
address reporting period. Technical specification has been amended accordingly
(please see enclosed).
Paragraph 5.4.1:
Given the expressed reservation to the 10 working day advance notice, the
requirement has been amended, and the notice shall be given at least 3 (three)
working days in advance. Technical Specification has been amended accordingly
(please see enclosed).
Paragraph 5.4.2:
The number of days has been reduced to 7 calendar days (Technical Specification
has been amended accordingly - please see enclosed).
To clarify 6.3:
Please be aware that Paragraph 6.3. of the Technical Specification has been
amended. CSP may re-use and provide similar test report documentation made in
advance for similar systems.
Paragraph 6.4:
Organisation of flight trials is an optional requirement. CSP may chose not to respond
to the flight trial option.
Paragraph 6.5:
Given that the observation period is not different from operating the service, LGS
accepts therefore that the observation process is supported by CSP as part of the
operational service, and is subject to the pricing of the operational service, provided
that the period of observation period has been defined and agreed by the Parties.