Comparing Jesus and Mohammed

Jesus and Mohammed
Their methods
and teachings
were totally
So who really came from God….?
Lies and errors
Allah’s origins
Last Judgment
Family tree
To Muslim friends
Why Biblical God is
not Allah.
idol worship at
Death of Mohammed
Quran as a book
Mistakes in Quran
Who was Spirit in the
Brief List of lies
Biblical God
How do we know
Jesus is God
Final thought,
Prophet without prophecy
Jesus – why he is special
Breaking God’s laws
Jihad heaven
Stupid lies
Bible vs Quran- Compare
Death of Jesus
Why Lamb of God, Why
Errors in Quranic version
Death proven, common
sense, historians
Prophecies about death
Jesus himself explains
Other explanations
Who will come for
the last judgment of the world ?
Christians and Muslims
It is Jesus (Isa).
Jesus coming for last judgment
Bible says
“Then Jesus will appear, coming in the clouds with great power and
glory. He will send his angels out to the corners of the earth to gather
the people…”Mark24:26
“ When Jesus come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him,
then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be
gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as
a shepherd divide his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the
sheep (good people) on his right hand, but the goats(bad people) on
the left. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand, Come, ye
blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world...Then he shall say also unto them on the left
hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for
the devil and his angels...And these shall go away into everlasting
punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Matt 25:31-34, 41, 46)
Postal stamp of Iran:
Jesus weighing
good and bad deeds
on his second coming
To Our Muslim friends
• Surah Al-Baqara 2:285 tells to read all revealed books including
Torah, Zabur (Psalms) and injeel (Bible Gospels).
• While becoming a prophet, Mohammed quotes as God/Gabriel
advising him "If you doubt what we have revealed to you, ask
those [Jews and Christians] who have read the scriptures [the
bible] before you" (Quran 10:94).
Open your eyes so you won’t ignore the true God and
Isa (Jesus) won’t scold you at the last judgment for not trying to know the Truth.
-- Jesus and Mohammed -• What if one is much more than a prophet and
the other is much less than a prophet….?
Note : As you read through the pages, some of the pages may be hurting your feelings. Sorry for
that. Our intention is to show you the truth, so that you will know the real God and see for
yourselves many lies. Please be patient and read till the end. God is in control. if you are open
minded, God will guide you. This may be a once in a life time chance for you to know the truth send
by God’s plan. We also see many Islamic websites really misinterpret biblical teachings. This is an
attempt to tell the truth.
Muslim friends,
Something for you to keep in mind
• As you read following pages, you will see that even Quran and Hadiths says
the following about Jesus:
Jesus is the only Sinless, faultless person lived on earth.
The Only person able to give life for lifeless ( create life from nothing- remember childhood miracle
and miracles when grown up),
Only one born from a virgin.
The Only human being directly taken to heaven.
The Only person who will come to judge the world.
Do you see the full significance of these characteristics of Jesus. These characteristics is beyond
human….Read it again.. Not even Mohammed had any of these characteristics. Then why was Jesus
created that way ?
Do you think God created Jesus with all these characteristics just like that without any
No friends…use your reasoning…. You are missing something.. Some truths were hidden from you..
Someone had a need to suppress the characteristics of Jesus…
God had a great plan for Jesus. And Jesus did something much greater than what you were
taught….. That is why he had all those characteristics mentioned above. If not, tell us why
should God create him so special…? You will understand it as you read these pages. Please be
patient if we are using strong words and read.
are proof of God’s acceptance
Mohammed could not do any miracles.
Jesus did mighty miracles
Even Quran says about Jesus
•Jesus (Isa) did many mighty miracles (Quran 4:153(?)
•Jesus healed the born blind, lepers and even gave life to
the dead. (sura 5:110)
Jesus’ followers also did miracles in the name of Jesus, even
in front of their torturers. Their Teachings with Miracles caused
the spread of Christianity in the first centuries
All major prophets like Moses, Elijah, Elishah, Jeremiah etc.
did miracles because it was God's plan and act.
Lot of miracles happen even these days in Christian
pilgrimage centers and prayer gatherings.
All these could do miracles beyond nature because GOD approved them.
But Mohammed could never do any Miracles
Quran express many times ( Quran 17:59, Quran 29:50) the frustration of Muhammad over
people who kept demanding miracles as support of his claims and he couldn't do any.
Quran itself says He could not do miracles.
Sura 17:90-93 - When challenged, Mohammed
couldn't do miracle and he says - " "Am I
Lies of 21st century Islamic Apologetics:
Quran itself says Mohammed couldn’t do miracle. But
anything except a human messenger?".
modern Islamic Apologetics and websites are
shamelessly cooking up miracles now (They also cook
up prophecies which even Mohammed or his followers
didn’t know or Claim)!!??.
•In Sura 13:7 he is again challenged heavily for
at least just one miracle and he couldn't.
•Later he says he want to heaven (when no one
was watching) as a proof of miracle.
Here is some cooked up miracle lies.
Mohammed writes in Quran -- "If you find
their aversion hard to bear (and would like
to show them a miracle), seek if you can
burrow in the earth or ladder to the sky by
which you may bring them a sign. Had God
pleased, He would have given them
guidance, one and all. Do not be ignorant
then. (Quran 6:35) "
-[ This is like God mocking Mohammed. Isn’t it ?
because God of Jews and Christians did mighty
miracles through his prophets. It is so easy for
the creator of the universe to do a miracle, if
Mohammed is the final and greatest prophet.
•Winning the small war in Badr was pointed as a miracle,
But he lost the next war.
•Splitting the Moon/Chest( In the past it was interpreted
as Mohammed splitting his own chest). This is a jokenot mentioned in Quran or important books.
•Shamelessly many more cooked up miracles pops up
on Islamic websites.
If any of these Cooked up miracles were true,
•then it would have been mentioned big in Quran
• and you wouldn’t see theses Quran verses
mentioning that Mohammed couldn’t do miracle.
( Stop lying and open your eyes to the truth)
If Mohammed couldn’t do miracle…
God didn’t let Mohammed do even a small miracle even when he was
constantly challenged for a miracle. This means :
•God didn't approve Mohammed as a prophet, he seems to be
teasing Mohammed
•or Mohammed’s God is not God of all the previous prophets. The
spirit in the cave is questionable.
( Muslim friend, Sorry for being blunt, but this will help to open your mind)
Note : Many of Islamic friends say, I don't believe in miracles ( because
Mohammed couldn't do any miracles).
This is bad because they are making God and his previous prophets liars.
Besides Quran itself says Jesus did mighty miracles.
So unlike other prophets in history,
Mohammed had to depend on the
SWORD to teach he is a prophet ( Oh,
that proved very effective as we see
from the number of followers).
The use of sword and silencing
continues even today.. See the sword
signs being glorified.
Quran is teaching contradiction to bible.
Everything in Islam is based on one illiterate
person’s teachings…( bible had 40 authors
over many thousands of years). Mohammed is
saying that teachings of many thousands of years
is wrong, everlasting God changed. To prove this
contradictory teaching, isn’t he supposed to show
a miracle that God is with him.
Instead he has only sword….
How can
someone be a prophet
if he never prophesied ?
Mohammed never prophesied anything…..
A prophet without performing a prophecy ?!
A prophet is someone who prophecies. Even pagan God’s had Oracles and prophets
who could prophecy ( correct or wrong). A prophet knows what would happen in future.
Moses was a great leader and a prophet.
David was a king and a prophet, Elia, Elijah,
Isaiah, Zachariah, Micah, John the Baptist…..
all were prophets. All of them have prophesied
and their prophecies came true.
Many prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus and
even Jesus also prophesied. (eg: fall of
Jerusalem in AD70, his second coming, death
of St.Peter etc).
100s of prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus.
Later sections shows many examples.
Prophecies in the bible
Mohammed never prophesied anything…
He didn’t even know before eating the poisoned food that it was poisoned.
Lies of 21st century Islamic Apologetics:
Seeing that there is no prophecy about Mohammed, Islamic scholars and websites misinterpret biblical verses and
cook up prophecies about Mohammed!? For example, Jesus told his disciples before going to heaven to stay in
Jerusalem to receive the Holy spirit come on them. Bible explains how Holy spirit comes and the rejuvenated
disciples set of to far away lands to preach gospel.
21st century Islamic scholars and websites preach that this holy spirit is Mohammed!?( it is a shameful joke and an
act without self respect in religion. Consider what would the real God do).
Hello friend, If it is a genuine prophecy, Mohammed should know about that prophecy and he should explain how
that prophecy is being fulfilled in him. At least the spirit/angel in the cave should have told him. See how Jesus
explained how each prophecy was being fulfilled one by one in him.
So don’t blindly steal Christianity’s solid proof from God. Don’t re-write Quran now. Open your eyes to the truth.
Greatest Teacher
Prophet Isaiah predicts 750 years before..
“God himself will teach them” ( Isaiah 54:13).
Jesus says - “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”
(John 14:6) – So he deserves to be the greatest
Some Teachings of Jesus:
Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.
This is the law and prophets (Mat 7:12)
Sermon on the Mount (Mat5:3)Blessed are those...
– Clean of heart - they shall see God,
– Peace makers - be called children of God
– Hunger for righteousness – will be satisfied
– Merciful - they will receive mercy….etc..
“Our Father in Heaven…”
– Prayer that Jesus taught
Love of God
Everyone loves and forgive their own people. But
my followers should even love and forgive even
people who harm them.
( Only a person from heaven , who knows clearly
about the next world can teach this.)
Jesus even Corrects the law of Moses which
got carried away bit more- The 10 ten
commandments of God was expanded
further by Jewish ancestors after Moses
and it started teaching “an eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth”. ( In fact this is still the
rule in some of the Islamic countries - Shari
at ). No one could correct this law that was
spun of from law of Moses for centuries,
except by God himself.. and when God
came, he (Jesus) did correct it for the new
world. He teaches forgiveness. He even
takes it to a level of God’s kingdom.
Jesus proved what he taught by his
He taught that he came to the world to teach
us the truth and the way and then to die for
our salvation (re-unite man and God)
Contradictory teaching
Jesus - Teachings from heaven - new in world
• Forgive and pray for your enemy.
• Loved and cared for the poor, sick, sinner
and misfortunate.
Marketing tactics of a clever merchant
All are children of God.
Corrected teachings by mercy
“eye for an eye” is invalid
Taught what God really is.
Jesus disapproved sword.
Never lied or manipulated.
Proved teachings and by miracles and
life,death examples.
• ---------------------Only a God can teach this- knowing the earthly
fortunes and misfortunes are nothing
compared to the eternity. God is in control.
Human could never comprehend this until God
taught this.
Jesus and bible warns about the false
prophets( ) and the teaching of false
angels(…) Antichrist would come and hurt
the church badly.
But at the end, Jesus would certainly come.
Promised what market would relish. (he knew
7th century Arab’s passions)
Promised Heaven for those who will fight and die
for him . Heaven full of sexual pleasures.
Approved attack, murder, capture booty and
women if fight is in the name of Allah.
Polygamy approved rejecting God’s law taught
through all prophets.
Enforced his teachings by sword.
Arabs used to worship over 300 Gods.
Knowing the advantage of monotheism, he
adopted and re-designed Judeo-Christian
history to the Arab world with Arab sentiments.
A very doubtful spirit in cave Hira taught this to
Removed competition by removing the deity of
If Jesus is God, no one need to fight, die, kill or
even listen to him.
Jesus –
No other human being
ever lived like him
Some attributes of Jesus (Isa) in Quran
Isa (Jesus) is
• Blessed(Quran19:31), sinless son(19:19), the word of
• Mercy from God and Jesus is the messiah (Quran3:45, mentioned 10 times ).
• He did so many mighty miracles (4:153) [which even
Mohammed could not do] .
• Jesus creates (5:110) from nothing,
• Jesus give life (3:49),
• Isa(Jesus) was born by the spirit of the God (19:1721), not by a human father, born of a virgin.
• God raised Jesus unto him (Quran - 4:158) < without
allowing to be killed (as per Quran) >. But
Mohammed was allowed to be killed by painful
slow food poison death . Why…?
• Jesus is much greater than you think. Someone didn’t
tell our Muslim friends the whole story of Jesus.
Sacred heart of Jesus
Showing the love for mankind
God made Maryam (Mary) pure, and preferred more than all woman in the
world(3:42,47). from Mariam who was virgin(Quran-19:20),(3:47) .God breathed
his spirit into Mary(21:91)...made Mary and Isa(Jesus) a sign for all(21:91).
Why is Jesus so special ?
• Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.506, narrated by Abu
Huraira: The Prophet said, "When any human being is
born, Satan touches him at both sides of the body with his
two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan
tried to touch but failed, for he touched the placenta-cover
instead." Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.641 Narrated
by Said bin Al Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'There is
none born among the off-spring of Adam, but Satan
touches it. A child, cries loudly at the time of birth because
of the touch of Satan, except Mary and her child.“
Quran says Jesus Christ was faultless and sinless. Why
was Jesus Christ faultless and without sin, whereas
Mohammed was touched by Satan (above paragraph) and
did a sinful life? Many times in the Quran, Mohammed is
reminded of repenting his sins. Every Muslim who reads
the Quran with understanding knows it very well.
Why is Jesus so special ?
As per Quran,
– Jesus is the only Sinless, faultless person.
– The Only person able to give life for lifeless( create life from nothing-remember
childhood miracle),
– Only one born from a virgin, by spirit of the God(19:17-21), not born by a human father.
– Done mighty miracles, could talk when he was infant,
– the Only human being directly taken to heaven.
The Only person who will come to judge the world.
Why was Jesus created like this ? – Can you imagine the full significance of this ?
Is it for fun of God ?? No… God surely had a purpose with Jesus which he fulfilled.
What Jesus did is much greater than what Mohammed did.. it is not mentioned in Quran
..Mohammed is hiding something.
Mohammed is not telling the teachings of Jesus in Quran…since it contradicts
Mohammed’s life style( war, breaking 10 commandments).
Muslim friends, there is much more about Jesus than what is mentioned in Quran.
Some of them Mohammed had to admit… Mohammed had to say Bible is corruptedThen only his life has meaning. Then only his breaking of the commandments could
be justified.
Related attributes from bible
God loves us
Greatest teacher –
World’s morality is influenced by his teachings. Treat others as you want
to be treated by others. When you help the least of these people, know
that you are helping me. I will reward you even for a glass of water that
you give to your needy.
Showed clearly what God is, what God wants from us.
He Loved the poor, misfortunate and even sinners.
Image of the Sacred heart of
Jesus (wounded by a spear
In the cross) represents his
love for humanity.
Jesus taught, “Forgive and pray for those who sin against you”. He also taught Don’t
use sword or weapon but invest in heaven.
Behavior of Jesus : At the cross, during crucifixion, Jesus speaks to his Father
in heaven, “Father forgive them ( those who caused his crucifixion) for they do
not know what they are doing (crucifying son of God)” Luke 23:34
Only someone from heaven can preach like this for the first time because only God knows that
the happiness and sadness of this world are nothing compared to everlasting Life with God).
Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus will come back from heaven at the end of time
to judge the good and bad people (note that it is not Mohammed who is coming since he
hasn't reached heaven yet). Good people will be taken to heaven and bad to hell. . Do
you think a prophet or human being can do. Only a God can do this. < Recently
many Islamic schools start twisting this belief since it shows Jesus is the greater than
Bible teaches that Jesus had the dual nature of God and Man when he was on earth.
Jesus is the Only significant person in history who said “I am God” and proved it by his miracles,
teachings, event’s of his life and explanation of fulfilled prophecies. (details in later pages).
Analyzing Mohammed.
Breaking God’s everlasting law
Shame-sins-grave sins
By a prophet(?) for Sexual passions and for getting followers
Contradicting God’s laws – Polygamy stage 1
God created only 1 woman (Eve) for Adam. God asked Noah to
take only 1 female for a male. (Not 4 female for each male).
God gave Commandments through the prophet Moses
"Do not Commit Adultery", "Do not covet" ( "Do not lust wife of
another person“). God says it two times in 10 commandments.
All the prophets, leaders and people respected and followed that
Command of the God.
( one or two exceptions were before the law was given and by
some kings. But never by a prophet.).
10 commandments
•God instituted monogamy and hate polygamy.
•Jesus hated polygamy and adultery even by thought.
•It is unimaginable that a prophet would change God’s law in the holy book.
•If you check the life of Mohammed, you can see how he breaks God’s
everlasting law stage by stage. As he gains power, he becomes more greedy
for women. She even re-writes Quran to justify his grave sins.
•Divorcing a woman is so easy- Just say Talaq talaq Talaq .
After the permitted number of woman, Mohamed allows followers to have slave girls.
“They are slave girls whom you own". (Sura 33:52).
Polygamy - Lame excuses.
(don’t justify it, even God hated it ):
Fundamentalist Muslim friends may defend Mohammed’s polygamy and rewriting of the Quran. They will say there was a war (as if there was no war
during the time of other prophets) and husbands died so wives and daughters
are alone... what to do.. etc. This is not true. Most of the marriages of
Mohammed was for passion as you can see below and next pages.
# Mohammed took the wife of his adopted son's only wife when he was
alive ?
# Woman is also considered booty and 1/5th belonged to Mohammed(8:41).
After a battle one of the young soldier (Dahia) won the 15 year old Jewish
widow (Safia Bint Huyay ). This old Mohammed with many wives, hears
about this woman and ignores begging of Dahia and puts his dress over
the captive girl thus claiming her as one of the many.
# what about Aisha who was just 6-7 years old and playing with dolls
(intercourse at 9 years). Isn’t it Child Molestation
Polygamy - Lame excuses.
(don’t justify it, even God hated it ):
# some of the women -
1. Khadija, 2. Sawdah, 3. Aesha, 4.
Omm Salama, 5. Halsa, 6. Zaynab (of Jahsh), 7. Jowayriyi, 8. Omm
Habiba, 9. Safiya, 10. Maymuna (of Hareth), 11. Fatema , 12. Hend,
13. Asma (of Saba), 14. Zaynab (of Khozayma), 15. Habla, 16. Asma
(of Noman), 17. Mary (the Christian), 18. Rayhana 19. Omm Sharik
20. Maymuna, 21. Zaynab (a third one) 22. Khawla .
The girls whom Mohammed wanted had only 2 choice .
1.Become Muslim and become his wife.
2. Remain in their own religion and become his concubine. This was tough since
all the adult males in their family would have been killed long back by him and
there was no hope.
But Mary (the Coptic Christian) and Rayhana (Jewish widow) chose bravely to be
concubines (no option but to be raped in this case) rather than becoming Muslim
and husband of a 60 year old man. Blessed be their names.
Mohammed also raped many woman. Examples of many jewish ladies are well
The sexual desire of Mohammed increased rapidly as he became more older. At
age sixty, he married three or four times. When he was 61, he was poisoned by a
Jewish lady (Khaiber – agrarian people) whose family was tortured to death by
Out of severe pain from the poison effect, it looks like he stopped marrying for
next three years until he died because of the poison effect.
Unlimited Polygamy – stage 2
Mohammed became more and more lusty. He wants more
girls for himself alone( for others only 7). The spirit in the
cave would permit him for anything.
He re-wrote the Koran saying Allah gave this special privilege only for him.
......If you have paid dowers (money to girl’s father), You
may marry any number of ladies that your right hand
This privilege is yours alone, being granted to no other
believer so that none may blame you.(Surat 33:50-51).
When his wives quarreled and didn’t like when he was bringing more women.
(Sura 33:28) "O Prophet! Say to thy consorts: 'If you desire the life of this world and its glitter then come! I will
provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner.'
(Sura 33:30) "O Consorts of the Prophet if any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the punishment
would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah."
God lives for ever and is the controller of the universe.. He won't change his
commandment on a fine day for one person's sexual desires.
If Someone sanctions unlimited number of wives (even beyond 7 ) that will be from
Evil- not from God. If you support this, you are making God a pimp….
Have you heard these kinds of re-writing in any other religion….
Stealing daughter in law – stage 3
One day Mohammed sees his only adopted son's ( Zaid) only wife. He is Blinded
by shameful lust though he already has many wives. Mohammed re-writes
Koran, and indirectly forces his son to divorce his only wife so that he can
marry her as another wife.
A son (adopted, since Mohammed had no sons- probably a curse) was forced to
divorce his only wife, so that middle aged father ( who has so many girls in
custody) could marry her. No body, Not even the slave owners in the history
have done this.
It is a shame to see many Muslim still support and justifies this grave SIN on the
Internet sites. You see Sunnis and Shias have different interpretation immediately after
the death of Mohammed. How can you trust if they can cook up anything.
Why did he Break God’s everlasting laws ?
Mohammed shamelessly re-wrote Quran because of the following :
1. He became sexually pervert after he got power.
2. By promoting polygamy, he knew he will get more followers from the 7th
century warrior clans. By nature, they relish on girls and the booty from
attacking others.
3. He himself didn’t believe or knew everlasting God. Since he
cooked up everything.
4. The spirit in the cave ( disguised as Gabriel) cheated him.
5. He knew God ( or his buddy in cave ) will approve anything like a
pimp. [ from 1 woman to 4 to 7 to infinity-- Oh God..on your name. ]
Muslim friend, sorry for hurting your feeling…
but please think independently. Do you blindly support Mohammed ?
Can you believe him or Jesus…He is not from God (many more solid examples
are coming.). He will do anything to get power and women.
He will even say God is not God so people will be ready to die for him (he did
exactly this…when he said Jesus is not God).
Jihad Heaven
Ultimate bribery and force
leaving no other choice for the normal man
Mohammed used the ultimate bribery and deception called "Jihad
heaven" for recruiting people to his army and spreading religion.
As a Muslim there is 2 ways to go to heaven. One is being a
holy man which is difficult from a practical angle. So fires of
hell is waiting for them.
The other guaranteed and even more exciting way to a heaven
is to die while fighting for Islam (Jihad). All who die for Islam
are richly rewarded with heaven, woman and wine.(4:74), 4:84.
Some tradition says up to 72 women for each man at their
In the heaven there will be a garden full of delicious food and 'houris'
(beautiful and "voluptuous" girls intended for the sexual pleasure).
People who die in Jihad can enjoy all these pleasures for ever.
They will have great sex powers. All their sexual cravings will be
fulfilled (Koran 38:51; 44:54; 55:55-74; 56:22,34-36. These sex
would be more enjoyable than any sex on earth.
While those who draw back from fighting are sorely punished by Allah (Quran
48:16 and 17). Lame, blind and those who are ill are exempted from the war.
This gives no choice for followers but to go and die for Islam.
Many people believe that
Jihad heaven
Can you imagine this scene – God (Allah) is waiting with 64 voluptuous
girls and 2 bottle of wine. All you need to do is tie a bomb around
your waist and kill two white man and you also die. If you are not sick,
lame or blind and if you don't fight, then he will grill you....!!!!??! ..he
doesn't need your help..............
My dear friends, God is the creator of universe who designed the path of
the galaxies. If he want to kill someone, it is so easy. Mohammed didn't
know how the creator of the universe behaves. He just half heard the story
and ran with it to sell in big way in a new market.
Many people are taught
that if they don’t do
adultery on earth, they will
get houris in heaven.
intention of this teaching is
good but should we lie?
Remember happiness
through sex ( hormone
driven), and other means
are God given.
Don’t be under the
impression you get girls
and sex after your death.
Jesus Disapproving violence :
Do you know that Jesus loved the poor, sick, sinner, misfortunate and
everyone . He even healed the person who came to arrest him before
his death. He forgives the lady caught in adultery. prays for the people
who crucify him, Seeing his love even the bad tax collectors turn to God.
He says don't use weapons [put the sword back, all who live by sword
will die by sword-Matthew 26:52], and violence, forgive and love. Only
someone from God himself can teach these kind of non-violence. Jesus
teaches God as a loving God who understand us.
Heaven :
Jesus says "at resurrection people don't live married life, they will be like
angels in heaven"-Matthew22:30. But there will full of Joy due to God's
presence (Psalm16:11).
Stupid Lies
Virginity of “Houris” in Heaven
Another lie – Houri’s virginity
Mohammed’s followers were discussing about houris in heaven
and they asked Mohammed “What would happen to the virginity
of the houris (sex virgins in heaven) after (billions) of martyrs
(and good people) have sex with them daily?”
Mohammed goes back and corrects the Koran which says:
"Allah created them so special that they will never loose virginity
(Koran 56:36)”.!!!
Friend - Do you believe these kind of manipulation ? This is
what is taught to the believers. Do you trust his teaching?
Over centuries, in Islamic countries, rich people used to marry 4 or more wives. The
poor youth of these countries don't have enough money to give as dowry for girls,
and they end up migrating to other lands for woman and life( note the recent
immigration to Europe) or join Islamic Jihad groups to die as martyrs.
Do you know that it is the western civilization and bible that influenced generations
to understand equality of men and woman. Even Hinduism had cast system.
Stupid Lies & writings in Quran
Mohammed’s trip to heaven (Isra)
-- ( eternal unrest in Israel)
1. Trip to heaven on a horse like creature
Mohammed tells his followers that at night, He
traveled from the mosque in Mecca to the mosque in
Jerusalem( Hadith’s and Islamic tradition confirms it)
on a horse like creature called Buraq. Then he flew
to heaven on the same night from Jerusalem. When
he reached heaven, He saw many levels of heaven.
Abraham is in a top level, Jesus is in a lower level...
Quran 17:001
Yet in the morning, people saw him reappearing from one of the
rooms of his many women in his harem in Arabia!!.
List of stupidities :
1. Can't he fly from Mecca to heaven directly.
Why bother to travel to Israel and cause eternal unrest there?
2. Why should he need an animal to fly to heaven.
3. Why he is not riding on the flying horse at day time so that everyone can
see it? After all people were demanding a miracle from him as a sign of the
prophet hood and he couldn't do any miracles. So if he had done it at
daytime, there was no need of sword for spreading Islam.
Dear Muslim friend,
Hope you are not hurt.
Our intention is to make you
open your mind, not to tease
4. The Mosque in Jerusalem (Al Aqsa) was built many years later.
These days, people say launch pad was a rock and not a mosque. But Quran says mosque(17:1).
5. Which is more closer to heaven Mecca or Jerusalem ? If a flying animal is involved, does he have any idea
about the time and distance in earth and in universe?
To understand this fake story which Mohammed fabricated, you
need to know the circumstances that were happening during
that time.
Mohammed couldn’t do any miracle.
This trip was one of the miracles that people challenged
Mohammed to perform to prove that his belief (Christian heresy
of Ebionism ) is the right belief. People suggested if they can
see Mohammed ascending to heaven and coming down with
his teachings written in a book, they would believe him. They
wanted to be eye witnesses (Qu 17:90-93). Mohammed failed
to perform any miracle and said, "am I but a man." (Qu 17:93)
So he decided to fabricate a fake story that he did it but not in
front of them. He did it secretly while they were sleeping!
Do you believe it ?
He Chose Jerusalem since he has heard of the stories of Jesus ascending
to heaven from there. Unfortunately he thought the opening of the secret
passage is only in Jerusalem.
Even Islamic scholars are ashamed of this cooked up lie. Even many people left
Mohammed when he said this and Mohammed stopped this story but it is still in
Quran. Lot of manipulation is done on the identity of second mosque. Any argument
will prove the fabrication.
In 20th century, new story comes up that it was Mohammed’s imagination or mind that
went to heaven !
– Then Quran verses 17:001 and, all Hadiths which gives details of trip is lie.
– Why does mind need a horse. Can’t mind fly to heaven directly.
– Why taught this wrong teachings while, saying bible is corrupted all the
– If it was only imagination/soul, why claim Al Aqsa mosque as the 3rd holiest
place. Caliph Umr was converting St.Mary’s church (built by Justinian) to a
mosque claiming it was Mohammed’s launch pad. Isn’t it shameful. Can we
get it back or convert to a museum. ( remember Hagia Sophia church
(Istanbul), and many others were church converted to mosque by force. .
When Mohammed/his mind/soul/imagination reached heaven, Allah told Mohammed to recite the salat (ritual
prayer) 50 times each day.!? Moses (who met him at heaven), however, advised Muhammad to plead for a
reduction of the number as being too difficult for believers, and the obligation is eventually reduced to five
prayers each day after many negotiations(50,25,10, 5 etc– copying Abraham negotiating for Sodom ).
Do you think Everlasting God will instruct to do salat 50 times. If In a day of 12 hours, Muslims have to do
salat once in 14 minutes. The gap between each Salat for doing other stuff is 12 min or less then. Don’t you
understand it is a cooked up story.
But if it was imagination/mind/soul, then he never talked to Allah. ( Anybody can say I talked to God last
night in my dream). This is a cooked up story within a cooked up story.
The intention of first cooked up story ( false miracle) shows Mohammed will teach anything and even write
lies in Quran.
Lesson :
Mohammed is admitting that God won’t let you enter heaven if you follow the path of
Mecca. But if you follow the path through Jesusalem (Jesus), you can enter
Quran –
Is it a Miracle or
illogically compiled verses?
Compare Bible and Quran
Quran (Check if it is miraculous)
•Holy bible is arranged like a historic book in a
chronological order. Creation in the beginning,
followed by Patriarchs, prophets, kings, judges just as
it happened in history.
•The prophecies and prayers of each time period are
added in the order.
•Then Jesus comes to fulfill the prophecies and his
teachings and life explained in Gospels. Followed by
the acts of his disciples followed by the letters and
teachings of the disciples all in meaningful and historic
•The chapters of the Quran are arranged without any
•It is not based on chronology, historic sequence,
importance, continuity, biography of any sort.
•Except for introduction, chapters seems to be
arranged more or less by length - the longest chapters
are in the beginning (no of verses are 286,200,176
etc. in the beginning).
•Last few chapters have just 5-6 verses.
•Uthman (3rd Khaliph) was in a hurry while compiling.
•No other book in the world is more disorganized /
•Verses are disorderly arranged and jumbled up in
unrelated subjects/topics.
•Most chapters has many unrelated topics without
sequence .
•Same topics is repeated in many different chapters
Each incident and stories are complete and explained
in detail.
Many of the stories are partially written…or someone
smartly removed the erroneous ones, so as to be
able to explain as desired in future. Why can’t explain
the incident fully ? [ eg: trip to heaven 17:1,
Compare Bible and Quran - contd
Quran (Check if it is miraculous)
•The Bible, by comparison, had forty authors, all
literate, who told a consistent story over the course
couple of thousands of years.
•Each authors confirmed God’s same laws, teachings,
and prophecies.
•Only Muhammad ever heard the "revelations.“
• He offered no evidence of his divine inspiration even
though it is contradictory to the teachings in Torah
(Old testament bible) and Bible•we take the Qur'an solely on his word. And he used
sword if someone questions.
•Horrible to see that there is no prophecy, no
chronology, no geography, no biography of anybody
(not even Muhammad), no ministry, no history, no
proverbs, no parables, no miracles, no psalms, not
even a story.
•just do’s and don’t, repeatedly saying ; and with
punitive punishments, retaliations and rewards
You can understand the bible pretty easily. Only very
rarely you see complex topics.
People are taught it is a miracle. Most of the people
recite Arabic verses without knowing it’s meaning or
significance. If they are not allowed to think
independently or question, then you can blindly
believe it is a miracle.
Quran – as a book
Too much dramatized, and deviated from Original incident. This is because Mohammed heard
original during his travels, as stories from others (who might give special effects). He never
knew to read Bible or Torah which is the original written centuries before. The merchant in him
knew how to re-pack and re-label the product for example He always added too much Arab
– [ eg: Mary giving birth to Jesus “alone” in the desert under a palm tree (no st.Joseph, no
Bethlehem) and an unknown voice asked mary to “shake the tree to get date fruits” (no
mention of the song “peace on earth”). Since there is no St.Joseph, to defend Mary’s
virginity, Mohammed says new born Jesus told others that Mary was virgin and that he is a
prophet. Peace on the day I was born, die and raised to life again. next sentence .
– In Mount Sinai (where God gave 10 commandments), he lifted the Mt.Sinai and threatened
to put over the people if they don’t stop sinning.
– Solomon talking to Ants
Bible is well structured.
New testament
Mat 11:28 Come to me all of you who are tired and are burdened, and I will comfort you.
Matthew 5:43 ‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” 44 But I say to you,
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he
makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 46 For if you love
those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax-collectors do the same? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as
your heavenly Father is perfect.
Sample chapters in Quran
(just 5 strange verses)
Chapters have no logical sequence except introduction
What happened
(need a revelation
Instead of admitting
That he heard them
during travel)
during travel he
hears Monotheism,
Greatest teachings,
Need power for
him and his clan
Invents Spirit in cave ?
Cooked up or
Spirit is disguised evil
Need big story to bring
forward his clan’s diety &
Destroy other 360 gods
Don’t know to
Smart Merchant knows
How to sell good product
In new market
Jews/Christians didn’t accept
him as prophet
( because no miracle, wrong teachings,
no knowledge in bible, no prophecies,
And Jesus had fulfilled all prophecies)
Anger to Jew/Christians
Re-pack story
Add dramatic effects
Add Arab sentiments
Remove Jewish backgrounds
Remove deity of Jesus
Jesus taught (No war,
no looting, only 1 wife,
“Treat others as you want
them to treat you” etc…)
[ So people won’t
follow Mohammed]
Re-pack pagan worships
Moon God,3 daughters of allah
(satanic verses) were forced to
remove. Change
Kaaba festival style,
Bible – as a book
Take the bible written by his disciples over 100s and 1000s(old testament) of
years before. If you are busy, read the New testament ( life and teachings of
Jesus and how the stunning prophecies are being fulfilled in him), or the oldtestament explaining the history of God’s people.
It is structured and has continuity, biography, history, great prayers (eg. psalms’injeel’), stunning prophecies about Jesus being fulfilled, great teachings and the
great plan of God… read with open heart. Then you can really compare and
understand the claims.
Mistakes in Quran
Blunder teachings from Mohammed
Tabari I:236 "When the sun rises upon its chariot from one of those springs it is
accompanied by 360 angels with outspread wings.... When Allah wishes to test
the sun and the moon, showing His servants a sign and thereby getting them to
obey, the sun tumbles from the chariot and falls into the deep end of that
ocean. When Allah wants to increase the significance of the sign and frighten
His servants severely, all of the sun falls and nothing of it remains in the
chariot. That is a total eclipse of the sun. It is a misfortune for the sun."
Tabari I:234 "Then the Prophet said: 'For the sun and the moon, Allah created
easts and wests on the two sides of the earth and the two rims of heaven.
There are 180 springs in the west of black clay't is is why Allah's word says:
"He found the sun setting in a muddy spring." [Qur'an 18:86] The black clay
bubbles and boils like a pot when it boils furiously.'"
He claimed that Alexander the Great was a Muslim sent by Allah to explore the
sunrise and sunset. Qur'an 18:83 "They ask you about Dhu'l-Qarnain [Alexander].
Say, 'I will cite something of his story. We gave him authority in the land and
means of accomplishing his goals. So he followed a path until he reached the
setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in black, muddy, hot water. Near it he
found people." The Qur'an goes on to speak of punishing the extraterrestrials and of
the unprotected souls in the realm of the sunrise.
Errors- historic and geographic
Mohammed never knew the historic fact that Jerusalem was under the Roman rule at
the time of Jesus. He never mentions the Roman and Jewish leaders mentioned in
history and bible. He never knew Bethlehem the city of David. Still based on what he
heard from Waraqa’s sect, he spreads wrong teaching about the birth and death of
Birth: As per Quran, “Mary ran away to a deserted place, alone she prepared to give
birth to Jesus under a palm tree. Palm tree talked to Mary to shake it so that she
would get date fruit. After child birth she doesn’t talk. But new born Jesus tells that
Mary is virgin, sinless and that he is from God , peace on day he was born, the day
he die etc…”. This is a crazy lie. There is no mention of St.Joseph, or Bethlehem
where Jesus was born or census by Agustus Ceasor because of which Joseph and
Mary came to Bethlehem (city of David) where Jesus was born as prophecied. New
born Jesus or date tree don’t talk. It was the angels who sang, “peace on earth”.
Again if you believe that new born Jesus did talk, then believe also what he said, the
day he dies.
Death of Jesus: Mohammed says it was Jews who tried to kill, infact killed his disciple
etc. There is no mention of Romans !!. Uneducated Mohammed who lived 600 years
later had no clue of the history - that it was Roman soldiers who executed the
crucifixion not Jews. Jews demanded death of Jesus since Jesus said he was son of
God (blasphemy as per some of them).
Abraham never went to Mecca. According to Judaism, the
Bible, The Dead Sea Scrolls and all encyclopeadias,
Abraham took the same route with his family, sheep,
donkeys, etc, journeyed from Ur in Chaldea (west of Basra
in Iraq) to Haran, Turkey (directly northwest along the
Euphrates river) and down through the Beka Valley
(Syria/Lebanon) to Shechem, Hebron (in Israel), Egypt
(near Alexandria) and Beersheba back in Israel along the
common fertile land route. (If Abraham went to Mecca
not only his sheep, donkeys and his people would have
died due to the desert and lack of water, but it was not the
route used in 1900 B.C. through those desolate deserts).
He lived and died and is buried in Machpelah in Hebron and it is a lie to say that Abraham ever
went to Mecca to build the Kaaba. There was no Jewish youth by the name of ‘Abraham’ as
the Quran claims. His name was changed to ‘Abraham’ only at age 99.
If this Allah is God, he should have at least got the original name of Abraham, right?
Why is circumambulating the Kaaba 7 times a pagan ritual (2:158) if Abraham built it and
purified it according to Allah (2:124-5)?
Why would any Jew ever build anything for the Arabs, either before or today? If a Jew built
the Kaaba, why doesn’t it look like a Synagogue, but as a common Mandabum (Hindu God
house for Idols with one door) of a Hindu temple? Why are there 360 idols in the Kaaba and
why practicing the 7 circumambulating of the Hindus?
THINK - Has any Jew ever built a Cube-house of God, anywhere in this world or
circumambulating 7 times? The truth - Kaaba was a Hindu Temple, high jacked by
Muhammad to create Islam. See the article, “The Invention of Islam.”
Did Allah transform Christians &Jews into apes & pigs?
• Quran says it, in three different verses: 7:166, 2:65, and 5:60. that Allah
turned Jews into Apes and Pigs since they broke Sabbath (worked on
• 7:166 But when even after this they disdainfully persisted in that from which
they were forbidden, We said to them, "Become apes—despised and
disgraced!" (Maududi) .
• 2:65 And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath.
We said to them: "Be apes—despised and hated by all." 66 Thus We made
their end a warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation,
and an admonition for God-fearing people. (Maududi).
5:60 Then say: "Should I inform you [People of the Book-Christians and Jews] of
those, who will have even worse recompense from Allah than the transgressors?
They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under His wrath; some of
whom were turned into apes and swine; who worshipped taught [the devil or idols];
those are the people who are in a far worse plight and who have turned farthest
away from the Right Way." (Maududi)
Historical errors in Quran
Another interesting historical glitch occurs when Allah erroneously calls Mary the sister of Aaron in
Qur'an 19:28, and the daughter of Imran (the Biblical Amran) in 66:12. While Miriam and Mary are
the same name, the first Miriam, the sister of Aaron and the daughter of Amran, died 1,500 years
before Mary, the mother of Yahshua, was born. (18:28; 66:12; 20:25-30)
• Mohammed completely ignores St.Joseph the husband
of Mary and the foster father of Jesus.
• Allah's insistence that Nimrod was a contemporary of
• Qur'an 18:86 states, "Until, when he reached the
setting of the sun, he found sun set in a spring of
murky water: Near it he found a people: We said: O
Dhu al Qarnayn..." The sun does not set in a muddy
spring. There are no extraterrestrials living where the
sun goes to bed, and no human - and that would include
Alexander the Great - has ever visited with such
Scientific errors in Quran
surahs 16:15; 21:31; 31:10; 78:6; 88:19 tell us that Allah threw down mountains like
tent pegs to keep the earth from shaking. Truth is opposite . Mountains were built
up, not thrown down. Rather than create stability they are the result of instability.
Colliding tectonic plates push up the earth's surface forming all non-volcanic
Qur'an 16:66 says that cow's milk comes from between the excrement and the blood of the
cow's abdomen. That doesn't make sense, and it isn't true.
In Qur'an 16:69 we're told that honey comes out of a bee's abdomen. That's not true either.
Then, Qur'an 6:38 claims all animals and flying beings form communities like humans. While
some do, most don't.
• Qur'an 25:45 maintains that the sun moves to create shadows.
• For a list of many errors in Quran check
Theological error
Qur'an 5:116 represents Christians as worshipping Mary as the third
member of the Trinity. The Qur'an says: "Allah will say, O Jesus, son of
Mary, did you say to the people, Make me and my mother idols beside
Allah?" -Christians treat Holyspirit as the third person , not Mary.
Copying popular stories :
• Qur'an 18:9-25 tells the story of "some youths and a
dog who sleep for 309 years with their eyes open
and their ears closed" – rip van winkle
• In Qur'an 11:81 and 15:74 the cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah are turned upside-down with angelic wings.
Geographical errors
• Mohammed said Jesus was born on a desert under a palm tree. In
reality he was born in Bethlehem.
• Mohammed went on a flying horse from Mecca to Jerusalem to
• Alexander and Mohammed travelled to the muddy pond where sun
sets. There they saw some people who was judged by Alexander.
Bukhari:V4B55N549 "Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, 'As regards to your
creation, every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days,
and then he becomes a clot for another forty days, and then a piece of flesh for forty days.
[Four months of pregnacy, not nine.!?!] Then Allah sends an angel to write four words: He
writes his deeds, time of his death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be
wretched or blessed. Then the soul is breathed into his body. So a man may do deeds
characteristic of the people of the Hell Fire...but he enters Paradise. A person may do
deeds characteristic of Paradise...but he will enter the Hell Fire.'"
The Qur'an says: Qur'an 5:31 "Then Allah sent a raven who scratched the ground to show
him how to hide the shame of the dead body of his brother. 'Woe is me!' said he; 'Was I not
even able to be as this raven, and to hide the dead body of my brother?' Then he became
full of regrets."
The false notion in Qur'an 2:55-6 and 67 that Moses was resurrected.
The Qur'anic myth in 7:171 of God lifting up Mount Sinai and holding it over the heads of the Jews
as a threat to squash them if they rejected the law
The making of the golden calf in the wilderness, in which the image jumped out of the fire fully
formed and actually mooed (7:148; 20:88)
Muhammad, or whoever compiled the Qur'an, incorporated parts of the religion of the Sabeans,
Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism into Islam. He adopted such pagan rituals as: worshiping at the
Ka'aba, praying five times a day towards Mecca, the zakat tax, and fasting in Ramadhan
Who really corrupted the
holy books
Mohammed says Bible is corrupted.
So far you saw many lies by Mohammed. But finally he attacks God -Holy Trinity.
Please be open minded ……
Mohammed teaches that bible is corrupted.
But do you know there is a clear motive why Mohammed had to say this…..
Muslim friends, please use the simple reasoning power that God gave you to
understand the lies…
Which book is correct?
use common sense that God gave
Bible authors:
Quran author:
It is written by 40 authors Over a period of few
thousands of years.
The clear history of God’s protection, teachings
and prophecies are consistent and self proving.
was written by only 1 person. Who says all these
40 authors and history are wrong !? There is no
one else to confirm the validity of his totally
conflicting theory.
Authors are who contacted God directly and are
Mohammed didn’t even know the cruel spirit was
angel until his uncle Waraqa told him hoping
Mohammed will follow him as a Christian priest.
Mohammed was uneducated - never seen
scriptures. He heard bible history/teachings
during his travels.
The merchant in Mohammed saw the popularity
of Chistianity was so popular.
All the authors were well educated
They knew all previous prophets from childhood.
Quran itself says twice to refer Bible incase
people doubted him(10:94 and 2:285).
Quran was re-written by Mohammed for own
sexual passions and satanic verses.
Some Bible translations may have few errors
due to translations and since some books are
over 2000 years older.
Quran is 1000 years newer and written only in
Arabic and the size is less than10 percent of
bible. Still it has many errors and blunders like
Mohammed saw sun setting on muddy pond
when he traveling with Alexander.
Mohammed used sword to spread Quran.
Religion grew because of political power. Wrong
teaching of Jihad, intolerance.
Never had to use force to teach their teachings.
History says all followers of Jesus martyred.
Never used weapons or had political powers.
Which is the corrupted book
Mohammed says bible is a corrupted book many times in Quran. ( If he says bible is corrupt
But he also says, refer Bible incase his followers have doubt.
What is corruption-Changes in translation or intentionally breaking God’s laws/teachings
God gave the 10
Jesus and all prophets
followed it. Jews, Christians
keep it sacred
Ignores them in Quran. Breaks these laws ( kills,
steals (loots) , desire/steals wife of others, commit
God hated polygamy- So
gave 10 commandments
Jesus hated sexual
Openly brings polygamy( 7 wives). Re-writes Quran
so that Mohammed can have unlimited wives [sua
33:50-51] . ( isn’t it corruption)
No human being steals
son’s wife (even if
adopted) only wife.
Jesus warns against doing
adultery even in heart
Steals only wife of son. Re-writes Quran to justify
(isn’t it corruption / sin promoted by Satan himself).
Mohammed said his
followers could pray to AlLat, Al-Uzza and Manat
(daughters of Al-lah the
moon God)
Worship only God
Mohammed initially wrote followers could worship
these three deities. (Quran 53:21-23). He later
Jesus came& died on
cross ( became sacrificial
Jesus came to be sacrificial
lamb of God to reunite God
with sinful mankind. To fulfill
100s of prophecies. His
disciples died for this truth.
They also could have
preached that Jesus went to
heaven directly.
changed Quran and said they were inspired
by Satan. Hence called satanic verses.
Mohammed says Jesus didn’t die, bribed/promised
heaven for his disciple to die in his place, then went
to heaven. One lie after other…
Death of Jesus
Abraham answers his son ( as a prophecy).
“God Himself will Provide the sacrificial Lamb”
(Abraham 1; Genesis 15-17; Genesis 21-22)
Other prophets also knew this prophecy and the prophet John the Baptist point’s to
Jesus and confirms it. “Behold, this is the lamb of God” John 1:29.
Mankind offered many sacrificial objects over the centuries to reunite with God.
Finally God himself brings the everlasting sacrificial lamb (Jesus) for reuniting with us.
Why Lamb of God
Innocent Abel
First gift of mankind
To the creator…..,
followed by the
sacrifice of a
Pure human.
God created mankind
with all their weaknesses
and free will…
At the fullness of time,
God provides everlasting
ransom for our sins.
Abraham about to
Sacrifice his own
promised child.
( The only time God asking
for human sacrifice-to test)
On the first pass-over night before
rescuing his people from centuries of
slavery, God tells them to apply blood of
the lamb on the door steps for rescue
and to celebrate it every year.
as an everlasting covenant..
Jesus becomes the
Lamb of God on the
Pass overnight
Generations to generations
People come to celebrate
The pass over in Jerusalem
Poem “lamb of God, thinking of us,
even when he is sinking in blood”
Why Crucifixion
In Olden times, mankind used to offer food (produce) and animal sacrifice to God for the
forgiveness of sins. In reality God does not need money or food, but he accepted it anyway
because it was a symbol of man’s commitment. But mankind continued to sin forgetting God.
Finally as the situation of mankind became hopeless, the loving God sends his son Jesus for
the final covenant with humanity. He comes as the greatest teacher ever, showing the path to
God. He also shows us the power, mercy and love of God. Finally, to fulfill God’s plan and
many prophecies, Jesus chose to die on the altar of the cross. He is the eternal and final
sacrificial lamb of God for the sins of all mankind. In the churches during the holy mass, we
reenact this sacrifice, symbolically as directed by Jesus.
"Prophet Isaiah, wrote the following around the year 740 B.C
"He was arrested and sentenced and led off to die,…. He
was put to death for the sins of our people’’-Isaiah 53:8
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter - Isaiah 53:7
Prophet John the Baptist points to Jesus and says, “There is the Lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the world!.....He is the Son of God" (John 1:29,34)
In the last supper Jesus says, ‘’This my body and blood which seals God’s
covenant…It is poured out for the forgiveness of the sins..’’ Matthew 26:28
Jesus says, “I came to give my life as a ransom for all” (Matthew20:28).
His blood was poured out for others (Matthew 26:28).
Details of crucifixion
At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death penalty by crucifixion.
That was then the “worst” death. Only the worst criminals could die like
Jesus. And with Jesus things were worst, because not all the criminals
condemned to death could receive nails on their hands and feet.
Of course, nails... Big nails! Each was 15 a 20 cm long, with a point of 6 cm. But nails would cause
faster death. Another point was sharp. The nails were craved into the pulses (wrist), and not
into the palms, as the artists shows. In the pulse, there’s a tendon which extends till the
shoulder, and when the nails were being hammered, that tendon broke, obliging Jesus to
reinforce all the muscles of his back, so that he could breath as He was loosing all the air from
his lungs.
In this way, He was forced to support Himself onto the nail craved in his feet, which was bigger than
those craved into his pulses, for both feet were craved together. And, as his feet could not
endure for long time without tearing, Jesus was forced to alternate that “cycle” so that He could
• Jesus endured that reality over 3 hours. Yes, over 3 hours! Long time, isn’t it? Few minutes
before He died, Jesus was not bleeding anymore.
• He was simply pouring water from his cuts and holes. When we imagine Him injured, we only
picture Him with injuries, but it is not enough; His wounds were true holes, made in his body.
• He had no more blood to bleed, He only poured water. Human body is composed by near 3.5
litres of blood (for adult). Jesus poured all 3.5 litres of his blood; He had three nails hammered
into his members; a crown of thorns on his had and, beyond that, a Roman soldier who nailed
a spear into his chest.
All these without mentioning the humiliation He passed after carrying his own cross for almost 2
kilometres, while the crowd spat on his face and threw stones (the cross was almost 30 kg of
weight, only for its higher part, where his hands were nailed).
Jesus’s dies after all the blood is drained out, naked, humiliated and in extreme pain for our sins.
Medical Analysis of Jesus’ death
Jesus was scourged by the Roman soldiers. •
Their typical whips had metallic hooks and
balls at the end, that would pull out the flesh
and skin from the victim’s body. Minimum
number of whip was 40. Bible says, Jesus
was especially treated badly (spat, beaten •
on the face, placed a cap of thorns to the
head and mocked as king and prophet).
A sleepless night and after the trials, he had
to carry the cross to the hill. He fell with the
cross many times. Each fall on the face and
chest with heavy cross is fatal that might
rupture the heart and without rest will worsen
the heart. He was too weak to walk and
soldiers want to crucify him alive so they
forced another Jew to support carrying the
cross. Still tradition shows Jesus falling.
At Galgotha, the cloths that got stuck to the
wounds were pulled out causing more pain.
He was then nailed to the cross by the
Roman soldiers who were expert killers.
Normally the victim die of Suffocation since
for each breath victim has to lift up the body
on the 3 nails, causing extreme pain. The
pain and suffocation would increase as time •
goes by. Many victims die of heart failure
While Roman soldiers killed, Jewish leaders
were making sure Jesus died and even got
soldiers to guard the burial place.
The following day was the most important
Sabath (so body’s should be removed from
cross) and Romans want to finish of the work
quickly since they started torture the previous
Jesus was dead and was leaning head to one
side. Roman soldiers, are expert at crucifixion.
They had to ensure death of the victim, just as
a captain of a firing squad in modern times
fires a final bullet into a victim's head. If the
victim escapes, the soldier will be punished.
So one of the soldier lanced the spear at the
heart of Jesus. An upward thrust with a spear
on the side will cut through the heart, lungs
etc. Disciple John records that immediately
water and blood flew out of the heart.
It showed that Jesus' heart had already stopped
beating. Blood from the earlier rupture from falling
had filled the pericardium( the sac around the heart).
Blood naturally separates into red cells and serum as
it sits, so the liquid looked like blood and water. Such
a flow was so different from regular bleeding that
John made specific reference to it.
Days later St.Thomas his disciple would put his hand
inside the wounded chest for final testing.
Experienced Roman knew by experience that he was
dead. Else he would have done other steps to kill
Error in Quranic version-1
• Quran is full of contradiction about the death of
Jesus. There is no single answer, they come up
with different theories that Mohammed heard
from Waraqa and the cults who had different
theories about the death of Jesus . Mohammed
never knew to read gospel of the eye witness or
the prophecies.
1. Quran Contradicts : Quran mentions the words of Jesus only on one
occasion. The new born Jesus says the following “Peace on the day I
(Jesus) was born, the day that I die, and the day that I will be raised up to
life Sura 19:33”. If God made the infant child to say “the day he die”, won’t it
become true. Doesn’t God knows the future.
Analyzing the Quranic error-2
Quran says : “Allah changed the face of one his disciple to look
like Jesus when soldiers came to get him…...” This disciple
would get instant heaven” ( Isn’t it like Jihad heaven
Mohammed offered to soldiers as a bribe to die in the battle
for him ? ). Once the disciple agreed (not sure how the
negotiation took place), Allah changes his face to look like
Jesus. So the soldiers caught him and crucified him instead
of Jesus.
This is a big lie. explanation 1- What would Jesus Do (WWJD)?
• Jesus preached so much:
about Jesus being the sacrificial lamb and how the prophecies should fulfill in him.
He even said , “the greatest love that anyone can give is to die for other….”
“This is my blood which shall be poured for the forgiveness of sins of mankind.
Jesus says, I am the good shepherd – Good shepherd dies for the flock. Wheat grain….
Do you think after teaching all these , will Jesus let his disciple die in his place and watch him
die. (It is like a dupe of a movie star who does the bad part). Mohammed probably would have
done that, but not Jesus.
In fact when soldiers caught Jesus, he says , “If you are looking for me, then let these others
go”. Jesus said this to fulfill the prophecy, “Father I haven’t lost even one of those you gave me”
(John 18:9). Isn’t it a great crime to say that such a Jesus would give his disciple to die, while
he watch it with a bribery of heaven.
Contradiction 2 : Quran says Jesus is sinless, if he let his disciple die instead of him, will he be
Analyzing the Quranic error-3
Allah doing a very cheap Miracle
If Allah think death of Jesus is humiliating, why did he
do this very cheap miracle. Isn’t it running away
with Jesus while leaving a disciple behind.
Allah let a poor nameless disciple get killed for no apparent reason.
( He is still nameless even after doing such a great deed). Why is his name not in
the Quran. Didn’t the spirit in the cave know the name?
If Allah can lift up Jesus to heaven, do quick face change miracle and if he is the
creator of the universe, can’t he save this disciples also. Why should Allah leave
the dummy of Jesus suffer a very painful death, while every one is watching. Only
such idea can occur in the mind of very low people.
If Jesus didn’t become the “lamb of God” and “the salvation act” was not
done, what is so special about Jesus. why should Allah take Jesus to
heaven when No other human beings have gone to heaven alive. Even
Mohammed and Abraham had to die. What is so special about Jesus ?
Mohammed is lying . He makes one of the biggest mistake by simply cooking or
copying a wrong theory ( created by satan ). He didn’t know the prophecies or
read the scripture written by the eye witness. Otherwise he was instructed by
Satan, the only thing who didn’t like the death of Jesus.
Analyzing the Quranic error– 4
So Quran agrees that based on the instruction of Jewish
leaders and priests, the Roman soldiers did come after
Jesus and disciple.
Mohammed (Waraqa’s sect ) also agrees that his disciple
was arrested and tortured and was crucified on the cross.
Quran says Jesus was a very nice, the only sinless man
born. He cured so many people from their sickness. He
taught to love everyone, even the enemies.
Now a question – Why did Jews try to kill Jesus ? If he
was such a nice man.?????
According to bible, the only reason why Jews didn’t
like Jesus was because Jesus said he was son of God(
blasphemy according to Jews who didn’t became
Do you think Jesus will tell lie. If he is sinless he will
not lie. So we have to agree that what Jesus Claimed is
Heart of Jesus pierced
by Roman specialist
in charge of execution
Verification of death
Did you know St.Thomas (called doubting Thomas), one of the
apostle of Jesus had declared, “Unless I see in his hands the
imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails,
and put my hand into his wounded side (wound by the spear), I will
not believe that he rose from death.” Jesus appears later in the
closed room and asks Thomas to put his hands on his side
(wound). After seeing the wounded chest (pierced by the spear of
the expert Roman soldier who is supposed to make sure the
execution), all the doubts Thomas vanish about the son of God. He
declares “My Lord, My God”.
He then goes just like the other disciples to the distant parts of the
globe to preach Gospel. St.Thomas reaches finally in India,
preach Gospel and becomes a martyr there. Will he ever do it, if
he know it was a duplicate that died and became lamb of God. Is
Mohammed says Only Allah and Jesus knew this face change
Remember Jesus’s mother and his close disciples knew him for
years (since they lived with Jesus day and night and knows his
body features even if Allah changed the face). Jewish leaders also
knew Jesus well, were all watching this crucifixion, including his
burial, resurrection.
They would know sooner or later that it was the dummy that
became the lamb of God ! And they would have never tried to
spread the Gospel of Jesus.
Why did Jesus’ followers died for Gospel ?
Because they knew Jesus was God.
History shows that early Christians
were persecuted for over 300 years. All
the disciples (except John) and most of
the early followers were martyred
(especially by the Roman empire).
Just like Jesus, they were pious and
never fought back.
There was nothing earthly to gain by being a
Christian in those times.
They could have avoided death and
persecution by rejecting Christ conveniently
The only reason why the early Christians accepted martyrdom rather than
rejecting Jesus was because they were the eye witness and they knew
Jesus was God.
Proof from Early Christianity
and common sense
The history shows that all the followers and disciples of Jesus
died as a martyr in different parts of the world. (except John
who died of old age in exile in Island of Patmos, Judas
committed suicide and fulfilled 2 prophecies ). They never
took weapon or riches but they preached the great teachings
of Jesus and the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Many Christians in the first 3 centuries died as martyrs in
Roman amphi-theaters (fed to the wild animals , torched on
roadsides) and different parts of the world. They did all these
because they saw and believed… If the God’s plan was a
dummy Jesus dying on cross they would not have gone to die
while preaching. Again if death was unimportant but to
heaven, they would have preached the same.
Why should all the disciples introduce the death of Jesus if
Jesus himself and disciples didn’t believe in crucifixion.
Remember crucifixion was treated as humiliating until then.
Why should anyone introduce and glorify crucifixion if Jesus
don’t want it and if there is no special advantage to it. They
would never disobey Jesus for a lie and on their way to
personal death while preaching Jesus.
In Roman amphitheater, Christians chose death than
rejecting Jesus. (burned, crucified and fed to animals)
First pope in Rome
Crucified upside down under Nero in
bishop in spain.
dies of sword
exile in Pathmos
Old age
Historians says death of Jesus
Again how could all of them in different parts of the world cook up same story……Bible says
a consistent story of the eye-witness. Quran says an uneducated Mohammed who never
read history or scriptures. He simply quotes Waraqa’s sect’s theory cooked up in a different
part of world after centuries.
Historians have mentioned the death of Jesus -
Alternate teachings
There is contradictory teachings in Quran about the death and
resurrection of Jesus. Mohammed just copied what he heard from
warraqa and other Christian heresies. Various sects in Islam
teaches different versions on the death of Jesus. Why don’t they
believe Prophecies or the account of the eye-witness. Why do
rather believe
Some say just at the time of Mohammed says Jesus didn’t die,
bribed/promised heaven for his disciple to die in his place, then
went to heaven. One lie after other…
Sample Prophecies–related to death of Jesus
Old Testament prophecy
New testament
There are over hundred prophecies fulfilled in Jesus. From his birth to resurrection. Here we show only the ones related to death
since that is what cause discrepancy. You may have to read additional books to know the full implication of these prophecies. The
Jews of Jerusalem in first century exactly knew each of these prophecies (even though they may not look obvious for you) and they
could correlate the fulfillment. Jesus taught disciples how to correlate prophecies with fulfillment.
Be Passover sacrifice with no bone broken , without blemish- Apply it’s blood for protection – On the first pass over God
saved his people from the slavery of Egypt. The blood of the sacrificial lamb was the sign which saved them. People still continued
to sin. After many generations Jesus comes for the whole world, to teach us God’s ways and to be the everlasting sacrificial lamb to
save us from the slavery of sins and to reunite God and mankind.
God commands his people( through Moses) to sacrifice a lamb
and eat it’s body during the first pass-over. They should
celebrate pass-over every year for all generations. (Exodus12).
Jews used to come to Jerusalem on the week of pass over.
Isaiah 53:7 He was led like a lamb to the slaughter
Isaiah 53:8 "He was arrested and sentenced and led off to
die,…. He was put to death for the sins of our people’’
Numbers 9:12 They must not leave any parts ( of the sacrificial
lamb) of it till morning or break any of its bones. When they
celebrate the Passover, they must follow all the regulations.
Exodus 12:46 It must be eaten inside one house; take none of
the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.
Jesus dies like the lamb of God in Jerusalem on the feast of
Prophet John the Baptist points to Jesus and says, “There is the
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!.....He is
the Son of God" (John 1:29,34)
In the last supper Jesus says, ‘’This my body and blood which
seals God’s covenant…It is poured out for the forgiveness
of the sins..’’ Matthew 26:28
John 19-31-36 ... But when they came to Jesus and found that
he was already dead, they did not break his legs .... These things
happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his
bones will be broken. “Also Psalm 34:20 .
John 1:29-36; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8;
1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:6-13; 7:14; 21:22-27; 22:1-4
Be - betrayed by a friend – Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot – his companion and disciple to fulfill prophecy
Psalm 41:9 Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared
my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Psalm 55:12-14 If an
enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising
himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, my
companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet
fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God.
Matthew 26:14-16 Then one of the Twelve ... the one called
Judas Iscariot ... went to the chief priests and asked, "What are
you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?" . . , Matthew
26:23 Jesus replied, "The one who has dipped his hand into the
bowl with me will betray me." Also Matthew 26:47-50; Luke
22:19-23, 48; John 13:18-30; 18:2-5
Stunning Prophecies–related to death of Jesus
Old Testament prophecy
New testament
Have hands and feet pierced ( Only during the killing by crucifixion does anyone’s hands and legs pierced. Crucifixion was not even
invented by the Romans when this prophecy was done by David and Zachariah. Crucifixion was also practiced only for a short period
in history. This stunning prophecy for future generations ( you and me) explains the timeline in history when Messiah will come and
die and the exact nature by which messiah will be dying )– David ( One of the most beloved by God) the prophetic king had a natural
death, but after 40 generations, his offspring dies fulfilling his prophecy word by word like a FINGER PRINT proof.
For dogs have surrounded me; the assembly of the wicked have
enclosed me : they pierced my hands and my feet. [ Bible-Psalm
22:16 ]
Zechariah 12:10 ". ..They will look on me, the one they have
pierced, and they will mourn for him as ... for a firstborn son.
Revelation 2:7 (future) Look who is coming on the clouds, All will
see him (Jesus) including those who pierced him.
Matthew 27:35 ... they had crucified him ...
Also John 19:18, 34-37. Thomas the disciple of Jesus touched
and verified) . . "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands ... and
put my hand into his side( side and heart was pierced by the
spear), I will not believe it.“ John 20:25-29- Jesus said “Thomas,
reach out your hand and put it into my side."
Have soldiers cast lots for his coat
Psalm 22:18 They divide my garments among them and cast lots
for my clothing.
John 19:23-24 ... This garment was seamless . . . "Let's not tear
it," they said to one another. "Let's decide by lot who will get it."
Also Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34
Be thirsty during his execution Psalm 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my
tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of
John 19:28 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so
that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
The 30 pieces of silver and buy the potter's field with that money
Zechariah chapter 11: 12: And I said unto them, If ye think
good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for
my price thirty pieces of silver. 13. I took the thirty pieces of silver
and threw them into the house of the LORD to the potter.
Matthew 27:3 Judas ( after realizing his mistake of betraying
Jesus) returned back the thirty silver coins to the chief priests
and the elders... Mat 27:10 ( After Judas killed himself) They
decided to use the money to buy the potter's field……
Jesus’ own words
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, when his disciples were traveling
to Emmaus, Jesus join them on the journey. They were troubled at the
death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus scolds them “How slow you are to
believe everything the prophets said..!. Was it not necessary for the
messiah to suffer these things and then enter into his glory..?" And Jesus
explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself in
all scriptures with books of Moses and the writings of all the Prophets
(Bible-Luke 24:25-27).
In another occasion Jesus appears to all disciples. He showed them his wounds, ate food with
them. He explained how psalms, books of Moses and prophets had to come to true, ”The
Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day… in his name the message
about repentance and the forgiveness of sins must be preached to all nations, beginning
in Jerusalem’” (Bible-Luke 24:45-47).
Much before the death of Jesus when they were in Galilee, Jesus spoke three times about his
death to his disciples. “In Jerusalem, he will be handed over to men who will kill him. Three
days later he will rise to life” (Mark 10 :32-34).
When disciples rebuked Jesus from speaking about crucifixion, Jesus asks them, “ “Why then is
it written that the messiah must be rejected and suffer much ?” (Bible-Mark 9:12;). He even
scold St. Peter when he tries to persuade Jesus away from potential danger . St.Thomas says,
“Let us also go and die with him”.
Jesus told his disciples -- Now as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve
disciples aside and said to them, 18"We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be
betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death 19and
will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he
will be raised to life!“ Matthew 20:17
Jesus’ own words
Jesus Predicts about his crucifixion .
Jesus told Nicodemus (Jewish leader who believed in Jesus) that “Just
as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the desert , Jesus
also must be lifted up (on the cross) so that everyone who believes
in him may have eternal life. (John 3:14). For God loved the world
so much that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in
him will have eternal life”.
[Note: During the Jewish escape from Egyptian slavery, people sinned and the snakes started
biting them in the desert. When people repented, God asked Moses to make a bronze snake
and lift it up on a pole, so that whoever looks at it will escape from death & sin (Numbers21:9).
Jesus is telling that similarly Jesus also must be lifted up (on the cross) so that whoever turns to
him will have eternal life.]
Once Jesus took his close apostles and went as usual to the mountains to
pray. Their his transfiguration took place for sometime. His body and dress
changed to be like heavenly. Moses and Elija appeared with him and the
voice of God the father announced, “This is my own dear son… Listen to
him”. Later as they were coming down the hill Jesus instructed the terrified
disciples not to speak of the event until the death and resurrection of
Jesus. (Matthew 17:1-13)
The Son of God dying to restore the covenant
“..and he is the atoning sacrifice for our
sins, and not for our only but also for
the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2
Jesus could have easily escape crucifixion
and continue his teaching ministry, but his
main ministry was death itself.
Jesus dies in the altar between the
heaven and the earth, on a cross
connecting eternal father and we the
Historical Analogies :
One of the greatest night of ancient history
was the pass-over night. The blood of the
sacrificial lamb on the door step saves the
people from the wrath of the almighty.
Abraham is the forefather of three modern religions. The only
time God asks for human sacrifice ( as ultimate challenge of
faith ) was to Abraham. Abraham almost sacrificed his only son
to please God. God was pleased at the faith and God stops the
sacrifice. God makes a covenant and a big promise….
Generations later at the fullness of time, Almighty God sends
his own son as the eternal last sacrificial lamb for the world.
Dies to restore the covenant of God and man
St. Paul reminded the Galatians that “before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly
portrayed as crucified” (Bible-Galatians 3:1).
Jesus also says that he died “for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3; Gal. 1:4). “He himself bore our sins in his body
on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24; 3:18). The gospel reveals that God acts righteously in forgiving us (Romans 1:17).
He does not ignore our sins, but takes care of them in Jesus Christ. God presented Jesus as a sacrifice for our
forgiveness. “He did this to demonstrate his justice” (Romans 3:25). The cross reveals that God is just; it shows
that sin is too serious to be ignored. It is appropriate for sin to be punished, and Jesus volunteered to suffer the
punishment on our behalf. The cross demonstrates God’s love as well as his justice (Romans 5:8).
God reconciled the universe through Christ, “making peace through his blood, shed on the cross”
(Colossians 1:20). If we are reconciled through him, all our sins are forgiven (verse 22)—
Hebrews 10:12 calls him a “sacrifice for sins.” John calls him “the atoning sacrifice for our sins”
(1 John 2:2; 4:10).
“By his wounds we are healed.” He died to set us free, to remove our sins, to suffer our
punishment, to purchase our salvation.
Jesus and his disciples knew that Jesus will be crucified if he come to Jerusalem for that
Passover. With the supernatural powers of Jesus, he could have done anything if he
Jesus knew his goal in life is to be sacrificed as the sacrificial lamb to reunite God and
man.- This is to fulfill all the prophecies.
The High Priest (Lev.16:2-28):
Only once per year, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest (Aaron, brother of Moses, was the first high
priest, Aaron's descendants thereafter) entered the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle to offer ceremonial
sacrifices for the forgiveness of the people (Lev.16:2-28, Heb.9:7).
- We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and
who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man. (Heb.8:1-2).
- When Christ came as high priest... He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he
entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. (Heb.9:11-12)
-------------------------------------------------------The Sacrificed Goat (Lev.16:7-9, 15-17):
It is a Symbol of Jesus Christ. The blood of the sacrificed goat was taken by the high priest Aaron and
sprinkled on the atonement cover, or mercy seat, of the Ark of the Covenant (Lev.16:15-17).
The sins of mankind needed to be forgiven so that they could stand cleansed from sin before the Lord. The
blood shed on Calvary cleanses all men who, by faith, avail themselves of it.
This depicts the blood sacrifice of Jesus, our "High Priest" (Heb.8:1) entering The Throne Room of God to
make atonement for humanity once for all time (Heb.9:23-28)
- He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities Is.53:5
- the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin I John 1:7
- In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses (or ‘sins) Eph.1:7
- Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood to be received by faith. Rom.3:24
And most important, Jesus Himself in the institution of the Eucharist:
- this is My blood of the covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Mt.26:28,
Mk.14:24, Lk.21:20, 1Co.11:26.).
The cross, then, is God’s altar where Jesus’ Blood is poured out to secure forgiveness of sins and, as such,
is the ultimate fulfillment of the OT sin offering.... the Eucharist is the daily pouring of exactly that same Blood
in our lives. < Click here to know about holy mass (Eucharist) >
Reason’s for the death of Jesus
• If only Mohammed had tried to learn this before being corrupted…
• The only times God asks for a human sacrifice was to Abraham.
• In Quran, after the attempted sacrifice of the son of Abraham, God tells
Abraham that he need not sacrifice his son...God continues.. "Then we
(God) ransomed him with a tremendous victim“ (Quran 37:107). Can this
tremendous victim be a mere ram or goat..?. It could be very well be Jesus
(This time God's son) for uniting mankind to God for ever and ever; An apt
promise God made in return to the father of the faithful...When God does
something, it is permanent. His sacrificial lamb is permanent. The Sacrifice
of Jesus is like the sacrifice of the son of Abraham. Jesus says the
greatest proof of love is sacrificing ones life for others. Bible says "For God
so loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone
who believes in him may not die but have eternal life".
• ------------------------------------------
What Mohammed says about
Jesus Death and Why ?
There is contradiction in Quran.
• Mohammed changes the full Christmas scene. There is no St.Joseph or
Bethlehem. According to Quran, after the birth of Jesus in a desert, Mary
takes infant Jesus home and new born Jesus opens and talks to protect
Mary by saying…
If God inspired this sentence to be written, then we know God had a plan for Isa
(Jesus) to die and resurrect again.
Death of prophet is unthinkable in Arab world.
Some heresies started in Egypt in second century where some proud Christians
without proper knowledge thought crucifixion ( that too at the hands of Jews) was
humiliating. Some Jewish sects didn’t want to be the Chrsit killers. They also thought
it is the weakness of God not to protect his messenger. Waraqa (Muhammed’s wife’s
uncle) belonged to this teachings and Mohammed took this belief from him.
Christians do not blame Jews at all for the death of Jesus. It was the grant
plan of God that he himself comes to the world, teach about God and die
as the eternal final sacrifice and sign to reunite with mankind who astrayed
away due to sins.
All prophets died. As per Islam Jesus didn’t die but went to heaven.. Jesus is the only
creation that went to heaven without dying…. Why should God allow that..
Whom to believe
• Muslim friends, It is your call ….
• We explained different points. Do you believe the eyewitness of Jesus’s death , his disciples who saw all these
things and wrote it. , the prophecies showed death of
Jesus like a finger print of God.
• Or do you believe someone 600 years later who has
heard of these stories during his trips on caravans and
never knew to read and understand it fully.
• What if he was using the normal strategy of a merchantto buy idea of one religion seeing it’s popularity (without
learning how it is made), re-pack it and sell it in a
different market for his advantage.
Do you blame them. Isn’t it happening today also ?
Christians and Jews in Mecca didn’t believe Mohammed because they immediately
understood Mohammed didn’t know bible (since his narrations and interpretations
were different as he never read the scriptures- He just heard stories during his travel.
(eg: God threatened to throw Mount Sinai at the people, son of Noah in flood, missing
the most important pass-over which points to Jesus’ resurrection and death).
Christians knew Mohammed is copying the heresies taught by his wife’s uncle.
He claimed to be a prophet ( initially even he didn’t know this because the spirit in the
cave was different from all other messenger of God. It was his wife and uncle who
suggested that he could be a prophet . Mohammed’s uncle want him to be a Christian
bishop after him to spread his wrong Christian teachings. ) . Mohammed couldn’t do
any miracles nor his lifestyle was contradictory to all the previous prophets. Since he
couldn’t do miracle, he claimed to have gone to heaven in a flying horse at night (so
no one can verify) after traveling to mosque of Jerusalem (which was not created
then) . After the heavenly trip he came out in the morning from his Harlem (had
atleast 14 wives).- ponder where his heaven really was.
Besides he use sword to silence you if you question.
Will you believe him in their place.
Lies and Errors of Mohammed
• Mohammed who never knew to read scriptures teaches that Jesus
never died on the cross. But went to heaven directly. He is simply
quoting wrong teachings of his uncle.
• Mohammed says Jesus is only a prophet but not one of member of
Holy Trinity-God.
• Mohammed’s cooks up a story of a trip to heaven, he says that he
saw Jesus only in the lowest heaven, where as Abraham and Moses
etc. were in the highest level of heaven( an attempt to demote Jesus).
Who changed God’s laws –who is lying
Mohammed say that bible is corrupted. Let us see who really corrupted God’s law.
1. Judaism, Christianity and Islam believes in All the prophets including Moses. What was the
most revered object and concept of the prophets. It was the 10 commandments. Do you
know why Islam don't have the 10 commandments? 10 Commandments is the most sacred
command that God gave to mankind. But Mohammed understood he cannot follow the law
that says “don’t commit adultery”. He also used to attack caravans of the merchants and kill
people, and loot , he used to keep 1/5 th of the loot. 10 commandments says, don’t kill, don’t
steal the property of others. Of course this would naturally be the law that comes from the
creator of the universe. But Mohammed wanted his followers to kill and loot. So he cannot
follow the ten commandments.
2. As per the Quran, a man can have only 4 wives at a time. You can have 3 more if you divorce
3. No exception. But Mohammed had many concubines and at least 14 wives.. What to do.
He changes the Quran saying Allah gave him a special revelation so that only Mohammed
can marry as many times as he wanted. It is still there in Koran. ....This privilege is yours
alone, being granted to no other believer so that none may blame you... You may take to
your bed any of them you please (Surat 33:50-51). We know God will never act like a pimp.
yet we see here, God's law was changed for the passion of one person. Law was changed
so that He could marry more than 7 wives.
What did Jesus taught. What was the command that God gave to Moses. The 10 commandments
mentions twice that what Mohammed doing is wrong. How will God then change his rule for
Mohammed. He won’t. So Of course Mohammed cheated since he knows no will dare to
question him.
Who changed God’s laws –who is lying
Islamic Lies & Myths no 29 – “Quran is original and has never been
changed” – The Quran itself admits to cancellations and changes in Quran
2:106, 16:101, 22:52. 22:52 says Satan proposed some Quranic Sura.
The Quran was fabricated hundreds of years after Muhammad. None of
the Authors (Hadiths) of Muhammad ever saw/met him. Sahih Bukhari
died in 870 A.D. (Bukhari vol.6:385) 238 years after Muhammad was
poisoned to death. In contrast, the authors/Apostles of Jesus ate, drank,
slept, walked, talked, prayed, preached, and lived with him.
Changing Koran
1. Mohammed changed the teaching. Once he said,
his followers could pray to Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and
Manat who were some other pagan Gods (another
version says they were daughters of Allah). (Quran
Later he confessed that it was inspired by Satan and
that this teaching is nullified . This declaration led to
the infamous "Satanic verses" of the Koran
[In 1989 Indian writer, Salman Rushdie brought up
this taboo topic when he wrote a novel entitled, The
Satanic Verses. The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran
condemned him and called for his assassination. A
three million dollar bounty was placed on his head,
and he has been in hiding ever since.]
Jesus says his words are same always.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away". - Mat 24:35
"The word of the Lord remains for ever". - 1 Peter 1:25, Isaiah 40:8
He always quotes old testament to prove how prophecies are being fulfilled in Jesus.
This was against the first commandment ( I am your God. You shouldn't have a different God)
None of the prophets had to change the teachings. God clearly talked to them without any
How can Mohammed make mistake on this which just need commonsense. This raises doubts on
his other teachings also.
Does a heavenly book be corrupted or How can totally opposite teaching come from same pers
Big Lie and manipulation – Jihad and heaven
Mohammed used the ultimate bribery and deception for spreading religion and violence. As a Muslim there is
2 ways to go to heaven. One is being a holy man. The other guaranteed way to a heaven is to die while
fighting for Islam (Jihad). All who die for Islam are richly rewarded (4:74), 4:84, In the heaven they will be in a
garden full of 'houris'(beautiful and voluptuous girls intended for the sexual pleasure) and delicious food and
can enjoy life full of pleasures for ever. All their sexual cravings will be fulfilled(Koran 38:51; 44:54; 55:55-74;
56:22,34-36. These sex would be more enjoyable than any sex on earth.
Still many people live on earth anticipating that heavenly sexual life after death.
While those who draw back from fighting are sorely punished by God (Quran 48:16-17). This gives no choice
for followers.
When the followers asked Mohammed what would happen to the virginity of the houris after billions of martyrs
have sex with them daily, Mohammed corrects the Koran, "Allah created them so special that they will never
loose virginity (Koran 56:34).
Don't you understand the intention of this verses and how he could fool his followers. Do you trust the spirit
which gave him this ideas.
Islam teaches Jesus is only a prophet. OK for the sake of argument let us pretend Jesus is only a prophet. ,
Now, how can two prophets and two holy books (Bible and Quran) have entirely different stance on the same
topic on the use of violence. Jesus says never use weapon even when his disciples try to save him.
Mohammed waged 64 wars and forces people to fight, kill and be killed using a heavenly bribery.
Certainly one person didn't come from the ever-loving controller of the Cosmos. He deviated from God's
fundamental nature.
If God is God, He doesn't want man's war and crooked tactics. God created son, moon, milky way, galxies
and the entire universe. Do you think the creator of mighty universe need the crooked tactics of and stupid
suicide death of some Jihadis. If God is evil, then only he will support war and give a ticket to a heaven full of
sexy girls and wine.
Only a God who controls and loves the universe can do and teach what Jesus said. This clearly demonstrates
Jesus is from God. All the prophecies are fulfilled through him. Now there is no need of another prophet and if
he is teaching just the opposite of what Jesus taught, if he is promising a false bribery ticket to heaven , he is
not from God. The voice heard in the cave was probably from the spirit who try to tempt Jesus with worldly
powers in the desert.
Mohammed’s Errors due to ignorance
Mohammed didn't knew Greek or Jewish language to read bible. All he heard is the stories from others. So he
made , many errors in Koran while quoting the old prophets.
Sura 10:3, 11.7 etc teach that it took 6 days for God to create the world. But if you check sura 41:9-12 it
shows total of 8 days.
In 11th Sura(HUD) (11.042 to 11.045 ) Quran describes how one of Noah's son die in the flood since he din't
listen to Noah. Quran contradicts this when it says in Sura 21(AL-ANBIYA) 21.076 "We(Allah) saved
him(Noah) and all his kinfolks from the great calamity...(refer the original Arabic Quran)". Bible clearly
mentions that Noahs and their family was fully resued. Clearly, this story of missing son is a cooked up story
to make some dramatic effect which was ignored in a later chapter.
He confused Saul with Gideon who chooses 300 warriors out of 10,000 men by observing how they drank
water. Kuran 2:249-250.
He thought the Adam and Eve sinned in paradise in heaven (not in an earthly Garden). They were cast to
earth only after sinning (Koran 7:19-24, 20-25). 7:24 says "Get will for awhile provide your
dwelling". Does it mean Adam, Animals, plants etc. were not created on earth
He quotes the Exodus story 27 times in Quran but omits the Passover which is equally important.
Mohammed says it was Ismail and not Isaac who was the favorite son and the chosen one according to God
and Abraham. Bible says Issac was the promised son through his wife Sarah.
God lifted up Mount Sinai in the sky and threatened to drop on the people if they don't obey 10
When Mohammed claimed, he was a prophet. Jewish scholars (and Christians) in Medina and Mecca couldn't
accept it because of his ignorance and wrong teaching especially his heaven of houris. They had to pay the
big price. Mohammed started his war campaign with killing 3 Jewish clans who were merchants and not
skilled in warfare.
Even though Mohammed claimed to be in line with all previous prophets, his knowledge of the prophets were
shockingly poor. Because of this there is error in Quran
If Quran is inspired, how could God change his books after many centuries.
The easiest explanation is to say that Jews and Christians corrupted bible. Then he induce the fear factor and
forcefully make a law that no one should question Quran or Mohammed. But think why should Jews corrupt
their books. If Adam lived in heaven, or God lifted Sinai there is no benefit in changing it. Where as
Mohammed has a need in telling that everyone else corrupted because many of his teachings are totally
different and there is errors and he need followers quickly.
Other errors and manipulations of Mohammed
• He ignores St.Joseph the foster father of Jesus and the husband of Mary.
He ignores birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. As per Quran, Mary runs away to
a desert, under a palm tree she gives birth to Jesus. She hears a sound
to shake the tree so she gets date fruits to eat. (Song of angels about
“peace on earth” is replaced here). Later she brings infant Jesus to her
house and Infant Jesus open the mouth and talks(?!) many things
followed by this sentence.
• Learned men knew Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, the prophecy said
the messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Mohammed uses wild
imagination and changes the full Xmas seen and make infant Jesus talk to
protect Mary….
• Mohammed and Quran says Jesus never died but went to heaven directly.
• But while cooking up Mohammed’s Xmas story, he forgets to remove the
words “the day I die(19:33) by Jesus”. If the Quran is from heaven and if
existed for ever and if infant Jesus can speak to protect his mother, how
could it say “the day I die”. Mohammed later says Jesus never died , he
went to heaven directly.
Treating non believers.
Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends.
Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to
Allah or else agree to pay a special tax.
Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as "apes and swine to be despised and
Believers, make war on the infidels(non-Muslims) who dwell around you(Koran 9:123).
Make war on them who renounce Islam after embracing it (Koran 9:73-74).Test the faithful and annihilate the infidels (Koran 3:141),
Seek out the enemy relentlessly (Koran 4:104)
There is also sentences saying how to loot the things after destroying the cities.
In all of the Christian dominated countries there is no religious persecution and there is no issue
in conversion or spreading any faith. But in many Islamic countries, this is a one way affair. You
could be persecuted, jailed or even killed if you preach Christ. Think of Abdul Rahman of
Afganistan at the verge of beheading for converting to Christianity. Unthinkable in educated 21st
century. If you are Christian from a country other than US, going to Saudi Arabia and if at the
airport if the security sees a bible or cross in your bag, they will be thrown out. Incidentally it is
many of these countries that fund to build mosques,schools and publications. Persecution is on
the rise.
------------------My dear Muslim friend, Mohammed urge us to fight the enemy, Jesus ask us not hate even
enemies. How could both teachings come from the same God. Certainly one teaching, one
person and one book is not from the merciful God who rains for both good and bad. Only the
Son of God can teach us what God really is. Don't you know that God is in control of the
universe. If he wants to kill the infidels, he can do it in a second. He surely doesn't need the
help Jihads.
But listen to Jesus, please read bible, he explains everything perfectly. God has a plan. He
knows why the sinner is a sinner. We should work and pray so that enemies also turn to God.
My dear friends we know that you won't take it seriously because you believe in the modern
world system (which is indebted to the 10 commandments). But how can we justify this coming
Quran says “Read bible”
On certain religious teachings, Mohammed asks his followers to refer bible in case of doubt
(Quran 29:46 ).
While becoming a prophet, Mohammed quotes as God/Gabriel advising him "If you doubt
what we have revealed to you, ask those [Jews and Christians] who have read the scriptures
[the bible] before you" (Quran 10:94).
In the Quran (Surah Al-Baqara 285), believers are told "To believe in all prophets and all the
revealed Books of God which includes the Torah (Bible-old testament-Pentateuch), Zabur
(psalms), Injeel (Bible-Gospel) and even the book of Daniel. If you do not believe in them,
that they are the words of God, you are not Muslims". These books are written by the spirit of
God. So you are supposed to know atleast what they contain.
-----------------------------Old testament books are shared by Jews, Christians and to some extent by Muslims. So this
can't be corrupted. Now the question is - " when did Christians corrupt the bible. Is it before
the time of Mohammed or After his time". It cannot be after his time because we have many
original manuscripts of bible as old as first centuries which is few centuries before
Mohammed. if corruption happened before the time of Mohammed, then why should he ask
to refer bible for clarification.
We see that Mohammed's teachings are different from that of Jesus and all the previous
prophets came before Mohammed. If all the prophets came from the same God how could
this happen ? Certainly the latter didn't come from God. So Mohammed's only option is to
say that Christian and Jewish bible is corrupted.
Please note what bible writers says about any new different preaching - " Even if we or an
angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached you, let him be
eternally condemned" (Galatians 1:8). recollect how the spirit first appeared to Mohammed in
the cave. You may see how Mohammed's personal life was. There is good chance that that
spirit was a condemned angel. We know how he tried tempt and test Jesus even quoting the
Jesus never lied or sinned
• Jesus has never said a wrong teaching.
Never lied.
• Look what kind of lies does Mohammed
creates- why he creates that story and
how it is still followed. But no one dare
to speak against it because of the fear
factor. We see how he manipulates the
laws for his passion. How can you trust
when he says bible is corrupted.
Islamic Abnormalities
• Man can marry 7 times but woman cannot marry many
• Man can divorce woman by saying Talaq three times
• You cannot keep a dog as a pet since it is not clean.
Even though the dog is man’s best friend - Think of the
dogs who guides the blind, helps the shepherds, smells
Mohammed established an earthly empire that was spread by the sword
and better war techniques. The Europe was becoming a peaceful continent
by the spread of non-violent Christianity between 4th to 7th century. Islam
took advantage of this weak situation. War is approved in Islam (sura
There was big fight for succession and initial Khalifas like Abu Bakr,
Uthman, Ali, Muawiya all were all murdered by own people for power.
---Attracted multitude by his teachings and Sword. Allah has 100 names. None
of them is related to 'Love' or 'fatherly care'.
All other prophets never cared for earthly benefits. Mohammed' practices
were matching for the powerful and the fighter tribes of Arabia who relish
power, war, booty and woman. Early Islamic leaders had army, weapons
and material benefits to gain. If God is God, he doesn't need the sword of
man. Still fear factor is one key ingradient of islamic growth. Other religions
especially christianity is suppressed in Islamic countries.It is no where
compare to the treatment Islam gets in Christian countries.
Biased laws against woman
Islamic law is biased for men. Man can have 4 wives at a time.
Women have to cover the body and have not freedom (even in modern societies
ladies have to cover their whole body-Are they not fit enough to show their face to the
real world..?).
Divorce is so easy for man(2:228)(Just say Talaq to wife three times).
Quran says "admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and BEAT them(4:34).
According to a Hadith of Sahihof Al-Bukhari, prophet says the majority of the dwellers
in hell is ungrateful women.
If man commit homosexuality they be pardoned if they repent(4:15). But if it is
woman, confine them until death claims them (4:16).
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No man
shall be questioned for beating his wife."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the Apostle of Allah
said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter in tongue, more prolific in
wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah who said,
"A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out (walking) the devil
casts a glance at her (in lust)." So the need to cover the face and body of woman.
He then legislated that women were only half the value and legitimacy in law of a
man. Aisha, his child bride, who was only nine when they were wed, lamented the
inferior position of women: 'The things which annul the prayers were mentioned
before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they
pass in front of the praying people)." I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs"
(Abu Said Al-Khudri)'
Real Allah - Origins
Family Tree of Mohammed
Abdul Uzzay
Abdul Dar
Abdul Manaf
Abdul Quassay
Abdul Mutaleb
Al Abbas
Abu Lahab
Some Arabs had become Christians before Mohammed. In the 3rd century feew sects
had started few false teachings such as Ebionism, Cernthism and Elaxaism.
Waraqa was the high priest of Ebionites. Mohammed quotes the Jihad heaven full of
food and girls based on teachings of Cernthis. Elaxaism claim that Gabriel gave a book
from heaven to Jesus. Ebionism started from Christians who were originally a sect of
Jews who were not connected to the followers of Jesus. They reject divinity of Jesus and
focus on ritual purification of body). Mohammed grew up learning these heretic
teachings (he didn’t get it from any angels)
Waraq was the priest who performed the marriage of his cousin Khadija ( 40-twice
widow) and Mohammed (25). Waraq’s intention was to make him leader of his united
Ebionite Christians of Mecca. He said “I believe that there is no God except him whome
the children of Israel believe in…..(Sura Yunis10:90)”. Waraqa wanted to remove the
360 dieties from KaaAba. But it changes after death of Waraq.
Why Biblical God is not Allah -1
• There were 360 deities in Kaaba. Allah( from ‘al-ilah’) was one of the titles of
the prominent deities of the Mohammed’s Khuraysh tribe. He was married to
the sun God and had stars as daughters.
• Khuraysha tribe worshipped Allah in the following ways before mohammed’s
Used symbol of Crescent moon and stars
Praying several times looking at Mecca.
Making pilgrimage to Mecca- There kissing and caressing the black stone
Running around the K’abah-seven times. Throwing stones at the devil
Sacrificing sheep and Giving alms to the poor.
Fasting for a month starting and ending with moon in the crescent phase.
Believes in
– Mohammed removed 359 deities of K’abah, took the teachings from different
Judeo-Christian heresies and assimilated it to his tribe’s diety called Allah. Allah’s
name, symbols, rites and ceremonies of the pagan moon-god is still with his
• Islam reject Jesus’ deity and his death on cross. Mohammed
teaches that Allah tricked the Jews with a look a like. Allah let a
disciple of Jesus ( Quran don’t even mention his name) die
while Jesus was taken to heaven.
Allah was already existing as the family God
of Quraysh tribe.
The Gods of the Quraysh tribe
• The literal Arabic name of Muhammad's father was Abd-Allah
means ( slave of Allah). His uncle's name was Obied-Allah.
These names reveal the personal devotion that Muhammad's
pagan family had to the worship of Allah, the moon god.
• The Quraysh tribe into which Muhammad was born was
particularly devoted to Allah, the moon god, and especially to
Allah's three daughters who were viewed as intercessors
between the people and Allah.
• The worship of the three goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and
Manat, played a significant role in the worship at the Kabah in
Mecca. The first two daughters of Allah had names which were
feminine forms of Allah.
Allah is the Moon God- Not the God of Jews of Christians.
Mohammed’s father’s name was Abdullah (Abd-allah) means slave of Allah. Uncle
was Obied-Allah. Allah was the deity before Mohammed’s time.
The symbol of the worship of the moon god in Arabian culture and elsewhere
throughout the Middle East was the crescent moon.
Archaeologists have dug up numerous statues and hieroglyphic inscriptions in
which a crescent moon was seated on top of the head of the deity to symbolize the
worship of the moon god. In the same fashion as the sun is pictured above the
Egyptian deity.
While the moon was generally worshiped as a female deity in the Ancient Near
East, the Arabs viewed it as a male deity.
In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male
god. As has been pointed out by many scholars such as Alfred Guilluame, the
moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah! (Islam, p. 7).
The name Allah was used as the personal name of the moon god, in addition to
other titles that could be given to him.
Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced
three goddesses who were called "the daughters of Allah." These three goddesses
were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza (morning star), and Manat.
The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the sun goddess were viewed as
"high" gods. That is, they were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of
Arabian deities.
Idol Worship at KaAba
• Historians say that At the time of
Mohammed, there was 360 God’s in
KaAba. People were worshipping them in
all pagan ways.
• Arabs thought the blackstone (color of
burned amber) fell from the moon or sun.
• Huge Stone ( like Moon) worship is
prevalent throughout pagan history.
Hindus worship
Big rock
formations as
Siva lingam
Historians say pilgrimage to Mecca to different God’s existed
Before Islam.
Hurling the pebbles at the pillar of the Shaitan is still one of the most dangerous phases of the hajj.
In 2004 at the time of writing, 244 people died in a stampede.
A tradition of sexual freedom on the hajj predates Islam in more anceint fertility rites.
Idol Worship at KaAba
People used to make pilgrimage to Mecca before Islam sarted. People used to walk
and run around this stone in the past.
The black stone represented other Gods. Still Muslim still kiss it now during Hajj.
Allah was the God of Quraysh tribe who were the keepers of Kaaba. Mohammed
continued pagan worship at Kaaba in a different form.
Have you seen this kind of prayer in any other religion (including modern Islam
anywhere else.)
Muslims always condemn non-Muslims for praying to statues/idols –
But it is obligatory for all Muslims to pray to the stone structure (Kaaba), the black stone
in the Kaaba.
Kaaba still has inscriptions of the prayers to ancient Gods in ancient languages.
Before Mohammed, Kaaba had 360 deities and pagan worship including huge
processions were common.
Muslims also pray to graves of holy people, Mausoleums, shrines {like the Dome in
Jerusalem} etc. Even now at Hajj, Muslims goes around the Huge Stone 7 times
chanting at the stone in the center. Have you seen this kind of worship anywhere in
Islamic world. No… But Do you know encircling seven times is a common Hindu
worship practice. They go 7 times around deities, temples, fire, holy trees etc on
special occasions . So Mohammed continued the pagan worship of Mecca.
Why is circumambulating the Kaaba 7 times a pagan ritual (2:158) if Abraham built it
and purified it according to Allah (2:124-5)?
Was Allah The Moon God of Ancient Arab Pagan?
Historical evidences, impartial logic, well versed references and all available circumstantial judgments can
very well prove that—(a) Allah name of deity was pre-existed much before the arrival of Islam, (b)
Pre-Islamic Pagan peoples worshipped Allah as their supreme deity (moon-god). Allah’s name
existed in pre-Islamic Arab. In ancient Arab the Allah was considered to be the supreme God/deity (as
Moon-God) and Arab Pagans worshipped Allah before Islam arrived.
Let us examine below some valid questions and answers :
Did the Pagan Arabs in pre-Islamic times worship 360 gods? Yes
Did the pagans Arabs worship the sun, moon and the stars? Yes
Did the Arabs built temples to the Moon-god? Yes
Did different Arab tribes give the Moon-god different names/titles? Yes
What were some of the names/titles? Sin, Hubul, Ilumquh, Al-ilah.
Was the title “al-ilah” (the god) used as the Moon-god? Yes
Was the word “Allah” derived from “al-ilah?” Yes
Was the pagan “Allah” a high god in a pantheon of deities? Yes.
Was he worshipped at the Kabah? Yes.
Was Allah only one of many Meccan gods? Yes
Did they place a statue of Hubul on top of the Kabah? Yes.
At that time was Hubul considered the Moon-god? Yes.
Was the Kabah thus the “house of the Moon-god”? Yes.
Did the name “Allah” eventually replace that of Hubul as the name of the Moon god? Yes.
Did they call the Kabah the “house of Allah”? Yes.
Were al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat called “the daughters of Allah”? Yes.
Yusuf Ali explains in fn. 5096, pg. 1445, that Lat, Uzza and Manat were known as “the daughters of God
Did the Qur’an at one point tell Muslims to worship al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat? Yes. In Surah 53:19-20.
Have those verses been “abrogated” out of the present Qur’an? Yes.
What were they called? “The Satanic Verses.”
The variable names (Al-ilah, Sin, Hubul, llumquh ) of moon god were used by various tribes of Arabs.
Who is actually Allah?
According to Islamic Theologians (Mullahs, Maulana, Moulavis, etc.), or Islamic teachings-- Allah is the supreme God or creator
who (suddenly one day?) talked or introduced Himself with Prophet Muhammad through an Angel named Gabriel, disclosing the
truth that it is the Allah who created everything in the universe. Surprisingly, Qur’an never defines the word “Allah” as to who
actually Allah was or what was the relation of Allah with pagans. I believe, 99% percent of Muslims do believe that—Allah’s
name was invented or started right from the time when Gabriel disclosed the truth (?) to Prophet Muhammad in the cave of Hira
Parvat (Mountain) and gave Muhammad the Quran. They believe that before this truth was revealed—pagan Arabs were in the
total darkness (Andhakar Zuug) and they used to worship various puppet goddess and that the pagans were very evil people. I
can bet on this fact that no mullahs ever told us the real truth, neither they believe this clean truth that “Allah” was in fact a preexisting deity in pagan Arabia. What a hypocrisy?
Some important factors which will suggest that the name“Allah” was already in use by Pagans as their chief God/deity:
(A) In pre-Islamic days, that Muslims call the Days of ignorance, the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and basically
animistic. Through Moon, Sun, Stars, Planets, Animals, wells, trees, stones, caves, springs, and other natural objects man
could make contact with the deity. At Mekka, “Allah” was the chief of the gods and the special deity of the Quraish, the
prophet’s tribe. Allah had three daughters: Al Uzzah (Venus) most revered of all and pleased with human sacrifice; Manah, the
goddess of destiny, and Al Lat, the goddess of vegetable life. These three daughters of Allah (there is a Quranic verse about
them) were considered very powerful over all things. Therefore, their intercessions on behalf of their worshippers were of great
(B) Arabs used to give their children names such as—Abdullah (slave of Allah). Clean proof was the fact that, Muhammad’s
father’s name was “Abdullah”. Logical analogy here is—had there been no “Allah” in pre-Islamic Arab, there could be no
Abdullah or slave of Allah in Arabia.
(C) Even today, in the entire Arab World, not only Muslims but all other non-Muslim (Jews, Christians, Sabians, Bahai, an
atheist etc.) Arabs says—“Ya Allah” as the expression of surprise or unhappiness/sorrow.
(D). Albert Hourani’s statement: “The Islamic name used for God was “Allah”, which was already in use for one of the local Gods
(it now used by Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians as the name of God (A history Of Arab people by Albert Hourani, 1991,
page-16, Belknap press of Harvard University, USA)
History tells us two theories of Allah’s existence in and around the Kaba Sharif: (1) Pagans used to call the largest Statue
amongst the 360 deities as ALLAH—whom they used to consider the chief/supreme deity (god). Or, (2) Pagan Arabs used to
worship 360 deities inside Kaba Sharif, and they used to consider them different smaller deities under the total control of a
single most powerful chief deity called “ALLAH” who was invisible (Nirakar) and was the all-powerful, all-knowing, and totally
Amazing Similarities with Hindu Religion:
In India’s Hindu religion is quite similar to the number two theory (above) of pagan belief. Although, Hindus worship many
different Goddesses—they invariably have faith upon a single supreme invisible deity called “Bhagaban” (some call it
“Ischhaar”) whom they call “Nirakar”. And, surprisingly there is no sculptural image/figure for this Bhagaban. But all Hindus
worship Him along with other numerous deities. This Bhagaban is considered as the lord of all other deities. What would
happen—if some intelligent prophet would have asked Hindus to give up worshipping other goddesses and keeping only
Bhagaban as their only deity making it a monotheist religion just like Islam? Could it not be another religion like Islam?
Moon God and Moon worship
(C) Influence of Moon in Islam:
• Who can deny the paramount influences of moon in Muslim’s
• In Islam, even now moon is considered holiest astronomical
object, and moon is the guiding light of all Islamic rituals/festivals.
Contradictions and conflicts are very common with the dates of
Eids and Ramadan and obviously it is a chronic problem and
moon is the nucleus of this problem.
• Crescent moon and stars are the symbolic sign in the national
flags of many Muslim countries,
• It is present over the Mosques, in the Muslim graveyard etc.
• Even the red-cross society changed it’s name to red-crescent to
be able to operate in Islamic countries.
Now some factors which will suggest “Allah” was the Moon-god of Arab pagans:
• (A) In Qura’n there are at least a dozen verses in which Allah repeatedly swears by the
names such as moon, sun, stars, planets, night, wind etc. It is a mystery why the creator
Allah (?) should swear by his creations. Normally, we swear by the name of something
much superior to us, such as we swear by God or by the name of our father (who is
considered senior or superior to us). But we never swear by the name of something
inferior to us. Here in the Quran swearing fashions of Allah (God) by moon or stars hinting
us that Allah considered these things superior to himself. And this makes us to think
(otherwise) as to who actually acted as Allah in Quran? However, in his explanation of
why the Qur’an swears by the moon in Surah 74:32, “Nay, verily by the Moon,” Yusuf Alli
comments, “The moon was worshipped as a deity in times of darkness”(fn. 5798, pg.
1644). Perhaps, this swearing of Allah was due to the usual/cultural habits of worshipping
moon as their God in pagan customs.
(B) Yousuf Ali stated (Page-1921-1623 of his English Translation of Holy Quran):
• “Moon-worship was equally popular in various forms………Apollo and Diana—the twin
brother and sister, representing the sun and moon. …in the Vedic religion of India the
moon god was Soma, the lord of the planets…….moon was male divinity in ancient India.
Moon was also male divinity in ancient Semitic religion, and the Arabic word for the moon
“qamar’ is of the masculine gender, on the other hand, the Arabic word for sun “shams” is
feminine gender. The pagan Arabs evidently looked upon the sun as a goddess and the
moon as a God.
• The Pagan deities best known in the Ka’ba and round about Mecca were Lat, Uzza, and
Manat.…the 360 idols established by the Pagans in the Ka’ba probably represented the
360 days of an inaccurate solar year. This was the actual modern pagan worship as
known to the Quraish contemporary with our prophet”
Prophet Muhammad compromised to Pagans to establish Islam in Arabia:
Prophet Muhammad did his clever tactics of adapting many rites of paganism into Islam, in
order to accommodate Islam among the pagan Arabs. He made lots of political pacts with the
Pagan Leaders such as Abu Suffian to accommodate his new idea of religion and he agreed to
incorporate many of the Pagan rituals in Islam. Prophet Muhammad asked the pagans to
worship only the “Allah” the largest and his own family deity as God,
And destroy the idols of all other gods and goddesses that existed in Kabah. To establish
oneness (monotheist) of God, he repeatedly asked them not to make any partners to Allah
(That is why we can find hundreds of Quranic verses “asking not to make any partners
to Allah). Finally, the Prophet was able to convince (by force of course) the pagans to destroy
all idols, and on return (he) agreed (perhaps) to keep the “Names” of the goddess of most
famous Pagan tribes as the alternative names of Allah—hence Islam has 99 NAMES of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad did command his followers to participate in these pagan ceremonies while
the pagans were still in control of Mecca. (Please See Yusuf Ali, fn. 214, pg. 78). ... “the whole
of the [pagan] pilgrimage was spiritualized in Islam...” (Yusuf Ali: fn. 223 pg. 80). In the
Tafsir (of Quran-2:200) maoulana Yousuf Ali stated: “After Pilgrimage, in Pagan times, the
pilgrims used to gather in assemblies in which the praises of ancestors were sung. As the
whole of the pilgrimage rites were spiritualized in Islam, so this aftermath of the
Pilgrimage was also spiritualized. It was recommended for pilgrims to stay on two or three
days after the pilgrimage, but they must use them in prayer and praise to God.(#223 of
Shane’nazul by Maoulana Yousuf Ali, page-81)
In Islam many rituals performed (today) by devoted Muslims in the name of Allah are connected
to the pagan worship that existed before Islam. Pagans practices of the Pilgrimage of Kabah
once a year--the Fast of Ramadan, running around the Kabah seven times, kissing the
black stone, shaving the head, animal sacrifices, running up and down two hills,
throwing stones at the devil, snorting water in and out the nose, praying several times a
day toward Mecca, giving alms, Friday prayers, etc. are strictly followed by Muslims
today. Nobody can deny the fact that, all the above rituals of Muslim’s hajj today—
existed well before the arrival of Islam.
Freedom and Slavery
Slavery – Mohammed vs Jesus
• Jesus says - "I am sent to proclaim liberty to the captives, set
free the oppressed“ (Luke 4:18). Jesus never had or supported
Slavery since he was a person with greatest sympathy and all were
his children.
• The Koran explicitly guarantees Moslems the right to own slaves,
either by purchasing them or as bounty of war. Mohammed had
dozens, both male and female, and he regularly traded slaves when
he became independently wealthy in Medina. Some of their names
are recorded to posterity.
• After each conquest the choice was either to become slave or die.
• "There are three whose prayer will not be accepted, nor their virtues be
taken above: The runaway slave until he returns back to his master, the
woman with whom her husband is dissatisfied, and the drunk until he
becomes sober." - Koran
• "Whenever Mohammed took a woman as a captive, if he imposed the veil
on her, it was a sign that he took her as a wife, but if he left her unveiled it
meant, 'He owned her as a slave'; that is, she became a property of his
right hand."
• Quran 33:50 - "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom
you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you
as booty."{34DF211A-7108-4406-9183-6446F6CEBB7C}
Mohammed and Slavery examples For an example of typical slavery process, we read that after the Battle of the Trench in 627, the Jews of Banu
Qurayza, men were beheaded. But women and children were enslaved, and their properties confiscated.
one-fifth of booty would go to Mohammed. Every battle was followed like this. “Then the apostle sent Sad b.
Zayd al-Ansari brother of b Abdul-Ashhal with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he
sold them for horses and weapons.” On one occasion, Mohammed exchanged seven slaves for a beautiful
slave girl.
Mohammed, his wives, daughters had numerous slaves , whom are caught in the battles as booty.
After the permitted number of woman Mohamed allows you to have slave girls.
“They are slave girls whom you own". (Sura 33:52).
"Save with their wives and slave girls; for these are lawful for them" - Sura 70:30, 23:5.
According to the literal Arabic translation of Sura 3:106, 107, on Judgment Day, only people with white faces
will be saved. People with black faces will be damned.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, a great scholar and Islamic historian says in his book "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, p160:
"Muhammad had many male and female slaves. He used to buy and sell them, but he purchased more slaves
then he sold. He once sold one black slave for two. His purchases of slaves were more than he sold."
"Muhammad had a number of black slaves. One of them was named 'Mahran'. Muhammad forced him to do
more labor than the average man. Historians Tabari and Jawziyya both record this, so Islam accepts this as
Chapter 16(The bee) 16.75 Allah sets forth a parable: (consider) a slave, the property of another, (who) has
no power over anything, and one whom We have granted from Ourselves a goodly sustenance so he spends
from it secretly and openly; are the two alike? (All) praise is due to Allah! ---This is a clear instances where the
institution of slavery is justified in the Koran as a divine dispensation. Muhammad is actually justifying the
inequality between the slave and the freeman as if it was a natural thing.
23:1-6 There are many places in Quran grants permission to do whatever with your right hand possesses.
24.32: And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and your
female slaves; if they are needy, Allah will make them free from want out of His grace – This allows
The Arabian Peninsula in 1962 became the world's penultimate region to officially abolish slavery, yet years
later Saudi Arabia alone was estimated to contain a quarter of a million slaves.
• Islam allows the taking of slaves as "booty", or reward for fighting. This has
led to numerous "jihads" by Muslim states and tribes to attack other nonMuslim groups and obtain slaves
• Muhammad had sexual relations with Mariyah, his Coptic slave. Mariyah
and her sister, Sirin were slaves given as gifts to Muhammad.
• Abu Dawud, vol. 2, chapter 1317 - "Contractual Obligation of a Slave."
• #3499, 3500- "The contractual obligation of a slave is three days. If he finds
defect in the slave within three days, he may return it without any evidence;
if he finds a defect after three days, he will be required to produce evidence
that the slave had the defect when he brought it."
• Judging from the amount of Hadith here, it is safe to assume that many
Muslims owned slaves.
• Chapter 368 - "Who takes the Property of a Slave When He is Freed"
• Chapter 371 - "Slaves who cannot be set Free in the Obligatory Freeing of a
• Chapter 383 - "Cohabitation with a Slave Girl after Declaring Her 'Mudabbir'"
(free after the master's death).
• Chapter 387 - "Who is Entitled to the Property of a Slave or Slave Girl at the
time of Sale."
• Chapter 388 - "The Limit of Responsibility of the Seller in the Sale of a Slave
or Slave Girl."
• Chapter 390 - "On the Conditional Sale of a Slave Girl."
• To promote his religion he prescribed holy wars (jihad). He taught
that next to prayers and fasting, waging war against the disbelievers
is the most praiseworthy and meritorious act. He burned tree
plantations that belonged to the people he wanted to exterminate.
He used to get into battlefields before his opponents and destroy the
water-wells. He surrounded and cut the water supply to a quarter
where a Jewish population used to live. After they surrendered he
put to death all the men and boys who had reached puberty, (grown
any facial hair) 600 to 900 of them in one day and SOLD the women
and children as SLAVES.
• Through the years of withdrawal, and expending days at a time in a
secluded cave, Muhammad developed a mumbo-jumbo collaged
religious doctrine that was a concoction of Judaism, Christianity and
Hanifi a monotheistic religion of the Arabs of Hejaz. He got some
insights on other monotheistic religions of the Middle East from Abu
Nufel, a Christian monk who was the uncle of his first wife.
Lessons from the death of Mohammed
Mohammed attached Khaiber (the defenseless agrarian farms of the Jews)
and the people there were tortured, enslaved, murdered and a lady whose
family was wiped out by Mohammed’s army brought a poisoned roasted lamb.
The lady who poisoned Mohammed thought “Mohammed killed her father,
husband and uncle… if he was a prophet he will escape, else die from it. . The
narration says that Mohammed’s companion ( probably used as a food taster)
died quickly. Mohammed had taken only one or two bites of the roasted lamb,
since he started eating late (probably watching his partner eating), but poison
had already gone to his body and he realized it. He didn’t die then but this
poison tortured and killed him in 2-3 years. He had tried various medicine and
even cupping (bleed out the poison).
Mohammed’s wife Aisha says that Mohammed and even Gabriel prayed for his
recovery. But he died in couple of years later, after suffering a great deal-he
couldn’t attend prayers or even write the name of his successor, proving the
falsehood of the story that “the roasted lamb told Mohammed that it was
poisoned food”.
Ibn Sa’d page 265 says --When Apostle of Allah fell ill, Gabriel chanted on him saying, “In the
name of Allah I chant on to ward off from you everything that harms you and against every
envier and from every evil eye and Allah will heal you. Even his favorite wife Aisha used to say
this act by Gabriel.
Ibn Sa’d page 294 says that Mohammed thought that common diseases like pleurisy (infection
to lung membrane) is caused by Satan.
Lessons from the murder of Mohammed and followers
Notes : All the prophets died, but God allowed them to complete the work they wanted. But
in the case of Mohammed, at his death bed, he wanted to write the name of his successor
on a paper but he couldn’t though he tried. This caused the split of Muslims into Sunni and
Shia. If Mohammed was a true prophet, won’t Allah give him life and strength for few
seconds more.
There was heavy inner fight for power after each succession. Most of the earlier supreme
leaders ( Caliphs ) were killed by own people.
Jesus predicted that false prophets would come and mislead many (Matthew 24:24).
Mohammed was such a false prophet. Most of the prophets like Jesus, Mohammed etc.
communicated face to face. Mohammed could talk only through a spirit . Could it be that
this angel preaching the false religion ( Galatians 1:8) ? Could this angel be the deceptive
demon or Satan himself.
Treating woman
Muslim scholar and statesman Ali Dashti gives the following list of the women in Muhammad's life:
1. Khadija12. Hend2. Sawda13. Asma (of Saba)3. Aesha14. Zaynab (of Khozayma)4. Omm Salama15.
Habla5. Halsa16. Asma (of Noman)6. Zaynab (of Jahsh)17. Mary (the Christian)7. Jowayriyi18.
Rayhana8. Omm Habiba19. Omm Sharik9. Safiya20. Maymuna10. Maymuna (of Hareth)21. Zaynab (a
third one)11. Fatema22. Khawla
Several observations need to be given about the above list:
The first 16 women were wives. Numbers 17 and 18 were slaves or concubines.
The first 16 women were wives. Numbers 17 and 18 were slaves or concubines.
The last four women were neither wives or slaves but devout Muslim women who "gave" themselves to
satisfy Muhammad's sexual desires.
Zaynab of Jahsh was originally Muhammad's adopted son Zaid's wife. The fact that Muhammad took her for
himself has been problematic to many people, Muslims included. (God does not break His Own Word and He
never changes His mind. Now read Sura 33:36-38).
(The vindicated prophet Moses taught under the Old Testament, that a minister could only marry a virgin or
the widow of a minister (Leviticus 21:13-15). The vindicated prophet Jesus taught under the New Testament
that an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher can marry only a virgin in the faith -- because he is a
type of Christ Who is uniting only with virgins to the Word.
Every prophet from Adam taught that any woman who has more than one living husband is an adulteress,
and her subsequent husband is in adultery with her first husband as polygamy was legal only for the man -Genesis 3:16; Romans 7:1-3).
Aesha was only eight or nine years old when Muhammad took her to his bed. According to Hadith, she was
still playing with her dolls. This facet of Muhammad's sexual appetite is particularly distressing to Westerners.
While in Islamic countries an eight-or-nine-year-old girl can be given in marriage to an adult male, in the West,
most people would shudder to think of an eight-or-nine-year-old girl being given in marriage to anyone.
(Although it is condoned by the Jew's Talmud).
This aspect of Muhammad's personal life is something that many scholars pass over once again because
they do not want to hurt the feelings of Muslims. Yet, history cannot be rewritten to avoid confronting the facts
that Muhammad had unnatural desires for little girls.
Finally, Mary, the Coptic Christian and Rehana(Jewish) refused to marry Muhammad because she would not
renounce their religion and embrace Islam. They bravely chose to remain slaves rather than convert.
The documentation for all the women in Muhammad's harem is so vast and has been presented so many
times by able scholars that only those who use circular reasoning can object to it.
Freedom of religion
• The penalty for escaping Muhammad's clutches has always been
high. Bukhari:V4B52N260 "The Prophet said, 'If a Muslim
discards his religion, kill him.'"
• Tabari IX:82 "The Messenger sent [killer] Khalid out to collect
taxes with an army of 400 and ordered him to invite people to
Islam before he fought them. If they were to respond and
submit, he was to teach them the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of
His Prophet, and the requirements of Islam. If they should
decline, then he was to fight them." His Sunnah has become the
basis for Islamic law - the most repressive code on earth. And
Muslims follow his example, which is why they are the most violent
people on earth.
Jesus claimed to be Son of God
Jesus claimed to be God. Ancient world interpreted God in many ways. Only God could
show what God is, and what he wants from us. So at the fulfillment of time, he came to
show what God really is and to bring the world (which shifted away from God due to the
sins) closer to God.
Over 100s of the prophecies were fulfilled the life of Jesus.
Jesus' crucifixion was demanded by a sect of Jewish leaders (who were appointed by
Romans. Other Jewish leaders were expecting the messiah and believed in him) only
because he claimed to be God's Son. If Jesus claimed only to be a prophet, they would
have accepted him because of his miracles and teachings.
Wasn't it the need of Mohammed to say that Jesus was only a prophet.?
If he agrees that Jesus is Son of God, then there is no significance for Mohammed. No one in Mecca or
Madina would give him power for his political ambitions and his own life has no meaning. No Jihadi's will
die for him. People will understand his teachings of violence contradicts the teachings of Jesus on Love
and compassion. People will question the big mistakes of his personal life.
So Mohammed had to say Jesus is only a prophet and the easiest excuse is that Christians and Jews
corrupted the bible. He also instituted a system of laws and fear factor so that followers don't open their
mind to think otherwise.
Think what a grave sin it is.
Conclusion : Old testament and all prophets were expecting the coming of the Messiah ==>
If Jesus was only a true prophet as claimed by Islam also, he would never dare to claim to be God.
But Jesus always claimed to be God. ==> Then how can Islam and Mohammed accept him as prophet.
Mohammed never Communicated to God
Jesus always communicated directly with God the Father.
During the public life, Jesus was so busy, Almost full day he would
be traveling from place to place, teaching, healing and doing good.
Yet at nights, he spend time in meditating with the God.
Before doing any miracles, he talks to his Father.
Even at cross, he talks to his Father in heaven.
Mohammed never Communicated directly with God. He always talks to a
spirit whose origin and methods are questionable.
Mohammed gets his first encounter with the dark spirit in a cave ‘Hira’
when he was over 40. The spirit pushes his face down to the earth with
it’s hands, inflicting considerable pain on Mohammed. The nameless spirit
let him go only after surrendering to him. Even Mohammed thinks it was
evil. When he reached home, his wife and uncle who suggested to him
that it could be an angel…!?. Later Mohammed started telling it was angel
Jabareel (Gabriel).
But the encounter of this spirit was completely different from the way God
revealed to all the previous prophets like Moses, Abraham, Noah, where
the God spoke directly to the prophets. God talked directly to them and
never made them surrender inflicting pain on them.
One really wonders if this nameless spirit was the evil one, who tried to
test Jesus in the wilderness before the start of Jesus’ public life. Over 600
years later perhaps it was this evil spirit who came back with a mighty
plan to destroy the teachings of Jesus. Let us see how this spirit used
Mohammed against the teachings of Jesus.
Conclusion : Jesus and all other prophets communicated directly with God.
If Mohammed were the highest prophet as claimed by the Muslims, why he never communicated directly with God.
Mohammed’s family background
the spirit in the cave
Analyzing the revelations and the spirit.
• Only Muhammad ever heard these "revelations." He offered no evidence of
his divine inspiration - we take the Qur'an solely on his word.
• The Bible, by comparison, had forty authors, all literate, who told a
consistent story over the course couple of thousands of years.
• Muhammad, who was admittedly illiterate, acted alone in the formation of
Islam and is alleged to have invented his religion over the course of twentytwo years.
• There were no miracles to prove Muhammad's claim of being a godly
conduit. There were no healings, walking on water, parting seas, raising
folks from the dead, or feeding multitudes. And there are no fulfilled
prophecies, like the exacting and detailed predictions that Biblical prophets
routinely made to demonstrate their divine authority.
• But the most troubling part about our absolute reliance on Muhammad's
testimony that he and his Qur'an were divinely inspired is that the prophet's
character was as deficient, and his life was as despicable, as anyone who
has ever lived.
Mohammed’s family and Occultism
Many cursed occultism (praying to Jin-devil) were practiced in Mecca at that time. The well of
Zamzam has the statue of the two priests of jin-devils. Mohammed’s grandfather (Abdel
Mutaleb )had built this well . He tried to sacrifice mohammed’s father to Jin before grandfather’s
brother rescued the boy ( reference: Ibn Hisham, I, page 126; Halabieh, I, page 58). Even
though Mecca had many churches (many in Najran) and synagogues, Mohammed’s
grandfather took his son to occult-priests.
Mohammed’s family has significant connection with occultism. Abu Taleb, the uncle of
Mohammed (he was Mohammed’s guardian after his father and grandfather died). He got
special connection with soothsayer called Lahab. Mohammed used to have nightmarish visions
in the house of his uncle who and his son (Jaefer) had symptoms of possessed by Jin.
Mohammed also had these symptoms.
Mohammed’s childhood was in the environment filled with dangerous occultism, soothsayers,
sorcerer, diviners and mediums. Mohammed had became a Rakhi ‫راقي‬, the one who practices
Rukhieh (removing jin-devil using more powerful jin’s spells) upon others. Ibn Hisham, the
oldest and the most authoritative Islamic biographer of the life of Mohammed writes the poem
his uncle sang mentioning that Mohammed is a Rakhi. At that time in Arabia, being Rakhi and
casting spells and occultism was respectable. After claiming the prophet also we see
Mohammed making rukhieh when his uncle’s wife requested for her son Jefer.
Mohammed was known to have suffered from trances since his childhood. His mother Amneh,
brought on him a rukhieh, or bewitching. Mohammed’s biographer Halabieh mentions how
Mohammed used to fall into coma, how he used to suffered from convulsions and how he go
into coma before starting to receive Quran.
This few pages indebted to the website 
What does Bible say about occultism
His wife Khadija’s uncle was the leader of such a cult with wrong teachings in Mecca. It was he
who said may be he is an angel. So the spirit in the cave also got the idea to come up as Gabriel.
Bible says- Occultism, soothsayer, mediums are all abominations to God. God hate it.
Deuteronomy 18:10-14 strictly warns against it.
We know Abraham also hate these practices that God hates. But see how can Zamzam
And these areas are connected with Abraham.
Satan’s plan
• Who is the enemy of the God ? It is Satan. Satan is very clever to make
people do sins . Bible says how in the desert, he tried to trick Jesus before
Jesus started teaching his Gospel. Satan tried to bribe him with all the
powers of earth. Satan even tried to defeat Jesus with scripture words
(Bible Matthew 4:1-11). But Jesus defeats him by the true scripture words.
• We see Adam and Eve were tricked to sin by Satan.
• Jesus had warned that false prophets will be coming after him who will
change his teachings.
• So the greatest enemy of Christ’s church also is Satan. He must have
been preparing for 600 years to attack Christ and his Church.
• Mecca also had over 360 dieties and was a pagen place. Mohammed’s
family practiced Occultism which God hates. Even Mohammed was a
Rakhi. All these are perfect place for Satan’s operations.
Spirit in the cave – Who is it ?
• Mohammed never Communicated directly with God. He always talks to a
spirit whose origin and methods are contradictory.
• Mohammed gets his first encounter with the dark spirit in a cave ‘Hira’
when he was over 40. The spirit pushes his face down to the earth with
it’s hands, inflicting considerable pain on Mohammed. He thought he was
going to die. The nameless spirit let him go only after surrendering to him.
Even Mohammed thinks it was evil. Later, when he reached home, his
wife and uncle who suggested to him that it could be an angel…!?. Later
Mohammed started telling it was angel Jabareel (Gabriel).
• But the encounter of this spirit was completely different from the way God
and his angels (michael, Gabriel, Raphael) communicated with many
prophets. Gabriel appeared to Daniel, Mary mother of Jesus, Zacharia
etc. . God or his angels never made them surrender or inflicted pain on
them. The first sentence Gabriel used to say is, “do not be afraid…I am
the angel of the God” .
• Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and
relieved his fear. Spirit does not even say his name at that time. But the
spirit in the cave left him in extreme distress .
Who was the spirit in the cave Hira
In the first encounters, the spirit in the cave never tells it’s name. But it inflicts
considerable pain to Mohammed. Mohammed thought it was a jin. But it was his wife
and her uncle who suggested it may be an angel from God.
Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations.
600 years before, he told Mary she will bear the son of God(Luke 1:35). This spirit is
teaching just the opposite. He says just the opposite and to fight christians and Jews.
Had the spirit been Gabriel he would not have given a false scientific revelation to
Muhammad. – sun sets in a a muddy pond and Mohammed and Emperor Alexander
saw many people where the sun is setting (Quran 18:86).
Gabriel obviously knows God’s 10 commandments. He knows God won’t change his
rule and become like a pimp to satisfy the sexual urge of a person even if he is the
prophet. But in Quran we see how Mohammed become sexually pervert over
the years ( marry children-Aesha was 9), had too many wives, even steals
adopted son’s only wife. Who approves him to do all these… It is the spirit
who gives him revelation. He re-writes Quran saying Allah has given a
permission only for him to marry as many wives as he want. While stealing
his daughter in law, Quran was corrected saying, “ Why do you fear people,
Allah is great”. Gabriel will never support breaking God’s everlasting
If Mohammed had tried to read bible he would have known what bible had warned
600 years before – “Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light”
(Bible-2 Corinthians 11:14).
After his encounter with the spirit, Muhammad was afraid that what happened to him was from a Jinn.
After the encounter with the spirit, Mohammed had the urge to commit suicide many times.
• Following his first Qur'anic revelation, Muhammad claimed to have been
demon possessed. By his own admission, he tried to commit suicide.
People of Mecca said that he had gone mad. "He is a demonpossessed sorcerer fabricating scripture," they said, accusing him of
plagiarism and of having purely selfish motives. Mohammed replies
quoting Allah answered: "My Messenger is not insane, nor is he demonpossessed."
One really wonders if this nameless spirit was Satan,
himself, who tried to test Jesus in the wilderness before
the start of Jesus’ public life. Over 600 years later
perhaps it was this evil spirit who came back with a
mighty plan to destroy the teachings of Jesus. Let us
see how this spirit used Mohammed against the
teachings of Jesus.
Islam believes in Jin . Suras 55:15; 72; 113, 114 , 72.1
Muslim web sites say this was
reportedly seen near the Cave
where Muhammad is believed to
have received the Qur'an's verses.
• Muhammad created the political doctrine of "submission" in Medina.
He became a pirate, dictator, and terrorist leader. He used Qur'anic
scripture to justify some of the most horrific behavior imaginable:
pedophilia, incest, rape, torture, assassinations, thievery, mass
murder, and terror - all in an unbridled orgy of sex, power, and
• When he was fifty, Muhammad married a six-year-old child. Then he
stole his son's wife. After forcing young girls to watch his men
execute their fathers, Muhammad raped them. He tortured his
victims to make sure no booty escaped his grasp. He committed
mass murder, slaughtering Jews in genocidal rage. In ten years, he
ordered a score of assassinations and conducted seventy-five
terrorist raids. He used the sword to force Arabs into submission and
used the slave trade to finance Islam. He was more interested in
collecting girls and taxes than anything else. He ruled through fear.
And his god condoned it all.
Unfair Claims of Muslim Apologetics
For Initial centuries Islam spread only through the sword (militant organized
warriors of Mohammed and Khalif’s) and doctrines like Jihad heaven and Quranic
teachings to destroy non-believers.
This was totally against the way Jesus, disciples and followers spread religion, his
teachings and promises of heaven.
As a continuation of early Muslim warriors, even now we see Islamic countries do
genocides, gives no freedom to church and meticulously remove Christian
institutions and people. Islamic websites also show partial truths , cooked up stories
and fake articles to promote religion.
They don’t find any fault in Mohammed’s sins, sexual craziness, re-writing Quran
for marrying many woman including daughter in law. These days they read bible
partly and try to make Mohammed divine.
Prophecies were fulfilled in jesus. Jesus and his disciples explains this in bible.
In Quran, Mohammed neither knew of any prophecies nor Quran explains any prophecies
Now in 21st century some Muslims after reading Quran is cooking up prophecies for
Mohammed. If these prophecies about Mohammed were genuine, why didn’t the spirit
In the cave or Mohammed himself mention it…
Muslim Apologetics says Mohammed is the promised holy spirit.
• Jesus told his disciple to stay in Jerusalem
A brief list of lies by Mohammed -- shows
List of lies
Why it is a lie
Reasons for lying
7 wives for his followers. But
Mohammed can have unlimited
number of wives. He re-wrote
Quran ( Sura 33:50-51.).
God (and 10 commandment) taught
monogamy (one wife). Jesus and all
real prophets followed it.
1. 7 wives & booty to attract others.
1.Mohammed became insatiable with sex.
2.He didn’t believe in God( since he faked it ).
3.The spirit in the cave who approve this is Satan
Mohammed steals his only son’s
(adopted) only one wife and make
her as his 10th wife. Re-writes
Quran “Don’t be afraid of man,
Allah is great” (sura 33:37)
10 commandments and bible says it is
grave sin.
Nobody in human history has done this
grave sin.( tell us someone who has
done it ?)
All the above + sword
He becomes lower than human (His fault or the
spirit who approves this ? ).
Shame on people who try to defend this act by
cooking new stories now.
He traveled with Alexander to the
west and saw people by the muddy
pond were sun sets.
Sun do not sets in a muddy pond.
Alexander lived 900 years before
He cooked up revelations shamelessly and the spirit
and his God approves.
Mohammed traveled to Heaven
from Jerusalem
The mosque in Jerusalem is built
on a big lie ( Mohammed had never
come there).
Why in the night ( so no one can
prove). Mosque of Jerusalem was not
built then. Copy of Zourashtriyan story.
Mohammed could not do any miracles as a proof to
support his contradictory teaching. when repeatedly
challenged ( Quran agree the miracles of other
Promised heaven for jihad. People
who will die for him.
If God is the controller of universe, he
doesn’t need the help of bombers 10
commandments says don’t kill. Jesus
says don’t use sword.
He simply will get soldiers who will die for him.
Going to heaven through doing good is difficult. But
for the sinner (ordinary man) , the easy way to
heaven is to die as Jihad.
Said God lifted Sinai to throw
Noah’s one son in flood etc.
Bible Old testament say different story.
There is no need to lie.
Ignorance of scriptures. Mohammed heard story
while travelling. Added for more dramatic effect.
Removed deity of God
And that Bible is corrupted.
Bible and Jesus said he is son of God.
He fulfilled prophecies. ( see the
detailed article on this). Why can’t God
come to earth and live among us?
His teaching is contradictory to teaching of Jesus
(violence, sex, looting). If Jesus is God, then there is
no relevance for him and his actions are sinful. So
he had to say Christians/Jews corrupted bible!?.
A brief list of lies by Mohammed and Quran-- contd
List of lies
Why it is a lie
Reasons for lying
Birth of Jesus in some unknown
desert. It seems Mary (Marian ran
away to desolate place) and gave
birth to Jesus under a date palm
Prophets had prophesied Jesus would
be born in Bethlehem.
St.Joseph and Mary had to go to
Bethlehem for the census ordered by
Agustus Ceasor.
Mohammed simply didn’t know about the birth of
Jesus, he never read scriptures.
As usual lot of Geographical lies ( Holy family went
to Jerusalem. But Mohammed say they
didn’t go . But he went o heaven from
Jerusalem which is a lie).
Infant Jesus( few days or weeks
old) talks to the relatives that he is
from God to protect Mary (Quranchapter Mariam).
This is a very stupid lie. Mohammed
has no clue of this things happened
600 years back. St. Joseph is there to
defend Mary for any questions.
Mohammed cooks up another fantasy and make
more dramatic effect.
There is no Mention of St.Joseph
(Mary’s husband and Foster father
of Jesus) .
Bible explains how St.Joseph took
care of the holy family. He worked
hard. Goes to Jerusalem for pass
over festival.
Gospel writer (Historian&Doctor) Luke
explains the geneology of Jesus
through Mary. Mathew explains
Geneology through Joseph.
Mary’s family is not carpenters. Jesus
was a carpenter since St.Joseph
taught him.
There is no mention of the fact that
Romans rules Jerusalem.
No mention about Pontius Pilot or
Bible explains historical facts on the
Ants spoke to King Solomon
The lamb’s leg that Mohammed eat
spoke to him said it was poisoned
No animals speak in bible. Animals
speak only in Quran and books like
Harry potter.
Lamb spoke late after he eating one
piece. This food poison cause death in
3 years
Mohammed had no clue of history.
There is no historical or Geographical factors.
A very Important page
Quran is teaching total contradiction to bible.
Everything in Islam is based on one illiterate person’s teachings without any evidence of it’s validity
Where as Bible had 40 authors, teaches consistently over many thousands of years. Bible teaches
the love of God, his promise to generations. Finally Jesus comes and showed us what God is,
what God wants from us and how the prophecies are fulfilled in him and he reunites mankind to
God for ever.
Mohammed is saying that teachings of many thousands of years is wrong… everlasting God has
changed overnight. ( No friend, God is in control. Why should he change? He knows to protect
his teachings).
God says “Heavens and earth may change, but my words will never change”(Mat24:35))
To prove this contradictory teaching, isn’t he supposed to show a miracle that God is with him.
His personal life is worse, his style is contradictory to all previous prophets. He comes from the
family practicing occultism which God of bible hate. You can see many lies and rewriting of
Quran (especially for sex) Quran teaches hatred to Christians and Jews.
Instead of miracles, he has only sword. Understand Satan is behind the sword.
How can you trust his teaching…. He is from Satan who hates God.. His teachings is the
ultimate weapon against the unchanged loving God of Bible. Jesus had warned about false
prophets and Satan as disguised as angel. Book of Revelations (last book of Bible) clearly tells
how Satan will damage to the church of Christ- but final victory is for Christ. Jesus prevents
use of sword (even when his disciples try to save him with sword). He said this because God’s
ways are not sword and Gun. The powers and sorrows of this world are nothing compared to
the everlasting life with God. God knows and he is in control…
Now my friends, Why can’t you consider the truth of the Bible. ( Where as Bible had 40
authors , taught consistently over many thousands of years. Bible teaches the love of God,
his promise of the messiah and how Jesus fills the prophecies. Finally Jesus comes and
taught us what God is. Jesus taught that he is son of God and God himself. On earth he
had the characteristics of man and God.
Biggest Lie of Mohammed
Biggest lie- removing deity of Jesus
Wasn't it the need of Mohammed to say that Jesus was only a prophet.?
If he agrees that Jesus is Son of God, then there is no significance for Mohammed.
No one in Mecca or Madina would give him power for his political ambitions and his
own life has no meaning. No Jihadi's will die for him. People will understand his
teachings of violence contradicts the teachings of Jesus on Love and compassion.
People will question the big mistakes of his personal life.
So Mohammed had to say Jesus is only a prophet and the easiest excuse is that
Christians and Jews corrupted the bible. He also instituted a system of laws and fear
factor so that followers don't open their mind to think otherwise.
Think what a grave sin it is.
----Old testament and all prophets were expecting the coming of the Messiah ==> If
Jesus was only a true prophet as claimed by Islam also, he would never dare to
claim to be God. But Jesus always claimed to be God. ==> Then how can Islam and
Mohammed accept him as prophet.
Jesus claimed to be God. Ancient world interpreted God in many ways. Only God
could show what God is, and what he wants from us. So at the fulfillment of time, he
came to show what God really is and to bring the world (which shifted away from
God due to the sins) closer to God.
Over 100s of the prophecies were fulfilled in his life.
Jesus' crucifixion was demanded by a sect of Jewish leaders (who were appointed
by Romans. Other Jewish leaders were expecting the messiah and believed in him)
only because he claimed to be God's Son. If Jesus claimed only to be a prophet, they
would have accepted him because of his miracles and teachings.
Biggest lie•
Isa(Jesus) was born of the virgin(Quran-19:20),(3:47) and by the spirit of the
God(19:17), Jesus is sinless.
Isa(Jesus) is the word of God, the spirit of God , Mercy from God and the messiah
(mentioned 10 times)
He did so many mighty miracles (4:153)[which even Mohammed could not do] .
God raised Jesus unto him(Quran - 4:158)
(Surah - Maryam) He said: I am a messenger of thy Lord that I may bestow on thee a
"faultless son". - Have you thought Why Jesus is a faultless son?
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.506, narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said,
"When any human being is born, Satan touches him at both sides of the body with
his two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried to touch but failed,
for he touched the placenta-cover instead."
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.641 Narrated by Said bin Al Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'There is none born among the offspring of Adam, but Satan touches it. A child therefore, cries loudly at the time of birth
because of the touch of Satan, except Mary and her child." Why was Jesus Christ
faultless and without sin, whereas Mohammed was touched by Satan and didn't lead
a pious life? Many times in the Quran, Mohammed is reminded of repenting his sins.
Every Muslim who reads the Quran with understanding knows it very well.
Muslims believe that Jesus will come back from heaven at the end of time. This is
unparalleled to any human being. "He will kill the 'Al Dajjal(antichrist)', kill all pigs.....
etc.". Christians and most of muslims believes Jesus would come at the end of time
for the last judgment . He will Judge each person based on the deeds of his life on
earth. Recently many cooked up explanations are coming on this theory to
undermine Jesus.
God of Mohammed- Allah
Friend, God could have stayed in a remote place without ever
creating us. Looks like he cares for us. Else why should he
even create us. Is he a fear some remote God
But if he is a good God
and if has three parts and if he wants to come and
and live with us, who can say NO.
You have seen Mohammed and Jesus.
It is your call whom to trust. Jesus is coming back.
Islam means surrender.
Allah want us to surrender to him ( like Slaves).
Is God a fearsome, remote God..
He has 100 names. None of them says love.
He tells you to attack and surrender Christias and Jews.
He tells, you can go to heaven by fighting war against non-muslims
In this heaven you get wine, beautiful virgins and pleasures.
He says Men can marry 7 woman but woman can marry once.
He says Mohammed can marry any number of wives (even his daughter in law), where as none
of the other 1000s of prophets are not allowed to have unlimited wives.
He creates Jesus as sinless, from a virgin (without human father), allow to come back to judge
the world, and even took to heaven – apparently for no reason.
But he takes an uneducated Mohammed whose family practiced occultism to change everything
that Jesus and prophets taught for thousands of years. ( ancient bible manuscripts are existing
Biblical God
Jesus Son of God
How do we know Jesus is God
God the father announces twice that Jesus is his own son :
God the Father announces during the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan river
(Matthew 3:116-17). and in the Tabor Mountain (Matthew 17:5)".Holy spirit
comes in the shape of Dove. “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am
pleased - listen to him”.
Jesus was condemned to death since he said he was the Son of God:
That is the reason why Jesus was crucified. When Jesus was brought to the
trial, the High priest Caiaphas asked him, ”Are you the messiah, the son of
the Blessed God?” Jesus knew his life was at stake. Jesus says, “Yes I
am”, “and you will see him sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and
coming on the clouds of heaven (for the last judgment)." High Priest and
his people considered it as blasphemy and condemned Jesus to death at
that point. (Mark 14: 55-65)
Later, when Pilate said that he did not see any reason to condemn him, the
crowed answered back, “Jesus has to die since he claimed to be the son of God”
(John 19:6-7)
Before one attempted stoning, opponents tells Jesus "We want to stone you
because of your (Jesus') blasphemy, You are only a man, but you are trying to
make yourself God. (John 10:33)".
This made authorities all the more determined to kill him…. He had said that God
was his own Father and in this way had made himself equal with God – John 4:18
Jesus accepted worship as God and Claimed to deserve the same honor as the Father
•He accepted worship as God and claimed to deserve the same honor as the Father. (Matthew 28:17-18;
John 5:22-23; 9:38).
•Jesus says, I and the father are one. I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. ( John 14:10)
•Jesus prayed, "Father Glorify thou me in thy own presence with the glory which I had with thee before
the world was made“ (John 17:5 )
•He claimed to be the divine Son of God, a title the Jews rightly understood to be a claim to equality with
God. (John 5:17-18; John 10:30-33; John 19:7)
His Close associates believed he was Son of God.
When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked
His disciples, saying, 'Who do men say that I am?. Disciples said
what people were saying. Jesus asked them “what do you know
who I am?” "And Simon Peter answered and said, 'You are the
Christ [the Messiah], the Son of the living God.” Jesus
answered and said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for
flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is
in heaven'" (Matthew 16:16-17). Through God the Father's
inspiration, Peter responded by saying that Jesus Christ, the Son
of Man, is also the Son of the living God. And Jesus makes Peter
the head of his church.
Jesus does not stop the disciples when they worshipped Jesus saying:
– ”Truly you are son of God” -- (This was after Jesus walked over water and
calmed the wind and waves (Matthew 14:33).
– “My Lord, My God” – St.Thomas, after putting his hand in the wound of Jesus
after his resurrection.
– Then Simon Peter answered him, . . . “And we believe and are sure that thou art
that Christ, the Son of the living God”. (John 6:68, 69)
– Martha said to him, “Yes, Lord: I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God,
which should come into the world”. (John 11:27) – Jesus resurrects her
brother, Lazarus from death only after hearing this.
How do we know Jesus is God - contd
My Son, your
sins are forgiven
Jesus did things only God (not prophet) is supposed to do
Forgive sins :
– We may forgive sins committed against us, but we cannot forgive sins
committed against others. Jesus forgave all sins. (Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21)
– Before performing mighty healing miracles, Jesus would say to the person,
my son your sins are forgiven (Matthew 9:2). Many times the teachers of
the law would object and say that “God is the only one who can forgive the
sins (Mark 2:7) You are doing blasphemy (Matthew 9:2) How can you claim
to be God”. But Jesus would say that he has the authority on earth to
forgive the sins”. Then he would perform the healing miracle as a proof of
his divinity. Jesus was purposely showing them that he was God.
Jesus does mighty miracles that only God is able to do
– Raise the dead, Chase out evil spirit, Controls the nature – calms the
turbulent water and wind. , Heals the born blind, deaf, mute, leaper, lame,
Rises from death, goes to heaven.
My name is
Jesus uses the Title of God
“I am who I am”
In Mt.Sinai, God told Moses that his name is 'I Am Who I Am' (In olden
language and culture, this sentence was more stronger than telling that he
was just God and the people knew it.).
• Bible shows that Jesus used this title of God many times. During last supper,
after washing the foot of the apostle, Jesus tells the disciples " I tell you this now
before it (his death and resurrection) happens, so that when it does happen, you
will believe that 'I Am Who I Am‘ (John 13:19).
• A Samaritan woman tells Jesus that " the messiah will come and when he
comes, he will tell us everything". Jesus replies "I am he (the messiah), I who
am talking with you“ (John 4:25-26).
How do we know Jesus is God - contd
Jesus Quotes Abraham and David knowing the promised messiah will come as their predecessor.
Jesus says "Before Abraham was born, 'I Am (who I am)'. Abraham rejoiced that he was to see the time of my
(Jesus) coming; he saw it and was glad". Now the people doubted him didn't have an answer and they clearly
realized Jesus was claiming to be God. So they tried to kill him in vain by throwing stones at him (John 8:58).
Jesus asks how could David address his descendant by the word “Lord”. David was a prophetic King and he
know the messiah will be his descendant. What kind of a messiah does the greatest prophetic king expect ?
Surely some one greater than prophets and kings-beyond the earthly powers. God himself.
Angels and Demons knew Jesus was son of God:
– The angel Gabriel tells Mary that he will give birth to child of God and to give a name to child Jesus as
Emmanuel which means "God is with us". ( Matthew1:23). He will also be called “Son of God” (Luke1:35)
– In the desert, During the temptation, evil asks Jesus “If you are God’s son….” (Matthew 4:3) He knew
that on earth, Jesus was God and man at the same time and probably hope to attack his human side.
– We also see many evil spirits recognizing Jesus as son of God before they are driven out by Jesus.
”What do you want with us, you Son of God? Have you come to punish us before the right time”
– And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. (Luke 4:41)
Greatest teacher –
Prophet Isaiah predicts 750 years before.. “God himself will teach them” ( Isaiah
God himself had to come to teach the trinity, holy spirit.
God had to come and correct law “An eye for an eye, teeth for teeth”
Jesus teaches, “forgive and pray for your enemies”.
God takes care of you. Even the number of your hairs are counted.
Jesus asks heavenly father during crucifixion – “ Father forgive them for they do not know
what they are doing”.
Only a God can teach this.
How do we know Jesus is God - contd
Bible mentions many places that Jesus is son of God.
• God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
• For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world
through him might be saved. (John 3:17,18)
• In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word
was fully God. John 1:1 The word became flesh and lived among us
• Jesus- In his very nature he was God. But he did not think that being equal with God
was something he should hold on to. Instead, he made himself nothing. He took on
the very nature of a servant. He was made in human form. - PHILIPPIANS 2:5-7
Check these claims of Jesus. Only a God ( not prophet ) can make these.
• "I have come down from heaven“ (John 6:38)
• "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
(Revelation 22:13) quoting the Old testament where God (Yahvey says the same)
• "I am the life and resurrection"
• "I am the way, truth and life".
• "I am the bread of life". (John 6:35)
• "I am the light of the world". (John 8:12)
• I am going ahead to prepare a place for you (John 14:2-3)” – promised destiny for
How do we know Jesus is God - contd
Jesus went to heaven infront of his
• God loved the world so much that he
gave his only-begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life. (John
Second Coming to Judge the world:
He will come in the glory of his father with
his angels and then he will reward each
one according to his deeds. (Mat 16:27).
Can a man do this. Impossible. Only a
God can come back again to judge all
the human beings.
You will see son of man sitting on the right
hand of the Father.
How do we know Jesus is God - contd
Jesus’ other statements.
The Disciple Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father. That will be enough for us."
Jesus answered, "Don't you know me, Philip? I have been among you such a long time!
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. So how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
John 14:7-9
Jesus tells Nicodemus (the Jewish teacher)-”No one has ever gone to heaven except the Son of
Man, who came down from heaven” (John 3:13)
Jesus told the Jewish authorities ( while teaching) his I come from above, You are from this world,
but I am not from this world. If you don’t believe that “I Am Who I Am” (This is the sacred name
of Yahwey(God) which God himself had told Moses), You will die in your of Sins.(John 8:2325)…He also tells that they will believe that Jesus is “I am Who I Am” when Jesus die and rise
up again.(John 8:28).
Biblical God
God could have stayed in a remote place without ever creating us. Looks like he cares for
us. Else why should he even create us. He is not the type who lives somewhere and
demands us to surrender to him like slaves. Christianity believes that God cares
for us and wants to live with us.
God says, I will make my home with my people and live among them.
– Prophecy Lev 26:12, Ezek37:27
Fulfillment  2-Corinth 6:16
• Jesus comes as a human (re-incarnation) in the fullness of time.
• “The word (Jesus) was God, the word became flesh and lived among us”. John1:2
He is the sinless, person who is coming to Judge the world….
What if Jesus is part of the God.
The teaching that Jesus is part of one God ( 1x1x1 = 1) is a shirk for Islam.
But what if it is true.
How do you know the ways of God. God is a loving, all caring God. What if
there are 3 entities to the same one God. Like three parts of the shamrock
leaf, two hands of man or two atoms of the Oxygen molecule( Science
says Oxygen atom always stays as a molecule (O2), two atoms combined
Holy Trinity
The Father is God:
– “Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:2)”.
The Son is God–
The Word was God. (John 1: 1 -5, 14) Jesus is identified as "the Word."
– God the father declares twice “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased " (Matthew 3:116-17). (Matthew
Jesus Claimed to be God (and Son of God) That is the reason why Jesus was crucified. Everyone agree that Jesus won't
say lie. There was no need for Jesus to go around, always telling that he was son of God. In critical times he said that by
word, and proved it through mighty action and heavenly signs.
He claimed to be the divine Son of God, a title the Jews rightly understood to be a claim to equality with God. (John 5:1718; John 10:30-33; John 19:7)
Jesus Christ did claim that he was the Son of God.
Jesus and the Father ore one. (John 10:30-33)
Jesus accepted worship as God and claimed to deserve the same honor as the Father. (Matthew 14:33; 28:17-18; John
5:22-23; 9:38).
Jesus does things only God(not prophet) can do to prove his claim.
Jesus' disciple Thomas addressed Jesus as "My Lord and my God. (John 20:28) Jesus did not tell Thomas he was
mistaken; instead Jesus accepted these titles.
But God said about his Son, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter in your kingdom is a scepter for justice.
(Hebrews 1:8)
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-17)
The passages about Jesus' deity: Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1; John 1:18, John 8:58-59; John 10:30; Acts 20:28;
Romans 9:5 & 10:9-13; Colossians 1:15-16 Colossians 2:9; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:3,8; 2 Peter 1:1; 1 John 5:20.
the very purpose of his Gospel is to establish the Divinity of Jesus Christ (John 20:31).
The Holy Spirit is God:
– But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? ... Thou host not lied unto men, but
unto God. (Acts 5:3-4) - This verse equates the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) with God.
– Now the Lord is that Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17) - "The Lord" here refers to "the LORD" in the Old Testament verse
(Exodus 34:34) Paul had just quoted in the previous verse (2 Corinthians 3:16).
More than 60 Bible passages mention the three Persons in Holy Trinity
– Matthew 3:16-17 "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the
heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon
him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
– Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
– 2 Corinthians 13:14, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the
Holy Spirit, be with you all."
– Ephesians 4:4-6 "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one
Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."
– Titus 3:4-6 "But after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of
righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of
regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our
Savior . . ."
See also John 3:34-35; John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:13-15; Romans 14:17-18; Romans 15:13-17;
Romans 15:30; 1 Corinthians 6:11,17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:4-6; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; 2 Corinthians 3:4-6;
Galatians 2:21-3:2; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 2:18; Ephesians 3:11-17; Ephesians 5:18-20; Colossians 1:6-8; 1
Thessalonians 1:1 -5; 1 Thessalonians 4:2,8; 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; Hebrews 9:14; 1
Peter 1:2; 1 John 3:23-24; 1 John 4:13-14; and Jude 20-21.
The Apostles and Gospel writers preached the Trinity. The famous church fathers who preached Trinity and
their time.
– A.D. 96 Clement, the third bishop of Rome
A.D. 90-100 The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles, the "Didache"
A.D. 90? Ignatius, bishop of Antioch
A. D. 155 Justin Martyr, great Christian writer
A. D. 168 Theophilus, the sixth bishop of Antioch
A. D. 177 Athenagoras, theologian
A. D. 180 Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons
A. D. 197 Tertullian, early church leader
A. D. 264 Gregory Thaurnaturgus, early church leader
But Christians believe in only one God. The Bible says there is only one God. But it also calls three distinct
Persons "God." Over the centuries people have tried to come up with simple explanations for the Trinity. There
are limits to every illustration, but some are helpful. For example, it has been said that
God is not 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
God is
Holy Trinity
When disciples asked to show the heavenly father, Jesus says,
“ I and Father are One”. “Whoever sees me sees the Father”.
Believe me when I say that I am in the father and the father is in
me.. See the things that I am doing. I am telling you the truth.
….(John 14:9:12).
He continues (John14:17)... When I ask, the father will send you
the Holy spirit who will remain with you always. The holy spirit
reveals the truth about God”
Jesus last sentence were "Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
Matthew 28:19
God has three parts. Father, Son and Holy spirit.
Friend, God could have stayed in a remote place without ever creating us.
But if he is a good God and if has three parts and if he wants to come and
and live with us, who can say NO.
He is the sinless, person who is coming to Judge the world….
What if Jesus is part of the God.
The teaching that Jesus is part of one God ( 1x1x1 = 1) is a shirk for Islam. But Jesus
taught us that Father , son and Holy spirit are one God. .
How do you know the ways of God. God is a loving, all caring God. What if there are 3
entities to the same one God. Like three parts of the clover leaf (Is it one leaf or three
Final thoughts
Some sites for references
Christianity – some thoughts
• Compare the first three centuries of the growth of Christianity and Islam.
Spread of Christianity is HEAVENLY- based on Life and teachings of Jesus
(disciples were eye witness of Christ- They went to different parts of the
world without considering any material benefits) and work of holy spirit.
Islam’s growth is MILITARY-based on sword and army guided by Jihad
heaven and booty. If God is really God, he doesn’t need military.
• Christianity may suffer due to the work of Satan as mentioned in the book of
revelations. But the church is build by Jesus and he promised gates of hell
won’t defeat it. Jesus will comeback for last Judgment.
• Don’t think America or the western countries as Christian. Christianity is
everywhere. It is being suppressed in Islamic countries though. But God is in
control. God like the poor and normal people than the rich and suppressors.
• Do you know millions of saints and martyrs have died to build the church.
They never took a weapon or played politics.
• For example, Even today millions of priests and nuns have sacrificed their
biology for Jesus and the growth of the church. They offer holy mass
everyday for the Glory of the God. God sees this.
• Christianity may look weak but it has the rich culture and support of millions
of people who followed what Christ preached – love, non-violence and
faithfulness to God.
What should Muslim friends do
• Pray in your mind to Jesus, so he will guide you. Jesus
knows your troubles. Don’t be afraid. If you take one step,
God will take two steps towards to you. It is your duty to
know and worship your true creator. Try not to do sins.
• Join the groups who will support you in the right direction to
Jesus. As you learn more your questions will be answered
and you will know the way.
• Try to become a Christian, so you become a follower of the
true Holy Trinity, the real God.
• Remember if you rebel, the clever Satan will stop and
intimidate you. He will show many wrong examples to stop
• Remember God is in control and he loves you and your
community. Jesus needs you… can you be a small light in
the darkness.
Belief in Jesus is necessary
• You will die in your sins if you donot beleve that “I am Who I Am
(God’s holy name)”-John8:24
• Whoever believes in the Son of God is not judged; but whoever
does not believe has already been judged since he has not believed
in God’s only Son.(John3:18)