THE COLLEGE OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY CHAPEL EASTER TERM 2015 SERVICES AT THE COLLEGE CHAPEL SUNDAY SERVICES Holy Communion 10.00 am followed by breakfast in D4 Choral Evensong 6.00 pm followed by drinks in the Master’s Lodge PREACHERS AT EVENSONG 26 April Easter 4 Dr Alison Gray Director of Studies, Westcott House Theological College 3 May Easter 5 Bishop Michael Bourke, Old Member Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Hereford 10 May Easter 6 The Revd Preston Parsons Priest Vicar, St John’s College 17 May Easter 7 The Revd Charlotte Ballinger Chaplain and Interfaith advisor, University College, London 24 May Pentecost Professor Iain Torrance Dean of the Chapel Royal in Scotland 31 May Trinity Sunday Bishop Angaelos General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom 7 June Trinity 1 Canon Matthew Vernon Subdean and Canon Pastor, St Edmundsbury Cathedral 14 June Trinity 2 Dean of Chapel WEEKDAY SERVICES Morning Prayer is said Monday-Friday 8.30-8.45 am Evening Prayer is said Monday-Thursday 5.30-5.45 pm* *The College Choir sings Choral Evensong at 6.45 pm on Wednesdays 22 April, 6 May and 13 May HOLY COMMUNION ON FEAST DAYS Services of Holy Communion, lasting 30 minutes, will be held at 12.30 pm on 23 April (St George), 1 May (St Philip & St James), 14 May (Ascension Day), 26 May (Augustine of Canterbury), 1 June (Visitation), 11 June (St Barnabas) SPECIAL SERVICES Tuesday 21 April 11.45 John Mere’s Commemoration Sermon St Bene’t’s Church. Preacher: Canon Mark Pryce Diocese of Birmingham (Former Fellow) Wednesday 29 April 6.30 pm Corporate Communion followed by free buffet supper in D4 Tuesday 5 May 10.00 pm Choral Compline Candlelit service of Night Prayer Thursday 4 June Corpus Christi Day 8.00 am Choral Holy Communion 5.30 pm Choral Evensong Preacher: Dr John Davies (Old Member), Dean of Derby Thursday 25 June Graduation Day Service with Master’s Address 3.00 pm. Graduands and their families are warmly invited to attend THE CHAPEL The CHAPEL exists for the glory of God. It is open daily. Everyone at Corpus, their families, friends and visitors are very welcome to visit the Chapel, and to attend all services, no matter what their faith or denomination. KEEPING IN CONTACT (details overleaf): If you wish to be included in the weekly Chapel email bulletin, please email the Dean of Chapel. There is a Corpus Chapel Facebook group – please feel free to join it. REGULAR MEETINGS AND CONTACTS For details of the weekly Bible Study please ask the Dean of Chapel On Wednesdays at 1.00-2.00 pm a group meets in D4 to write letters appealing for the release of prisoners of conscience. To find out more or to go on the letter-writing bulletin list, contact the Dean of Chapel. There are many churches and faith groups in Cambridge. If you would like further information or advice regarding any of them, please see the Dean of Chapel. The Christian Union meets regularly in the College for Bible Study, prayer and fellowship. Details from Ruth Newton (RHN25@cam) and Esther Graham (ERG38@cam). The Roman Catholic Chaplaincy is at Fisher House just round the corner from Corpus. Details from Aurélien Gueroult ( CHAPEL CONTACTS The Revd James Buxton is the Dean of Chapel (tel: 07811 463779, email: JB225@cam). James is readily available to all members and staff of the College at any time, with or without appointment. Everyone is welcome to call on him socially at his rooms (D4) or to talk to him about anything in confidence whether or not it is spiritual. Director of Music: Graham Walker (GHW22@cam) Organ Scholars: James Speakman (JAS260@cam); Catherine Olver (CSO28@cam) Chapel Clerks: Frances Butcher (FEG32@cam); Dom Cawdell (DPC39@cam) Sacristan: Mark Eridge ( Ordinand: Olga Fabrikantova (OYF21@cam); Angus Reid ( Chapel Secretary: Kate Williams (KMW38@cam) CHAPEL COLLECTIONS Collections this term will be shared equally between Christian Aid (a development agency which works with people of all faiths and none, in around 50 countries, to eradicate poverty), and Romsey Mill, a Christian charity which works with vulnerable families and young people in Cambridgeshire. Last term's collections raised around £1800 which was shared between Anti Slavery International and Christian Aid Iraq Crisis Appeal. On the front cover. Floor mosaic of the Pelican in her piety at the Parish Church of St Andrew and St Mary, Grantchester (photograph by James Buxton).