File Ref: F68752 2 April 2015 MEMBERS OF THE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Dean of Coursework Studies as Chair (Professor Grady Venville) Deputy Chair of Academic Board (Professor Mark Israel) Dean of Graduate Research and Postdoctoral Training (Professor Alan Dench) Academic Secretary (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy) Associate Director, Admissions Centre (Dr Anne Mills) Associate Director (International Admissions), International Centre (Ms Katherine Webster) Academic Coordinator, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (Dr Kathy Sanders) President of the Guild of Undergraduates (Ms Elizabeth O’Shea) Nominee of the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association (Mr Nassif Nazir Kesavath) Chair of each Faculty and School of Indigenous Studies Teaching and Learning/Education Committee, or nominee of the Dean: Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts (Ms Sophie Giles) (Deputy Chair) Faculty of Arts (Associate Professor Hélène Jaccomard) Faculty of Business (Professor Alison Preston) Faculty of Education (Associate Professor Grace Oakley) (Associate Chair) Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Professor Michael Johns) Faculty of Law (Dr Natalie Skead) Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences (Professor Sandra Carr) Faculty of Science (Professor Brendan Waddell) School of Indigenous Studies (Mr Grant Revell) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE - ITEMS FOR NOTING BY CIRCULAR Members are asked to note items in Part 1 by circular. If you would prefer that an item be referred to the next meeting for discussion please contact the Executive Officer (via immediately. Relevant background information has been provided for each item on the agenda, but if members require further details they are welcome to contact the Executive Officer (via Members are advised that this agenda has been formatted to be ‘electronic device friendly’ by including bookmarks to provide easier navigation throughout the document. Click here for details. Ms Jan Cardy Executive Officer Academic Policy Services AGENDA PART 1 – ITEM(S) FOR COMMUNICATION TO BE DEALT WITH EN BLOC 1. REVIEW OF ASSESSMENT – REF: F70940 Assessment of student learning performance and feedback on progress are pivotal processes in the University’s learning and teaching. Assessment inevitably shapes the learning that takes place; that is, what students learn and how they learn it should reflect closely the purposes and aims of the course of study. Attached (Attachment A) for members’ noting is a proposal, approved by the Dean of Coursework Studies, to review the University’s assessment policy, practices and related activities. This review, which aims to ensure internationally benchmarked assessment practices are meeting the needs of domestic and international students, is an important component of the evaluation of the success of NC2012 and the rollout of the Education Futures Vision, with a particular focus on transformative teaching. The membership of the Review of Assessment Working Group has been confirmed as follows: Professor Grady Venville, Convenor Professor Mark Israel Professor Brendan Waddell Professor Sandra Carr Professor Phil Hancock Professor Helene Jaccomard Dr Dino Spagnoli Dr Des Hill Professor Martin Forsey Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy Ms Siri Barrett-Lennard Professor Sid Nair Mr Tom Beyer Dr Emma Yuen – Executive Officer For noting. 2. CRITICAL DATES FOR CURRICULUM APPROVALS – REF: F37868 The 'Critical dates for curriculum approval' webpage provides a brief snapshot of the impact of missing critical dates, in particular within the context of the student experience and accountability to Government, both of which may impact on UWA’s reputation. By way of background, members are advised that the critical dates for curriculum approvals were formulated as part of the Timing of Approvals for Courses and Units – Influencing Factors and National Benchmarking document. This document outlined the range of constraints that are imposed, both externally and internally, on the submission of new proposals and changes to existing curriculum. These critical deadlines and data requirements determine the University’s timelines for curriculum approvals. Faculties are encouraged to focus on the consequences of missing certain critical dates so that staff can make informed decisions on the management of their curriculum and the impact on the student experience, in particular attracting high quality students who are sought after by competing universities in the global market. For noting. 3. EXPRESSION OF POSTGRADUATE CYCLE 2 COURSEWORK COURSE ADMISSION RULES – REF: F53763-02 Members are advised that the Admissions Centre is aiming to simplify and standardise the admission course rules for Postgraduate Cycle 2 coursework courses. As currently expressed, the rules may be misinterpreted by both applicants and prospective students: they may imply that only UWA degrees are recognised for admission into the courses, and mention of minimum WAMs or GPAs may mislead international students as the comparability of these scores can vary between institutions. 2 The admission rule redrafting exercise will be undertaken centrally to ensure consistency of approach across all coursework courses. The rules will be redrafted in CAIDi by the Admissions Centre, in consultation with the Publications Unit. The 2015 UWA Handbook will be updated automatically, and other related publications for prospective students will draw on the updated CAIDi data. Attached (Attachment B) for members’ noting is a copy of a memo sent to Faculty Administrative Officers providing details of the change. For noting. 3