The TEEB Report: inspiring conservation 44 131 535 4307 1 1. TEEB: Overview 2. Inspiring change: Marine ecosystem services valuation for the UK Marine and Coastal Access Bill 3. TEEB: Interim Findings and next steps 2 TEEB - context “Potsdam Initiative – Biological Diversity 2010” 1) The economic significance of the global loss of biological diversity the global economic benefit of biological diversity, the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the failure to take protective measures versus the costs of effective conservation. 3 TEEB: Goals and aspirations • To mainstream the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity • To review extensively the current state of the science and economics of ecosystems and biodiversity, and recommend valuation and evaluation frameworks and methodologies • To address the needs of the end-users 4 TEEB- Final Reports Science & Economics Foundations, Policy D0 Costs & Costs of Inaction Policy Evaluation for Policy-Makers D1 Decision Support for Administrators D2 Business Risks & Opportunities D3 Consumer Ownership D4 5 The UK Marine Bill – Marine Nature Conservation Proposalsvaluing the benefits Published in Ecological Economics (Hussain et al., 2010) Dominic Moran Salman Hussain Abdulai Fofana Chris Frid Odette Paramour Leonie Robinson Alex Winrow-Giffin 6 Marine Protected Areas • UN World Summit on Sustainable Development: requires the establishment of representative networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) by 2012 • What is the economic rationale? • Can such a policy intervention be substantiated? – Does the extant literature allow us to do so? – Where are the gaps in the evidence base? 7 Background to the study • Different drivers impact on marine ecosystems • Study in Science (Halpern et al.,2008) applies a multi-scale spatial model to analysis anthropogenic drivers of ecological change in 20 marine ecosystems. – 41% are strongly affected by multiple drivers. • These drivers stimulate a shift in the production of ecosystem goods and services (e.g. gas and climate regulation) • These services can be valued • According to study in Nature (Costanza et al., 1997) service provision by marine ecosystems constitutes around twothirds of the global total 8 Anthropogenic impacts 9 Objectives of the study 1. To estimate monetary economic benefits derived from the marine protected areas (MCZs) proposals being put forward as part of the Marine and Coastal Access Bill; 2. Where agreed, to provide qualitative benefits where monetised values cannot be given; and 3. To provide the necessary detail for Impact Assessment reporting 10 The three network scenarios selected by Defra from Kaiser et al. (2006) Scenario % of OSPAR Species and Habitats included % of UK Marine Landscapes included Network Additional Criteria size (1000 km2) A 20% 10% 125.7 G 60% 10% 156 J 60% 10% 147.2 None Commercial fishery species spawning and nursery areas preferred to protect areas essential to life history stages Locked out sites licensed for aggregate extraction, dredging and dredge disposal activities. 11 UK MCZs/UK Continental Shelf limits 12 Management regimes defined by UK government (Defra) Conservation Objective Highly Restricted (HR-MCZ) Management • General presumption against fishing of all kinds, Regime Restrictions Maintenance of Conservation Status (MCS-MCZ) • New development activities permitted where in the public all constructive, destructive interest (on social or economic and disturbing activities grounds) • Recovery measures • Existing activities to continue if appropriate to the local do not cause site condition to situation (enhanced deteriorate restoration/aftercare measures • Restriction of bottom fishing gears on expiry of operating either spatially or temporally and licences) technical conservation measures • Recovery measures appropriate to the local situation (enhanced restoration/aftercare measures on 13 expiry of operating licences) Comparisons against the baseline status quo Ecosystem service A B C D MCZ inception 20 years Time 14 MA categories pertaining to terrestrial marine ecosystems MEA Category Provisioning Supporting Ecosystem Good/ Service Definition Food provision Plants and animals taken from the marine environment for human consumption Raw materials The extraction of marine organisms for all purposes, except human consumption Nutrient cycling The storage, cycling and maintenance of availability of nutrients mediated by living marine organism Resilience and resistance The extent to which ecosystems can absorb recurrent natural and human perturbations and continue to regenerate without slowly degrading or unexpectedly flipping to alternate states Gas and climate regulation The balance and maintenance of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans by marine living organisms Biologically mediated habitat Habitat which is provided by living marine organisms Disturbance prevention and alleviation The dampening of environmental disturbances by biogenic structures Bioremediation of waste Removal of pollutants through storage, dilution, transformation and burial Cultural heritage and identity The cultural value associated with the marine environment e.g. for religion, folk lore, painting, cultural and spiritual traditions Cognitive values Cognitive development, including education and research, resulting from marine organisms Leisure and recreation The refreshment and stimulation of the human body and mind through the perusal and engagement with, living marine organisms in their natural environment Regulating Cultural 15 Synopsis of valuation literature Good/Service Defra CRO 380 Monetary Value Valuation method Subjective Reliability Food provision £884.9 million Market data MEDIUM: value added factor simplification Raw materials £116.5 million Market data MEDIUM: some data unavailable Leisure and recreation £1.4-£3.4 billion Market data LOW: based on market data but wide variability Resilience and resistance N/A N/A N/A Nutrient cycling £ 1.3 billion Market, WTP MEDIUM: used 'open seas' estimates Gas and climate regulation £8.2 billion Avoidance cost approach HIGH: social cost of carbon used Bioremediation of waste N/A N/A N/A Biologically mediated habitat N/A N/A N/A Disturbance prevention and alleviation 0.44 billion Avoidance cost approach MEDIUM: based on extrapolated Cultural heritage and identity N/A N/A N/A Cognitive values £453.3 million Market data HIGH: based on reliable survey data16 Methodological steps 1. For one hectare of the habitat/landscape what is the extra provision of this ecosystem service brought about by Highly Restricted or Less Restricted as compared with the counterfactual? 2. How many hectares are there in each network scenario A, G and J? 3. What proportion is going to be protected under Highly Restricted and how much under Less Restricted? • Summing across all habitats/landscapes and across all ecosystem services gives the total value of each network 17 UK Seabed Landscapes 18 Aphotic reef - UK 19 Aphotic reef – network scenario A 20 Landscapes – Scenario A 21 Apportioning total value of an ecosystem service across habitats/landscapes • Code A: biological partitioning – (area/impact per unit area) nutrient recycling gas and climate regulation raw materials bioremediation of waste food provision • Code B: area only biologically mediated habitat resistance and resilience • Code C: biological partitioning/location specific disturbance prevention and alleviation • Code D: No biological basis for partitioning leisure and recreation non-use/bequest value cognitive values cultural heritage and identity option use value 22 Coding for extent of impacts from MCZ designation (compared with status quo) Interpretation of the impact coding for the valuation estimate Coding VH (very high) Percentage range Mid-point High value Low value 90-100% 95% 100% 90% H (high) 50-89% 70% 89% 50% M (medium) 10-49% 30% 49% 10% 1-9% 5% 9% 1% <1% 0.5% 1% 0% L (low) VL (very low) 23 Coding for timing of impact – the benefits stream over the 20 year IA period Trajectories for impact path for 10/20 coding 1.000 0.900 0.800 0.700 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Aggregation of on-site benefit from enhanced provision of ecosystem services Present values (£) for protecting the entire network under Highly Restricted Less Restricted (3.5% discounted rate) Network/ management Nutrient Recycling Gas/climate regulation Total Value A/HP-MCZ 1,300,000,000 95.49 1,241,366,354 89.75 1,166,762,575 168.38 2,188,948,181 157.47 2,047,131,025 220.22 2,862,802,868 212.19 2,758,431,506 8,238,601,638 884,900,000 95.49 0.07 7,867,017,601 613,414 89.75 2.37 7,394,224,662 20,966,407 168.38 0.12 13,872,209,283 1,053,612 157.47 3.98 12,973,459,245 35,212,089 220.22 0.14 18,142,686,461 1,280,813 212.19 3.85 17,481,244,863 34,074,307 % Total A/MCS-MCZ % Total G/HP-MCZ % Total G/MCS-MCZ % Total J/HP-MCZ % Total J/MCS-MCZ % Total Food provision Raw Materials Disturbance prevention/ alleviation 116,500,000 440,000,000 0.08 0.07 92,394 304,829 0.64 0.07 751,400 304,829 0.13 0.12 149,169 511,987 1.03 0.12 1,198,696 511,987 0.14 0.14 167,192 617,613 1.32 0.14 1,533,579 617,613 Leisure and recreation Cognitive value 3,400,000,000 39.76 1,351,868,807 33.74 1,147,060,637 59.74 2,031,245,922 47.70 1,621,700,525 51.08 1,736,676,286 42.95 1,460,315,811 453,300,000 127.14 576,306,372 106.15 481,176,256 195.06 884,192,259 159.43 722,703,371 173.20 785,128,064 146.99 666,290,327 SUM 11,037,569,771 10,211,246,765 18,978,310,412 17,401,916,938 23,529,359,297 22,402,508,006 25 Overall results • With a 3.5% discount rate, the present value benefits range from £10.3 billion to £22.7 billion depending on network scenario/split between Highly and Less Restricted • Sensitivity analysis: present value range falls to £6.4 billion to £15.1 billion • Present value of costs £0.4 billion to £1.2 billion • Mean annual undiscounted benefit range: £0.9 billion to £1.9 billion 26 Limitations • No ‘network effect’ accounted for • Exclusions/local conditionality for restrictions • Apportioning of benefits crude • Benefits Transfer – limited number of studies 27 Take home messages: MCZ study • The estimated benefit range is £10.3 billion to £22.7 billion (at least seven times estimated costs) • This is an under-estimate and does not include several benefit categories • Importance of defining clear scenarios and counterfactual • Ad hoc methodology – in the absence of production functions we have to make assumptions (score) about how designation produces goods and services • Developments in FP7 project Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management [ODEMM] 28 TEEB and ‘operationalising’ the Ecosystem Approach • Can such examples inspire change? • Can we transfer benefit estimates? • Can we understand the needs of different TEEB stakeholders at different levels? 29 TEEB D0 Chapter 7 Benefits Transfer database 30 The TEEB BT database Biome Ecosystem Service 1) Food provision Marine 24 (6) 0 - 44 Coral Reefs 470 (22) 0 - 3.818 2) Water provision 3) Raw material provision 400 (5) 0 - 1.990 20.434 (1) 4) Provision of genetic resources 5) Provision of medicinal resources 6) Provision of ornamental resources 7) Air quality regulation 8) Climate regulation 3.248 (12) 693 (8) 1 - 13.043 0 - 2.744 1.413 (1) 1.990 (1) 8 (4) 0 - 36 511 (5) 3 - 326 231 56 (2) 2 - 54 648 (3) 2 - 646 25.200 (9) 3 - 34.408 10) Regulation of water flows 11) Waste treatment (esp. water purification) 12) Erosion prevention 42 (2) 3 - 81 189.470 (1) 84 (2) 3 - 165 3 (1) 14) Pollination 15) Biological control Mangroves 264 (3) 151 - 347 9) Moderation of extreme events 13) Maintenance of soil fertility Coastal 4 (2) 4 0 - 7 16) Habitat for migratory species, incl. nursery 17) Maintenance of genetic 6 (2) diversity 1 - 11 18) Aesthetic information 0 (1) 19) Opportunities for recreation 76 (6) and tourism 0 - 511 20) Inspiration for culture and art (2) 0 13.541 0 7.425 0 79.099 0 0 0 Other Wetlands Fresh water Tropical Forest Other Forests Woodlands 442 (16) 69 (3) 0 - 981 13 - 68 2.739 (4) 1.864 (2) 15 - 5.210 1.110 - 2.619 698 (12) 1 (1) 1 - 2.436 12 (1) 92 (1) 10 (1) (1) 75 0 143 6 431 1 483 7 181 11 (19) - 552 (3) - 411 (26) - 1.418 (4) - 1.756 (4) - 562 126 (8) 0 - 552 148 (3) 0 - 442 24 (6) 1 - 45 2 (1) 11 2.824 (5) 0 - 8.369 541 (9) 3 - 645 (3) 0 - 11 12 0 (1) 230 10 5.926 (4) 468 (7) 59 (1) 1.965 2 - 10.407 3 - 1.285 10 37.339 (2) 515 (2) 3.544 (10) 14 700 - 73.979 37 - 993 238 - 10.264 6 535 (2) 2.675 5 - 530 1 11.576 (2) 3.586 (10) 1.221 (2) 177 2.334 - 9.242 42 - 9.368 105 - 2.337 0 448 (2) 89 (1) 694 141 - 756 7 19.368 (3) 220 (1) 634 (3) 1 (1) 508 2.002 - 29.520 31 - 344 1 17 (1) 10 5 55 (1) 16 (1) 9 - (2) 449 (10) 257 3.218 2 (2) 52 8 0 (6) 1 5.235 0 (6) 15 506 0 (9) 2 1.084 0 (3) 501 (2) 439 14 (1) 16 (9) - 1.447 (2) - 104 (2) - 1 (4) - 68 (2) - 3 (1) 497 (2) 90 - 903 219 (2) 3 434 262 (4) 0 - 786 55 (1) (1) (1) 7 108 (2) 33 - 183 83 (1) 106 (3) 3 - 266 174 (2) 27 - 321 (7) - 57.133 (4) - 27.484 (29) 13.780 (5) 1.128 (3) - 1.063.946 70 - 40.268 493 - 713 (2) - 0 13 648 (9) 0 - 2.247 950 (11) 1 - 3.715 595 (1) 320 (1) 649 (5) 322 - 1.166 (1) 373 (12) 3 - 5.151 381 (20) 1 - 1.171 230 studies 225 (7) 0 - 2.504 499 (1) 1 (1) 3.733 (1) 1.100 data-points Used so far: 522 Ongoing process … 758 (5) 1 - 2.934 0 (1) 21) Spiritual experience 22) Information for cognitive development TOTAL 2.154 250 (20) (4) 0 - 6.461 129.245 (92) 41 (1) 73.852 (28) 21.077 (31) 14.245 (84) 3.803 7.4 Total value of ecosystem services (22) by biome (12) (12) 8.338 (128) 1.618 (51) 4.343 (22) 31 1) Fo od 2) Wa ter 3) Ra 4) Ge w ne ti 5) Me c 6) di Or na cal me 7) nt Ai r Q al ua lit y 8) Cl im a 9) Ex te 10 t re )W me ate rf low 11 s )W a st e 12 )E 13 ro )S oil sion fe r 14 ti )P oll lity ina 15 ti )B ioC on o 16 ) M ntro l igr 17 ato )B ioD ry iv e 18 ) A rsity es th eti 19 c )T ou r ism 20 )C ult 21 ur )S e p irit 22 ua )E l du ca tio n TEEB database: ecosystem services Distribution of 522 data points over services 120 102 100 85 80 20 72 40 40 17 18 8 7 6 7 8 4 8 7 4 Most data: Food Tourism Raw materials 60 45 27 33 15 4 0 5 0 Least data Pollination Aesthetics Cultural insp. Spiritual 32 TEEB database: biomes Distribution of 522 data points over biomes 246 250 228 Most data: Trop. Forest Wetlands Coral reefs 200 152 150 103 86 100 61 51 50 16 42 37 95 30 35 27 48 17 24 26 3 4 C M ar or ine al R ee fs C o M asta an l gr ov W es et l Fr and es s h T w ro a pi ca ter lF or es Fo t r W est s oo dl G and ra s ss la nd s D es er C t ul tiv M at ul ed tip U le Ec rba n os ys te m s 0 20 41 96 135 Grey = used for Total Value Matrix Least data Marine Urban Desert 33 TEEB database: data sources Origin of values per continent (& country) 148 160 140 120 100 99 86 80 60 49 60 37 40 37 20 4 0 Africa Americas Asia (148) : Lat.Am. & Carib. : Africa : Oceania : Europe : Americas : Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Oceania Various World China (42); India (25); Philippines (24) Brazil (25); Mexico (23); Ecuador (9) South africa (19); Tanzania (16); Uganda (13) Australia (29); Samoa (25); New Zealand (4) Spain (12); Netherlands (9); Austria (7) USA (22); Canada (13); Costa Rica (2) 34 TEEB Quantitative Assessment CHANGES TO PRODUCTION PRACTICES 1. Closing the agricultural yield gap versus failure to increase future yields 2. Liberalisation of trade in agricultural products 3. Aquaculture partly replacing marine capture fisheries 4. Reducing post-harvest loss CONSERVATION POLICIES 5. Sustainable forest management 6 Expansion of protected areas to 20% and 50% per biome per region POLICIES TARGETED AT CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION 7. Reducing emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) 8. Climate change mitigation by bio-energy and forest plantations CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 9. Dietary change (reducing / not increasing consumption of animal proteins, healthy diet) 35 Macro scaling: preliminary findings 50-year impact of inaction or ‘business as usual’ Welfare losses equivalent to 7 % of GDP, horizon 2050 Source: Braat & ten Brink (Eds., 2008): Cost of Policy Inaction 36 TEEB: Benefit-Cost ratios (screened: 20.000 -> 95 relevant -> 18 used for TEEB) BC ratio of ecosystem restoration 75 80.00 70.00 BC ratio 60.00 50.00 40.00 31 30.00 22 10.00 18 16 20.00 3 1 6 3 an gr ov In la es nd w et la nd La s ke s/ ri v Tr er op s ic al fo re st O s th er W oo fo re dl st an s d/ sh ru bl an d G ra ss la nd s al C oa st M C or al re ef s - Assumptions: high cost scenario, average benefit scenario, time horizon = 40 years (including 10% annual operation costs; discount rate = 1 %) 37 TEEB - summary • TEEB is meant to inspire and ‘operationalise’ change • It is to be ‘field tested’ [TEEB D2] with stakeholders • The report structure [TEEB D0-D4] is set up so as to facilitate engagement with and use of the end products 38 39