Food Lab Makeup Options

Make-up work options
Option #1
Option #2
Option #3
Option #4
Option #5
Option #6
Option #7
Armchair Chef report
Make a recipe at home
Going to the grocery store
Plan a menu using a grocery store ad
Find two articles in a paper or magazine about nutrition
Restaurant Review
Create a meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner using the five food groups
Lab Make-up Option #1
Name __________________________
Watching a Cooking Show
Lab missed ______________________
1. What show did you watch? (list name, channel and time aired)
2. Why did you choose that show?
3. What did they make? _____________________________
Would this be something that you would eat? _______ Would you make it? ______
Why or why not?
4. Was special equipment used to prepare it? ________ If so, what kind?
5. Did the preparers follow proper procedures for food preparation and handling?
6. What was the most interesting part of the show?
7. What was ONE piece of information that you learned from the show?
Lab Make-up Option #2
Name ___________________________
Make a Recipe at Home
Lab missed ________________________
1. Choose a recipe you would like to make and is approved by your parents. Attach a copy of it.
2. Using complete sentences write a summary that includes: what you made, how it turned out, the easiest
and hardest part of making the recipe, and who tried it.
3. Evaluate the food you made – appearance, degree of doneness, texture, flavor, etc.
4. Clean up after yourself!!!
Parent Signature ___________________________
Date ______________________
Lab Make-up Option #3
Name _________________________
Going to the Grocery Store
Lab missed _____________________
1. Find the aisle where the canned vegetables are. Name two other items that are found in this aisle.
2. What are two other items found in the cereal aisle?
3. In what section could you find your favorite food?
What are two other foods that are found by your food?
4. What type of items are found around the outside (perimeter) of the grocery store?
5. What non-food items are sold in the store?
6. Write a menu for a meal of your choice with items that are on sale this week at the store. *attach the
current week’s sale flyer
Name of the grocery store _____________________________________________
Signature of Employee _______________________________ Date___________
Lab Make-up Option #4
Name ____________________________
Plan a Menu using a Grocery Store Ad
Lab missed ________________________
1. Look through a grocery ad and plan 1 meal. ***Attach the ad you used to this worksheet
2. Be sure to use all 5 food groups.
a. Meatb. Vegetablec. Fruitd. Dairye. Bread-
3. Use the prices in the ad to figure out how much it would cost to buy these items.
4. Do you feel like you’re getting a lot of food for the amount of money you spent? Why or why not?
5. Why do you think people use the weekly ad to do their grocery shopping?
. Total Price of Meal: ______________________
**attach the ad you used to this worksheet
Lab Make-up Option #5
Name ______________________
Find 2 articles in a newspaper or magazine about nutrition
Lab missed __________________
1. Read an article about food or nutrition in the newspaper or a magazine.
Name of publication:
Title of article
Name of Author
2. What are three (3) main points from the article? MUST BE IN SENTENCE FORM!
3. What are two (2) things you learned from the article? MUST BE IN SENTENCE FORM!
4. What is one thing that you will remember to use in your daily life?
** Attach the article
Lab Make-up Option #6
Name _________________________
Restaurant Review
Lab missed ______________________
1. At what restaurant did you eat?
2. What are some choices you noticed on the menu that are healthy options?
3. When you look at the menu what foods do you think would be higher in fat and calories?
4. How much does a glass of pop cost? _______
a glass of milk? ________
5. Do you think that is a lot of money? Why or Why not?
6. If one (1) star is the worst for a restaurant and four (4) is the best, what would you give this restaurant?
**Attach a paper menu if one is available
Lab Make-up Option #7
Name ___________________
Create a Meal Plan for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner using the Five Food Groups
You are home by yourself on a Saturday and are in charge of making breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure
you use the five (5) food groups to help you plan your menu: meat, bread, dairy, fruits and vegetables. You do
not need to have every food group for every meal.
What are some healthy snacks you could have during the day?
Parent Signature ______________________________
Date __________________