Current Curriculum Structure, BSEE

ECE Curriculum Discussion
Higher Education Broad Background
• What is the national conversation on higher
• What on-line offerings make sense?
– Our own courses
– On-line materials
– MOOCs???
• What are best practices in Engineering (or
more generally STEM undergraduate
Best Practices
• Active Learning
– Labs
– Move traditional labs toward research-based
– Classroom settings
– Alternative course structures
– Introduce the “essence of engineering” early
Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Techlology (PCAST): Engage to Excel
Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in
Undergraduate Science and Engineering, National Research Council, (2012)
National Acadamey of Engineering Reports, Educating the Engineer of 2020:
Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century (2005)
Transformation Is Possible If a University Really Cares. Science, April 19, 2013
Background/Broad Motivation
• Students want flexibility/global opportunities.
– Study abroad.
– Alternative semesters of research or service learning.
• Engineers are far more interdisciplinary.
– Interdisciplinary/Combine with other disciplines - minors.
– Other disciplines study engineering – minors.
– Transition to learn how to learn balanced with a particular
body of knowledge.
• ECE as a discipline is broader than ever.
• (Sources: NAE, Association of American Universities,
Al Soyster, Provost Director, Other Writers, Students,
Faculty, Other Curricula. See USC Web Site.)
Some Goals of the Revised Curriculum
• Sophomore students understand connections among a broad
range of Electrical and Computer Engineering concepts.
• Provide early, integrated courses with labs to motivate students, make
connections within ECE, help students choose area of focus, and improve
coop preparation.
• Not survey courses, strong ECE content, Sophomore year.
• Provide breadth to the EE and CE curricula.
• Offer flexibility, including options for alternative semester or
summer experiences.
• Students can tailor program to interests more easily.
• Semester abroad or Dialogue or research or other.
• Build a curriculum that can be modified easily in the future.
• Reduce # of credits.
Proposed Schedule for Adoption
• Now: Vote to move forward with new
curriculum at ECE retreat May, 2013
• Fall 13: Offer second pilot of Biomedical
Circuits and Signals
• Spring 14: Offer pilot of Enabling Robotics
• Fall 14: Launch new curriculum with the two
sophomore courses.
• Spring 15: Begin offering the new
fundamentals courses.
What is the proposal today?
• Approve the structure of the new curriculum
– Two sophomore courses
– Fundamentals courses
• Requirements for students restated
– Elimination of one 4-credit course
• Leave math and Science courses the same for
– Freshman year under discussion
– We need to discuss differential equation/linear
algebra course, probability (CE and EE), and
discrete math. Next year!
Current Curricular Structure, BSCE
CE Tech. Electives
General Electives
CE Core
Freshman Eng.
Arts, Hum., S.S.
32 four-credit courses + 10 one-credit extras = 138 credits
New Curricular Structure, BSEE and BSCE
CE Tech. Electives
General Electives
ECE Broad Intro.
+ EE or CE core.
Freshman Eng.
Arts, Hum., S.S.
31 four-credit courses + 8 or 9 one-credit extras = 132 (CE) or 133 (EE) credits
Proposed New BS in EE/CE
2 Capstone
5 General
3EE + 1CE or
3CE + 1EE
EEs take at least 2 EE technical electives
CEs take at least 2 CE technical electives
ECEs take at least 2 CE and 2 EE electives
ECEs take all 6 fundamentals courses
Capstone II
Micro and NanoFabrication
Computer and
on Networks
CAD for Deign
and Test
Device Theory
Electric Drives
Biomedical Signal
System Design
Parallel and
Power Systems
Digital Control
Description Lang.
VLSI Design
Circuits and
Wireless Personal
Classical Control
Digital Design
Electronic Design
Digital Signal
Based Design
Engineering I
Optics for
Electronics II
Image Processing
and Pattern
EE Fundamentals
EE Fundamentals
of Electronics
EE Fundamentals
of Linear
CE Fundamentals
Dig. Logic Comp.
CE Fundamentals
of Networks
CE Fundamentals
of Engineering
Methods and
Comp. App.
Sensing and
4 Technical
Capstone I
2 Broad
ECE Broad Intro. I
Biomedical Circuits and
2 Freshman
Engineering I
ECE Broad Intro. II
Enabling Robotics
Engineering II
EEs must have a
programming course
(AP, Freshman, CE
Fundamentals, or
Biomedical Circuits and Signals
• Covers a little more than half of circuits (some signals
material is covered in circuits)
R, L, C, sources, Kirchoff’s Laws
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits
Op-Amp Circuits
Phasor Analysis, Filters, Transfer Function
• Covers Portions of Linear Systems
LTI Systems, Convolution and Impulse Response
CT and DT Fourier Transform
Detailed, class-byTransfer Functions and Filters
class draft syllabus
on web site.
• Biological Component (2 classes)
What happened in the pilot?
Students thought the lab was good
Students liked the combination (cir + sig)
Students liked having the professors in the lab
Students thought the material should be reordered with more circuits at the beginning
Students worried about having enough circuits
(relative to their peers)
Students struggled with the math
Students thought the pace was too fast
Labs were sometimes just in time
Instructional Model, Circuits/Intro to ECE vs Biomedical Circuits and Signals
Current Model
Section 1, Prof. 1, TA 1,2
35 Students
Section 2, Prof. 2, TA 1,2
35 Students
Proposed Model
Section 3, Prof. 3, TA 1,2
35 Students
Section 2, Prof. 1, 2, 3, 4
TA 1,2 105 Students
Tues. Morning
Tues. Aft.
Fri. Morning
Fri. Aft.
Tues. Morning
Tues. Aft.
Fri. Morning
Fri. Aft.
ILS 1, TA 1,2,
Prof 4
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
ILS 3, TA 1,2,
Prof 4
Lab 3, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
ILS 5, TA 1,2,
Prof 5
Lab 5, TA 3,4,
Prof. 5
ILS 7, TA 1,2,
Prof 5
Lab 7, TA 3,4,
Prof. 5
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 1
UG 1?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 2
UG 2?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 3
UG 3?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
UG 4?
ILS 2, TA 1,2,
Prof. 4
Lab 2, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
ILS 4, TA 1,2,
Prof. 4
Lab 4, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
ILS 6, TA 1,2,
Prof. 5
Lab 6, TA 3,4,
Prof. 5
ILS 8, TA 1,2,
Prof. 5
Lab 8, TA 3,4,
Prof. 5
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 1
UG 1?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 2
UG 2?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 3
UG 3?
Lab 1, TA 3,4,
Prof. 4
UG4 ?
Circuits Tutors
TA 1,2 Office
HKN Tutors
Prof. Office Hours
• 5 Professor-Loads
• 5 Credits 4/1
• Lecture/ILS/Lab/Grading/Tutor
coordination is a problem
• Students don’t know where to
Prof. Office Hours
HKN Tutors
• 4 Professor-Loads
• 5 Credits 4/1 (re-examine!)
• More consistent set of
• Could be 2, 3, or 4
professors depending on
teaching loads
EE Fundamentals Courses
• Electromagnetics is mostly unchanged.
– Can be taken earlier
– Easier to take electromagnetics electives
• Linear Systems is mostly unchanged
– Too much material now
– Starts at a more advanced level after the new course
– Include circuits examples with Laplace Transform
• Fundamentals of Circuits and Electronics focuses on
transistors as switches, including CMOS. Includes an
introduction to Small-Signal Analysis
– Preparation for Computer Engineers and Electrical
Engineers. Prerequisite for VLSI
Consequences for Other Courses, EE
• Electronics II will be analog electronics
• Advanced Electronics course requested
by students to be offered as an elective.
– Would go beyond the current courses
• Communications becomes an elective
• Fundamentals of Electromagnetics available
earlier than the current electromagnetics.
– Easier to take electromagnetics electives
Enabling Robotics
CE Broad Introductory Course
• Covers about a third of Digital Design
– Combinational and sequential circuits
– Programmable logic
– State machine design
• Covers new topics in programming
– Goes well beyond GE1111
– Covers how software performs reads and writes to
• Covers a small amount of embedded systems design
– PAL platform provides a common learning platform
• Covers signal analysis, simulation and debugging
From Wikipedia
 “Disability robotics is a broad category that
includes wheelchairs, robotic arms, and other
robotic devices that assist persons with
disabilities at all levels.”
 Develop an educational platform that can be used to
develop a robotic device to serve those with
Provide an engaging hands-on design experience in
sophomore year the covers multiple Computer
Engineering topics
Provide for incrementally more complex projects
Integrate programming, digital design, networking
and embedded design into this course
Develop multiple skillsets transferrable to any career
path in ECE
Whet a student’s appetite for Computer Engineering
 The robot will be controlled through Bluetooth wireless
 The robot will carry out multiple tasks
 Each will be a deliverable for the lab groups
 The final task will be open-ended
 A software simulator will be provided that allow students
to test and debug code in a user-friendly environment
 The digital logic (FPGA) will interface between the
wireless receiver and the “brain” (embedded system) of
the robotic arm
 Onboard sensors will provide feedback to embedded
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Educational Objectives
 Introduce engineering topics of networking,
digital logic design, embedded systems design
and programming
 Develop new and hone existing skillsets in
engineering analysis, simulation, debugging and
hardware/software co-design
 Leverage PAL platform to enable active learning
 Develop marketable skills for students entering
their first coops
Course – Enabling Robotics
Course – Enabling Robotics
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Project Goal: Communicate with an autonomous
robotic arm to carry out a set of tasks to help those
with physical disabilities
Project 1: Enable the controller board to receive and
decode commands from the data glove transmitter
Project 2: Design hardware control to serve as the
brain of the robotic arm
Project 3 and 4: Develop robot control programs that
run on the target platform and carry out a set of
tasks, in response to the transmitted command
Project 5: Enhance the “brain” to remember past
actions to allow for obstruction avoidance
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Phase 1: Enable the robot’s “brain” to receive
and decode commands from the glove-based
wireless transmitter
 Curricular components:
 Present the basics of Haptics technology
 Present the basics of the Bluetooth protocol
 Analyze a signaling protocol
 Transmitter provides unspecified signal information
 Each transmitter will generate different coded signals
 Utilize an API on the targeted platform to read
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Phase 2:: Design hardware control to
serve as the brain of the robotic arm
 Curricular components:
 Learn the basics of combination and
sequential logic
 Decode command signals sent from a control
 Design a state machine to carry out a simple
task with the arm
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Phase 3/4: Develop robot control programs
that run on the target , decodes the
transmitted command, and communicates
with the FPGA to control the robot
 Curricular components:
 Algorithm design
 High-level language programming and
 Simulation – run control programs in emulated
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Project 5: Carry out a sophisticated task with
the arm requiring feedback and memory
 Curricular components:
 Introduce the concept of “memory” in the design
 Combine networking, software and hardware and
decide how to best partition implementation
 Additional simulation and debugging concepts
 Deliver a complete specification of their
implementation covering both hardware and
software details
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Laboratory Equipment
 Haptic Transmitter
 5DT Data glove
 Cyberglove
 Robot brain
 Analog Devices Gen-2 PAL
 Robotic Arm Kit - many choices
 Foster-Miller Talon
 i-Robot Arm
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Learning outcomes:
 Students should understand how wireless devices
Students should understand the basics of
combinational and sequential logic design
Students should have an appreciation for
algorithm design
Students should develop stronger skills in C or
Python programming
Students should gain an appreciation for
simulation, debugging and documentation
Course – Enabling Robotics
 Curricular coverage:
 Digital logic fundaments
 Programmable logic
 Simple algorithms
 Programming syntax
 Simulation
 Wireless communication
CE Fundamentals Courses
• Digital Logic and Computer Organization
– Most of the current Digital Logic course is here
– Covers the beginning of Computer Architecture
• Fundamentals of Networks
– Most/all of current Networks course is here
– Benefits slightly from Bluetooth exposure in
Enabling Robotics
• Fundamentals of Engineering Algorithms
– Most of the current Optimization Methods course
is here
Consequences for Other CE Courses
• Computer Architecture
– Becomes technical elective
– Expand topics with head start in Fundamentals
• Optimization Methods
– Many optimization aspects of programming
covered in Fundamentals course
– Advanced algorithms elective course will fill this
• CS programming course eliminated
Proposed Schedule for Adoption
• Now: Vote to move forward with new
curriculum at ECE retreat May, 2013
• Fall 13: Offer second pilot of Biomedical
Circuits and Signals
• Spring 14: Offer pilot of Enabling Robotics
• Fall 14: Launch new curriculum with the two
sophomore courses.
• Spring 15: Begin offering the new
fundamentals courses.
What is the proposal today?
• Approve the structure of the new curriculum
– Two sophomore courses
– Fundamentals courses
• Requirements for students restated
– Elimination of one 4-credit course
• Leave math and Science courses the same for
– Freshman year under discussion
– We need to discuss differential equation/linear
algebra course, probability (CE and EE), and
discrete math. Next year!