LOCAL DISTRICT NORTHEAST/NORTHWEST TITLE I – 7E046 PARENT INVOLVEMENT EXPENDITURES BASED ON ESTIMATED RATE SHEETS (from 1-1-2016) PERSONNEL Clerical Overtime-RESTRICTED Clerical Relief-RESTRICTED Community Representative Custodial Overtime-RESTRICTED Custodial Relief-RESTRICTED Parent Resource Liaison Parent Resource Assistant Prof. Expert Certificated Teacher Parent Activity Differential SERVICES Contracted Instructional Services Mileage Parent Conference Attendance Prof. X Independent Contract ITEMS Equipment, A/V, Capital- RESTRICTED General Supplies Technology-RESTRICTED Non-Cap. Equip., A/V-RESTRICTED Non-Cap. Equip./Other- RESTRICTED Supplemental Instructional Materials LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. LOCAL DISTRICT NORTHEAST/NORTHWEST TITLE III – 7S176 LEP LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT EXPENDITURES BASED ON ESTIMATED RATE SHEETS (from 1-1-2016) PERSONNEL SERVICES ACC CIC SEC + Dif Contracted Instructional Services-RESTRICTED ACC CIC SEC X-time + Tutor Tch X-timeMileage RESTRICCTED CPA Tutor Teacher X-time-RESTRICTED Parent Conference Attendance Instructional Coach X-time Staff Conference Attendance Instructional Coach Tutor Teacher X-timeTravel/Conference-RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Day-to-Day Substitutes Instructional Coach Secondary PD Teacher Regular PD Teacher X-time Prof. Expert Certificated-RESTRICTED TA Relief Teacher X-time Direct Tutor Teacher X-time ITEMS -0- LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. LOCAL DISTRICT NORTHEAST/NORTHWEST TITLE I – 7S046 COMPENSATORY EDUCATION-NCLB TI EXPENDITURES BASED ON ESTIMATED RATE SHEETS (from 1-1-2016) PERSONNEL Administrator X-time-Restricted Auxiliary Teacher Categorical Program Advisor + Differential + X-time Clerical – Bilingual Differential +Relief + X-time Clerk Community Representative Coordinator Differential Teacher Elem/Sec Counselor + X-time PSA Counselor + X-time Counseling Assistant Counselor Aide CSR Teacher + Benefitted Absences Day-to-Day Substitutes Instructional Coach + Differential + X-time Ed Aide 3 AVID; Ed Aide 3 Sp. Ed Aide 2 Ed Aide II/III Ed Res Aide + X-time; Ed Resor. Aide + OT + X-time I/A Computer Lab Info Sys Support Assistant Infotech Intern HS Inst Aide II + Relief + Bilingual Differential Instructional Coach + Differential – X-time Intervention Support Coordinator + Differential + X-time Library Aide Limited Contract Teacher Microcomputer Support Assistant Non-Register Carrying Teacher Nurse + X-time Office Tech/Sr. Office Tech Parent Resource Assistant Parent Resource Liaison PD Teacher Regular PD Teacher X-time Problem Solving Data Coordinator + Differential + X-time Prof X Indep Contract Prof Expert-Restricted Psychiatric Social Worker + X-time School Psychologist + X-time Secondary Counselor, Options Social Ser Aide SRLDP Teacher + Benefitted Absences Staff Training Rate Teacher Aux. Intervention Teacher Assistants TA Bilingual Differential TA Relief Teacher Auxiliary Teacher, Librarian + Differential Teacher, Math Teacher Replacement Time Teacher X-time, Direct & Indirect Tutor Teacher X-time LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. LOCAL DISTRICT NORTHEAST/NORTHWEST TITLE I – 7S046 COMPENSATORY EDUCATION-NCLB TI EXPENDITURES BASED ON ESTIMATED RATE SHEETS (from 1-1-2016) SERVICES Contracted Instructional Services Curricular Trips Dues & Memberships-Restricted Maintenance of Equipment Mileage Other Non-Instructional Contracts/Toshiba Parent Conference Attendance Professional Development Rental/Lease of Equipment Software License Maintenance Staff Conference Attendance ITEMS Admission Tickets-Restricted Capital Equipment-Restricted Equipment Other Cap Direct-Restricted Equipment Other, Capital-Restricted Equipment A/V Capital-Restricted General Supplies Technology-Restricted M/O Supplies-Restricted Non-Capitalize Equipment, A/V- Restricted Non-Capitalized Equipment, Classroom-Restricted Non-Capitalized Equipment, Other-Restricted Other Books-Restricted Phone/Postage Expenses Replacement of Equipment-Restricted Supplemental Instructional Materials Professional Development Teacher, Regular- (Be specific regarding the professional development your teachers will receive.) Funding to pay a regular status teacher(s) to attend training during their regular assignment with categorical funds. Teachers will attend professional development on (indicate nature of professional development and expected outcomes and # of days @ $80 hr.). (i.e., Close Reading, ELA/Math Instructional Shifts, discussion techniques. problem-solving model, differentiation of instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring) Professional Development Teacher, X/Z Time- (Be specific regarding the professional development your teachers will receive.) Funding to pay regular status teachers who attend training outside of the basic assignment. Teachers will attend professional development on (indicate nature of professional development and expected outcomes and # of days @ $80 hr.). (The four access strategies—Graphic Organizers, Instructional Conversations, Cooperative/Communal Learning, and Academic Language for students to have increased access to core content. Teachers will also attend professional development on CRRE strategies, problem-solving model, data analysis, differentiation of instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring) Staff Training Rate- Will provide funds for certificated or classified staff to participate in professional development outside of their basic assignment on (indicate nature of professional development and expected outcomes and # of days @ $28 hr.). (Multi-tiered instruction and intervention in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science) Instructional Coach, (Elementary or Secondary)- (Note: See applicable supplemental services pages in the Program and Budget Handbook to include your school’s priorities for supplemental services.) The instructional coach will promote standards-based literacy and numeracy across the content areas, using a LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. multi-tiered approach to instruction, including the problem solving model and appropriate evidence-based strategies to provide access to core instruction and intervention for all students. The coach will collaboratively plan and conduct demonstration lessons with the classroom teacher that emphasizes good first teaching; will facilitate on-site professional development; will assist and support teachers in the implementation of district-adopted textbook and support materials; will work with teachers to manage, interpret and use formative assessment data; will systematically examine student work; will plan and deliver appropriate instruction, intervention, and accommodation strategies for all students to support the academic achievement of all students. Instructional Coach, Differential- (May fall under PD or RTI pending on activity) To provide funding for the Instructional Coach for performing additional responsibilities related to assignment outside of the regular six-hour work day. Instructional Coach X-Time- (Note: only up to 9 days can be budgeted during budget development.) To provide funding for planning and professional development beyond the basic assignment on standards-based literacy and numeracy. The instructional coach will provide professional development on … (indicate nature of professional development and expected outcomes and # of hours @ $80 hr.). Tutoring Teacher X/Z Time- To provide funding for regular status teachers to provide targeted multi-tiered intervention or tutoring to outside of their basic assignment. The intervention program or tutoring program will (indicate if meeting Saturday, after school, number of weeks or sessions, and targeted focus. Indicate number of hours @ $80 hr.). Teacher Assistant- (Write number purchased and hours per day.) Teacher’s assistants will provide instructional support in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, under the direct supervision of highly qualified teachers. The teacher assistant will assist with providing support in the library media center, providing support in the computer lab, and assisting with parental involvement activities. Teacher Assistant Relief- To provide funding for teacher assistants to support instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, under the direct supervision of highly qualified teachers, outside of their basic assignment. The teacher assistant will assist with organizing instructional materials, providing support in the library media center, providing support in the computer lab, and assisting with translation for parental involvement activities. Instructional Aide/Educational Aide III- (Write number purchased and hours per day.) Instructional Aide/Educational Aide III will provide direct support to students in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science under the direct supervision of a highly-qualified classroom teacher. (This position is limited to a certain amount of hours. See Program Budget Handbook.) Teacher, Categorical, Limited Contract Intervention- (Note: assigned time may not exceed 48 hours per pay period) A highly-qualified teacher will provide targeted intervention to students in ELA and math and assist in coordinating activities to support the Title I program. Non-Register Carrying Teacher- A highly qualified teacher will serve students identified as being in need of supplemental assistance in basic and advanced skills in literacy and mathematics, history/social science, and science. The non-register carrying teacher will provide direct services for 100 percent of the 6-hr. workday. (Be specific with activities assigned.) Intervention Support Coordinator- (See page Instructional Support pages for additional supplemental duties. The coordinator must be funded based on the school’s calendar.) To fund an Intervention Support Coordinator that will use multiple measures of data to identify areas of strength and need for instruction and LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. behavior, implement a multi-tiered approach to instruction and intervention, and deliver professional development (be specific with focus of Professional Development), problem-solving model, analysis of data, differentiated instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring. Intervention Support Coordinator, X-time – (Note: only up to 9 days can be budgeted during budget development) To provide funding for an Intervention Support Coordinator to plan and provide professional development outside of the regular six-hour school day. The Intervention Support Coordinator will (Explain the specific activities and include the number of hours @ $80 hr.) Intervention Support Coordinator, Differential- (May fall under RTI or Support Services pending on activity)* To provide funding for an Intervention Support Coordinator to plan and provide professional development outside of the regular six-hour school day. The Intervention Support Coordinator will conduct data analysis to identity areas of strength and need for instruction and behavior. Class Size Reduction Teacher- (Elementary- indicate the grade-levels selected for reduced class size. Secondary- indicate the subject area selected for reduced class size.) To fund a highly qualified, register-carrying teacher for (indicate grades/subjects and projected number of students) that will provide direct services 100 percent of the six-hour work day. The CSR teacher will plan and deliver appropriate instruction, provide intervention to address the targeted needs of the students, and possess knowledge of the multi-tiered framework/ problem-solving model that differentiates instruction for students not meeting grade-level standards. Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers, CSR Benefited Absence- (Note: You must fund 4 substitute days for each Class Size Reduction teacher per funding source- Item number 10562) Funds to cover the benefited absence (i.e. illness, personal necessity, kin care) of register-carrying/class size reduction teachers purchased from (indicate program). Categorical Programs Adviser (Title I) - Title I Categorical Program Adviser will provide direct services to students during the regular six-hour school day. Direct services to all students include: teaching, providing demonstration lessons, conducting professional development activities, including the facilitation of effective instructional programs, conducting program/student evaluation activities, and coordinating and providing parent involvement workshops and activities to ensure the compliant functioning of the advisory committee. Title I Categorical Program Adviser, Differential- (Applies only to out of the classroom CPA). See Program Justification Page. Categorical Program Adviser, X time- (Note: only up to 9 days can be budgeted during budget development.) To provide funding for a Categorical Program Adviser to perform duties outside their regular assignment. These duties include: (explain the specific activities.) (I.e. planning and presenting professional development for teachers and providing workshops for parents to support literacy and numeracy at home.) Differential, Coordinating (C basis) - (Applies to full-time in-class coordinators) To provide funds for a supplemental payment, added to the salary of a highly-qualified teacher, for performing categorical program-related activities outside of the regular six-hour work day. The duties will include: (explain the specific activities.) Nurse- (See Program Budget Handbook pages on support services for suggested supplemental services [Gray Box]; include your school’s priorities.) LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. To fund a nurse that will provide supplemental health services that will include: illness and injury follow-up, health-related counseling and education for parents and families – including home visits, staff development on health-related issues and health-related counseling, and follow-up on health factors identified as potentially contributing to students’ poor academic achievement. Psychologist- (See Program Budget Handbook pages on support services for suggested supplemental services [Gray Box]; include your school’s priorities.) To fund a Psychologist that will provide supplemental services that may include: counseling with students individually or in groups for academic problems, behavior and social skills, and problem-solving and decision making; providing consultative services for parents and staff; assisting in the design, development, evaluation, and maintenance of intervention programs; providing professional development on classroom management, increasing student motivation, and successful intervention strategies. PSA Counselor- (See Program Budget Handbook pages on support services for suggested supplemental services [Gray Box]; include your school’s priorities.) To fund a PSA Counselor that will provide supplemental services that may include: developing and monitoring individualize attendance plans, participating in multidisciplinary teams such as SST, COST, RCT, and SART, providing student counseling individually or in groups, providing parent education workshops, conducting home visits, utilizing the RtI² model to implement a three-tiered approach to attendance intervention, and developing and implementing attendance incentive programs. Community Representative (Choose either Class-A or Class-C)To provide funding for a Community Representative (Class-A) that will provide advice or interpretation involving local school or classroom relationships. -ORTo provide funding for a Community Representative (Class-C) that will serve as a neighborhood resource adviser to the principal, teacher, parents, or project personnel concerned with school-community relations. Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers- (May not be used for the release of teachers for extracurricular trips) To provide a highly qualified substitute teacher for the release of classroom teachers to plan activities related to the categorical program. Teachers will meet to (indicate activities). (I.e. analyze student data and plan/collaborate on multi-tiered English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science differentiated lessons that will be delivered to students.) Parent Conference Attendance- (A maximum of $1,500 per categorical funding source is allowed for parent conference attendance.) Parents will attend District-approved conferences to learn instructional strategies to assist their children at home in English Language Arts, math, Social Studies, and Science. Parents will attend the following conferences: (the conferences/institutes must be identified). (I.e. Western Regional Council on Educating Black Children Conference, Association of Mexican American Educators Conference, and the Council of Black Administrators Conference.) Staff Conference Attendance/Travel Conference Attendance - Funds to pay registration and other expenses for attendance at conferences that target multitiered instruction and intervention and instructional strategies to help close the achievement gap. Conferences teachers and staff will attend are: (the conferences or institutes must be identified). LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs. Professional Development/Travel Conference Attendance- Funds to pay registration fees for institutes, seminars, and workshops for teachers and staff that target multi-tiered instruction and intervention instructional strategies to help close the achievement gap. Conferences teachers and staff will attend are: (the conferences or institutes must be identified). Non-Capitalized Equipment (Classroom-direct) - (Make, model and location must be included.) To provide funds to purchase (include the number of units and the make/model) for (include the location) to differentiate instruction for students in English Language Arts, math, science, and social studies. (Incorporate programs used or activities planned for at-risk students). Non-Capitalized Equipment (Other-indirect) Funds to purchase a (include MAKE/MODEL) copier for (include location) that will be used to duplicate supplemental materials for multi-tiered instruction and intervention for students, professional development materials for staff, and various home-school communications for parents. Other Non-Instructional Contract (Toshiba)/Maintenance of Equipment- (Maintenance contracts must be matched with the original funding source.) To fund a contract for the service cost/maintenance of (include make/model # and quantity and location) copiers to duplicate supplemental materials for students, professional development materials for staff, and various communications for parents. Contract Bus Service/Curricular Trips- (Indicate the number of buses/planned trips. List planned destinations on the Budget Justification page. The number of destinations must match the number of trips purchased.) To fund contracted bus services for District-approved curricular trips that will provide students with experiences that build on prior knowledge, background, academic vocabulary and language and that will aid in improving reading comprehension. The curricular trip will be tied to the unit of study in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies. The buses will allow for the following (include total budgeted number of trips): _#_ of buses to (include location) _#_ of buses to (include location) Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) - (Budgeting SIM must be reasonable to the school’s allocation and on the items being purchased. The justification must specifically identify the supplemental program(s)-See Appendix A of the Program and Budget Handbook. To provide funds for supplemental materials to assist staff in reinforcing and supporting instruction in core classrooms and intervention. The instructional materials to be purchased are: (i.e. Voyager Passport for targeted Tier 2 intervention in phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension). (You MUST write titles of programs and purpose. “Test Prep” materials are not compliant. First time expenditure for software licenses must be budgeted out of SIM. Continued software license contracts are budgeted with software license and maintenance.) Software License Maintenance –To provide funds to pay for internet-based publications and materials that supplement the core instructional program and are specific only to the classroom, delivery of instruction, and intervention, as well as periodic costs of licensing, support, or maintenance agreements for nonequipment items. Will purchase … (Applicable resources include: ALEKS, Voyager, and Brain Pop, Jr. Indicate specific items with targeted purpose and expected outcome. First time expenditure for software licenses must be budgeted out of SIM. Continued software license contracts are budgeted with software license and maintenance.). LDNE/LDNW-DRAFT 1-14-16 These are generic descriptions for guidance purposes only. Develop your SPSA narrative with a specific description on how the proposed strategy/action or task will meet the needs of students, based on identified needs.