Arkansas State University-Newport Course Syllabus PE 1623.D1—Concepts of Fitness Catalog description: Provides knowledge and appreciation of the importance of physical activity for lifelong health, wellness, and a quality life; provides opportunities for psychomotor development. A required course of physical education majors. (F, S, Su) Type of course: Online Lecture Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor Name: Jeremy Moore Instructor Phone: Office: Adjunct Instructor email: Instructor’s Office Hours: by appointment only Division Office Phone: (870) 512-7844 Required Text, References, and Materials: Text: Principles & Labs, Hoeger & Hoeger, Thomson Wadsworth, 8th E. ISBN: 9781111425609 References: Website: MY ASUN Portal ( Materials: Access to the internet (this is available on the ASUN campus), workout clothing for activities NETIQUETTE (Online Etiquette): We cannot see each other when we are online (usually) and that means that we loose a portion of our communication. Therefore, we must be careful to address everyone with respect and consideration. Here are some simple rules to help with this effort: Communicate respectfully (be polite, no offensive language). Provide constructive and relevant feedback (stick to the topic). Be clear, use standard English, and do not abbreviate. Spell-check, revise, and edit before sending yor communication. Do not use all CAPITAL LETTERS or multiple exclamation marks. Avoid sarcasm and irony, which can be misinterpreted by readers. Respect others privacy (be careful yours/others personal information) Respect others time (be consise with your communications) CORE COMPETENCIES: Every student graduating from ASU Newport with any Associate Degree will be proficient in the following competencies: Communication Skills (oral and written) Math Skills Critical Thinking Skills Technology Skills Course Competencies: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: [Assessment ] 1. Identify the relationship between lifestyle and selected health problems as measured by class material and evaluations. 2. Differentiate between health-related fitness components and skill-related fitness components properly categorizing each component. 3. Appraise current lifestyle in relationship to future health problems as measured by class dialogue and evaluations. 4. Summarize the benefits of a physical fitness program as measured by class examinations. 5. Demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary to successfully participate in at least one lifetime physical activity. Course Activities: In this course students will: Participate in the review of materials relating to fitness/wellness, nutrition & health-related fitness Complete formative assessments relating to cognitive development Participate in activities outside class and report those activities from the courseworks page. Understand the fundamentals regarding a self-prescribed fitness program GRADING CRITERIA AND SCALE: Points Grade Grading Scale (%) 630 & up 560 - 629 A B A = 90 - 100 B = 80 - 89 490 - 559 C C = 70 - 79 420 - 489 D D = 60 - 69 Below 420 F F = Below 60 Activity Labs 200 points Daily Fitness Schedule 100 points Unit Quizzes 100 points Exam 1 100 points Exam 2 100 points Exam 3 100 points TOTAL 700 points Arkansas State University-Newport Mission Statement ASU-Newport provides an accessible, affordable, quality education that transforms the lives of our students, enriches our communities, and strengthens the regional economy. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) The Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs has been designated as ASUN compliance coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA). Any student who requires special services should contact the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. Academic Dishonesty Dishonesty in any form-including plagiarism, turning in assignments prepared by others, unauthorized possession of exams-may result in the student receiving an “F” and/or being suspended from the university. Student Conduct Studentsshould attend every session of every course in which they are enrolled. As such, students are responsible for all material and information that was given out in class. In addition, excessive tardiness will not be allowed; therefore, three class “tardies” will be considered an absence. ADVISING STATEMENT Students are encouraged to remain in close contact with their academic advisor to assess degree progress and ensure the timely completion of programs of study. Course Outline Meeting # Topics and Competencies Homework 1 Introduction Lesson 2-10 Lessons 1 – 4 Online Lessons/Activity Lab #1 11-12 Exam #1 Check Online Calendar 13-22 Lessons 5 – 7 Online Lessons/Activity Lab #2 23-24 Exam #2 Check Online Calendar 25-29 Lessons 8 – 10 Online Lessons/Activity Lab #3 30 Final Exam Check Online Calendar * Check Calendar for activity dates/times. Instructor’s Policyon Absences Students should attend every session of every course in which they are enrolled. If there are extenuating circumstances, a student may miss no more than twice the number of sessions or other regularly scheduled class activities that would normally be scheduled during a week. Students who miss more than the maximum allowable number of course sessions may be assigned a grade of “F.” Instructor’s Late Work Policy If you miss an assignment, it is your responsibility to see the instructor and arrange to make up the work within three class periods. Other Lab and Classroom Policies Liability Statement: This is a class which involves physical activity and there is always a risk of injury or accident. Therefore, it is suggested that: You notify the instructor if there are any medical problems or physical disability that would limit your full participation in the class. Students over the age of 35 and those less than 35 who have any history of medical problems, either themselves or in their family, consult with their physician to determine if they are "cleared" to fully participate in this class. Each student carries health insurance. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPECIFIC TASKS AND ASSIGNMENTS This syllabus represents a “best” plan for the course, but as with most plans, it is subject to changes made necessary by time, space, and personnel constraints. Students should attend all activity labs as well as any other scheduled meeting times on campus. Additionally, students are responsible for knowing where to go for various activities (this will be explained the first day of class) and for wearing clothing that is appropriate for these physical activities.