The International Experience requirement

BGInS International Experience
November 6 & 9, 2015
• Overview: C. Brown
• GINS 3200, Experiential Learning Abroad: C. Brown
& C. Wise
• Exchange: C. Wise
• Letters of Permission: C. Brown
• International Placements: C. Brown
• Carleton Courses Abroad: C. Brown
• GINS 3100, Global and International Group Project: C.
Overview: International Experience
Requirement (IER) Rules
• IER is mandatory in the Honours degree
• IER is optional in the General degree
• Students are not eligible for the IER until they have
third year standing, i.e. have completed 9.0 credits
• Normally, this means the first time students can go on IER is
the summer term after second year (summer 2017)
• When you go depends a great deal on what you do
• Some IER options, e.g. exchange, also have minimum
CGPA requirements
Overview: IER Rules (cont.)
• All IER options require that you earn at least 0.5
Carleton credits
• Depending on which option you choose, these credits
could appear on your audit either as part of your
Specialization or as elective courses
• There is no formal connection between the IER and
the language requirement & Specialization, though
students are encouraged to coordinate them
• BGInS guarantees that sufficient IER options will be
available for all students, it does not guarantee that
space will be available in your first choice option
IER Options
• Satisfy IER by:
Completing at least 0.5 credits on an int’l exchange or
Completing at least 0.5 credits on an int’l LOP or
Completing at least 0.5 credits on an int’l placement or
Completing at least 0.5 credits in Carleton courses taught
abroad or
• Completing GINS 3100 (0.5 credits), Global and
International Group Project or
• Completing GINS 3200, Experiential Learning Abroad (new
IER Options: Rules for Specific
• Africa and Globalization: IER must be satisfied by
• AFRI 3100, African Studies Abroad or
• AFRI 3900, Placement
• Global Politics:
• GPOL 3100, 2.5 credits, open only to students in the GPOL
Specialization who have a 9.0 CGPA
GINS 3200, Experiential Learning
• Course Description:
• GINS 3200 [0.5 credit] An experiential learning opportunity in a
structured academic environment, combining travel abroad with
classroom instruction on campus. Through overseas work and critical
reflection, students will learn about the challenges and rewards of
personal global engagement.
• Offered during early summer term
• 3 week travel, 6 weeks classroom before and after
• Offered in collaboration with the Student Experience
• Modelled on the successful Alternative Spring Break
Letter of Permission (LOP)
• LOP is “self-guided” study abroad option
• LOP rules/considerations:
• LOP is possible at most universities in the world
• Students must obtain permission in advance for their
proposed courses to be transferred into their Carleton audit
• Deadlines: Fall – July 1; Winter – Nov. 1; Summer –
March 1
• Student is responsible for paying tuition at the foreign
• Minimal logistical support from Carleton
International Placements
• A placement is a “for credit” work option
• Placement rules/considerations:
• Placements must be “global and international”. Normally
this means with an organization outside Canada, but it could
also mean with an organization in Canada that works on
global and international issues, e.g. DFATD
• Placements are normally unpaid, though there may be
• Placements are typically 4-6 weeks, thought the exact
timeframe is to be agreed with your host organization
Placements (cont.)
• A placement is a course, with special characteristics:
• Student has a work supervisor and must complete the agreed
assignments at work
• At same time, student has an academic supervisor at BGInS
and must complete the agreed academic assignments
• Before going on placement, student must agree Learning
Objectives, and resulting products, with both supervisors
• Grade will be assigned by BGInS academic supervisor
Placments (cont.)
• Placement course options currently available:
• AFRI 3900, Placement [0.5 credit]
• GINS 3900, International Placement [0.5 credit]
• GPOL 3200, Global Politics Internship [2.5 credit]: open to
GPOL students with 9.0 CGPA only
• Sourcing placements:
• Third party, for-profit, agencies
• BGInS Partner organizations
• Student self-generated placements
Carleton Courses Abroad
• Carleton Courses Abroad currently available:
AFRI 3100, African Studies Abroad
ARTH 3701, Art and Architecture on Site
ARTH 4701, Art and Architecture on Site
CLCV 3400, Greek and Roman Studies Abroad
GEOG 3030, Regional Field Excursion
RELI 3850, Topics in the Study of Religion Abroad
• N.B.:
• Not all these courses offered every year; some have
prerequisite courses
• AFRI 3100 & GEOG 3030 in a BGInS Specialization
GINS 3100, Global and International
Group Project
, GINS 3100 [0.5 credit] course description:
– Student teams work on a project related to global and international studies.
Lectures are devoted to discussing group project-related issues and student
presentations. A project proposal, a series of project reports and oral
presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.
, Intended for students who, for financial or other reasons,
cannot travel abroad
– Travel “virtually” by working with your fellow students and
partners overseas on a collaborative project
, Offered starting 2017/18
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