Reading and Adult Learners Tutor Training

Reading and Adult Learners
Kim Rossman
Tutors of Literacy in the Commonwealth
TLC’s website:
Professional Development System
KWL Activity
The reading process
Reflections and Questions
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Objectives for Day
At the end of the day, participants will be able
• Define the reading process
• Identify skills to assess and teach the reading
• Demonstrate teaching strategies for the
reading process
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
– Decoding (word identification) skills
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
– Decoding (word identification) skills
– Fluency
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
– Decoding (word identification) skills
– Fluency
– Vocabulary and background knowledge
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
– Decoding (word identification) skills
– Fluency
– Vocabulary and background knowledge
– Active comprehension strategies
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Reading is …
“A complex system of deriving meaning from print” that
– An understanding of how speech sounds are related to
– Decoding (word identification) skills
– Fluency
– Vocabulary and background knowledge
– Active comprehension strategies
– A motivation to read.
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
What it boils down to …
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
“These key elements define the content of reading
instruction, and research provides guidelines for
building many of the important skills.”
Partnership for Reading, The National Reading Panel, federal Reading First law
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
• Name
• Role
• Why you are here?
What do you hope to get from today’s session?
What topics would you like to learn more about?
Do you know on which components you should work?
How do you assess learners’ reading needs?
• Handouts
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
What Helps People Learn to Read?
• Models
– Seeing others read or being read to
• Purpose
– Having a reason for reading or learning
• Confidence
– Believing that they can learn
• Reading
– Having access to interesting, stimulating materials
• Support
– Getting encouragement and reinforcement from others
• Instruction
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Comprehension ~ T or F
Students must know the words or be able to
sound out words before reading the text.
LitStart: Strategies for Adult Literacy and ESL Tutors, 3rd Edition, Michigan Literacy, Inc. 1999.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
What do you think?
• Mxxxxxxn, hixx, yxxxx
• Almxxx erxxx yxxr, Mrs. Crooks climbs up a
mxxxxxxn whxch is ovxx fourtexxx thxxxxxx
fxxt hixx. Mrs. Crooks xx ninexx-one yxxxx old.
LitStart: Strategies for Adult Literacy and ESL Tutors, 3rd Edition, Michigan Literacy, Inc. 1999.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Comprehension ~ T or F
Students who recognize and understand all the
words comprehend the text.
LitStart: Strategies for Adult Literacy and ESL Tutors, 3rd Edition, Michigan Literacy, Inc. 1999.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
What do you think?
They had a purple miracle for three bloated
rocks. A man with a tasty highway will open the
night for the April maple. If ever a dog needed a
flaming song, this grassy table will tell me today.
LitStart: Strategies for Adult Literacy and ESL Tutors, 3rd Edition, Michigan Literacy, Inc. 1999.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Comprehension ~ T or F
Students who can answer questions
comprehend the text.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
What do you think?
Jan bought a new stecker at the hardware store.
She needed a stecker for her minkle. Everybody
knows that a minkle won’t dreep if doesn’t have a
good stecker.
---------------------------------------------------------------What did Jan buy?
What did she need it for?
What would have happened if Jan hadn’t bought it?
LitStart: Strategies for Adult Literacy and ESL Tutors, 3rd Edition, Michigan Literacy, Inc. 1999.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Did you know?
“The typical adult entering a literacy
program was never taught the
alphabetic-phonetic (letter-sound)
principle of our language – that letters
represent speech sounds, and those
letter-sounds must be in a certain
sequence in order to have meaning.”
from “Teaching Adults Who Learn Differently: An Extensive Guide for Literacy
Teachers and Tutors” by Louise Skinner, Phyllis Gillespie, Lynda Balkam
Professional Development System
Phonemic Awareness
• Ability to detect individual sounds within
words and pick out and manipulate those
sounds, to understand that spoken words are
made up of a series of discrete sounds.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
The Listening Process
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
• Skills developed and used in the listening
process must then be applied to the reading
process. Start by modeling skills while
• These are the skills that need to be taught.
• The reading process is the ability to actively
construct meaning from written text in order
to meet individual needs.
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
The Reading Process
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
The Components of Reading
Phonemic Awareness
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Is the learner …
learning to read
reading to learn?
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Assessments Needed
• Silent reading comprehension is not sufficient.
• Need measures of:
– decoding
– fluency
– vocabulary
• Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles
website, part of the National Institute for
Literacy’s website,
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
• Sylvia Greene's Informal Word Analysis Inventory
(word analysis)
• Word Reading Test of the Quick Adult Reading
Inventory (QARI) Form A or B (word recognition)
• Oral reading rate (word recognition automaticity)
• Readability Formulas
– Okapi Readability Calculator
– ATOS Analyzer
– Microsoft Word
• Davidson-Bruce Word Meaning Test (WMT)
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Recognize – the ability
to match words in print
with those already
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
The Components of Reading
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Diagram 1: Recognize
Diagram 2: Fluency and Vocabulary
Professional Development System
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and React
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
The Components of Reading
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Diagram 3: Understand and React:
Professional Development System
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Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Diagram 4: Apply
Professional Development System
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Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Explicit or direct instruction
• Strategy instruction
• Scaffolded instruction
• Intensive instruction or active engagement
• Structured or segmented instruction
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Explicit or direct instruction
– Goals, objectives, and expectations are
– Instructional content is explicit
– Structure of lesson presentation is explicit
– Assume NOTHING
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Strategy instruction
– Teaches learning tools (teaches learners
how to learn)
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Scaffolded instruction
– Provide support in varying degrees
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Intensive instruction or active
– Active learning
– Time
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Principles of Effective Reading Instruction
• Structured or segmented instruction
– Analyze each task and break it into parts
– Teach parts then pull it all together
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Sequencing Basic Skills Instruction
• Introduction and purpose
• Explanation and modeling
• Guided practice with feedback
• Independent practice
• Review
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Choosing Materials
• When possible, allow learners to choose
• Consider learner’s:
– Decoding ability/reading level
– Background knowledge
– Interests
– Experience
– Goals
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Sample Activities
• See handouts and books
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Demystifying Demonstration
• Reading: Foundations Skills Strand OR
Language Strand
• Learner Profile
• Identify a learning need
• Match need to a standard
• Create an activity for a tutoring session
• Share
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Learner Profile
• Collin Collins
• DOB: 1963
• TABE Reading 9M = 447 = 3.5
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
See handout
for Collin’s
Tutor’s Next Steps
Davidson-Bruce word meaning test ~ 8th grade
Spelling test (tutor created) ~ 3rd grade
Word Recognition Test ~ 3rd grade
Oral Reading Fluency ~ tutor used a passage at
Collin’s independent reading level ~ 2nd grade
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Assessment Strategies & Reading Profiles
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
ASRP Profile Options
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutoring Session Activity
• Picture Match website
• Flash cards
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Create an Activity for Learner
• Identify a learning need and decide on which
skill you will focus
• Pick an appropriate, associated standard
• Choose a strategy and create an activity for a
tutoring session
• Share with group
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
• Discussion
• Evaluations
Tutor Training ~ Reading, 10/21/14
Professional Development System