Particle picking and generation of data set 1. Particles are selected from micrographs using the helixboxer tool of EMAN2, with box sizes of 120 x 215 px. The needle is aligned along the box vertical axis and the top of the TC is placed 30 px from the top of the box (guided by the Mac app “Rulers”). EMAN2 program: Terminal command: <input> - Input: micrograph <*.tiff> - Output: Images <*.spi> 2. Images of selected particles are individually examined by eye and those displaying structural degradation or incorrect positioning of the TCs are removed. 3. Images are trimmed/padded to the correct size (120 px x 215 px). Matlab program: Trimming - Copy images <*.spi> to same directory as trimming program Matlab command: T=prog; - Input: *.spi - Output: Stack file <stacker.dat> 4. Images in stacker.dat are normalized and ramped in SPIDER SPIDER program: normalise_stack.spi - Copy stacker.dat to same directory as normalse_stack.spi Terminal command: spider spi/dat @normalise_stack - Input: stacker.dat - Output: dataset_ramp_norm.dat 5. Images are aligned in the X and Y axes Matlab program: 2D_align - Copy dataset_ramp_norm.dat to same directory as 2D_align program Matlab command: main; - Input: dataset_ramp_norm.dat - Output: aligned.dat 6. Images are padded/clipped to 200 x 200 px and a tight mask is applied to reduce the background SPIDER program: clip_to_200.spi and tightmask.spi - Copy aligned.dat to same directory as programs Terminal command: spider spi/dat @clip_to_200.spi spider spi/dat @tightmask.spi - Input: aligned.dat - Output: datasest_200clip.dat Correspondence analysis and generation of class averages 7. Correspondence analysis of images in data set SPIDER operation: CA S SPIDER commands: ca s dataset_200clip@****** 1-n (change to number of images) * 50 C 5 coran 8. Reconstitution of eigenvectors SPIDER operation: CA SRE SIPDER commands: do lb1 [k]=1,50 ca sre coran [k] eigen@****[k] lb1 - Output: eigen.dat 9. Assess eigenvectors in eigen.dat and choose vectors which display strong helical signal 10. Classification by k-means clustering SPIDER operation: CL KM SPIDER commands: cl km coran_IMC n n,n,n 0 2129 sel*** obj (usually make this 20 images per class) (change to selected factors in step 9) 11. Create class averages SPIDER operation: AS SPIDER commands: do lb1 [k]=1,n (change to number of classes selected) as dataset_200clip@***** sel***[k] A avg@***[k] _1 lb1 12. Inspect the class averages and remove classes that do no display helical information from the needle or that show structural degradation/loss of the TC (.e.g using EMAN) 13. Apply a band-pass filter to the data set of low-pass = 8, high-pass = 200 Terminal command: proc2d avg.dat avg_temp.dat lp=8 hp=200 apix=2.12 spider 14. Copy avg_temp.dat to a new stack called stackfinal.dat 3D reconstruction 15. Correct in-plane rotations of images SPIDER program: 1_rotation_tip_Refinement.spi SIPDER commands: spider spi/dat @1_rotation_tip_Refinement.spi - Input: stackfinal.dat,, symdoc_needle.dat, reference_volume.dat - Output: stack_rotated.dat 16. Correct X and Y shifts of class averages by aligning class averages with mirrored class average SPIDER program: mirror_av.spi 2_xyshift_tip_Refinement.spi Terminal commands: spider spi/dat @mirror_av spider spi/dat @2_xyshift_tip_Refinement - Input: stack_rotated.dat, - Output: stack_mirror_av.dat, stack_rotated_shifted.dat 17. Correct X and Y shifts of class averages using semi-interactive adjust program Python program: Terminal command: python - Input: stack_rotated_shifted.dat - Output: shift_param.dat 18. Apply shifts to class averages SPIDER program: takashift.spi Terminal command: spider spi/dat @takashift - Input: stack_rotated_shifted.dat, shift_param.dat - Output: stack_rotated_shifted_xy.dat 19. Copy stack_rotated_shifted_xy.dat to a new stack called stack_rotated_shifted_xy_final.dat 20. Create 3D volume SPIDER program: 3_reconstruction_Refinement.spi Terminal command: spider spi/dat @3_reconstruction_Refinement - Input: stack_rotated_shifted_xy.dat,, symdoc_needle.dat, reference_volume.dat - Output: vol_raw_iter00n.dat, vol_raw_iter00n_hel.dat