Kingdom Protista Phylum Ciliophora

Protists and Fungi
Chapters 19 and 20
Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
 __________________________________________________________________
 The eukaryotic cell probably originated as a______________
____________________________________________2 billion years ago.
 The nucleus and endomembrane system of organelles
probably evolved from ______________________________________
_____________________________________ of ancestral prokaryotes.
 ________________________________________________ probably
evolved from ____________________________________ prokaryotes
that took up residence inside larger prokaryotic cells.
Connection to Evolution
 Characteristics of a Protist:
 Often characterized by what they are _______________________
 Not animals, plants, or fungi
 Diverse group of 200,000 organisms
 Cell type: _____________________________________________________
 Mode of Nutrition: ___________________________________________
 Habitat: ___________________________________________; some live
in animals causing disease
Categorizing Protists
1) Animal-like (______________________________________________)
2) Plantlike (___________________________________________________)
3) Fungus-like (__________________________________________________)
 ________________________________________________________________________
 Four Phlya:
 Phylum Ciliophora: _________________________________________
 Phylum Sarcodina: _________________________________________
 Phylum Apicomplexa: _____________________________________
 Phylum Zoomastigina: _____________________________________
Kingdom Protista Phylum Ciliophora
 AKA: ________________________________________________________________
 Use short, hair-like projections to move through fluids and
move food particles into the cell
 7000 species of ciliates
 Abundant in ___________________________________________________
 Example: ____________________________________________________
Kingdom Protista Phylum Sarcodina
 Animal-like protists that ___________________________________________
 Pseudopod: ___________________________________; a temporary
extension of ___________________________________ that surrounds and
envelops smaller organisms, forming a food vacuole
 Example: _____________________________________
Kingdom Protista Phylum Apicomplexa
 AKA: ________________________________________________________________
 Produce spores (reproductive cells) during their life cycle
 _________________________________________________________________
 Hosts transmit the spores to new hosts
 Example: ___________________________________________________________
Kingdom Protista Phylum Zoomastigina
 AKA: _________________________________________________________________
 Use ___________________________________________ to move
 Cause ________________________________________________________________
 Example: __________________________________________________________
 Infects a tsetse fly which transmits disease to humans
 Plant-like protists because they contain __________________________
 Found in bodies of water
 Can be ________________________________________________________________
 Unicellular Phyla:
 Phylum Bacillariophyta: _____________________________________
 Phylum Pyrrophyta: _____________________________________
 Phylum Euglenophyta: _____________________________________
 Phylum Chrysophyta: _____________________________________
 Multicellular Phyla:
 Phylum Phaeophyta: _____________________________________
 Phylum Chlorophyta: _____________________________________
 Phylum Rhodophyta: _____________________________________
Kingdom Protista Plant-like Examples
 Diatoms
 _____________________________________
 Photosynthetic autotrophs using chlorophyll (green
pigment) and carotenoids (golden pigment)
 Store food as oil, which is less dense that water
 __________________________________________________________________
 Dinoflagellates
 _____________________________________
 Have _____________________________________at right angles to
one another
 Cause the organism to spin as they move through the
 Some are photosynthetic autotrophs and others are
 Some use _____________________________________ for
photosynthesis, which cause __________________________
during blooms
 Produce dangerous toxins
 Green Algae
 _____________________________________
 Use chlorophyll for photosynthesis
 Have cell walls and store food as carbohydrates
 Most are found in freshwater
Kingdom Protista Fungus-Like Examples
 AKA: _____________________________________
 Similar to fungus:
 Use _____________________________________ to reproduce
 Feed on _____________________________________ and absorb
nutrients through their cell walls
 Different from fungus:
 Fungi cell walls contain chitin, a complex carbohydrate.
 Slime mold cell walls _____________________________________.
Connection to Evolution
Protists are mainly unicellular. __________________________________________
Evolution of Multicellular Organisms
 Multicellular organisms probably evolved from colonial protist
cells becoming _____________________________________
 Multicellular life has diversified over hundreds of millions of
 Multicellular life first arose over a billion years ago
 All life was aquatic until almost 500 million years ago
Characteristics of Fungi
 _____________________________________ - over 100,000 species have
been identified
 Some are mutualistic organisms
 Others are _____________________________________
 Some are _____________________________________
 Others are _____________________________________
 Type of cell: _____________________________________
 Mode of nutrition: _____________________________________
 Number of cells:
 Most are _____________________________________
 _____________________________________are unicellular
 Cell structure: cell wall composed of ______________________________
Unique Fungi Characteristics
 _____________________________________: long chains of cells;
threadlike filaments that make up the body of the fungus
 _____________________________________: netlike mass of hyphae;
sometimes underground
 _____________________________________: fungus seen above ground;
Nutrition in Fungus
 All fungi are _____________________________________, but there are
three types of fungi that differ in how they obtain nutrients.
 _____________________________________: DECOMPOSER
 Feed on dead organisms or organic wastes
 Return nutrients to the food chain
 _____________________________________: absorb nutrients from
the living cells of a host organism
 _____________________________________: WORK TOGETHER
 Example: Soybean root fungus receives sugar from
the soybean root and helps the root to increase
water and mineral uptake.
Phyla of Fungi
1. _____________________________________are closely related to protists.
They are _____________________________________. Earliest fungi.
2. _____________________________________are multicellular and
composed of _____________________________________on the surface
and _____________________________________that penetrate the surface.
3. _____________________________________are the most commonly
recognized fungus. They are multicellular.
4. Yeast is unicellular, but most members are multicellular.
Ecology of Fungi
 _____________________________________consist of fungi living
_____________________________________with photosynthetic
 Lichens are associations of algae or cyanobacteria with a
network of fungal hyphae.
 The fungus receives food in exchange for housing, water,
and minerals.
 Lichen serves as _____________________________________ or
environmental changes.
Parasitic Fungi
 Parasitic fungi cause disease
 Dutch elm disease
 Corn smut
 Athlete’s foot
Beneficial Fungi
 Numerous fungi are beneficial
 Many are important in the decomposition of organic material
and _____________________________________
 Fungi are also important as food
 _____________________________________are the fruiting bodies of
subterranean fungi
 _____________________________________ (unicellular fungi) are
essential for baking and beer and wine production
 Fungi are used to ripen _____________________________________
 _____________________________________– First antibiotic to be