October 15-17, 2003 DIF Roundtable The Chula Vista Model Overview Fully integrated with the Land Use entitlement process Eight (8) fee programs -$400 million Large scale developments allow for equitable cost distribution Entitlement Process Tied to DIFs GMOC Thresholds established EIR NEXUS GDP TIMING SPA PFFP FINANCING TM/FM Fees w/ Building Permit Fees Collected Growth Management General Development Plan SPA Plan / Public Facility Financing Plan Threshold Standards Ensure compliance at buildout Ensure compliance at each phase of development Conformance with City thresholds Public Facilities Requirements Determine buildout requirements -designate project phasing Identify facilities needed at each phase of development Require construction of City facilities when needed Facility Financing Identify financing options Identify facility costs, developer share, and financing methods Ensure City finance mechanisms set up prior to development Tentative Map Public Facilities Financing Entitlement Requirement Needs assessment (new & existing facilities) Site future facilities Estimate costs Phasing and timing DIFs are one option for financing Chula Vista DIF Programs DIF Programs Transportation Public Facilities Pedestrian Bridges SR125 Sewers & Drainage $ $ $ $ $ Budget 223,000,000 112,000,000 3,000,000 25,000,000 33,000,000 396,000,000 Residential Developers’ Fee Allocation INFRASTRUCTURE Other PUBLIC FACILITIES PARKS SCHOOLS Considerations TDIF is in developing areas Large landholdings by developers Excludes r/w costs Can finance large projects Fees increase housing costs ~~ improve quality of life TDIF Elements $223 million budget Most facilities developer-built Timing ~~ an entitlement requirement Developers hold credits or pay cash Extensive audit program TDIF 1999-2003 Average construction rate >$1 million per month 15 completed major roadways: $ 50.3 m 9 current projects: $41 m Process Detailed cost estimates Extensive land use inventory Precise basis for exaction Frequent updates is a KEY Credit accounting essential Economic Incentives Credits Funding from outside sources TDIF credit options City Council “grants” credits to projects OR Outside funding reduces TDIF budget San Miguel Ranch San Miguel Ranch S Rolling Hills Ranch Rancho Del Rey Sunbow Master Planned Communities Eastlake Otay Ranch Infrastructure Districts DISTRICT PROJECT BOND SALE DEVELOPER AD 97-2 Otay Ranch SPA 1 $12,400,000 Otay Ranch Company CFD 97-3 Otay Ranch SPA 1 $11,800,000 McMillin Homes CFD 99-1 O. R.. SPA 1Olympic Parkway/Poggi Canyon Channel $42,000,000 Otay Ranch Company CFD 2000-1 Sunbow II $7,400,000 Ayers Land Co. CFD 2001-1 San Miguel Ranch $14,100,000 Trimark-Pacific Homes CFD 2001-2 O.R Village 6 $9,800,000 McMillin Homes CFD 08I O.R Village 6 $21,190,000 Otay Ranch Co. CFD 07I Otay Ranch Village 11(proposed) $38,000,000 Brookfield Shea CFD 06I Eastlake Woods, Vistas $15,000,000 Eastlake Total $171,690,000 Residential Units Permitted 2500 2000 1500 SF 1000 MF 500 * 3 00 2 2 2 00 1 2 00 0 2 00 9 1 99 8 1 99 7 1 99 6 1 99 5 1 99 4 1 99 3 99 1 1 99 2 0 Establishing Nexus Legal aspects Existing City standards Impacts from new development Development’s share The City’s share PFDIF Components $112 million Civic Center Exp Police Facility Public Works Libraries Fire Suppression GIS Computer Systems Telecomm Records Management Recreation Service Demand Factors Public Facilities Public Works Center ~~ TDIF coefficients All other components ~~ FIND Model percentages Police Service Demand Sources Single Family Multi-Family Commercial Industrial Fire Service Demand Sources Single Family Multi-Family Commercial Industrial Fee Calculation - PFDIF Project $$$ X Demand factor Spread over remaining DUs, acres Apply credits Earned interest on fund balance Other offsetting revenues Annual Updates Population estimates / Staffing needs Site acquisition Construction costs Insurance costs Financing Future Public Parks Fee Calculation - Parks Citywide standard Per-household population Site acquisition Development costs Implementation Cornerstones Staffing and training Regular updates of impact fees Refinement of nexus Commitment to process Communication with developers Staffing & Training Permit processing Tracking future development potential Special District financing Construction project oversight Reimbursement and credit tracking Refinement of Nexus Update land uses & facilities Modify ADT (non-residential) Change DU from designation to density Update cost estimates DIF Implementation Developer Constructed Facilities Financing & Acquisition Agreement Directives & Procedures Audits Trust Accounting Credit Management 100% DIF Credit Process Audit developer costs City authorization to construct •Contract and change orders •Invoices, checks, lien releases •Inspector sign off •Certifications Form 1 Deposit activity Multi-level reviews & approvals (Photo)