Drawing 1 Instructor: Mark Bell (Contact: mark.bell@sheridanc.on.ca) Course Code Course Name (Long) FAS 143 H Drawing One Course Outlines Section I: Administrative Information Course Name (Short): Drawing One Program(s): Art and Art History Credit Value: 6 Credit Value Notes: The 6.0 credits reflect the total credit value of the course over 12 weeks. This is a one-semester course with six hours per week. Effective Term: 12 Prerequisites: Corequisites: Equivalents:: VIS130H1, 211H1 Program Coordinator(s): John Armstrong Course Leader or Contact: David Poolman Pre/Co/Equiv Notes: Calendar Description Drawing One is the introduction of core drawing practices at the entry level. This course provides an opportunity for students to develop their drawing skills, visual vocabulary, and understanding of conceptual and formal approaches to both historical and contemporary drawing. Instructional Format Lecture/Critique Lab Other (please specify): Total FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Total hours (e.g. 3 hrs/wk x 14 wks. = 42 hrs) 2 hrs x 12 weeks = 24 hrs 2 hrs x 24 weeks = 48 hrs 72 hours Page 1 of 7 Section II: Course Details Detailed Description Using a variety of materials such as conté, graphite pencils, charcoal, ink, and paint, students will investigate landscape, still life, life drawing and working with models, creating large format imagery, and working through a variety of independent projects. Course content is promoted through lectures, workshops, assigned readings, class discussions and critiques of projects. Program Context In Drawing 1 through Drawing 4 students work to develop an understanding of various approaches to creating contemporary drawings, an understanding of the historical development of the drawing medium, and an understanding of how to assess and contextualize their work within the world of contemporary art. Our hope is that graduates will make sophisticated and highly personal work, as well as have a sense of how their drawings, as vehicles of communication, may be interpreted. After the first two years of study, students choose two studio streams to pursue in their two senior years. Drawing 3 and Drawing 4 allow students to focus and deepen their understanding of drawing and art in full-credit studios. Program: Art and Art History Coordinator: John Armstrong Course Critical Performance & Learning Outcomes Critical Performance By the end of this course, students will have demonstrated the ability to produce resolved drawings in a variety of media. Learning Outcomes To achieve the critical performance, students will have demonstrated the ability to: -develop research in order to create finished drawings -develop a technical and conceptual vocabulary of the drawing medium -gesture, sketch, render, and to compose and produce resolved drawings -reflect a familiarity with historical and contemporary drawing techniques -use traditional drawing materials and develop personal mark-making techniques -employ both observational and systematic approaches to making drawings -present a drawing in a professional manner FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Page 2 of 7 Evaluation Plan Students demonstrate their learning in the following ways: -Through evidence of technical accomplishment -Through evidence of inventiveness and imagination -Through intellectual approaches to problem-solving and appropriate resolution of work -By the ability to critique own work within context of contemporary art practice Evaluation Breakdown Visual Assignments 80% Attendance and Participation 10% Sketchbook 5% (100 drawings) Written review 5% The final grade will be composed of: >Assignment 1: Find a Line due Jan 28 ____________________15% >Assignment 2: Perspective Diary due Feb. 11 __________20% >Assignment 3: Large Format Ink Images due March 24________25% >Assignment 4: Life Drawing Portfolio due March 31____________20% Attendance and Participation_______________________________10% Sketchbook (100 drawings) due March 31 _____________________5% 1 written artist-talk review due March 24 _________________________5% Grade A grade reflects the student’s achievement in several categories specific to each project. These categories are linked to the techniques, concepts, compositional goals, and learning outcomes of the project. Evaluation Each project is evaluated on all of the work produced. This includes the in-class work, homework assignments and all related studies, and the final resolved image/images. This body of work is the research for each project. As such, it provides the history and overview of how the individual is developed through the assignment. All research and the final images are submitted for grading. In the event of an appeal, students must submit all projects completed for the course. Class attendance/participation Class attendance and participation in all class activities is mandatory. As of September 2010, students will be required to declare their absence on ROSI in order to receive academic accommodation for any course work such as missed tests, late assignments, and final examinations. For extended absence, please obtain a UofT medical certificate. Late work Work not handed in on the due date is reduced 10% in value each week. (There is no “daily rate” for lateness, so assignments handed in one day late and those handed in 6 days late will be penalized the same amount of 10%). No late work will be accepted after 3 weeks. Students will be deducted 5% for failing to attend a critique. FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Page 3 of 7 Provincial Context The course meets the following Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities requirements: Essential Employability Skills: Essential employability skills emphasized in the course: __X communication __ numeracy __X critical thinking & problem solving __X information __X Interpersonal __ personal management Notes: General Education: This General Education course relates to the following themes as specified by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. __ arts in society __ social and cultural understanding __ civic life __ science and technology __ personal understanding Prior Learning Assessment: PLA Contact: Students may apply to receive credit by demonstrating achievement of the course learning outcomes through previous life and work experiences. This course is eligible for challenge through the following method(s): Challenge Portfolio Interview Other Not Eligible Exam __ __ __ __ __ Notes: Basic Materials -Black China Marker Grease Pencil -Drawing Portfolio, Cardboard is totally acceptable (minimum 22x30 inches) - Newsprint, cartridges or bond pads of paper -Black or brown conte -2B, 4B, and 6B pencils -India ink -Brushes suitable for using with ink (watermedia or Chinese Bamboo brushes – at least 2) -Small tray or series of small containers for mixing ink with water - Black Charcoal, vine/willow charcoal -Kneaded eraser -Neoprene eraser - technical markers/pens (a couple) -2 Bulldog-folding clips (large), for class drawing pads. -Masking tape or painters’ tape -Single edge razor blade/ Exacto blades to sharpen pencils -Sketchbook (minimum 8 x 10 inches) - Scissors -Coloured pastels, coloured inks and sculptural tools are optional -Small and large drawing boards will be supplied - Better quality paper for class assignments (to be further discussed in class) FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Page 4 of 7 Section III: Topical Outline Assignment 1: Find A Line Grade Weight: 15% Due: Jan. 28 This section of the course will investigate a variety of approaches to developing both descriptive line and invented mark-making techniques. Students will experiment with a variety of media. This assignment is intended as an opportunity for students to work with an ideas-based approach to their practice. Assignment 2: Perspective Diary Grade Weight: 20% Due: Feb. 11 This section of the course will investigate a variety of approaches to rendering space, line, tone and texture. Students will experiment with both traditional and contemporary approaches to working with perspective and rendering interior spaces. Assignment 3: Large Format Ink Drawing Grade Weight: 25% Due: March 24 This section of the course will investigate how scale, line, and composition are developed in the creation of large format imagery. Students will experiment with both traditional and contemporary approaches to working with scale. Assignment 4: Life Drawing Portfolio Grade Weight 20% Due: March 31 This section of the course will investigate a variety of approaches to rendering the figure. Students will experiment with both traditional and contemporary approaches to working through compositions and poses. Sketch Book: 100 Drawings Grade Weight: 5% Due: March 31 At the beginning of the term students will be expected to purchase an 8 x 10 inch sketchbook and by the end of the term each student will be expected to have filled all 100 pages primarily with non-assignment related material. This is intended to give students the opportunity to experiment with a variety of approaches to the medium of drawing. Some of these pages will be filled in class in response to specific guidelines, but for the most part individual students will be responsible for how they approach this task. Visiting Artist Review Grade Weight: 5% Due: March 24 During the semester the AAH department invites visiting artists to come to the school and give a one hour presentation on their work. These lectures take place on some Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12:30 and 1:30. Students are required to attend one of these lectures and write up a review that outlines their personal opinions of the presentation and their impressions of the artist’s work. Absence Policy, Penalties for Lateness, Late Assignments Studio projects due throughout the term work must be submitted by the assigned date. A penalty of 10% per week of lateness up to and including work submitted on the last day of the term will be applied by the Instructor. Studio projects that are more than three weeks late will not be accepted. FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Page 5 of 7 Procedures and Rules Missed Term Work, Tests, and Extensions -Extensions or deferred tests (including final exams) can only be granted because of dire circumstances (severe illness, death of a loved one, etc.). We cannot make allowances because of work schedules, prearranged holidays, and so on. -Student absences must be declared on ROSI. Supporting documentation is required (U of T medical certificate, death certificate, etc.). -Students who missed a test due to circumstances beyond their control (e.g. illness or an accident) can request that the Department grant them special consideration. All requests for make-up tests and for extended time to submit term work must be submitted within 48 hours from the date of the missed test or assignment. Requests must be submitted on a special form obtained from the DVS Office or http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/dvs/current-students/missedtestsextensions and submitted to the Program Administrative Officer in the Sheridan Faculty of Animation, Arts, and Design (A100). If you submit medical documentation, make sure it contains the statement, "This student was unable to write the test (or submit term work, if applicable) on [date] for medical reasons." You MUST see a physician on the day of the missed test or the day after or your request will be denied. A statement merely acknowledging a report of illness made by the student to the physician is NOT acceptable. For further information on this procedure visit www.utm.utoronto.ca/dvs. Should an illness prevent you from submitting your form to the office in person within 48 hours, emailing your documents is acceptable. This is on the understanding that the originals will be submitted within one week from the date of the missed test or assignment. Late submissions will NOT be considered. In case of emergencies (medical or other) contact the Program Administrative Officer at 905-845-9430 ext. 2324 or email tracey.smith1@sheridancollege.ca within 24 hours of the due date or an assignment or test. No penalty will be assigned if your request for special consideration is successful. Academic Honesty The principle of academic honesty requires that all work submitted for evaluation and course credit be the original, unassisted work of the student. Cheating or plagiarism including borrowing, copying, purchasing or collaborating on work, except for group projects arranged and approved by the faculty member, or otherwise submitting work that is not the student’s own violates this principle and will not be tolerated. Instances of academic dishonesty, including assisting another student to cheat, will be penalized as detailed in the Student Handbook. Students who have any questions regarding whether or not specific circumstances involve a breach of academic honesty are advised to discuss them with the faculty member prior to submitting the assignment in question. Discrimination and Harassment Sheridan is committed to provide a learning environment that respects the dignity, self esteem and fair treatment of every person engaged in the learning process. Behavior which is inconsistent with this principle will not be tolerated. Details of Sheridan’s policy on Harassment and Discrimination are available in the Student Handbook. FAS 143 DRAWING ONE Page 6 of 7 Drawing 1 FAS 143H Winter Term 2016 Weekly Outline The following is to be considered as an outline only. Full explanations of the individual projects will occur in class each week. Morning Class Afternoon Class January 7 - Course Introduction (syllabus, materials, storage, health and safety) - Introductory Drawing -Introduction to contour and gesture drawing -Introduction to Assignment #1 (Find a Line) Hmwk: - Read chapters 1-7 (PDF link will be provided) of David Chelsea’s Perspective! For Comic Book Artists January 14 -sketch book drawing -Sustained in-class tonal drawing (Due Jan. 21) January 21 - sketch book drawing - Perspective Continues (2 point) - Bring completed Tonal Drawings from previous class January 28 -sketch book drawing -work period for Perspective/Find A Line February 4 -sketchbook drawing -Work Period: Perspective Diary -intro to Assignment #3 -Introduction to Perspective (1 point) -Introduction to Assignment #2 (Perspective Diary) - Perspective continues - 1 on 1 meetings regarding Find A Line assignment (students should be prepared with sketches/notes/inprogress work for their idea). Please note: these meetings will be evaluated as part of the process grade for the project. Critique: Assingnment # 1 Find A Line -Assignment #1 Due for marking Film Viewing for Assignment #3 Hmwk: - Select and bring image of film still for next class. - Bring a variety of materials for building your model next week. (remember you’ll need a base to build on – cardboard, Masonite board, wood, foam core) February 11 Model Building for Ink Drawing (Assgnmnt#3). Bring materials for model building. - Assignment #2 (Perspective Diary) Due - Critique of Assignment #2 February 18 READING WEEK—no classes READING WEEK—no classes February 25 Models are Due for Critique - Ink greyscales / experimentation (Bring supplies for working in ink: brushes, india ink, paper) March 3 - Develop ink studies March 10 Develop studies/final ink drawing March 17 - Develop final ink drawing March 24 Figurative Drawing March 31 - Figurative Drawing - Assignment #4 Due (Figure Drawings) - Hand in Figure Drawing Portfolios and Sketchbooks FAS 143 DRAWING ONE -Introduction to Figure Drawing -Figure Drawing -Figure Drawing -Figure Drawing - Assignment #3 Due (Large Ink Drawing) - Critique of Assignment #3 - Written review of artist talk is due -Work period for any outstanding assignments Page 7 of 7