Annex 4 UNRWA ERP Project Operation Procedures The information contained in this document is proprietary. Copyright © 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved Operation Procedures VERSION CONTROL AND CHANGE HISTORY Date Version Author Description 15/11/2014 V1.0 Initial release 22/12/2014 V1.1 Document updated with other procedures and David feedback REVIEW AND APPROVAL Name Company / Title Capgemini SAP Tech Service Manager Capgemini Quality Assurance UNRWA Technical Infrastructure Stream Leader UNRWA ERP Director Document Version Signature Date V1.0 V1.0 V1.0 V1.0 DISTRIBUTION Name Company / Title Document Version Date SOURCE FILE LOCATION Source File Location Refeference: Access Version: 1.1 Responsible Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 2 of 24 Operation Procedures TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 5 2. ROLES INVOLVED .................................................................................................................................. 6 3. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 3.2 4. Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ........................................................................ 7 3.1.1 Working time ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1.2 Service Scope .............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.3 Incident classification ................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.4 Incident Request Form ................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.5 Incident Log.................................................................................................................................. 8 Workflow .............................................................................................................................................. 8 USER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 4.2 5. Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 10 4.1.2 Service Scope ............................................................................................................................ 10 4.1.3 User Management Tasks ........................................................................................................... 10 4.1.4 User Management Task Request Form ..................................................................................... 10 4.1.5 User Management Log .............................................................................................................. 10 Workflow ............................................................................................................................................ 10 CLIENT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.1 5.2 6. Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 12 5.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 12 5.1.1 Client Management Tasks ......................................................................................................... 12 5.1.2 Request Form ............................................................................................................................ 12 5.1.3 Central Log................................................................................................................................. 12 Workflow ............................................................................................................................................ 12 SW MAINTENANCE AND PATCH MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 14 6.1 6.2 7. Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 14 6.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 14 6.1.2 SW Maintenance and patch Management Tasks ...................................................................... 14 6.1.3 Request Form ............................................................................................................................ 14 6.1.4 Central Log................................................................................................................................. 14 Workflow ............................................................................................................................................ 14 TRANSPORT AND CHANGE CONFIGURATION ALIGNMENT .......................................................... 16 7.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 16 7.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 16 7.1.2 Service Scope ............................................................................................................................ 16 Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 3 of 24 Operation Procedures 7.1.3 Transport and Change Configuration Alignment Tasks ............................................................. 16 7.1.4 Transport and Alignment Request Form .................................................................................... 16 7.1.5 Transport and Alignment Central Log ........................................................................................ 16 7.2 8. Workflow ............................................................................................................................................ 16 SAP OSS SUPPORT .............................................................................................................................. 18 8.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 18 8.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 18 8.1.2 Transport and Alignment Tasks ................................................................................................. 18 8.1.3 Request Form ............................................................................................................................ 18 8.1.4 Central Log................................................................................................................................. 18 8.2 9. Workflow ............................................................................................................................................ 18 MONITORING AND ADMINISTRATION................................................................................................ 20 9.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ...................................................................... 20 9.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 20 9.1.2 Service Scope ............................................................................................................................ 20 9.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks ................................................................................................. 20 10. SAP SYSTEM REFRESH AND RESTORE ....................................................................................... 21 10.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ................................................................. 21 10.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 21 10.1.2 Transport and Alignment Tasks ................................................................................................. 21 10.1.3 Central Log................................................................................................................................. 21 10.2 11. Workflow ....................................................................................................................................... 21 PERFORMANCE AND TUNING (BACKEND AND FRONTEND) .................................................... 23 11.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ................................................................. 23 11.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 23 11.1.2 Service Scope ............................................................................................................................ 23 11.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks ................................................................................................. 23 12. REPORT AND KPI ............................................................................................................................. 24 12.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention ................................................................. 24 12.1.1 Working time .............................................................................................................................. 24 12.1.2 Service Scope ............................................................................................................................ 24 12.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks ................................................................................................. 24 Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 4 of 24 Operation Procedures 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this landscape in scope of the service document is to define the operation procedures for UNRWA SAP Landscape Management. Each procedure defines actions and workflow between the different actors involved in the operational procedures and once in production also the SLA This is described in the “UNRWA Technical Architecture Master Document”. The layer in scope is SAP Basis plus Citrix Presentation servers. Hosting Service including Virtualization Layer, Storage, Backup, Network, Netscaler and domain management is in charge to UNGCS. For each procedure we will have a chapter structured as follow: Assumptions, constraints and naming convention Roles involved in the procedure, with actual names and contact details Workflow Service Report SLA and KPI for all the procedure/service described here are defined in the Annex Service Catalog. Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 5 of 24 Operation Procedures 2. ROLES INVOLVED The table below describes the roles involved in the procedures. Alias Company Description SAP Tech Contract SAP Basis Team SAP Operation SM Contract SAP Operation Service Manager UNRWA FEI SM UNRWA UNRWA Front End Infrastructure Manager UNRWA BEI SM UNRWA UNRWA Back End Infrastructure Manager GSC SM UNCGS UNGSC Service Manager GSC Infra UNGCS UNGSC Infrastructure Manager DM Contract Delivery Manager SAP Security Contract SAP Roles& profile HR SL UNRWA Stream Leader - HR SCM SL Contract Stream Leader - SCM FIN SL Contract Stream Leader - FIN PSM SL Contract Stream Leader - PSM ABAP SL Contract Stream Leader – Development Integration SL Contract Stream Leader – Integration Hub Training Leader Contract Training Leader PM Contract Project Manager SAP Help UNRWA SAP UNRWA Help UNRWA DM UNRWA UNRWA Delivery Manager HR SAP Security UNRWA HR SAP Roles& profile UNRWA PM UNRWA UNRWA Project Director Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 Actual Name / Contact detail pag. 6 of 24 Operation Procedures 3. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT 3.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 3.1.1 Working time UNRWA Agency working hours are 07.30-18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Sunday-Friday, which covers working hours across all of UNRWA’s Fields. The UNRWA project team working hours are Sunday – Thursday, 08.00-17.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) 3.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is only SAP Basis and Citrix presentation server. As second level of support is foreseen: UNGCS: for all Hosting, Virtualization and OS Management, Storage, Backup, D/R tools, Network, UNRWA Domain SAP AG: for all issues related to the SAP Standard SW Citrix Support: for all issues related to the Citrix Standard SW 3.1.3 Incident classification The table below describes the category of incidents Incident category Critical (Highest) Medium Description All Core Business Processes seriously impacted with economic damage (Application Data Corruption, long period time system unavailable…) Core Business Process impacted with economic damage (the application/system in partially available) Non-Core Business Process are impacted with economic damage Low Non-Core Business Process are impacted without economic damage High 3.1.4 Incident Request Form The Incident request must be sent by email to SAP help team and the form must contain the following elements: System/Client impacted Incident Type (Transaction, Report ….) Transaction/Report code (*) Details, requirement, problem description Steps to reproduce the issue (if possible) Screen shots and log reference Contact person for details and clarification (*)The Transaction/Report SAP code is at the bottom of the screen, near the system ID, after you click on the arrow near the SID (in the example the SID is UEQ) as shown below: Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 7 of 24 Operation Procedures When the request needs to be addressed to SAP-Tech Team, it will be addressed by an email. Example of Incident Form: Form for Incident Request.docx 3.1.5 Incident Log The Incident log is managed though the Teamforge Tracker “SAPTech-Ticket”, Incident Category. The Monthly Report contains the incident log. The ticket number is the number of artifact in Teamforge corresponding to the Incident. 3.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the Incident Management Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 8 of 24 Operation Procedures Incident Managent Workflow UNRWA Users/ Team Member Identify/Request start Analyze & Plan Perform Collect all the Information describing the incident Send the request To: SAP Help CC: UNRWA SM Can solve the incident accessing the Knoweldge Base? SAP Help Analyze the request YES Solve the incidend NO Send the feedback To: Sender CC: UNRWA SM Send the request To: SAP TEC End SAP Tech Analyse the request Prioritize the solution time Record it on Incident Log Is SAP Basis related incident. Can be solved NO Send the feedback To: Sender CC: UNRWA SM; SAP Help NO NO Is it requested the Citrix Support involvment? YES Solve the incidend, applying OSS Notes, patches etc. It is requested the SAP OSS involvment? Update Incident log YES YES SAP OSS Open e Message on SAP OSS using UNRWA s Users Analyse the request, access to the system, and provide Patches and solutions develoment Citrix Forward the incident request form To: Citrix support CC: UNRWA SM Analyse the request, access to the system, and provide Patches and solution development GCS Infra Forward the incident request form To: CGS Infra CC: UNRWA SM Analyse the request, access to the system, and provide Patches and configurations Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 Solve the incidend Send the feedback To: SAP Tech pag. 9 of 24 Operation Procedures 4. USER MANAGEMENT 4.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 4.1.1 Working time The user creation and master data modification is performed 09:00 – 18:00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday, while the reset password, lock and unlock users is managed as incident. 4.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is Citrix Account Creation SAP Account creation in the SAP System in Scope. SAP Roles and profile attach Naming convention used for the User ID is always the UNRWA Domain one. 4.1.3 User Management Tasks The table below describes the task types covered Task Citrix Account Creation/Modification SAP User Creation/Modification Roles Attachment Lock/Unock Users Description The user account domain is added to Citrix OU for SAP according to the user type a Citrix desktop is provided Using the same UNRWA Domain account ID a SAP User is created in the SAP System and client identified in the request Normally with the same User Creation a SAP Role is attached within the same request. Could be possible after a user creation to attach the change of the SAP Role assigned It is possible to Lock or Unlock single or group of users. Reset Password The user can ask to have the reset of the password 4.1.4 User Management Task Request Form The request must contain the following elements: Network ID (the Domain user account) First Name, Last Name eMail Citrix Desktop Type SAP System/Client SAP Role to be added NetworkID First Name Last Name email Ctx Type Client SAP Role bennettm Mark Bennett M.BENNET@UNRWA.ORG Standard UET.330 UNRWA_TRAINING 4.1.5 User Management Log In the Monthly Report there is a log of the User Management Tasks performed in the period 4.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the Incident Management Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 10 of 24 User Managent Workflow UNRWA Users Identify/Request start Analyze & Plan Perform Send Reset Pwd request To: SAP Help CC: UNRWA SM identifing (System, Client, UserID) SAP Help Logon to the SAP System and client reset Pwd Send the feedback To: Sender CC: UNRWA SM start SAP Tech UNRWA SM End Refeference: Collect all the mandatory Information for the UM Task Send the request To: SAP Tech Analyse the request, all the information and item are available, Prioritize the UM Task execution time Version: 1.1 Send the feedback specifing the missing info To: UNRWA SM No Can SAP Tech perform the the UM Task? Date: 2014 12 22 Yes Logon to the SAP System and client and execute the UM Task Send the feedback To: UNRWA SM pag. 11 of 24 Update User Management log Operation Procedures 5. CLIENT MANAGEMENT 5.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 5.1.1 Working time The Client Management is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 5.1.1 Client Management Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the SAP Client Management Service: SAP Client Management Client Copy Ccopy RCcopy Remote Client Copy Cexport/Import Csetting Client Export & Import Client Setting changes 5.1.2 Request Form The request must contain the following elements: Creation method (Copy Client, Remote Copy Client, Export/Import) Client number proposed Source Client and Content (Customizing, Application data, User master Record source) Description of reason for the request 5.1.3 Central Log The Central log is managed though a Teamforge Tracker. 5.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the Client Management Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 12 of 24 Operation Procedures Client Management start Analyse & Plan Perform Authorise Send the request To: UNRWA DM CC: CGI DM Analyse the request Prioritize the solution time Request the authorization To: UNRWA SM CC: CGI SAP Op. SM Control and Check based on the Client Master List Organize eventually meetings to overtake conflicts. UNRWA Deploy Manager UNRWA Delivery Manager Stream Leader Identify/Request Collect all the Information describing the Client Copy Give all information to allow the scheduling of Client Creation SAP Tec Schedule the Client creation and check the result Communicate the return code to: Stream Leader (sender) Cc: CGI SAP Op. SM; UNRWA DM; CGI DM;UNRWA SM; Log to a Central tracker Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 13 of 24 END Operation Procedures 6. SW MAINTENANCE AND PATCH MANAGEMENT 6.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 6.1.1 Working time The SW Maintenance and patch Management is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 6.1.2 SW Maintenance and patch Management Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by SW Maintenance and patch Management service: SW Maintenance and Patch Management OS Patches OS Patches and security update DB Patches DB Patches Kernel Patches SAP Kernel Patches Installation SAP Gui and User interface SAP GUI and Frontend SW update on Citrix Update Farm SP Install Support Package Installation EhP Install Enanchment Package Installation 6.1.3 Request Form The request must contain the following elements: Description of the patch to be managed Kind of installation need (SP, EhP,..) 6.1.4 Central Log In the Monthly Report there is a log of the SW Maintenance and patch Management tasks performed in the period 6.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the SW Maintenance and patch Management Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 14 of 24 Operation Procedures Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 15 of 24 Operation Procedures 7. TRANSPORT AND CHANGE CONFIGURATION ALIGNMENT 7.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 7.1.1 Working time The transport and change configuration alignment is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 7.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is to transport Urgent and Normal corrections and Align SAP Environments. 7.1.3 Transport and Change Configuration Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered: UCORR Transport and Change Configuration alignment Urgent Corrections NCORR TRAlign Normal Corrections Changes alignment report 7.1.4 Transport and Alignment Request Form The request must contain the following elements: ID of the correction Name of the correction From witch environment to where Sequency 7.1.5 Transport and Alignment Central Log In the Monthly Report there is a log of the Transport and Alignment performed in the period 7.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the Transport and Change Configuration Alignment Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 16 of 24 Operation Procedures Transport and Change Configuration Alignment start Authorise Perform Urgent start Send theTransport Request To: UNRWA DM; CC CGI DM with: List of transports to import Import sequence System/Target clients Does it is an URGENT request? no yes CGI Delivery Manager Stream Leader Team Member Identify/Request Send theTransport Request To: UNRWA DM; CC CGI DM with: List of transports to import Import sequence System/Target clients Justify Exception against strategy Only NON It is CGI Clients? yes UNRWA Delivery Manager no Control Check based on the master list in team forge and the client strategy; Analyze and coordinate conflict notification. SAP TEC perform the Transport according to the sequence and check the result; Log to a Tf Tracker Send the feedback (Replay all the return code or issues): the sender Cc: UNRWA DM; CGI DM; NORMAL: Daily within 17:00 CET Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 17 of 24 URGENT: Within 1 hour End Operation Procedures 8. SAP OSS SUPPORT 8.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 8.1.1 Working time The Sap OSS Support is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 8.1.2 Transport and Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the Service: OSSNote SCCRKey OSSConnect Router SAP OSS Support OSS Note/Patches Application Modification Key (SCCR) issue OSS Connection SAP Router Config Update 8.1.3 Request Form The request must contain the following elements: System impacted Client OSS description 8.1.4 Central Log In the Monthly Report there is a log of the SAP OSS Support tasks performed in the period 8.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the SAP OSS Support Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 18 of 24 Operation Procedures Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 19 of 24 Operation Procedures 9. MONITORING AND ADMINISTRATION 9.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 9.1.1 Working time The Monitoring and Administration Support is performed at 08.00 AM Amman Time (GMT+2) MondayFriday. 9.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is to monitor and to manage Systems activities in order to ensure the best functionality of the landscape. 9.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the service: DB Check SAP System Check Batch Monitor Interface Monitor Frontend Farm Frontend Infrastructure Network and connectiitiy Backup Check OS, VMWare check Storage Check Refeference: Monitoring and Administration Availability, Disk and Database space, Update Tasks Availability, System Log Analysis (SM21), DUMP Analysis (ST22) and Enquee Entries (SM13) Schedule, Batch Processing, errors.. tRFC queues, Ale/IDOC, queue, SCOT .. Citrix component Availability (Xenapp, Store front, Licence Server, data store) Printing spool availability Desktop, facility, FO connectivity, printer management Firewall, routing, DNS, included Netscaler Schedule, Backup execution check Availability, Resource Usage, CPU, RAM Availability, Disk space , trend, Disk/device corruption Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 20 of 24 Operation Procedures 10. SAP SYSTEM REFRESH AND RESTORE 10.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 10.1.1 Working time The SAP System refresh and restore is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 10.1.2 Transport and Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the Service: SAP System refresh and restore Sys Homogenous Sys Copy System Export and Import Restore Simulation Restore Restore test execution on Preproduction Production Restore Procedure 10.1.3 Central Log In the Monthly Report there is a log of the SAP System refresh and restore tasks performed in the period 10.2 Workflow The following Diagram describes the SAP System refresh and restore Workflow Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 21 of 24 Operation Procedures Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 22 of 24 Operation Procedures 11. PERFORMANCE AND TUNING (BACKEND AND FRONTEND) 11.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 11.1.1 Working time The Performance and Tuning (backend and frontend) is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 11.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is to tuning Systems performance in order to ensure the best functionality and tuning. 11.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the service: Performance and Tuning (Backend and frontend) SAP System Optimization SAP Transaction analysis and trend SAP profiles optimization, EWA recommendation application Work load distribution Schedule, Batch Processing, errors.. DB Reorg Availability, Disk and Database space, Update Tasks OS Tuning tRFC queues, Ale/IDOC, queue, SCOT .. Infrastructure tuning VM distribution on phisical, storage otpimization, Network QAS and optimization Refeference: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 23 of 24 Operation Procedures 12. REPORT AND KPI 12.1 Assumptions, constraints and naming convention 12.1.1 Working time The Report and KPI is performed 09.00 – 18.00 Amman Time (GMT+2) Monday-Friday. 12.1.2 Service Scope The scope of the service is to report Service Activities performed during a specific period. 12.1.3 Transport and Alignment Tasks The table below describes the task types covered by the service: SAP EWA NW Service Monthly Report Resource Usage Response time VM Availability Network availability SAP Availability Refeference: Report and KPI SAP Solution Manager Early Watch Alert Service report include all the administration tasks performed and the SLA reports VM CPU, RAM, Storage, Backup utilization report Average Dialog Response Time SAP standard transaction in production Availability of Productive VMs included Storage and Backup Infrastructure Availability of Network and connectivity included Netscaler Availability of Productive SAP Instances Version: 1.1 Date: 2014 12 22 pag. 24 of 24