Experiential Learning in the Social Sciences Syllabus BSOS 386.I101 (3-6 credits) Summer I 2015 INTERNSHIP COORDINATOR Kathryn Hopps khopps@umd.edu Mail: 2141 Tydings, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Office: 2148 Tydings (call for appointment) Tel: 301.405.1631 STUDENT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Completed 61 or more credits by the end of Spring 2015 Minimum GPA: 2.5 INTERNSHIP ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT The experience and responsibilities must be new to the student; the internship cannot one for which a student has previously earned credit. Students may not enroll in more than one course for the same internship. The internship must be done at a professional work site with direct supervision. Internet or web-based internships or internships in private residences are not eligible. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES Assignments are designed to help students reflect on their workplace experiences. By completing their internship and assignments, students will: Gain valuable career related or other workplace experience under professional guidance and supervision Have opportunities to utilize some of the ideas, theories, and techniques learned in college courses Develop or enhance their reflective writing skills CLASS EXPECTATIONS This course has two components: your actual internship which will be reflected in your supervisor’s evaluation, and course work: two reflective papers, an internship review, quiz on the Fair Labor Standards Act rules regarding internships, and completed time logs. Your grade for this class will be determined by your performance in both areas. This internship course requires that students: Confirm their internships and complete and submit a learning contract to Kathryn Hopps, BSOS Internship Coordinator in 2141 Tydings Hall (campus mailbox) or scan and email a copy to khopps@umd.edu. The instructor reviews each applicant’s transcript and learning contract. Students must undergo a short orientation and will be notified by email when their enrollment is approved. Students must register for this course by 4:30 p.m., June 5, 2015, the end of schedule adjustment. Submit time logs (see “G. Time logs”) signed by their internship supervisor on the schedule agreed on with the instructor. Comply with all rules, regulations, and policies of the internship site or organization. Perform to the best of their ability the tasks assigned by the internship supervisor. Complete course assignments described below and the required number of internship hours. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students requiring specific academic accommodations should contact the instructor with the appropriate documentation from DSS with the "drop/add" period for the semester (www.counseling.umd.edu/DSS). ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity is the foundation of scholarship and the policies will be strictly enforced. Any indication of academic dishonesty (including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism and falsification) will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct (www.osc.umd.edu) without hesitation. MAXIMIZING THE INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE I encourage you to keep a journal. Each day of your internship you should record your primary activities and your reactions to what you are doing and learning about yourself, the organization, and your work environment. The assigned papers are opportunities to reflect, react, assess, and analyze your internship experiences. ASSIGNMENTS A. Paper Format: Include your name, BSOS internship course number, and assignment title Compose your papers in Microsoft Word; use one inch margins and 10-12 point Times New Roman or Arial fonts, double space and number the pages These are graded college writing assignments; spelling, grammar, and organization count. Follow Purdue OWL for number use (e.g. XX:XX a.m., five days); cite sources, if used, using current MLA or APA style. (Useful Writing Center links: http://www.english.umd.edu/academics/writingcenter/resources/links) Carefully proofread and correct your work prior to submitting it. B. Submission of Papers Papers 1 and 2 must be composed in Microsoft Word submitted to ELMS. C. Paper 1: Length: 3.5-5 typed pages Papers provide you with an opportunity to reflect on what you have been doing at your internship and learning about yourself, the specific work environment, your responsibilities, and connections to previous work and university experiences, including classes. Begin your Paper 1 with a 75 to 150 word description of your internship--location, hours, and responsibilities, and what proportion of your time you spend on different duties. Paper 1 is not a list of what you did each day at your internship. You are to thoughtfully reflect on the specific work environment, professional responsibilities, and your own role in the organization. Think and write about connections between your internship and your previous work experiences and your classes at Maryland. Consider your assignments, your interactions with your supervisor and others in the work place, your achievements and your concerns. Discuss any mistakes you have made. Discuss your fit and satisfaction with your internship. What do you individually need to do to enhance your internship performance and how will you do this? What are you learning about the organization in which you are interning, its mission, and how it aligns with your values? Please provide and discuss specific examples to support your work. D. Internship Review – completion of a three-page form (plus cover sheet) for the benefit of future students. Your review is graded on how clear and thorough it is. Unlike the papers, no points will be deducted for spelling, grammar and style. (See pp. 4-7.) E. Paper 2: Length: 4.5-6 typed pages This final paper should be based on your entire internship experience. This is not an update of Paper 1. Paper 2 must be original and not repeat information provided in Paper 1. Please respond to the following: How has your actual internship experience compared to your expectations on the first day of your internship? Explain how what you learned about yourself in this internship will impact your future academic studies and career goals. What was the highlight of your internship? Why? Write about a problem or disappointment you experienced through your internship. What are the most important skills you developed and the most critical knowledge you gained during your internship? Evaluate (be honest) your work, performance, and contribution as an intern. What could you have done to be a more effective and responsible intern? Assess the on-site supervision of your internship. Have you received enough mentoring and how have you responded to feedback & constructive criticism? What did you learn about supervision that you will use-and perhaps not use-when you are in a supervisory role? F. Professional responsibility and absence policy As para- or pre-professionals, BSOS interns must meet established deadlines in their work environment. This is also true for their BSOS internship assignments and time logs. Interns must submit time logs signed by their internship supervisor, utilizing the designated BSOS Internship Time Log forms, on a schedule agreed upon with the instructor. The two papers have specific due dates, as noted below. Failure to submit time logs or papers when due without procuring the internship coordinator's approval in advance will result in a loss of professional responsibility points. Assignments turned in late without prior approval of the instructor will not be eligible for full credit. Likewise, if you anticipate an absence from your internship due to faith holidays or academic responsibilities, inform your supervisor IN ADVANCE. UMD policy requires that students complete 45 hours at their internship for each credit they earn in an internship course. Students should carefully consider their ability to make up hours they miss due to illness or weather closure prior to registration in this class. For policy on unexpected illness or injury see Standard Course Policies. Most of your communication with me is by email. Email will likely be important in your internship work place as well. Please send all questions and comments directly to the instructor’s email: khopps@umd.edu and see ter.ps/email for general guidance on professional communication skills. G. Time logs You must submit the BSOS Internship Time Log form (see page 3) on a schedule agreed on with the instructor. List the date and number of hours each day you intern (e.g. June 3: 3 hours) excluding breaks in chronological order, total the hours each week, and have your intern supervisor sign and date her or his confirmation and approval of your hours. You are responsible for maintaining copies of all time logs. Time logs must be completed in black ink or typed and must be legible. Time logs may be turned in to my mailbox in 2141 Tydings (BSOS Dean’s Office). Do not slide them under the doors. They will not be delivered. Truly legible copies may, alternatively, be scanned and emailed to khopps@umd.edu. H. FINAL GRADING SCALE A+ = 97+ A = 94 TO 96.99 A- = 90 TO 93.99 B+ = 87 TO 89.99 B =84 TO 86.99 B- = 80 TO 83.99 C+ = 77 TO 79.99 76.99 C- = 70 TO 73.99 D+ = 67 TO 69.99 D =64 TO 66.99 D- =60 TO 63.99 F = 59.99 OR FEWER POINTS REQUIREMENT POSSIBLE POINTS Paper 1 15 FLSA Quiz 4 Paper 2 17 Supervisor Evaluation 50 Internship Review 4 Professional responsibilities 10 Total 100 C =74 TO DUE DATE 11:59 p.m., June 21 (or half way through your internship, as agreed with instructor) 11:59 p.m., June 22 By the final day your internship and no later than 11:59 p.m., July 6 July 8 (or the final day of your internship, whichever is earlier) Within two days of the end of your internship and no later than 4:30 p.m., July 10 Time log due dates are determined during your orientation I. INTERN SUPERVISOR EVALUATION Your internship supervisor must complete and submit a Supervisor Evaluation of Intern to the internship coordinator by July 8, 2015 or the last day of your internship. The evaluation will be sent via email to your supervisor approximately ten days prior to the end of the session. Your course grade will not be awarded without this evaluation. The syllabus is subject to revision by the instructor. BSOS INTERNSHIP TIME LOG TO BE COMPLETED EACH DAY YOU INTERN AND APPROVED AND SUBMITTED BY STUDENT ON THE SCHEDULE OUTLINED IN YOUR ORIENTATION (BEGINNING THE FIRST FRIDAY AFTER THE FOURTH DAY OF YOUR INTERNSHIP OR AS DISCUSSED WITH THE INSTRUCTOR) PLEASE TYPE (IN 11-POINT OR LARGER FONT) OR PRINT NEATLY AND LEGIBLY USING BLACK INK THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION Student name___________________________________________________________________ BSOS Course # __________________ Summer I ____ or II ____ # of Credits _____ Internship Site _________________________________________ PLEASE LIST THE DATE AND # OF HOURS INTERNED ON THAT DATE. 15 MINUTES = .25 HOURS, 30 MINUTES = .5 HOURS, 45 MINUTES = .75 HOURS, 60 MINUTES = 1 HOUR Date [ex. June 6 Hours worked 3.5] Date Hours worked ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Subtotal: ______ Subtotal: ______ Total this period: _____ hours Print Intern Supervisor’s Name ______________________________________________ Intern Supervisor Approval Signature X.______________________________________________ Date Signed____________________ PLEASE NOTE: Intern hours may not be approved in advance Time logs must be legible and signed by supervisor to be counted If a supervisor temporarily delegates responsibility for signing your time log to another professional, this must be documented in writing Interns and intern supervisors should keep copies of all approved and submitted time logs The “total this period” space is for the time period covered by each log, not the whole semester. Time logs may be submitted early and hours prior to the due date added to the next log when students anticipate difficulty turning it in on the due date. Late submission will result in loss of professional responsibility points unless extension is granted in advance The time log is due at 4:00 p.m. if you are submitting a hard copy. It is due at 11:59 p.m. if you are scanning and emailing a LEGIBLE copy as a PDF *PLEASE SUBMIT COMPLETED AND APPROVED TIME LOGS TO: Kathryn Hopps’ (BSOS Internship Coordinator’s) mailbox in 2141 Tydings Hall (BSOS Dean’s Office) or scan a distinct copy and email to khopps@umd.edu BSOS Internship Review [Insert Your Internship Location] [Insert Your Name] [Insert Submission Date] [Indicate whether you would be willing to field questions from future internship participants about your experience and/or discuss it at an event in the University Career Center or other campus event] If you are not the only BSOS intern at your worksite see me regarding completing the alternate assignment. I appreciate receiving this information since it helps me better advise future students about internships and gauge the success of our program. You do NOT need to identify yourself, as I would like you to be as candid as possible. (But include the removable cover page so I’m sure to credit you when I grade.) I will remove the cover page after I grade the assignment to keep your review anonymous. You will be graded on the completeness and clarity of your responses and may expand the document if you need more space. Please type and “bold” all your responses, delete the bracketed instructions, and submit a hard copy of this assignment. I keep them for future students. 1. Major(s): [Bold your response]_____________________________________________________________ 2. Minor(s): _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Anticipated graduation date: ____________________ 4. Dates of your internship (start and end): _______________________________________________ 5. Estimate the total hours you worked: ______________________________ 6. Company/organization and division where you interned: _________________________________ 7. Address: ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Supervisor's name (optional) and title: ________________________________________ 9. How did you find (learn about) your internship? [Bold your response to this and all questions] 10. Briefly outline what you did at your internship on a typical day: [Bold your response] 11. Did your supervisor have enough available time to answer your questions and train you properly? [Bold your response] 12. How were you trained? [Bold your response] 13. Do you feel the training you received AND the skills you developed during your internship will help you in your future employment? Marketing yourself for another job offer? Applying to graduate school? Explain. [Bold your response] 14. Did you feel you had real responsibility? [Bold your response] 15. If you answered “no” to #14, did you ask for more responsibility? [Bold your response] If so, what response did you receive? 16. How busy were you on your internship—were you often bored, frequently overwhelmed, or did you feel your workload was a good balance? [Bold your response] 17. What proportion of you internship was “grunt” (menial) work? _____% amount conveyed to you when you were offered the internship? Was this more or less than the [Bold your response] 18. Was the internship appropriate for someone with your personality type? [Bold your response] How? If it would have been a better fit for someone with a different type of personality, explain: 19. Were you introduced to other people in your organization besides your supervisor and if so, to whom? [Bold your response] Did you have the opportunity to talk to them about their work and background? Were you introduced to others beyond your organization and if so to whom? Did your internship help you expand your network? 20. Was this a valuable internship for you in other ways? Why or why not? [Bold your response] 21. What could the company/organization have done to improve your experience? [Bold your response] 22. If you were compensated for the internship, did you receive a (circle appropriate responses) stipend, hourly pay, or salary? Of how much?________ per _______ (add spaces if needed) Do you feel the compensation was fair for the work you did? [Bold your response] 23. If you were not compensated, did you feel the experience you gained and contacts you made were worth your efforts? Did your internship provider offer you free meals or professional development opportunities? [Bold your response] Were you given any other perks? 24. Would you recommend this internship to another student for reasons beyond what you have stated previously? Please explain. [Bold your response] 25. Did you receive (or do you anticipate that you will receive) an offer of another internship at your company/organization? Do you consider it a promotion? Were you offered part-time paid work? [Bold your response] 26. Did you receive (or do you anticipate that you will receive) an offer of full-time paid work at your company/organization? Is this a continuation of the work you did on your internship or a promotion? Explain. [Bold your response] 27. How did you commute if your internship was off-campus? (Explain your point of origin if you live outside of College Park.) Do you have any suggestions on how your commute could have been made shorter or less expensive? [Bold your response] 28. Were you offered references or recommendations from your superiors? Do you expect to be? [Bold your response] 29. Do you have any additional comments about your internship, or how the questionnaire or how assignments could be improved? [Bold your response] [Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation! Please submit a hard copy to my mailbox in 2141 Tydings. This will be added to the binders I maintain of internship reviews for the use of current and future students.] Alternate Assignment for Students who are not the only BSOS Intern at their Internship Site Note: Ask to have a superior or someone senior to you* review your résumé and ensure they have half an hour available to do this BEFORE initiating this assignment. 1. Review pp. 11 – 18 of Terp Guide: Internship & Job Search, available as a hard copy from me or at the University Career Center, or at http://careers.umd.edu/userfiles/UMD_TG_14-15.pdf 2. Prepare a one-page résumé, or one page of your résumé, including a description of your current internship following the guidelines in Terp Guide. 3. Have your résumé critiqued. a. Ask someone senior* and unrelated to you, such as a graduate student working at your internship site, your supervisor, an older colleague, or an alumna/alumnus employed in a sector in which you hope to have a career, to review your résumé (or page from your résumé) and critique it using a red pen or “Track Changes” in Word. b. Have them sign** your résumé in red ink “reviewed by ______________(or include a note in “Track Changes”). c. Their title and/or relationship to you must be noted on your résumé. 4. Turn in a hard copy of your critiqued résumé by 4:00 p.m. on the due date to my mail box in 2141 Tydings Hall. Electronic copies must be legible and should be scanned and emailed to khopps@umd.edu. 5. This is a four-point assignment and will be graded on clarity, relevance, English usage (after critiquing) and content. * Undergraduates are not “superior” to you. Ask a professional staff member at your internship site, or a graduate student in a field you want to enter at a minimum. **This means in pen, in cursive. 6/15/2015