Bell Ringer:
What features describe the
New England, Middle, and
Southern Colonies?
Left Group: New England
Center Group: Middle
Right Group: Southern
What European countries had colonies in America?
Native Americans were also here trying to survive
I. North America as part of the
British Empire
A. Colonies provide raw materials to England
B. England controls American trade
C. England fights with France &
Spain for control of North
Bell Ringer:
What are the characteristics of the two sides in the war?
1’s tell 2’s 2 things about the
2’s tell the 1’s 2 things about the French
North America in 1750
II. French & Indian War (1754-1763)
A. France & England fight for control of Ohio Valley & Canada
B. Early part of the war in western Pennsylvania
1. 1754 - Ft. Duquesne built by the French
a. Major George Washington sent by
Virginia to kick French out of P A i. Kills a French diplomat & builds Ft.
Necessity b. GW defeated at Ft.
Necessity - war begins
Fort Necessity
Fort Duquesene
2. 1755 - GW returns with a larger
British force a. commander -
General Edward
Braddock b. Braddock killed mission fails
C. Strategic locations captured by the British
1. 1758 - Ft. Louisbourg (St.
Lawrence River)
2. 1758 - Ft. Duquesne (Ohio River) a. Rebuilt & named after the
British leader, William Pitt
3. 1759 - Ft. Niagara (Great Lakes)
4. 1759 - Quebec (capital of New France) a. French led by Montcalm b. British led by Wolfe c. Battle occurs on the Plains of Abraham both killed
Colonial Tensions
Colonials British
Methods of
• Indian-style guerilla tactics.
Col. militias served under own captains.
March in formation or bayonet charge.
Br. officers wanted to take charge of colonials.
No mil. deference or protocols observed.
Resistance to rising taxes.
Casual, non-professionals.
Drills & tough discipline.
Colonists should pay for their own defense.
Prima Donna Br. officers with servants
& tea settings.
Albany Plan of Union
Attempted to create a single government to lead the colonies
D. Treaty of Paris signed in 1763
1. France lost its empire in
North America
2. Spain gained some land
3. British obtained MUCH land in
North America a. Gained a £ 130 million debt b. Biter feelings toward the colonists
4. Americans were united and began to not trust the British
North America in 1763
E. Pontiac ’ s Rebellion (1763)
1. Tension along the frontier a. Settlers went past the
Proclamation Line of 1763
2. Pontiac and allies attacked settlements and forts in their areas
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763)
Proclamation of 1763
III. Crisis Over Taxes
A. British Parliament thinks colonists should help pay off the debt caused by the F & I War
1. Sugar Act (1764) illegal to buy non-
British sugar (ignored)
2. Stamp Act (Feb 1765) taxed legal documents, newspapers, and other printed items
B. Colonists Respond
1. No Taxation Without Representation colonists don ’ t elect members to
2. Angry colonists protest sometimes violently
3. Boycott: colonists refuse to buy
British goods
4. Stamp Act Congress (Oct 1765): meeting of delegates from 9 colonies a. Send a petition to George III
C. Parliament Responds
1. Boycott causes loss of income a. Stamp Act repealed (1766)
2. New idea for taxation: Townshend Acts
(June 1767) a. placed taxes on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea b. colonists could produce these
3. British send troops to enforce these laws
IV. The Crisis Worsens
A. The Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)
1. Conflict between British soldiers and colonists
2. Colonists throw snow & ice at soldiers
3. Someone yelled “FIRE”& soldiers shot at the people
4. Five citizens killed including Crispus
B. Townshend Acts repealed (March 5, 1770)
Crispus Attucks
March 27,1770
By Paul Revere
April 10,1770
By Henry Pelham
By Alonzo Chappel
Warn neighboring colonies about incidents with Br.
Broaden the resistance movement.
C. Tea Act (May 1773)
1. Colonists must buy tea from the
British East India Company a. Monopoly on tea and cut out colonial businessmen
2. 3 ¢ per pound tax on tea, but it was cheaper
D. Boston Tea Party (December 1773)
1. Colonists angry about the tax on tea
2. Protesters, led by Samuel Adams, threw 342 chest of tea into Boston
CP Classes:
Write a letter to the editor in response to the Boston
Tea Party.
1’s will write as if they were supporting the Loyalist side.
2’s will write as if they were supporting the Patriot side.
GN Classes:
Write a 1 paragraph response to the
Boston Tea Party and preceding events from a certain perspective.
1’s will write as if they were supporting the Loyalist side.
2’s will write as if they were supporting the Patriot side.
E. Intolerable Acts (Spring 1774)
1. Passed by Parliament to punish
Massachusetts for the Tea Party
2. Port of Boston closed until the tea was paid for ( £ 9000)
3. Governor of MA replaced with a military general
4. Elected officials replaced with appointed officials
5. Colonists must provide housing for
British soldiers
V. The Road to War
A. First Continental Congress (September
1. 12 colonies send delegates to Philadelphia
2. Purpose: restore peace, NOT declare independence
Independence Hall
3. Agree on a course of action a. Ignore Intolerable Acts b. Continue boycott of British goods c. Set up colonial militias i. Citizen-soldiers trained to serve in an emergency
B. Fighting Begins: Lexington & Concord
(April 1775)
1. Colonial militias have arms stored in
2. British set out to capture these arms
1) Read the Poem “The Midnight Ride of
Paul Revere by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
2) Write a short synopsis of the events of the poem.
3) Read the Real
Midnight Ride of
Paul Revere.
4) Compare and Contrast the two by creating a graphic organizer to display the information.
Fact ??
. . .
Fiction ??
Paul Revere & William Dawes make their midnight ride to warn the Minutemen of approaching British soldiers.
3. British meet Lexington militia & shots are fired;
8 colonists killed
4. British find no weapons at Concord & retreat to Boston
5. Colonial militias attack the retreating
Redcoats with ambushes a. colonial casualties: 49 dead, 41 wounded b. British casualties: 73 dead, 174 wounded;
26 missing
Who Fired It ?