Economics Study Guide - Effingham County Schools


Bell Ringer

 Grab Your Clickers

 Demand increases

 (curve shifts right)

 When:

 Income

 P sub

 P comp

 # buyers

 Consumers expect P soon

 Affects buyer!!!

 Supply increases

 (curve shifts right)

 When profits

 When:

 Input costs

 Productivity

 Technology

 Business taxes

# sellers

Gov’t regulations

 Affects seller!!!


Marginal cost of workers is

$276. How many workers should be hired?

 A) 11

 B) 12

 C) 13

 D) 14

 E) 15

# Workers Total Revenue

10 $1150

11 $1450

12 $1700

13 $1865

14 $1950

15 $1998

 A)

If the price of iPods

 B) goes down, how will this affect the supply and/or Q supplied of  C) iPods?

 D)

 A)

If the price of pepperoni goes up,

 B) how will this affect the supply and/or Q  C) supplied of pizza?

 D)

 A)

If corporate tax rates

 increase, how will

B) this affect the supply and/or Q supplied of

 products made by corp.’s?


 D)

 A)

Two new companies start making flat screens. How will

 B) this affect the supply and/or Q supplied of flat

 C) screens?

 D)

 A)

An advance in insecticide technology allows for greater cotton

 B) yields. How will this

 affect the supply

C) and/or Q supplied of cotton?

 D)

Economics Study Guide

I. Fundamental Concepts

Scarcity= unlimited wants but limited resources

4 Factors ( L L C E), 3 Q’s (What, How, For Who?)

 Opportunity Cost: next best alternative

 Specialization = doing 1 thing

 Division of Labor = break big job up into small jobs

 Buyer & seller both gain from voluntary exchange .

 Productivity-relationship of outputs to inputs

 Add more as long as MR>MC.

1) What is the opportunity cost of

90 guns?

 A) 90 butter C) 50 butter

 B) 50 guns D) 90 guns

2) Which point represents resources that are available but are not being used?

 A) A C) C

 B) B D) D

3) Which point represents a level of production currently unattainable?

 A) A C) C

 B) B D) D



Island scenario


I. Fundamental Concepts -


Freedom Security Equity Growth Efficiency Price




 _____]-------------------------------------------[________

 Brazil U.S. France China N.Korea

6) Which economic system is better at the economic goal of security?

 A) Traditional

 B) Command

 C) Mixed

 D) Market



Parking lot in command economy

II. Microeconomic Concepts

II. Microeconomic Concepts -


9) What do numbers 5 & 7 represent?

 A) Consumer Spending

 B) Goods & Services

 C) Income

 D) Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship

10) What do #’s 1 & 3 represent?

 A) Consumer Spending

 B) Goods & Services

 C) Income

 D) Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship

11) What do #’s 6 & 8 represent?

 A) Consumer Spending

 B) Goods & Services

 C) Income

 D) Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship

II. Microeconomic Concepts -


 Demand increases

 (curve shifts right)

 When:

 Income

 P sub

 P comp

 # buyers

 Consumers expect P soon

 Affects buyer!!!

 Supply increases

 (curve shifts right)

 When profits

 When:

 Input costs

 Productivity

 Technology

 Business taxes

# sellers

Gov’t regulations

 Affects sellerer!!!

II. Microeconomic Concepts -


 Roles of money: med.of exchange , store of value , unit of measure

 Supply & demand curves meet at equilibrium price & quantity

 Price floors cause surpluses

 Price ceilings cause shortages

 Elasticity is sensitivity to price changes

 Pet milk=elastic ;



13) What is a surplus?

 A) when Q supplied > Q demanded

 B) when Q demanded > Q supplied


14) What will result if the seller charges $2?

 A) A surplus, because

Qs will be > Qd.

 B) A shortage, because

Qs will be > Qd.

 C) A surplus, because

Qs will be < Qd.

 D) A shortage, because

Qs will be < Qd.

15) Which best describes a price floor?

 A) Maximum price, causes shortage

 B) Minimum price, causes surplus

 C) Maximum price, causes shortage

 D) Minimum price, causes surplus


II. Microeconomic Concepts -


 Corporationlimited liability, double taxation

 Sole P. & Partnershipsunlimited (high) liability

 Monopoly1 seller

 OligopolyFew sellers, price leadership, interdependence

 PerfectMany , Identical, No barriers

 Monopolistic-Like perfect but product not identical

The Prisoner’s Dilemna

Dueling Gas Stations

Soda Oligopoly


18) It is easy to start a taxi-cab business, & there are a lot of them.

Some use nicer cars than others.

Some use hybrid cars. Fares vary somewhat between companies.

What kind of market structure best describes the taxi-cab business?

 A) monopoly

 B) oligopoly

 C) monopolistic competition

 D) perfect competition

III. Macroeconomic Concepts

 GDP= C + I + G +(X-M)

 (X-M) = Net Exports

 GDP: $ value of all final goods/ services

 CPI : measures INFLATION

 Stagflation: recession+inflation

Structural , Cyclical , Frictional, Seasonal

Biz Cycle: Recession ( 6 mo’s- peak to trough),


 Debt : TOTAL owed

 Federal deficit : expenditures > receipts in 1 yr

19) If U.S. citizens buy more

Colombian coffee, & all other spending stays the same, then


 A) goes up

 B) goes down

 C) stays the same

20) Which letter best represents a recession?

 A) W

 B) X

 C) Y

 D) Z

III. Macroeconomic Concepts -


Monetary policy : using $ supply & interest rates to help economy

Fed expands money supply with Bu.L.L.L.buying bonds (securities) , lower reserve req , lower discount rate , lower federal funds rate.

Fiscal policy : gov’t TAXING/SPENDING to help the economy

 Countries should specialize in making what they have a comparative advantage in, & trading.

 Tariff : tax on imports. Quota : limit on # of imports.

21) In an attempt to stimulate the economy, the government decides to spend more money on highway/road programs. This decision is a good example of:

 A) Easy monetary policy

 B) Tight monetary policy

 C) Fiscal Policy

 D) Contractionary Policy








IV. International Economics

 Absolute Advantage: I can produce more with same amount of resources.

 Comparative Advantage: I can produce at a lower opportunity cost than you.

 When we specialize in what we have a comparative advantage in, and trade,

EVERYONE benefits.

 Exchange rates: strong dollar good for buyers of foreign goods, bad for U.S. sellers. A weak dollar means more exports & economic growth.

Cell Phone/Microwave


V. Personal Finance Economics

 Spread: interest charged minus interest paid

 Low risk = low return

 Bonds are LOANS

 Mutual funds: corporations that buy stock in other corporations

 Inflation HELPS borrower , HURTS lender

 Progressive : higher income, higher rate (income tax)

 Proportional : flat rate (Medicare)

 Regressive : lower income, higher rate (sales tax)

 Credit Rating- based mostly on payment history




