BRAIN INJURY NETWORK MEETING - MINUTES 05-09-2012 ABIOS meeting room Buranda Shopping Centre, Ipswich Road, Buranda Chairperson: Alice Corcoran (Synapse) Meeting Minutes: Alice Corcoran (Synapse) Attendees Name: Attendees Organisation: Alice Corcoran Synapse Glen Farlow Synapse Vanessa Daniel NRMA Insurance CTP Claims Brona O’Dowd Neuropsychologist Jane Bett Drug Arm Katrina Harper National Aust. Trustees Margie Rae Qld Paediatric Rehab Service Karen Goddard ABIOS Wendy Nixon Shine Lawyers Jamie Shine Shine Lawyers Clare Mergan ABIOS Paula Addis B.I.R.U Simone Cahill B.I.R.U Ros Harrington University of QLD Thea Isles Open Minds Brooke Kooymans Rehability Ron Hazelton B.I.R.U Annerley Bates B.I.R.U Apologies Name: Document1 Organisation: Melissa Payne Shine Lawyers Anna O’Callaghan University of QLD Brona O’Dowd Neuropsychologist Nicole Little Court Network Peter Stewart Aphasia Assoc. Jacquie Mc Donald N.R.M.A Ray Quinn ABIOS 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES No Business arising. 2. URGENT BUSINESS None 3. GUEST SPEAKERS Nicole Little had intended to attend the meeting and present information about 1 “Court Network Inc.” however Nicole give her apologies on the day and was unable to be present. In her absence Alice Corcoran from Synapse gave a brief overview, which Nicole hopes to expand upon at the next meeting. 2 Ron Hazelton from B.I.R.U (Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit) spoke about “What is QBISM”, and “What are their current goals” 3 Document1 QBISM is the “Queensland Brain Injury Services Meeting” The QBISM began in 2008 and welcomes input from all Doctors, Service providers, or professionals, who support individuals with an ABI. Currently greater representation or input from regional Qld and areas outside Brisbane is being sought. The purpose of this group is to gather information which can then be used to develop and drive recommendations which will allow for improved and consistent delivery of services across the sector and the state. Presently 6 areas have been identified by the group as a priority. 1/ Holistic practice: client centred model of support: self-directed care, personalisation. 2/Cross-government collaboration & streamlined pathways: Shared funding and resources 3/Promotion of recovery: Lifestyle support, health promotion, enhanced quality of life. 4/ Increased accommodation: Range of options and personalise preferences identified, mainstream choices 5/ State-wide service options available: Localised case management and support, and mobile teams, specialised support in the local community across the state. 6/ Database development: to assist with evaluating the system response to clients needs. State-wide data collection & dedicated maintenance and reporting. Currently working on a standardised referral process Next meting for this group to be held at 1.30pm on Tuesday October 16th at the Russell strong Auditorium, PA hospital. Glen Farlow from Synapse gave an overview of the results of this years B.O.A.B, Brain Injury Awareness Week, and the concept of Bang-on-a-Boa. Glen explained the purpose of Bang-on-a-Boa was to hold a fun event which would help to create awareness in areas outside of the usual ABI sector, which is already quite well informed and aware of existing need. This fun night proved very popular and was hugely successful in creating awareness in a new demographic of the community. Glen responded to Ros Harrington’s request for information re: the Far North Qld BIN meetings. Glen confirmed that this group is currently not meeting in the same capacity due to limited ability to access FNQ but that connections and communication was still being maintained. 4. GENERAL INFORMATION SHARING 1 ABIOS is working with BIRU on an indigenous training DVD for Indigenous health service providers. 2 ABIOS is also in the early stages of looking into a “linking to homes” networking System, however it was not possible to use Skype as this was not approved by Qld Health. 3 Margaret Rae from QPRS spoke of their current work to adapt a commercial Social Skills Program to be more ABI specific. It is hoped this program will be used by teachers supporting students with an ABI. The hospital would need to look at recruiting 2 new Neuropsychologists as 2 currently on staff were due to leave for Maternity Leave. UQ project currently looking into a modified Triple P program specifically for children with an ABI. 4 Katrina Harper (National Australia Trustees) inquired as to the best way to support clients with an ABI who become agitated or abusive during consultations. This question prompted much discussion amongst attendees offering possible causes for the escalating behaviours and recommendations for training of staff. Document1 5 Shine Lawyers: Spoke of the difficulties being experience when making claims for compensation due to specific clauses of some legislation restricting the sharing or providing of information. Currently claims can be unnecessarily protracted due to these barriers. Also expressed concern for the fact that some times it was only during the process of working on a compensation claim that possible features of an ABI were being observed by Shine staff. In these instances suggestion was made for the consideration of further assessment. 6 Brooke from “Rehability” told of the move of premises to the new location of 161 Richmond Rd Morningside on July 1st. The move has enabled further enhancement of social skills engagement/services. Vanessa Daniel: NRMA spoke of looking for alternate ways to support people that are community based and not “fee for service”. 7 8 Jane Bett: “Drug Arm said that Drug Arm was now working collaboratively with Community Health, next door. 9 Thea Isles: “Open Minds” spoke about the events of Brain Injury Awareness Week and briefly overviewed the “Cause IT Cared” project. A full report of outcomes will be presented later in the year. 10 Simone Cahill: BIRU spoke about a seminar which had been conducted on sexuality and disability. It was very informative and well received by the attendees. MEETING CLOSED 4.15pm 5. NEXT MEETING 1 Next meeting – 5th December 2012 2 Chair and Minutes – Synapse 3 Featured Service / Guest Speaker/s: Melissa Payne - Shine Lawyers on TDP Claims Nicole Little – Information on Court Network Inc. What they do for people with Document1 Disabilities in Court. Document1