13.1 Beta ParentAccess Enhancements

October 10, 2012
Bobbie Warthman
Defect and Enhancement Lists added
Updated Manuals Posted
◦ Two formats now available
 Print Manuals
 Manuals with Embedded Videos
 Video Manuals are huge!
Updated Document
◦ What to do if Grades Disappear when Teachers Save
 Very, very old DASL Defect
 Have seen issue re-surface daily
Ohio Academic Standards
Dance (2012) K-12 *NEW
Music (2012) K-12 *New
Drama/Theatre (2012) K-12 *New
Visual Art (2012) K-12 *New
Social Studies (2010) PK-8 *Chg
Mathematics (2003) K-12 *Chg
Library Guidelines (2003) K-12 *Chg
Employability Skills 9th – 12th *New
Career Field Technical Content Standards *Chg
 Family & Consumer Sciences (2007)
 Law & Public Safety (2007)
 Government & Public Administration (2006)
Ohio Academic Standards
 Early Learning Content Standards (PK) *New
 English Language Arts (2008)
 English Language Arts (2011)
 Mathematics (2008)
 Mathematics (2011)
 Science (2008)
 Science (2011)
 Social Studies (2008)
 Social Studies (2011)
No additional updates to Common Core Standards yet!
V13.2 –
V13.3 –
V13.4 –
V13.5 –
V13.6 –
V14.0 –
Start of Year Updates
◦ 2015-2016 Start a New Task list
Start of Year Updates
◦ EMIS Review & Extract Dates Updated
Start of Year Updates
◦ Testing Dates Added
Remaining Web Forms Conversion
◦ Service Plans (SPs)
◦ SP Progress Reports
Default Codes Removed on SP Progress
Completed Tasks Include in EMIS
◦ Loading Message added until page loads
IEP 8 Transportation as a Related Service
◦ If Yes is selected a Start & End Date Box will display
 Used for EMIS Reporting
 Does not display on the Printed Form
ODE Specially Designed Instruction
Clarification Changes
If speech-language is the only service that the child receives, or is the primary service, then that
service, by definition, is the specially designed instruction and should be incorporated into the
specially designed instruction box, even though it will be counted as a related service for EMIS. If
speech-language is the only service or the primary service, then it should not be written in the
related services section, too.
If speech-language is the only service or the primary service, then it must be incorporated into the
specially designed instruction box. If an IEP with speech-language as the only service or primary
service is reviewed (audited) for onsite monitoring or as part of a formal complaint investigation
and the specially designed instruction box is blank, or both the specially designed instruction box
and the related services box have speech-language services listed, that IEP will be considered out of
Added a Drop Down List to Specially Designed Instruction on IEP 7 & 8
ODE Specially Designed Instruction
Clarification Changes
◦ Added a section to the DCF for Reporting
◦ GQ EMIS Records will be created based on this drop
down list
EMIS Related Services Reports
◦ Added Columns for Duration, Frequency, Goals
Addressed, Location of Services, Provider Title
Due Process
◦ Defaulting the Child’s School of Attendance
Spell Check Added to Page Edit
Expandable Fields on Web Forms
◦ Behavior similar to that of the pdf version
◦ ETR Areas of Assessment field text different sizes
◦ FD records providing and EMIS Error for Students
Exiting Special Services (D5395)
◦ Manifestation Determination Worksheet Spelling
Mistake (D5470)
◦ SPPR Header Correction (D5469)
Forms Updated to Match Ohio Department of
ETR forms
Prior Written Notice to Parents
Manifestation Determination Review
Summary of Performance
Determination SLD
Delete Students
◦ The GradeBook application now allows
deleting of students with SpecialServices data
using the Delete Students link under Tools on
the GradeBook Administrator Home Page.
** Delete with Caution** - All the students
forms will be removed and are not retrievable..
Note: Students with SpecialServices data cannot be deleted in GradeBook using
the Delete option on the student profile.
Rename Open Tasks
◦ Open tasks can now be renamed using the
new Change Name link located beneath the
Priority Task check box on the Open Tasks
Resolved Defects
◦ Defect 5508 The link to create a new task on the Open Tasks screen
will not work after selecting the year list, changing the year and then
clicking Cancel. The New link now works after clicking it, changing
the selection in the School Year list, cancelling and then selecting the
New link again
◦ Defect 5565 On the Special Ed Events page for an RETR task, in the OUTCOME ID
list, the description for the ETEX item incorrectly reads “ETEX Existing Special
Education.” The OUTCOME ID option for the RETR task now correctly reads
“ETEX Exiting Special Education.”
◦ Defect 5564 When running the EMIS Related Services and EMIS Related Services
by Class reports, the field names are displayed in CamelCase in the Field Name
list in the Set Optional Filters section.
◦ The field names in the Field Name list in the Set Optional Filters section
correctly match the names for the columns.
SpS Development Projects:
Delete Students – working on changes to the GradeBook Delete Students functionality
to allow users to delete students with SpS tasks and forms.
Page Printing for Consistency – Page Edit vs Printing inconsistencies.
Update Disability Condition from SIS – Allow for the disability on Student Properties to
update should there be a change in Student Information.
Change name on open tasks – the ability to now change the task name from Open
District progress Codes – allow for the district progress codes to be available and
configured by the district.
504 Plans – Working with the forms committee to build a new task.
Page Level Security
◦ Menu items are selected based on developed functionality for
the beta version.
◦ As functionality is developed in a release, the system will
automatically check the items that have been developed.
Registration Key Maintenance
◦ Generate Student Keys
 Creates one registration key for every students
 If rerun, will create registration keys only for new students
◦ To create an additional registration key for a student
 Use Search Criteria box at top of the Screen
 Select Student
 Select Add another key
ParentAccess Export Registration Keys
Select District or School
Exports to csv
Mail Merge to create letters
Letters must contain
 Registration Key
 Students First and Last Name as in GradeBook
 Parents will need to know student’s birthday, do not include in letter
Update User Accounts
◦ List users with active accounts
◦ Ability to update account
 First and last name
 Email address
 Disable an account
Principal / Guidance Role
◦ Select View Student Progress & Attendance via ParentAccess
Teacher Role
◦ Class Dashboard
**New - Class Notification Link
◦ Ability to turn off or turn on in District Features
◦ Class Notifications will be turned off by Default
Class Notification Link
◦ Available for Classic and Beta ParentAccess
◦ Teachers may select just Students, Parents or Students and
◦ Email address must be updated through ParentAccess
◦ Email message may only contain text, cannot contain
images or attachments.
Late Shortcut code available on Grade Book Grid
◦ GradeBook Grid
 ‘t’ code flagging a student as late is now available for use on Grade
Book Grid
 Teacher may also Copy Marks to flag multiple students with a Late
 Deleting the points, changing the points without a ‘t’ and Clear
Marks removes the late flat
Beta ParentAccess Tools for Principal and Clerk Roles
◦ On the Principal and Clerk Home pages, an area for Beta
ParentAccess Tools has been added.
◦ Principals and Clerks have the following functionality:
 Export Registration Keys for Letters
 Registration Key Maintenance
 Update User Accounts
Create Parent Account
◦ Email address is validated by format
◦ Username
 6 – 50 characters
◦ Password
 Must have at least one letter and one number
 Must be between 8 – 50 characters
 Case sensitive
◦ Letter
 Must include Registration Key, students first and last name
 Students first and last name must match exactly as in GradeBook
 Parents must enter birthday, not included in letter
◦ Parents can add students to their account (link accounts)
 During Registration
 Manage Students in ParentAccess account
◦ Registration Key is valid until used with registration
Can’t access your account
◦ Wizard opens to assist parents
◦ Forgot Password
Must have Username
System will send an Email associated with Username
Link sent to reset password
Link in Email will be available for 20 minutes
◦ Forgot Username
 Must have Email address as in system
 System will send Username associated with the Email Address
 Link in Email will be available for 20 minutes
◦ Account Locked
 If a user attempts to login 10 time, system will lock account for 10
 After 10 minutes the user can attempt to login again
Manage Students
Link Accounts
Create Student Accounts
Must link/add accounts first
Parents can create student accounts
Student accounts are unable to reset username or password at
this time.
 Cannot use the same Email address on more than one account
 Email address is used to determine lost username
◦ Email Address is optional for Student Accounts
Home - Displays a Summary for Student
◦ Grades
 Only displays courses with a grade
 Select Course to display Assignments
 By Assignment Type
 By Date
 Select Grade Details to display Grades
 Displays all courses
 Selecting Course displays Assignments
◦ Homework
 List number of homework assignments due in the next 2 days
 Homework Details
 Assignment Name with Due Date
 More/Hide
 Links & Attachments posted from Teacher Post Homework page
◦ Assignments
 Displays Assignments that grades were entered for in past 2 days
 Assignments Detail
 View by Assignment Type
 Standards-Based default is by Assessment
 Ability to switch View by Assignment Type
 W – Weight other than 1
 M – Missing
 L – Late
 E – Exclude/post
◦ Attendance
 All attendance for school year
 Attendance Details
 Ability to select by reporting period
◦ Schedule – does not display on Home Screen
 Displays student schedule for today
 Date may be modified
◦ Report Card – does not display on Home Screen
 Works same as Classic
Administrator Home page, District Features
◦ The Parent/Student Access feature applies to both Beta and
Classic ParentAccess
◦ If Use? is deselected, View Beta and Classic ParentAccess links
will not display for teachers, principals and guidance
Administrator Home page, Student
◦ On the Student Screen the Disable Parent Access column will
disable a student’s Beta ParentAccess and Classic
ParentAccess account
◦ When a parent logs in to Beta ParentAccess, the student’s icon
is disabled. A hover tip displays stating account has been
◦ If parent only has one student or the account is a student
account, a message displays; Account is locked..
◦ Teachers, principals and guidance counselors will continue to
have access after account is locked
Disable/Enable District in District Settings
◦ PA Admin, District Settings – Controls both Beta and Classic
◦ If “Enable this District” is set to ‘No’; When parents and
students attempt to log in they will receive a message “The
selected district is temporarily unavailable. Please try again
◦ Teachers, principals and guidance counselors will have access
to view Beta ParentAccess
Page Level Security
◦ Student Home, Security Roles
 Selected by default and cannot be modified
◦ Family Change Student Password menu item has been added
 GradeBook selected by default to allow teachers, principals and
clerks the ability to change students’ passwords
Teachers Resetting Students’ Beta ParentAccess
◦ View BETA Parent/Student Access Web Site
◦ Change Student Password
 A confirmation Email notification is sent to the student
Create Student Registration Keys
◦ Registration Key Maintenance
 Generate Registration Keys will generate one parent and one
student registration key for each student
Delete Individual Registration Keys
◦ Registration Key Maintenance
New Menu to create file for Beta ParentAccess letters
◦ Export Registration Keys for Letters
 Added selection criteria
 Added column to file indicating whether parent or student account
 Added column to file indicating date key created
Delete Active Beta ParentAccess Accounts
◦ Update User Accounts
 Select Status Disabled
 Only disables the account selected
 Message displays for user, “Your account is no longer active or has
been disabled. Contact your child’s school for more information.”
Delete Linked Student in Beta ParentAccess Accounts
◦ Update User Accounts
New account wizard to create parent and student
◦ Create an account
 Select Parent or Student
 Registration key determines whether valid parent or student
New account wizard to create parent and student
◦ Create an account, enter Profile information
New account wizard to create parent and student
◦ Create an account, enter your account information
 Enter Student Information from Beta ParentAccess letter
Beta ParentAccess GradeBook Enhancement
◦ Setup Classes for ParentAccess
 Now controls both Classic and Beta
 Don’t show student averages
 Don’t show letter grades
 Don’t show assignment comments
Beta ParentAccess; Can’t access your account
◦ Cancel button added to return to login screen
Beta ParentAccess; Homework detail page
◦ Displays due date in new format as Monday Sept 10
◦ Does not include weekends
Beta ParentAccess; Report Card comment
◦ Reporting term and comment text now displays
◦ District Greeting & Logos
 Classic ParentAccess Districts may upload a PNG file format for a
picture to appear
◦ Student Profile
 When a teacher enters comments for a student and switches
students the information is saved.
 When a teachers switches students and navigates from the
Comments to the Progress tab the systems remains with the last
student selected
◦ Classic ParentAccess
 Fix Broken User Accounts, the process completes successfully
Certificate of Attendance will be emailed
Survey link will also be emailed
◦ Ask that you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey
◦ Results are used to verify staff evaluation goals are met
Webinar Materials will be available on website
◦ Powerpoint – already posted
◦ Recording – will be posted by end of the week