Business Meeting PowerPoint - PAC-TE

Annual General
Business Meeting
October 23, 2014
President Sally Winterton
(Report is in packets)
Call to order
Minutes, 2013 Business Meeting (in packets)
Executive Director Search (in packets)
Appointed chairs and members of committees
Educational Policy and Leadership TV appearance
PreK-4 and 4-8 add-on by testing meeting with PDE
CAEP issues collected and reported to AACTE
PA State Board of Education meetings
Please provide your input at tomorrow’s Institution-alike sessions and
focus group meetings; via email to officers and directors, or on the
Strategic Plan Goal 1
Establish & implement policy, annual calendar, roles,
and procedures for PAC-TE’s ongoing advocacy efforts
in support of its mission
1.1 - Board approval of a PAC-TE Government Relations Policy
1.2 - development of PAC-TE advocacy procedures to include annual calendar, roles,
and responsibilities
1.3 - establish 2014-2016 priority issues for PAC-TE advocacy
1.4 - advocate on priority issues
Strategic Plan Goal 2
Use alternative delivery formats to expand & extend
PAC-TE’s professional development offerings &
networking opportunities
2.1 - convene an expert group to provide suggestions on alternative delivery of our
current conferences beginning with the Spring 2015 conference, discuss those
recommendations with the Spring Conference and TEA Planning Committees and
the Board of Directors, and implement the recommendations approved by the
Planning Committees and the Board of Directors
2.2 - explore the use of and possibly implement the use of social networking to
provide information, professional development, and networking for members
Strategic Plan Goal 3
Expand PAC-TE membership and membership
involvement in PAC-TE
3.1 - involve junior faculty in PAC-TE
3.2 - increase PAC-TE’s “cool” factor
3.3 - increase the number of working committees and the involvement of members
in working committees
Strategic Plan Goal 4
Increase PAC-TE income through revenue sources
beyond membership & conference registration,
consistent with its mission
4.1 - obtain legal & accounting advice on how to implement this goal within federal
& state law & regulation
4.2 - establish principles, policies, and procedures for implementing this goal based
on legal and accounting advice
4.3 - approve, appoint chair and members, & charge a Sponsorship Committee to
make recommendations for & support sponsorships of PAC-TE conferences journal
4.4 - solicit conference program ads & other conference sponsorships
4.5 - solicit journal ads
Strategic Plan Goal 5
Collaborate with other educational associations in
providing information & conducting advocacy
activities in support of PAC-TE’s mission
5.1 - expand the number & types of participants n the Keystone Consortium of
Educational Associations (KCEA)
5.2 - clarify the purpose of KCEA
5.3 - establish procedures for communications and actions among KCEA associations
Executive Director Linda Cook
(Report is in packets)
Institutional Membership
Teacher Education
Students Graduated
Number of
Total Dues
1 - 75
$ 210
76 - 150
$ 270
151 - 225
$ 330
226 - 300
$ 390
301 or more
$ 450
(AACTE member institutions are entitled to an additional representative.)
Institutional Member Directory
Individual Membership
Student, $20
Retired, $20
New, first year, $30
Regular, $50
• PAC-TE Conferences each have a member
and a non-member registration fee.
• The PA Education Deans’ Forum is a separate
association, which meets adjacent to the
PAC-TE conferences and has its own
membership and meeting registration fees.
Member Communications
• e-Newsletters (6)
• e-Memos (62)
• Web Site at
• Public and member aspects
• Members must first login and assign themselves a
password before they can access member aspects.
• Executive Director e-mail at
Position Postings
• PAC-TE member institutions are encouraged
to post open positions in the field of
professional educator preparation, at no cost
to the institution.
• The PAC-TE position-posting web page
includes a link to positions posted by ATE,
the Association of Teacher Educators.
Get Involved
Submit a proposal to present a 2015 TEA small group session -- RFP will be
emailed in early January to all members
Submit a journal manuscript
Volunteer to review journal manuscripts
Attend and support our conferences -- planning committees, presiders,
registrars, photographers
Join a committee -- TEA Planning, Government Relations, School Safety & the
Prevention of Violence, Professional Educator Certification
Join a focus group(s) and then post and network w/colleagues
Run for office
Nominate a colleague for Teacher Educator of the Year
Contact your representative or any director as per your concerns
Audit Committee Chair Bob King
• Committee members
• Joe Domaracki, IUP
• Lew Strouse, Carnegie Mellon Retired
• Met in September to review financial records for 2013-2014
• Submitted written report (in packets) to the Board of
• Found records accurate
• Commend Rick Fuller and Linda Cook
Treasurer’s Report
(in packets)
Linda Cook, Interim Treasurer
• Final Association Account 2013-2014
• Final Conference Account 2013-2014
• Certificate of Deposit = $38,729.86 (as of
• Budget 2014-2015
• Online membership and conference registration via
credit card -- !!!
Bylaws Revision -- Treasurer Resignation
(in packets)
CURRENT BYLAWS LANGUAGE -Article II. Officers. Section 6. Officer
Vacancies. C. Treasurer –
If the Treasurer resigns or if his/her
term is terminated, the Treasurer’s
position shall be assumed by the
Executive Director during the interim
until the next scheduled election for
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- Article II. Officers.
Section 6. Officer Vacancies. C. Treasurer -If the Treasurer resigns or if his/her term is
terminated, the Treasurer’s position shall be filled
by an election, special if necessary, held within
three months of the resignation or termination
from a field of one or more candidates, nominated
by the Nominations and Elections Committee, and
approved by a simple majority of voting members.
If necessary, the Treasurer’s position shall be
assumed by the Executive Director until the
successful candidate is elected. The successful
candidate will complete the Treasurer’s term of
office and be eligible to run in the next regularly
scheduled election for Treasurer.
Is there any other New
Nominations and Elections
Committee Chair Jay Hertzog
• Committee members -•
Jay Hertzog (Chair), Slippery Rock Retired
George Drake, West Chester
Mary Dupuis, Penn State Retired
Carol Pate, LaSalle
• Will conduct vote electronically January 17 - February 14 for 3-year
terms beginning June 1, 2015 for -• Treasurer (elected, also contracted $2500/year)
• Representatives of individual members, of private institutions, of
state system institutions, and of state-related institutions
• Nominations are due to Jay by November 21. (Info on how to submit is
in packets.)
Awards Committee Chair Jay Hertzog
• Committee members
• Bern Badiali, Penn State
• Amy Rogers, Lycoming
• Teacher Educator of the Year Award given out at
last night’s Awards Banquet
• Also service awards:
• Fred Savitz, Past President/President/President-Elect 2008-2014
• Tammy Feil, Director representing private institutions, 2011-2014
• Keith Dils, Director representing state system institutions, 2011-2014
Teacher Educator of the Year
Conferred upon an individual who has directly participated in and contributed to
the preparation of candidates for teacher certification in the Commonwealth of
Nominations accepted online from members annually through August 1
Awarded at the TEA Wednesday Awards Banquet
Criteria categories:
Professional preparation
Service/involvement in PAC-TE
Membership in other professional associations
Community service activity
Awards Committee
ATE Unit Awards
• Mary Dupuis and Linda Cook will again prepare PAC-TE’s application
for ATE Unit Awards
• PAC-TE was honored in 2014 with ATE Membership/Management
and Articulation with the National Office Awards
• State units are eligible every five years for the Outstanding Unit
award; PAC-TE received this award in 2006 and 2011
• 2016 -- Look out for PAC-TE!
Government Relations
Committee Chair Kevin Zook
• Committee members
Donna Dombek, Pitt-Bradford (state-related)
George Drake, West Chester (state system)
Mary Dupuis, Penn State-Retired (individuals)
Amy Rogers, Lycoming (privates)
• Policy adopted (in packets) and
calendar/procedures developed -- September 2014
Government Relations Committee
• Priority issues for advocacy are being established
• Provide your input tomorrow at the Institution-alike
sessions, to directors, or via the website
• As put forward by Directors -• Accountability for our graduates in certification areas for
which we did not prepare them (e.g. – those added-on by
• Student teacher assessment
Government Relations
• Position papers will be developed on each
• Communication with stakeholders and
members as appropriate to each position
• We will request support from the Keystone
Consortium of Educational Associations
Spring Conference
Planning Committee Chair Kevin Zook
• Committee members
Donna Dombek, Pitt-Bradford
Jay Hertzog, Slippery Rock Retired
Carol Pate, LaSalle
Gina Scala, East Stroudsburg
• April 14, 2015 -- Penn Stater Conference Center
• Online survey on conference delivery format was conducted and has
been analyzed by the Committee and the Board
• Additional input is being requested today, on delivery format and topics
Spring Conference Committee Survey
Please respond NOW via paper and pencil (turquoise) or electronically at -
1 -- Preferred format for future spring conferences
2 -- How would participation be influenced by a technology-based spring
3 -- Advantages, disadvantages, & issues to be considered in planning to use
video-streaming and/or webinars for spring conferences
4 -- potential topics for spring conferences
5 -- importance of a PDE Q&A at spring conferences
(Completed surveys may be handed in as you leave this room today or at
the registration desk.)
Journal Committee Chair Jim Nolan
• Journal Committee members -• Jim Nolan (Chair and Editor Emeritus)
• Linda Norris and Patricia Arter, co-editors
• JoAnne Kerr, Managing Editor
• After 12 years at Penn State, the journal has moved to
Indiana University
• Volume 13, Fall 2014 -- 8 articles
• Distributed at the TEA to all registrants
• Authors are presenting, two each at 4 sessions at the TEA
Journal Editorial Team
Linda Norris, IUP
Patricia Arter, Marywood
Managing Editor -- JoAnne Kerr, IUP
Associate Editors -•
Latha Bhushan, Lock Haven
Stacie Wolbert, Edinboro
Kevin Zook, Holy Family
The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator
• A Call for Papers is in the TEA program (page
54) and on the PAC-TE website
• Manuscripts are due no later than February
• Members are encouraged to volunteer to
review using the form on the website
Journal Committee Projects
• Online submission of manuscripts
• Posting past volumes’ articles to the web site
• Developing policy on the selection of associate
• Investigating and bringing to the Board with the
committee's recommendations as to whether and
how to implement, in this order of priority -- journal
ads, electronic publishing, indexing.
School Safety and the Prevention of Violence
Committee Chair John McCarthy
• Founding members Bob King (IUP Retired),
Kate McKinnon (Penn State), and Linda
Norris (IUP)
• 19 others have now joined the committee
School Safety and the
Prevention of Violence Committee
Activities to Date:
Endorsement of an online position paper
Development of a PAC-TE position paper
Distribution of a PAC-TE Board statement
Member surveys on need and what is currently
being done in teacher prep programs
• Grant application
School Safety and the
Prevention of Violence Committee
• $1000 grant obtained
• $500 PAC-TE match
• ATE Leadership Foundation for Teacher
• Kathy Jones (Juniata) lead author
School Safety and the Prevention of
Violence Committee Grant
• will develop module for use of teacher preparation
programs in training teacher candidates in school safety and
the prevention of violence
• will be accompanied by resources database and brochure
linked to PAC-TE’s core beliefs
• November, February, and March weekend retreats are
• grant timeline calls for review/editing next spring and rollout
to all member institutions at next year’s TEA
Professional Educator Certification
Committee Chair Amy Rogers
CHARGE -• Monitor PDE & the State Board of Education as per possible decisions on
certification which will effect quality teacher preparation and bring to
the attention of the President any issues which the Association should
further investigate or should take action
• Make recommendations of changes needed in
certification policy
Volunteer to join this committee at
2014 TEA Planning Committee
Chair Gwen Price
Committee members are listed in the
Also to be thanked are presiders,
registrars, graduate students, focus
group facilitators, photographers,
those loaning projectors
Theme and graphic
Nancy Dana and James Hiebert
Program schedule card with QR codes
Alternate lodging blocks
Extended program / Wednesday lunch
Graduate student poster feature has
New format for roundtables and
poster sessions
Newcomer sessions and activities
Presenter materials online / more
post conference
# registrants = 344
# newcomers = 64
# institutions represented = 77
Evaluation -- prize drawing
2015 TEA Planning
Committee Chair Gina Scala
October 28-30, 2015
Best Western Harrisburg
Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Wednesday keynote speaker
First meeting tomorrow at 12:45 -- all welcome / lunch
December meeting in State College
Meetings before and after the spring conference
Electronic proposal review and support the conference on site
Request for proposals will be emailed first week of January