ERMes v.2010.05 an MS Access-Based ERM ERMes Website: ERMes Blog: William T. Doering University of Wisconsin–La Crosse Galadriel Chilton University of Wisconsin–La Crosse Norma J. Dowell Iowa State University Table of Contents License.............................................................................................. 2 Software Requirements ....................................................................... 2 Anatomy of ERMes (or ERMes’ Table Structure) ...................................... 3 Using ERMes ...................................................................................... 5 ERMes’ Navigation Bar ........................................................................ 6 Data Entry ......................................................................................... 6 Secondary Data Forms: Field-by-Field ................................................... 9 Retrieving Information ...................................................................... 15 Reports ........................................................................................... 16 Developing a COUNTER report in ERMes .............................................. 19 Page 1 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell License Attribution Assurance License: ERMes (Electronic Resource Management System) Copyright (c) 2010 by William Doering (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse) 608-7858399 and Galadriel Chilton (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse) 608-785-8738 All Rights Reserved ATTRIBUTION ASSURANCE LICENSE - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the conditions below are met. These conditions require a modest attribution to the Authors listed above, who hope that its promotional value may help justify the thousands of dollars in otherwise billable time invested in writing this and other freely available, open-source software. Redistributions of source code, in whole or part and with or without modification, must prominently display this GPG (Global Public Good)-signed text in verifiable form. Redistributions of the Code in binary form must be accompanied by this GPG-signed text in any documentation and, each time the resulting executable program or a program dependent thereon is launched, a prominent display (e.g., splash screen or banner text) of the Author's attribution information, which includes: Name ("AUTHOR"), Professional identification ("PROFESSIONAL IDENTIFICATION"), and URL ("URL"). Neither the name nor any trademark of the Authors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Users are entirely responsible, to the exclusion of the Author and any other persons, for compliance with (1) regulations set by owners or administrators of employed equipment, (2) licensing terms of any other software, and (3) local regulations regarding use, including those regarding import, export, and use of encryption software. THIS FREE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EFFECTS OF UNAUTHORIZED OR MALICIOUS NETWORK ACCESS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Software Requirements ERMes is a Microsoft Access database that requires Access 2007 (Windows) or Access 2008 (Mac) to operate, as the database utilizes functionality not available in previous versions of Microsoft Access. Page 2 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Anatomy of ERMes (or ERMes’ Table Structure) ERMes is a relational database; content in different tables connects to/works with content in other tables. ERMes tables, field names, and relationships to other tables Page 3 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell This table lists (alphabetically) the names of each table and a description of what kind of data populates it. Description of Table Data Table Name Access Admin_Website_Access Alternate_Access Authentication_Method Contacts CounterByVendor Database Database_Cost_History Database_Type Fiscal_Year Format Problem Source Subject_Department SubjectCodes Page 4 of 26 Library only, campus only, on/off campus, or free web resource. URL access to things like statistics or the admin interface. Records what alternate access options are available for all resources from one vendor or for a specific database; includes the login password and URL for such access. We use such access when our proxy access is down or when proxy access isn’t working for a particular patron. Shows the type of authentication used to access a database (e.g. IP address(es), IP range, proxy, login, none). Records vendor contact information. All the usual stuff including the role of the contact. You can have more than one contact for each database. Includes the COUNTER code and a check box to mark which COUNTER code to use for database reports. This table is integrated into the big Database and Cost form via the Statistics Info tab. Records database information like the source of funding/how is access supplied (selected from the Source table), user limits, last training session, ILL rights, subscription status, URL for the journal list, format (selected from the Format table eg. CD, Internet, or Software), summary description, coverage years, update frequency and subject/department. Includes payment information, office code, paid to information, subscription notes, fiscal year and renewal date. You can enter multiple lines for each database (multiple years and/or multiple payments for a single year). Type of database: E-Book; FT* for All Content; FT Reference; Index + Abstracts; Index, Abstracts, + FT; Management Tool; Media; Music; Other; Statistics *Note: All instances of FT stand for “Full Text” Listing of the fiscal years you want to use. The format 2008/2009 comes with the database but you can switch to FY08 if you want. Listing of resource formats (eg. CD, Internet, Software). Record problems with a particular database and/or vendor. Funding source for a database. For example: Local, Pay per Search, Free, Consortia, State System (e.g. BadgerLink), school system (e.g. UW System), or partner institution (UW Madison). Record a subject, department, or discipline for each database. Multiple subjects can be chosen for each database. Lists three-letter codes and corresponding, code titles, departments, and librarian. Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell tblCOUNTERcodes Usage abbreviation, description, and Counter Code. Icludes statsFormat (i.e. XML, XLS, etc.), description, and notes. A joining table related to usage statistics that includes vendor_id, statsFormat, and a check box for using with the database report. One can put a link to the usage reports in the Database form/table or one can record this information for each fiscal year in the Uses table/form. By doing the second, one can run the Database Cost Per Use report. Vendor’s name tblStatFormat tblStatFormatJoiner Uses Vendor Using ERMes ERMes opens with a rights statement and switchboard. From the switchboard, you can retrieve data entry forms, search for information, and run reports. ! To make ERMes fully functionally, you will need to enable all content: 1. To the right of the Security Warning at the top of the screen, click the Options button. 2. Select the radio button next to Enable this Content and click OK You can enable the options each time you open ERMes, or you can adjust the MS Access Trust Center Settings permanently as follows: 1. Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Access Options. 2. Click Trust Center > then Trust Center Settings > and then click Macro Settings. 3. Click the option to “Enable all macros” if you are comfortable doing so. Please refer to MS Office help for additional information. Page 5 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell ERMes opening screens: Switchboard and Rights Statement ERMes’ Navigation Bar Once you have left the switchboard, navigation buttons will appear at the top of the screen. Exception: The Preliminary Information screen only includes an exit/return to switchboard button. Go to First Record Previous Record Go to Last Record Create New Record Find Record Exit, Return to Switchboard Next Record Data Entry It is best to categorize your data as primary or secondary data and then enter it accordingly. New primary/base data can always be added; but because of how ERMes works, the entry of primary data at the onset facilitates access to it later. For example, if you have not entered a master list of authentication methods and payments sources, you cannot attribute such designations to a database. Page 6 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Primary or Base Data Primary Data Access Use the buttons at the top of the switchboard to access forms for primary data entry. Tip: When migrating data from a previous version, you might try cutting and pasting the data table by table and field by field or by writing an update query. Data that you should enter first and in this order: 1. Preliminary Information: o Access o Fiscal Year o Authentication Method o Formats o Source (e.g. who pays the subscription) 2. Vendor Name 3. Vendor Contacts 4. Subject/Discipline Departments/Codes 5. Databases Preliminary Information Data Entry Tables See It: Add a new database to ERMes for an existing vendor: Page 7 of 26 Step 1: Add Database Name Step 2: Add Database Info Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Secondary Data Data that you should enter only after primary data: Licensing terms (ILL, E-Reserve, etc.) Cost histories Admin access urls, logins/passwords Alternate access urls, logins/passwords Problem reports User Limits Last Training Session Subscription Status Link to journal title and coverage list Access Secondary Data Access Note: All of these data elements need NOT be entered for all databases; it’s really up to you how richly you wish to populate ERMes! You can enter data via forms or directly into a table. To view or access all available tables, click the double daggers to the left of the Switchboard tab. How to access a list of tables in ERMes 1 2 Page 8 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Forms: Field-by-Field This section reviews each form field-by-field for Secondary Data. ! Note: The descriptions below reflect how ERMes is used at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. For your local instance, please remember that you can change field names and the data that goes in each field to match your e-resource workflow. Edit and Retrieve Information Forms Database / Cost History Vendor Stats Access Alternate Access Problem Log Admin Website Access Database / Cost History Form Database Cost History: Top of Screen ! Note: All fields with red labels contain public data that is pulled into the ERMes A-Z list should you choose to use it. Description of Field Data Field Name Database Vendor Name Page 9 of 26 Database Name Vendor Name Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Source* Who pays the subscription for this database; for example: local, consortium, state, free, pay per search, etc. The number of simultaneous users for a database. Galadriel uses Active for active annual subscriptions, Canceled, Trial, Purchased, and Upgraded. When appropriate Galadriel enters a month/year too: “Canceled July 2009” or “Trial August 2009”. User Limits Subscription Status ! Format* Authentication Method* Access Rights* (Formally called Authentication Method in previous ERMes versions) Coverage Years Update Frequency Subject / Department* Database Type Database / Summary Description Number of Full Text… All Full Text Magazines Trade Journals Scholarly Journals Newspapers Monographs Notes * Note: Because this field is tied to the List by Subscription Status report, it is important to use consistent terminology for a specific status. For example, always use “Active” for current subscriptions instead of using “Active” for some subscriptions and “Current” or “Live” for others. Examples include CD, Internet, Software, etc. Where to indicate how access is authenticated such as IP Address, IP Range, Proxy, Login, None. Used to determine geography of access such as in the library, on campus only, on/off campus, or no restrictions. Used to indicate database content coverage such as a year range (i.e. 1968-Present) or an edition/date (i.e. 3rd edition; 2009 edition). This is especially useful for purchased e-resources like e-reference books/collections. How often content in the database is updated (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, at vendors description, as new content is available, etc.). The discipline/subject of the database’s content. More than one subject can be selected for each database. Before assigning subjects, you may wish to review and/or edit the subjects via the Subject_Department Table. Type of database: E-Book; FT* for All Content; FT Reference; Index + Abstracts; Index, Abstracts, + FT; Management Tool; Media; Music; Other; Statistics !Note: All instances of FT stand for “Full Text” Open-ended memo field for text description of database. Numeric counts of the number of full text titles available via a given database/resource. Open-ended memo field for any notes associates with a resources. Galadriel uses this field for subscription notes that need to be visible across multiple fiscal years, etc. Note: For fields with drop down menu, choices for each drop down menu can be added/edited via the Preliminary Information Tables (see Data Entry for more information). Page 10 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Database Cost History: Bottom of Screen Database Cost History Tab Description of Field Data Field Name Fiscal Year Select the appropriate fiscal year from the dropdown menu. ! Note 1: Fiscal years can must be added to the Preliminary Information Table (see Data Entry for more information) before they will appear in this dropdown menu. ! Note 2: When entering historic costs, enter the oldest fiscal year’s information first and the newest information last. Doing this ensures that the newest information will display first when reviewing cost history information. Payments Office Code Paid To Subscription Notes Renewal Date Invoice Date Contract Start Contract End Invoice Number Page 11 of 26 ! Note: As noted above, when entering historic costs, enter the oldest fiscal year ‘s information first and the newest information last. Doing this ensures that the newest information will display first when reviewing cost history information. A field for entering your institution’s budget codes/accounts payable codes as needed. Who receives the payment for a subscription (e.g. vendor, consortium office, main branch, main campus, etc.) Open ended notes field for cost/subscription information. When payment for renewal is due. Click the calendar icon to select a date by year and month. ! Note: The renewal date field is what is used to generate the “Renewals by Date Range.” Report. Date on the invoice. Effective start date for the database’s license/contract. Effective end date for the database’s license/contract. The unique string of numbers and/or letters that the vendor assigns to an invoice. Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Statistics Info Tab Description of Field Data Field Name URL Login Password COUNTERCode Use for DBRpt (beside COUNTERCode) Dwnload Format Use for DBRpt (beside Dwnload Format) Use Stats Notes URL to access usage statistics. Username/number to login to usage statistics website. Corresponding password to login to usage statistics website. A dropdown menu you can use to select which COUNTER report you use for this database. A check box; select if you plan to use this report for the Statistics Reports. A dropdown menu you can use to select the format in which you download the COUNTER usage report. A check box; select if you plan to use this report for the Statistics Reports. Open-ended notes field for database usage statistics General Notes/URLs Tab Description of Field Data Field Name Proxy? Database URL Mask/Public URL (MetaLib, LibData, etc.) Journal List URL Use Stats URL License Agreement/Terms of Use URL Page 12 of 26 Check box field; check if database access is via a proxy. URL to access the database. Galadriel uses this field to store the vendor-derived database URL. The persistent URL that the user sees when accessing a database. This URL could be generated by a federated search system, A-Z list generator, etc. (e.g. MetaLib, WebFeet, Serials Solutions). Galadriel uses this field to store LibData-generated persistent URLs. URL to access title/content lists for databases. URL to access database Usage Statistics Field for URL to access full-text of a license agreement. At University of Wisconsin –La Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Crosse, we currently store license agreements in a network folder and then put a link to this folder in this field. Open-ended notes field for database usage statistics DB URL Notes Rights Statements Tab Description of Field Data Field Name ILL Rights Open-ended memo field for documenting license terms related to interlibrary loan. Open-ended memo field for documenting license terms related to document delivery. Open-ended memo field for documenting license terms related to e-reserves. Open-ended memo field for documenting other license rights/notes. Doc Delivery Rights E-Reserve Rights Other Rights/Notes Alternate Access Form Description of Field Data Field Name Vendor Database URL Username Password Page 13 of 26 Vendor’s Name Database Name An alternate URL for access when the primary URL is not working. This may be for a vendor’s primary database landing page instead of a database-specific URL, or a login page for access via a non-proxies URL. Username if applicable. Password if applicable. Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Problem Log: Vendor/Database Problem Form Description of Field Data Field Name Vendor Database Problem_Date Problem Vendor’s Name Database Name Date problem began. Open-ended memo field for documenting the problem. Open-ended memo field for documenting the resolution. Resolution ! Note: Galadriel refers back to the problem form at the time of subscription renewals. If there have been significant problems during the past year with a vendor or database, she uses this information to negotiate for a lower renewal price. Admin Website Access Form Description of Field Data Field Name Vendor URL Username Password Purpose Note Page 14 of 26 Vendor’s Name Web address for admin site. Login username Login password Text field for recording the purpose of the admin access such as subscription administration, vendor updates, interface administration, support, etc. Open-ended memo field for admin access notes. Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Retrieving Information The Edit and Retrieve Information section of the switchboard lists buttons you should use to retrieve data from ERMes or enter secondary data such as licensing terms, cost histories, alternate and admin access, and problem reports. Once you have entered into one of these components (e.g. Database/Cost History), you can search for / retrieve records in a variety of ways: 1. The search box at the bottom of the screen 2. The Find Record button on the navigation bar When using the Find Record button, be sure and experiment with the “Look In” and “Match” drop down menus: 3. MS Access Filter functions Page 15 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell So far, we have found the MS Access Filter functions to be the most robust and flexible means of retrieving data. Not only does filtering provide you with prompts to guide search/filter construction, but these functions also allow pull from existing field-specific data (e.g. user limits, format, authentication method, etc.) depending on which field your cursor is when you click the filter button! See It: A filtered search for all databases from two different vendors ! Note: After applying an MS Access Filter, the filter remains intact unless you click the “Filtered” button at the bottom of the screen. Reports Report Name Count by Database Types Report’s Data Source: Database name, Source, Subscription Status, and Database Type fields. Report Description Generates a list of database names, their sources, status, and type. You can enter * to retrieve a list of all databases with their source and status. This list is alphabetical by source, status, then type, and then database name. ! Note: At the end of each source grouping is a total count of resources from that particular source; however, it takes a moment or two for this count show on screen! Databases by Subject Report’s Data Source: Renewal Date field in the Database Cost History form. Page 16 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 Generates a list of database names and subjects/disciplines. You can enter * to retrieve a list of all databases by subject. This list is alphabetical by g. chilton / n. dowell subject and then by database name. List by Subscription Status Report’s Data Source: Subscription Status Payment Look Up by Fiscal Year Report’s Data Source: Database Name field and the Fiscal Year and Payments fields from the Database Cost History form. Generates a list of database names and subscription status. You can enter * to retrieve a list of all databases and their statuses. This list is alphabetical by database name. Generates a nicely formatted report that includes database name and payment for the user-specified fiscal year with a Total for Fiscal Year amount at the bottom of the report. Example data entry to generate report: Payment History (Payments Crosstab) Report’s Data Source: Database Name field and the Fiscal Year and Payments fields from the Database Cost History form. Page 17 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 Generates a table of all payments for all databases. Table columns include database name followed by one column for each fiscal year. This report is only available from the switchboard. g. chilton / n. dowell Renewals for Date Range Report’s Data Source: Renewal Date field in the Database Cost History form. Year to Year Price Comparison Report’s Data Source: Fiscal Year and Payments fields in the Database Cost History form. Lists all of the databases for which Renewal Date in the Database_Cost_History table fall between the user specified dates. This report can be used to determine what renewals you have outstanding and for which you need to make a renewal decision. Shows the price increases for databases between two fiscal years that the user specifies. Example data entry to generate report: Previous Fiscal Year Next Fiscal Year Database Uses for Fiscal Year COUNTER DB1 By Year Page 18 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 Calculates a cost per use for each database by the user specified date range. This assumes you have manually entered the use statistics into ERMes. Generates a report based on COUNTER DB1 statistics. Note: See instructions for Developing a COUNTER report in ERMes g. chilton / n. dowell Developing a COUNTER report in ERMes While compiling reports for database usage can be cumbersome, there are some shortcuts we can take using ERMes. The following setup is a bit time-consuming at first; however, once it is set up, the monthly collection of statistics does not take as long. There are two ways to collect and keep statistics. This will show you how to link an Excel table to read in Access. (NOTE: There is a table in the original ERMes database called Uses that you may alternatively work with if your number of databases and data is not as large as some. Also, a table called COUNTERStats is provided so that you can see the basic layout of the Excel table). 1. Create an Excel table with the following headings (Figure 1): Year - Year of the statistics set Title - Title of the Database Platform - Platform or vendor who provides the database Type - Searches Run or Sessions One column for each month of the year Totals - totals for that year Figure 1 - Column Headings in Excel 2. RENAME the datasheet DB1Stats. 3. SAVE your new local workbook in a location where you can get to it, and so can other interested staff. Remember what you named the workbook. For this tutorial, the workbook is named StatsDemo.xlsx 4. If you already receive COUNTER compliant statistics, select one of the following reports (depending on what the vendor provides): 1st Preference: Database Report 1: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Database 2nd Preference: Database Report 3: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Service 3rd Preference: Journal Report 4: Total Searches Run by Month and Service 4th Preference: Whatever the vendor will provide for searches and sessions as close to database as possible (if all they provide is by journal, you may want to skip the vendor for this report) 5. Select a delivery format that is an xls or csv format. It will look similar to the Excel table you have already created. The vendor will either provide you with a download, an HTML version of the report you requested, or open an Excel table with the data supplied. 6. Even though a publisher/vendor will provide COUNTER compliant data, the layout may differ and you may need to hand input some information at first to get everything in the same format within your Excel table. Otherwise, you can cut and paste DB1 and DB2 reports into your Excel table, leaving the first column blank to input the year. Here is an example of a DB1 report ( 7. 8. 9. Figure 2): Page 19 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Figure 2 - COUNTER DB1 report sample 10. When cutting and pasting this data into our local Excel file, we would type “2009” into A6, and then copy A6 through P6 into our local Excel sheet. In subsequent months, we would simply log in to the vendor’s stats page, find the report, and add the new month’s data to our local spreadsheet. a. COPY A6 through P6 (note we are not copying the total column) b. PASTE into our local Excel sheet: c. TOTAL column E through P in column Q (or pull-down total from previous row): d. ADD new each month by hand if you like, or copy over the row of data from the downloaded report: This can be done for any smaller sets of data; however, what happens when there are many rows of data from a single publisher? The next section covers how to accomplish this for standard sets of data. Page 20 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Mass Input of Large Accounts or Accounts with Multiple Lines It is possible to cut and paste all of the data in one mass group. This works for DB1 and DB3 reports. Open StatsDemo.xlsx and SORT DB1Stats using a CUSTOM sort: Year Platform Title Type FILTER the sheet by year and platform. Open a downloaded DB1 report. For this publisher’s download (Ebsco) there is a line break between each set of records in the report. We need to remove the line breaks before cutting and pasting this into our local file. This tends to be a common issue, so we will take care of it first. Select all the records in the downloaded report EXCLUDING the header information Page 21 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Perform an A-Z sort on the selected data set Delete the blank rows above the titles and below the header row. Before After Page 22 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Delete rows 1-4 and the Publisher column (not needed for this report structure) Insert a column before the first column and label it “Year” Populate the first column with the year in question (this one is 2009) Label the second column “Title” Label the fourth column “Type” Copy all the data under the column headings EXCLUDING the column headings, empty data columns and totals Go to StatsDemo.xlsx and PASTE OVER the existing records for that title. USE THIS STEP WITH CAUTION!!!! If you are unsure that you have all the records you should have, delete all of the old records for that YEAR and PLATFORM, and paste the new ones onto the end of the local datasheet. PANIC BUTTON: ctrl-z will undo any errant changes! 11. Close the Excel file and go to ERMes Page 23 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Linking your Excel database to ERMes Open ERMes Click on the External Data tab Under the Import section, click on Excel Browse for the workbook file name you saved your data under in step 3 above and select it Click on the Link to the data source be creating a linked table radio button. Click OK Select DB1Stats from the worksheet box at the top of the popup window Click the Next button Page 24 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Make sure First Row Contains Column Headings checkbox is checked Click the Next button Click OK - Linked Name Table should be DB1Stats if all the previous steps were taken, and show in the Tables list as a linked table Page 25 of 26 Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell Open the Query menu and open statsByDatabaseQry in Design View ADD the DB1Stats table to the query CHANGE all of the fields at the bottom that currently say COUNTERstats for the Table name to DB1Stats. REMOVE the table COUNTERstats from the query LINK The Title in DB1Stats to the Database_Name in Database table as shown Test the query. ! Note: You must have the database names existing in the database table for the stat tables to show up in this query!!! If the query works, save and close the query Test the report from the main menu (COUNTER DB1 By Year) Known Issues Resolution/Future Development Issue If the vendor subscription of databases changes, it will affect the user’s ability to cut and paste large numbers of records. If a database is not listed in the main Database table or misspelled in relation to the DB1Stats table, it will not appear in the statistics report Page 26 of 26 An update query will be developed to replace and update database to vendor information. An update procedure to cross check for such issues will be developed. Last Modified June 8, 2010 g. chilton / n. dowell