Curriculum Vitae - Dominique Marshall

Curriculum Vitae
Dominique Marshall
April 2013
History. Université de Montréal.
History. Université de Montréal.
History. Université de Montréal.
Thesis title: "Familles québécoises et politiques
sociales touchant les enfants de 1940 à 1960:
obligation scolaire, allocations familiales et travail juvénile".
Doctoral fields: Canada and United States, 19th and
20th centuries, family history.
One-year of post-graduate courses at Boston and Brandeis
University in American social and urban history
Post Ph.D.
Social Science and Administration,
London School of Economics and Political Science.
Academic Employment
History Department, Carleton University
1990Tenured in 1993. Full Professor, from May 2002
- Cross appointed with Social Work, since 2011.
- Cross appointed with Canadian Studies.
Professional Honours
Henry Charles Chapman Visiting Fellowship,
Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICS), University of London.
Visiting Fellowships, ICS.
Since 1999
Research Achievement Award, Carleton University.
Mention for the John A. Macdonald price for the best book
in Canadian History of the Canadian Historical Society
Jean-Charles Falardeau Price of the SSFC for the
Best book in French in the Social Sciences in 1998
Visiting fellowship, School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London
Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowship, Oxford Brookes University
Gordon and Jean Southam Fellowship,
Association of Commonwealth Universities (2008, postponed)
Current Research Interest
Canada and the Child Welfare Committee of the League of Nations
Humanitarian Aid and the Rights of Children, Canada and Africa, from 1900 to 1960
The Early History of OXFAM in Canada, 1945-1980
Principal Publications
Aux origines sociales de l'État-providence: familles québécoises et politiques sociales
touchant les enfants entre 1940 et 1950, Montreal, Les Presses de l'Université de
Montréal, 1998.
Translated by Nicole Doone Danby, as The Social Origins of the Welfare State. Québec
Families, Compulsory Education, and Family Allowances, 1940-1955, Waterloo, Wilfrid
Laurier University Press, 2006.
Chapters in edited books
"Family Allowances and Family Autonomy: Québec 1945-1955", in Bettina Bradbury,
editor, Canadian Family History: Selected Readings, Toronto, Copp Clark, 1992, pp.
401-437. Reprinted in Chad Gaffield, editor, Constructing Modern Canada: Readings in
Post-Confederation History, Copp Clark, 1994, p. 396-432. Reprinted in Michael D.
Behiels and Matthew Hayday, eds. Contemporary Quebec. Selected Readings and
Commentaries. Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen’s, 2011, pp. 49-77.
"Reconstruction Politics, the Canadian Welfare State and the Ambiguity of Children's
Rights, 1940-1950", in Greg Donaghy, editor, Uncertain Horizons. Canadians and their
World in 1945, Ottawa, 1996, pp. 261-283. Reprinted in Ed Montigny and Lori
Chambers, editors, Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Family History,
Toronto, Canadian Scholars' Press, 1998, p. 135-156 and in Nanci Janovicek and Joy
Parr, editors, Histories of Canadian Children and Youth, Toronto, Oxford University
Press, 2003, p. 255-270.
"Canada and Children's Rights at the United Nations, 1945-1959", in Greg Donaghy,
editor, Canada and the Early Cold War. 1943-1957, Ottawa, Department of Foreign
Affairs and International Trade, 1998, p. 183-214.
"The Changing and Emerging Role of the State in Quebec From 1945 to 1970", in Bob
Hesketh, editor, Canada: Confederation to Present, CD-ROM textbook, Chinook
Publications, 2001.
“Peace, War and the Popularity of Children’s Rights in Public Opinion, 1919-1959: The
League of Nations, the United Nations and the Save the Children International Union”, in
James Marten ed., Children and War. An Anthology, New York University Press, 2002,
p. 184-199.
“The Transnational Movements for Children’s Rights and the Canadian Political Culture:
A History”, in Janet Miron, ed. The History of Human Rights in Post-Confederation
Canada, Canadian Scholars' Press Inc, 2009, pp. 157-181.
“The Rise of Coordinated Action for Children in War and Peace: Experts at the League
of Nations, 1924–1945”, in D. Rodogno, B. Struck, J. Vogel, eds. Shaping the
Transnational Sphere. Transnational networks of experts and organizations (C. 1850–
1930, New York, Berghahn Books. In press.
- “Birth Registration and the Promotion of Children’s Rights in the Interwar Years: The
Save the Children International Union’s Conference on the African Child, and Herbert
Hoover’s American Child Health Association”, Registration and Recognition.
Documenting the Person in World History, Keith Breckenridge and Simon Szreter (eds),
Proceedings of the British Academy , 182, 2012, pp. 440-473.
-“International Child Saving”, in The Routledge History of Childhood in the Western
World, Paula Fass, ed., London and New York, Fall 2012, pp. 469-490.
Articles in refereed journals
"Les parents québécois et l'État canadien au début du programme des allocations
familiales: 1945-1955", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol. 40, No. 1
(Summer 1986), p. 73-95.
"Le recul du travail des enfants au Québec entre 1940 et 1960: une explication des
conflits entre les familles pauvres et l'État providence", Labour/Le Travail, No. 24
(Autumn 1989), pp. 91-129. Reprinted and translated as "The Decline of Child Labour in
Quebec, 1940-1960: Conflict Between Poor Families and the State", in Tina Loo and
Lorna McLean, editor, Historical Perspectives on Law and Society in Canada, Copp
Clark, 1994, p. 254-288.
"Nationalisme et politiques sociales au Québec depuis 1867. Un siècle de rendez-vous
manqués entre l'État, l'Église et les familles", British Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 9,
No. 2, (November 1994), p. 301-347.
"Les familles québécoises et l'obligation scolaire, 1943-1960", Lien social et politique,
Revue internationale d'action communautaire, 35(Spring 1996), p. 13-22.
"The Language of Children's Rights, the Formation of the Welfare State and the
Democratic Experience of Poor Families, Quebec, 1940-1955", Canadian Historical
Review, 78, 3(Fall 1997), p. 409-441.
"The Formation of Childhood as an Object of International Relations: the Child Welfare
Committee and the Declaration of Children's Rights of the League of Nations", International
Journal of Children's Rights, 7, 2 (1999), p. 103-147.
Tensions ethniques et religieuses autour des droits universels des enfants: la
participation canadienne au Comité de protection de l'enfance de la Société des
Nations, entre 1924 et 1945', special issue on childhood of Lien social et
politique, Revue internationale d'action communautaire , Autumn 2000, p. 101123.
"Children's Right and Imperial Political Cultures: missionary and humanitarian
Contributions to the Conference on the African Child of 1931", International
Journal of Children's Rights, 12 (2004), p. 273-318.
“Genèse et élaboration du système de protection sociale au Québec", RECMA, Revue
internationale de l'économie sociale (Paris), 83, 294 (November 2004), p. 74-89.
"Dimensions transnationales et locales de l`histoire des droits des enfants. La Société des
Nations et les cultures politiques canadiennes", Genèses, 71 (June 2008), 47-63. Special
issue on "Actions sociales et transnationales".
"Children's Rights and Children's Actions in International Relief and Domestic Welfare:
The Work of Herbert Hoover between 1914 and 1950", Journal of the History of
Children and Youth, Volume 1, Issue 3 (Fall 2008) 351-388.
Articles in referred conference proceedings
"The Concept of Dominion in Canada's Early Diplomacy of Welfare", in The Dominion
Concept: Inter-State and Domestic Politics in the British Empire, Political Studies
Association, British International Studies Association, CD ROM edited by Fred Nash,
collection "Political Science Discourse, 1995-1998", Political Science Group, 1998.
“The Rights of African Children, the Save the Children Fund and Public Opinion in
Europe and Ethiopia: The Centre of Child Welfare of Addis Ababa, Spring 1936”, in
Siegbert Uhlig, ed. Proceedings of the International Conference of Ethiopian Studies,
Hamburg, July 20-25 2003, Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2006, pp. 296-306.
With Julia Sterparn, “Oxfam Aid to Canada’s First Nations, 1962–1975:
Eating Lynx, Starving for Jobs, and Flying a Talking Bird,” Journal of the Canadian
Historical Association, Vol. 22, no. 2, 2012.
Encyclopedia article
“Red Cross”, Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 4, Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2011.
“Save the Children International Union” and “Children’s Rights”, in Akira Iriye &
Pierre-Yves Saunier, eds. The Dictionary of Transnational History a Palgrave
Publication , Macmillan publication, 2009.
Review article
Report of the Discussant", Models of the Welfare State Formation in the Global
Context", Specialised Theme Session 21, in Martyn Lyons, ed. History in Global
Perspective: Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences,
Sydney 2005, Sydney: Faculty of arts and Social Sciences, 2006. CD-ROM.
Articles in non-refereed journals and miscellaneous scholarly publications
“Africanists and historians : a small histoire croisée of the Canadian Association of
African Studies and of the Canadian Historical Association histoire croisée”, Bulletin of
the Canadian Historical Association, Fall 2012. [with a French translation ]
“Histories of Disability: the Canadian Disability Studies Association and the Canadian
Historical Association”, Bulletin of the Canadian Historical Association, Spring 2013.
[with a French translation ]
Book Reviews
Canadian Book Review Annual. 1993, Reviews # 4243; # 2122; 1994, Review # 4023;
1995, Review # 4132; 1996, Review # 2169; 1997, # 4254; 1999, #4259 and 4263, 2001,
# 4273.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Special issue on the history of nursing, Vol. 11,
No. 1 (Fall 1994), p. 249-253; Vol. 18, 1 (2001), p. 154-157.
Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 81, No. 4 (September 2000), p. 489-491; Vol. 82, No.
4 (2001), p. 754-758; Vol. 85, No. 3 (September 2004), p. 558-561; Vol. 85, No. 4
(December 2004), p. 854-856; Vol. 87, No. 1 (March 2006), p. 111-114.
Canadian Journal of African Studies, Volume 40 Number 2 (2006) .
Ethnologies, Vol. 20, Nos. 1-2 (October 1998), p. 255-258.
Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Fall 1997),
p. 261-266.
Histoire sociale/Social History, Vol. 33, No. 65 (2000), p. 185-187; Vol. 33, No. 66
(2000), p. 409-411. Vol. 36, No. 72 (2003), p. 528-531.
Journal of Family History, 27, 2 (April 2002), p. 204-206.
Journal of the History of Children and Youth, vol. 3, 3 (Fall 2010), pp. 438-440.
Labour/Le Travail, No. 27, (Spring 1991), p. 306-310; No.32 (1994), p. 324-326; No. 34
(Fall 1994), p. 308-310; No. 40 (Fall 1997), p. 287-288; No. 51 (Spring 2003), p. 323325; No. 54 (Fall 2004), p. 283-286 and p. 291-293. No. 59 (Spring 2007), 277.
Mens, Vol. IV, No. 2 (Spring 2004), p. 344-348.
Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, Vol.41, No. 1 (Summer 1987), p. 98-101; Vol.
42, No 4 (Spring 1988), p. 607-610; Vol. 43, No. 4 (Spring 1990), p. 580-583; Vol. 47,
No 3 (Winter 1994), p. 418-421; Vol. 50, No. 3 (Fall 1996), p. 263-266; Vol. 52, No. 3
(1999), p. 423-425; Vol. 54, No. 4 (2001), p. 571-573; Vol. 56, No. 2 (Fall 2002), p. 242243; Vol. 57, No. 3 (2004), p. 425-427; 60, 3, (Winter 2007), 393-396. One review in
Scientia Canadensis, Journal of the Canadian Science and Technology
Historical. (One review in preparation)
Social History of Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2004), p. 315-316.
Urban History Review, Vol. 21, No. 2 (March 1993), p. 130-132; Vol. 24, No. 2(March
1996), p. 61-62; Vol. 26, No. 1(October 1997), p. 63-64.
Editorial Responsibilities
French Editor, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association. 1991-2010.
Editorial Board, Labour/Le travail. 1993-2004.
Editorial Board, Carleton Library Series, Carleton University Press. 1996-1998.
Editorial Committee of the “Aid Agencies Archives Collection”, Gale Publications,
Reading, UK. 2001-2004.
Editorial Board, Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 2007Papers presented since 2002
a) to learned societies
Canadian Alliances at the Child Welfare Committee of the League of Nations:
Between the “New World”, the British Dominions and “Latin” Traditions, Paper
presented to the Transatlantic Studies Conference , 11 July 2002 at the University of
“The Rights of African Children, the Save the Children Fund and Public Opinion in
Europe and Ethiopia: The Centre of Child Welfare of Addis Ababa, Spring 1936”, XVth
International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg, July 2003.
“The role of Canada in the early years of UNICEF, from 1940 to 1965”, Seminar in
Canadian Studies, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, February 2004.
‘Herbert Hoover, Children's Rights and Diplomacy 1914-1950’, Society for Historians of
American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting, June 23-25, 2006, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas.
“The Beginning of OXFAM in Canada, from 1942-1971. A Study in the History of the
Political Culture of Humanitarianism”, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical
Association, Ottawa, May 2009.
“The Beginning of OXFAM in Canada, from 1942-1971. A Study in the History of the
Political Culture of Humanitarianism”, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical
Association, Ottawa, May 2009.
“Birth Registration and the Promotion of Children's Rights in the Interwar years: The
Save the Children International Union's Conference on the African Child of 1931 “,
Canadian Association of African Studies, Annual Meeting, Carleton University, 6 May
2010, Session I.D.3
“How the Examination of Childhood at the League of Nations Transformed the Politics
of Childhood?”, “Towards a New History of the League of Nations”, Geneva, August
25th‐ August 26th 2011. Session V: “Construction of rights and identities”.
“Roles and Meanings of Children’s Rights in the History of Universal Human Rights,
1900-1989. Canadian, American and African dimensions” , Paper prepared for the Panel
4 of the Research Workshop on the Impact of the Universalism of Human rights in the
20th century in the English-speaking World”, 1-2 March 2012, McMaster University,
Roundtable on the history of the welfare state, “Transformation: State, Nation, and
Citizenship in a New Environment” York University, 14 October 2011.
With Julia Sterparn “OXFAM, Development, and the Transnational Construction of
Canadian Aboriginals’ Rights 1962-1975,” Canadian Historical Association, Waterloo,
May 2012.
b) to other academic bodies
“The Role of the ‘New World’ at the Child Welfare Committee of the League of
Nations: Canadian and American Social Workers and Children’s Rights in the Inter-War
Years”, Seminar on Canada, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, February
“The Health of African Children, Children’s Rights and the Save the Children Fund’s
First Mission in Africa: Addis Ababa, 1936”, joint seminar of the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine,
London, March 2001.
“The Role of Images of African Children in the History of Humanitarian Aid”, seminar
on African history, SOAS, London, March 2001.
“Les philosophes sociaux du langage et l’étude de la politique des droits universels au
Québec au vingtième siècle”, “Entre vie privée et pouvoir formel: Discussion entre les
disciplines”, Montreal History Group, May Day Meeting, McGill University, Montreal,
May 2002
"Humanitarian Aid to Africa, Universal Rights and Public Opinion: The Save the
Children Fund Campaign for the Rights of Ethiopian Children in 1936 An Illustrated
Talk", Paper presented at the History colloquium and the African Studies Committee,
Carleton University, March 21 2003
‘ “Give Us Some Really Harrowing Stories”: the Nature of Humanitarian Sympathies for
African Children Since 1930’, Oxford Brookes, School of Arts and Humanities, Research
seminar Series Term 2, 22 January 2004
‘Humanitarian debates about the Health of African Children in the 1930s’, Oxford
Brookes University Centre for Health, Medicine and society: Past and Present 003’2004
Seminar Series – Term 2, February 3, 2004.
“The African participants at the conference on the African Child of 1930 and their
understanding of children's rights” and “Hoover and children's rights during and after the
First World War”, two graduate seminars, Department of Child Studies, University of
Linkoping (Sweden), April 2006.
« Le rôle de la Société des Nations dans la diffusion internationale des savoirs sur la
protection de l'enfance, 1919-1945 », Workshop on "Poverty and Social Relations in
Canada, 19th and 20th Century", in Montreal, UQAM, 6 October 2006.
“Transnational and local dimensions of the history of children’s entitlements in Canadian
social policies. The League of Nations and local political cultures. 1910-1940”,
Workshop on “Public and Private Origins of Social Policies: A Transnational Perspective
(1900-1940)", Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Friday, 9 February 2007.
Early uses of childhood as a theme of international exchanges: the Child Welfare
Committee of the League of Nations, and its Declaration of the Rights of Child``,
workshop on The Value(s) of International Organizations : Historical Reflections``,
University of Oxford Modern European History Research Centre and Forum of
Contemporary History University of Oslo, Saturday, 2 June 2007.
“Herbert Hoover, Children’s Rigths and the Construction of the International Order,
1914-1950”, Conference of the Society for the History of Children and Youth, June 2007.
“Humanitarian Discourses about Children and the History of Civic Life”, Workshop on
Humanitarianism, Politics and Culture, Carleton University, 20 May 2009.
“Humanitarian Discourses about Children and the History of Civic Life”, Workshop on
Humanitarianism, Politics and Culture, Carleton University, 20 May 2009.
“The Causes, Promises and Problems of Coordinated Actions in Favour of Children in
war and Peace: Philanthropists, Experts and the League of Nations, 1914-1930”, Paper
prepared for the Workshop on “Transnational Networks of Experts and Organizations”,
Geneva, 31 August-1 September 2009.
"Humanitarianism, Communism and Decolonization: Black participants at the
Conference on the African Child, Geneva, 1931", African Studies brownbag lunch
seminar series, Wed Sept 23rd .
“Early Humanitarianism and Local Knowledge: Black Experts and the Conference on
the African Child of the Save the Children International Union, Geneva, 1931”,
workshop on new approaches to the history of humanitarianism, Stanford, May 28 2010.
"Birth Registration and the Promotion of Children's Rights in the Interwar years. The
Save the Children International Union's Conference on the African Child of 1931, and
Herbert Hoover's American Child Health Association", Workshop on the Comparative
History of the Registration of Persons, At St John’s College, Cambridge 7-10 September
c) non-academic talks
“Canada and the Development of the Concept of Children`s Rights”, Saint-Francis
Xavier Catholic High School, December 1999.
“The Rights of African Children, the SCF and Public Opinion: The Conference on the
African Child of 1931 and the Centre of Child Welfare in Addis Ababa in 1936. An
illustrated talk,” presented at the Save the Children Fund, Vauxhall, June 2001.
Five lunch talks, to the staff and retired staff of Oxfam Canada, head office, Vanier:
-With Julia Sterparn, “Oxfam and First Nations, 1960-1975,” 1 October 2012.
-“A Radiography of Canada's Humanitarian Public in 1962-1963: Oxford's Lynn TenKate Travels through Canada for Oxfam,” 7 November 2012.
-“The Henry Fletcher Years, 1966 - 1971: Varieties of British Traditions and the Nature
of the Tensions Leading to the Independence of Oxfam Canada,” 12 December 2012.
-“ Oxfam Canada’s Independences: Histories on the Autonomy from Oxford and on the
Creation of Oxfam Quebec (1962-1980) through Documents,” 13 March 2013.
-With Erika Muñoz, “ Oxfam Canada and the Salvadoran Refugees of Honduras, 19801989,” 17 April 2013.
d) invited talks given at Carleton
“Welfare and Poverty in Quebec, a History”, Guest lecture in the M.S.W. seminar on the
history of social policies, by Teresa Jennison, Fall 2006.
“The History of Children’s Rights”, Core Seminar of Child Studies, CHST 2502 B,
Amedeo D’Angiulli, Spring 2008.
Research Grants
a) Government or extra-university
$ 2,000
Henry Charles Chapman Visiting Fellowship, Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICS),
University of London.
The Child Welfare Committee of the League of Nations
Aux origines sociales de l’Etat-providence
Aid to Publication
$ 5,737
$ 51 061
Humanitarian Aid and Children’s Rights: Canada and Africa, 1900-1965
Canada Council
Aux origines sociales de l’Etat-providence
$ 10 000
Leverhulme Trust
11 626 pounds
Research in History
Children’s Rights, Children’s Health and Humanitarian Aid From 1918 to 1965: Canada
and Africa
University of Linkoping
Université libre de Bruxelles $ 2,000
Travel grant
Oxford University
$ 2,000
Travel grant
Ass. of Commonwealth
$ 10 000
J. and G. Southam
$ 7 500
$ 5 000
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
b) University
$ 2,000
Travel grant and
$ 3,000
$ 700
$ 400
$ 150
$ 200
$ 3,000
$ 3,000
$ 800
$ 1,500
$ 15,000
$ 1,000
$ 1,320
$ 3,000
$ 7,260
$ 1,884
$ 1,000
$ 1,100
$ 500
$ 6, 000
$ 1, 600
$ 1, 000
$ 1, 250
$ 2, 000
$ 1, 250
$ 1, 250
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Res. Achievement
Conference Travel
Conference Travel
Translation Grant
Sabbatical Grant
Conference Travel
Publication Grant
Conference Travel
Internal Strategic Gr.
Services to the Profession
a) Offices held in local, national or international academic bodies:
Member of the jury for the Eugene Forsey price for the best Ph.D. dissertation in Labour
History, 2000-2001.
Member of the board of the Academic Pre-Selection Committee for the Faculty
Enrichment Program, Faculty Research Program and Institutional Research Program for
Canadian Studies in the United Kingdom and in Europe, 2000.
President of the jury for the Clio regional Award in Quebec History, Canadian Historical
Society, 1999-2000.
Membre of the Jury for the Comité des prix de l’Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique
française, 2009.
Member if the jury for the best book in Canadian Political History, 2010-2011
Vice-President/President, Canadian Historical Association, 2012-2015
Board Member, Canadian Federation of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2012-2015
Associations’ portfolio
b) Positions held on selection committees (OGS, SSHRCC, etc.) or performance
adjudication boards:
Member of the adjudication committee for graduate student fellowships in history,
SSHRC, 2006 and 2007.
c) Scholarly assessments
Manuscript appraisals for journals or publishers since 1999:
Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, 1999.
Atlantis, 2000, 2009.
Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Spring 2001, Winter 2003,
Fall 2003.
Canadian Historical Review, Fall 2001, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012.
Diplomacy and Statecraft, April 2005
Enfances, Familles, Générations, 1
Ethnic Studies, Spring 2002
Histoire sociale/Social History, Spring 2001, Fall 2002, March 2005, Spring 2007,
Spring 2009.
Journal of the History of Children and Youth, Winter 2013.
Labour/le travail, 2006
Lien social et politique, 2007
McGill University Press, 2007; 2012.
Revue de l’histoire de l’éducation, summer 2007.
Sociologies et sociétés, 1UBC Press, summer 2007, 2011.
Philip Muehlenbeck (1 article for a collection on immigration)
University of Toronto Press, Fall 2012.
Assessment of research proposal for SSHRCC, etc.:
SSHRCC Standard Grants, Winter 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2003, December 2003, Fall
2005, Winter 2007, 2009, Winter 2010.
SSHRCC Killam Grant, Fall 2005.
Swiss National Science Foundation, December 2008.
Assessment of university programs or of candidates for promotion at other
Promotion, Department of History, York University, September 2000
Promotion, Department of History, York University, September 2001
c) Other
-In collaboration with Tom Buchanan, of Oxford University, organisation of a half day
meeting on ‘The History of Humanitarian Aid: Problems and Perspectives’, Oxford
Brookes University, March 2004, Hosted by the Centre for Health, Medicine and Society,
School of Arts and Humanities, Oxford Brookes University
- Arrangement of the exhibition “Names Instead of Numbers”, Department of History,
February-March 2012
-Arrangement of an exhibit on the history of Voice of Women, Department of History,
February-March 2013
-Coordination of the Colloquium on the Memory of Champlain to be held at Carleton in
September 2013
Academic Responsibilities
a) Graduate courses taught
Historical Theories and Methods
Perspectives on Canadian State Formation/otherwise named Political Culture and Public
Life: Canada in Comparative Perspectives
Historical Perspectives on Power.
Historical Theory and Methods
Political Economy: Core concepts
b) Undergraduate courses taught
Modern Canada.
First Year Seminar: Canadian History and its Sources
Canadian Political History.
Modern Quebec.
Welfare and Poverty in Canadian History.
Image and Actuality in the History of the Modern Canadian Family.
Practicum in History.
History of Human Rights in Canada
History of International Humanitarian Aid
Perspectives on Canadian State Formation.
Canadian Historiography.
Canada’s Transnational Pasts
d) Supervision
- Ph.D.
Louis-Raphaël Pelletier, “Revolutionising Landscapes: Hydroelectricity and the Heavy
Industrialisation of Society and Environment in the Comte de Beauharnois, 1927-1948”
Emily Arrowsmith, “Fair Enough? How Notions of Race, Gender, and Soldiers' Rights
Affected Dependents' Allowance Policies Towards Canadian Aboriginal Families During
World War II” (2006)
David Hood, Homelessness, “The Homeless and Reformers: Negotiating Progress in the
Upper Streets of Halifax, 1890-1914” (2008)
Jessica Squires, “A Refuge from Militarism: The Canadian Movement to Support
Vietnam Era American War resisters, and Government Responses, 1965-1973" (2009)
David Tough, Taxation in Canada, in progress.
Jessica Haynes, Contraception in Ontario, 1960-1980, completed, Fall 2012
William Tait, NGOS and Missionaries, in progress.
- M.A.
Connie Landry, "Needy Mothers' Pensions in Nova Scotia" (1994).
Jessica Haynes, “The Legacy of Scientific Motherhood: Doctors and Child-Rearing
Advice in the 1960s and 1970s in English Canada” (2007)
Katie Morrell (co-supervision/Hillmer), “Passive, Not Active: The Response of Prince
Edward Island to the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989-1991”
David Banoub, “Liberalism, Quebec's Political Culture, and George-Etienne Cartier,
1864-1871” (2007)
Andrew Denstedt (co-supervision/Hillmer), Ontario Textbooks, the Cold War and
Citizenship, 2008. Research Essay.
Michael Di Francesco, Impact of the Great Depression in Ontario, 2010.
Daryle Pearl-McDowell, The Magdalen Asylum of Ottawa, MA research essay, 2010.
Nicole Sedgwick, War and Primary Schoolds in Ontario, MA Research Essay, 2010.
Robin Long (in collaboration with André Loiselle, Film Studies), 2012
A Study on the Historical Memory of the Province of Québec as Presented in the Film:
15 février 1839. 2012.
Martha Attridge-Bufton, (part time), Student politics on Ontario or Children’s Television
programs, in progress.
Sarah Doersken, Mental health in Canada. Co-supervision with Jennifer Evans. In
Honours thesis
Anne Martin, The Orphans of Grosse Isle, Child Studies, 2001.
Jessica Hume-Antonopoulos, Violence, security and women in refugee camps in West
Africa, Public Administration, 2008-9.
Arianna Labocetta, Human Rights. Co-supervision with Landon Pearson. Children’s
Rights in Latin America. Completed, May 2013.
Post Ph.D.
Louise Bienvenue, “The Catholic Youth Movement in Quebec, 1930-1960”, postdoctoral research (History), 2000-2001.
Shirley Tillotson, "Trade Unions and Local Charities in Post-War Canada", supervision
of a post-doctoral research, 1992-1993.
Karine Hébert, " Student Identities in Montreal", post-doctoral research (History), 20022003.
c) Thesis Boards
Ed McCoy, Canadian Penitentiaries, Ph.D., Trent, 2010.
David Banoub, (Ph.D., Carleton University, History, Member of thesis committee), 2009Patronage in 19th century Canada.
Andrea Carrion (Ph.D., Carleton University, Geography, Member of thesis committee),
2011- Urban History in Ecuador.
Marie-Luise Ermish (McGill, History, member of supervisory committee), Spring 2011Children Within British International Development Initiatives, 1959-1979
Tim Krywulak, “An archaeology of Keynesianism: the macro-political foundations of the
modern welfare state in Canada, 1896-1948”, PhD (History), member of the jury of the
Ana Fonseca, (Ph.D., Carleton University, History, Member of thesis committee), 2011Patronage in Colonial Latin America
James Onusko (Trent, Canadian Studies, member of supervisory committee), 2009Childhood in Edmonton in the 1950s
Thesis Examined for other Departments in other universities
M.A. History, Guelph, 2008.
M.A. history, Royal Military College, @ 2006.
Ph. D. History, York, 2008 and 2011.
Linkoping, Ph.D., Child Studies, September 2009
UQAM, Ph.D. Department of History, May 2010
University of Toronto, Ph.D., January 2012
d) Thesis Examined for other Departments at Carleton
Social Work, M.A. 1
Public Administration, Ph.D. 1
Sociology, Ph.D. 1.
Canadian Studies, M.A. 1
Legal Studies, M.A., 2
Administrative Responsibilities at Carleton
a) Department of History
Speakers Committee, 1991-1992, 1993-1994.
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1992-1993.
Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Television, 1993.
Planning Committee and Advisor for the Pass Program, 1997-1998.
Undergraduate Committee, 1995-1996; 1997-2000; 2002-2003.
Undergraduate Advisor and Planning Committee, January-July 2000.
Futures Committee, Spring 2001.
Canadian History Committee, Spring 2001.
Public History Committee 2001-2002.
School Relations Committee 2001-2002.
Search Committee for a Canadian Historian, Winter 2002; winter 2003.
Link with the Institute of Political Economy, 2002Graduate Committee, 2004-5
Chair of the Committee on Theory and Methods, 2005-6
Supervisor of Graduate Studies, July 2007-2010.
Acting Chair, 2011-2012.
e) University
Child Studies Committee, Carleton University, 1998Cross appointment with the Institute of Political Economy, summer 2001.
Member of the Committee for the joint Ph.D. I Political Economy, 2005Member of the Group on African Studies at Carleton, 2008, and their management
Committee 2010.
University Promotions Committee, 2008
Academic Policy Committee, FGSR, 2010-2012
Acting member of the Program and Planning Committee, FGPA, 2011-12
Senate Academic Committee on Equity, 2012 -