The Mexican Revolution

By: Alejandro Hernandez
The Mexican Revolution started because of the
disagreement between the Mexican people and
the dictatorship of President Porfirio Diaz.
President Diaz was in office for over 30 years,
this period of time was called the Porfiriato.
President Diaz violated many principles and
ideas of the Mexican Constitution of 1857. He
established the “No Re-election” policy but
terminated it later and became the dictator of
The Mexican Revolution too place between
1910 and 1920. It was 10 full years of rebellions
and uprisings throughout the country by
Mexican citizens. Although several small
outbreaks still occurred after 1920, things did
settle down after many wars and rebellious
Porfirio Diaz- President of Mexico who served seven terms, which
totaled nearly three decades. His presidency start from around 1876 and
ended when he was overthrown in 1911.
Fernando I. Madero- Challenged President Diaz in the 1910 elections
but was arrested by Diaz and had the election stolen from him. He fled
the country and declared that the revolution would start in November of
1910. His presidency from 1911 lasted only to 1913 when his betrayal and
execution took place.
Emiliano Zapata- Zapata was known as an idealist, he had a very clear
vision for a new Mexico, one in which the poor had rights to their land
and were treated with respect as farmers and workers. He was an
implacable enemy and fought against Diaz, Madero, Huerta, Obregon
and Carranza.
Victoriano Huerta- He was one of Diaz’ former generals. He served in
the early days of the revolution and stayed when Madero took office. He
later arrested and executed Madero in 1913. Huerta was brought down by
an alliance of Zapata, Carranza, Villa, and Obregon.
Pascual Orozco- He raised an army when the revolution broke out and
found out he was a good leader. He was an ally of Madero in his quest to
presidency but Madero turned on him and Orozco began to fight Madero.
Orozco was still very powerful in 1914, when he supported Huerta. Huerta
was defeated, however, and Orozco went into exile in the USA. He was shot
and killed by Texas Rangers in 1915.
Pancho Villa- He made revolutionaries out of his band of bandits. In 19141915 Villa was the most powerful man in Mexico, and could have seized the
presidency had he so wished, but he knew he was no politician. After the fall
of Huerta, Villa fought against the uneasy alliance of Obregon and Carranza.
Venustiano Carranza- He was elected to the Mexican Congress and Senate
before the revolution. He supported Madero, but when Madero was executed
and the whole nation fell apart, Carranza saw his chance. He named himself
President in 1914 and acted as if he were. He fought anyone who said
otherwise and allied himself with the ruthless Alvaro Obregon.
Alvaro Obregon- When Madero fell, Obregon joined with Carranza,
Villa and Zapata to bring down Huerta. Afterwards, Obregon joined with
Carranza to fight Villa, scoring a huge victory at the Battle of Celaya.
Carranza reneged, however, and Obregon had him killed in 1920.
Obregon was assassinated in 1928.
The Mexican Revolution was recognized as the first major
political, social, and cultural revolution of the 20th century. It
officially began in 1910 after Francisco I. Madero overthrew
Porfirio Diaz. Madero drafted the Plan de San Luis Potosi, which
was supported rebels throughout Mexico. It was in north
Chihuahua where a large armed struggle sparked uprisings across
the country. Zapata started recruiting thousands of “peasants” in
1909 to fight for land reform. Many wars, battles, rebellions, and
uprisings occurred during this long revolution. Trust between
leaders was very little, most of them were arrested or executed by
leaders that they supported.
The Battle of Zacatecas was one of the key engagements of the
Mexican Revolution. After General Huerta had removed Francisco
Madero from power and ordered his execution, he had seized the
presidency. His grasp on power was weak, however, because the
rest of the major players like Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata,
Alvaro Obregón and Venustiano Carranza were allied against
him. After two days of skirmishing, Villa's artillerymen began
bombarding the El Bufo Sierpe, Loreto and El Grillo hills at about
10 a.m. on June 23, 1914. Villa and Angeles sent elite infantry to
capture La Bufa and El Grillo. When La Bufa was taken, the
federal forces cracked. Knowing that Villa would definitely
execute all officers, and probably most enlisted men as well, the
federals panicked. Officers ripped off their uniforms even as they
tried to fight off Villa's infantry, who had entered the city. The
crushing defeat at Zacatecas was a death blow for Huerta.
The initial purpose of the revolutionary movement was
to overthrow General Porfirio Diaz who had been in
power form more thank 30 years.
November 10, 1910- A date is set for Sunday. The Serdan Brothers
along with other Madero followers fight the police in the City of
Puebla. This marks the beginning of the armed war.
May 25, 1911- President Porfirio Diaz resigns after 30 years in
November 6, 1911- President Francisco I Madero took office after
winning the elections in October 1911.
February 22, 1913- President Madero was assassinated by orders
of Victoriano Huerta.
July 15, 1914- President Victoriano Huerta resings and leaves the
December 6, 1914- Zapata and Villa occupy Mexico City and
march with a force of 50 thousand men.
May 1, 1917- Venustiano Carranza assumes the Mexican
"Sufragio Efectivo No Reelección" Francisco I Madero
Effective Suffrage (Vote) No Reelection
"La Tierra es de Quien la Trabaja" Emiliano Zapata
The land is property of those who work it.
There is not an exact number of casualties due to the
revolutionary war but it is calculated that between 1
and 2 million people died.
Porfirio Diaz
Fernando I.
Emiliano Zapata
Pascual Orozco
Pancho Villa