

Research Methods in Computer


Lecture: Internet Research

Dr. Engr. Sami ur Rahman

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

University of Malakand

Internet Research

 Collecting information and studying a particular subject using resources published on the Internet

University Of Malakand | Department of Computer Science | Visual Computing Research Group | Dr. Engr.Sami ur Rahman | 2

Internet is an excellent tool for-

1. Conducting Literature Survey

2. Data Collection

3. Finding Data Analysis Tools

4. Technical Writing Guide

5. Disseminate Your Work

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Literature Survey

The Internet provides

- access to a wealth of information on countless topics contributed by people throughout the world.

- a user has access to a wide variety of services: vast information sources, electronic mail, file transfer, interest group membership, interactive collaboration, multimedia displays, and mor e .

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Literature Survey

- The Internet is not a library in which all its available items are identified and can be retrieved by a single catalog.

- In fact, no one knows how many individual files reside on the Internet.

- The number runs into a few billion and is growing at a rapid pace.

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Literature Survey

•The Internet is

–a self-publishing medium

–anyone with little or no technical skills and access to a host computer can publish on the Internet.

– Internet sites change over time according to the commitment and inclination of the creator.

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Literature Survey

– Some sites demonstrate an expert's knowledge, while others are amateur efforts.

–Some may be updated daily, while others may be outdated.

–As with any information resource, evaluation of what you find on the

Internet is important

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Internet Vs Books/Text

Anyone can publish a

Web page

No one checks to see if the information is true or false

There are millions of

Using the Internet is much quicker

You can narrow down what you’re looking for more easily

A book has to be published by a publishing company

Both provide

sources of information

Editors check and verify the information

Looking for a book can

Both are

viewed by millions of people each


You have to visit a library day

The library uses a classification system

The Internet uses search engines

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-Go directly to a site if you have the address

- Browse

- Explore a subject directory

- Conduct a search using a Web search engine

- Query a service devoted to digitized - - scholarly materials or books

- Join an e-mail discussion group

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-Haphazard but interesting way of finding desired material on the Internet.

- The creator of a home page programs each link, you never know where these links might lead.

- High quality starting pages will contain high quality links.

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Subject Directories

 Directories are a collection of web organized by experts

 Created by universities, libraries, companies, organizations

 Organized by subject and consist of links to Internet resources

 A good directory will also evaluate web sites for quality and reliability

 Starting with a directory can give you a good idea about the amount and type of web based information on your topic.

 Most directories provide a search capability that allows you to query the database on your topic of interest.

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Types of Directories

 General Web Directories:

 Covers all subject areas

 Not selective - tend not to evaluate web sites for quality

 Large in size - will include and organize millions of web sites

 Examples of General Web Directories

 Yahoo Directory

 Google Directory

 Open Directory

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Types of Directories

• Academic Web Directories: o Covers most academic subjects and disciplines o Selective - some are more selective than others o Limited in size - favoring quality over quantity

• Subject Web Directories: o Covers a specific subject or discipline area o Selective - tend to be quite selective o Limited in size - limited by the nature of the subject

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When to use Directories?

Directories are useful for

- general topics

- for topics that need exploring

- for in-depth research, and for browsing

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Examples of Subject Directories

 About.com http://about.com

 Lycos Sites by Subject http://www.lycos.com/default.asp

 The Open Directory Project http://dmoz.org

 The WWW Virtual Library http://www.vlib.org

 Argus Clearinghouse http://www.clearinghouse.net

 Magellan Internet Guide http://magellan.excite.com

 Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com

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A collection of structured records.

Structured in such a way to permit orderly retrieval, e.g. for research, study, or administration.

A database may contain citations or it may have full-text articles.

Every database has its own subject scope and coverage.

It is searchable in a variety of ways, such as title, author, subject, and keyword. But only in its normal database environment, using the database-specific search engine.

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 Types of databases

 Bibliographic databases

 Full-text databases

 Numeric databases

 Image databases

 Audio/Video databases

 Mixed databases

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 Blackwell Publishing h ttp://www.blackwell-synergy.com

The Blackwell database covers the following subjects:

Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting

Engineering, Computing and Technology

Health Sciences



Life and Physical Sciences

Mathematics and Statistics


Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Arts

Veterinary Medicine, Animal Sciences, Agriculture and Aquaculture

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 ScienceDirect http://www.sciencedirect.com/

An information source for scientific , technical, and medical research

 INFOMINE http://infomine.ucr.edu/

Scholarly internet resources

 GPO ACCESS ONLINE RESOURCES http://www.gpoaccess.gov/databases.html


 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/index.html

 Bibliographic records and Full text of UNESCO documents, publications, periodicals.

 Bibliographic records of the Library's acquisitions.

 OpenJ-Gate FREE ARTICLES http://www.open-gate.com/search/QuickSearch.aspx

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DOAJ ( Directory of open access journals) http://www.doaj.org/

 Multidisciplinary databases http://csulb.libguides.com/content.php?pid=147338&sid=1286279 http://clemson.libguides.com/content.php?pid=94851&sid=709062 http://www.library.fullerton.edu/guides/free_databases/Home.php

 BEAUCOUP REFERENCE AND EDUCATION LITERATURE http://www.beaucoup.com/3refeng.html

 Business Management http://www.businessresearchsources.com/database/free_databases.html

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Economics http://ideas.repec.org/ http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/links/data_free.htm

Finance and economics http://www.gfmag.com/tools/global-database/economicdata.html#axzz1Yb43Mai4

Global finance

 http://www.gfmag.com/tools/global-database/economic-data/10299the-worlds-richest-and-poorest-countries.html#axzz1Yb43Mai4

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 Religion-Christianity http://www.library.yale.edu/div/forfree.html

 Religion and philosophy resources http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=20489

 Religion- Islam http://www.altafsir.com/


 http://www.priory.com/ Priory medical journals

 http://www.freemedicaljournals.com/ Medical Journals

 http://highwire.stanford.edu/lists/freeart.dtl

HighWire Online Full text articles

 http://www.medscape.com/ Medscape


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 http://www.racgp.org.au/library/freejournals Online medical journals

 http://www.gfmer.ch/Medical_journals/Free_medical.php

Medical journals

 http://www.forusdocs.com/Free_Resources/Free_Medical_Journals.htm

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/ PubMed Central Journals

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Search Engines

When you use a search engine to search the web, you are searching only the web pages and web objects

Why use a search engine, as opposed to a directory?

• Size: when you use a search engine, you are searching through billions of web pages.

• Searching for Specific Information: If you are looking for very specific or complex information, try a search engine..

• Caution: There is no guarantee that information found on the web is credible or reliable. Critically evaluate any information you use for academic assignments - especially information found on the web.

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Examples of Web Search Engines

• Google

• Yahoo

• Clusty


• AltaVista

• Alltheweb

• LawCrawler o Ask

Use searchenginewatch.com to keep up with the latest developments in web searching

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Examples of Web Search Engines

 All the Web, All the Time http://www.alltheweb.com

 Alta Vista

 Ask Jeeves http://www.altavista.com


 Ask Jeeves for Kids http://www.ajkids.com

 Ask Jeeves for Teachers http://www.ajkids.com

 Go.Com


 GoTo.Com


 Excite http://www.excite.com

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(i) Google maps

(ii) Google translate – translation to several languages

(iii) Google earth – download the application

(iv) Google plus – social chat network

(v) Google images – database of images

(vi) Google voice -

(vii) Google documents

(viii) Google scholar - articles

(ix) Google chrome - browser

(x) Google news – current information

(xi) Google books – preview of books

(xii) Google reader

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 ACCOUNTING http://www.taxsites.com/

 AGRICULTURE: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/ AgEcon http://www.agnic.org/search/ AgNic http://www.agview.com/ Agview1

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 BIOLOGY http://www.biolinks.net.ru/ Bioexplorer http://us.expasy.org/BioHunt/ ExPASy h ttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gquery/gquery.fcgi


 BOTANY http://www.botany.net/IDB/ IDB

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 CIVIL ENGINEERING http://www.icivilengineer.com/

 CLASSICS http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/ Perseus Digital Library

 COMPUTER SCIENCE http://drdobbs.com/ DevSearcher

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 BUSINESS http://www.bpubs.com/ BPubs http://www.business.com/ Business http://www.entrepreneurship.org/ EntreWorld

 CHEMISTRY h ttp://www.cambridgesoft.com/databases/login/?serviceid=128 http://www.chemdex.org/search/results/taxonomy%3A344

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 ECONOMICS http://ese.rfe.org/ http://www.helsinki.fi/WebEc/EconVLib.html

 EDUCATION http://www.lessonplanet.com/ Education planet http://www.lessonplanet.com/ Education world

 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES http://www.envirolink.org/ EnviroLink

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 FOOD STUDIES http://www.foodsafety.gov/ FoodSafety

 GEOLOGY http://www.geo-guide.de/ Geo-Guide http://www.geoindex.com/geoindex/ Geoindex http://www.searchgeo.com/ Search Geo http://www.usgs.gov/ USGS

 GEOGRAPHY http://www.geo-guide.de/ GeoGuide http://www.arcgis.com/home/ ArcGIS

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Subject Specific Search Engines


HON http://www.hon.ch/HONsearch/Patients/medhunt.html

LANGUAGE/COUNTRIES http://www.arab.de/asearch.htm

Arabic http://www.netmasters.co.uk/european_search_engines/

European http://www.ilovelanguages.com/ ilovelanguages http://www.searchenginecolossus.com/ Colosus

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 HUMANITIES http://vos.ucsb.edu/index.asp

Voice of Shuttle

 KINERSIOLOGY http://www.sirc.ca/ SIRC

 LAW http://www.findlaw.com/ FindLaw http://lawcrawler.findlaw.com/ Lawcrawler

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 LITERATURE http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/

Literary Resources on the Net

 MATHEMATICS http://mathforum.org/library/topics/probstat/ Drexel http://www.math.fsu.edu/Virtual/ Mathematics WWW Virtual

Library http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/ StatLib http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/links/index.asp


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Subject Specific Search Engines

MEDICINE http://www.hon.ch/HONsearch/Patients/medhunt.html

HON http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ NLM http://www.webmd.com/ WebMD

PHYSICS http://physicsworld.com/ physicsworld

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 POLITICAL SCIENCE http://www.politicalinformation.com/ Political Information

SCIENCE http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ CiteSeer http://www.scicentral.com/ SciCentral http://www.science.gov/ Science.Gov

http://www.science.gov/ SciNet http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/ SCIRUS http://www.scitopia.org/scitopia/ Scitopia

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Subject Specific Search Engines

 SOCIAL SCIENCES http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue2/sosig sosig

 SOCIAL WORK http://www.socialworksearch.com

/ Social Work Search

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Meta-Search Engine

 Submit query to multiple, full-text search engines

 Query results from all search engines is compiled into one list

When to Use a Meta Search Engine

 With keywords that are extremely hard-to-find

 Locating a large number of related sites

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Examples of Meta-Search Engines

 Dogpile (Uses 11 different engines) http://www.dogpile.com

 Metacrawler: (Uses 10 major engines) http://www.metacrawler.com

 ProFusion: (Uses 9 engines) http://www.profusion.com

 SavvySearch: (combines web engines with other search tools) http://www.search.com

 All in One Search Page http://www.allonesearch.com

 Four in One Search Engine (simultaneously searches Yahoo!, Alta Vista, Lycos &

Web Crawler) http://www.all4one.com

 EZ-Find at The River (searches one of 15 engines at a time) http://info.theriver.com/TheRiver/ezfind.htm

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Formulating Queries

1 Identify your concepts

Break down your topic into its component concepts.

2. List keywords for each concept

List keywords which describe each concept. Some concepts may have only one keyword, while others may have many.

3. Specify the logical relationships among your keywords

Boolean logic allows you to specify the relationships among search terms by using any of three logical operators: AND, OR, NOT.

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OR Operator

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AND Operator

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Tips on Conducting Searching

•Read the directions at each search site.

•The technique for formulating a search depends on the search engine you are using.

•There is a wide variety of options available among the different search engines

•If you have a multi-term search, be sure to determine which type of

Boolean logic you should use.

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Tips on Conducting Searching

For example a search query

Use of Balanced Scorecard in Higher Education (exclude use in industry) may be formulated as

Balanced Scorecard +((Higher education OR Universit*) NOT


University Of Malakand | Department of Computer Science | Visual Computing Research Group | Dr. Engr.Sami ur Rahman | 46

Tips on Conducting Searching

-Include synonyms or alternate spellings in your search statements and connect these terms with OR logic.

-Check your spelling

-Take advantage of capitalization if the search engine is case sensitive

-Try different sources to diversify your results. Sources can include other search engines and large directories

-Experiment with different search engines. No two search engines work from the same index.

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Too many results or non-relelevant results

•Go to Field search

•Add concept words to your original search.

•Use vocabulary that is specific to your topic; avoid words with large concepts unless you intend to field search.

•Link appropriate terms with the Boolean AND ( + ) so that each term is required to appear in the record. While many search engines do not require this, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side.

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Too Few Results

Drop off the least important concept(s) to broaden your subject

Use more general vocabulary

Add alternate terms or spellings for individual concepts and connect with the Boolean OR

Try the option available on some engines to find similar or related documents to one or more of your relevant hits.

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Information Sources-

Primary Sources

-Such as Journals, Theses, Patents, standards etc.

Secondary Sources

- Such as Books, Encyclopaedia, Handbooks, Abstracts,

Indexes etc.

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Starting your search from Library Sources

Always start from a secondary sources

From Encyclopedia to gain broad knowledge

From abstracting/indexing sources such as Ebsco , ABI

Inform , Inspec , etc go the primary sources

Citation Indexes such as Web of Science (Science Citation

Index) OR Scopus could be better choice

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What if you don’t find anything?

 use search engine tools to broaden search

 use a different search engine

 identify databases or other sources of non-static pages

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Search Engines different facilities

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Advance Search

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Google “Advanced Search Tips” Page

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Personalizing your Google Searching

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Google Scholar

peer-reviewed papers

• theses

• books

• preprints

• abstracts

• technical reports

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Google Scholar

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Language Tools

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Language Tools

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Language Tools


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Language Tools

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• free web based collaborative pages as easy as word processing

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Citing Your Sources (Very important )

 Citing your sources means telling people where you got your information.

Just as you list books and encyclopedias in your bibliography, you must also include the sources of information you got from the Internet.

 Citing your sources is important because it shows others how to find the same information you found.

 To cite a source on the Internet, you need to have a written record of the following information for each website that you actually use in your report or essay:

 The name of the site and the author (Who made the website? A company? An organization? An individual?)

 What day you found the information

 The web address or URL

 The copyright date for the website (usually found at the bottom of the homepage)

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Citing Your Sources

 Use the format below to add Internet resources to a bibliography:

 Author. Title of Website. Web address or URL. Copyright date. Date you found the information.

 For example, look at the following website on Vasco da Gama and compare it to the information below.

( http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/dagama.html


 Author: There is no specific author listed

 Title: ThinkQuest: Explorers of the Millennium

 Web address: http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/dagama.html

 Copyright date: 1998 (this is found by clicking on “About this Site”

 Date found: April 30, 2006

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Citing Your Sources

Using this information:

Author: There is no specific author listed

 Title: ThinkQuest: Explorers of the Millennium

Web address: http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/dagama.html

 Copyright date: 1998 (this is found by clicking on “About this Site”

 Date found: April 30, 2006 a bibliographical citation for this website would look like this:

ThinkQuest: Explorers of the Millennium. http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/dagama.html

. 1998. Found on April 30, 2006.

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Thanks for your attention

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