Persuasion and Emotion “People are persuaded more by the depth of your conviction than by the height of your logic, more by your own enthusiasm than any proof you can offer.” Cavett Robert, Founder of the National Speaker’s Association Persuasive Speech Persuasion Process of influencing attitudes, beliefs, values, and behavior. Persuasive Speaking Speech intended to influence the beliefs, attitudes, values and acts of others. Persuasive Speech Attitude A predisposition to respond to people, ideas, objects, or events in evaluative ways. Sayre is a great place to go to school. Persuasive Speech Beliefs The ways people perceive reality to be. Our conceptions about what is true and what is false. Sayre is the best school for preparing students for successful careers. Persuasive Speech Values People’s most enduring judgments about what’s good and bad in life. A good education is the key to a great life. Persuasive Speech When you speak persuasively, you try to guide the audience to adopt a particular attitude, belief, or behavior that you favor. How is It Different from an Informative Speech? Informative Persuasive REVEALS OPTIONS URGES CHOICE SPEAKER IS TEACHER SPEAKER IS ADVOCATE SUPPORTING MATERIAL SUPPORTING MATERIAL ENLIGHTENS SATISFYS ADVICE LITTLE COMMITMENT STRONG COMMITMENT SPEAKER’S LEADERSHIP LESS SPEAKER’S LEADERSHIP IMPORTANT MORE IMPORTANT FEWER APPEALS TO FEELINGS MORE APPEALS TO FEELINGs Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Method for organizing persuasive speeches based upon problem solving and human motivation. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Created by Alan Monroe in the 1930’s based upon Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and John Dewey’s work about problem solving. All New Students Visit Atlantic City 5 Steps: Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action All New Students Visit Atlantic City 1. Attention Step Get the audience’s attention. Establish interest in topic: make it relevant to the audience. 2. Need Step Isolate and describe the issue to be addressed. Show the audience they have an important need to be satisfied. 3. Satisfaction Step Identify the solution. Offer a proposal to reinforce or change audience attitudes, beliefs, and/or values. 4. Visualization Step Show the audience how your proposal will actually benefit them. Invoke needs of self-esteem and self actualization. 5. Action Step Make a direct request of the audience to act. Sample Topics for Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Persuade the audience to: Participate in beach clean up day. Volunteer as tutors. Vote in the Presidential election. Donate food to food bank. Sign a petition for longer library hours. Sample Speech Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Purpose: To persuade students from your high school alma mater to attend Attention Step Strategy 1: Earn a half a million dollars. Strategy 2: Those with Associates Degrees earn a half million dollars more during their lifetime. Strategy 3: Half a million hairs would be almost four stories tall. Strategy 4: I’m just like you. Need Step Problem 1: It takes money to get an education. Problem 2: Most nearby colleges charge too much money for tuition. Problem 3: Loans must be paid back. Problem 4: Typical colleges offer few on-line courses. Satisfaction Step Satisfaction 1: Close to home. Satisfaction 2: One third as much and an Associates Degree only takes two years. Satisfaction 3: Transfer agreements with many other colleges Satisfaction 4: Programs that the 4-year schools don’t have. Satisfaction 5: Offers many on-line courses. Tuition Costs $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 ACCC Stockton Rowan $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Full Time Tuition Per Year Visualization Step Positive Visualization 1: CC grads do amazing things. Positive Visualization 2: Dedicated, caring faculty and small class sizes. Positive Visualization 3: Open door policy. Negative Visualization 1: Losing out on a half million dollars. Negative Visualization 2: Not getting the personalized attention you will get at ACCC. Action Step Action 1: Half a million dollars difference between a community college graduate and someone with a high school diploma. Action 2: Sign up right now for a tour of the ACCC campus. All New Students Visit Atlantic City 5 Steps: Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action All New Students Visit Atlantic City