File a Tax Return – With Operations

Motor Fuels
IFTA/Intrastate E-File
• File quarterly IFTA returns and pay tax due
• Order IFTA or Intrastate credentials (license and decals)
• Inquire tax returns or credentials
– View and print IFTA returns previously filed online
– View and print confirmation for IFTA and Intrastate credentials
previously ordered online
• Close account
– Advise Motor Fuels of the closing of your IFTA or Intrastate
• Grant or revoke access to your online account by a
reporting service or third party representative
• IFTA/IN web questions & suggestions
Log into the IFTA/Intrastate E-File application at any time
No paper return to complete and mail
Faster processing of your return
System performs all calculations to determine tax or
refund due
• Acknowledgement that your return or credential order has
been received
• Acknowledgement that your payment has been received
for those who pay using bank draft or credit/debit card
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Follow the instructions in the letter to establish your online account. You must set up
your account within 90 days of the date on your access code letter; otherwise, your
access code will expire. If you do not have your letter or if your access code has
expired, contact us at (919) 733-3409 or (877) 308-9092 to obtain your access code.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Go to and select Electronic Services for Businesses.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Select the Motor Fuels IFTA/Intrastate E-File application.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
When you are ready, select the link to log into the application.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Select OK when the security alert box appears.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
To advance through the application, click the Submit button.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
To set up your online account, select the First Time User/Initial Access Setup link.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Read the setup notice and click the Submit button.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Enter the state number and access code from the letter you received. The
access code is case-sensitive. You must use capital letters.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
In addition to yourself, you may grant access to your online account to a reporting
service, a third party representative, or both. If you would like for someone other
than yourself to have access to your online account, check the appropriate box.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
If you want a reporting service to conduct business on your behalf and the
designated reporting service is not included in the drop down list, you must have
the reporting service contact our office to be added to the system.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
If you want a third party representative to conduct business on your behalf,
you must indicate if the representative already has an IFTA/Intrastate online
account or if the representative is a new user.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
If the third party representative has an existing IFTA/Intrastate online
account, enter their email address.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
If the third party representative is a new user, enter the representative’s
email address, name, telephone number, and password.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
To complete the setup of your online access, enter your email address,
name, telephone number, and password.
Getting Started –
First Time User/Initial Access Setup
Verify the information you have entered and select Submit.
To login to your account, enter your email address and password. If you forgot
your password, select the link to obtain your password hint.
Main Menu
From the main menu, select the action you would like to perform.
File a Tax Return
To file an IFTA tax return, select the Quarterly Tax Filing option.
File a Tax Return – No Operations
Are you
Select the reporting period for the return. If you did not operate in any
jurisdiction, answer “no” to the question. If you operated in North Carolina or
any other jurisdiction during the reporting period, make sure to answer “yes.”
File a Tax Return – No Operations
The system will calculate any applicable penalty based on the due date of
the return you are filing.
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
Make sure to print the return confirmation for your records. If you
would like to print a copy of the return, select Print Return.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
To report miles traveled in North Carolina or any other jurisdiction,
make sure to answer “yes” to the operations question.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Select a fuel type and enter the total miles traveled and total gallons used. You
must report mileage and fuel usage information for each fuel type separately.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Review the information you entered to ensure it is correct.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Indicate the jurisdictions in which you traveled by selecting the appropriate
states from the map or list. Click the green arrow to transfer the selected
jurisdictions to the list on the right.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
r how?
Can’t remember how to select or remove a jurisdiction? Click the help
button for instructions.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Enter the miles traveled and fuel gallons purchased in each jurisdiction for each
fuel type previously selected. If you traveled in multiple jurisdictions, click
Next to view additional pages.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
File a Tax Return – With Operations
The system will calculate the tax payment due.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
If you have a previous credit available that you would like to apply to the
return, enter the credit amount. Otherwise, enter zero.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Review the information you entered to ensure it is correct.
File a Tax Return – With Operations
Tax Due Return – Make a Payment
If your return shows a tax payment due, select a payment option.
Tax Due Return – Bank Draft Payment
If you selected to pay by bank draft, enter your routing number, account
number, the account type, and the amount you would like to pay. If you need
help locating this information, click the Help button.
Tax Due Return – Bank Draft Payment
Tax Due Return – Bank Draft Payment
You must re-enter your bank account number for verification purposes.
Tax Due Return – Credit/Debit Card Payment
If you selected to pay by credit/debit card, enter the card number, expiration
date, card holder’s name, the zip code appearing on the card’s billing statement,
and the amount you would like to pay.
Tax Due Return – Credit/Debit Card Payment
Review the information you entered to ensure it is correct. A
convenience fee is charged for credit/debit card payments.
Tax Due Return – Check Payment
If you selected to pay by check, enter the amount of your payment and print the
payment voucher. You must mail the voucher along with your payment.
Important: You have not yet filed your return. You must click Submit to complete
your transaction and file the return.
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
Make sure to print the return confirmation for your records. If you
would like to print a copy of the return, select Print Return.
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
To print the return, you must change your printer setting to landscape.
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
Once you have printed the return, select Back to return to the
confirmation screen.
File a Tax Return – Confirmation
If you would like to perform another action, select Menu to return to the
main menu. Otherwise, select Exit to log out of the e-file application.
Order Credentials
To order credentials, select the Order Credentials option.
Order Credentials
Select the option best suited to your needs.
Order Credentials – License only
If you only need a license, select the type of account and the year for
which you are making the request.
Order Credentials – Decals and License
If you need decals, you must enter the number of decal sets requested. One
decal set contains two decals, one for each side of the vehicle.
Order Credentials – Confirmation
Make sure to print the credential order confirmation for your records.
Inquiry – Tax Returns or Credentials
To view returns or credential orders previously submitted online, select
the Inquire Tax Returns or Credentials option.
Inquiry – Tax Returns or Credentials
Select the type of online transaction that you would like to view.
Inquiry – Tax Return
If you selected to view tax returns previously filed online, enter the
reporting period of the return you want to view.
Inquiry – Tax Return
If you would like to print a copy of the return, select Print Return. To
return to the main menu, select Submit.
Inquiry – Credentials
If you selected to view credential orders previously submitted online,
enter the tax type and year for which credentials were requested.
Inquiry – Credentials
Select a specific credential order to view.
Inquiry – Credentials
If you would like to print a copy of the credential order confirmation,
select Print Screen. To return to the main menu, select Submit.
IFTA/Intrastate Internet
Taxpayer User’s Manual
• For step-by-step instructions, go to the NCDOR website,
select Tax Forms, and then IFTA from the drop down menu
for a copy of the Taxpayer User Manual
• Additional topics covered in the User Manual
– User management
• Manage reporting service or third party access to your online account
– Close account
– Change password or retrieve forgotten password
– Frequently asked questions
Contact the Motor Fuels Tax Division at (919) 733-3409 or
toll free at (877) 308-9092.