The University of Exeter Annual Internal Audit Plan 2015-16 Proposed final for Audit Committee meeting October 2015 CONTENTS Page 1. Background 3 2. Approach to Audit Planning 5 3. Internal Audit Approach 6 4. Annual Plan 2015-16 7 5. Three year coverage summary 2014-17 12 Appendix 1 - Internal Audit Charter 16 Restrictions of use The matters raised in this report are only those which came to our attention during the course of our audit and are not necessarily a comprehensive statement of all the weaknesses that exist or all improvements that might be made. The report has been prepared solely for the management of the organisation and should not be quoted in whole or in part without our prior written consent. BDO LLP neither owes nor accepts any duty to any third party whether in contract or in tort and shall not be liable, in respect of any loss, damage or expense which is caused by their reliance on this report. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 2 1. BACKGROUND Introduction BDO LLP (BDO) were appointed as internal auditors to the University of Exeter from 1 August 2014. In order to deliver a soundly based programme of audit coverage and to comply with the requirements of Accountability and Audit: HEFCE Code of Practice, an Internal Audit Strategy will be prepared for consideration and approval by the University’s Audit Committee. The purpose of this paper is to set out our updated Internal Audit Annual Plan for second year of the Strategy period, 2015-16, following consideration by the Audit Committee of an earlier draft at its meeting of 12th June 2015. To this end, this paper sets out the following: • Our scope and responsibilities • The approach to internal audit planning • The draft annual internal audit plan • A summary of audit work delivered and planned across the period 2014-17 At the Audit Committee meeting on 12th June 2015 a draft of an updated Internal Audit Annual Plan for second year of the Strategy period, 2015-16, was presented for consideration. Following that meeting we have incorporated comments raised by committee members and PSMG and VCEG and we are presenting the 2015-16 plan for approval at the 2nd October meeting of Audit Committee. The proposed plan for 2015/16 has been prepared through rolling forward the planned areas for audit for our second year, as described within the approved Strategic Audit Plan; modified to consider the impact from work undertaken in 2014/15, discussion with management as outlined above, and the nature and scale of the University’s transformation and change agenda. The internal audit year runs from August to July each year, in line with the University’s financial year. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 3 Scope and responsibilities Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. The HEFCE Code of Practice describes the prime responsibility of the internal audit service as providing the governing body, the designated officer and the other managers of the HEI with assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance arrangements. Responsibility for these arrangements remains fully with management, who should recognise that internal audit can only provide ‘reasonable assurance’ and cannot provide any guarantee against material errors, loss or fraud. Internal audit also plays a valuable role in helping management to improve risk management control and governance, so reducing the effects of any significant risks faced by the HEI. In accordance with the Code of Practice, internal audit can also provide independent and objective consultancy advice specifically to help management improve risk management, control and governance, so contributing to the achievement of corporate objectives. Such advisory work contributes to the opinion which internal audit provides on risk management, control and governance. 1. BACKGROUND Scope and responsibilities (cont) The scope of the internal audit service includes the whole of the University’s risk management, control and governance arrangements, including all its operations, resources, staff, services and responsibilities for other bodies. It should cover all activities associated with the University, including those not funded by HEFCE. For example, it should consider controls that protect the University in its dealings with any subsidiary or associated company or student union, or any other activity in which the HEI has an interest. It is not internal audit’s role to question policy objectives, but to consider the effects of and risks arising from policy, how policy objectives have been determined and the means for delivering those objectives. The establishment and maintenance of effective risk management, control and governance arrangements is the responsibility of management. Internal audit may also assess the adequacy of the arrangements to prevent and detect irregularities, fraud and corruption. However, the primary responsibility for preventing and detecting corruption, fraud and irregularities rests with management who should institute adequate systems of internal control, including clear objectives, segregation of duties and proper authorisation procedures. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 4 2. APPROACH TO AUDIT PLANNING General approach to planning We develop internal audit strategies that provide you with an objective evaluation of, and opinions on, the effectiveness of your risk management, control and governance arrangements. We tailor our internal audit plan to meet your specific audit needs by understanding your strategic objectives and using our knowledge of risk, along with your risk analysis to develop a balanced plan. The audit plan is reviewed with you throughout the year to ensure that it remains comprehensive and relevant. We outline below the main points we cover in the planning phase. What are the key risks that will prevent you achieving your objectives? What are the University’s objectives? • • Review of strategic business plans and related documentation. • Review of risk registers. • Auditor knowledge of comparable organisations. Discussion with senior managers. • Discussions with management and staff. What are your fundamental business processes? • • Identify the fundamental business processes in place that support the delivery of your strategic objectives. • Agree immediate and future priorities for review. • Establish the necessary resource requirements. Establish the risks associated with failure of these key processes. • Agree balance between riskbased and core audit work. PRODUCTION AND AGREEMENT OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT PLAN 5 University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 5 What is the most effective way of providing assurance? 3. INTERNAL AUDIT APPROACH Internal audit assignment approach Monitoring and reporting We will meet with nominated lead officer(s) responsible for the area being reviewed prior to the commencement of each assignment. The detailed scope of the review will be discussed and management will be given the opportunity to provide comments and feedback to ensure a shared understanding of the focus of the audit. A report, presented in an agreed standard format, will be issued for each audit undertaken. Recommendations made as a result of each audit will be given a significance rating of high, medium or low. We will also give separate opinions on the level of assurance we are able to provide on the design of the overall system of internal control and the effectiveness of the controls reviewed in the area assessed. We shall then identify and evaluate the design and effectiveness of the controls currently in place in the area under review. At the conclusion of each assignment we will produce a report that will formally conclude on the effectiveness of the control environment under review, making recommendations for improvement where it is considered to be inadequate. We will also report where controls are disproportionate, excessive or duplicated with a view to improving the efficiency of the processes under review. We shall agree an action plan with management to ensure that recommendations are addressed by the appropriate member(s) of staff within an appropriate timescale. We accept that on occasion the University may choose not to implement a recommendation and accept the related risk. At each Audit Committee meeting (and at interim points if necessary) we shall provide a summary of all audit work carried out in the year, recommendations made and progress with their implementation. On an annual basis we will give an overall opinion on the control environment in place within the University. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 6 Reports will be issued in draft format to management for comment and to enable management to identify responsible officers and dates for completion of the implementation of each recommendation. Proposed management responses to our reports will be reviewed by the senior management team before being finalised for inclusion in Audit Committee papers. The Audit Committee will also receive copies of audit reports of the Internal Audit work undertaken, which will include a list of the recommendations made. We will provide regular reports of progress against the agreed plan to the Audit, as well as an annual report on internal audit coverage, accompanied by an opinion statement on internal control, risk management, governance and value for money. 4. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Audit area Days (Proposed) Outline scope VFM Focus Proposed delivery month To Audit Committee January 2016 February 2016 Chief Financial Officer March 2016 June 2016 Chief Financial Officer January 2016 February 2016 Chief Financial Officer Senior Management lead Financial and business systems Key financial controls 7 Focused review of aspects of the University's core financial processes including key transactional systems, main ledger system driving financial management and reporting. Areas for inclusion on a rolling basis to include tuition fee income, non-tuition fee income, accounts payable, treasury management and investments, ledger management. Budgetary Control 8 We propose to assess the framework for budget setting, profiling, budget management and accountability, and financial reporting. 5 The Audit Committee is required to assure itself and report annually on the quality of data. A new requirement, with effect from the August 2014 ‘Memorandum of assurance and accountability between HEFCE and institutions’ relates to assurance on data submitted to the Student Loans Company, and we propose to review controls in this area in 2015/16. Data Quality - SLC University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 7 4. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Audit area Days (Proposed) Outline scope VFM Focus Proposed delivery month To Audit Committee April 2016 June 2016 Chief Operating Officer March 2016 June 2016 Chief Financial Officer December 2015 February 2016 Chief Operating Officer October 2015 February 2016 Chief Operating Officer April 2016 June 2016 Chief Operating Officer Senior Management lead Governance, leadership and management 7 Annual review of the integrity and reliability of the University’s risk management framework, including risk identification, mitigation and reporting processes for Corporate, College and Professional Services risks. 10 The Future Finance project has been tasked with delivering transformational change through a new finance operating model within a single finance ‘family’ regardless of which University organisational unit staff are physically sited in and an optimised suite of financial systems with automatic interfacing and a new finance system at its core. We will look to assess project implementation and governance arrangements as the project moves into a key delivery phase. Transformation Programme 13 Through consultation with the COO and Transformation Project Director we will review key risks relating to the professional services transformation, as new structures and ways of working begin to be implemented. Voluntary Severance Scheme 5 Deferred from 2014/15. A review to provide independent assurance over the management of risks within the VSS programme undertaken in 2014/15. Business Continuity 8 A review of cross-University business continuity and contingency and incident planning arrangements in place. Risk Management Future Finance University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 8 4. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Audit area Proposed delivery month To Audit Committee 7 We propose to review the University processes for capturing feedback from students and for identifying enhancements and actions to improve the student experience whilst at the University. September 2015 November 2015 Director of Academic Services and Deputy Chief Operating Officer 10 We will review the process in place for development of the research strategy and how this translates into targeted research applications and income budgets. We will review the processes in place for oversight and management of the research portfolio for the University as a whole and at College level. Sept 2015 Feb 2016 DVC (Research and Knowledge Transfer) 16 We will continue the rolling programme of cross cutting reviews to consider risk management, internal control processes, procedures and systems within two Colleges each year. In 2015/16 we will audit CEMPS and CLES. April 2016 June 2016 DVC (Education) Review of the University’s space management and planning arrangements, including the categorisation of teaching and office space, bookable and non-bookable space and space ownership. We will also assess the effectiveness of the University's process for measuring space utilisation. Oct 2015 Feb 2016 Chief Operating Officer Days (Proposed) Outline scope VFM Focus Senior Management lead Core activities Student Experience Research Planning and Income Projections Academic Colleges Infrastructure – Space Management 8 University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 9 4. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Audit area Days (Proposed) Outline scope VFM Focus Proposed delivery month To Audit Committee Senior Management lead October 2015 Feb 2016 Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs Core activities Business Engagement /Commercial relationships Recommendation Follow up 8 A review of the extent to which links with businesses are captured, assessed and exploited; with focus on ensuring the University understands the risks before entering into any relationship. A key part of internal audit’s work is to independently confirm that recommendations accepted by management have been implemented. 12 We will work with the University to follow up on previously agreed recommendations bi-annually to provide assurance that control improvements have been effected. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 10 November 2015 July 2016 February 2016 All October 2016 4. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 Audit area Days (Proposed) Outline scope VFM Focus Proposed delivery month To Audit Committee September 2015 November 2015 December 2015 February 2016 February 2016 June 2016 October 2015 February 2016 Senior Management lead Estates infrastructure and services Estates Strategy & Capital programme 12 A review of controls operating to ensure that the University’s capital programme is operating with effective arrangements for procurement, contract management and monitoring, and contractor performance assessment. Chief Operating Officer ICT assurance IT Strategy, IT service delivery IT system resilience and disaster recovery 7 Review of the framework for the planning and delivery of the One Exeter IT work stream within professional services transformation. 7 We propose to consider the resilience of the University’s ICT infrastructure including the adequacy of measures in relation to system and network security. 14 A review of the University’s workforce management and performance management framework, including people development and recognition processes and performance management and assessment. CIO CIO Human Resources Recruitment and retention, reward and recognition, training and development, performance management and staff engagement Management, planning, reporting and liaison Annual Total 16 180 University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 11 Chief Operating Officer 5. THREE YEAR COVERAGE SUMMARY 2014-17 Internal audit strategy 2014 - 2017 Outlined below is a summary of audit work delivered and planned across 2014-17, which is shown on the following pages in full, to show the mix of audit work between the key areas of coverage. 2014/15 Actual 2015/16 Proposed 2016/17 Proposed Financial and business systems 38 20 28 Governance, leadership and management 23 43 33 Core Activities 49 61 38 Area Estates infrastructure and services 16 12 29 ICT assurance 6 14 8 Human resources 0 14 8 132 164 144 18 16 16 150 180 160 Total audit days – assignment delivery Planning, liaison, committee attendance and reporting Total days University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 12 5. THREE YEAR COVERAGE SUMMARY 2014-17 2014/15 Actual days 2015/16 2016/17 Proposed Proposed Days Days Link to University Corporate Risk Register @ April 2015 Financial and business systems Key financial controls Budgetary control Payroll and expenses Cash Handling 10 Taxable Benefits – P11Ds 10 Data quality Total Governance, leadership and management 8 5 8 38 20 28 Corporate Governance Corporate Planning Risk management Fraud resilience, Anti-Bribery, Anti-Money Laundering Future Finance Conflicts of interest and additional payments Transformation Programme Voluntary Severance Scheme 7 8 10 10 10 10 7 7 Page 13 4, 8 10 12, 23, 28 6, 10, 12, 23 7 6 10 5 13 5 All 17 15, 23 28 23 23 8 4, 16, 28 KPI Reporting University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 15 15 15 15 5, 15 8 Business continuity Committee Review Total 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 18 8 28 43 33 28 5. THREE YEAR COVERAGE SUMMARY 2014-17 2014/15 Actual days 2015/16 2016/17 Proposed Proposed Days Days Link to University Corporate Risk Register @ April 2015 Core Activities 7 Student experience Research Applications, Awards and Administration Research Planning and Income Projections Research Governance Academic Colleges Student Number Planning & Recruitment Monitoring Research Institutes Infrastructure – Space Management Business Engagement/Commercial relationships Workload Planning - SWARM Teaching Quality Recommendation Follow Up Total Estates infrastructure and services Estates Strategy & Capital programme Student accommodation / UUK Code of Practice compliance Waste Management Facilities including: Conferences and lettings, Catering services Sport and recreation Contract Management Leases with third parties Fundraising Communication, marketing and brand awareness Procurement, Project Management and Tendering Total University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 14 7, 8, 10 12 10 5 16 16 16 10 8 8 15 48 12 61 12 38 12 8 9 8 8 16 12 12 29 18 18 21, 28 6, 23 6 18 9 24 22 10 All 5, 9, 14, 27 22, 27 14 9 7 15 5 5, 12, 28 17 15 5. THREE YEAR COVERAGE SUMMARY 2014-17 2014/15 Actual days 2015/16 2016/17 Proposed Proposed Days Days Link to University Corporate Risk Register @ April 2015 ICT assurance IT Strategy, IT service delivery Project management, system developments and implementation IT system and asset security, information security IT system resilience and disaster recovery Total HR Recruitment and retention, reward and recognition, Training and development, performance management and staff engagement Legislation and codes of practice / personnel policies and procedures Absence management Health and Safety Total 6 7 9, 20 8 6 7 14 8 14 8 0 14 8 Planning, liaison, management, committee attendance and reporting 17 16 16 TOTAL AUDIT DAYS 153 175 160 University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 15 9, 20 4 4, 15, 16, 20 22 22 22 21 APPENDIX I Internal audit charter Purpose of this Charter Internal audit’s authority This Charter formally defines internal audit’s purpose, authority and responsibility. It establishes internal audit’s position within the University of Exeter and defines the scope of internal audit activities. The Head of Internal Audit and internal audit staff are authorised to: • Have unrestricted access to all of the University’s records, property, and personnel relevant to the performance of engagements • Obtain the necessary assistance of the University’s personnel in relevant engagements, as well as other specialised services from within or outside the University. Internal audit’s purpose Internal audit provides an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the University’s operations. It helps the organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Internal audit acts primarily to provide the Audit Committee with information necessary for it to fulfil its own responsibilities and duties. Implicit in internal audit’s role is that it supports the University’s management to fulfil its own risk, control and compliance responsibilities. Internal audit has no authority or management responsibility for any of its engagement subjects. Internal audit will not make any management decisions or engage in any activity which could reasonably be construed to compromise its independence. Internal Audit’s Responsibility The Head of Internal Audit is responsible for all aspects of internal audit activity, including strategy, planning, performance, and reporting. The Head of Internal Audit will: Strategy University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 16 • Develop and maintain an Internal Audit Strategy • Review the Internal Audit Strategy at least annually with management and the Audit Committee. APPENDIX I Internal audit charter Planning • Establish and maintain appropriate internal auditing procedures incorporating best practice approaches and techniques • Monitor delivery of the Internal Audit Plan against the budget • Ensure the ongoing effectiveness of internal audit activities. • Develop and maintain an Internal Audit Plan to fulfil the requirements of this Charter and the Internal Audit Strategy • Engage with management and consider the University’s strategic and operational objectives and related risks in the development of the Internal Audit Plan Reporting • Review the Internal Audit Plan periodically with management • • Present the Internal Audit Plan, including updates, to the Audit Committee for periodic review and approval Issue a report to management at the conclusion of each engagement to confirm the results of the engagement and the timetable for the completion of management actions to be taken • Prepare an internal audit budget sufficient to fulfil the requirements of this Charter, the Internal Audit Strategy, and the Internal Audit Plan • Provide periodic reports to management and the Audit Committee summarising internal audit activities and the results of internal audit engagements • Submit the internal audit budget to the Audit Committee for review and approval annually • • Coordinate with and provide oversight of other control and monitoring functions, including risk management, compliance and ethics, and external audit Provide periodic reports to management and the Audit Committee on the status of management actions taken in response to internal audit engagements • Report annually to the Audit Committee and management on internal audit performance against goals and objectives Consider the scope of work of the external auditors for the purpose of providing optimal audit coverage to the University . • Report as needed to the Audit Committee on management, resource, or budgetary impediments to the fulfilment of this Charter, the Internal Audit Strategy, or the Internal Audit Plan • Inform the Audit Committee of emerging trends and practices in internal auditing. • Performance • Implement the Internal Audit Plan • Maintain professional resources with sufficient knowledge, skills and experience to meet the requirements of this Charter, the Internal Audit Strategy and the Internal Audit Plan • Allocate and manage resources to accomplish internal audit engagement objectives University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 17 APPENDIX I Internal audit charter Independence and internal audit’s position within the University Internal audit’s scope To provide for internal audit’s independence, its personnel and external partners report to the Head of Internal Audit, who reports functionally to the Audit Committee. The Head of Internal Audit has free and full access to the Chair of the Audit Committee. The scope of internal audit activities includes all activities conducted by the University . The Internal Audit Plan identifies those activities that have been identified as the subject of specific internal audit engagements. The Head of Internal Audit reports administratively to the Chief Financial Officer who provides day-to-day oversight. The appointment or removal of the Head of Internal Audit will be performed in accordance with established procedures and subject to the approval of the Chair of the Audit Committee. The internal audit service will have an impartial, unbiased attitude and will avoid conflicts of interest. If the independence or objectivity of the internal audit service is impaired, details of the impairment should be disclosed to either the Vice-Chancellor or the Chair of the Audit Committee, dependent upon the nature of the impairment. The internal audit service is not authorised to perform any operational duties for the University; initiate or approve accounting transactions external to the internal audit service; or direct the activities of any the University employee not employed by the internal auditing service, except to the extent such employees have been appropriately assigned to service or to otherwise assist the internal auditor. University of Exeter – 2015/16 Internal Audit Plan – October 2015 Page 18 Assurance engagements involve the objective assessment of evidence to provide an independent opinion or conclusions regarding an entity, operation, function, process, system or other subject matter. The nature and scope of the assurance engagement are determined by internal audit. Consulting engagements are advisory in nature and are generally performed at the specific request of management. The nature and scope of consulting engagement are subject to agreement with management. When performing consulting services, internal audit should maintain objectivity and not assume management responsibility. Standards of internal audit practice Internal audit will perform its work in accordance with the International Professional Practices Framework of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors. This Charter is a fundamental requirement of the Framework. Approval and validity of this Charter This charter shall be reviewed and approved annually by management and by the Audit Committee on behalf of the Board of Governors of the University . BDO LLP, a UK limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC305127, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. A list of members' names is open to inspection at our registered office, 55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU. BDO LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to conduct investment business. BDO is the brand name of the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms. BDO Northern Ireland, a partnership formed in and under the laws of Northern Ireland, is licensed to operate within the international BDO network of independent member firms. Copyright ©2015 BDO LLP. All rights reserved.