What’s new in IFABC? – August 2012 Dear Member, 1.IFABC General Assembly Madrid – w/c 22nd October 2012 It seems like a fair time since the last newsletter, and indeed it is as the last went out March 2012. The only excuse is that the last six months have been very busy, as you will see below, and we have completed many of the actions outlined in the IFABC work plan for 2012. So a brief review of what’s gone on below, but first a reminder to register for the forthcoming IFABC General Assembly in Madrid in the week of 22nd October 2012. There is an outstanding programme built around many of the ideas gathered in the feedback survey from the last GA in Seoul. In particular I would draw your attention to 4 key sessions. WFA - ‘What advertisers want from media measurement’ - Giovanni Fabris Google – Digital opportunities - J-R Zapatero, GM Southern Europe. A new paper on hybrid (fusion of census/ research) measurement in digital and the opportunities for ABC’s A thought-provoking session on how the ABC of 2015 survive and even thrive in the new media landscape with print under threat and digital expanding rapidly, with input from advertisers, agencies and publishers from all over the world. In addition there will be full coverage of topics such as member marketing and retention, digital editions, publications and cost reduction programmes, plus the chance to have your say on matters such as IFABC workplans, structure, fees and budgets for the coming two years All the detail you need can be found on the IFABC Madrid micro-site ‘www.ifabcmadrid2012.com/home’ so don’t delay. Eusebio has also put together a very good social programme for the evenings and all in all I think it will be a great opportunity to network and learn from other ABCs in a welcoming and collaborative setting. 2. IFABC Europe / EMEA Group Meeting - 9th -10th May 2012 The European Group Meeting, chaired by George Bohlander of HOI, and hosted by Magnus Paulsson of TS, was a great success. Attended by 12 countries from all over the continent, highlights included: A presentation by the Global Research Director of WAN-IFRA, Kristina Buren, on their strategy/data needs Wide ranging discussion of digital editions / publications, and a ‘guest star’ Skype appearance of Paul Dovas Review of the IFABC work plan (in particular the PR programme, website and the new data library) Country presentations from Norway and Romania Further work on international multi country certified for Cosmopolitan and other titles First drafts of the papers on ‘Hybrid’ measurement and the Future ABC of 2015. Possible extension of the IFABC network to new countries. In addition we got to appreciate much of Stockholm’s historic city centre and its watery island beauty. 3.New IFABC Website As you will now have seen, and many thanks to Paul Dovas and ABC Australia for all their work, there is a brand new IFABC website – ‘www.ifabc.org’. The brief for this drew heavily on the feedback from the survey responses you supplied, which called for it to be more modern, more frequently updated and for members to be able to share information and experiences more easily. I hope you will all agree that we have succeeded, but we welcome all of your feedback, good or otherwise! The main elements of the changes are set out below. The website is now dynamic and is powered by a simple Content Management System, which provides the ability to allow many users access to amending the content. The website features dynamic RSS and Twitter feeds from member bureaux, enduring the latest members news is captures and shared amongst the IFABC community. In addition it has; The ability to add modules to the website for blogging, forums or our newsletter. The ability to search the website based on keywords. The use of Google Translator to allow the translation of content into many languages. The introduction of a Data library, which includes circulation reporting from most IFABC Members. Profile pages for IFABC members, including the ability for members to manage their own profiles. An upgraded forum facility for discussions on key issues affecting our organisations. A blog facility, which provides members with the ability to post articles, opinions, rants and anything else they would like to share with IFABC members.' Do go and have a play around and explore its new features. Please send us your own bureau links and feeds so that we can build them in and keep the flow of news to the site. 4. IFABC Data Library One of the areas identified for improvement in the website and more generally was to collate and publicise all the valuable data held by independent individual bureaux, which we have done. Thanks to Iwona Szczesna who has chased and harried us all incessantly. We are now displaying, in an integrated format, data from over 35 countries for their National Newspapers, an IFABC first. This is a real achievement and we now need to keep it fresh and add new data from other sectors, first Regional Newspapers and then Consumer Magazines. Let us know how you and your members are finding it and how we could make it work it better. 5. IFABC PR Programme As part of the work plan, we said we would raise the profile of IFABC and the work it does. We now have issued our first two IFABC press releases (see attached) and we are starting to pick up some useful Trade Media Coverage. Firstly the Stockholm Conference and latterly the new website and data library have been featured. To get maximum value, please use these releases with your local trade media and send us your own stories. pr0711 - IFABC pr0508 - IFABC launches new websiteStockholm - FINAL.docx meeting - FINAL.docx 5. New IFABC Logo Proposed So, as you can see the Executive Board has been busy on your behalf and would like to get your feedback and further ideas at the forthcoming GA. One final thing – in this year before our 50th anniversary in 2013, and to show how the IFABC has now changed and entered the new digital world, we feel a new logo and strap-line is in order. We have done some exciting work on this with an external agency so come prepared to give your approval (we hope). The proposed new logo will be circulated in mid - September along with the other formal papers. 6.News from around the ABC Globe Poland - Polish media to charge online readers. Users of certain Polish media websites will be charged a monthly fee for accessing “premium” online material from September, when a group of seven major media in Poland plan to launch in full an integrated paywall scheme. The seven who represent 27 national and regional newspapers, 14 magazines and Poland’s national public radio, are joining Piano Media’s national online common payment system. Readers will have to pay 19.90 PLN (5 EUR) to access material from the 42 different media outlets. UK – The first Multi Platform Certificate has been issued for Candis magazine featuring print circulation and social media metrics for Facebook and Twitter. The month also saw the first Digital Publication certification for Future’s T3 magazine which is for digital platforms that are not replica or near replicas of print editions. In addition over 61 magazines, almost 25% of the total, reported digital editions in the Jan-July 2012 Consumer Magazines release.