The Verb “To Be” and Further Uses of the Article Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 1 Introduction to “To Be” The most common way to express existence in almost all languages Usually the most irregular too! I am, you are, He is The object is not accusative, but a noun or pronoun in the predicate position: predicate nominative Only 3 Greek tenses are used: present, imperfect, future Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 2 PAI “To Be” Paradigm Singular Plural 1st Person ei0mi/ e0sme/n 2nd Person ei] e0ste/ 3rd Person e0sti/ (n) ei0si/ (n) Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 3 IAI “To Be” Paradigm Singular Plural 1st Person h1mhn h]men 2nd Person h]j h]te 3rd Person h]n h]san Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 4 FMI “To Be” Paradigm Singular Plural 1st Person e1somai e0so/meqa 2nd Person e1sh| e1sesqe 3rd Person e1stai e1sontai Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 5 “To Be” Verb Notes Normally, present forms are enclitic: the previous word carries the accent Imperfect forms are irregular (some secondary, some deponent) Future forms are deponent, some irregularity Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 6 Examples o9 apostolo/j e0sti dou=loj The apostle is a slave dida/skalo/j ei0mi I am a teacher h9 parqe/noj e0sti\ kalh/ The maiden is beautiful Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 7 Examples cont. h9 parqe/noj kalh The maiden is beautiful Greek does not need to have an explicit “to be” verb. Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 8 Further Uses of the Article Make a noun out of an adjective: oi9 nekroi\ e0n toi=j mnamei/oij ei0si/n The dead (people) are in the tombs a0po/stoloi pra/ssousi ta\ kala/ Apostles do the (things) that are noble The adjective is put in the attributive position and the noun is assumed Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 9 Further Uses of the Article, cont. Relates a prepositional phrase to a noun, not a verb: it functions adjectivally o9 i3ppoj o9 e0n th=| kw&mh| e0sti\ mikro/j The horse (that is) in the village is small Treats prepositional phrase as an adjective and puts it into the attributive position. Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 10 Further Uses of the Article, cont. Turns a prepositional phrase into a noun oi9 e0n th=| kw&mh| ei]don me The (people) in the village saw me Copyright 2005-2008, Scott Gray 11