curriculum vitae

: SLIUZAS, Ricardas Vytautas (Richard)
: 26 November 1956, Australia
: Dutch, Australian
: PhD, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Geographical
: Post Higher Technical College (Post-HBO) course on
Deventer (now Saxion Hogeschool).
: MSc in Urban Surveys and Human Settlements Analysis,
ITC, Enschede (part-time).
: Post-Graduate Diploma in Urban Surveys, ITC, Enschede
: Diploma in Technology in Planning, SAIT, Australia.
1992 - 1993
1987 - 1988
1979 - 1980
1976 - 1978
R.V Sliuzas
: Language
1. English
2. Dutch
Very Good
: Habitat
: GISDECO – GIS for Developing Countries: an international
network for the exchange of experiences on the use of GIS
in urban and regional planning and development in
developing countries. GISDECO organizes workshops and
conferences. Chair of the local organizing committee for the
2002 conference held at ITC, Enschede in May 2002 and
since that time Coordinator of International Committee.
: NIROV. Nederlands Instituut voor Ruimtelijke Ordening en
Volkshuisvesting, (Netherlands Institute for Spatial Planning
and Housing).
: N-AERUS – Network Association of European Researchers
on Urbanisation in the South.
: Geo-Information Nederland – Professional association of
the GIS community in the Netherlands.
: Richard’s specialisations are in the field of urban planning in
developing countries and in particular to the use of
geographic information technologies for the collection,
management, analysis, visualisation and communication of
spatial information in urban planning and management. He
has developed particular knowledge and skills in urban airphoto interpretation and urban remote sensing. Much of his
work has focused on better understanding the development
processes in unplanned housing areas in various cities. He
has however also been involved in the development of
information systems development for urban planning
agencies at local government level. He is currently involved
in promoting the development and use of Participatory GIS
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in urban settings and in developing methods for the
mapping of slums with remote sensing.
: Richard’s research activities focus on the application of
Geographic Information Technology (GIT) in support of
strategic and local urban planning processes. Emphasis is
placed on improving the information base for urban
planning activities, at both city-wide and local levels. In
particular he is interested in developing ways to improve
the information base for planning and the exchange of
information and knowledge in multi-level, multi-actor
planning and decision making processes. His PhD research
examined how GIT can support local authorities and
communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This research was
concerned with making urban planning more responsive
and effective, and especially incorporating low-income
communities in the planning process. He is now
supervising several PhD students working on issues
related to spatial planning and sustainable urban
development in China, India and Vietnam. The cities of
Shenzhen, Hanoi, Kisumu, and Ahmedabad serve as case
studies for this work.
: Completed PhD studies supervised:
Dr. Pu Hao, Spatial evolution of urban villages in
Shenzhen. (2012)
Dr. Yang Zhenshan, Economic clusters and spatial
planning in Beijing, China (2010)
Dr. Du Ningrui, Integration of spatial planning and surface
water management in Wuhan, China (2010)
Dr. Veronica Botero, Spatial data infrastructures for
vulnerability analysis with case studies in Lalitpur, Nepal
and Medellin, Colombia (2009)
Dr. Khaled el Nabbout, Participatory GIS in urban planning
in Tripoli, Lebanon (2007).
2003 - current
Position held
Description of duties
R.V Sliuzas
: University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science
and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands
: Associate Professor (Urban Planning) since April 2003.
: Formulation and execution of collaborative research
projects within the theme PLUS – People, Land and Urban
Systems. (SURD).
: Leader of the theme SURD - Sustainable Urban and
Regional Dynamics (2006-2008).
: Supervision of PhD and post-doc research: currently
supervising PhD candidates on the following topics:
Managing urban villages in Shenzhen, China; Options for
integrated land use-transport systems in Hanoi, Vietnam,
Object based approaches for slum mapping in Kenya and
India and Slum upgrading and urban governance in
Ahmedabad, India.
: Collaboration with various visiting scientists: 2011 & 2012 –
a post-doc (6 months) from Iran working on spatial
planning support systems; 2011 – a post-doc (6 months)
from India working on slum identification and mapping with
Page 2
Object Based Approaches; 2008 – a Post-Doc (3 months)
from Yemen working on 3D city planning; 2006 - a PhD
candidate from Iran examining the development of decision
management; 2006 - a researcher from Tanzania working
on the development of urban slums and informal
settlements; a researcher from
: 1998-2004 PhD research on managing informal settlements
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Promotor: Prof. H.F.L. Ottens,
University of Utrecht, Co-promotor: Prof. V. Kreibich,
University of Dortmund.
: Development of curriculum for postgraduate & MSc level
courses at ITC and in joint courses offered with partner
: Development, coordination and delivery of modules on
urban indicators, urban land use change and planning,
spatial planning, spatial modelling and urban poverty
alleviation for ITC MSc students.
: Supervising of MSc students’ research.
: Coordinator of a joint MSc course on Urban Planning and
Management together with Wuhan University, School of
Urban Studies. Design and management of course, student
selection and supervision, teaching and research
development. (2005-2011).
: Portoflio Holder of the Urban Planning and Management
(UPM) course as a member of the ITC academic Board
: Coordinator of the Urban Systems group within PGM.
: Member of the ITC Academic Board (Nov 2006 to 2008)
: Vice-Chair of the management team for the Department of
Urban and Regional Planning and Geoinformation
Management, PGM, (July 2002 – September 2007) position
of Education Portfolio Manager.
Current software experience
- GIS: ERDAS Imagine, ILWIS, ArcGIS, Community Viz
- Other software: SPSS, MS Office
1988 - 2003
Position held
Description of duties
R.V Sliuzas
: International Institute for Geo-Information Science and
Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands
: Assistant Professor (Urban Planning)
: Development of curriculum for postgraduate & MSc level
: Coordinator of UPLA’s specialisation modules (6 weeks) on
Integrated Urban Planning including lecturing on topics of
strategic planning and urban land management. Lecturing
and supervision of practical work around the theme Urban
Geographic Information Systems. Supervising research of
Master and MSc students.
: Programme Director of Urban Planning and Land
Administration (1998-2000) – managing the development
Page 3
and implementation of one of ITC’s 6 educational
: Director of studies of the course Geoinformation Systems
for urban applications (1989-1998).
: Curriculum design and development for a Master course on
Public Administration and Spatial Information Management
with the National College of Public Administration and
Governance, University of the Philippines.
: PhD research on managing informal settlements in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania.
: Research project on the use of remote sensing for
monitoring the growth of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in cooperation with TNO-FEL and University College of Lands
and Architectural Sciences, Tanzania.
: Member of the management team for the Department of
Urban and Regional Planning and Geoinformation
Management, PGM, - position of Education Portfolio
: Leader of the Urban Planning and Management knowledge
field consisting of 8 persons.
1984 - 1988
Position held
: ITC, Dept. of Urban Survey & Human Settlement Analysis
: Assistant Geo-data Processing
Description of duties
: Research in the application and development of Geo
information systems for urban planners. Projects
undertaken: studies of urban growth in South Limburg,
densification policies in Enschede and accuracy of data
acquisition from Small Format Aerial Photography.
: Study of urban growth and land use suitability in Vizag,
India using field surveys and GIS.
: Research on land information system development for the
Town and Country Planning Organisation, Bhopal.
: Development of teaching modules on urban GIS using
raster and vector based software for use at ITC, India and
1981 - 1983
Position held
: District Council of Stirling, Adelaide, South Australia
: Town Planner
Description of duties
: Responsible for development control and enforcement;
conducting a local heritage study survey to document
objects and localities of historical significance.
Position held
: Brian Turner and Associates, Adelaide, South Australia
: Assistant Town Planner
Description of duties
: Planning assistant responsible for undertaking land use
surveys; preparation of land use plans; collating statistics
for a market and site evaluation for new filling stations; a
parking study for a regional shopping centre using small
R.V Sliuzas
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format aerial photographs.
: Planning assistant with Community Development Section,
City of Unley, South Australia: inventory of recreation
resources and planning for pedestrians and cyclists.
Position held
: Community Development Section, City of Unley, South
: Planning assistant
Description of duties
: Contract based inventory of recreation resources and
planning for pedestrians and cyclists.
: 2012-2013
: Uganda, (UN-HABITAT)
Integrated Flood Management Kampala
: Team leader of a project on integrated flood management
in Kampala city as a component of the Cities and Climate
Change Initiative. The project aims to develop strategies
for reducing the impact of climate change related flood
events in Kampala. Responsible for management and
coordination, land use and vulnerability issues.
Description of mission
Description of mission
: 2010-2011
: China (World Bank)
: Team leader of a research project to explore the scope of
using GIS and a related urban simulation tool
(Metronamica) to improve land use and transport
integration. The focus is on creating and using accessibility
indicators. Partners: Wuhan Municipality, Wuhan University
School of Urban Design, RIKS.
Description of mission
: 2010
: Kenya (NUFFIC)
: Develop and implement a 2 week short course on
participatory slum upgrading and management for NFP
alumni. Partners: Millennium Cities Initiative, RCMRD.
Description of mission
: 2010
: Egypt (NUFFIC)
: Team leader of capacity building project for Urban Training
Institute (UTI), Cairo. Development and execution of 3
short courses for staff of UTI and other government bodies
related to the application of satellite imagery in urban
planning; Participatory GIS in community management and
Strategic urban settlement management. Partners: IHS,
Description of mission
: 2007-2008
: Iraq/Egypt (UN-HABITAT)
: Development and execution of a Training of Trainers course
for staff of the Ministry of Housing Iraq. Responsible for a
course on Land Planning and Management and contributing
to a course on GIS and Urban Indicators.
: 2008
: General (MNP)
R.V Sliuzas
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Description of mission
: Management of an international data collection project on
millennium indicators for the Netherlands Environmental
Assessment Agency (MNP)
Description of mission
: 2007
: Tanzania (NUFFIC)
: Coordinator of the 2 week refresher course: Urban
Environmental Planning and Management for Eastern and
Southern Africa.
Description of mission
: 2005-2006
: Team leader of a project to develop an interactive
simulation tool for participants of the World Urban Forum
III, on behalf of UN-HABITAT, Global Urban Observatory.
The tool is to be based on a review of global experiences
and statistical analysis of HABITAT’s indicators at national
and city level.
Description of mission
: 2004-2005
: China, Philippines, Germany, the Netherlands (EU)
: EU-Asia Link project for curriculum development for urban
planning and management with a special emphasis on
urban poverty alleviation. Finalise development of a 3 week
teaching module on urban poverty mapping including
lecture notes, readings, exercises and presentations.
Description of mission
: 2004-2005
: Vietnam (NUFFIC)
: Preparation and execution of a training of trainers course
on Innovative and Participatory Urban Planning for staff of
Urban Management Centre, Hanoi Architectural University.
Review of case study reports prepared by UMC staff on
urban governance related topics.
Description of mission
: 2002-2004
: Egypt (NUFFIC)
: Design and implementation of a 2 week short course on
GIS for urban upgrading at the Urban Training Institute,
Description of mission
: 2002-2003
: Egypt (GTZ)
: Greater Cairo Land Use Map: Development of a
methodology for the creation of a land use and informal
settlement map of Greater Cairo using Ikonos data, in
cooperation with GTZ and the Ministry of Planning Cairo.
Description of mission
: 1999
: Tanzania (NUFFIC)
: Implementation of a 3 week training course on Urban
Environmental Planning and Management within the
EISCAP project at UCLAS.
Description of mission
: 1997 - 1999
: Tanzania (BCRS)
: Project leader of research on the use of remote sensing for
monitoring the growth of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in cooperation with TNO-FEL and University College of Lands
R.V Sliuzas
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and Architectural Sciences, Tanzania.
Description of mission
: 1995 - 1999
: Malawi (The World Bank)
: Team leader of the World Bank funded Lilongwe City
Council GIS Pilot Project. Primarily responsible for project
management, user requirement study, system design and
Description of mission
: 1994 - 1995
: Tanzania (ITC)
: Research on the application of GIS for urban planning and
Responsibilities: team leader, planning and co-ordination of
all activities, supervision of several MSc studies, report
writing and editing.
Description of mission
: 1993 - 1995
: China (DGIS)
: Curriculum development and lecturing in the field of
municipal information systems; research guidance on urban
renewal and GIS in collaboration with staff of the School of
Urban Studies, Wuhan .
Description of mission
: 1987 - 1991
: Tanzania (DGIS)
: Fieldwork including making of Small Format Aerial
Photographs and household interviews in squatter
settlement for research. Lectures on GIS at ARDHI
Institute. MSc research supervision.
Description of mission
: 1986
: Thailand (Chulalongkorn University)
: 3 week GIS workshop, Chulalongkorn University.
Description of mission
: 1984 - 1990
: India (DGIS)
: Multiple missions for fieldwork associated with a research
project, training courses at IIRS, Dehra Dun and
attendance of seminars. Research on land information
system development for the Town and Country Planning
Organisation, Bhopal.
PUBLICATIONS (Journal articles, books and book chapters):
2012 Hao, P., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., & Sliuzas, R. V. The land - use diversity in urban villages in
Shenzhen. In: Environment and Planning A, 44(11), 2742-2764.
2012 In press - Hao, P., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., & Sliuzas, R. V.. Spatial analyses of the urban
village development process in Shenzhen, China. In: International journal of urban and regional
research, 21 p.
2012 In press Zhenshan Yang, Jianming Cai, Ottens, H.F.L. and Sliuzas, R.V. City profile : Beijing. In:
Cities : the international journal of urban policy and planning,
2012 -
Yang, Z., Sliuzas, R., Cai, J., & Ottens, H. F. L. Exploring spatial evolution of economic clusters:
A case study of Beijing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,
19(0), 252-265.
2012 - Kohli, D., Sliuzas, R., Kerle, N., & Stein, A. An ontology of slums for image-based
classification. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(2), 154-163.
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2011 - Dubovyk, O., Sliuzas, R.V. and Flacke, J. Spatio-temporal modelling of informal
settlements development in Sancaktepe district, Istanbul, Turkey. ISPRS Journal,
2011 - Hao, P., Sliuzas, R.V. and Geertman, S. The development and redevelopment of urban
villages in Shenzhen. Habitat International, 35(2), pp 214-224
2010 - Sliuzas, R.V., Kuffer, M, and Masser, F.I.. The spatial and temporal nature of urban
objects. in Jurgens, C. and Rashed, T. (eds), Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban
Areas, Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, Vol. 10 Springer
2010 - Baud, I.S.A, Kuffer, M., Pfeffer, K., Sliuzas, R.V. and Karuppannan, S. Understanding
heterogeneity in metropolitan India: the added value of remote sensing data for
analyzing sub-standard residential areas. Int. Journal of Applied Geoinformation
Science and Earth Observation, 12(5), pp359-374.
2010 -
Hao, P., Sliuzas, R.V. and Geertman, S. Villages within the City: Housing Rural
Migrants in the Emerging Mega-City of Shenzhen, China. TRIALOG
2010 - Hao, P., Sliuzas, R.V. and Geertman, S. Race against planning : unplanned urban
space in Shenzhen. In Provoost, M (ed) New towns for the 21st century : the planned
vs. the unplanned city. - Amsterdam : SUN, 2010. pp. 186-195.
2010 - Yang, Z., Cai, J., Sliuzas, R.V. Agro - tourism enterprises as a form of multi functional urban agriculture for peri - urban development. Habitat International 34(4):
2010 - Du, N., Ottens, H.F.L., and Sliuzas, R.V. Integrating surface water management in
Urban and Regional Planning. ITC Dissertation No. 164, Enschede, Utrecht, ITC,
University of Utrecht: 208.
2010 - Du, N., Ottens, H.F.L., and Sliuzas, R.V. Spatial impact of urban expansion on surface
water bodies : a case study of Wuhan, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 94, Vol.
3-4, pp. 175–185.
2009 - Du, N., Ottens, H.F.L., and Sliuzas, R.V. Quantifying changes in land use and surface
water bodies in Wuhan China. in: Water and urban development paradigms:
proceedings of the international urban water conference, Heverlee, Belgium, 15-19
September, 2008 / ed. by. J. Feyen, K. Shannon and M. Neville. Boca Raton : CRC,
2009. ISBN 978-0-415-48334-6. pp. 83-89
2009 - Botero-Fernandez, V., Ottens, H. F. L. P., Westen, C. van . and Sliuzas, R.V. Geo information for measuring vulnerability to earthquakes : a fitness for use approach.
ITC Dissertation;158. Enschede, Utrecht, ITC & University of Utrecht: 191.
2008 - Martínez-Martín, J.M., Mboup, G., Sliuzas, R.V. and Stein, A., Trends in urban and
slum indicators across developing world cities, 1990- 2003 in Habitat International,
Vol. 32 No.1, pp 86-108.
2007 - Taleai, M., Sharifi, M.A., Sliuzas, R.V. , Mesgari, M.S. Evaluating the compatibility of
multi - functional and intensive urban land uses in International journal of applied
earth observation and geoinformation : JAG, pp 375-391
2007 - Sliuzas, R.V., Lupala, J. and Taleii, M., MILU issues in Dar Es Salaam and Tehran In:
MILU - Multifunctional Intensive Land Use : Principles, practices, projects, policies. /
ed. by H.A. Haccou ... [et al.]. Gouda : Habiforum Foundation, 2007. ISBN 978-90806647-4-6. pp. 221-241
2006 - Lemma, T., Sliuzas, R.V., Kuffer, M. A participatory approach to monitoring slum
conditions : an example from Ethiopia In: Participatory learning and action (2006)54.
Special issue on: Mapping for change : practice, technologies and communication :
proceedings of the international conference on participatory spatial information
management and communication PGIS '05 - KCCT, Nairobi, Kenya, 7-10 Sept 2005. /
ed. by Giacomo Rambaldi; Jon Corbett; Mike McCall; ...[et al.] London : IEED, 2005.
pp. 54-58
R.V Sliuzas
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2004 - Sliuzas, R.V.. Managing informal settlements: a study using geo-information in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania. ITC Publication Series No. 112, ITC, Enschede & University of
2003 - Sliuzas, R. V.. Opportunities for enhancing communication in settlement upgrading
with geographic information technology-based support tools. Habitat International, 27,
(4): 613-628.
2003 - Sliuzas, R. V.. Editorial: Governance and the use of GIS in developing countries.
Habitat International, 27, (4): 495-499.
2002 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Ottens, H.F.L. Can Geographic Information Technology improve
urban land management practice in Tanzania?. In: Kreibich, V. and Olima, W.H.A.
(eds), Urban Land Management in Africa: SPRING Research Series, University of
Dortmund, pp 355-369.
2001 - Sliuzas, R.V. Understanding the dynamics of informal housing in Dar es Salaam: an
exploration of professional knowledge and opinions, TRIALOG 69, Vol. 2, pp 41-46.
1999 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Masser, I. The use of geographic information technologies for urban
planning and management, City Development Strategies, Issue No. 1, October, pp 6972.
1987 - Sliuzas, R.V., De Bruijn, C.A., Rama Rao, R.V., Krishna Murthey Y.V.N. and Bhann
Masthan G.; Applying Geo Information Systems in Urban and Regional Planning: on
Indian Case Study. In Urban & Regional Planning Information Systems. Ed. Prof. N.S.
Saini (School of Planning & Architecture, India,).
2012 - Kohli, D., Kerle, N. and Sliuzas, R.V. Local ontologies for object - based slum
identification and classification. In: Proceedings of GEOBIA 2012, the 4th Geobia :
Geographic object - based image analysis , May 7-9, 2012 Rio de Janeiro Brazil. São
José dos Campos, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), 2012. ISBN
978-85-17-00059-1 pp. 201-205.
2012 - Sliuzas, R.V. (2012) Toward Integrated Flood Management in Kampala, Uganda. In:
Proceedings of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) 26th Annual
congress, Planning to achieve / Planning to avoid : The Need for New Discourses and
Practices in Spatial Development and Planning/ ed by Balamir, M., Ersoy, M. and
Babalik Sutcliffe, E. Ankara, Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP),
2012. ISBN: 978-975-429-306-7. 9 p
2011 - Hao, P., Hooimeijer, P., Sliuzas, R. V., & Geertman, S. Migrant housing and the
development of urban villages in Shenzhen. Presented at the 2011 APNHR Conference
: Asia -Pacific Network for Housing Research : Neoliberalism and Urbanisation in Asia
Pacific : Challenges and Opportunities for Housing, Hong Kong, China, 8 – 10
December 2011. 13 p.
2011 - Patel, S., Sliuzas, R.V., Miscione, G. Community exclusions in governance of slum
upgradation programs in India: Empowerment through judicial intervention.
Proceedings 11th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, 19-21
September, 2011. University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, Tokyo Japan
2011 - Sliuzas, R. V., & Lemmens, R. L. G. Collaborative slum mapping with Google map
maker. Presented at ISDE 7 : the 7th International symposium on digital earth, 23-25
August 2011, Perth, Australia. 8 p.
2011 - Sliuzas, R. V. A framework for mapping and modelling informality in the urban century.
Presented at ISDE 7 : the 7th International symposium on digital earth, 23-25 August
2011, Perth, Australia. 6 p.
2011 - Hao, P., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., & Sliuzas, R. V. (). Spatial diversity of urban
village development in Shenzhen. In: 12th International conference on Computers in
R.V Sliuzas
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Urban Planning and Urban Management : CUPUM, 5-8 July 2011, Alberta, Canada :
proceedings CD-ROM. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2011, Reference Number 176, 17 p.
2011 - Navarra, D. D., Sliuzas, R. V., & van Maarseveen, M. F. A. M.. 3D GIS and the
evaluation of historical urban areas : a case study of conservation and revitialisation in
Istanbul. In: Electronic Government and Electronic Participation : Joint Proceedings of
Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2011. / ed. by M. Janssen, ...
[et al.] - Linz : Trauner, 2011. (Schriftenreihe Informatik ; 37) pp. 481-494.
2011 - Shi, Y., Zuidgeest, M. H. P., Salzberg, A., Sliuzas, R. V., Huang, Z., Zhang, Q., et al..
Simulating urban development scenarios for Wuhan. Presented at the 2nd
international conference on China's urban transition and city planning, 27-28 May,
2011, Cardiff, Wales. U.K. 18 p.
2011 - Hao, P., Geertman, S., Hooimeijer, P., & Sliuzas, R. V. Measuring the development
patterns of urban villages in Shenzhen. Presented at AGILE 2011 : the 14th AGILE
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 18-21 April 2011,
Utrecht, the Netherlands. 7 p.
2010 – Dubovyk, O., R. V. Sliuzas, et al. (2010). Spatio-Temporal analysis of informal
settlements development: a case study in Istanbul. Presented at Earsel Joint SIG
Workshop : Urban - 3D - Radar - Thermal Remote Sensing and Developing Countries,
Ghent, Belgium, EARSeL.
2010 - Kohli, D., R. V. Sliuzas, et al. (2010). Ontology of slums as a basis for object oriented image classification. Presented at Earsel Joint SIG Workshop : Urban - 3D Radar - Thermal Remote Sensing and Developing Countries, 22-24 September 2010,
Ghent, Belgium. 8 p.
2009 - Majumdar, A., Sliuzas, R.V., Munshi, T., Brussel, M. Exploring the relationship
between urban roads, urban form and economic activity in Ahmedabad using space
syntax in: Proceedings GIS - T 2009 : 2009 international workshop on GIS for
transportation, 4-6 Dec. 2009, Wuhan, China. Wuhan : Wuhan University, 2009. 6 p.
2009 -
Zhan, Q., Zhou, J. Sliuzas, R.V. Study on spatial structure of large scale retail stores
based on space syntax : case study in Wuhan in: Proceedings of the SPIE conference :
International symposium on spatial analysis, spatial - temporal data modeling and
data mining : Wuhan, China, 13-14 October 2009 / ed. by Liu, Y. and Tang, X. SPIE
proceedings serie : 7492(2009) art. 74923L, 10 p.
2009 - Hao, P., Sliuzas, R.V., Zhan, Q. and Geertman, S. Land use deviations from the plan: A
GIS based analysis of urban development in Shenzhen. Proc. CUPUM, University of
Hong Kong July 16-18.
2009 - Aminipouri, M., Sliuzas, R.V. And Kuffer, M. Object oriented analysis of very high
resolution orthophotos for estimating the population of slum areas, case of Dar Es
Salaam, Tanzania. Presented at the ISPRS conference : High-Resolution Earth Imaging
for Geospatial Information: ISPRS XXXVIII 1-4-7/WS, 2-5 June, 2009 Hannover,
Germany. 6 p
2008 - Du, N., Ottens, H.F.L., Sliuzas, R.V.. Quantifying Changes in Land Use and Surface
Water Bodies in Wuhan, China. in Feyen, J., Shannon, K., Neville, M. (Eds) Proc. Int.
Urban Water Conference, Hervelee, Belgium, 15-19 September. pp. 83-90.
2008 - Dopheide, E., Brussel, M., Sliuzas, R.V., Amer, S., Dam, I. Ten., Blok, C.
MSc Curriculum on Urban Planning and Management in a Geo-information Science
context: a Balancing Act. Proc. ACSP-AESOP 4th Joint Conference, Chicago, Illinois,
6-11 July.
2008 -
Sliuzas, R.V., Kerle, N. and Kuffer, M Object-oriented mapping of urban poverty and
deprivation, Proceedings Joint Workshop GISDECO 8 and EARSeL special interest
group on developing countries, Istanbul, Turkey. 2-6 June.
2008 - Sliuzas, R.V., Improving the performance of urban planning and management with
remote sensing systems: Keynote paper in Carsten Jürgens (ed) Proceedings of the
R.V Sliuzas
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EARSeL conference Remote sensing – New challenges of high resolution, Bochum, pp
2008 – Sliuzas, R.V. and Kuffer, M. Analysing the spatial heterogeneity of poverty using
remote sensing: Typology of poverty areas using selected RS based indicators in
Carsten Jürgens (ed) Proceedings of the EARSeL conference Remote sensing – New
challenges of high resolution, Bochum, pp 158-167.
2007 -
Martínez-Martín, J.M., Sliuzas, R.V., Boerboom, L. Modelling slum improvement
dynamics In: CUPUM 07 : proceedings of the 10th international conference on
computers in urban planning and urban management, 11-13 July, 2007 Iguasso Falls,
Brazil. ISBN 978-85-85205-77-5. 16 p.
2007 - Botero Fernandez, V.,Sliuzas, R.V.,Ottens, H.F.L, Exploiting municipal data
infrastructures for vulnerability assessment. Presented at AESOP 2007 : Planning for
the risk society, 11-14 July, Napoli, Italty. 8 p.
2007 -
Du, N.,Ottens, H.F.L., Sliuzas, R.V., Qualitative modeling in strategic spatial planning
support, Presented at FLUDII : Framing Land Use Dynamics II conference, 18-20 April
2007, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. 19 p.
2006 - El Nabbout, K., Buchroithner, M. and Sliuzas, R.V. New visualization tool for
participatory urban planning: the case of Tripoli – Lebanon in Proceedings 2nd
Göttingen GIS & Remote Sensing Days, Global Change Issues in Developing and
Emerging Countries, 4 – 6 October 2006, Göttingen, Germany
2005 - Taleai, M., Mesgari, M.S., Sharifi, M.A., Sliuzas, R.V., A spatial decision support
system for evaluation various land uses in built up urban area. In: Proceedings of the
26th Asian conference on remote sensing, ACRS 2005, 7-11 November 2005, Hanoi,
Vietnam, 9 p.
2005 - Lemma, T., Sliuzas, R.V. and Kuffer, M. A participatory approach to monitoring
slum conditions, in Proceedings International Conference on Participatory GIS:
Mapping for Change, 7-10 September, 2005, KCCT, Nairobi, Kenya.
2002 - Sliuzas, R.V. A framework for applying remote sensing in urban settlement monitoring
and upgrading, presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Remote Sensing of
Urban Areas, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-13, 2002.
2002 - Sliuzas, R.V. Opportunities for enhancing communication in settlement upgrading with
GIT based support tools, Proceedings 6th GISDECO conference, 15-18 May, 2002.
2001 - Kuffer, M., Sliuzas, R.V. and Huurneman, G. Estimating the consolidation levels of
informal settlements in Dar es Salaam with SPOT and ERS images, in Proceedings of the
2nd International Symposium of Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Regensburg, Germany,
June 22-23, 2001.
2001 - Sliuzas, R.V. The role of knowledge and opinions in understanding the dynamics of
informal housing in Dar es Salaam, N-AERUS/ESF workshop: Coping with informality
and illegality in human settlements in developing countries, 23-26 May,
2000 - Sliuzas, R.V., Brussel, M. Usability of large scale topographic data for urban planning
and engineering applications, Proc. ISPRS, Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam July.
2000 - Sliuzas, R.V., Gorte, B., and Mtalo, E.G. A comparison of a visual interpretation and a 2stage approach for classifying urban development using SPOT, Proc. ISPRS, Vol. XXXIII,
Amsterdam July.
2000 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Bosch, F. vd. The adoption of geographic information technology by
local authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa, Proc. Global Information Technology
Management World Conference, Memphis, USA, June 11-13.
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1999 - Sliuzas, R.V., Ottens, H.F.L., Can geographic information technology improve urban land
management practice in Tanzania? Proc. International conference on the interaction
between formal and informal urban land management in Africa, Dar es Salaam, Nov.
1999 - Sliuzas, R.V. Research issues for the adoption of geographic information technologies
for urban planning and management in developing countries, N-AERUS/ESF workshop,
Concepts and paradigms of urban management in the context of developing countries,
11-12 March, Venice
1998 - Raza, A. Kainz, W. and Sliuzas, R.V., Design and implementation of a temporal GIS for
monitoring urban land use changes, Proc. Geoinformatics ’98, Beijing.
1997 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Kawonga, A.J.C. Lessons from the GIS pilot project at Lilongwe City
Council., Proceedings JEC-G1 ’97, Vienna, April 15-18.
1995 - Sliuzas, R.V. Training for the design and development of Urban Geo-information
Systems. Habitat II preparatory round table: Human Resource Development for Better
Cities, October 4-6, Rotterdam.
1995 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Turkstra, J. Geo-information Support for cities in transformation: the
example of Wuhan, P.R. China, Geo-informatic ’95, Hong Kong,.
1993 - Amer, S., Sliuzas, R.V. and Sun, Y., Spatial Decision Support Systems for Urban
Planning and Management, European Conference on Geographic Information Systems,
1993 - De Meijere, J., Sliuzas, R.V. and Tuladhar, A., Evolving concepts for GIS application
courses at ITC, European Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Genoa.
1993 - Sliuzas, R.V. Incorporating GIS in urban planning and management in Tanzania,
Second seminar on GIS and Developing Countries, GISDECO '93, Utrecht,.
1991 - Bothadamrih, C. and Sliuzas, R.V. The potential role of Geographic Information
Systems for land readjustment in Thailand, Paper for 6th Int. Seminar on Land
Readjustment and Urban Development, Bangkok.
1989 - Sliuzas, R.V. Digital Geographic databases in urban planning: applying a PC GIS to
urban environmental zoning, (presentation for PHLO Wageningen).
1988 - Sliuzas, R.V. and Van Vugt, R.; The application of relatively inexpensive GIS-techniques
for monitoring and planning urban development in developing countries. (Paper for
GIS/LIS'88, San Antonio December).
1987 - Sliuzas, R.V. Balanced Training for GIS Users: The USEMAP Workshop. (Paper for
GIS-LP'87, Lisbon September).
1985 - Haven, J., Van Nassau, T., Spann, G., Sliuzas, R. and De Bruijn, C.A. The application of
USEMAP Software for the Comparison of Potential Densification Sites in Enschede.
(Planologische Discussie bijdragen -deel II - DUM, Delft.)
1985 - De Bruijn, C.A. and Sliuzas, R.V. The use of Geo-information in the analysis of potential
densification sites for residential development in Enschede, an application of USEMAP
software. (Paper for UDMS-SORSA Symposium, The Hague, June).
1984 - Sliuzas, R.V. and De Bruijn, C.A. Some Effects of Reducing Gridcell Size in a Geodata
Processing Application for Physical Planning. (Paper for the Annual Convention of Indian
Society of Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing, Visakhapatnam).
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2011 - Sliuzas, R.V., Zuidgeest, M. Wuhan Urban Accessibility Planning Support System. Final
report for The World Bank China Office, April 2011.
2006 -
Martínez, J., Sliuzas, R.V., Stein, A. Final report on the analysis of urban and slum
indicators. for UN-HABITAT funded by IDRC, Canada.
2006 - Martínez, J.,Boerboom, L., Sliuzas, R.V. Report on prototype sanitation model for UNHABITAT funded by IDRC Canada.
2003 - Sliuzas, R.V, Belal, W. and Hecker, C. Greater Cairo Land Use Map 2000. Project
report for the Participatory Urban Management Programme, Cairo. ITC, Enschede.
1999 - Sliuzas, R.V., Brussel, M., Gorte, B., Dekker, R. and Mtalo, E.G. Urbanisation in Dar es
Salaam: the use of SPOT and ERS for monitoring urban growth and terrain modelling,
BCRS Report USP-2 99-20.
Enschede, March 2012.
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