COUGAR NEWS March 15, 2013 No. 07 Clavet School ADMINISTRATOR’S MESSAGE Now that the senior basketball playoffs are complete, grad planning is underway, the bands are on their way to the Regina festival, and some spring weather has finally arrived, it is the time of year during which we start making our plans for next year. We have traditionally had transition meetings for our grade 9 students and parents during which we introduce the credit system. However, based on the responses over the last couple of years, we will be providing this information in a different format. We will meet with the grade 9 classes and then follow up by providing that information to the parents electronically. We hope to be able to distribute this information early next week so that any parents interested in asking follow up questions will be able to do so at the interviews scheduled next week. We will be doing something similar for the grade6 students entering our middle years program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Spring is also the time of year when construction gets into full swing, and when families begin thinking about their plans for a move to a new home. If you are aware of new families and students moving into your area, please encourage them to contact the school to set up a tour of the school and to discuss our exceptional programming. We are proud to discuss the advantages of attending Clavet School and are eager to put plans in place to prepare for the new students that we invariably receive each academic year. Early registration is particularly important for our high school students since we make timetabling decisions based on student course requests. We are looking forward to seeing you next week at interviews. Enjoy the spring. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE TO BOOK INTERVIEW TIMES FOR STUDENTS IN Gr. 7-12 CLAVET PRE-KINDERGARTEN The Clavet Pre-Kindergarten program for three and four year old children runs Monday to Thursday 9am-12pm. The open house for Pre-Kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year will be on Thursday, May 1st from 5pm-730pm. Applications will be available at the open house or at the office after the open house date. We will accept applications until Friday June 6th. Please call the office at 306-933-1022 or email for more information. Kindergarten Registration for the 2014-2015 School Year Registration is now taking place for any child who will be turning five (5) by December 31, 2014. Please call the Clavet School at 306-933-1022 to enroll your child for the 2014-2015 school year. YEARBOOK SALES Orders for the 2014 Yearbooks are now being taken. Yearbooks are $42 and are hardcover, full colour memories of this school year! Why wait for spring? Order now! Order forms are available at the office. COUGAR NEWS March Cougar of the Month Congratulations to the SR boys & girls basketball teams who competed in Hoopla this past weekend in Regina. The boys placed 4th & the girls won a bronze medal. SENIOR DRAMA PRESENTS: “LAW AND ORDER: FAIRY TALE UNIT” Come and help Cindy and HD find out who dun it in this fun comedy mystery. This year our play welcomes all ages! An entertaining play for young and old alike! The show will not be shown during school hours. So bring the family and come out for a night of laughs! THURSDAY APRIL 3rd 7:00 pm. in the Clavet School Gym Admission: $5.00 for adults/ $3.00 for students / $10.00 for a family Put on your investigator's hat and we hope to see you there!! COUNSELLOR’S CORNER Part 6 Bring Out Mixed Feelings“Trying to stop impulsive behavior is like standing in front of a freight train and commanding it to stop.” Neufeld suggests that when a child’s behavior is driven by instinct and emotion, as behavior is when kids are upset, chances are you aren’t going to change the behavior through direct confrontation. Our brains dictate how we respond to situations. When we’re afraid our brain tells us to avoid, when we’re insecure our brain tells us to cling and hold on, when frustrated it tells us to demand or cry or attack, and when we’re shamed it tells us to hide or conceal. The brain is only doing its job it causing the child to behave according to the emotions and instincts activated by a situation. Demanding that a child control themselves when they are misbehaving is asking a child to act against their natural impulses. We can help by guiding our children to experience “mixed feelings.” With continued guidance, over time, children can learn to understand that we can hold many different emotions about people at the same time. We may get angry at someone we love but the love still exists. The goal is not to cut out negative feelings but to learn how to access positive emotions even during difficult situations. The parents take the lead in accepting both the negative and the positive emotions in their children as well as by helping kids make connections between negative and positive feelings. For example, a parent might say “Isn’t it funny the way we can get so mad at one another but most of the time we get along great?” or “You seem to be able to do what I’m asking you now with no problem but you were mad earlier when you thought I was bossing you around.” There doesn’t need to be a long conversation— just point out the mixed feelings and then move on. Susan Halbach DATES TO NOTE MARCH 18 GRADE 12 WORK ED MARCH 19 MARCH 20 MARCH 21 MAR. 24-27 SR. BAND @ REGINA OPTIMIST BAND FESTIVAL AD. BAND@ REGINA OPTIMIST BAND FESTIVAL K-6 REPORT CARDS GRADE 12 WORK ED MAR. 24-27 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR MARCH 26 K-12 PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT EVENING INTERVIEWS – 5:30-8:00PM (Gr.7-12 parents call for interviews) MARCH 27 K-12 PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT EVENING INTERVIEWS – 4:00-6:30PM (Gr.7-12 parents call for interviews) MARCH 28 APRIL 3-4 APRIL 10 NO CLASSES SR. DRAMA – “LAW & ORDER-FAIRY TALE UNIT” FUN NIGHT fundraiser for After-Grad – BBQ Supper, Games, Raffle Items and LOTS OF FUN!! Watch for more details in the near future. END OF QUADMESTER III (GR.7-9) START OF QUADMESTER IV (GR.7-9) 7-12 REPORT CARDS GOOD FRIDAY – NO CLASSES APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL 11 14 17 18 APRIL 21-25 SPRING BREAK - NO CLASSES COMMUNITY NEWS Military Memorabilia Display March 19 Rod Dignean, whose father Lorne taught at Clavet School many years ago, is a reservist in the Canadian Military who has recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan. He as a very large collection of military memorabilia that he has generously agreed to share with Clavet School and the community. Wednesday, March 19, 9:00 am- 3:00 pm the display will be set up in the school’s small gym. Students will be touring the display throughout the day. The local community is invited to tour the display from 12:15-1:00. THANK YOU to Affinity Credit Union for choosing Clavet School’s playground to be the recipient of $200.00 from their Affinity Community Spirit Fund. CLAVET MULTIPLE 4-H CLUB will be holding a bake sale during the March parent teacher interviews in the elementary end. Support your local club and have a snack! THE NORTH SASKATCHEWAN RUGBY UNION is starting a non-contact/flag-rugby league in Saskatoon for children ages 5-13, with emphasis on running with the ball, supporting the ball carrier, and passing. This makes Flag Rugby an ideal game for girls and boys of all ages and abilities with no previous rugby knowledge needed. Saskatoon Mini Rugby is looking for players to join the fun. To register online visit and click “registration”. There will be a parent information night April 15th at 7 pm at the Rugby Clubhouse (134 English Crescent). For more information on Flag Rugby visit or contact . Good nutrition supports healthy learning!! Mar 2014 March is Green Month Clavet students had a special treat this month thanks to the Stonebridge COOP of blueberry toaster strudels and fresh pears. Grilled cheese continues to be available daily at the server for $1, The “Cougar Nation Fuel Up Station” is open daily for Grades 7-12 during the lunch recess and features real fruit smoothies, chocolate milk, carrots, healthy treats and grilled cheese sandwiches. The Grade 3 class created a St. Patrick’s themed thank you poster for the Stonebridge COOP.