Estimation Perspectives Richard D. Stutzke (SAIC) 25 October 2005 Presented at the 20th International COCOMO and Software Cost Modeling Forum Los Angeles, 25-28 October 2005 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 1 Topics • • • • • • • Measurement and Estimation Product Size Project Cost and Schedule Product Performance Product Quality Process Performance Summary 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 2 Reasons to Estimate and Measure • Product Size, Performance, and Quality - Evaluate feasibility of requirements - Analyze alternate product designs - Determine the required capacity and speed of hardware components - Evaluate product performance (accuracy, speed, reliability, availability) - Quantify resources needed to develop, deploy, and support a product - Identify and assess technical risks - Provide technical baselines for tracking and controlling • Project Effort, Cost and Schedule - Determine project feasibility in terms of cost and time - Identify and assess project risks - Negotiate achievable commitments - Prepare realistic plans and budgets - Evaluate business value (cost versus benefit) - Provide cost and schedule baselines for tracking and controlling • Process Capability and Performance - Predict resource consumption and efficiency - Establish norms for expected performance - Identify opportunities for improvement 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 3 Estimation Uncertainty Typically Decreases with Time 5.0 4.0 Upper 80% Bound Lower 80% Bound Zero Error Line 3.0 Uncertainty (multiple of estimated value) 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Elapsed Time 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 4 Total Estimation Life Cycle Define Project (Products, Process) Requirements Work Breakdown Structure BEFORE Environmental & Business Factors Identify and Evaluate Risks Staff Skill and Availability Estimate Cost and Schedule Loop 2 Project Estimate Re-estimate Cost and Schedule DURING Budget and Schedule Project Plan Perform Planned Activities Loop 1 Changes in Requirements, Design, and Environment Measure Project Actuals Revised Inputs Documented Estimation Models Status & Estimate To Complete Close Out Report Organization’s Historical Data AFTER Enhancements Updated Procedures & Checklists 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Compare Planned and Actual Values Calibrate Improve Process Estimation Perspectives (v5) 5 Ways to Improve Estimation Accuracy Before starting the project - During the project - Understand product requirements and architecture Choose a suitable production process and supporting tools Use a mix of estimating techniques, models, and historical data Produce the estimate in a disciplined way Collect actual measurements (costs, performance, progress) Watch for violations of the estimating assumptions Watch for changes in key factors (software size, turnover) Update the estimate with the latest information After the project - Collect final measurements Analyze data and lessons learned Capture the new information (calibrate models, update checklists) Improve the estimating process (procedures, new tools, training) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 6 Quantities of Interest Products and Services Delivered - Project - Size or amount (created, modified, purchased) Performance (capacity, accuracy, speed, response time) Quality (conformance to requirements, dependability) Price and total ownership cost Effort (activities) Staff (number, skill and experience, turnover) Time (phases, schedule milestones) Effort (direct and indirect) Costs (labor and non-labor) Computer resources used for development and test Process - Effectiveness Efficiency Flexibility 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 7 Common Challenges • Identifying the key factors that affect the quantity of interest • Defining precise measures – Operational definitions – Affordable – Appropriate scale ([Stevens, 1948], [Zuse, 1997] • Quantifying the influence of the key factors (valid models) • The “object” evolves during development – “Object” can be the product, project, or process – The final object is not the one initially conceived 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 8 Product Size 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 9 Labor Dominates Software Project Cost • The concept: Effort [phrs] = Size [SLOC] / Productivity [SLOC/phr]* • The challenges – Choice and definition of the size measure – Defining productivity – Identifying all the pieces *Productivity (product size) / (resources expended) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 10 Physical Architecture for a Monitoring Application Sensors Front End Mainframe Display Device Drivers Executive (Control Logic) Comm. Mgt. Polling Logic Comm. Mgt. Algorithms Display Gen. GUI Services - Data Validation - Data Smoothing - Trend Analysis Data Management Comm. Mgt. Report Generator GUI Services 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 11 Software Architecture for a Monitoring Application Software Product Data Acquisition Report Generation - Device Drivers - Polling Logic(?) - Data Validation(?) - Units Conversion (scaling, clipping) System Services - Report Generation - Display Generation Data Analysis Control - Data Validation(?) - Data Smoothing - Trend Analysis (threshold detect) - Communications Mgt. - Math and Statistics (e.g., LSQ fitting) - GUI Services - Data management (RDBMS) - Executive - Polling Logic(?) - Self-test - Data Archiving Tooling - Emulators - Stubs - Test Drivers - Test Data Preparation - Test Data Analysis - Scripts *The items followed by “(?)” may be allocated different areas depending on various considerations. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 12 Productivity Is Slippery • Common Issues – – – – – – What is being counted? (new, modified, prototypes, tooling, breakage) How is size defined? (Example: a line of source code) What activities and phase are covered? (CM? QA? RA? I&T?) How formal is the process? (reviews, documentation) How skilled is the staff? How many person-hours per person-month? (overtime, days off) • Specific Challenges – – – – Software (all components unique, “exceptional” functions overlooked) Hardware (components and assemblies) Services (installation, training) Documents (original, copies) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 13 Migration of Reused Code to the “Dark Side” 300 Additional New 250 200 New Total Size (All Code) Estimated Size 150 (KSLOC) Original Total Modified + Unmodified Unmodified Only 100 Modified 50 Copied 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Elapsed Time (Relative Units) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 14 Project Cost and Schedule 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 15 The Precursors of Estimation • • • • • • Customer’s needs and operational environment Products and services to be delivered Production process to be used Project goals and constraints Estimate’s purpose and constraints Applicable estimating techniques and tools 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 16 Project Information Flow Contract Master Schedule Analyze Design Code Test Review Deliver SOW CLINs ______ ______ ______ Production Process Project Data Engineering Data Procurement Data Spec Product Architecture Technical Baseline TPM _________________ _________________ _________________ WBS Cost Baseline 1.0 ____ 1.1 ____ 1.2 ____ 2.0 ____ $ $ $ $ (Work Packages) Resource Loaded Network Earned Value Plan BCWS $ $ $ $ BCWP $ $ $ $ ACWP $ $ $ $ Schedule Baseline Actuals Planning 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) Tracking 17 Estimating Techniques* • • • • • • Expert Judgment (Delphi or PERT) Analogy (“nearest neighbors”) Scaling (additive, multiplicative) Top-Down Bottom-Up Parametric Models *See comparison in Chapter 22 of [Boehm, 1981]. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 18 Usage of Estimating Techniques Changes 100 Extrapolation of Actual Data 80 60 Bottom Up (Using WBS) Method Use (%) Parametric Models 40 Analogies 20 Experts 0 Conception Elaboration Construction Transition Operation Phase of the Product's Life Cycle 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 19 Product Performance 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 20 Reasons to Estimate Product Performance • Evaluate feasibility of specified performance • Establish bounds on expected performance • Identify type and amount of computer resources needed – “Capacity planning” – System sizing • Identify significant design parameters • Provide information when cannot measure – Product not yet built – Product is inaccessible (e.g., 24 x 7 x 52) – Measurement is too dangerous or expensive 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 21 Typical TPMs for Computer Systems Accuracy - Correctness (corresponds to real world) - Adequate precision (resolution) Dependability - Reliability - Availability - Probability Of Failure On Demand Speed - Response time (GUI) - Execution time (per function, transaction, etc.) - Data transfer rates Resource Consumption - CPU usage Storage (memory, disk) Transmission channel usage (I/O, LAN) Peripherals 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 22 Resource Usage versus System Performance Assumed Operational Profile Software Algorithms Estimated Resource Usage Platform Capacity and Configuration Estimated System Performance Actual Operational Profile Actual Resource Usage Actual System Performance Hardware Costs Mission Success User Acceptance 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 23 Estimation and Measurement Challenges Platform characteristics - External environment and workload - Number of users External stimuli (probabilistic events, multiple scenarios) Algorithms - Multiple processors Memory cacheing Configurable COTS components (e.g., buffer size) “Hidden” factors (operating system’s scheduler) Internal workload (other concurrent processes) Use of loops, iteration, searches, or sorts Suitability for assumed workload (scalability) Choice of parameters (e.g., step size and convergence criteria) Poorly understood or not yet identified Relating component behavior to system behavior - Complex (and possibly unknown) interactions of components Many states and modes (dynamic load balancing, fault tolerance) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 24 Possible Performance Analysis Techniques • • • • • • • • • • Order of magnitude calculations Analytic model Simple queueing results Bottleneck analysis Semi-analytic models (e.g., PDQ by Gunther) Queueing network models Simulation models Smart stubs Benchmark runs on similar system Measurement of actual system 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 25 Comparison of Options Estimation Characteristic Analytic Models Measurement Simulation Smart Stubs Benchmark Runs Choice of Performance Measures Limited Many Limited Limited Level of Detail Limited Arbitrary Varies Varies Accuracy (Realism and Fidelity) Approximate Good Good Perfect Steady State Behavior Yes Yes Yes Yes Transient Response Limited Yes Yes Yes Range of Off-Nominal Conditions Some Wide Some Limited Effort to Develop and Validate the Model or Tool High to Extra High Low to High Low Not Applicable Effort to Use the Model or Tool (set up, configure, calculate, measure) Low Low to Very High Nominal to Very High Medium to Very High 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 26 Performance Estimation is a Cyclic Process START Assess performance risk Identify critical use cases Select key performance scenarios Modify/create scenarios Define quantitative performance objectives Construct performance model(s ) Verify and validate models Run and evaluate performance model(s ) Next Iteration Acceptable performance Unacceptable performance feasible Modify product architecture and design Revise performance objectives infeasible *Adapted from Figure 2-1 in [Smith, 2002]. Used with permission. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 27 Product Quality 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 28 Quality Factors Vary by System and Stakeholder Correctness 100 90 80 Portability Performance 70 60 50 40 30 20 Interoperability Dependability 10 0 Maintainability Usability Supportability 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke User Developer Perfect Efficiency Estimation Perspectives (v5) 29 Example: Product Dependability Functional Test Cases Integrated Software Assumed Operational Profile Installed and Configured Software Actual Operational Profile Observed Correctness Test Platform Estimated Dependability Operational Platform Actual Dependability User Acceptance 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 30 Estimating Challenges • Distinguishing faults, failures, and problem reports • Understanding fault generation and detection – Product requirements and architecture – Process (methods, reviews, tests, tools) • Relating faults to operational failures – Failures often arise from occurrence of multiple events – Assumed operational profile – Predicting the actions of users and abusers • The “product” evolves during development – Add new features – Revise the design 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 31 Testing (Measurement) Challenges • Test profile differs from the operational profile • Detection is flawed (Type 1 and Type 2 errors) – Test case (or peer review) fails to expose a real fault – Test case reports a defect when there is actually no fault • Comprehensive testing is seldom possible – Many combinations to cover (inputs, modes, internal states) – Limited time for testing – Never trigger some faults (so never see resulting failure) • The product changes during testing – – – – Remove defects (“reliability growth”) Add defects (“bad fixes”) May even add features Every change gives a new product to sample 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 32 Comparison of Options Estimation Characteristic Analytic Models Measurement Simulation Stress Tests Operational Use Choice of Quality Measures* Limited Limited Limited Limited Level of Detail Limited Varies Limited to dependability Varies Accuracy (Realism and Fidelity) Approximate Varies Perfect (if product is complete) Good Effort to Develop and Validate the Model or Tool High to Extra High Low to High Low Not Applicable Effort to Use the Model or Tool (set up, configure, calculate, measure) Low Low to Very High Low to Medium Nominal to Medium *Dependability is most objective and mature. Customer preference is subjective. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 33 Determining Product Dependability Specify Dependability Goal Concept Definition System Definition Application Metrics Software Requirements Analysis Requirement Metrics Product Design Design Metrics Detailed Design Design Metrics Coding and Unit Testing Code Metrics Integration Testing Test Data Dependability (Stress) Testing Factory Acceptance Testing Site Operational Testing Operations 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Test Data Test Data Estimate Dependability (“Prediction”) Measure Dependability (“Estimation”) Test Data Actual Performance Observe Dependability Estimation Perspectives (v5) 34 Process Performance 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 35 Process Control: Measurements + Models Control the Process Execute the Process Measure the Process Predict Process Performance Define and Improve the Process Legend Data, Information, and Measurements Predictions Defined (and Improved) Process 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 36 Measuring Process Performance • Key Questions – – – – • What is the current performance? Is this value "good"? Is it changing? How can I make the value “better”? Candidate Attributes* – – – – – – Definition (completeness, compatibility) Usage (compliance, consistency) Stability (repeatability, variability) Effectiveness (capability) Efficiency (productivity, affordability) Predictive Ability (accuracy, effects of tailoring and improvements) *Motivated by [Florac, 1999, Section 2.4] 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 37 Some Examples Goal Measure Completeness The number of process elements added, changed, and deleted during tailoring. Compliance Number of discrepancy reports generated by Quality Assurance audits Stability (volatility) The number of process elements changed within a specified time interval. Effectiveness Product quality Effectiveness Defect leakage to subsequent phases Efficiency Productivity (or production coefficient) Efficiency Rework as a fraction of total effort Predictability Probability distribution for an estimated quantity or related statistics 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 38 Types of Process Performance Models Type Handles Unstable Processes? Representation of Process Mechanisms Statistical No None Functional No Explicit Parametric models (algorithms based on causal mechanisms). COQUALMO and staged models. Dynamic Yes Implicit (via propagation) System dynamics models (Coupled equations embody the causal mechanisms. Solving numerically gives predicted behavior.) 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) Examples Statistical process control 39 Comparison of Options Measurement Characteristic Estimation Statistical Functional Models Dynamic Simulation Choice of Performance Measures Limited Limited Many Level of Detail Limited Varies Arbitrary Accuracy (Realism and Fidelity) Perfect (for specified scope) Approximate Varies Steady State Behavior Yes Yes Yes Transient Response No Limited Yes Range of Off-Nominal Conditions Limited Some Wide Effort to Develop and Validate the Model or Tool Low to High Low to High Low to Very High Effort to Use the Model or Tool (set up, configure, calculate, measure) Medium to High Low Low to High 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 40 Factors Affecting Predictive Accuracy • The process definition – Detail – Stability – Tailoring • The process execution – Compliance – Consistency • The model’s scope, and validity – Relevant factors and interactions – Fidelity 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 41 Summary 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 42 Estimation and Measurement Are Coupled • Estimates provide predicted information to: – – – – Assess product and project feasibility Evaluate tradeoffs in performance, quality, cost, and schedule Identify and obtain resources Prepare plans to coordinate and track work • Measurements provide actual information to: – Verify expectations and detect deviations – Control processes (preserve estimating assumptions, adapt to changes) – Prepare revised estimates – Formulate, validate, and calibrate predictive models – Improve decision making for projects and businesses – Help the business adapt to changing conditions 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 43 Recurring Themes • Estimation is a continuing process – Accuracy usually increases with time (“learning curve”) – You get what you pay for at any particular time – Perfectly accurate estimates are impossible (and are not needed!) • A little, good data goes a long way (90/10 rule) – There are never enough resources (time, money) – Use Goal – Question – Measurement to choose – Precise definitions are essential (e.g., “line of code” and “defect”) • Some quantities are harder to estimate than others 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 44 Relative Estimation Difficulty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Cost Product Size Project Effort Project Schedule Product Performance Product Quality Process Performance 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) Increasing Difficulty 45 References (1 of 2) General [Stutzke, 2005] Estimating Software-Intensive Systems: Projects, Products, and Processes, Richard D. Stutzke, AddisonWesley, 2005, ISBN 0-201-70312-2. Project Effort, Cost, and Schedule [Boehm, 2000] Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II, Barry W. Boehm, Chris Abts, A. Winsor Brown, Sunita Chulani, Bradford K. Clark, Ellis Horowitz, Ray Madachy, Donald Reifer, and Bert Steece, Prentice-Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-026692-2. [Boehm, 1981] Software Engineering Economics, Barry W. Boehm, Prentice-Hall, 1981, ISBN 0-13-822122-7. Product Performance [Jain, 1991] The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling, Raj Jain, John Wiley and Sons, 1991, ISBN 0-471-50336-3. [Gunther, 2000] “The Practical Performance Analyst: Performance-By-Design Techniques for Distributed Systems”, Neil J. Gunther, Authors Choice Press (an imprint of, Inc.), 2000, ISBN 0-595-12674-X. Originally published in 1998 by McGraw-Hill as ISBN 0079-12946-3. [Smith, 2002] Performance Solutions: A Practical Guide to Creating Responsive, Scalable Software, Connie U. Smith and Lloyd G. Williams, Addison-Wesley, 2002, ISBN 0-201-72229-1. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 46 References (2 of 2) Product Quality [Kan, 2003] Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, 2nd edition, Stephen H. Kan, Addison-Wesley, 2003, ISBN 0-201-72915-6. [Lyu, 1996] “Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering”, Michael R. Lyu (editor), IEEE Computer Society Press (McGraw-Hill), 1996, ISBN 0-07-039400-8. An excellent, up-to-date coverage of the subject. Process Performance [Florac, 1999] Measuring the Software Process: Statistical Process Control for Software Process Improvement, William A. Florac and Anita D. Carlton, Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN 0-201-60444-2. [Madachy, 2005] Software Process Modeling with System Dynamics, Raymond J. Madachy, John Wiley & Sons, 2005, ISBN 0471-27555-0. 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 47 2005 by Richard D. Stutzke Estimation Perspectives (v5) 48