AUGUSTA COUNTY SCHOOLS CURRICULUM MAP MATH Submitted BY LES CONTENT: 2.6 The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will a) estimate the sum; and b) find the sum, using various methods of calculation. TOPIC: Computation and Estimation CONTENT DEMONSTRATORS What do your students need to What do your students need to be able to KNOW? DO? All students will know: Understand that estimation skills are valuable, time-saving tools particularly in practical situations when exact answers are not required or needed. Understand that estimation skills are also valuable in determining the reasonableness of the sum when solving for the exact answer is needed. Understand that addition is used to join groups in practical situations when exact answers are needed. Develop flexible methods of adding whole numbers by combining numbers in a variety of ways to find the sum, most depending on place values. DIFFERENTIATION How will you meet the needs of all students? For Advanced Learners: Solve or create story problems. Relay Race: students race to board to add problems provided by teacher Students will: Regroup 10 ones for 1 ten, using Base-10 models, when finding the sum of two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less. Estimate the sum of two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less and recognize whether the estimation is reasonable. Find the sum of two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, using Base-10 models, such as Base-10 blocks and bundles of tens. Solve problems presented vertically or horizontally that require finding the sum of two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, using paper and pencil. Solve problems, using mental computation strategies, involving addition of two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less. ASSESSMENT How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED? 1) Math Computation Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring) 2) Beginning of Year Math Assessment 3) Beginning of Chapter/Unit Assessment 4) Benchmark Tests 5) End of Chapter/Unit Assessment 6) Use concrete objects (i.e. cubes) to show adding with and without regrouping on a place value chart. ACTIVITIES HOW will you teach it? 1) Anchor Charts—show the procedure for adding OR show student thinking (see anchor charts). 2) Math Talk—Students create a math story looking at a picture, writing two sentences, and a question. 3) Use manipulatives to demonstrate regrouping. 4) Use a number line or hundreds chart to teach estimation. 5) For estimation, round numbers to the nearest 10 and then add. 6) Use Smart Exchange to find Smart Board activities. TEACHER NOTES: RESOURCES 1) Smart Exchange—Estimation of Sums; Adding Using Lattice 2) Discovery Education Video; Discovering Math; Estimation Strategy 3) Harcourt Math Series 4) I Have, Who Has Games 5) Addition and Subtraction BINGO 6) 7) IXL Math 8) Math Work Stations 9) Math Talk by Char Forsten & Torri Richards 10) 11) Augusta County Pacing guide 12)