College of Physical Sciences PROPOSALS FOR HONORARY STATUS GUIDANCE NOTE Honorary Status is provided to those staff who engage in a non-contractual/non-salaried but collaborative relationship with an individual or group from the University. Typically this will be in support of teaching and/or research. Honorary status may not be conferred on anyone who is employed by the University in any capacity. Consideration should be given: to defining the expected benefits of the relationship. This should be clearly stated on the proposal form. Where the case is considered to be insufficient to allow appropriate decision making, the forms will be returned for further information; In the case of research this could include leverage for funding, publications, advancement of research projects (eg through access to facilities etc). Where possible, an indication of expected quantitative as well as qualitative benefits should be provided. In the case of teaching, this might be the provision of guest lectures, leveraging access to, and support for, placements, mentoring of students, etc. Where possible, an indication of expected quantitative as well as qualitative benefits should be provided. to ensuring that the period requested is appropriate to the expected duration of the relationship. Honorary status can be extended, so it is recommended that initial proposals should normally be in the period range of 1 year to 3 years, with the 5 year period being limited to professorial or reader level proposals (see below). Any variance to this should be explicitly stated and justified on the proposal form; to clearly setting out any resource implications involved (eg access to facilities, provision of support, provision of office space or computing equipment); to the grade of status being proposed. The College would expect that the following would apply: Chair/Reader proposals should be considered as a rarity. Normally, these would be proposed for long term, sustained and substantive research collaborations, which can be shown to have strategic benefits. Most candidates would already hold, or have held, similar, substantive positions at recognised universities. Where such equivalence can be demonstrated the requirement for external references may be waived. Where the collaboration is with a non-university person, eg an industrial leader, then an equivalence of seniority and experience will be expected, alongside evidence of academic activity. Senior Lecturer/Lecturer will also normally be awarded where a longer term and substantive relationship is clearly demonstrated, either for teaching and/or research purposes. Candidates should already hold, or have held, similar, substantive positions at recognised universities. Research Fellow/Teaching Fellow: this will be the normal entry level for Honorary status. The criteria for consideration should include: active engagement in research projects, contribution to the development of funding applications and/or publications, leverage for funding and/or access to Document1 Version:2, 22 May 2012, KMF/ JDN facilities, provision of guest lectures, leveraging access to, and support for, placements, mentoring of students, etc For all levels, a proposer is required, who will normally be an academic member of staff, currently employed by the University and based within the College. Heads of School should approve all applications and be confident that a persuasive case has been put forward. In the case of Lecturer and above, Heads of School must provide an explicit statement in support of the application, but it is recommended that this is good practice for all levels. The College will monitor the anticipated benefits of the relationship at the end of the period. Where extension of the honorary status is sought, this assessment will be required as part of the request for extension. Honorary status brings with it additional benefits, including access to University library, sports and IT facilities. VISITING ACADEMICS (SHORT PERIODS) Where a visitor will only be at the university for a single, short period, of up to 2 months, then Honorary status may not be appropriate. In such cases, what is normally required is access to Library and/or Computer facilities. The following options are recommended: Access to the University’s computing facilities requires the setting up of a guest account. Apply at: Guest accounts are computer accounts set up specifically for short term use by nonUniversity of Aberdeen users. They may be issued to individuals who are visiting or collaborating with the University and who require only basic access to the internet and/or to a SharePoint site - for example, researchers, conference attendees, or those on University business. Requests for Guest accounts are made on behalf of guests by the relevant University host, e.g. academic department. There are two types of Guest account. 1. A standard Guest account provides: login details (userid and password) to allow basic internet access via the campus wireless network, and/or classroom and library PCs. 2. A Guest+SharePoint account provides: login details (userid and password) to allow internet access via the campus wireless network, and/or classroom and library PCs access to a SharePoint site - For example, if a department is working on a project with collaborators not affiliated with the University of Aberdeen and would like them to have access to their SharePoint site. Note: Hosts are responsible for adding guests to their SharePoint site and for providing guidance on its use. Neither of these provide: A University of Aberdeen email account Printing on University MFDs or networked printers Filespace on the University's servers Access to MS Office applications on classroom PCs Access to electronic resources licenced for University staff and student use only, e.g. Library Catalogue and MetaLib Library access is provided with a formal letter of introduction from Head of Discipline/School (or other senior staff member). This letter can be supplied in paper or electronic format. Visitors are required to sign a membership form stating they will comply with the Library regulations. Document1 Version:2, 22 May 2012, KMF/ JDN Susan McCourt is the first point of contact for the College ( x3287. Once the formal letter has been received by Susan McCourt, she in turn passes it to the Issue Desk Supervisor who prepares the temporary pass for collection by the visiting academic. The visitor will need to provide Photo ID (eg a passport). The pass allows access to materials within the Library only. If the visitor also needs to borrow books, the School is required to pay a £15 fee. For e-access to journals and databases a computing account is required. Susan McCourt is happy to meet any approved visitor to discuss the Library services. Document1 Version:2, 22 May 2012, KMF/ JDN PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED: · Proposals should be submitted to the College Registrar using the Proposal for Honorary Status form accompanied by a current CV. · Appointment is for a maximum of 5 years (renewable). See note above regarding the normal recommended length. · A HoC statement is required for Honorary Lectureship and above, in addition to one from the HoS. · For Honorary Readerships and Professorships, there must be a substantial connection with the University of Aberdeen and the candidate must be academically qualified for the status proposed. Three external references are required. Where a candidate already holds a professorial appointment at a sister1 university, external references are not required. · Consistency of treatment of staff at the local research institutes is essential to avoid causing offence to others who consider themselves equally deserving by qualification or level of co-operation. Approval TA/TF RA/RF Lecturer Senior Lecturer Reader Professor Renewals HoS HoC SVP - · Once the required approval has been given the proposal form, CV and references (if appropriate) are forwarded to HR for the issue of an appointment letter. · Requests for renewals can be submitted in memo form by the HoS to the relevant College Registrar. · By a decision of the University Court, all members of the Academic and Academic Related staff, on retirement, retain their current status on an honorary basis. · Honorary staff do not receive payment. Appointment is on the basis of a contribution to teaching and/or research. They are given access to library and computing facilities and departmental facilities at the discretion of the HoS. · Undergraduate students are not eligible for honorary status. Instead a letter should be issued by the HoS in confirmation of their presence in the department of their participation in departmental activities etc. Such letters should be copied to the Insurance Office (Finance Section) if the activities are off-campus. · Visiting students should register under the Visiting Students & Temporary Trainees Scheme which has a registration fee of £95. Contact Registry Services, tel: 3614. 1 A sister university would be a recognised HEI within the UK system, or one with an international reputation as evidenced by, for example, inclusion in the THES Top 200 list. Document1 Version:2, 22 May 2012, KMF/ JDN