FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications EC Premises, Brussels, Belgium 23/01/2013 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 1 Objective and Methodology FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 2 A two-steps methodology allowed to identify key opportunities by country Objective : To support the definition of an EU Industrial Policy in GNSS in neighboring countries Coord. with GSA Projects PreSelection Process Questionnaires to industry players FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Exportable GNSS based applications Task 2 Task 1 EU Initiatives/ Projects Opportunities and Actions Interview program in selected countries Desk research on national initiatives SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 3 Situation of GNSS Adoption in EU Neighboring Countries FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 4 9 domains were analysed in 17 countries 4 REGULATED TRANSPORT 17 ENPI EAST/ ENPI SOUTH WEST BALKANS Aviation Rail Road Maritime 5 REGULATED NON - TRANSPORT Emergency Management GIS/ Mapping FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Health Scientific Applications (Geodesy and Timing) Others (Environment and Engineering) SUCCESS Proprietary Albania Algeria BosniaHerzegovina Egypt Kosovo Israel Macedonia Jordan Moldova Lebanon Serbia Morocco Ukraine Palestine OTHER COUNTRIES Tunisia Croatia Turkey 23rd January 2013 Page 5 The analysis involved both desk research and interviews to key players More than 100 secondary sources considered in different languages (mainly English, French, Arabic, Russian) C. 600 Emails sent C. 400 28 28 Other countries General Phone calls 28 Private companies Public institutions ENPI South 34 Experts/ industry players Interviewed Non-transport ENPI East and West Balkans Filled questionnaires FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary Transport 23rd January 2013 Experts/ University Professors Page 6 The strong interest demonstrated can be capitalised by EU companies Interest and expectations These technologies are seen as potential boosts for internal growth There is interest for new EU applications in all domains Positive outcomes from the entrance of EU in the SBAS/ GNSS industry are expected FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications GNSS development Main conclusions Aviation and GIS/ Mapping are top priority domains Most of ENPI East/ West Balkans and other countries are involved in Emergency and projects/ initiatives linked to scientific domains are satellite technologies underdeveloped and show good potential On the contrary, few ENPI South GNSS development differs by country … countries invest in it (with main initiatives linked to European projects) In Maritime and in Road potential niches can be exploited There is a general need of communication and … and by domain: awareness (esp. in ENPI Transport domains (mainly South countries) and of Aviation) and GIS/ Mapping are the demonstration actions most developed (in most of the countries) Emergency and Scientific Applications have good potential SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 7 Aviation and GIS/ Mapping were considered the most important domains ENPI EAST/ WEST BALKANS AND OTHER COUNTRIES Rail 6th ENPI SOUTH COUNTRIES Rail 6th Aviation 1st Road 5th GIS/ Mapping 2nd Scientific Application 5th Scientific Application 3rd Maritime 4th GIS/ Mapping 2nd Emergency 4th Road 2nd Maritime 3rd Emergency 3rd FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Aviation 1st SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 8 Ukraine, Turkey, Croatia, Egypt and Israel appear the most interesting countries ENPI EAST/ WEST BALKANS AND OTHER COUNTRIES First level of priority Ukraine Turkey Second level of priority Croatia Serbia Macedonia Bosnia Herzegovina Moldova Kosovo Albania ENPI SOUTH COUNTRIES First level of priority Second level of priority 4 Egypt Israel FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Morocco 5 Algeria Tunisia SUCCESS Proprietary Lebanon 23rd January 2013 Palestine Jordan Page 9 A more in-depth view provides a diversified picture by country … ENPI EAST/ WEST BALKANS AND OTHER COUNTRIES First level of priority Ukraine (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping, Scientific, Maritime) Turkey (Aviation GIS/ Mapping, Maritime) Second level of priority Croatia (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping, Scientific) Serbia (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping, Rail) Macedonia (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping, Emergency) Moldova (Aviation GIS/ Mapping, Emergency) Bosnia Herzegovina (Aviation, Road, GIS/ Mapping) Kosovo (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping, Scientific) Albania (Aviation, Road and Emergency) ENPI SOUTH COUNTRIES First level of priority Second level of priority 4 Egypt (Aviation, Maritime, Road) Israel (Aviation, Road, GIS/ Mapping) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Morocco (Aviation, Road, Maritime) 5 Algeria (Aviation, Maritime, GIS/ Mapping) Tunisia (Aviation, Maritime) SUCCESS Proprietary Lebanon (Road, Emergency, GIS/ Mapping) 23rd January 2013 Palestine (Road, Emergency, GIS/ Mapping, Scientific) Jordan (Aviation, GIS/ Mapping) Page 10 ... Therefore, in the following slides, each country is presented in more detail Analysed country Domain prioritization Main needs in the domain Actions by domain Countries’ priority Geography Need of communication and awareness Domains Level of priority (red) Demonstration actions GNSS development (green) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 11 Ukraine ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW AVIATION New projects/ applications and implementation of procedures and of a navigation system for all HIGH flight phases 1 Increase of safety, capacity and efficiency in aviation GIS/ MAPPING SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS 2 3 4 MARITIME Improvement in GIS/ Mapping system 1st priority country Improvement of precision positioning data in cartography and land management Improvement in timing Development of applications linked to timing Need of communication and awareness: Improvement of knowledge on these issues Seminaries, courses and training aimed at clarifying EGNOS benefits Enhancement of accuracy and improvement in safety in maritime EMERGENCY Introduction of applications linked to accuracy for coastal Improvement in dangerous good transportation ROAD RAIL Possible demonstration actions: HEALTH Demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits in the selected areas Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 12 Turkey Other countries LOW 1st priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 Aviation improvements in reliability and safety AVIATION 2 MARITIME Improvement in maritime system 3 GIS/ MAPPING Need of communication and awareness: Improvement of maritime safety and efficiency Improvement in GIS/ Mapping Possible demonstration actions: Improvements in solutions linked to GIS/ location based services RAIL EMERGENCY SCIENTIFIC APPL ROAD HEALTH Level of priority Organization of seminaries, courses and training, although a good level of awareness has been reached Turkstat has been applying for participating in EU EGNOS/GALILEO project, but it is still waiting for the ESEI (Enhanced strengthening European integration) from EC to discuss the project details Possible demonstration actions required are focused on applications in aviation, rail and emergency management and related benefits. GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 13 Croatia Other countries LOW 1st priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 Aviation procedures implementation AVIATION 2 GIS/ MAPPING Improvement in GIS/ Mapping 3 SCIENTIFIC Need of communication and awareness: Improvements in solutions linked to management and precision farming Focus on environment Possible demonstration actions: Improvements in solutions linked to environment protection MARITIME ROAD RAIL Organization of seminaries, courses and training Demonstration actions on benefits Demonstration actions to provide a much needed assistance to raising the awareness of GNSS and establishing the GNSS market in Croatia EMERGENCY OTHERS Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 14 Egypt ENPI South LOW 1st priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 Improvements in safety AVIATION 2 MARITIME 3 ROAD Improvements in safety and freight transport Need of communication and awareness: Promotion and development of solutions linked to these issues Improvements in safety and and traffic control Promotion and development of solutions linked to traffic management GIS/ MAPPING RAIL There is a need for communication and development of awareness, mainly in terms of benefits of EGNOS/ Galileo Possible demonstration actions: Demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits, mainly on safety EMERGENCY HEALTH Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 15 Israel ENPI South LOW 1st priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION 2 ROAD 3 GIS/ MAPPING Aviation procedures implementation and improvements in traffic managements Improvements in safety and and traffic control Need of communication and awareness: Promotion and development of solution linked to traffic management Improvements in GIS/ Mapping Improvements in solutions linked to accuracy RAIL MARITIME The need for communication In Israel is not high. An important awareness campaign was done through METIS project and GIUS-1/ 2 calls Anyway seminars, symposiums and presentations to stakeholders can be very effective in speeding and increasing GNSS awareness within the country EMERGENCY HEALTH Possible demonstration actions: Demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits, mainly on aviation procedures Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 16 Serbia ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION GIS/ MAPPING RAIL Aviation improvements in navigation, surveillance and timing Improvements in 2 solution linked to Improvements in GIS/ Mapping spatial data collection system 3 Improvements in rail safety Improvements in solutions linked to position of train and traffic monitoring ROAD EMERGENCY SCIENTIFIC MARITIME Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Need of communication and awareness: Communication and awareness actions are considered important There is insufficient information on possibilities and available resources in this field Information on the Internet and case studies of existing and planned application could help raise awareness Possible demonstration actions: Case studies/ concrete trials made available through internet Idea competitions in schools and universities; Demonstration actions on technology benefits Page 17 Macedonia ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION Aviation improvements in efficiency and safety 2 Improvements in GIS/ Mapping GIS/ MAPPING 3 EMERGENCY Need of communication and awareness: Improvements in solutions linked to spatial data collection system Improvements in emergency management Introduction of solutions linked to emergency situations SCIENTIFIC ROAD RAIL OTHERS Level of priority Communication on key added values would support penetration Stakeholders should be informed in terms of benefits and negative implications as well The communication campaign should be not mass-market, but tailored to the specific needs of different stakeholders Possible demonstration actions: Web site creation Information bulletin diffusion Workshops “Know-how” transfer GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 18 Moldova ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION Aviation procedures implementation and improvements in safety 2 Improvements in GIS/ Mapping GIS/ MAPPING 3 EMERGENCY Improvements in solutions linked to spatial data collection system Need of communication and awareness: Improvements in emergency management Introduction of solutions linked to emergency situations ROAD RAIL Possible demonstration actions: OTHERS HEALTH Communication and awareness should be tailored at “general” issues also via seminars and conferences in the whole country aimed at improving knowledge The demonstration actions should be done to widespread through the country the benefits of EGNOS, and more in general to initiate a know-how transfer process Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 19 Bosnia-Herzegovina ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION GIS/ MAPPING ROAD SCIENTIFIC RAIL Aviation improvements in safety, efficiency and Need of communication and accuracy Improvements in awareness: 2 solutions linked to Specific communication Improvements in GIS/ Mapping spatial data in terms of benefits collection system linked to GNSS/ SBAS 3 adoption Modernization and improvement in traffic security and control Introduction of Possible demonstration solutions linked to actions: security, real time Demonstration actions management and on benefits and support control of public in establishing a GNSS transportation system MARITIME EMERGENCY Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 20 Kosovo ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION Aviation procedures implementation 2 Improvements in GIS/ Mapping GIS/ MAPPING 3 SCIENTIFIC Improvements in solutions linked to spatial data collection system High quality of data collection and reliability in technology Need of communication and awareness: Some training courses have been organized for KCA employees Anyway this is only a starting point to fill the gap of a need of communication and awareness developed in the whole country ROAD RAIL Possible demonstration actions: EMERGENCY Demonstration actions on benefits HEALTH Assessment of EGNOS coverage in the country Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 21 Albania ENPI East/ West Balkans LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION Aviation improvements in safety 2 Road traffic monitoring and freight ROAD 3 EMERGENCY Improvements in solutions linked to car accidents and traffic monitoring Need of communication and awareness: Improvement of knowledge on these issues Seminaries, courses and training aimed at creating expertise Creation of an institutional body focused on these issues Improvements in emergency management Introduction of solutions linked to emergency situations GIS/ MAPPING MARITIME Possible demonstration actions: Demonstration actions on benefits and support in establishing a GNSS system Improvement of GPS system brought by EGNSS SCIENTIFIC RAIL Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 22 Morocco ENPI South LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION 2 ROAD 3 MARITIME RAIL GIS/ MAPPING Aviation procedures implementation and improvements in safety and efficiency Improvements in road traffic monitoring and freight Improvements in safety Improvements in solutions linked to safety and traffic monitoring Need of communication and awareness: Introduction of solutions linked to automatic toll payment, road fleet and freight management, digital maps, road charging and dangerous good transportation system Possible demonstration actions: EMERGENCY HEALTH There is a need of communication and awareness in all the domains as the country faces a problem of scarcity of skilled expertise in these technologies Possible demonstration actions should be focused on the benefits of satellite technologies, mainly in the key domains of interest Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 23 Algeria ENPI South LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION 2 MARITIME 3 GIS/ MAPPING Aviation procedures implementation and improvements in safety and efficiency Improvements in safety Improvements in solutions linked to security and traffic monitoring There is a general need for communication and awareness Improvements in GIS/ Mapping EMERGENCY Need of communication and awareness: Improvements in solutions linked to accuracy Possible demonstration actions: SCCIENTIFIC RAIL HEALTH Possible demonstration actions should be used to provide first insights into the benefits of satellite technologies, mainly in Aviation, Maritime and GIS/ Mapping Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 24 Tunisia ENPI South LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 AVIATION Aviation procedures implementation and improvements in safety and efficiency 2 Improvements in safety MARITIME Need of communication and awareness: Improvements in solutions linked to security and traffic monitoring RAIL Possible demonstration actions: GIS/ MAPPING ROAD Organization of seminaries, courses and training Possible demonstration actions should be focused on benefits of satellite technologies, mainly in Aviation and Maritime Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 25 Lebanon ENPI South LOW 2nd priority country Introduction of solutions linked to safety and traffic management HIGH 1 ROAD 2 Improvements in GIS/ Mapping GIS/ MAPPING 3 EMERGENCY AVIATION Improvements in traffic monitoring Improvements in solutions linked to accuracy Improvements in emergency management Improvements in solutions linked to emergency situations MARITIME Need of communication and awareness: Possible demonstration actions: RAIL HEALTH Specific workshops should be prepared and organized with relevant stakeholders Possible demonstration actions should be focused on benefits of satellite technologies, mainly in the underlined opportunities (i.e. Road, GIS/ Mapping and Emergency) Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 26 Palestine ENPI South 2nd priority country Introduction of solutions linked to safety, traffic management and control Need of communication and awareness: ROAD Improvement of safety EMERGENCY Improvements in emergency management GIS/ MAPPING Improvements in GIS/ Mapping SCIENTIFIC Improvements in geodesy and land information system Improvements in solutions linked to emergency management early warning system Improvements in solutions linked to land management Workshops with relevant stakeholder should be organized Possible demonstration actions: Demonstration actions should be focused on promoting in general the benefits of satellite technologies with a relatively stronger focus on the selected domains Information collected for Palestine allowed to identify main opportunities, but did not allow a precise evaluation in terms of level of GNSS/ SBAS technology development, level of priority and interest by domain FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 27 Jordan ENPI South LOW 2nd priority country New projects/ applications and demonstration actions on EGNOS benefits HIGH 1 Aviation procedures implementation AVIATION 2 Improvements in GIS/ Mapping GIS/ MAPPING Improvements in solutions linked to accuracy 3 Improvements in road traffic monitoring and freight ROAD Introduction of solutions linked to safety and traffic management RAIL Need of communication and awareness: MARITIME EMERGENCY HEALTH Arranging a dedicated seminar to describe EGNOS/ GNSS services in order to identify the particular needs for each interested domain, to describe the legislation procedures/ regulations that each interested country must take before introduction of service, distribution of best practices of Europe and worldwide in the subject matter Possible demonstration actions: Level of priority GNSS Development FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Demonstration actions should be focused on promoting in general the benefits of satellite technologies with a focus on the selected domains Page 28 Exportable Applications and Products FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 29 Selection process for exportable applications and products Projects descriptions, planned achievements and administrative information gathered for around 140 projects C. 140 Selection of projects having reached their initial objectives and with tangible results 38 Selection of projects using EGNOS/EDAS and in connection with a regulated domain 21 Each project coordinator contacted personally 12 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Filled questionnaires SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 30 Products-Applications / Main benefits FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 31 Products-Applications / Main benefits Project Type of Product Domain Main benefits at country level ALIS Data Distribution System Maritime - Delivery of relevant and timely information both to the administration’s and to their customers CoSuDEC Surveying System Maritime / GIS / Mapping SafePort Vessel Traffic Service Equipments Maritime Golden Ice Salt-Spreading Solution Road FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary - Significant reduction in data acquisition costs - Potential use by various national administrations such as hydrographic offices, environmental and scientific monitoring organisations - Reduction of risk of damage to ships, port infrastructure and environment - Improvement of port capacity and efficiency - Reduction of environmental impact and of de-icing cost - Optimisation of road maintenance strategies 23rd January 2013 Page 32 Products-Applications / Main benefits Project Type of Product Domain Main benefits at country level SCUTUM Navigation Solution Road - Risks of accident reductions for dangerous goods transport - Support to a more effective regulation of the traffic in city and suburbs areas ERSEC Position Measuring Systems Road - Enhancement of road safety that can be considered as a major concern and social issue PERNASVIP Service for blind and visually impaired persons Health (Personal Navigation) - Allows the collectivity to help a part of itself to achieve a greater autonomy GALAPAGOS Container Tracking System / Localisation and Communication Solution Road / Rail - Reduction of investment cos - Reduction of CO2 emission by better performing fleet management tools FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 33 Products-Applications / Main benefits Project Type of Product Domain GNSSmeter Augmentation System Road / Health (Personal Navigation) - Provision of trusted GNSS based services with very low infrastructure investment SWIRLS Receiver (AsterRx2e) GIS / Mapping / Scientific Applications -Map utility networks (gas, electricity, telecommunication and sewers) - Cadastral survey - monitoring of landslides GR-POSTER Receiver (STA56xx & STA20xx) Road / Emergency Mngt / Mass Market - Possibility of use in Telematic/Emergency/Tolling systems GENEVA Receiver (GTEC RFFE & GTEC PB-RX) Road / Emergency Mngt / Mass Market / Scientific Applications -Improved weather/atmospheric forecasting can reduce/avoid lost of lives, infrastructure damages - Interference monitoring can secure/protect safety critical applications and critical infrastructures FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Main benefits at country level SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 34 Status in Europe Products already sold or about to be FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 35 Status in Europe – Products already sold Maritime Project Type of Product Current customers Barriers for adoption /Countries covered Data Distribution System Public/private organisations: - UK Hydrographic Office, - Danish Navy and Hydrographic Office - QinetiQ, Jeppesen -… - No theoretical limitations in terms of coverage (not fully dependant of EGNOS) - Countries with sea access - Around 600 current users of TeamSurv data for navigation - Service available worldwide for countries with sea access (not fully dependant of EGNOS) Surveying System Health Service for blind and visually impaired persons FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications - Commercialisation started in all regions of France in December 2012 - Contacts established with blind and visually impaired associations and French major companies SUCCESS Proprietary - No limitations in terms of coverage (not fully dependant of EGNOS) - Countries targeted speak French, German, English and Spanish 23rd January 2013 Page 36 Status in Europe – Products already sold Road / Rail Project Type of Product Container Tracking System / Localisation and Communicati on Solution Current customers LogiLoc® Container Tracking System: - Volkswagen Logistics, Wolfsburg - Arnold Speditions GmbH, Rimpar - Krage Logistik GmbH, Hannover Barriers for adoption /Countries covered - No limitations in terms of coverage (not fully dependant of EGNOS) LogiLoc® Rail: - Fels Werke GmbH, Salzgitter: - ORV GmbH, Duisburg is currently evaluating the benefits of LogiLoc® Rail with a few systems Miscellaneous Augmentation System FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Current customers are the security industry with small number of users SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 - No limitations in terms of coverage (EU and Non-EU countries within EGNOS footprint) Page 37 Status in Europe – Products already sold Receivers Project Type of Product Current customers Barriers for adoption / Countries covered AsterRx2e - Currently used in a variety of applications: machine control, land survey and marine - Altus APS3 survey receiver is used in several countries by governmental organisations - No limitations in terms of coverage (already sold and use worldwide) STA56xx & STA20xx - IC integrated in end products targeted to Consumer, Industrial and Automotive markets - Possibility of use in applications like tolling systems - No limitations in terms of coverage (not fully dependant of EGNOS) Current customers are universities and atmospheric research institutes in Europe and USA - No limitations in terms of coverage (not fully dependant of EGNOS) GTEC RFFE & GTEC PB-RX FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 38 Status in Europe – About to be sold Project Type of Product Current customers Barriers for adoption /Countries covered Vessel Traffic Service Equipments - First product (enhanced PPU unit) is about few months away from commercial availability and is being tried by a customer - Within EGNOS coverage - With sea access or inland waterways SaltSpreading Solution - Currently in test by some public administrations both in France and Czech Republic - Within EGNOS coverage - With de-icing requirements Navigation Solution - Discussions are on-going concerning the transition from demonstration stage (oil company) into a commercial stage - Contact established with other stakeholders possibly interested - Within EGNOS coverage Position Measuring Systems - Contacts established with OEMs - No specific limitation in term of geographical areas covered (not fully dependant of EGNOS) potentially interested in the production and commercialisation of collision avoidance system including ERSEC Legal and technical restrictions like the availability of mobile frequencies (GSM and near field) as well as the possibility of a legal use of positioning systems in mobile scenarios have to be checked for some countries FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 39 Recommendations for EU Companies FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 40 Applications by country *= Countries targeted speak French, German, English and Spanish. **= For Israel and Lebanon the interest about this application could be considered marginal ***= LCS functionalities were proven in different zones of the EGNOS service coverage area and need EGNOS coverage. For this reason, the implementation for this application should be postponed for Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Ukraine and Moldova that will be only covered in 2015 ****= Safeport needs EGNOS coverage. For this reason, the implementation for this application should be postponed for Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Ukraine and Moldova that will be only covered in 2015 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 41 Recommendations for EU companies (General) There is a general need of communication and awareness in all the analyzed countries: key benefits of EGNOS are not properly known Aviation is considered the most relevant domain, underlying a need of procedure implementation and safety improvement It is suggested to develop new projects/ applications in this domain taking into consideration the needs of the countries outside Europe and promote LPV procedures demonstrations to foster penetration of EGNOS Many country require an enhancement of GIS/Mapping system, in terms of accuracy and precision or improvements in their operations. Two applications (i.e., TeamSurv and SWIRLS receivers) could be promoted, but they seem to cover only some areas. Therefore, new solutions could be developed and demonstration actions should be proposed Emergency Management and Scientific Applications are considered relevant, but are poorly developed, so there are a lot of opportunities for applications in this domain (e.g., CartesioPlus & Geneva receivers for Emergency Management and SWIRLS & Geneva receivers for Scientific Applications) Safety and improvements in freight are interesting areas in maritime. For this reason SafePort could find acceptance and interest in several countries A need of enhancement of control and freight is perceived in road and rail domains. After a much needed modernization, several applications could be suggested for road (LCS, Geneva, CartesioPlus, GOLDEN-ICE, GALAPAGOS, ERSEC and Panda) and rail (GALAPAGOS) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 42 Recommendations for EU firms (1st priority countries) COUNTRY KEY INSTITUTIONS/ COMPANIES TO ADDRESS HIGHLIGHTS Ukraine State Aviation Administration and State Space Agency Demonstrate ability to improve safety, capacity and efficiency in aviation Promote the added value in terms of precision for GIS/ Mapping applications Emphasize security aspects of dangerous goods transport for maritime domain Turkey Directorate General of Civil Aviation, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Turksat Corp., Inc. and General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre Demonstrate ability to improve safety and reliability in aviation Emphasize improvement of safety and efficiency for maritime applications Promote solution able to exploit LBS infrastructure for GIS/ Mapping applications; Croatia Croatian Space Agency, Civil Aviation Agency, State Geodetic Administration, University of Rijeka and University of Zagreb Demonstrate ability to improve safety and efficiency in aviation Promote solutions able to improve land management, precision farming and environment protection Egypt National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Civil Aviation Authority, Nation Air Navigation Service Company, Central Maritime Administration and the General Authority for Roads and Bridges and Land Transport Demonstrate ability to improve safety in aviation Emphasize improvement of safety for maritime and road applications Promote the added value in terms of freight transport for maritime and traffic management for road Israel Israel Space Agency, MATIMOP (Israel Industry centre for R&D), Civil Aviation Authority, Demonstrate ability to improve safety in aviation Promote the added value in terms of traffic management and control in maritime Promote solution able to exploit LBS infrastructure for GIS/ Mapping applications FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 43 Recommendations for EU firms (2nd priority countries, ENPI East/ West Balkans) COUNTRY KEY INSTITUTIONS/ COMPANIES HIGHLIGHTS Serbia Republic Geodetic Authority, Serbian Railways (JSC) and Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia Propose new projects/ applications able to provide improvements in the aviation domain (esp. navigation, surveillance and timing areas) Demonstrate ability of new solution to reduce time of collection of spatial data in GIS/ Mapping If addressing the rail domain, it will be key to provide precise positioning of trains as support to traffic monitoring systems Macedonia Agency for Real Estate Cadastre and Ministry of Transport and Communications GIS/ Mapping is one of the most promising domains and can exploit a solution able to reduce spatial data collection time Solutions able to guarantee improvements in safety both in Aviation and in general Emergency situation could find good potential demand Moldova The Agency for Land Relations and Cadestre, The Union of Surveyors, Geotechnicians and Cadastre Engineers of Republic of Moldova, Civil Aviation and Technical University of Moldova GIS/ Mapping can exploit a solution able to reduce spatial data collection time There is a need to implement LPV procedures in Aviation as a pre-condition Solutions able to guarantee improvements in safety both in Aviation and in general Emergency situation could find good potential demand Bosnia Herzegovina Direction of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport and Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation GIS/ Mapping is one of the most promising domains and can exploit a solution able to reduce spatial data collection time A solution able to improve safety and efficiency of airports/ airlines is sought In road, several applications are required, spanning from those in traffic security and control domain to those related to public transportation Kosovo Kosovo Cadastral Agency and Civil Aviation Authority In aviation, procedures implementation is the hot topic Both GIS/ Mapping and Scientific domains emphasized the need of an application able to improve quality and reliability of spatial data collected Albania Civil Aviation Authority and National Aire Traffic Agency, GPS Kontroll Alabnia, University of Tirana (Department of Geodesy, Polytechnic and) Domains that are the most appealing (Aviation, Road, Emergency) are also among the least developed in Albania. Therefore, before proposing cutting-hedge solutions, it is to create the right “environment” via awareness and capacity building projects FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 44 Recommendations for EU firms (2nd priority countries, ENPI South) COUNTRY KEY INSTITUTIONS/ COMPANIES HIGHLIGHTS Morocco Civil Aviation, Maritime Administration, Societé Nationale des Autuorutes du Maroc (ADM), Centre Space Sciences and Technology LPV procedure implementation is a pre-requisite. After procedures are prepared, it is key to demonstrate ability to improve safety, capacity and efficiency in aviation Road is relatively underdeveloped in Morocco. However, applications able to provide added value in specific niches (e.g., RUC, dangerous goods transport, freight management) may find interesting opportunities for development In Maritime it is important to show how the application proposed could improve safety and traffic monitoring systems Algeria Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) Ability to improve safety standards in both Aviation and Maritime are very important for every new application In GIS/ Mapping, an improvement of accuracy is required by key stakeholders Tunisia The National Centre of Cartography and Remote Centre, Civil Aviation Authority and Societè Tunisien des Autorutes and Ministry of Equioment In Tunisia is perceived a strong need for general awareness and communication actions to promote the added value of E-GNSS solutions More in detail, ability to improve safety standards in both Aviation and Maritime are very important for every new application Lebanon Ministry of transport and Remote Sensing Centre All domains appear underdeveloped in Lebanon. Therefore, communications and demonstration actions are pivotal to start any activity in this geography. The domains that shown the greatest degree of interest are Road (mainly applications related to safety and traffic management), GIS/ Mapping and Emergency Palestine GIS Research Institute of Jerusalem General awareness and demonstration of key benefits brought by E-GNSS is needed prior to initiate any commercial venture in this geography Jordan Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission and the Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre In Jordan is perceived a strong need for general awareness and communication actions to promote the added value of E-GNSS solutions More in detail, ability to improve safety standards in Aviation and accuracy in GIS/ Mapping are required FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 45 Recommendations for the Commission In this context and to support EU companies, the European Commission could: Organize training courses, workshops, seminars and conferences to develop awareness and improve communication in most of the analyzed countries Promote demonstrations actions on LPV procedures and more in general about EGNOS benefits in other domains Develop new projects/ applications in Aviation and GIS/ Mapping domains (considered top priority domains in the majority of countries analyzed) taking into consideration the needs of the countries outside Europe (e.g. need of aviation procedures implementation or accuracy and precision improvements in GIS/ Mapping system) Leverage on interest (and relatively low offer) in Emergency management and Scientific applications to promote research in state-of-the-art solutions in these domains Monitor development of Maritime and Road and match it with European firms’ know-how to select/ promote niche applications that may find market potential outside EU Support companies in promoting the applications that already exist and that are relevant for key domains outside Europe (see above) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 46 Possible next steps to maximise penetration in selected countries 1 Further analysis to deepen specific issues Selection of specific geographies and/ or domains and deepen analysis/ answer to selected key questions Continuation on ENPI South countries analysis to address in more detail this geography that lacks some inputs (with a more detailed interview program and also liaising with e.g., Medusa) More detailed analysis of countries' needs with a specific regard for uncovered areas (in aviation and in other domains) so as to identify new potential project ideas to propose 2 Support in demand-supply matching Match of the relevant domains (and applications) with interviewed people, so as to further skim key applications that may have a practical application in selected countries Organise concrete meetings among applications PMs and public institutions 3 Support in implementation Concrete support in implementing all the actions suggested or some of the actions (e.g., by domain, geography and/ or application) 4 Analysis of further projects Projects in non regulated domains, e.g. leisure or tourism, which could interest these countries, Galileo specific projects to demonstrate early services and projects ended after mid 2012 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 47 Appendix FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 48 Candidate Marketable Applications Alis is a software framework for distributing geo-referenced and time sensitive data to end users Various possible types of queries: Data by area and time period, Smart queries, Live queries Data only sent as required Data delivered can be varied to suit the customer's needs and not necessarily lie with the maritime sector FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 49 Candidate Marketable Applications TeamSurv service originated in CoSuDEC project uses the power of the crowd to create improved data on oceans: • • Participating TeamSurv vessels log data from their instruments as they go about their normal business TeamSurv servers are producing detailed bathymetric data for the areas where data has been logged Whilst TeamSurv is just dealing with bathymetry, it can be extended to include any other parameters if suitable sensors are supplied SafePilot is a system comprising two subsystems which are products in their own right: • • FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SafePilot positioning system utilising a new implementation of protection level algorithm for maritime usage Enhanced VTS system and console to manage traffic (A-VTMIS) SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 50 Candidate Marketable Applications Golden-Ice is a solution for salt-spreading optimisation on roads. It includes: • On Board Unit (OBU) able to exchange information with the commercial spreading/snow plough control box • Monitor/PDA at the driver level • Server solution able to integrate raw GPS measurements with EGNOS/EDAS • Emergency button and Public Safety Answering Point able to collect emergency calls generated from winter service vehicles LCS is navigation solution providing localisation services based on EGNOS Commercial Service • Processing of EGNOS integrity • Optimised for road and mobility applications • Compliance to the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 16390:2012 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 51 Candidate Marketable Applications ERSEC designed measuring system to be used on board of vehicles and able to position on road with an accuracy of the order of 0.1 meter at a sampling rate of 100 Hz Three products have been derived from the ERSEC project results: • FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Enhanced version of the EICASDRIVE collision avoidance system including the ERSEC measuring system • ERSEC measuring system for autonomous guidance of vehicles • Low cost laser scanner SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 52 Candidate Marketable Applications Services developed in PERNASVIP project and aiming to increase the autonomy of blind and visually impaired persons by reducing the stress encountered during autonomous travels Based on a set of 3 items: FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications • ANGEO-Mobile terminal to be clipped to the belt of the user • ANGEO-Help: a call center providing services in case of needs • ANGEO-Home software to prepare the itineraries SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 53 Candidate Marketable Applications GALAPAGOS developed two solutions fort different groups of customers: • • LogiLoc® Container Tracking System: a load carriers intelligent container management system allowing – Fast and dependent locations of means of transport – Localisation of load carriers even in closed rooms and vehicles – Compilation of localisation flows and statistical data LogiLoc® Rail: a GNSS-/GSM localisation and communication solution – Especially fitting the demands of the railway transport – Covering a wide range of logistics and security functions – FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Including an intuitively operable, server based web platform for logging and analysis SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 54 Candidate Marketable Applications PANDA is a modular correction and augmentation server originated in GNSSmeter project. It includes a great variety of services and features: • • • FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Capability to receive corrections and augmentation data from EDAS Corrections and augmentations sent out via conventional terrestrial communication Includes various functional modules: – GNSS corrections for pseudoranges – GNSS corrections for positions – Assistance data – Long-term ephemerides data – Regional ionospheric model (optional) – Authentication algorithms (optional) – PPP algorithm (optional) SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 55 Candidate Marketable Applications AsteRx2e has been derived from the SWIRLS project: • • • Provides a platform for system integrators to build applications requiring an accurate and reliable position solution Is an all-in-view dual-frequency GPS/GLONASS receiver Offers excellent measurement quality for high precision positioning, even in challenging environments GR-POSTER research activities allowed ST Microelectronics to originate a family of GNSS integrated circuits including: FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications • STA5620 Galileo-Ready GPS RF Front End • STA5630 Galileo+GPS RF Front End • STA2064 Galileo+GPS Navigation Processor • STA2065 Galileo+GPS Navigation and Telematic Processor SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 56 Candidate Marketable Applications GENEVA/ASPHALT research activities allowed origination of a family of GNSS products: • • GTEC RFFE Modular Front-End – Up to 3 simultaneously sampled reception channels – Configurable bandwidth, bitwidth, sampling rate, and IF – Numerous available GNSS signals (current and future) GTEC PB-RX Open Platform for GNSS Receiver Development – – – – – FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications Fully adjustable GNSS RF front-end including FPGAs for custom applications Small size Allows efficient test and validation of receiver algorithms and complete GNSS receiver implementations Selectable triple RF frequency paths Availability of extension boards for INS integration and power supply available on request SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 57 EGNOS Coverage - Today EGNOS OS Accuracy coverage area as observed using service volume simulation based on real data collection (Source : Service Definition Document - Open Service - EGN-SDD OS V1.1 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 58 EGNOS Coverage - Future The V2.4.1 of EGNOS planned to be operational in 1st Quarter 2015 It includes an increase of the coverage area Considering the current definition of V2.4.1, the following assumptions would be considered: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey: entirely covered Egypt: at least partially covered Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories: level of coverage still subject to refinement Ukraine and Moldova: level of coverage still subject to refinement In the current study, the following assumptions will be considered: All countries considered in the current study are currently within the EGNOS coverage but Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Ukraine and Moldova that will be only covered in 2015 FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 59 Interviews undertaken: key contacts (1/2) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 60 Interviews undertaken: key contacts (2/2) FP6 and FP7 Regulated and Marketable Applications SUCCESS Proprietary 23rd January 2013 Page 61