Quiz - Leleua Loupe

110A Quiz African Civilizations
1. A unique aspect of the ancient Ethiopian civilization was the fact that
a. it was the only Muslim society in the area.
b. it adopted the form of Christianity practiced in Egypt.
c. its assimilation by Kush was brought about through the development of trade ties.
d. the Syrians were able to make it a Muslim nation.
e. it remained animist in religion until the twentieth century.
2. The people of North Africa, who served as trade intermediaries for the great trans-Saharan commerce, and were known as
the “Fleets of the Desert” were the
a. Kurds.
b. Phoenicians.
c. Carthaginians.
d. Berbers.
e. Cree.
The great iron-working culture of northern Nigeria who developed after the Bantu migrations was the
All of the following are correct about the land of Zanj except
a. it had a large minority of residents from the Persian Gulf and Arabian peninsula creating a
syncretic culture.
b. it was ruled by the Zagwe and Azim dynasties for 400 years.
c. it exported rhinoceros horn, gold, and ivory.
d. it included the cities of Pemba, Kilwa, and Mombasa on the east coast of Africa.
e. most of the coastal states were self-governing and very wealthy.
5. Which of the following is a correct statement about Swahili?
a. It was a culture reflecting a mixture of Indian and African influences.
b. As a language, it employed Bantu grammar and Arabic linguistic terms, or combined
different elements of Bantu and Arabic language to create a new language.
c. The term derives from the Arab word for "jungle."
d. It was exclusively a written language.
e. It became the official language of Islam.
6. The Kingdom of Mali
a. profited greatly from the pearl trade.
b. was sufficiently dry to enable its farmers to grow corn, as well as sorghum and millet.
c. maintained a very active pro-Islamic policy under Mansa Musa.
d. rejected Islam in favor of Ethiopian-style Christianity.
e. disappeared in the fifth century C.E.
7. Unlike many Eurasian or Mesopotamian societies, social practices typical in many African societies included
a. election of kings by all adult males.
b. a lineage system that was often matrilineal rather than patrilineal.
c. behavior patterns between the sexes that were more relaxed than those found in societies
in other parts of the world.
d. both a lineage system that was often matrilineal rather than patrilineal and behavior
patterns between the sexes that were more relaxed than those found in other societies.
e. none of these
110A Quiz African Civilizations