• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Geography ____________________ from the plateau make travel impossible Coastline has few ports or harbors Deserts are unlivable (_____________ and _____________); each year the desert takes over more land (Sahel) Rainforest canopies allow _________________ to prevail, which prevents farming near the rainforest because animals can’t live there. Northern coast and southern tip of Africa are habitable and densely populated Geography Continued Most people live on the _____________(grassy plains) Early Humans Adapt Many early humans were nomads (San from ___________ and ___________ from Congo rf’s) , others learned to domesticate animals for food (____________of Tanzania) Transition __________________began around 6000 BC, after a period of increased rains. People moved to savannas to grow grain Farming in the rain forests included root crops that needed little sun such as ________________ Agriculture allowed people to build ____________________________, and allowed for reliable food supply Permanent settlements require ___________________bodies (village chief and councils in some, kingdoms in others) Early Societies Societies south of the Sahara are based on the ______________ (clan) Local religions emerge that include ________________- belief where spirits play an important role in daily life Few societies had written language, so _________________ passed stories down by mouth Evidence from these civ’s were found in ____________, ______________, and _____________ (by product of iron making) Sub-Saharan Africa skipped Bronze and Copper age and go straight to ___________ (MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT around 500 BC) _______Culture- culture of ppl who live in West Africa (present day Nigeria). Nok were the first African ppl to know how to smelt iron Iron used for _______________ and ________________ In the region south of the Sahel, cities develop between _________________ ____________________ is located on the Niger River (W. Africa). This is the oldest known city south of the Sahara Scientists discover thousands of artifacts (pottery, hair ornaments, clay toys, knives, jewelry) Djenne-Djeno was home to _____________ people who lived in mud huts (later mud brick homes); also become a trading center linked to other African cities _________________- Permanent move from one country/region to another • • • • • • • • • • • • • __________________- factors that either push people out of an area or that pull them into an area Results of migration: _______________ may change because of population redistribution ________________ blending Share of ________________ and _______________ _________________ between newly joined groups ________________________________ conditions may change; causing a 2nd migration One way that scientists can trace migration is through _________________ _________________ (“the people”) speakers live in S.S Africa (modern Nigeria), and their language has transformed into more than 900 cousin languages The Bantu were _______________ and ________________ who developed iron working. They began moving south and east around 2000 years ago Needed to migrate because of their agricultural technique (s&b) They needed to migrate because agriculture raised population in West Africa When moving into new lands, the Bantu had an advantage in combat because their weaponry was superior to the local clans