CH2 The Meaning of the Constitutive Equation Prof. M.-S. Ju Dept. of Mechanical Eng. National Cheng Kung University 2.1 Introduction Living system at cellular, tissue, organ and organism level sufficient to take Newton’s laws of motion as axiom The smallest volume considered contains a very large no. of atoms and molecules. The materials can be considered as a continuum Isomorphism between real number and material particles. Between any two material particles there is another material particle. Continuum: in Euclidean space, between any two material particles there is another material particle, each material particle has a mass. Mass density of a continuum at a point P is defined as: M ( p ) lim v 0 V V : a sequence of volumes enclosing p M : mass of particles in V P V M Modification of definition Observation of living organisms at various levels of size: e.g., naked eye, optical microscope, electrical microscope, scanning tunnel microscope or atomic force microscope M lim ( p ) tolerable error v v0 V v0 : finite lower bound, v0 0 Blood example Whole blood – continuum at scale of heart, large arteries, large veins Two-phase fluid (plasma & blood cells) at capillary blood vessels, arterioles and venules. At smaller scale: red cell membrane as continuum and red cell content as another continuum 2.2 Stress Stress expresses the interaction of the material in one part of the body on another. Unit: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 1 psi = 6.894 kPa 1 dyn/cm2 = 0.1 Pa 1 atmosphere = 1.013 x 105 N/m2 = 1.013bar F F : force exerted by the particles at positive side of surface S Son the negative side Assume that as S tends to zero the ratio F/S tends to a definite limit, dF/ds, and moment of the force acting on the surface S tends to zero. F Stress n x3 F N unit :1Pa 1 2 S A m N 1MPa 1 mm2 S B o x1 x2 Let vector n be normal of S Positive side: surface pointed by n Positive side exerts force F on the negative side F depends on location and size of S and orientation of n When S→0 F dF lim S 0 S ds moment of F exerts on S →0 V dF T : Traction or stress vector ds force per unit area acting on the surface Components of stress T 11ê1 12ê2 13ê3 2 T 21ê1 22ê2 23ê3 3 T 31ê1 32ê2 33ê3 1 êi~unit vecto r x3 33 32 n 31 23 13 11 , 22 , 33~normal stresses 12 , 23 , 31~shear stresses 12 22 21 11 ds o x1 x2 Cauchy' s formula v v1ê1 v2 ê2 v3ê3 (1 ) V Ti v1 1i v2 2i v3 3i v j ji V or Ti ji v j V Ti v ij j ji ij Note: knowing components of a stress tensor one can write down the stress vector acting on any surface with unit outer normal vector n (2) For a body in equilibrium we have 11 12 13 x1 0 x1 x2 x3 21 22 23 x2 0 x1 x2 x3 31 32 33 x3 0 x1 x2 x3 ij or x i 0 x j Xi: components of body force (per unit volume) along ith axis (3) ij ji Due to equilibrium of moments (4) change of coordinate system ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) ( x , x , x ) xk ki xi k1 x1 k 2 x2 k 3 x3 ki : directiona l cosine of xk axis w.r.t xi axis ' 1 ' 2 ' 3 ki mj ij km ’km components of stress tensor in the new coordinate system ij components of stress tensor in theold coordinate system 2.3 Strain Deformation of a solid described by strain Take one-dimensional problem as an example: elongation of a string, initial length L0 L L0 L L0 , ' L0 L Other definitions: L2 Lo 2 e 2 L2 L2 Lo 2 2 Lo 2 For example : 3 3 ( a )L 2 Lo 1 e 8 2 ( b )L 1.01 Lo 1 e 0.01 0.01 0.01 ' 0.01 Note: above strain measures are equal for infinitesimal elongation Another is Shear Strain,consider the twist of a circular cylindrical shaft. tana or tana/2 is defined as the shear strain a M M Constitutive Equation: a relationship between stress and strain Ee Hooke' s law, E : Young' s modulus G tana , G : modulus of rigidity Deformation of living system is more complicated and require a general method. Let a body occupy a space S,let coordinate of a particle before deformation be (a1,a2,a3),coordinate after deformation(x1,x2,x3), a3 ,x3 P’ P” P S a1, x1 Q” u Q’ Q (a1, a2, a3) a2, x2 o (x1, x2, x3) PQ or u : displaceme nt of p. The components of u are u1 x1 a1 , u2 x2 a2 , u3 x3 a3 xi xi ( a1 , a2 , a3 ) ( i 1,2,3 ) (displacem ent field) ai ai ( x1 , x2 , x3 ), i 1, 2, 3 (1) Q: stretching and distortion of the body? assume p close to p,p( a1 da1 , a2 da2 , a3 da3 , ) pp distance dSo dSo da12 da22 da32 2 (2) After the deformation p and p’ displaced to Q and Q’,QQ’ distance dS dS dx dx dx (3) 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 xi ai dxi da j dai dx j a j x j using Kronecker delta ij , ij 1 i j , ij 0 i j ai a j dS ij dai da j ij dxl dxm xl xm xi x j 2 dS ij dxi dx j ij dal dam al am 2 0 difference between dS 2 and dS 02 can be used to define strain te nsor xi x j dS dS ij dal dam ij dai da j al am xa x [ a ij ] dai da j ai a j 2 2 0 or ai a j dS dS ij dxi dx j ij dxl dxm xl xm aa a [ ij a ] dxi dx j xi x j 2 2 0 Definition of strain tensors: xa x 1 Eij ( a ij ) Green s s train tensor(Lag rangian) based on ai 2 ai a j aa a 1 eij ( ij a ) Almansi s Strain tensor( Eulerian ) based on xi 2 xi x j ds 2 ds02 2 Eij dai da j 2 2 ds ds0 2eij dxi dx j note : ds 2 ds02 0 implies Eij 0 and eij 0 Eij 0 or eij 0 implies rigid body Show that Eij and eij are symmetric When ui is small ( ui 2 u u ) and ( i k ) are negligible x j x j xe eij reduces to Cauchy’s infinitesimal strain tensor: 1 u j ui ij ( ) i , j 1,2,3, 2 xi x j u1 u x1 x u2 v x2 y u3 w x3 z Cauchy strain tensor or u 1 v u xx xy ( ) yx x 2 x y v 1 w u yy xz ( ) zx y 2 x z w 1 v w zz yz ( ) zy z 2 z y In the infinitesimal deformation, no distinction between Lagrangian and Eulerian strain tensors. Geometric meaning u u y u dx x u u 0,v 0 x u u dx x u 0,v 0 x x x y y x x u v 0, 0 y x u v u 0, 0, 0 y x x y x u v 0, 0 y x 2.4 Strain rate For fluid motion, consider velocity field and rate of strain. At point (x,y,z) velocity vector V ( x, y, z ) u ( x, y, z )iˆ v( x, y, z ) j w( x, y, z )kˆ or Vi ( x, y, z ) i 1, 2, 3 For continuous flow, Vi : continuous and differentiable Vi d Vi d x j i , j 1,2,3 xj Vi 1 Vi V j 1 V j Vi where ( ) ( ) x j 2 x j xi 2 xi x j Define strain rate tensor Vij 1 Vi V j Vij ( ) 2 x j xi , Vij V ji symmetric Define vorticity tensor ij 1 V j Vi ij ( ) 2 xi x j , ij ji anti symmetric dVi Vij d x j ij d x j 2.5 Constitutive equations Properties of materials are specified by constitutive equations Non-viscous fluid, Newtonian viscous fluid and Hookean elastic solid are most widely models for engineering materials Most biological materials can not be described by above equations Constitutive equations are independent of any particular set of coordinates. A constitutive equation must be a tensor equation: every term in it be a tensor of same rank. 2.6 The Nonviscous Fluid ij p ij Stress tensor: D Kronecker delta, p: pressure (scalar) For ideal gas: equation of state p RT For real gas: f (p, , T) = 0 Incompressible fluid: = constant 2.7 Newtonian Viscous Fluid Shear stress is proportional to strain rate Stress-strain rate relationship ij p ij DijklVkl ij : stress tensor, Vkl: strain rate tensor, p: static pressure • p= p(, T) equation of state • Elements of Dijkl depend on temperature but stress or strain rate • Isotropic materials: a tensor has same array of components when frame of reference is rotated or reflected (isotropic tensor) Dijkl ij kl ( ik jl il jk ) ij p ij Vkk ij 2Vij isotropic Newtonian fluid kk 3 p ( 3 2 )V kk 2 kk 3 p ( 3 2 ) 0 3 2 ij p ij 2 Vij Vkk ij Stokes fluid 3 for incompress ible fluid Vkk 0 ij p ij 2Vij incompress ible viscous let 0 ij p ij nonviscous Coefficient of viscosity Newton proposed du dy Units: 1 poise= dyne. s /cm2 = 0.1 Ns/m2 Viscosity of air: 1.8 x 10-4 poise Water: 0.01 poise at 1 Atm. 20 deg C Glycerin: 8.7 poise 2.8 Hookean Elastic Solid Hooke’s law: stress tensor linearly proportional to strain tensor ij Cijkl ekl (1) ij : stress tensor, e kl : strain ten sor Cijkl : tensor of elastic constants or moduli Note: elastic moduli are independent of stress or strain Isotropic materials ij eaa ij 2 eij (2) , are Lame constants, G : Shear modulus xx ( exx e yy ezz ) 2Gexx yy ( exx e yy ezz ) 2Geyy zz ( exx e yy ezz ) 2Gezz xy 2G exy yz 2G e yz zx 2G ezx Inverted form 1 n n eij ij kk ij E E 1 exx [ xx v( yy zz )] , E 1 e yy [ yy v( xx zz )] , E 1 ezz [ zz v( xx yy )], E 1 v 1 exy xy xy E 2G 1 v 1 e yz yz yz E 2G 1 v 1 ezx zx zx E 2G Ev E G (1 v)(1 2v) 2(1 v) E (1 v)(1 2v) v 1 E 2G (1 v) 2G v E: Young’s modulus, G: shear modulus, n: Poisson’s ratio 2.9 Effect of Temperature The constitutive equations are stated at a given temperature T0 Dijkl, Cijkl, depend on temperature If temperature is variable: Duhamel-Neumann form ij Cijkl ekl ij ( T To ) Cijkl Cijkl ( T0 ) For isotropic material ij ij ij Cijkl ekl ( T To ) ij ekk ij 2 G eij ( T T0 ) ij or 1 n n eij ij kk ij a ( T To ) ij E E a: linear expansion coefficient 2.10 Materials with more complex mechanical behavior In limited ranges of temperature, stress and strain, some real materials may follow above constitutive equations Real materials have more complex behavior: Non-Newtonian fluids: blood, paints and varnish, wet clay and mud, colloidal solutions Hookean elastic solid: structural material within elastic limit, disobey Hooke’s law for yielding & fracture Few biological tissues obey Hooke’s law 2.11 Viscoelasticity Features: hysteresis, relaxation, creeping Stress Relaxation Body is suddenly strained and maintained constant, the corresponding stress decreases with time Creep Body is suddenly stressed and maintained constant, the body continues to deform Hysteresis Body subjected to cyclic loading, the stress-strain relationship is different between loading cycle and unloading cycle. Mechanical Models of Viscoelastic Materials Maxwell model (series) Voigt model (parallel) Kelvin model (standard linear solid) (series + parallel) Lumped mass model consisted of linear springs and dashpots spring constant: viscous coefficient of dashpot: h Maxwell model h F u u1 u 2 u u1 u 2 u1 u F u2 F hu1 u2 u1 F h u 2 F u F F h ( 1 ) when F is suddenly applied at t 0, initial condition F( 0 ) u( 0 ) Voigt model h F1 F1 h u F2 u F2 F u F F1 F2 h u u F h u u ( 2 ) when F is suddenly applied at t 0, initial condition u( 0 ) 0 Kelvin model h1 F F0 F1 F0 0u u u1 u 2 u u1 u 2 F1 h1u1 1u 2 u1 u2 F1 F F1 1 u1 F1 u2 0 F0 F u h1 u u1 1 h F 1 F 0u h1( 1 0 )u 1 1 or F F E R ( u u ) (3) h1 relaxation time for 1 constant strain 0 relaxation time for h1 (1 ) 0 1 constant stress F (0) E R u(0) Creep function When F(t) is unit-step function, solutions of (1)(2)(3) Maxwell c(t ) ( Voigt c(t ) 1 1 (1 e 1 h h t t )1(t ) )1(t) 1 Kelvin c(t ) [1 (1 )e ]1(t ) ER t 1 t 0 1 1(t ) t 0 2 0 t 0 unit-step function Creep function u Maxwell u Voigt 1/ER 1/ 1/h Kelvin u 1 t F 1 t t F F 1 1 t t t Relaxation function When u(t) is a unit-step function, F(t)=k(t) Maxwell k (t ) e h t 1(t ) Voigt k (t ) h (t ) 1(t ) Kelvin k (t ) E R [1 (1 )e f (t ) (t )dt f (0) ( 0) t ]1(t ) 1 Relaxation function Maxwell F h(t-t0) Voigt Kelvin F ER t u u u 1 1 1 t0 t0 t General linear viscoelastic model by Boltzmann Lumped mass continuum (Boltzmann model) F(t) F(t) u(t) u t t t F t simple bar model Assumptions F() continuous & differentiable In d, increment of F() = (dF/d)d Increment of u(t) due to F(): du(t), t > Relationship between du(t) and F’(t)dt d F ( ) d u (t ) c(t ) d d creep function d F ( ) u (t ) c(t ) d 0 d t convolution integral Similarly, we can define the relaxation function du ( ) F (t ) k (t ) d 0 d t relaxation function Notes: 1) Maxwell, Voigt & Kelvin models are special case of Boltzmann model 2) Relaxation function can be approximated by N k (t ) a n e n 0 n n t Fourier series N k (t ) a n e n n t a n 0 Spectrum of relaxation func. an: coefficient vn: characteristic frequency an (vn ) : discrete spectrum n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 Note: in living tissue such as mesentery continuous spectrum is required n Generalization to viscoelastic materials Assumptions: small deformation, infinitesimal displacements, strains and velocities F , u , c, k tensor t ekl ij ( x , t ) Gijkl ( x , t ) ( x , ) d or t kl eij ( x , t ) J ijkl ( x , t ) ( x , ) d Gijkl~tensorialrelaxation function J ijkl~tensorial creeping function Initial condition Assume ij=eij=0, t<0 t ekl ij ( x , t ) Gijkl ( x, t )ekl ( x , o ) Gijkl ( x , t ) ( x , t )d 0 eij ( x , o ) lim eij ( x, t ) t 0 0 Note: the 1st term is due to the initial disturbance (condition) 2.12 Response of a viscoelastic body to harmonic excitation Most biological tissues ~ viscoelastic, periodic oscillation is a simple method Simple harmonic motion: x x A cos( t ) A: amplitude, : phase angle x = projection of a rotating vector (phasor) on real axis ei (t ) cos(t ) i sin( t ) x iy Aei (t ) ; Aei (t ) Aei eit Be it B Aei x A cos(t ) ; y A sin( t ) y Aei(t+) A t+ x x Response of Maxwell body to harmonic excitation Maxwell material u F F h it F (t ) i F e i F (t ) it F (t ) F e d u let then it it u iU e i u (t ) u Ue dt Maxwell material Substitute into above equation iu iF (t ) i U e i t i U U [ 1 h i F e i t iF F (t ) 1 ih F e i t h F h ]F F 1 i h i G (i ) 1 1 i 1 ih U 1 ih h Maxwell material F ( 1 1 ) 1U ih 1 1 1 it F (t ) ( ) U e G (i )U eit ih F eit F 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 G (i ) ( ) ( ) ( ) U i h i h i 1 1 i ( ) ~ complex modulus of elasticity h Kelvin materials F F ER (u u ) u U eit u iu F F e it F iF F i F ER (u i u ) (1 i ) F e it ER (1 i )U e it F ER (1 i ) G (i ) G (i ) ei ( ) U 1 i Kelvin materials G (i ) ER 1 2 1 2 2 2 ~Complex modulus of elasticity tan 1 tan 1 ( ) tan 2 1 1 2 dB 40 20 0 log10 90 > Lead compensator 1/ 1/ log10 黏彈模型應用 由實驗得到鬆弛及潛變曲線,或由弦波得到頻率 響應函數G(i) 曲線崁合至模型 若特定模型之鬆弛函數,潛變函數,遲滯,複彈 性係數皆與實驗數據吻合,則該生物材料力學行 為 可由此模型表示 求出材料常數如h, , , , ER 構成方程式可用以分析其他問題 2.14 Methods of Testing Different aspects of biological materials Lack large samples of biological materials Keep samples viable & close to in vivo condition nonhomogeneous Viscometry (biofluids) Ostwald viscometer Couette viscometer Cone-plate viscometer Weissenberg’s rheogoniometer (general instrument) Other types Ostwald viscometer Ostwald viscometer For Newtonian fluid in a laminar flow R 4 dp h 8Q d L Unit: dyn.s/cm2 or poise, (CGS) N.s/m2 (MKS) 1 poise = 0.1 N.s/m2 Couette Viscometer R2 h R1 Couette Viscometer Flow between two coaxial cylinders Rotating outer cylinder (R2), angular velocity , inner cylinder (R1) torque M, height of liquid h M (R R ) h 4 h R R 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 Cone-plate Viscometer Cone-plate Viscometer Higher accuracy, cone gap yield constant shear rate operated in steady rotation or oscillatory or step change modes Complex modulus of viscoelastic materials Weissenberg’s rheogoniometerr Weissenberg’s effect – uptrust or normal force occurs in some nonNewtonian fluids; in Couette flow the fluid will climb up inner cylinder Measure force at all angles Others Vertical rod oscillated sinusoidally within a hollow cylinder containing the material Placed between a spherical bob and a concentric hemisphere cup Tuning fork to drive an oscillatory rod in fluid either in axial or lateral motion Falling or rising small sphere, a metal or plastic sphere falls or rises through a known distance and measure the time. For Newtonian flow, Reynold no. <<1 2 2 r g v 9h Biosolids Material testing machines Specimen is clamped and stretched or shortened at a specific rate while both the force and displacement are recorded. For biological materials, small size & need to keeping specimen viable! Example of noncontact method 3D analysis of blood vessels in vivo and in vitro 2.15 Mathematical Development of Constitutive Equations Nonviscous ideal fluid, Newtonian viscous fluid, Hookean elastic solid, linear viscoelastic (Maxwell, Voigt, Kelvin), Boltzmann Finite deformation, nonlinear between strain and deformation gradients: Cauchy, Green, St. Venant, Almansi & Hamel -> nonlinear constitutive equations for elastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic materials [Rivlin, Trusdell 50s60s] Nonlinear viscoelastic material, Green & Rivlin (’57) & Green, Rivlin & Spencer (’59), multiple integral constitutive equation, series solutions. Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics developed for polymer plastics industry (Bird et. al. ’77) Constitutive laws of most biological tissues were not known, can not formulate boundaryvalue problems, nor analysis, prediction. To give an account of mechanical properties of living tissues, consolidated in constitutive equations 結 論 連體力學包含固體力學與流體力學,本章討 論非黏性流體,牛頓黏性流體及虎克固體, 生物材料多半具黏彈性 黏彈性材料可用Maxwell, Voigt, Kelvin或 Blotzmann模型來描述 研究器官運動,人體內外流體流動,人體內 應力,有賴於組織構成方程式。