ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. WK 1 Giorno 7/4 Attività Introduzione corso. Presentazione sillabo. Presentazione Bb, presentation sito web McGraw-Hill, Digital Workbook , Connect Registration instructions CAPITOLO 1. PER COMINCIARE Strategie di comunicazione p. 2-6: Greeting someone; Finding our someone’s name; Finding out where someone is from; Saying goodbye; Expressing likes and dislikes CAPITOLO 1 Lessico: p. 7-12: Alphabet and pronunciation; Months and seasons; Numbers 0-9,999 Compiti Purchase the book and obtain the Access Code. Register online on the website: 7/7 Strutture 1.1: P. 13-14: Identifying people and things (Gender) Make your own business card in Italian: ask your teacher for an “Italian name and last name”. Strutture 1.2: p. 14: Indefinite articles Strutture 1.3: p.16-17: Singular and plural Strutture 1.4: p. 18-19: Definite articles Strutture 1.5: p. 19: the verbo piacere Start LearnSmart Strutture 7/8 CULTURA - Ascoltiamo! I gesti italiani p. 22: Interpreting common gestures CULTURA - Leggiamo: Italiani famosi p. 23: Learning about famous Italian Nobel Laureates Quiz CAP. 1 Capitolo 2. COM’È? Strategie di comunicazione: p. 29-33: Asking how someone is; asking someone’s nationality CAPITOLO 2 Lessico: p. 34-36: Describing people, places and things Strutture 2.1: p.37-41: Adjectives: describing how people, places and things are; Strutture 2.2: p. 41-45: expressing age Strutture 2.3: p. 45-46: saying what it is or it isn’t there; Strutture 2.4 P. 47-49: Possessive adjectives: saing what belongs to you or others CULTURA - Ascoltiamo! I cognomi degli italiani. P. 50 CULTURA - Leggiamo! I confini invisibili. P. 51 Ripasso Cap. 2 QUIZ CAP. 2 Both LearnSmart Modules are due 7/9 7/10 7/11 Start LearnSmart Vocabulary Start LearnSmart Vocabulary Start LearnSmart Strutture Both LearnSmart Modules due today. ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. WK Giorno 2 7/14 7/15 7/16 3 Attività Capitolo 3. COSA TI PIACE FARE? Strategie di comunicazione P. 57-59: Getting someone’s attention; Asking and telling time; Strategie di comunicazione: P.60-63: Asking when events occur; Saying what you like to do in your free time Lessico: P. 64-68: Talking about your daily activities Strutture 3.1 P. 68-71: The infinitive of the verb; Strutture 3.2: p. 71-74: The present indicative of regular verbs Strutture 3.3. P. 74-77: Verbs with spelling and/or pronunciation changes Strutture 3.4: P. 77-80: Irregular verbs CULTURA - Ascoltiamo! L’orario degli italiani. P. 81 CULTURA - Leggiamo! Avere una doppia vita. P. 82 7/17 Ripasso per il Midterm (Cap. 1,2,3) 7/18 MIDTERM 7/21 Review and discussion on the Midterm Capitolo 4. CHE BELLA FAMIGLIA Strategie di comunicazione: P. 88-90: Meeting people and finding out what they do for a living; Commenting on things and complimenting people; Lessico: P. 90-93: Talking about your family Compiti Start your LearnSmart Vocabulary Module today Start your LearnSmart Strutture Module today. Start your LearnSmart module on Vocabulary today ROUGH DRAFT OF YOUR SCRIPT FOR THE FINAL PROJECT DUE TODAY. Roles must be clearly defined and assigned. 10 POINTS ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. WK Giorno 7/22 Compiti Start your LearnSmart module on Strutture today 7/23 Strutture 4.3 p. 100-103: More irregular verbs RIPASSO p. 104: Adjectives Strutture 4.4 p. 104-106: The comparative CULTURA - Ascoltiamo! La famiglia italiana oggi p. 107 7/24 CULTURA Leggiamo! La famiglia Gonzaga p. 107-109 Ripasso per il Quiz QUIZ CAP. 4 Capitolo 5 A TAVOLA! Start your LearnSmart Module Strategie di comunicazione: p. 114-118: Inviting someone to do something; Declining on Vocabulary today. an invitation and making excuses Lessico: p. 119-123: Restaurant terms and items on an Italian menu 7/25 4 Attività Strutture/Ripasso possessive adjectives; Strutture 4.1 p. 94-96: possessives with family members; Ripasso: interrogatives p. 96; Strutture 4.2 p. 96-98: The interrogatives “quanto” and “quale”; Ripasso: p.99 The present indicative 7/28 Strutture 5.1: p. 124-127: The superlative Strutture 5.2: p. 127-131: Verb+Infinitive Strutture 5.3: p. 131-134: Prepositions Strutture 5.4: p. 135-137: The partitive DRAFT SCRIPT OF FINAL PROJECT DUE TODAY. 20 POINTS 7/29 CULTURA - Ascoltiamo! Il Galateo a tavola. P. 138 CULTURA - Leggiamo! Pellegrino Artusi. P. 139-140. RIPASSO CAP. 5 Start your LearnSmart Module on Strutture today. 7/30 QUIZ CAP. 5 Ripasso cap. 1-3 Both LearnSmar Modules due today. PREPARE FOR THE FINAL PRESENTATION ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. WK Giorno 7/31 Attività Ripasso cap. 4-5 Progetto Finale: PRESENTAZIONI 8/1 ESAME FINALE Compiti PROGETTO FINALE PER ITA 1010: IL GIOCO DELLE COPPIE – THE DATING GAME Rules of the Original Game: The game consisted of a lady who would question three gentlemen, who were hidden from her view; at the end of the questioning period, she would choose one to go out with on a date. The roles could be reversed with a man questioning three ladies. Generally the lady would ask questions to each of the three hidden bachelors. The lady would make her choice based solely on the answers to her questions. Our Project: You choose the roles and each one of you in a group of max 4 people. Each student writes his/her own script with three/five questions to ask each other. The questions cannot be the same. Try to find as much useful information as you can to help you make your decision. Each person has to be detailed in his/er reply. At the end a choice has to be made with an explanation on the reasons the choice was made. This is a group project that can be filmed and/or performed in class the last days of class. Each student will have a role and READING from notes will NOT be allowed. ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. FORMAT: The project itself should last approximately 10 minutes. It will consist of the following parts; each part will contribute to the final grade: I. ROUGH DRAFT: The script for the skit has to be submitted for comments, with each part/role clearly indicated. 10 pt. II. DRAFT: The revised script is submitted as per deadline indicated on the syllabus. 20 pt. III. PRESENTATION: You will perform your parts (you can make a video or perform in class) and would be graded on your fluency and accuracy. 30 pt EVALUATION: Your performance will be evaluated according to the following criteria: A. Vocabulary – 35% 7 point: Insignificant or resorts to English 14 points: Lacks basic words, consistently inaccurate usage. 21 points: Often lacks basic words, somewhat inaccurate usage. 28 points: Occasionally lacks basic words, generally accurate usage. 35 points: Rich vocabulary for level of Italian, accurate usage. B. Comprehension – 20% 4 point: Student understands virtually nothing of the instructor’s/other student’s utterances; resorts to English for making any requests for clarification 8 points: Student understands some formulaic speech and makes some requests for clarification (in Italian), but otherwise does not understand the instructor/other student. 12 points: Student understands about half of the instructor’s/other student’s utterances. 16 points: Student understands most of the instructor’s/other student’s utterances, with occasional non-comprehension. 20 points: Student understands virtually all of the instructor’s/other student’s utterances. C. Fluency – 10% 2 point: Speech halting and fragmentary; long, unnatural pauses or utterances left unfinished. 4 points: Speech very slow and uneven except for routine sentences. 6 points: Speech frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted. 8 points: Some stumbling but manages to recast or continue. 10 points: Speech generally natural and continuous; only slight stumbling or unnatural pauses. ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class. D. Pronunciation – 10% 2 point: Virtually incomprehensible pronunciation. 4 points: Occasional formulaic expressions comprehensible, but ‘novel’ utterances incomprehensible 6 points: Approximately half of he student’s production is comprehensible. 8 points: Mostly comprehensible, with certain words or letter sequences pronounced incorrectly. 10 points: Mostly comprehensible, with occasional non-systematic pronunciation errors. E. Grammar – 25% 5 points: No utterances grammatically correct. 10 points: Some formulaic speech grammatically correct. 15 points: Formulaic speech correct, but major structural problems remain. 20 points: Most utterances rendered correctly, with some consistent structural problems remaining. 25 points: Utterances almost always correct, with some non-systematic errors present. ITA 1010 Gagliano Su14 This is a tentative schedule. You are responsible for reviewing the material listed in this syllabus prior to the class meeting listed below. Your instructor reserves the right to modify the order in which the material is presented and/or use additional material to better meet the instructional needs of the class.