Grange Primary EYFS Planning - KLEE Class - Week Beginning Monday 12th January- LITERACY – Dinosaurs Groups: Green Group: Sanuji, Mohra,Yonis,Diana,Fares Blue Group: Hewad, Alisha, Daaniyaal, Victoria Yellow Group: Rehaan, Hashir, Yug, Maryama, Patryk Orange Group: Bashir, Samra, Alex, Luxi, Malak Red Group: Jamal, Timeea, Noor, Vanaiya, Hamada, Yusuf Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Literacy 12th-16th January Day Targets Must talk about Dinosaurs Monday 12th January Should name a dinosaur fact Could talk about how Dinosaurs lived. What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Vocab & Questions -Recognise specific features of information texts. -Engage with books through exploring. -Find info in simple texts. -Enjoys an increasing range of books. -Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. -Uses phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. -Write some irregular common words. -Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. Are dinosaurs still alive? What did Dinosaur do? How could you write that? Can you use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence? Can you make a long list? Can you tell me a dinosaur fact? How will we enable this learning to take place? 10 – 15 mins Whole Class: Recap what the children learn about dinosaurs through Power-point- All about dinosaurs. Are Dinosaurs still alive? In talk partners children talk about 1) When were the dinosaurs alive? Children call out their answer using pop corm method (RWI). Teacher elicits an answer and writes on the board. Ask chn 2) How did they look? Add answer to the list. 3) What did they eat? Add answer to the list. Tell chn they will make their own information book. Today they will make a list of 3-5 facts about dinosaurs which will help them make their book. (DINOSAUR FACTS) Bev: Make a list of 3 facts with support Red/ Orange/Yellow group Ourdha: Make a list of 5 facts numbered Challenge Remember capital letters. Lists don’t have full stops. Blue/ Green group Ourdha (During Fruit Time) Able to continue a rhyming string (See AM Grid for focus children) Denise – Outside – see separate plans. Plenary. Elicit two more facts to add onto teacher’s list. Guided reading: Green Group Success Criteria Children can talk about a dinosaur Children can describe and write about dinosaur Children can seek information by reading and write about a dinosaur. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: Practise counting and writing numbers on dinosaurs maths working sheets. LIT. Write about your dinosaur. UW: IWB http://learnenglishkids.b -games/label-thepicture/dinosaur Ch. To label the dinosaurs. EAD: Ch. to make a whole class dinosaur. PSED: Ch. To share to their friend the class dinosaur information book. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Literacy 12th-16th January Day Targets Must talk about Dinosaurs Should name types of dinosaurs Tuesday 13th January Could describe dinosaurs What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs -Recognise specific features of information texts -Engage with books through exploring -Find info in simple texts -Enjoys an increasing range of books. -Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. -Uses phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. -Write some irregular common words. -Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. How will we enable this learning to take place? Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links Vocab & Questions Can you name the Dinosaur? When were the dinosaurs alive? How could you write that? Can you use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence? Can you use a full stop at the end of the sentence? Can you tell ma Dinosaur fact? 10 – 15 mins Whole Class: Show the children the list of facts we made yesterday. In pairs the children put the facts on their fingers to help them remember. Tell the children they will make their own dinosaur book. Show them what is needed for a book- front page, contents page (already written for middle and lower ability), and 3/5 pages of information. Remind the children that the dinosaurs lived so long ago that only their bones were left. These are called Fossils. Go through Fossils PowerPoint Model writing first page of information to the class, highlighting the capital letter, finger spaces and full stop. Bev: Write a long sentence using ‘and’ to make the sentence longer. Blue/ Green group Write a sentence ‘The Dinosaurs lived….’ and draw Fossils Yellow group Ourdha Finish the sentence ‘Dinosaurs lived……’ and draw Fossils with support Red/ Orange group Ourdha (During Fruit Time) Listens to and joins in with stories and poems (See AM Grid for focus children) Denise – Outside – see separate plans. Plenary: Ask chn what a fossil is. Guided reading: Blue group Children can talk about a dinosaur Children can describe and write a dinosaur Children can seek information by reading and write about a dinosaur. M: Practise counting and writing numbers on dinosaurs maths working sheets. LIT. Write about your dinosaur. UW: IWB http://learnenglishk /en/wordgames/label-thepicture/dinosaur Ch. To label the dinosaurs. EAD: Ch. to make a whole class dinosaur. PSED: Ch. To share to their friend the class dinosaur information book. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Literacy 12th-16th January Day Must talk about Dinosaurs Wednesday 14th January Should name types of dinosaurs Could describe dinosaurs What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs -Recognise specific features of information texts -Engage with books through exploring -Find info in simple texts -Enjoys an increasing range of books. -Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. -Uses phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. -Write some irregular common words. -Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. How will we enable this learning to take place? Success Criteria Vocab & Questions Can you name the Dinosaur? Can you tell me about your Dinosaur? How could you write that? Can you use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence? Can you tell me a dinosaur fact? 10 – 15 mins Whole Class: Remind the children of the list of facts we made on Monday. Ask the chn what fact they wrote yesterday for their dinosaur book Recap what is needed for a book- front page, contents page (already written for middle and lower ability), and 3/5 pages of information. Watch Jurassic Dinosaurs aRI . In pairs recap some different dinosaurs. Choose Tyrannosaurus Rex and elicit describing words for his features as teacher model writing second page of page of information to the class, highlighting the capital letter, finger spaces and full stop. BevFinish the sentences ‘The_____’ and with support Red/ Orange group Write two sentences about their chosen dinosaur Yellow group Ourdha Write a long sentence using ‘and’ to make the sentence longer. Blue/ Green group Ourdha (During Fruit Time) Listens to and joins in with stories and poems (See AM Grid for focus children) Denise – Outside – see separate plans. Plenary: Choose the best piece of work with all key writing components to show the class. Guided reading: Yellow group Children can talk about a dinosaur Children can describe and write a dinosaur Children can seek information by reading and write about a dinosaur. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: Practise counting and writing numbers on dinosaurs maths working sheets. LIT. Write about your dinosaur. UW: IWB http://learnenglishkid /word-games/labelthe-picture/dinosaur Ch. To label the dinosaurs. EAD: Ch. to make a whole class dinosaur. PSED: Ch. To share to their friend the class dinosaur information book. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Literacy 12th-16th January Day Targets Must talk about Dinosaurs Thursday 15th January Should name types of dinosaurs Could describe dinosaurs What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Vocab & Questions -Recognise specific features of information texts -Engage with books through exploring -Find info in simple texts -Enjoys an increasing range of books. -Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. -Uses phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. -Write some irregular common words. -Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. Can you read your work? Was the dinosaur a carnivore or a herbivore? How could you write that? Can you use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence? Can you use a full stop at the end of the sentence? Can you find more information in a book? How will we enable this learning to take place? 10 – 15 mins Whole Class: Recap The dinosaur facts and show a green group’s book so far. Tell the children their book is nearly finished and they need to add one more page. Ask chn if they are hungry? What would they like to eat? What do they think their dinosaur would like to eat? Play Feed the dinosaurs. Watch What did Dinosaurs eat? Power point and point out how some only ate plants, like vegetarians that are called herbivores and some ate meat, these are called carnivores Model writing the final page. Bev Write a long sentence using ‘because’ to make the sentence longer. Eg _____is a carnivore/ herbivore because they eat plants/ meat. Blue/ Green group Write a sentence stating what their dinosaur likes to eat. eg ‘ _____likes to eat________’ Yellow group Ourdha- (Low ability) Finish the sentence ‘The_____ eats ____’ and draw the food with support. Red/ Orange group Ourdha (During Fruit Time) Listens to and joins in with stories and poems (See AM Grid for focus children) Denise – Outside – see separate plans. Plenary: Ask children to state what a herbivore and carnivore is. Guided reading: Orange group Success Criteria Children can talk about a dinosaur Children can describe and write a dinosaur Children can seek information by reading and write about a dinosaur. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: Practise counting and writing numbers on dinosaurs maths working sheets. LIT. Write about your dinosaur. UW: IWB http://learnenglishkids.b -games/label-thepicture/dinosaur Ch. To label the dinosaurs. EAD: Ch. to make a whole class dinosaur. PSED: Ch. To share to their friend the class dinosaur information book. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Literacy 12th-16th January Day Targets Must talk about their behaviour Friday 16th January Should describe and show friendly and unfriendly behaviour Could compare friendly and unfriendly behaviour. What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Can you say friendly words? Know how good behaviour is rewarded. Are you a kind dinosaur? Use writing and creative tools competently and skilfully Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books. Success Criteria Vocab & Questions Talk about the Golden Rules. Describe how it feels when someone is friendly/ unfriendly with you. How will we enable this learning to take place? Do you help your dinosaur friends? How can you help? How can you be very friendly? Who will win the friendly dinosaur award. Why where they the friendliest? PSE & KUW Whole Class: Watch the dinosaur song Make a table with two columns. On the left write unfriendly, on the right write friendly. Ask the chn Are Dinosaurs friendly? NO. Why are they unfriendly? Make a list on the whiteboard. Would you like to live with a dinosaur? Tell the chn they will be friendly dinosaurs today. How can they turn the unfriendly behaviours in to friendly ones? Write the change under the friendly column. Tell the children they will make dinosaur masks and show the adults how many friendly things they can do. Adults to have a clipboard making tallies of the number of good things children do on a class list. Tell the children there is a Friendly Dinosaur award which the friendliest dinosaur will win. Children to make masks and show friendly behaviour with other dinosaurs. Bev -Colour then cut their chosen dinosaur mask with support Red/ Orange group – Support other children as necessary. -Colour then cut their chosen dinosaur mask independently Rest of Class Extension: Write a name for the dinosaur on the back Ourdha: Able to continue a rhyming string (See AM Grid for focus children) Plenary: Declare the very friendly dinosaur award and give a certificate. Guided reading: Red group Children are able to recognise their behaviour Children can talk about unfriendly behaviours Children talk about friendly behaviours Children suggest how unfriendly behaviours can be changed Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: Practise counting and writing numbers on dinosaurs maths working sheets. LIT. Write about your dinosaur. UW: IWB http://learnenglishkids.b -games/label-thepicture/dinosaur Ch. To label the dinosaurs. EAD: Ch. to make a whole class dinosaur. PSED: Ch. To share to their friend the class dinosaur information book. Grange Primary EYFS Planning Reception Class - MATHS Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Maths 12th-16th January Monday 12th January Day Targets Must recognise numbers to 10 count out the appropriate number of objects and write numerals to 10. What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Children solve problems involving subtraction. ELG – Number Could begin to solve problems involving subtractioni ndependentl y Take away Equals Collect and record Leaves data on a graph. Should begin to solve problems involving subtraction with support. How many left, Firm Foundations Read and interpret Draw conclusions based on graphs and charts. Numicon 8b - Knowing the shapes and numerals. Children to work on person targets identified on Assertive Mentoring grid. Success Criteria Vocab & Questions Subtraction data on a graph. How will we enable this learning to take place? Warm Up Introduction Count up to 20 and back again. Point to number line. Remind children of work we did last week on addition problems. Tell children we are going to be doing some problem solving involving subtraction. Show children problem on wb. Demonstrate how to draw a picture to show the problem and how to write a corresponding number sentence. Children to do differentiated number problem sheets. Cut out problem – stick in books – draw picture of problem, write a number sentence and work out the answer. Children can identify numbers to 10. Bev: HA: Children to work on problems involving numbers up to 20. (PC1) Denise LA: Children to work on number recognition and counting. (PC2) (Assertive Mentoring targets) To work with (Hamada, Malak, Timeea, Jamal, Samra, Vanaiya, Luxi, Hashir Noor, Yusuf) Children can show how they have worked out the problem. Ourdha: : Outside - see separate plans. Plenary Look at one of the problems and ask child how they solved the problem. Children can count 1:1 to 10. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: To find the missing number on dinosaurs maths working sheets. UW IWB Children are able to write numbers to 10. http://education.scholast feed the dinosaurs Children can do problems involving subtraction PD Size ordering dinosaurs bonnes. LIT: Role play :Dinosaurs Museum - children have cameras, magnifying glasses, dinosaurs ,dinosaur’s names . PSED: talk to the children about visiting a museum. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Maths 12th-16th January Tuesday 13th January Day Targets Must recognise numbers to 10 count out the appropriate number of objects and write numerals to 10. What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Children solve problems involving subtraction. ELG – Number How many left, Take away Firm Foundations Equals Collect and record Leaves Read and interpret data on a graph. Should begin to solve problems involving subtractionwi th support. Draw conclusions Could begin to solve problems involving subtractionin dependently. shapes and based on graphs and charts. Numicon 8b - Knowing the Success Criteria Warm Up Introduction Count up to 100 using SPLAT hundred square. Remind children of work we did yesterday on subtraction problems. Tell children we are going to do some more problems. Show children problem on wb. Demonstrate how to draw a picture to show the problem and how to write a corresponding number sentence. Children to do differentiated number problem sheets. Cut out problem – stick in books – draw picture of problem, write a number sentence and work out the answer. Children can identify numbers to 10. Vocab & Questions Subtraction data on a graph. How will we enable this learning to take place? Bev: MA Children to work on problems involving numbers up to 10 (PC3) Denise - Outside LA: Children to work on number writing and counting. (PC4) Assertive Mentoring targets) To work with (Hamada, Malak, Timeea, Jamal, Samra, Vanaiya, Luxi,Hashir ,Noor, Yusuf) numerals. Ourdha: : ON COURSE Children to work on Plenary Look at one of the problems and ask child how they solved the problem. person targets identified on Assertive Mentoring grid. Children can count 1:1 to 10. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: To find the missing number on dinosaurs maths working sheets. UW IWB Children are able to write numbers to 10. http://education.scholast feed the dinosaurs Children can do problems involving subtraction PD Children can show how they have worked out the problem. Size ordering dinosaurs bonnes. LIT: Role play :Dinosaurs Museum - children have cameras, magnifying glasses, dinosaurs ,dinosaur’s names . PSED: talk to the children about visiting a museum. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Maths 12th-16th January Targets Must be able to select favourite fruit. Wednesday 14th January Day Should begin to What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Children solve problems involving subtraction. ELG – Number How will we enable this learning to take place? Success Criteria Warm Up Introduction Talk to children about a letter you have received from the School Office about the fruit order. Tell them that we need to know what fruit the children like. Tell children that there is a way of showing the ladies in the Children can identify their favourite fruit. Vocab & Questions How many children like apples/ strawberries etc. What is the most popular fruit? Children can talk about graph with support. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: To find the missing number on dinosaurs maths working sheets. UW IWB talk about graph. Firm Foundations Could identify most popular and least popular fruit. data on a graph. Collect and record What is the least popular fruit? Read and interpret data on a graph. Draw conclusions based on graphs and charts. Numicon 8b - Knowing the Office what they need to order. Demonstrate use of Fruit Graph on 2Count – children to choose their favourite fruit and then touch IAWB – results record automatically. Continue until all children have had a turn then talk about the completed block graph. What is the most popular fruit? Shall we ask the Office to order some …..? What is the least popular fruit? Shall we tell the Office not to order that fruit? Tell children that tomorrow we will be thinking about our favourite dinosaur and that we will need to ask our friends what their favourite dinosaur is. Show children how to do a tally chart (PC5). Children to do survey. Bev: Supervise children to do tally chart as necessary. numerals. Denise Numicon Activity 8b – Knowing shapes and numerals. Children to work on Ourdha: : Outside - see separate plans. Plenary Look at some of the surveys and discuss what we have found out so far. shapes and person targets identified on Children are able to complete a tally chart with support. http://education.scholast feed the dinosaurs PD Size ordering dinosaurs bonnes. LIT: Role play :Dinosaurs Museum - children have cameras, magnifying glasses, dinosaurs ,dinosaur’s names . PSED: talk to the children about visiting a museum. Assertive Mentoring grid. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Maths 12th-16th January Day Targets Thursday 15th January Must complete graph with support. Should complete graph with What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Children solve problems involving subtraction ELG – Number Firm Foundations How will we enable this learning to take place? Success Criteria Vocab & Questions How many children like pterydactyl, t rex, brachiosaurus? What is the most dinosaur? Warm Up Introduction Look at completed graph from yesterday showing favourite fruit. Look at a tally chart and show children how to colour in the blocks. Children then to complete Favourite Dinosaur graph using their tally charts. Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links Children can identify Children can identify their favourite fruit. M: To find the missing number on dinosaurs maths working sheets. Children can talk about graph with support. UW IWB http://education.scholast support and talk about what they have found. Create and name sets of 9 and 10 objects. (LA Children) What is the least popular dinosaur? Bev: To support children as necessary. Denise Numicon Activity 8b – Knowing shapes and numerals. Could complete graph independently and talk about findings. Children are able to complete a tally chart with support. feed the dinosaurs PD Size ordering dinosaurs bonnes. Ourdha: Outside - see separate plans. LIT: Role play :Dinosaurs Museum - children have cameras, magnifying glasses, dinosaurs ,dinosaur’s names . Plenary Look at one of the completed graphs and talk about what it shows. PSED: talk to the children about visiting a museum. Term 3 Week 2 Topic: Dinosaurs Maths 12th-16th January Day Targets Friday 16th January PPA Must do problems involving doubling with support. What do we want the children to learn? Weekly LOs & ELGs Success Criteria Vocab & Questions Warm Up MATHS CHALLENGE DAY Children can do problems involving doubling. Introduction Remind children of work that we have done on problem solving involving addition and subtraction . Tell children Children can show how they have worked out the Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit and Cross-Curricular Links M: To find the missing number on dinosaurs maths working sheets. UW IWB Should do problems involving doubling independently. Could record number operationindep endently we are going to be doing work on problem solving involving doubling. Go over doubles to ten – Children to show fingers. More able children only – to do practical doubling problems Adult to choose a card with a number on it. Make up a problem using that number – e.g.pick up a card number 4. I have four sweets, how many would I have if I doubled that number? Ask ch. How the could record this? Ourdha/Denise: To prepare outside area for next week. problem. http://education.scholast feed the dinosaurs PD Size ordering dinosaurs bonnes. LIT: Role play :Dinosaurs Museum - children have cameras, magnifying glasses, dinosaurs ,dinosaur’s names . PSED: talk to the children about visiting a museum. Term 3 Week 1 Topic: Dinosaurs 5th-9th January Targets listen to others’ ideas Area Understanding the World LOs & ELGs Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use Should share ideas about their own culture Could discuss other cultures, similarities and differences What do we want the children to learn? technology for particular purposes. How will we enable this learning to take place? Resources to support exploration & extension within the foundation unit Vocab & Questions IWB Dinosaurs addition colouring http://learnenglishki Discuss importance of working together in pairs at the IWB . Also discuss taking turns. Class computer IWB http://learnenglishkids. ord-games/label-the- en/word- picture/dinosaur games/label-thepicture/dinosaur Expressive Arts and Design. Ch to use what they have learnt about media and materials in originals ways, thinking about uses and purposes. Personal, Social & Emotional Development Ch. work as part of a group or class ,and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take charges of routine in their stride. Physical Development Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges, and considers and manages some risks. Make a dinosaur house from junk boxes. House, box, paint, different materials. How did you make your dinosaur house? Dinosaurs Museum. Ch. to pretend they are visiting a Museum in the Role play Area. What dinosaurs like to eat? Children to make a dinosaur house from junk boxes using different materials to cover it up. Junk boxes, glue, different materials ,paint, green backing paper. All adults to encourage the ch. to play pretending visiting a museum. Adults to talk about how we use magnifying glasses and cameras. Camera for evidence. Dinosaurs names- Trex, Triceratops. How dinosaurs walk? Ch. to pretend they are dinosaurs in the garden-walk /talk like dinosaurs. Dinosaurs books in the outdoor reception area.