Conference Presentations - University of Wisconsin

Contributing Editors
Chris Zimmerman
Graduate Assistant
Amanda Zastrow
Graduate Assistant
Kayla Robel
Graduate Assistant
Karen G. Havholm
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Director, Center of Excellence
Ann Statz
Business Specialist
Table of Contents
Academic Skills Center............................................................................................................................... 2
Art and Design............................................................................................................................................. 3
Biology.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Business Communication ........................................................................................................................... 5
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning/McIntyre Library/Nursing ...................................... 5
Center for International Education........................................................................................................... 6
Chemistry..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Communication and Journalism ............................................................................................................... 6
Economics .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Education Studies........................................................................................................................................ 8
English.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
English/McIntyre Library ........................................................................................................................ 10
Geology ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Kinesiology................................................................................................................................................. 12
Languages .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Languages/History .................................................................................................................................... 13
Management and Marketing.................................................................................................................... 14
Materials Science Center .......................................................................................................................... 15
Mathematics .............................................................................................................................................. 16
McIntyre Library ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Nursing ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Philosophy and Religious Studies ............................................................................................................ 17
Political Science ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Psychology ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Social Work ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Sociology .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Academic Skills Center
“A Daughter Discovers That Her Mom Has Alzheimer’s.” Complete Wellbeing: India’s Best Magazine
on Wellbeing. 8:9, July 2014: 78-79. Patti See.
“Hunter’s Mother.” Wayfarer: A Journal of Contemplative Literature. 3.4 (DEC 2014): 53-55. Patti
“Fine Music.” Wisconsin Life. Wisconsin Public Radio. Aired on 05/07/14. Patti See.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 2
“Man with Dog.” Wisconsin Life. Wisconsin Public Radio. Aired on 07/09/14. Patti See.
Conference Presentations
“The Growing Gender Gap: How to Keep Men in College.” Wisconsin Academic Advising Association
(WACADA), Eau Claire, WI. September 19, 2014. Patti See.
“Using Multimedia to Teach the ‘Net Generation.’” Wisconsin Academic Advising Association
(WACADA), Eau Claire, WI. September 19, 2014. Patti See.
“Best of Conference” for “The Growing Gender Gap: How to Keep Men in College.” Wisconsin
Academic Advising Association (WACADA), Eau Claire, WI. 2014. Patti See.
Kay W. Levin 2014 Short Nonfiction Award, Honorable Mention for “Hunter’s Mother,” Council for
Wisconsin Writers. Patti See.
Art and Design
Conference Presentations and Exhibits
Fabulous Florals & Fine Art (Juried Exhibition, most creative floral interpretation award). Janet Carson
Gallery, Eau Claire, WI, 6-10 Aug. 2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Free Fall: inverted bodies + suspended images (Invitational Exhibition). Janet Carson Gallery, Eau
Claire, WI, 21 Mar.- 26 Apr. 2013. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Illuminative: the Art of Academia (Invitational Exhibition). L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library
Gallery, Eau Claire, WI, 2 Jun.– 2 Sept. 2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Pottery and Hand-Made Objects (Invitational Exhibition). The Weave Shed Gallery, Hambidge Center
for the Creative Arts and Sciences, Rabun Gap, GA, 4 Oct.- 29 Nov. 2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
PWP 36th Anniversary International Women's Juried Exhibition (online exhibition, honorable mention),
Dec. 2011 - May 2012. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Salon 2011 (Invitational Exhibition). Castell Photography Gallery, Asheville, NC, Dec. 2011. Wanrudee
Storytelling: the Art of the Narrative (Invitational Exhibition). Phoenix Gallery, Eau Claire, WI, Dec.
2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Studies (Invitational, 2-person exhibition). Castell Photography Gallery, Asheville, NC, 18 Feb.– 26 Mar.
2011. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 3
The Walnut Gallery 2014 Invitational. Kathy Chan Gallery, Hardin Center for Cultural Arts, Gadsden,
AL, 13 Jan.– 31 Mar. 2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
O'Day, Karen. The Sitio Conte Cemetery in Ancient Panama: Where Lord 15 Wore His Ornaments in
"Great Quantity" in Wearing Culture: Dress and Regalia in Early Mesoamerica and Central America,
edited by Heather Orr and Matthew G. Looper, pp. 1-28. University Press of Colorado, 2014.
Most creative floral interpretation award. Fabulous Florals & Fine Art (Juried Exhibition). Janet Carson
Gallery, Eau Claire, WI, 6-10 Aug. 2014. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Honorable mention. PWP 36th Anniversary International Women's Juried Exhibition (online exhibition),
Dec. 2011 - May 2012. Wanrudee Buranakorn.
Reich PB., University of Minnesota, Hobbie S, University of Minnesota, Lee, T. 2014. Water and
nitrogen limitation jointly eliminate plant growth enhancement by elevated CO2, Nature Geoscience,
7:920-924. (Published online: 2 November 2014 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2284.).
Rohrer, J.R. 2014. Geum (Rosaceae). In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. Vol. 9, pp.
Rohrer, J.R. 2014. Hylocomiaceae. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora
of North America North of Mexico. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. Vol. 28, pp. 325337.
Rohrer, J.R. 2014. Prunus (Rosaceae). In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. Vol. 9, pp.
Rohrer, J.R. 2014. Rhytidiaceae. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of
North America North of Mexico. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. Vol. 28, pp. 338-339.
Rohrer, J.R. 2014. Sieversia (Rosaceae). In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. Vol. 9, pp.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 4
Schneider, A, Lee, TD, Kreiser, MA, Nelson, GT. 2014. Comparative and interactive effects of reduced
precipitation volume and frequency on growth and function of two grassland perennials. International
Journal of Plant Science, 175(6):702–712.
Business Communication
Orwig, Marcy Leasum. (2014). The “Genreology” of US Army reports: An exploration of historical
genre change during a World War. Connexions: An International Professional Communication Journal,
2.1, 33-55.
Conference Presentations
Lentz, Paula (Chair), Cresap, Linda, Minot State University, Muir, Clive, Stephen F. Austin State
University, Orwig, Marcy Leasum, and Judy Tisdale, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“Establishing Credentials for Business Communication Faculty.” Association for Business
Communication Convention, Philadelphia, 2014.
Orwig, Marcy Leasum. “Archival Writing Research Across Borders: What Reports From the Early
Twentieth Century Can Tell Us Today.” Writing Research Across Borders Convention, Paris, 2014.
Orwig, Marcy Leasum (Chair), Bartolotta, Joe, University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, and Li Li,
Elon University. “Approaches to Historical Methodologies in Business Communication: Celebrating the
Past While Envisioning the Future.” Association for Business Communication, Philadelphia, 2014.
Orwig, Marcy Leasum (Chair), Stearns, Keith, Bednar, Janice, and Emily Elsner-Twesme. “The
‘Wilds’ as Ethos: How an Advisory Board Can Help Translate Business Voices and Practices.”
Association for Business Communication Midwest Region Conference, Minneapolis, 2014.
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning/McIntyre
Conference Presentations
Jennings, Eric, McIntyre Library, Hans Kishel, McIntyre Library, Bryan S. Vogh, UW-Stout, Angie
Stombaugh, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Rita Sperstad, Nursing, and Arin
VanWormer, Nursing, “Scaffolding Student Learning in Nursing.” Presented at the Wisconsin
Association of Academic Librarians Annual Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, May 2, 2014.
Moch, S., Nursing, Pehler, S.R., Nursing, Stombaugh, A., Center for Excellence in Teaching and
Learning, & Vandenbark, R.T., McIntyre Library, (2014). Action research methodology in nursing
education, Poster presented at the 35th International Association for Human Caring Conference, Kyoto,
Japan, May 24, 2014.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 5
Center for International Education
Conference Presentations
“F-1 Basics” Pre Conference Training Workshop. Wisconsin Association of International Educators
Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2014. Jodi Simek.
“How to Get Noticed in the Profession of International Education”. Wisconsin Association of
International Educators Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2014. Jodi Simek.
“When I First Entered the Field I Had a Lot of Questions—Now I Have Many of the Answers…What’s
Next?” National NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference, San Diego,
California, May 2014. Jodi Simek.
On the evaluation of four-electron correlated integrals with a Slater basis: Some simplifications and
some closed form examples, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47, 025003
(2014). Fred King.
Communication and Journalism
Jang, W., & Frederick, E. (2014). Gender Differences in Alcohol Advertising’s Influence on Young
People’s Positive Expectancies about Drinking. Health Communication Research, 10, 39-74.
Perrault, E.K. (2014). The content of family physicians’ online videos and biographies. Family
Medicine, 46, 192- 197.
Perrault, E.K. (2014). Public understanding of research. In T.L. Thompson (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Health
Communication (pp. 1142-1144). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Perrault, E.K., & Silk, K.J. (2014). Testing the effects of the addition of videos to a website promoting
environmental breast cancer risk reduction practices: Are videos worth it? Journal of Applied
Communication Research, 42, 20-40. doi: 10.1080/00909882.2013.854400
Silk, K.J., & Perrault, E.K. (2014). Statistical challenges in evaluation. In T.L. Thompson (Ed.)
Encyclopedia of Health Communication (pp. 461-463). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Silk, K.J., Perrault, E.K., Neuberger, L., Rogers, A., Atkin, C., Barlow, J., & Duncan, D.M. (2014).
Translating and testing breast cancer risk reduction messages for mothers of adolescent girls. Journal of
Health Communication, 19, 226-243. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2013.811322
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 6
Conference Presentations
Fay, M. J. (2014). “What’s My Next Move?” Using Passion-driven Pedagogy to Build a Meaningful Life
Beyond Graduation. Panelist for the National Communication Association Conference, November,
Chicago, IL.
Fay, M. J. (2014). What’s Really New about the Interaction Age? Student Engagement Then & Now.
Paper presented for the National Communication Association Conference, November, Chicago, IL.
Hitt, R., Perrault, E.K., Keating, D., Smith, S., Silk, K.J., Nazione, S., & Russell, J. (2014). Using the
heuristic systematic model to predict risk beliefs and attitudes about progesterone as a breast cancer risk
factor. Poster presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.
Jang, W. New Approaches to Alcohol Interventions on Drinking Behavior in Hmong-American Students.
Presented to 5th International Conference on Hmong Studies, March 21-22, 2014, in St. Paul.
Perrault, E.K., & Silk, K.J. (2014). Is a video worth more than two-hundred words? Testing the
uncertainty reduction capabilities of physicians’ video biographies through the lens of media richness
theory. Manuscript presented at the 2014 National Communication Association Conference in Chicago,
Perrault, E.K., Silk, K.J., Totzkay, D., Sheff, S., Ahn, J., & Hoffman, A. (2014). Prospective patients’
video and text biography preferences when selecting a new family medicine physician. Poster presented
at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.
Silk, K.J., Perrault, E.K., Ladenson, S., & Nazione, S. (2014). Comparing the effectiveness of online
versus in-person instruction on finding empirical communication research. Manuscript presented at the
2014 International Communication Association Conference in Seattle, WA.
Sanjukta Chaudhuri and Shahnaz Abdullah (Independent Consultant). 2014. “Women’s Education,
Work Outside Home, and Marital Violence: The case of Bangladesh”. International Journal of Public
Policy 10(1/2/3): 135 - 160.
Conference Presentations
“Panel of AAUW Fellowship and Grant Recipients,” American Association of University Women State
Convention – Eau Claire, WI (April 2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
Review of Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity, [ed.] by Diane Negra and
Yvonne Tasker. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 52.1 (2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 7
Review of Economics and Youth Violence: Crime, Disadvantage, and Community by Richard Rosenfeld.
Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 51.6 (2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
Review of Handbook of Research on Gender and Economic Life by Deborah M. Figart and Tonia L.
Warnecke. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 51.8 (2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
Review of Hard times: the divisive toll of the economic slump by Tom Clark and Anthony Heath. Choice:
Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 52.3 (2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
Review of The Promise and Limits of Private Power: Promoting Labor Standards in a Global Economy by
Richard M. Locke. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 51.11 (2014). Sanjukta Chaudhuri.
2014 University of Wisconsin System Outstanding Women of Color in Education Award. Sanjukta
Education Studies
Worley, J.E. (2014) Creating pathways to a better life. Tribal College Journal, 26 (2), pp. 18-22.
Worley, J.E. and Feldmann, D., University of Northern Kentucky. (2014) Blind your ponies: Opening
our social studies eyes to the human experience. The Social Studies Review 54 (1), pp. 90-97.
Worley, J.E., and Fisk, J. (2014) Building relationships through the social studies. Boston: XanEdu
Guyant, Valerie. “What or Who Is 'Matska' in Carmilla?” Explicator, 2014 July-Sept, Vol.72(3), pp.185188. DOI: 10.1080/00144940.2014.928253
Ash Wednesday, Ghost Proposal, (2014): <>. B.J.
Bedtime Story, Brain, Child, 19.4 (2014): 36-40. B.J. Hollars.
Blood Feathers, Prime Number, (2014):
<>. B.J. Hollars.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 8
The Changing. In Best of Adroit: 2010-2013. Ed. Peter LaBerge. Philadelphia, PA: 2014: 95-98. B.J.
Confessions of a (Wannabe) Grill Master, Volume One, (2014):
<>. B.J. Hollars.
Dispatches From the Drownings: Reporting the Fiction of Nonfiction. Albuquerque, NM: The University
of New Mexico Press (2014): 192 pp. B.J. Hollars.
Finding Paul Bunyan, Packingtown Review, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Greetings from Duluth: Essays on Destruction. Westland, MI: Dzanc Books, rEprint Series (2014): 36 pp.
B.J. Hollars.
Halloween Noir, Superstition Review (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Hirofukushima, Passages North, 36.1 (2014): 161-171 <>. B.J.
History Obscura, Rappahannock Review, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Ineditability, Rappahannock Review, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
The Pissing Dog and the Hydrant, Assay, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Punch Line, Brevity, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Recalculating the Route, Sundog Lit, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
S.O.S., Ghost Proposal, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
Ungumming the Keys, The Rumpus, (2014): <>. B.J. Hollars.
The Year of the Great Forgetting, Hayden’s Ferry Review, 54.1 (2014): 37-42. B.J. Hollars.
Conference Presentations
Cronje R, Boldt KNelson G, Schmidt G. What Does It Take to Take Civic Action: Civic Agency Among
the Food Insecure. Campus Compact Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit; Menomonie, WI, 12-13
June 2014.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 9
Organizing the Truth: Building the Nonfiction Canon. Association of Writers and Writing Programs,
Seattle, WA, 28 Feb 2014. B.J. Hollars.
Running G, Huggins M, Cronje R. “I Had No Idea”: The Silencing of Food Insecurity and the Role of
Undergraduate Civic Engagement in Unsilencing the Silent. Campus Compact Upper Midwest Civic
Engagement Summit; Menomonie, WI, 12-13 June 2014.
Sandkamp L, Keniston R, Cronje R. Nutritional Agency Constraints Among Food-Insecure Residents
of Eau Claire County. Posters on the Hill. Council on Undergraduate Research; Washington DC, 28-29
April 2014.
“She’s the Man: Catalina de Erauso and the Mobility of Masculinity.” American Society of Eighteenth
Century Studies Annual Conference. Williamsburg, VA. (March 2014.). Cathy Rex.
Recipient, Duyfhuizen Professorship Award English Dept, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (2014).
Cathy Rex.
English/McIntyre Library
Recipient, “2013 Top Twenty Article Award” from the American Library Association’s Library
Instruction Round Table for “Revising the ‘One-Shot’ through Lesson Study: Collaborating with Writing
Faculty to Rebuild a Library Instruction Session.” College and Research Libraries 74.4 (2013): 381-398.
Shevaun E. Watson, English, Cathy Rex, English, Jill Markgraf, McIntyre Library, Hans Kishel,
McIntyre Library, Eric Jennings, McIntyre Library, and Kate Hinnant, McIntyre Library.
Hoke, G.D., Giambiagi, L.B., Garzione, C.N., Mahoney, J.B., and Strecker, M.R., 2014, Neogene
paleoelevation of intermontane basins in a narrow, compressional mountain range, southern Central
Andes of Argentina: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 406, p. 153-164.
Kimbrough, David L., Abbott, Patrick L., Balch, Duane C., Hosken Bartling, Sarah, Grove, Marty,
Mahoney, J. Brian and Donohue, Robert F., 2014, Upper Jurassic Peñasquitos Formation—Forearc
basin western wall rock of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, in, Morton, D.M. and Miller, F.K., eds,
Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California; Geological Society of America
Memoir 211, p. 625-645.
Lodge, RWD (2014). Precambrian geology of Aldina Township. Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary
Map 3776, scale 1:20,000.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 10
Lodge, RWD, Gibson, HL, Stott, GM, Hamilton, MA (2014). Geodynamic reconstruction of the Winston
Lake greenstone belt and VMS deposits: New trace element geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology.
Economic Geology, 109: 1291-1313.
Lodge, RWD, Ratcliffe, LM, Walker, JA (2014). Geology and Mineral Potential of Sackville and
Conmee Townships, Wawa Subprovince. Ontario Geological Survey, Summary of Field Work and Other
Activities, Open File Report 6300, pp. 9-1 to 9-17.
Mahoney, J.B., Syverson, K.M., and Runkel, A.C., Minnesota Geological Survey, 2014, Industrial Sand
Deposits in Western Wisconsin: Geology, Resource Distribution and Extraction Techniques: SME Field
Trip Guidebook, 35 p.
Oyer, N., Childs, J., and Mahoney, J.B., 2014, Regional setting and deposit geology of the Golden
Sunlight Mine: An example of responsible resource extraction, in Shaw, C.A., and Tikoff, B., eds.,
Exploring the Northern Rocky Mountains: Geological Society of America Field Guide 37, p. 115–144,
Zhu, J-M, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Johnson, T.M., University of Illinois, Clark, S.K., Zhu, X-K.,
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, and Wang, X-L., Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014)
Selenium redox cycling during weathering of Se-rich shales: A selenium isotope study. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta. 126, 228-249. doi:
Conference Presentations
Buelow, Ellen D., Mahoney, J. Brian, Kimbrough, David L., Taylor, Samantha, Nehring, Brian,
Hutter, Alex, and Leidel, Alyssa, 2014, Linking undergraduate research with community outreach in
Argentina: the International Fellows Program at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 192.
Buelow, Ellen D., Suriano, Julieta, Mahoney, J. Brian, Mescua, Jose F., Giambiagi, Laura B.,
Kimbrough, David L., 2014, Stratigraphic analysis of the Neogene Cacheuta basin: a record of orogenic
exhumation and basin inversion in the south central Andes; Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 365.
Haas, J.W., Rasmussen, A.K., Mahoney, J.B., and Syverson, K.M., 2014, Regional petrographic
analysis of Cambrian sandstone in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Quantifying mineralogy and potential
sources of airborne particulate matter within “frac sand” targets: Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs (North-Central meeting, Lincoln, NE), v. 46, no. 4, p. 52. Winner of GSA Undergraduate
Student Poster Presentation Award, 3rd place.
Mahoney, J. Brian, Haggart, James W., Link, Paul K., Fanning, C. Mark, and Kimbrough, David L.,
2014, Late Cretaceous basin evolution along the western margin of the Insular Superterrane: the
Nanaimo Group, British Columbia; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No.
6, p. 34.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 11
Mahoney, J. Brian, Kimbrough, David L., Hoke, Gregory D., Mescua, Jose F., Giambiagi, Laura B.,
Buelow, Ellen D., Hutter, Alex, and Leidel, Alyssa, 2014, Cuenca Uspallata: an intermontane basin
records episodic uplift of the Cordillera Frontal and Precordillera in the late Miocene; Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 365.
Mahoney, J. Brian, Link, Paul K., and Yonkee, Adolph, 2014, Neoproterozoic-Cambrian tectonic
evolution of the northern Rocky Mountains: the dynamics of rifting along western Laurentian margin;
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 763.
Winner of GSA Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Award, 3rd place..Haas, J.W., Rasmussen,
A.K., Mahoney, J.B., and Syverson, K.M., 2014, Regional petrographic analysis of Cambrian sandstone
in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Quantifying mineralogy and potential sources of airborne particulate matter
within “frac sand” targets: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (North-Central
meeting, Lincoln, NE), v. 46, no. 4, p. 52.
Wiggins, M. S. (2014). Exercise and perceived quality of life during survivorship: A pilot study
comparing traditional and non-traditional cancer recovery programs. Advanced Studies in Medical
Sciences, 2, 31-36.
Conference Presentations
Body Composition in Health and Physical Education Undergraduate Students. Poster presented at the
Oklahoma Research Day, Edmond, OK, March 7th 2014. Yoonsin Oh, Stephanie Boss, & Angelica
Lopez, Cameron University.
The Prevalence of obesity in Oklahoma third through fifth graders. Poster presented at the American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), St. Louis, MO, April 1-5.
2014. Yoonsin Oh & Soojin Yoo, University of Texas-Pan American.
Brown, Joshua R. and Beate Brunow. 2014. "Portfolio assessment in college-level business German
courses." German as a Foreign Language 1: 93-117.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 12
Lindseth, Martina and Joshua R. Brown. 2014. "Making study abroad meaningful, intentional,
experiential, and transformative." Language Educator 9 (4): 24-6.
Lindseth, Martina and Joshua R. Brown. 2014. "An uplifting experience: A course sequence designed
to facilitate proficiency development." Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. 47(1): 49-55.
Miller, J. S. (2014). “Encounters with the Cajun Culture through a Domestic Intercultural Immersion
Experience”. The Language Educator, 9(1), 50-53.
Miller, J. S. (2014). “The Artist: Fiche pédagogique”. Allons au cinéma: Promoting French through film,
handbook published by the AATF (American Association of Teachers of French), 95-102.
Conference Presentations
Brown, Joshua R. and Martina Lindseth. 2014. "Engaging with the host culture during study abroad,"
Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers Conference, Association for Language
Teachers Conference, Appleton.
Brown, Joshua R and Lara Steinike. 2014. "Targeting higher level proficiencies in L2 writing,"
Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers Conference, Appleton.
Lindseth, Martina and Joshua R. Brown. 2014 "Keeping students on task: How to facilitate meaningful
cultural exchange," ACTFL Convention, San Antonio.
Miller, J. S. “Spoken French in a Phonetics Course: Impressions and Applications”. Paper presented at
the Conference on Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching – PSLLT 2014 (Santa
Barbara, California, September 2014).
Miller, J. S. “Spoken French in a Pronunciation Course: Impressions and Applications”, paper presented
at the Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (Snowbird, Utah, April 2014).
Ancient Persia: A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire, 550-330 BCE, Cambridge University
Press, 2014. Waters, Matt.
“Darius the First, the Ninth King,” in Excavating an Empire: Achaemenid Persia in Longue Durée, ed. T.
Daryaee, A. Mousavi, and K. Rezakhani, Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2014, pp. 63-70. Waters,
“Earth, Water, and Friendship with the King: Argos and Persia in the mid-fifth Century,” for Extraction
and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper, ed. W. Henkelman, C. Jones, M. Kozuh, and C.
Woods, Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications, 2014, pp. 331-336. Waters, Matt.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 13
Conference Presentations
Management and Marketing
Scott R. Swanson, Yinghua Huang, San Jose State, and Baoheng Wang, Xiamen University (2014),
“Hospitality Based Critical Incidents: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26 (1), 50-68.
Chuck Tomkovick and Scott R. Swanson (2014), “Using StrengthsFinder to Identify Relationships
between Marketing Graduate Strengths and Career Outcomes,” Marketing Education Review, 24 (3), 197211.
Conference Presentations
Chinchanachokchai, Sydney, Brittany R.L. Duff, Ronald J. Faber (2014) “Mind Wandering and
Advertising Attention: When Two Tasks Are Better Than One,” American Academy of Advertising,
Atlanta, GA (Competitive Paper).
Noel, Hayden and Sydney Chinchanachokchai (2014) “The Devil is in the Details,” The 2014
International Conference on Marketing Studies, Taipei, Taiwan.
Scott R. Swanson (April 10-12, 2014) “American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapters Faculty
Advisor Workshop,” 36th Annual International Collegiate Conference: Return of the Marketers,
sponsored by the American Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Scott R. Swanson (April 10-12, 2014) “Leading Your Chapter to Success: Become a Top Chapter,” 36th
Annual International Collegiate Conference: Return of the Marketers, sponsored by the American
Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Scott R. Swanson, Lujun Su, Central South University, and Xiaohong Chen, Central South University
(April 24-27, 2014), “Chinese Tourists Satisfaction with Lodging Providers: The Impact of Perceived
Social Responsibility and Reputation on Behavioral Intentions,” International Academy of Business and
Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, Dallas, TX.
Scott R. Swanson and Chuck Tomkovick (April 24-27, 2014), “Career Outcomes and Marketing
Graduate Strengths,” International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines
(IABPAD) Conference, Dallas, TX.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 14
Materials Science Center
Sanders II, T.A. ; Sauceda, M.N.; Dahl, J.A. “Langmuir isotherms of flexible, covalently crosslinked
gold nanoparticle networks: Increased collapse pressures of membrane-like structures” Materials Letters,
2014, 120, 159-162.
Conference Presentations
Dahl, J. A. “Covalently crosslinked gold nanoparticle networks: Structural characteristics and
applications in photovoltaics.” Wisconsin Science and Technology Symposium, 2014, Eau Claire, WI.
Laskowski, A.E.; Dahl, J.A. “Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Triangular Silver Nanoplates” 13th
Annual UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Milwaukee, WI,
April 11, 2014.
Miller, E.J.; Lobermeier, K.L.; Dahl, J.A. “PM-IRRAS as a Probe for Evidence of Regioselective
Ligand Exchange Reactions on Confined Gold Nanoparticles” Wisconsin Science and Technology
Symposium, 2014, Eau Claire, WI.
“PEG-PDMAEMA Smart Diblock Copolymer Reversible Aggregation” E. Stubbs, P. Conor, M.
Schneider, and E. Glogowski, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Women in Physical Sciences conference,
poster presentation, Fall 2014.
Sanders II, T. A.; Dahl, J. A. “Fabrication and Evaluation of Gold Nanoparticle Films for Enhanced
Performance of Photovoltaic Materials” 13th Annual UW System Symposium for Undergraduate
Research and Creative Activity, Milwaukee, WI, April 11, 2014.
“Smart Polymers: Switchable Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications” E. Glogowski
Wisconsin Science and Technology Symposium, oral presentation, July 2014.
“Synthesis and Systematic Study of Smart Diblock Copolymer PEG-PDMAEMA” P. Conor, E. Stubbs,
M. Schneider, and E. M. Glogowski, Louis Stokes Midwest Center of Excellence Conference, poster
presentation, Fall 2014.
“Synthesis and Systematic Study of Smart Diblock Copolymer PEG-PDMAEMA” P. Conor, E. Stubbs,
M. Schneider, and E. M. Glogowski, UW-La Crosse College of Science and Health Summer Celebration
of Undergraduate Research, poster presentation, Summer 2014.
“Synthesis and Systematic Study of Smart Diblock Copolymer PEG-PDMAEMA” P. Conor, E. Stubbs,
M. Schneider, and E. M. Glogowski, Wisconsin Science and Technology Symposium, poster
presentation, Summer 2014.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 15
The Three Giri of Paradiso XXXIII. Published by the journal, Dante Studies, 131 (2013): 237--272. Aba
Mbirika and Arielle Saiber, Bowdoin College.
McIntyre Library
Vogh, Bryan S., UW-Stout, Hans Kishel, and Eric Jennings. “Lesson Study in the Nursing Curriculum.”
In Curriculum-Based Library Instruction: From Cultivating Faculty Relationships to Assessment, edited
by Amy Blevins and Meghan Inman, 87-92. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014.
Conference Presentations
Tvaruzka, Kathryn, and Eric Jennings. “Building Staff Morale and Creating a Positive Workplace.”
Presented at the Wisconsin Library Association Support Staff and Circulation Services Annual
Conference, Eau Claire, WI, May 28, 2014.
Bowen, D.J., Weiner, D., Samos, M., & Canales, M.K. (2014 January). Exploration of New England
Native American women’s views on Human Papilloma virus (HPV), testing, and vaccination. Journal of
Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities, 10.1007/s40615-014-0009-3
Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2014). Community/Public health nursing: Is there a future for the
specialty? Nursing Outlook, 62(6), 448-458.
Canales, M.K. & Drevdahl, D.J. (2014). Social justice: From educational mandate to transformative core
value. In P.N. Kagan, M.C. Smith, & P.L. Chinn (eds.), Philosophies and Practices of Emancipatory
Nursing: Social Justice as Praxis. New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge (pp. 153-174).
Coffey, N., Canales, M.K., Moore, E., Gullickson, M., & Kaczmarski, B. (2014). Putting a face on
hunger: A community-academic research project. Journal of Extension (JOE), 52(6), 6FEA2.
Pehler, S.R., Markwardt, M., Hibbard, D. (2014). Nursing diagnosis development of longing: Content
validation with nursing experts, International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. DOI: 10.1111/20473095.12053.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 16
Pehler, S.R., Sjostrom, S., Markwardt, M. (2014). Longing: A concept analysis, International Journal
Nursing Knowledge. 25(3), 133-138, doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12022.
Weiner, D, & Canales, M.K. (2014). “It is Not Just Diabetes:” Engaging ethnographic voices to develop
culturally-appropriate health promotion efforts. American Indian Cultural Research Journal, 38(1), 78100.
Conference Presentations
Coffey, N. & Canales, M.K. 2014 eXtension Community, Local, & Regional Food System’s Food
Security Conference: Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food
Systems. Cleveland, OH, September 29-October 1, 2014. The meaning of food insecurity in Eau Claire
County (Poster).
Drevdahl, D. & Canales, M.K. 2014 Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE)
Annual Institute: Social Justice: Within and Beyond Our Borders, San Antonio, TX, June 5-7, 2014.
Doing social justice -What can we learn from nursing beyond U.S. borders? (Podium; Co-presenter).
Essential Leadership Concepts and Professional Behaviors Baccalaureate Nursing Students Need.
Kaleidoscope of Nursing Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau Delta Phi Chapter Eau Claire Wisconsin. May
9, 2014. Kathryn Guffy & Charlotte Sortedahl.
Essential Leadership Concepts and Behaviors Baccalaureate Nursing Students Need. Kathryn Guffy and
Sara Peterson, Charlotte Sortedahl. Midwest Nursing Research Society, 38th Annual Research
Conference. March 27 -30, 2014. St. Louis, Missouri.
Pehler, S.R., Markwardt, M., & Hibbard, D. (2014). Longing: Expert nurse validation of a proposed
nursing diagnosis, MNRS Conference, Spring, 2015.
Preparing the Future Workforce: A Pilot Study of Hospital Nurse Leaders. Charlotte Sortedahl, Kathryn
Guffy, Hannah Imhoff, Nicholas Jaeger, Jacob Keefer, Brooke North, Sara Peterson. Ignite Your
Spirit: Nursing Research Showcase. Fargo, North Dakota. January 17, 2014.
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Conference Presentations
“Re-turning to Mystic River: Nietzsche on Tragedy and Values.” Wisconsin Philosophical Association,
Madison, WI, April, 2014. Matthew Meyer.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 17
Political Science
Patchin, J.W. (2014). Words wound—for a long time. Teaching Today Wisconsin, Spring 2014, Volume
Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S., Florida Atlantic University (2014). Cyberbullying Research: Standing On
the Shoulders of International Giants. (pp. 265-272). In P. Smith and G. Steffgen (Eds.), Cyberbullying
Through the New Media: Findings from an International Network. London: Psychology Press.
Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S., Florida Atlantic University (2014). A Leader’s Guide to Words Wound.
Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.
Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S., Florida Atlantic University (2014). Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying
and Make Kindness Go Viral. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.
Conference Presentations
Patchin, J. W. (August, 2014). Keynote. National Center Against Bullying Biennial Conference
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia).
Patchin, J. W. (February, 2014). “School Climate 2.0: Preventing Cyberbullying and Other High Tech
Problems One Classroom at a Time,” Creating Caring School Communities Conference (Montreal,
Patchin, J. W. (November, 2014). “Empowering Teens to Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go
Viral.” International Bullying Prevention Association Annual Conference (San Diego, CA).
Patchin, J. W. (October, 2014). “School Climate 2.0: Preventing Cyberbullying and Other High Tech
Problems One Classroom at a Time,” Creating Caring School Communities Conference (Montreal,
Patchin, J. W., Hinduja, S., Florida Atlantic University, & McConville, V. (September, 2014).
“Adolescent Experiences with Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Exploration.” Midwestern Criminal Justice
Association Panel Presentation (Chicago, IL).
Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S., Florida Atlantic University (November, 2014). “Cyberbullying among
Teens: Exploding Epidemic or Low Frequency Experience?” American Society of Criminology Panel
Presentation (San Francisco, CA).
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 18
Collier, A. D. & von Károlyi, C. (2014). Rejuvenation in the “making”: Lingering mood repair in textile
handcrafters. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 8(4), 475-485.
Lagorio, C. H., & Winger, G. D. (2014). Random-Ratio Schedules Produce Greater Demand for I.V.
Drug Administration than Fixed-Ratio Schedules in Rhesus Monkeys. Psychopharmacology, 231,
2981-2988. doi: 10.1007/s00213-014-3477-6
Pirlott, A. G., & Neuberg, S. L., Arizona State University, (2014). Sexual prejudice: Avoiding unwanted
sexual interest? Social Psychological & Personality Science, 5(1), 92-101.
Pirlott, A. G., & Schmitt, D. P., Bradley University, (2014). Gendered sexual cultures. In A. B. Cohen
(Ed.) Culture reexamined: Broadening our understanding of social and evolutionary forces (pp. 191216). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Sukhtankar, D. D., Lagorio, C. H., & Ko, M. C. (2014). Effects of the NOP agonist SCH221510 on
producing and attenuating reinforcing effects as measured by drug self-administration in rats. European
Journal of Pharmacology, 745, 182-189.
von Károlyi, C. & Goodman, J. (2014). The online advisor: Purpose, process, and potential. In Rick
Miller & Jessica Irons's [eds] Academic advising: A handbook for advisors and students. [online ebook]. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
Conference Presentations
Custer, T., Yanagita, B. T., Ellenberger, L., & Lagorio, C. H. (April, 2014). Reducing food waste in
university cafeterias. Oral presentation at the Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis Roadshow,
Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Graham, E., Young, T., & Pirlott, A. G. (2014, May). Accuracy of perceptions of mate preferences by
different sexual orientation groups. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Hackenberg, T. D., & Lagorio, C. H. (February, 2014). Leveling the Playing Field: The Importance of
Procedural Parity in Cross-Species Comparisons of Decision Making. Invited address at the 106th Annual
Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, South Carolina.
Kosiak, M. & Pirlott, A. G. (2014, February). Different traits underlie long- versus short-term mate
value for men versus women. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Conference, Austin, TX.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 19
Kosiak, M. & Pirlott, A. G. (2014, May). Romantic and peer exclusion increase women’s long-term
mating strategies. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, IL.
Lagorio, C. H. (April, 2014). Some values guiding community research and action. Oral presentation at
the Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis Roadshow, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Lagorio, C. H. (August, 2014). Behavioral Research Targeting Community-Based and Global
Sustainability Issues. Invited single-track address at the annual Wisconsin Association for Behavior
Analysis conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
Lagorio, C. H., Cassidy, R. M., Pinkston, J., & Whitehouse, C. (May, 2014). Advice regarding
postdoctoral positions. Panel discussion at the Association for Behavior Analysis 40th Annual
Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Lindemeyer, R., Zey, B., Hall, A., Klasek, S., Hogan, E., Switzer, M., Reardon, M., & Lagorio, C. H.
(April, 2014). The Behavioral Applications Regarding Canines (BARC) Program. Oral presentation at the
Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis Roadshow, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Pirlott, A. G., Graham, E., & Young, T. (2014, May). Age mate preferences across perceiver ages:
Comparing heterosexual, bisexual, and gay/lesbian men and women. Presentation at the 2014 Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Rusten, M. L., Vossen, T. J., & Pirlott, A. G. (2014, May). Sexual orientation minorities’ stereotypes
about heterosexual, bisexual, and gay/lesbian men and women. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Toegel, F. J., Yanagita, B. T., Kerber, E. M. & Lagorio, C. H. (May, 2014). Classroom projects to
motivate student involvement in behaviorally-based community initiatives. Poster presentation at the
Association for Behavior Analysis 40th Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Yanagita, B. T., McGrath, S., Boley, C., & Lagorio, C. H. (April, 2014). Delay discounting. Oral
presentation at the Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis Roadshow, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Yanagita, B. T., McGrath, S., & Lagorio, C. H. (May, 2014). Cross-strain discounting in rats: Several
levels of analysis. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 40th Annual Convention,
Chicago, Illinois.
Young, T. & Pirlott, A. G. (2014, February). The sexual interests and perceptions of gay/lesbian and
bisexual men and women towards heterosexual, bisexual, and gay/lesbian men and women. Poster
presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX.
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 20
Social Work
Quinn-Lee, L. (2014). School Social Work with Grieving Children. Children and Schools, 36(2), 93103. doi: 10.1093/cs/cdu/005
Quinn-Lee, L., Olson-McBride, L., & Unterberger, A. (2014). Burnout and death Anxiety in hospice
social workers. Journal of Social Work in End-Of-Life & Palliative Care, 10(3), 219-239.
Conference Presentations
Olson-McBride, L. and Quinn-Lee, L. October 2014. “Consensus Through Diverse Lenses:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching, Research, and Practice” at Council on Social Work Education
(CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Tampa, Florida.
Quinn-Lee, L. March 2014. “Crossing the River: Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Research on Campus
and in the Community” at Social Work Hospice & Palliative Care Network (SWHPN) General Assembly
in San Diego, California.
Quinn-Lee, L. March 2014. “Hospice Social Workers’ Perspective of a Good Death” at Social Work
Hospice & Palliative Care Network (SWHPN) General Assembly in San Diego, California.
Hart-Brinson, Peter. 2014. “Discourse of Generations: The Influence of Cohort, Period, and Ideology in
Americans’ Talk about Same-Sex Marriage.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 2, 2, pp. 221-252.
Hart-Brinson, Peter. 2014. Review of Radio Fields: Anthropology and Wireless Sound in the 21st
Century, edited by Lucas Bessire and Daniel Fisher. Mobilization: An International Journal, 19, 1
(March), pp. 119-120. (book review).
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 21
Bednar, Janice, 5
Boldt, K., 10
Boley, C., 20
Brown, Joshua R., 13
Buelow, Ellen D., 11, 12
Buranakorn, Wanrudee, 3, 4
Canales, M.K., 16, 17
Chaudhuri, Sanjukta, 8
Chinchanachokchai, Sydney, 14
Clark, S.K., 11
Conor, P., 15, 16
Cronje, R., 10
Custer, T., 19
Dahl, Jennifer, 15
Ellenberger, L., 19
Elsner-Twesme, Emily, 5
Fay, M. J., 7
Fisk, J., 8
Glogowski, E., 15, 16
Glogowski, E.M., 16
Goodman, J., 19
Graham, E., 19, 20
Guffy, Kathryn, 17, 18
Guyant, Valerie, 9
Haas, J.W., 12
Hall, A., 20
Hart-Brinson, Peter, 21
Hibbard, D., 17
Hinnant, Kate, 10
Hogan, E., 20
Hollars, B.J., 9, 10
Huggins, M., 10
Hutter, Alex, 11, 12
Imhoff, Hannah, 18
Jaeger, Nicholas, 18
Jang, W., 6, 7
Jennings, Eric, 6, 10, 16
Keefer, Jacob, 18
Keniston, R., 10
Kerber, E. M., 20
King, Fred, 6
Kishel, Hans, 6, 10, 16
Klasek, S., 20
Kosiak, M., 20
Kreiser, MA, 5
Lagorio, C. H., 19, 20
Laskowski, A.E., 15
Lee, T., 4, 5
Leidel, Alyssa, 11, 12
Lentz, Paula, 5
Lindemeyer, R., 20
Lindseth, Martina, 13
Lobermeier, K.L.;, 15
Lodge, RWD, 11
Mahoney, J. Brian, 11, 12
Markgraf, Jill, 10
Markwardt, M., 17
Mbirika, Aba, 16
McGrath, S., 20
Meyer, Matthew, 18
Miller, E.J, 15
Miller, J. S., 13, 14
Moch, S., 6
Nehring, Brian, 11
Nelson, G., 10
Nelson, GT, 5
North, Brooke, 18
O'Day, Karen, 4
Oh, Yoonsin, 13
Olson-McBride, L., 21
Orwig, Marcy Leasum, 5
Patchin, J.W., 18, 19
Pehler, S.R., 6, 17
Perrault, E.K., 7
Peterson, Sara, 17, 18
Pirlott, A. G., 19, 20, 21
Quinn-Lee, L., 21
Rasmussen, A.K., 12
Reardon, M., 20
Rex, Cathy, 10
Rohrer, J.R., 4, 5
Running, G., 10
Rusten, M. L., 20
Sanders II, T. A., 15
Sandkamp, L., 10
Sauceda, M.N, 15
Schmidt, G., 10
Schneider, A, 5
Schneider, M., 15, 16
See, Patti, 3
Simek, Jodi, 6
Sjostrom, S., 17
Sortedahl, Charlotte, 17, 18
Sperstad, Rita, 6
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 22
Stearns, Keith, 5
Steinike, Lara, 13
Stombaugh, Angie, 6
Stubbs, E., 15, 16
Swanson, Scott R., 14, 15
Switzer, M., 20
Syverson, K.M., 11, 12
Taylor, Samantha, 11
Toegel, F. J., 20
Tomkovick, Chuck, 14, 15
Tvaruzka, Kathryn, 16
Unterberger, A., 21
Vandenbark, R.T., 6
VanWormer, Arin, 6
von Károlyi, C., 19
Vossen, T. J., 20
Waters, Matt, 14
Watson, Shevaun E., 10
Wiggins, M.S., 12
Worley, J.E., 8
Yanagita, B. T., 19, 20
Young, T., 19, 20, 21
Zey, B., 20
Bold: Faculty/Academic Staff; Bold/Italics: Undergraduate Student; Bold/Underline: Graduate Student 23